SHS Estate Labour Tender NITIE

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Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for the Work of



(Tender Document, Instructions to Tenderer, General conditions of Contract and

Special conditions of Contract)


To be received on 23rd May, 2017, before 1100 Hrs. submitted in the

Tender Box in front of the Office of the Controller of Examinations,
Administrative Building, NITIE, Mumbai - 400 087.
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai

Ref. No: NITIE/Estate/Labour-Tender/2017 Date: 28th April, 2017


1. Name of the work: Director, NITIE invites sealed tender on percentage basis
under two bid system (Technical bid and Commercial Bid) for the work of “Supply
of Casual Labourers for various activities in N I T I E C a m p u s ” for
carrying/helping out various jobs viz. Civil, Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry,
Cl ea ni n g an d Sw e epi n g, class rooms, Cleaning of Garden & Helpers, etc.
2. Details of Tender fee, EMD, submission of tender and other details are
elaborated in the tender document.
3. Tender Document: Tender document will not be issued in person. The tender
document can be downloaded from OR NITIE Website Tenders downloaded from the website must be
accompanied by requisite tender fee failing which tender will not be considered.

1 Cost of Tender document Rs.3,000.00 (Rupees Three Thousand)

2 Download of Tender document 2nd May, 2017 : 1100 Hours to
22nd May, 2017 : 1500 Hours
3 Last date for receipt of Tender 23rd May, 2017 - 1100 hours

4 Opening of the Tenders (Part-1) 23rd May, 2017 - 1130 hours

4. Opening of Part 1 of the bid: Only Part 1 (Eligibility Criteria) will be opened in
the presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives, who are present.
Late and delayed tenders will not be opened and such tenders stand
summarily rejected.
5. Opening of Part 2 of the bid: After verification of Part 1 (Eligibility
Criteria), price bid of only those tenderers who satisfy all the eligibility criteria
laid down in this notification will be opened.
6. In case any document(s) produced in support of eligibility criteria or any other
document(s) turns out to be not genuine:
[a] Before award of work: The work will not be awarded, EMD shall stand
automatically forfeited, and the tenderer will be liable for any further action
as may be appropriate; or
[b] After award of work: The award of work will be cancelled, Security Deposit
shall stand automatically forfeited, and the contractor will be liable for any other
action as may be deemed appropriate.
7. Evaluation of tender: In case two or more tenders are equal in monetary
terms, work will be awarded to the contractor who has executed contracts of
higher values based on the certificate of experience submitted along with tender
The Director, NITIE, MUMBAI reserves the right to: a) reject any or all the
tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever; b) not bind himself to accept the
lowest or any tender; and c) accept the whole or any part of the tender and the
tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rates quoted. Canvassing in
connection with tender/quotation is strictly prohibited. Tender details can be
viewed in the website OR Tenders
downloaded from the website must be accompanied by requisite tender fee failing
which tender will not be considered.

Registrar (I/c)
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
Ref. No: NITIE/Estate/Labour-Tender/2017 Date: 28th April, 2017

Tender document
Name of the Work: “Supply of C a s u a l Labourers for various activities in
N I T I E C a m p u s ” for carrying/helping out various jobs viz. Civil, Electrical,
Plumbing, Carpentry, Cl ean in g a nd Sw e epi ng , class rooms, Cleaning of Garden &
Helpers, etc.

Failure to comply with any of the conditions laid down herein renders the Tender
invalid. All the enclosures/documents will have to be submitted along with Part 1 or
Part 2 of the Tender. No enclosure/document not submitted along with Part 1 or
Part 2 of the Tender will be accepted.

1. Estimated cost of work: Total estimated to Rs.1,98,32,229.00 (Rupees One Crore

Ninety Eight Lakhs Thirty Two Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Nine only) per
annum. (a) The estimated cost of the work is Rs. 1,95,52,229.00 (Rupees One
Crore Ninety Five Lakhs Fifty Two Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Nine only) per
annum and (b) Rs.2,80,000.00 (Rupees Two Lakhs Eighty Thousand only) projected
(Annexure-E & F) for Uniforms and Liveries, per annum, in addition to the cost of
the work.
2. Visit of the Campus: Tenderers are advised to visit NITIE, MUMBAI
campus/premises and ascertain the nature and quantum of work before
3. Tender fee: The Tender/bid should be submitted in the prescribed proforma
as given in the Annexure ‘B’ of Tender Document with a Demand Draft for
Rs.3,000.00 drawn in favour of Director, NITIE, MUMBAI towards tender
fee. Tender/bid not accompanied by tender fee stands automatically rejected.
4. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) – 2% of Estimated Cost of Work (Sr.No.1): E MD
of Rs. 3,96,645.00 (Rupees Three Lakhs Ninety Six Thousand Six Hundred Forty
Five only) is a must and should be submitted along with the tender/bid. The
EMD is to be furnished only in the form of DD/Banker’s cheque from any
schedule bank drawn in favour of Director, NITIE payable at Mumbai. EMD
in any other form will not be accepted as valid EMD. In respect of the
successful bidder, this EMD will be returned on receipt of Security Deposit.
EMD submitted by other bidders will be returned after finalization of the
contract. Tenders received without valid EMD stand automatically rejected.
5. Tender Fee should be a separate Demand Draft and should not be combined
with EMD.
6. Tender and Submission of tender: Tender documents are in 2 (two) parts
viz., Part 1 (Eligibility Criteria) and Part 2 (Price Bid).
6.1. The tenders are to be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly writing the
name of the work so as to reach on or before the last date and time specified in
the NIT. Tender should be submitted in two parts.
6.2. Part 1 should consist of all the eligibility details including their previous
experience, nature of work to be carried out, number of trained manpower to
be provided for each work etc.
6.3. Part 2 should contain only the price, statement of details of expenditure
and its enclosures.
6.4. Envelopes: Signed and sealed Part 1 and Part 2 should be kept in
separate sealed covers.
6.5. Cover 1: This is for Part 1 and should be superscribed as “Tender for
‘Supply of Casual Labourers for various activities in NITIE Campus’ Part 1
(Eligibility Criteria)”.
6.6. Cover 2: This is for Part 2 and should be superscribed as “Tender for
‘Supply of Casual Labourers for various activities in NITIE Campus’. Part 2
6.7. Cover 3: EMD should be placed in this sealed cover superscribed as ‘EMD’.
6.8. All the three covers should be kept in a big single sealed cover super-
scribed as ‘Tender for manpower supply’.
7. Security Deposit: Security Deposit @10% will be deducted from the monthly bill.
Income Tax and Work Contract Tax, Service Tax and any additional
charges/taxes, if any, as levied by the respective authority will be recovered
from the monthly bill.
7.1. Refund of Security Deposit: Security Deposit thus recovered will be
refunded after completion of defect liability period of 12 months from the date
of completion of work after completion of legal formalities and adjusting dues if
any to NITIE, Mumbai, after receipt of application from the Contractor to that
effect. If the application not received within three years, the same will be
credited to Institute account and thereafter no claim will be entertained.
8. Acceptance of tender conditions: The tenderer should read the ‘General
Terms and Conditions’ of NITIE, MUMBAI annexed hereto and give acceptance.
The tenderer is advised to visit the NITIE, MUMBAI on any working day
between 1000 hours and 1600 hours to assess the nature and quantum of work
before tendering.
9. Filling tender documents: The tender should be clearly filled or typed and
signed in ink legibly giving full address of the tenderer. The tenderer should
quote in figures as well as in words the amount tendered by him. Alteration if
any, unless legibly attested by the tenderer with full signature shall invalidate
the tender. The tender should be duly signed by the authorized persons. In
case there is any difference in the amount between figures and words, the
amount indicated in words will be treated as the valid offer. The tenderer
should ensure that the amounts are written in such a way that interpolation is
not possible. No blank space should be left. All the enclosures should be
submitted in Cover 1 or Cover 2 as the case may be and no opportunity will be
given to submit any document later.
10. PART – 1 (Eligibility Criteria)
Eligibility details should be provided in the prescribed format i.e. Annexure ‘A’
which should inter alia contain the following:
10.1. Registration: The Tenderer should be a registered contractor under ‘The
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act’ and should furnish a copy of
the existing or previous licence.
10.2. Experience: The Tenderer should have experience of having executed/
completed similar works during the last 5 years commencing on 1st November,
2011 and ending on 31st October, 2016 in educational institution of repute,
Government, Autonomous Bodies, PSU, O R R&D organization. Experience in
other institutions as also experience in other areas of work will not be
considered. The experience should be one of the following:
a. Three similar completed works during the last 5 years, each costing not less
than the amount equal to Rs.79.33 lakhs, (198.32/2.5 times) OR
b. Two similar completed works during the last 5 years, each costing not less
than the amount equal to Rs.99.16 lakhs, (198.32/2 times) OR
c. One similar completed work during the last 5 years costing not less than the
amount equal to Rs.158.66 lakhs. (198.32/1.25 times)
Note 1: Experience prior to 1st November, 2011 and later than 31st October,
2016 will not be considered as experience.
Note 2: “Similar work” means supply of Skilled and Unskilled manpower for
carrying out various jobs viz. electrical, plumbing, carpentry, shifting of
furniture, guest house maintenance, providing assistance in various offices,
laboratories, class rooms etc.
10.3. Certificate of experience: The tenderer must produce certificate of
experience from the clients. The certificate should clearly mention the following
Sl. Description
1. Name of the client and full address
2. Telephone and FAX number of the client
3. Details of work performed
4. Number and type of Labour supplied
5. Value of contract for supply of Labour

