Hydrostatic Test On Steel Pipes
Hydrostatic Test On Steel Pipes
Hydrostatic Test On Steel Pipes
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Hydrostatic Test Operator..............................................................................................3
Security Supervisor........................................................................................................3
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1. AIM
Describe the procedure and considerations that must be taken into account during
the performance of the Hydrostatic Tests to which the manufactured pipe and spool
systems will be subjected.
This procedure applies to all personnel who will be involved in hydrostatic testing of
piping systems made of carbon steel material of any diameter.
Quality control supervisor
▪ Responsible for enforcing what is established in this procedure.
▪ Guarantee compliance with the quality requirements, codes and reference
standards applicable in this procedure.
▪ Carry out the quality inspections established in the Inspection Point Plan
and in this procedure.
▪ It will generate all the protocols and/or records established in each activity
in order to validate the work that is carried out.
Security Supervisor
▪ Identify potential dangers in the stages of work in order to execute the activities
with the necessary measures to prevent the risks they may cause.
▪ Inspect that collaborators have their personal protective equipment, as well as
other needs to carry out the work safely.
The quality supervisor must have a Level II certification in visual welding inspection,
according to the ASNT Recommended Practice RP-SNT-TC-1 A of the American
Society for Non Destructive Testing (ASNT).
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▪ PH: Hydrostatic Test
▪ Pressure: Force exerted by a gas, liquid or solid
▪ Rod: Duct made up of two or more welded tubes.
▪ Spool: Set of pipes and accessories (elbow, tee, flanges) joined by welding
or flanges and that form part of a piping system, Scraper traps or pipelines for
transporting hydrocarbon or some other fluid.
▪ Welded Joint: refers to the weld bead made as a result of a welding
process, in which two materials with similar or different characteristics intervene.
▪ Hydrostatic test head: Element used to make connections to high
pressure, measurement and fluid feeding equipment.
▪ Hydrostatic test shaft: Threaded elements used to make connections to
high pressure, measurement and fluid feeding equipment
To carry out the hydrostatic tests of rods and spools, the manufacturing and/or
modification process must have been completed and the welded joints must
have been inspected by NDT (if required), which must have been approved by
the applicable code, having released the Rod or Spool.
All piping systems shall be cleaned prior to testing by passing water or
pressurized air to remove dirt, burrs, or loose foreign matter. All control valves
will be removed during flushing.
It must be ensured that the pipes are completely clean inside before starting the
Hydrostatic Test.
Field paint or insulation shall not be applied to flanged joints, threaded
connections, untested welds, and weep holes until the system has been
successfully tested.
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All welded, threaded or flanged joints shall be uncovered and exposed for inspection.
During the Hydrostatic Test in piping systems it must be verified that the installed valves
must be fully open and must be above the test pressure.
For the installation of threaded accessories, only Teflon tape should be used, in no case
use any other material.
Any equipment or section of pipe that should not be subjected to the test must be
disconnected and replaced with a piece of pipe (Reel), or be isolated from the pressurized
zone by means of a valve or blind flange.
All systems being tested hydrostatically shall be purged of air using high point vents prior to
applying test pressure. Pipe installed with springs or counterweights shall be temporarily
supported at points where the weight of the test fluid could overload the supports.
Keep in mind that lines open to the atmosphere, such as vents, safety valves and drains,
after the last shut-off valve, do not need to be subjected to leak tests. Gaskets will be
visually inspected for proper installation.
The final weld connecting piping systems or components which have been successfully
tested will not need to be hydrostatically tested since the weld is examined during
fabrication in accordance with and passes 100% radiographic examinations or tests. 100%
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of the Rod and/or Spool will begin to rise without causing vibrations, through the use
of a high pressure pump. , the internal pressure will be increased in stages, first to
30% of the test pressure waiting for about 2 minutes for stabilization, then the
pressure will be raised to 70% of the test pressure waiting again for 2 minutes for
stabilization and finally increasing the pressure until reaching the test pressure. The
pumping speed must be regulated to minimize pressure variations.
▪ Once the test pressure has been reached (225PSI), 20 minutes will be allowed for
pressure stabilization. After 20 minutes of parameter stabilization, pressure
recording will begin for a period of 2 hours.
▪ Pressure and temperature data will be recorded at 15-minute intervals throughout
the test, until the end of the test in the Hydrostatic Test log GCOP.FO.007.
▪ No worker should be in the line of fire of the test when the section is being
▪ The existence of leaks or water losses will be visually verified. Once it is confirmed
that they do not exist and the time defined in the procedure has elapsed, the test is
considered accepted.
▪ In case of failure or loss during the test, a failure report will be made as indicated.
▪ Once the loss is detected, the water will be evacuated from the Varillón to proceed
with its repair and subsequently carry out a new hydrostatic test.
▪ In the event of a loss of pressure, the point of failure or water leak will be located
(accessory base material, welded joint or flanged joint). Once the point of failure or
water leak has been located, the water will be depressurized and evacuated. section
to proceed with its repair. After the repair, the process will be repeated from item
▪ Once the testing time has concluded, the record of hydrostatic tests will be validated
with the signatures of those responsible for the execution.
▪ After obtaining satisfactory results in the hydrostatic test and when all the data
obtained has been duly recorded and documented, the drainage valves will be
opened to eliminate the water from the Varillón, taking the safety measures required
for this task, considering it advisable to lower the pressure in a stepwise manner (if
possible in the same way as the pressure was increased).
▪ If the topographic conditions allow emptying by gravity, you may choose to start
emptying in this way. In all cases, the water will drain through a pipe that, leaving
the purge valve, will go down to ground level, exiting horizontally until its final
Leaks will not be allowed in any part of the pipe, so it will be checked that the tested
section is completely dry, which must be checked by the authorized inspector.
The Hydrostatic Test is satisfactory if it is leak-free at the Hydrostatic test pressure and if
the pressure does not drop to more than 5 PSI, within the established test period. If the
test pressure exceeds 5PSI in a period of 1 (one) hour, and this pressure loss cannot be
attributed to temperature variations due to any external agent, it is evident that a leak
exists, therefore the tested pipe will be rejected. . It is not necessary to monitor the
temperature during the test, since it is carried out at all times at room temperature.
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blast waves or other consequences that may occur due to a system failure. pressurized.
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2 High pressures (> 225
PSI)/ Shocks
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• Pre-use inspection of the accessories to be
used, if they are not appropriate, change
them immediately.
The results of the examinations carried out will be recorded in the format called
GCOP.FO.007 Pipe tightness test.
A hydrostatic test folder will be presented for each circuit, which includes test
isometrics, Welding Book, Welding Map and P&ID diagram which must indicate the
individuality of each circuit, through the placement of flanges or blind plates.
▪ Annex N°1:GCOP.FO.007 Pipe tightness test.
▪ Annex N°2:GCOP.FO.005 Welded Joints - Welding book.
▪ Annex N°3:GCOP.FO.038 Welding Map.
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Annex N°1:GCOP.FO.007 Pipe tightness test.
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Annex N°2:GCOP.FO.005 Welded Joints - Welding book.
(*)END: Non-Destructive Tests: RX (Industrial Radiography), UT: Ultrasound Test, IV: Visual Inspection, LP: Penetrating Liquid
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Annex N°3:GCOP.FO.038 Welding
Map. GCOP.FO.038