Numerology Pinnacles

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Numerological Pinnacle

“Pythagoras said that the soul comes to transcend and

transmute on a journey that is described in the date of birth and
that this establishes the degree of evolution that each soul

The first code that stores information about Who did you come to be? and
What is your life path? is: your date of birth , it is the cloistered area where we
understand that I came to do “I” to evolve all the learning with the links where
there is affection involved, and what are the life realizations that I will have to
go through to finish this learning successfully.

Being able to objectively and individually understand the processes that

you have been facing during your life path generally helps to give meaning and
perfect direction to the situations that arise on a daily basis. With this tool you
will be able to discover the lessons that you need to overcome in everything
related to your family of origin and the ties that you will create throughout
your life (partner, children, friends, etc.), the challenge will be to be able to
conquer what you It is contrary to the commands taught in the home where
you were born, that is, what leads you to build the uniqueness of your

Decipher what your date of birth means:

 Define the lessons you need to overcome in your home and the
environment where you grew up
 Clearly establish your capabilities and abilities and learn to enhance
 Recognize your weaknesses and obstacles to overcome in order to raise
awareness of them
 Define the path and life tests that you will face in order to successfully
navigate them.
 Discover which shadow hinders you the most from reaching your goals.
Starting from your date of birth, carry out the following scheme of
mathematical operations:
Operations: Write your birthday information in the following boxes:

HIDDEN NUMBERS: If in the negative numbers, there are 3 equal numbers,

they must be added together and must be converted to a digit, EXCEPT the
number 11 and 22 , this extra number is also known as SUPER-HIDDEN
NUMBER and will be placed next to the letter P.


TO. Karma Number: Month of your birth
The month in which we were born marks the numerological vibration of

B. Personal number: Day of birth

It is what defines the person, their essence, their true personality, it is the
driving force of their actions, those characteristics that only people who are
very close to them know.

c. Past life number: Year of birth

It tells us about our past life. “understand who we were, to improve who we

D. Personality number:

It is the part of the person that is visible to everyone, it is the first thing we
notice about someone and even when we do not know them deeply.

YO. Subconscious Number: Our sixth sense

The subconscious mind does not think, it does not reason, it does not
deliberate. Acts on instinct in response to basic emotions. IT IS THE

In our subconscious is what we know as the “sixth sense” , hunch, revelation

or intuition, which is what alerts us to danger and advises us where and how to
find success.

Knowing the number of our subconscious gives us a lot of information about it

because we end up doing certain things over and over again, when we
consciously say that we want to do others, in some way the subconscious
guides us without us realizing where we really have to go. our steps.

We also recognize this number at our pinnacle in people we admire or value,

since we hardly consider it to be part of our personality.

Calculation of the Subconscious number:

It is the result of the sum of the numbers of the second level of the pinnacle
plus the number of the third level, all converted to one digit except 11 and 22 .

J. Unconscious Number or Couple Number.

It is the “submerged” zone of our personality, of which we are not directly

aware, it is called the unconscious, it is where all the information is stored
since we are born, even those things that we do not remember or with which
we believe we have no relationship or affinity; The unconscious directs us in
some way to carry out activities or behaviors that we consciously deny or do
not give due importance to. It is the intuition that attracts us or distances us
from something or someone.

These traits or behaviors become present to us on a daily basis when we see

or detect them in other people, which makes us like to be with them, admire
them or recognize their way of being or acting as something superior or ideal.
According to our personal perception, what really happens is that since it is
something that we believe we do not possess or that is absent in our
personality, when we recognize it in another person it attracts us and dazzles

The Number of the Unconscious within the pinnacle is where we can discover
what characteristics our ideal partner will have, the one who completes us,
who will be our best friends and what will be our greatest challenges or
dreams of fulfillment, etc.

Not necessarily that they were born with that personal number, but rather,
they are people who possess many of the characteristics of that vibration.

Calculation of the Unconscious or Couple Number:

It is the result of the sum of the personality number + the destiny number, just
as in the other sums all are converted to one digit except 11 and 22 .

Example: Person born on July 16, 1968

Personality number = 1+ 6 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 38
Decrease to one digit = 3 + 8 = 11
Destiny Number = (Month of birth + Year of birth)
Month July / Year 1968 = 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 31 = 4
Sum Personality Number + Destiny Number = 11 + 4 = 15
Number of the Unconscious or the Couple = 6

H. Destiny number:

Each and every individual was born with a specific purpose, the number of
destiny shows us what will be the result of our work and/or learning
throughout our lives.

Negative numbers: K, L, M, NYO

The negative vibrations that result from our date of birth tell us about our
weaknesses, vulnerabilities, weaknesses and obstacles that we will have to
overcome throughout our lives to finally be able to realize all the positive
vibration of our numbers.
Negative numbers are the great anchors or self-sabotage that do not allow us
to achieve our goals and realize our dreams.

The negative numbers within the Pinnacle will be the energies that we will have
to raise awareness and learn to control in order to realize our happiness.

Hidden Numbers: Q, RYS (LOWER BEING)

Hidden numbers express issues to be resolved, which are very hidden in our
personality, generally it is the face that we hide from others, of which we are
ashamed in a certain way or that we consider detracts from our value to

They are those actions, behaviors or attitudes that come to light, at times of
great tension or instability and that can get out of our hands in conflict

We all have secret places of shame, childish beliefs about our “badness,” real,
adult guilt about our sins, evil thoughts, revenge fantasies.
The negative idea when directed, thought about and strategically used to
obtain what we want on our terms is defined through the vibrations of our
Lower Being.

The Inferior Self is a defense against the deep pains of childhood, vulnerability
and the sense of victimhood. We often want to ignore or justify our negativity,
but a crucial point in spiritual sanction is to recognize our Lower Self, accepting
darkness as ours. By giving up pride, reason and humility open up.
Unhappiness is healed at its source. Belief moves us to turn our backs on evil
and flee from its manifestations. By denying the evil in us, we allow it to grow.
We must face it and bring it to the light of conscience. By rejecting evil, we
reject the creative life energy within it, which can be transformed at our
disposal by becoming aware of it.

Shadow Number: P The super hidden number represents the unrecognized

ailment or wound of our personality, it can be expressed in multiple ways. For
example, it can show itself in a complete absence of the qualities of this energy
or in exaggerated or overflowing actions of it, and often indicates the darkest
characteristic of the numerical vibration in this position. Mostly it is directly
related to an obstacle that we will have to face and heal in our life, being able
to know the nature of this ailment will give us tools and the ability to overcome
our wound and free ourselves from that chain.

Every time we say “I am this.” Due to the dual world in which we move, we are
affirming “I am not that” and all these denials accumulate in an area, which
Jung and his followers call “shadow.” Now, just because something is in the
shadow of our pinnacle does not mean that it disappears, it simply exists, but
hidden. This is the basis for which our personality undergoes sudden character
changes and a personality appears unknown both to our close ones and even
to ourselves.

The Super Hidden number within the pinnacle is where we can discover what
is the greatest anchor that prevents the development of our strengths fully
and happily. And discover what triggers our most vulnerable moods.
Super Hidden Numbers: o Triplicity

The super hidden numbers express issues that hurt us, violate us or devalue
us. These vibrations are very hidden in our personality and many times they
will also be hidden from our sight and conscience, so they will generally
represent the greatest of our anchors. or chains to resolve.

It is the result of the sum of 3 equal negative numbers, therefore, if any of the
negative numbers in our pinnacle appear 3 times, it indicates that it is one of
the strongest energies to overcome, this vibration will have to be added to the
number The result of this operation is called the super hidden number.

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