Note 1: Copy of work order and/or self-certified certificate WILL NOT BE

ACCEPTED as certificate of experience. If any document other than certificate
of experience is produced, such document WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS
RELEVANT. Tenders not accompanied by certificate of experience issued by
Note 2: The certificate of experience should be exclusively for supply of
skilled and unskilled manpower.
Note 3: Certificates for work like loading and unloading, Labour for house-
keeping, operating Labour for factory, Labour for shop floor, supply of all types of
Labour, and the like WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Note 4: Certificates containing a number of works and not clearly specifying
the value of the work of supply of manpower WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
10.4. PAN details of the firm have to be indicated along with a certified copy.
10.5. An affidavit, in original, duly certified by a Notary: [a]) that the Partners
of the firm or sole proprietor or Company as the case may be, has never been
black-listed and the name of the firm or company has not been changed, [b]
that there is no police case/vigilance enquiry pending against the Partners of
the firm or sole proprietor or Company as the case may be, and that he has
never been punished by any Hon’ble Court; and [c] that there is no due towards
income tax as on the date of the affidavit.
10.6. Signing and sealing of tender: The entire tender document should be
duly signed & sealed by the tenderer.
10.7. Annexure ‘A’, ‘B’, and General Terms & Conditions: The tenderer
shall submit the information sought in the format enclosed as Annexure ‘A’ and
‘B’ along with necessary enclosures as part of Eligibility Criteria along with the
General Terms & conditions (duly signed).
10.8. EPF and ESIC registration: The Tenderer must have EPF and ESIC
Registration number as per the rules to contribute to EPF and ESIC.
10.9. Attestation of documents by the contractor: All the documents, except
affidavit mentioned in paragraph 10.5 above, submitted by the tenderer should
be attested by the contractor.
10.10. Production of originals for verification: The original documents should
be produced for verification at any stage of tender process as and when sought
for, failing which the bids are liable for disqualification.
Annexure - A

Eligibility Criteria
[Information should be submitted in this format in the letterhead of the tenderer, all the Annexures
should be numbered, and also page number should be prominently written on each page]

A. Details and documents to be mandatorily submitted-

Sl. Description Details
1 Name of Firm/Tenderer/Company (in Block letters)
2 Permanent Address & Telephone No.
3 Full Postal Address, Telephone/Fax No./E-mail:

Sl. Description Annexure Page No.

4 Details of infrastructure (provide details in the attached proforma). No.
5 Affidavit, in original, as stated in paragraph 10.5. 2
6 Photo copy of TAN/PAN. 3
7 Photo copy of Professional Tax registration. 4
8 Photo copy of Sales Tax registration. 5
9 Photo copy of Service Tax Registration. 6
10 Photo copy of a License issued by the State/ Central 7
Labour Department under Contract Labour Act.
11 Photo copy of ESIC registration certificate. 8
12 Photo copy of EPF registration certificate. 9

B. Experience – attach separate experience certificate for each client:

Sl. Name of the client Experience: Years Annexure No. Page No.
and Months
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
(If further details are furnished, the Sl. numbering may be continued as 6, 7, etc).

Important: Only certificates issued by the clients in letter head with date of issue
and containing requisite details will be considered. Copies of – work orders,
extension letters, bills, and the like will not be considered.

C. The successful tenderer has to submit the following documents before

award of work:

1 Proof of Financial Capacity from his bankers/Chartered Accountant

2 Last Five Years Audited Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss A/c for 2011-
12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16.
3 Photo copy of Income Tax Return for the last three years.

Signature of Tenderer, Seal & address
Annexure - B

Eligibility Criteria - Details of Infrastructure

[Information should be submitted in this format on the letterhead of the tenderer]

Sl. Description
1 Address of the Head/Registered office
2 Addresses of branch office(s), if any

Details of personnel available in head office and branch office(s):

Name Designation Duties assigned

List of clients other than those mentioned in Annexure ‘A’ (no certificate

Name and address of Type of work done Duration of work

the client Years and Months

Date: Signature of Tenderer, Seal & address

11. PART – 2 (PRICE-BID)

11.1. Price bid should be in the format enclosed with tender at Annexure ‘C’.
11.2. Conditional offer will render the tender/bid automatically invalid.
11.3. The annexure should be clearly filled or typed and signed in ink legibly giving
full address of the tenderer. The tenderer should quote in figures as well as in
words the amount tendered by him. Alteration if any, unless legibly attested by the
tenderer with his full signature, shall invalidate the tender. The tender should be
duly signed by the authorized persons.

11.4. In case there is any difference in the amount between figures and words, the
amount indicated in words will be treated as the valid offer.

11.5. The tenderer should ensure that the amounts are written in such a way that
interpolation is not possible. No blank space should be left.

11.6. Uniform & Liveries, etc.: For Each year, the workers must be provided with
[a] two sets of good quality of uniforms consisting of Terri coat Pant and Shirt for
Male and two branded Sarees with Blouse pieced for Female Labourers, [b] E ach
year, O n e pair of Bata make Shoes for Male and Sandal for Female workers, a nd
[c] E ach year, Necessary relevant and Branded Tools (Annexure-E) to be provided to
Technical Labourers, i.e. Electricians, Carpenters, Plumbers, Masons, Pump Attendant,
Gardeners and Mistry, etc. [d] E ach year, One Umbrella, One Rain coat and One
Gumboot for those working at outdoor condition. [e] E ver y m onth : O n e 75 gram
Bathing Soap cake to all Labourers, [f] Every month: One Cloth Duster, Gloves and
Mask, etc. to all Labourers. An amount of Rs.2,80,000.00 (Rupees Two Lakhs Eighty
Thousand only) estimated separately (apart from the Work estimate amount of Rs.
1,95,52,229.00), for Uniforms and Liveries for 12 Months for 88 Labourers. Samples
and/or specifications of the Uniforms and Liveries need to be approved by NITIE.
Bill is to be submitted quarterly for reimbursement from NITIE. Initially, entire
expenditure towards [a], [b], [c], [d], [e] and [f] should be borne by the contractor.
Uniforms and Liveries are to be supplied to Estate Department with proper records &
Challans. The Contractor has to submit details of expenditure in Annexure-D. (Read
22, 22.1, Annexure-E & F).

11.7. Quoting unduly lower rate of Service Charge: The contractor has to
quote service charge that takes care of TDS, expenditure towards items stated in
para 11.6, expenditure towards identity card, all the statutory charges relating to
this contract, etc.; and reasonable margin thereafter. The Institute as Principal
Employer would like to ensure that unduly lower rates of service charge will not
lead to complaints from workers regarding delay in payment, improper reduction in
wages, seeking monetary return by the contractor from the workers, payment of
wages lesser than the Minimum Wages, etc. thereby affecting the performance of
the workers.

11.8. Details of expenditure vis-à-vis service charges: With a view to prevent

instances briefly stated above, the contractor has to submit details of expenditure
in Annexure ‘C’ along with documentary evidence like Estimates in support of
expenditure, along with the price bid.
11.9. Decision on reasonability of service charge: Institute reserves right to
take a view on the reasonability of the rate of service charge. The decision of the
Institute in this regard shall be final and binding. No representation will be
entertained and replied to.

11.10. Evaluation of Price Bid: The price bid will first be evaluated for
compliance with statutes like Minimum Wages Act, ESIC Act, EPF Act, etc. Only
those bids that comply with all the applicable statutes will then be considered for
evaluation of reasonability of service charge. If the Institute considers that the
service charge of the tenderer who has quoted the least rate is not feasible, such
tender shall be treated as non-responsive and the quotation with the next higher
rate shall be evaluated, and this process will be iterated till a quotation with
reasonable service charge is found and the work will be awarded to such tenderer
Annexure - C
PART – 2

Minimum No. of workers to be engaged as assessed by NITIE, MUMBAI for

manpower supply:

Skilled Labourers: One (1)

Unskilled Labourers: Eighty Seven (87)

To be filled by the tenderer: Please refer to rates pertaining to ‘A’ Area as

contained in Category of Skilled and Unskilled Casual Workers specified as per the
notification by Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (C), Ministry of Labour &
Employment, Government of India OR State Government (Annexure-L & Refer 22, 22.1
to 22.3).


Sr. Components of Wage Skilled Unskilled

1. Basic Wage
2. Special Allowance (VDA)
3. EPF @ 13.36% (including of 12% EPF
employer’s contribution, Admin. Charges) on the
wage quoted in Sr.No.1 above subject to a
maximum monthly wage.
4. ESI @ 4.75%
5. Gross (Sr. No. 1+2+3+4)
6. Contractor’s service charges (% of Sr.No.5)

1. For the purpose of Price Bid, month means 26 (twenty six) working days.
2. Rate of Basic Wage shall not be less than the rate notified in Memorandum
cited above minimum wages as declared from time to time by the competent
3. Contractor’s Service Charges: Please refer to paragraphs 11.7 to 11.10 above.
4. Contractor’s Service Charges at Sl.No.6 should be quoted only in percentage, and
not in rupees.
5. Skilled Site Supervisor (at Contractor’s cost) – 1 (Refer 12.11 of this document).

NITIE, MUMBAI is not liable to service tax. Service Tax, if levied, will be
reimbursed by NITIE, MUMBAI after actual payment by the contractor.

Date: Signature of the Tenderer with Seal & Address

Annexure - D


Statement of details of expenditure
[To be submitted in the letterhead of the tenderer along with the price bid]
(Read 11.6, 24, 24.1 & Annexure-E & F).

Details of Expenditure of Uniforms & Liveries, etc. for 88 Casual Labourers.

For Details Cost No. of Total

Estimated Workers estimated
(Rs.) Cost (Rs.)
Male Labourers Cost of 2 sets of Uniforms (Two Terri
coat Pants and Two Shirts) - Yearly
Female Labourers Cost of two Sarees and two Blouse Pieces
with stitching charges - Yearly
Male Labourers One pair of Bata make shoe - Yearly
Female Labourers One pair of Bata make Sandals with
buckles - Yearly
Male and Female One Umbrella, One Raincoat and One
Labourers Gumboot for those working at outdoor
condition - Yearly
One Cloth Duster, Gloves and Mask -
O n e 75 gram branded Bathing Soap cake
- Monthly
Relevant and Branded Tools – Yearly
(List attached in Annexure-F)

Note: Estimates from suppliers for each of the item has to be enclosed with this
statement. Quotations without enclosures of Annexure ‘D’ stand automatically

Date: Signature of the Tenderer with Seal and Address

[Please read the following carefully and give acceptance for the same in the prescribed format
and submit it with the Technical Bid].


12.1. The tenderer submitting tender would be deemed to have inspected the
premises, considered and accepted all the terms and conditions of contract. No
verbal or written enquiries will be entertained in respect of acceptance or rejection
of the tender.

12.2. Tenure of contract: The contract will be for a period of one year initially,
which may be extended for one more year on satisfactory performance of the
initial period of the contract. NITIE, MUMBAI may renew/extend the contract
to such further period (s), not exceeding three years from the date of
commencement of work, as it may deem proper, having regard to the quality and
manner of the contractor’s performance. However, it shall be with consent/written
request by the contractor in this regard and subject to the sole discretion of
NITIE, Mumbai.

12.3. In case the Contractor fails in fulfilling the obligations fully and in time, the
NITIE, MUMBAI shall have the absolute right to take up the work at the
Contractor’s cost and risk and recover any and all such expenses from the amounts
due to the Contractor including Security Deposit. The Institute shall have right
to impose penalty commensurate with the fault and amount towards damages if any,
shall be recovered from the bill.

12.4. Contractor will be fully responsible for any accident or mishaps involving
workers engaged by the Contractor and the Contractor would pay claims made by
these victims. The Contractor shall indemnify the NITIE, MUMBAI from any claims
arising out of accidents, disabilities of any nature or death or arising out of
provisions under law, or any other nature in respect of all workers engaged by the
Contractor. The contractor will fully indemnify NITIE, MUMBAI against all claims in
this regard, either under the provisions of Employee Compensation Act OR under any
law. The Contractor has to take out individual/group insurance policy from the 1st day
of commencement of the contract.

12.5. The Contractor shall abide by all laws and regulations and statutory
obligations in force from time to time including Labour laws and shall indemnify the
NITIE, MUMBAI from any claims in this regard.

12.6. It will be the sole responsibility of the contractor to abide by the provisions
of the following acts as to the workers engaged by him for performance of
this contract:

 Employment of Children Act, Employees compensation Act, 1923

 Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 Minimum Wages Act
 Employee Provident Fund Act ESI Act, Payment of Bonus Act
 Any other and further act or legislation as may be in force from time to time.
12.7. The contractor shall comply with all the statutes and will be responsible for
any prosecution or liability arising from breach of any of those laws. The NITIE,
MUMBAI will not have any responsibility with regard to staff on the role of the
contractor what so ever.

12.8. Any liability imposed on NITIE, MUMBAI shall be deducted from the
bills of the contractor and if the full amount is not recovered then the same shall be
recovered from the security deposit of the contractor. There would be no
liabilities towards the workers of the contractor by the NITIE, MUMBAI.

12.9. In case of items/fixtures stolen/broken due to the fault of the contract

personnel, either the penalties to recover the cost shall be imposed or the
contractor shall have a choice to replace these fixtures of the same quality & under
approval from nodal officer appointed by the Director of the NITIE, MUMBAI.

12.10. Modification of specification of work: NITIE, MUMBAI through its

officers, reserves the right of altering the specifications of works of adding to or
omitting any items of work or of having portions of the same carried out in the
Institute by others and such alterations and variations shall not violate this

12.11. Supervisor: The Contractor is required to post (at his cost) his authorized
representative, i.e. One site Super visor (Skilled) at the site of the work out
of the deployed personnel, who would be responsible for immediate interaction with
this office, so that optimal services of the persons deployed by the Contractor could
be availed without any disruption. All such instructions received by the authorized
representative on behalf of the Contractor shall be deemed to have been received
by the Contractor within the scope of this work order. NITIE, Mumbai reserves the
right to deduct an amount of Rs.1,000.00 (Rupees One Thousand only) per day, if
Contractor fail to posting of Supervisor, mentioned above.

12.12. In the event of the contractor failing to execute the work under contract
in whole or in part, an alternative arrangement will be made by the NITIE,
MUMBAI totally at the cost & risk of contractor besides any suitable fine /penalty.

12.13. The contractor shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss & damage
caused to the property of the NITIE, MUMBAI or its Staff
Members/Students/Visitors by the contractor or his workers.

12.14. The contractor shall be personally responsible for the conduct of his staff
and in case of any complaint against any of his staff as regards work, discipline,
attendance or any other matter concerning efficient and smooth functioning; the
contractor will be under an obligation to change the worker concerned when
instructed by NITIE, MUMBAI authorities.

12.15. The NITIE, MUMBAI reserves the right to terminate the contract without
assigning any reason by giving a notice of three months. The contractor will also
have to serve a notice of three months, if he wishes to terminate the contract.

12.16. Resolution of disputes: In the event of any dispute arising out of or in

connection with this contract, whether during the subsistence of the contract or
thereafter, the matter shall be referred to the Director, NITIE, MUMBAI or
any other officer nominated by the Director, NITIE, MUMBAI for arbitration
whose decision shall be final and binding on the parties. The contractor agrees
that the arbitrator could be an employee of the Institute & shall not have any
objections in this regard. The proceedings before the arbitrator would be
governed by the provision of the Arbitration Act 1996.

12.17. All letters posted to Contractor at the address given by him will be
considered to have been delivered in time.

12.18. The Contractor OR Workers should not be direct OR through any

contractor, employee of NITIE, MUMBAI or of any Central or State Government,
Autonomous Body, or PSU. He should submit a declaration to this effect.

12.19. The contractor and his staff will make their own residential arrangement
outside the premises of the NITIE, MUMBAI. No one will be granted permission to
stay in the Hostel during night or during non-functional hours.

12.20. The contractor shall be responsible for cleaning as well as security of the
fixtures handed over at the time of commencement of the contract.

12.21. If it is observed at any stage that the quality of the work is not
satisfactory, the contract/work order as a whole may be terminated and
Security deposit forfeited. The Contractor will have no claims what so ever on

12.22. In case it is found at a later date that the work done is of inferior quality and
proper action was not taken at the time of execution of the work, the Contractor
shall remain liable to pay compensation to the Institute for the inferior works as
determined by NITIE, MUMBAI and in case all payments have been made to the
Contractor for this work, this amount may be deducted from any sum due to the
Contractor on any other work within the Institute.

12.23 In the event of local problems arising while discharging the functions at
NITIE, MUMBAI the contractor will deal with them appropriately and he will not
bring NITIE, MUMBAI on the scene for such matters.

13. The contractor shall provide:

13.1. Uniforms & Liver ies as specified in para 11.6 & 23 (Annexur e-E & F) to
his workers as approved by the NITIE, MUMBAI authority (both Male and Female)
while on duty from out of his service charges. Sufficient number of uniforms
would have to be provided so that the worker is always with neat and tidy
uniform. This will be strictly monitored and fine may be imposed and deducted from
the service charges of the contractor if the worker is found without uniform
and/or not being neat and tidy. Samples and/or specifications of the Uniforms and
Liveries need to be approved by NITIE.

13.2. Identity Cards: The Contractor will issue identity cards to his
workers/supervisors after getting them verified by the NITIE, MUMBAI. Any
worker found without identity card will not be permitted to enter the premises.
Copy of the Identity Cards, handed over to Security Department of NITIE, through
Executive Engineer (I/C), Estate.
13.3. Attendance: The Contractor shall provide 3 (Three) “Biometric Attendance
Machine with USB Excel Export” which is to be installed in Estate Department in
different location, for attendance. All Casual Labourers including Supervisor(s)
should enter their attendance, (Four times a day) i.e. IN and OUT, through Biometric
Attendance Machine apart from the manual attendance/signature. (Also refer 16.12)
14. SCOPE OF WORK: In brief the job function is to supply qualified and suitable
manpower for day to day work in NITIE, MUMBAI. The persons to be provided
should be acceptable and meet the requirements of concerned Departments.
Only such persons as are approved by concerned Departments will be provided. The
number of workers and categories may be increased or reduced during the tenure of
the contract. NITIE, MUMBAI through its officers, reserves the right of altering
the specifications of works of adding to or omitting any items of work or of having
portions of the same carried out in the Institute by others and such alterations
and variations shall not violate this contract.
Sl. Description Numbers
1 Skilled Site Supervisor (at Contractor’s cost) - 1
2 -
Skilled Labourers: For Supervisory/Clerical, etc. 1
3 Unskilled Labourers: For carrying/helping out various jobs viz.
Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, Ma son, Housekeeping work,
class rooms and cleaning of Gardening activities & Helpers, etc. 87
Total (Eighty Eight) 88
Note 1: Categories of Labourers & higher rates of Wages as per Order of Office of the C
LC (C), GoI, Dated 17th March, 2017; (Annexure-L)
Note 2: On holidays, Saturdays and Sundays the deployment will be restricted to the
minimum required number OR instructions from the Officer’s concerned of NITIE;
Note 3: The number of Casual Labourers (Skilled and Unskilled) may increase OR
decrease during the tenure of the contract and/or depending upon the
requirement (day-to-day) of NITIE, Mumbai;
16. Deployment of workers, Supervision of work, and performance:
16.1 Working timings are from 9-00 am to 6 -00 pm, with One hour lunch
recess from 1.00 pm to 2 .00 pm OR such time as may be advised from time to
time and wherever required staggered duty/shift duty/night duty for 8 hours
(Excluding One Hour Lunch/Dinner/Tiffin Break) shift will be adopted. The shift
timings and detailment of Workers on duty is to be decided by the Contractor in
consultation with Officer concerned of NITIE, Mumbai. The service of the
workers may be required on all days in a month irrespective of holidays and
they should be prepared to work on shifts as may be required. If anybody comes
late by an hour OR more in the morning and/or leaving the workplace early in the
evening, the Institute will deduct the hours absented and to deduct the same from
their daily working hours and prepare the monthly attendance, i.e. Man days,
accordingly. (Also Refer 13.3 & 17.16 of this document).
16.2 The personnel of Contractor should observe only 10 (ten) closed holidays in a
calendar year irrespective of number of the holidays observed by the Institute.
The closed holidays normally cover Republic Day, Independence Day, and Mahatma
Gandhi’s Birthday. In addition, they will be entitled to one day leave for every
twenty days of work.
16.3 The Contractor has to supply monthly Muster and to ensure proper attendance
and proper weekly off of the personnel deployed. The Contractor shall be fully
responsible for providing leave benefits, weekly off, National & Festival holidays
etc., to the personnel deployed.
16.4. As and when any of personnel comes late or proceeds on leave or absents
himself/herself, it will be the prime responsibility of the contractor to provide
a suitable substitute.
16.5. The services of employees of Contractor should be made available on all
days on six-day week basis irrespective of holidays and on Sundays, if required.
16.6. The Contractor shall provide replacement of personnel, in case of
absenteeism, casual/sick leave, etc., so as to ensure full staff at all time. In case of
absence/leave by any particular person, the Contractor shall make alternate
arrangement immediately (Maximum two hours) otherwise a penalty i.e. wages at
double the rates would be deducted per day per person of absence.
16.7. Literacy level: Should be at least 10th Std passed for Unskilled category;
Should be a Graduate and should be able to read and write in English well OR should
be 12th pass to the extent possible for Skilled category. The contractor shall
recruit his own staff in consultation with Officer concerned of NITIE, Mumbai for
the contract work at his own cost and risk. The contractor’s staff will not be
treated as NITIE staff for any purpose whatsoever and facility/benefits entitled
to NITIE staff will not be applicable to contractor’s employees, at any point of
time. (The qualifications of the manpower to be deployed should not be submitted
during the tender, only successful bidder shall be asked to submit the same). Refer
16.10 & 16.11 also.
16.8. The persons deployed for work should not be involved in any police case or any
case should be pending against them. Police verification certificate for the
persons deployed for work to be submitted.
16.9. The Contractor will be required to post skilled manpower (Site Supervisor) as
may be needed to supervise and guide the workers skilled as well as unskilled for
proper execution of the work as per directions of the Officer-in-charge nominated
by Director of the Institute to administer the contract. (Refer 12.11)

16.10. Verification of character and antecedents: A verification report in respect

of all the personnel of contractor from the concerned police station of concerned
residential areas should be submitted and also list of employees with bio-data of
each employee posted to the Institute along with photo and thumb impression
should b e furnished and handed over to the designated officer of NITIE,
MUMBAI. Any changes should be informed immediately.

16.11. Medical Examination: The contract personnel shall undergo medical

examination at the expense of the contractor to ensure that they are free from any
communicable diseases and medical examination certificate to be furnished as
and when called for by the Institute.

16.12. The Contractor’s Supervisor will maintain Daily Attendance Registers to

keep record of personnel on duty. Supervisor should ensure the attendance four
times a day, i.e. IN & OUT of Morning as well as Evening. (Refer 13.3)
16.13. Sufficient number of staff shall be posted by the contractor to attend the
works and shifting of materials / instruments from one place to other, loading and
unloading of materials / instruments from truck with in NITIE, MUMBAI as and
when required in the exigencies of work without any additional payment.
16.14. The workers should maintain highest discipline and behave politely with the
faculty, staff, students and guests. The persons deployed by the contractor
should be reliable, trust worthy, alert and efficient. The workers should
maintain personal hygiene and wear prescribed uniform while on duty.
16.15. The workers engaged by the Contractor shall not be the unauthorized
Occupants OR Residents of the NITIE Land and/or Institute Premises.
16.16. If in the opinion of the NITIE, MUMBAI authorities, the performance of
any of the persons deployed is not satisfactory or he/she is not amenable to
discipline or their behavior is not conducive to retain them for the work, he/she
should be replaced immediately. In case of any complaint or any unusual behaviour
of the worker, he/she should be replaced within 24 hours after receipt of
intimation from the Institute.
16.17. The staff engaged by the contractor shall not take part in any staff union OR
local political parties and association activities. If any problems OR its consequences
arises the Contractor shall be liable to solve. NITIE, Mumbai OR any Officers OR
any Representative of the Institute is not responsible for that.
16.18. The contractor or his representative shall daily report to the Estate
Department of NITIE, MUMBAI to take instructions for the work on a
Book/Register maintained by the contractor exclusively for the purpose. He shall
preserve the said book and produce the same as and when required. The
contractor or his representative should all the time be available at work site during
the course of his work.
16.19. The contractor or his representative should approach the concerned
Officer of Estate Section, if he needs any instructions.
16.20. The Site Supervisor ( 1 2 . 1 1 & 1 6 . 9 ) employed by the Contractor shall be
responsible to coordinate, daily attendance, grant of weekly off, discipline,
manage work, interaction with office-in-charge for the day to day work.
16.21. Safety measures, responsibilities and its aspects:
18.21.1. “It is the primary duty of the Contractor to take all safeguards and its
measures to ensure that no injury and/or death is caused to any Labour”, in the
16.21.2. The Contractor should ensure that the workplace, any machinery, substances
and facilities used are safe, and that all Labourers are properly adequately trained.
16.21.3. Police enquiry and/or any other State/Central/Union enquiries and its
consequences, in case of injuries and/or death, it is the sole responsible of the
Contractor to resolve the consequences, on behalf of the Labourers and their family
members/dependents. NITIE, Mumbai OR any Officers OR any Representative of
the Institute is not responsible for that.
16.21.4. Contractor should take care of welfare of their Labourers and the possible
steps that can be taken to provide compensation (EPF, ESIC & others, if any) and aid
to such Labourers, as per the Labour Law, from time to time.
16.21.5. The service providing Agency/Contractor shall be solely responsible for the
redressal of grievances/resolution of disputes relating to person deployed. NITIE,
Mumbai, shall, in no way, be responsible for settlement of such issues whatsoever.

16.22. Control of EPF & ESIC: NITIE, Mumbai is not responsible for EPF and ESIC
contributions with respect to Casual Labourers engaged; To strengthen the contract
it would also be useful to ensure that the agreements with the contractors are on a
principal to principal basis where the Contractor retain all control over its personnel
and NITIE, Mumbai has no more than a secondary control.
PF Withdrawal: The Contractor should provide necessary guidelines to the Labourers
for non-withdrawal of their PF contribution after expiring of the existing contract
to get benefit of pension to the Labourers.
16.23. No right flows from the provisions of the Contract Labourers to be absorbed
by OR to become the employees of NITIE, Mumbai. Neither the contractor nor his
Labourers can be treated as employees of NITIE, Mumbai for any purposes and at any
point of time. They are not entitled for any claim, right, preference, etc., over any
job/regular employment of NITIE, Mumbai.

16.24. The contractor shall be bound to withdraw immediately any Casual Labour
responsible for misconduct and if found not performing up to the expectations of
NITIE, Mumbai.

16.25. NITE, Mumbai may also withdraw or terminate any of the Casual Labour on the
following just causes:
“Lack of skills for the job resulting in poor performance, serious misconduct,
willful disobedience, habitual neglect of duties, insubordination, revealing
secrets of establishment, absenteeism and trade union & political activities”.

16.26. The Contractor shall ensure that any kind of disputes between him and his
Labourers and/or with Trade Union is settled outside the Institute’s premises, and
they shall in no way utilize the office premises or property, etc., at any point of time.

16.27. Notice Boards as per Labour Contract Act is required to be displayed by the
Contractor, in front of the Estate Department, NITIE, Mumbai.

16.28. Labourers should not leave their working spot (without prior permission) and
should bring food etc. with them.
16.29. The Contractor's staffs are not allowed to eat in the hostel mess at any point
of time.


17.1 The Contractor will submit, on or before 3rd day of the succeeding calendar
month, monthly pre-receipted bills, for the preceding calendar month, in triplicate
along with the attendance sheets and certificate of satisfactory performance of
work from the concerned officer of the NITIE, MUMBAI. The office, on the
receipt of the bill will check the work record and thereafter process the bill for
payment. All bills should be submitted on printed forms with relevant supporting
documents, duly signed and pre-receipted.

17.2 Monthly payment will be made to the contractor. Attendance, Wage Register,
remittance of EPF, ESIC and Professional Tax with respective Challans and proof of
wages paid to workers, etc. should be submitted along with the monthly bill. All
payment to Workers should be paid through ECS OR Online Banking only. No kind of
Cash transactions will not be entertained by the Institute. In case of any delay in
submission of the bills, the contractor would be required to ensure the payment of
its workers by 7th of every month.

17.3. Income Tax and other statutory levies as applicable from time to time will be
deducted from the monthly bills of the Contractor.

17.4. The contractors should make payment to the workers on or before 7th of
every month and there should be no linkage between this payment and settlement of
the contractor’s bill from NITIE, MUMBAI.

17.5. Invoice for Uniforms and Liveries are to be submitted quarterly with quoted
profit for reimbursement by the Contractor. (23, 23.1 and Annexure E & F);

17.6 Payment of Wages: The contractor shall pay his workers’ wages as per the
circular of concern authority of State Govt./Central Govt. whichever is higher and all
other statutory dues like EPF, ESI, bonus, etc., throughout the tenure of
contract. Any increase / decrease in, Wages, Special Allowance (VDA), PF and ESIC
contribution will also be paid to the contractor or by the contractor, it will be
decided as per the circular of concern authority of State Govt./ Central Govt. which
is higher and the increase will be paid on production of proof of payment. (Refer
Rate Analysis).

17.6.1. Bonus: The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015 envisages enhancement
of eligibility limit under section 2(13), Rs.21,000.00 per month and Calculation Ceiling
under section 12, Rs.7000.00 OR the minimum wage for the scheduled employment, as
fixed by the appropriate Government, whichever is higher. (Refer 22.3);

17.6.2 Contractor’s profit and work charge establishment should not be included in
the bill for reimbursement of Bonus payment. NITIE will reimburse only the actual
Bonus payment after making the Bonus payment to the eligible Labourers only. Bonus
payment made to Supervisor will not be reimburse by NITIE, Mumbai. Bonus paid OR
payable to Supervisor is liability of the Contractor, only.
17.7. Payment of wages in cash is not permissible and under no circumstances,
payment of wages in cash shall be made. Payment is to be released to the Labourers
as mentioned in the rate analysis of the Institute. V.D.A. arrears will be paid
separately when increment will take place. Contractor’s profit will not be added to
the V.D.A. arrears.

17.8. The contractor shall facilitate his workers in opening bank accounts. The
contractor should arrange deposit the wages of his workers in to their respective
bank accounts preferably through ECS and tender a copy of the ECS statement with
Bank seal to the Institute as proof of payment of wages failing which the bill of
the subsequent month will not be paid.

17.9. That payment on account of enhancement/escalation charges on account of

revision in wages and statutory payments like EPF/ESI contributions, and service
tax, if any, levied by the appropriate Govt. (Central/State) from time to time shall
be payable by NITIE, MUMBAI to the contractor, which shall be distributed by the
Contractor to their employees.
17.10. The Contractors should make the monthly salary payment along with Salary
slips to the Labourers on or before 7th day of every month and there should be no
linkage between this salary payment and settlement of the Contractor’s Bill from
NITIE, Mumbai. This should be strictly pursued by the Contractor.
17.11. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for timely compliance of all statutory
requirements in respect of his Labourers.
17.12. NITIE, Mumbai shall not be responsible for the payment of any amount to
Labourers OR statutory authorities on account of non-compliance of statutory
provisions applicable to them.
17.13. The Contractor shall ensure maintenance of the following records:
All records and registers as required under various Labour law; Payment of
wage register; Attendance register; and other statutory records/
registers as required under various applicable Labour and other laws from
time to time. He shall be liable to show the same as and when called upon.
Failure of this may entail imposition of fine an amount of Rs.10,000.00
(Rupees Ten Thousand only) and/or termination of contract.
17.14. Social Security Contributions: The responsibility of depositing provident fund
and insurance at applicable rates will rest with contractor irrespective of the number
of workmen he is engaging. Current rates are as under:
 EPF: Employers contribution: 13.36% + Worker’s contribution: 12.00% = 25.36%;
 ESI: Employer’s contribution: 4.75% + Worker’s contribution: 1.75% = 6.50%;

17.15. No escalation of Contractor’s Service Charges and/or cost of materials shall

be admissible during the term of the contract.
17.16. If in the opinion of the NITIE, Mumbai authorities, the performance of any of
the persons deployed is not satisfactory of he/she is not amenable to discipline or
their behavior is not conducive to retain them for the work, he/she should be
replaced by the Contractor immediately.
17.17 Penalty: Penalty for inadequate performance:
(Amount in Rupees)
Sr. Type of Lapse Penalty
No. (Per Person/Per Day)
1 Labourers are not in Uniforms 100.00
2 Rude and unpleasant behavior of Labourers with
Faculty, Officers, Staff and Visitors
Rowdiness and/or Rioting in Institute Premises
including Theft and/or unwarranted arguments, with
Faculty, Officers, Staff and Visitors, etc. 500.00
3 Non-posting/attendance of Supervisor 1000.00
The Penalty shall be deducted from the monthly bills of the Contractor OR from the
Security Deposit.
18. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK: The Contractor is required to start the work of
supply of requisite manpower (with Uniforms and Liveries), with effect from the
date of commencement of work stated in the letter of award of work. In case it is
found that the work has not been taken up from the above date, the NITIE,
MUMBAI at its sole discretion may cancel the work order and the EMD a n d
Security Deposit shall be forfeited without any further reference to the
19.1. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this contract, NITIE, Mumbai reserves
the absolute right to terminate the contract forthwith if it is found that
continuation of the contract is not in public interest OR there is violation of any of
the Terms of this Contract. The contractor is not eligible for any compensation or
claim in the event of such cancellation.
19.2. Document(s) not being genuine: In case any document(s) produced in support
of eligibility criteria or any other document(s) turns out to be not genuine:
[a] Before award of work: The work will not be awarded, EMD shall stand
automatically forfeited, and the tenderer will be liable for any further action as may
be deemed appropriate by NITIE, MUMBAI; OR [b] After award of work: The
award of work will be cancelled, Security Deposit shall stand automatically
forfeited, and the contractor will be liable for any other action as may be deemed
appropriate by NITIE, MUMBAI; [c] The Contractor will also have to serve a notice
of three months, if he wishes to cancel the contract. (Also refer 12.15 of the General
Terms and Conditions of this document).
19.3. Declaration regarding near Relatives: The near relatives of all employees working
in NITIE, Mumbai either directly recruited OR on deputation are prohibited from
participation in this tender. In case at any stage, it is found that the information and
declaration given in Annexure-K is false/incorrect, NITIE, Mumbai shall have absolute
right to take any action as deemed fit without any prior information to the Contractor.
consent of the contractor may modify terms and conditions of the contract as
and when necessary without affecting the basic nature of his contract.
21. Acceptance and Undertaking by the Contractor

1. I/We have made the site visit in order to evaluate the work to be performed,
have clearly understood the work to be performed, and have quoted
2. I/we agree that under no circumstances, payment of wages in cash shall be
made by me/us. I/We have opened Bank A/c of all my/our workers and all the
payments will be made by A/c Payee Cheque to all my/our employees.
3. I/We have read the Tender conditions including the General Terms and
Conditions of the contract given in the tender document. I/We agree to abide
by the same.
4. I/We will provide – [a] staff for shifting of furniture and small equipment as and
when required by NITIE, MUMBAI, [b] substitute workers / Supervisor as and
when required, and [c] extra manpower if any called during
conference/meetings etc. on 24 hours’ notice.
5. I/We agree that the payment will not be made for the work not carried out in
accordance with the contract.
6. I/We agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 60 (Sixty)
days from the date fixed for opening the Part 1 and in case the tender is
withdrawn within the validity period or the contract if awarded is not accepted.
7. I/We understand that my/our “Earnest Money Deposit” submitted along with
the tender will be liable for forfeiture.
8. I/We also hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the
NITIE, MUMBAI, and general conditions of the contract as amended from time
to time and to carry out the work according to the conditions of the contract
laid down by NITIE, MUMBAI.
9. The full value of the Earnest Money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to
any other right to remedies if [a] I /We do not execute the contract
documents within 7 (seven) days after getting information from NITIE,
MUMBAI, or [b] I / We do not commence the work within 15 (fifteen) days
after getting information from NITIE, MUMBAI.
10. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender
shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may
be mutually agreed between us and NITIE, MUMBAI.

Place & Date: Signature of Tenderer(s) with Stamp, Address

Note: In case any change is made in the content of the above formats, except
filling-up details, it shall be treated as unauthorized and such tender will
stand automatically disqualified.
22. Category of Workers, Wages, Bonus & Rate Analysis: Rates of Minimum Wages
with VDA fixed by Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (C), Ministry of Labour
& Employment, Government of India, vide O/O F.No.1/13(3)/2017-LS.II &
F.No.1/13(5)/2017-LS.II, Dated 17th March, 2017 are given below:
(Amount in Rupees)
Sr.No. Category of Labourers Wages with VDA
1 Unskilled (Central Highest Rate) 523.00
2 Skilled (Central Highest Rate) 637.00
(Institute fixed the higher rates of Wages of CLC (C), GoI; The contractor shall pay his
workers’ wages as per the circular/order of concern authority of State Govt. OR Central
Govt. whichever is higher).
22.1 Category of Workers: Skilled and Unskilled Casual Labourers categorized by
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. [Published in The
Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II-Section-3-Sub-section (ii), Notification
No.2143, dated 1st September, 2016/Bhadra 10, 1938].
(a) “Unskilled Work” means work which involves simple operations requiring little or
no skill or experience on the job.
(b) “Skilled Work” means work which involves skill or competence acquired through
experience on the job or through training as an apprentice in a technical or
vocational institute and the performance of which calls for initiative and judgement.
(c) The men, women and transgender employees shall get the same rates of wages
for the same work or work of similar nature.
22.2 Rate analysis of wages for Skilled and Unskilled Labourers per day.
(Amount in Rupees)
Sr. Wages as per minimum wages act Un-skilled Skilled
No. (per day) (Central Highest (Central
Rate) Highest Rate)
1. Minimum Wages with
2. Special Allowance (**) 523.00 637.00
3. Total (1 & 2) 523.00 637.00
4. E.P.F. (Employer Contribution) @ 13.36% on Sr.No.3 69.87 85.10
5. ESIC (Employer Contribution) @ 4.75% on Sr.No.3 24.84 30.26
6. Total (3 to 5) 617.71 752.36
7. Contractor Profit & Work Charge Establishment @ 15%
for Sr.No.6 92.66 112.85
8. Grand Total (6 & 7) 710.37 865.21
9. Manpower Requirement 87 1

(**) Minimum wages fixed as per the O/O F.No.1/13(3)/2017-LS.II & F.No.1/13(5)/2017-LS.II,
Dated 17th March, 2017, issued by Central Labour Commissioner (Central), Ministry of Labour &
Employment, Government of India, under "Construction activities" and "Sweeping and Cleaning";

22.3 Bonus: (a) The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015 envisages enhancement
of eligibility limit under section 2(13), Rs.21,000.00 per month and Calculation Ceiling
under section 12, Rs.7000.00 OR the minimum wage for the scheduled employment, as
fixed by the appropriate Government, whichever is higher.
(b) Contractor’s profit and work charge establishment should not be included in the
bill for reimbursement of Bonus payment. NITIE will reimburse only the actual Bonus
payment after making the Bonus payment to the eligible Housekeeping staff only.
Bonus payment made to Supervisor will not be reimburse by NITIE, Mumbai. Bonus
paid OR payable to Supervisor is the liability of the Contractor, only.
23. Details of Uniforms and Liveries:
Each year, the Labourers must be provided with [a] two sets of good quality of
Uniforms (with agency Emblem) consisting of Terri coat Pant and Shirt for Male
and two branded Sarees with Blouse pieces including stitching charges for Female
Labourers; [b] E ach year, O n e pair of Bata make Shoes for Male and Bata make
Sandal Chappal with buckle for Female Labourers; [c] E ach year, Necessary
relevant and Branded Tools to be provided to Technical Labourers, i.e. Electricians,
Carpenters, Plumbers, Masons, Pump Attendant, Gardeners and Mistry, etc. [d]
E ach year, One Umbrella, One Rain coat and One Gumboot for those working at
outdoor condition; [e] E v er y Month : On e 75 gram Bathing Soap cake, One
Towel and Two Gloves and Two Masks, etc. to all Labourers; Entire expenditure
towards [a], [b], [c], [d] and [e] should be borne by the contractor; Samples
and/or specifications of the Uniforms and Liveries need to be approved by
NITIE; Invoice for Uniforms and Liveries are to be billed for reimbursement,
quarterly, after delivery of the materials; (Annexure-E & F).
23.1 Reimbursement of Expenditure on Uniforms and Liveries: Maximum of
Rs.2,80,000.00 (Rupees Two Lakhs Eighty Thousand only) estimated for 12
Months for Uniforms and Liveries for 88 Casual Labourers. Samples and/or
specifications of the Uniforms and Liveries need to be approved by NITIE.
Uniforms and Liveries are to be provided to the eligible Labourers through
Executive Engineer (I/C), Estate Department with proper records and/or Delivery
Challans. Bill is to be submitted by the Contractor, quarterly with quoted profit
to NITIE, Mumbai for reimbursement, after delivery of the Uniforms and
Liveries, in time. (Annexure-E & F).
Annexure - E

Uniforms and Liveries estimated (Approx.,) for 12 Months for 88 Casual Labourers

Sr. No. Description Rate Quantity Amount

1 Uniforms Set (Shirt & Pant for Male and
Saree and Blouse piece with stitching
charges for Female) - Yearly 2 Sets for 88
Labourers 800.00 176 1,40,800.00
2 One Pair of BATA make Shoe for Male and
One Pair of BATA make Sandals with Buckles
for Female (Yearly 1 Pair for 88 Labourers) 699.00 88 61,512.00
Lifebuoy Soaps -75gm (Monthly 1 for 88
3 Labourers) 12.00 1056 12,672.00
Towels (Mthly 1 for 12 Months for 88
4 Labourers) 18.00 1056 19,008.00
5 Citizen Umbrellas - Yearly 1 for 25 Labourers 250.00 25 6,250.00
Raincoat (Hindustan)- Yearly 1 for 25
6 Labourers 400.00 25 10,000.00
Gumboot (Standard) - Yearly 1 for 25
7 Labourers 350.00 25 8,750.00
8 Tools -Yearly (Separate List attached – Annexure-F) 22,903.00
Total amount for Uniforms & Liveries for 88 Labourers for 12 Months 2,81,895.00

Say Rs.2,80,000.00 (Excluding Contractor’s Profit)

Note: (1) Brand mentioned OR Good Quality of other Branded may also be provided;
(2) Samples and/or specifications of the Uniforms and Liveries need to be approved by
the Executive Engineer (I/c), of NITIE;
(3) Umbrella, Rain coat and Gumboot for those working at outdoor condition;
(4) Invoice for Uniforms and Liveries are to be submitted quarterly with quoted profit
for reimbursement by the awarded Contractor;
Annexure - F

List of Tools (Sr.No.8 of Annexure E)

Sr. No. Description Rate Quantity Amount

8 Tools -Yearly (For Technical Labourers only)
Adjustable Spanner (Taparia-1171) 375.00 2 750.00
Long Nose Plier (Taparia) 95.00 2 190.00
Mini Plier Set - 6 pieces (Visko) 399.00 1 399.00
Bent Nose Plier (Visko) 90.00 1 90.00
Cutting Plier (Taparia) 265.00 2 530.00
Cutting Plier (Visko) 165.00 2 330.00
Pincer (Visko) 120.00 2 240.00
Wire cutting Plier (Visko) 145.00 2 290.00
Mini Plier (Taparia) 110.00 2 220.00
Two-in-One Screw Driver (Visko) 90.00 2 180.00
Screw Driver Sets (Taparia) 320.00 1 320.00
Screw Driver Kits (Visko) 205.00 1 205.00
Tester (Taparia) 47.00 6 282.00
Taparia 1005 Universal Tool Kit (6 Pieces) 945.00 1 945.00
Pipe Wrench (Taparia) 290.00 2 580.00
Claw Hammer with Handle (Visko) 140.00 2 280.00
Club Hammer with Handle (Visko) 180.00 2 360.00
Electrician Hammer (Visko) 125.00 2 250.00
Taparia C-Clamp 349.00 1 349.00
Taparia Tubular Box Spanner 18 x 19 548.00 1 548.00
Double ended Spanner Sets (Visko) 341.00 1 341.00
Ring Spanner Sets (Visko) 220.00 1 220.00
Chisels Set (12 Pieces) 205.00 2 410.00
Punch (Visko) 125.00 2 250.00
Bolt Cutter (Visko) 90.00 2 180.00
Hacksaw Blades Set (JW) 245.00 2 490.00
Jon Bhandari Analog Spirit Level 297.00 2 594.00
Planet Power PD 450vr 470w, 10mm, 3000rpm Drill 1798.00 2 3596.00
Planet Power EC 4 Hammer Cutter 110mm 1867.00 2 3734.00
Glouse (Reusuable) 42.00 50 2100.00
Filtra Disposable Air Pollution Face Mask 4.00 500 2000.00
Garden Tools Sets - 3 Pieces 275.00 2 550.00
Garden Tools Kits (JW) - 5 Pieces 335.00 2 670.00
Rechargeable LED Torch (Eveready) 215.00 2 430.00
Sub Total (8) Tools 22903.00
Annexure – G
(Letter of Consent)
The Director
NITIE, Mumbai
Date: _______________

Tender Ref. No. ___________________

Name of Work: “Supply of Casual Labourers for various activities in NITIE


I/We understand the nature and quantum of work to be carried out. I/we have read
the various conditions to tender including general conditions and hereby agree to abide
by the said terms and conditions. I/We also agree to keep this Tender open for
acceptance for a period of 120 (One hundred and twenty) days from the date fixed for
opening the Part I and in case the tender is withdrawn within the validity period or the
contract if awarded is not accepted.

I/We understand that my/our “Earnest Money Deposit” submitted along with the
tender to Director, NITIE will be liable for forfeiture. The rate quoted is firm and
I/we will execute the work as per the rates quoted in the attached schedule and
hereby bind myself/ourselves to carry out the work during the entire contract period
as per the letter of acceptance of the tender/contract. I/We also hereby agree to
abide by the rules and regulations of the NITIE, general conditions of the contract as
amended from time to time and to carry out the work according to the conditions of
the contract laid down by NITIE.

A sum of Rs. _______ (Rupees ______________ only) is hereby forwarded as

Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of ”NITIE MUMBAI”
from a Nationalized/Scheduled bank. The full value of the Earnest Money shall stand
forfeited without prejudice to any other right to remedies if,

I/We do not execute the contract documents within 7 (seven) days after
getting information from NITIE OR I/We do not commence the work
within 15 (fifteen) days after getting information from NITIE.

Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall
constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually
agreed between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this

Signature of Tenderer(s) with Stamp, Address

Annexure - H


I/We ______________________________ (Designation) _____________

of (Name of the Company) ____________________ have read and

understood and hereby accept the above mentioned Terms & Conditions (with

all the Sub Para, Extensions, Annexure) for the work “Supply of Casual

Labourers for various activities in NITIE Campus”.

Date: Signature of Authorized Signatory

Place: Company Seal / Stamp
Annexure - I

(On Letter Head)


I/We hereby certify that:

Full manpower will be engaged for “Supply of Casual Labourers for

various activities in NITIE Campus”, sought under this contract on
shift basis as per given schedule OR as per instructions issued by
NITIE, Mumbai. I/we have made the site visit in order to evaluate
their level of services to be rendered and quoted accordingly.

I/We agree that the payment will not be made for the work not carried

I/We agree to pay minimum wages, EPF, ESIC, Bonus, and other
statutory payments on or before 7th day of every month. Substitute
workers will be made available as and when required. Supervisor will be
available during the period of Contract.

Uniforms and Liveries will be issued to all the workers within 15 days of
award of work and it will be replaced as and when required and initially
all the expenditure will be borne by me/us and submit the Invoice
quarterly to NITIE for reimbursement.

Contractor's Signature and seal
Annexure - J


I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents, drawings and

other records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and

shall not communicate information/derived there from to any person other than a

person to whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same OR use the

information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.

Name of the Organization : ________________

Place : ____________

Reporting year/Period : ___________________________

Signature __________________

Name ____________________
(Designation with rubber stamp)
Annexure – K


(Refer 19.3 of this document)

I ________________ Son/Daughter of __________________________ a resident

of _________________________________ hereby certify that none of my near
relative(s) as defined below is/are employed in NITIE, Mumbai. In case at any stage, it
is found that the information given by me is false/incorrect, NITIE, Mumbai shall have
absolute right to take any action as deemed fit without any prior information to me.

Definition: The near relatives of all employees working in NITIE, Mumbai; either directly
recruited OR on deputation are prohibited from participation in this tender. The near
relatives for this purpose are defined as:
(a) Members of a Hindu Undivided Family,
(b) They are husband and wife,
(c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s),
son's wife (daughter-in-law), daughter(s) & daughter's husband (son-in-
law), brother(s) & brother's wife, sister(s) & sister's husband (brother-

Signature of Bidder & Seal
With Name and Address

(In case of proprietorship firm the certificate is to be given by the proprietor, for
partnership firm by all partners and in case of limited company by all the directors of
Annexure – L
Annexure – L-1
Annexure – L-2
Annexure – L-3
Annexure – L-4

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