389 - 1st Semester Syllabus

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Scheme of Teaching and Examination for

1st Semester of 3 Years Diploma in Engineering (All Branches except Non Tech

Duration of Semester : 14 Weeks

Student Contact Hours : 36 Hrs
Total Marks : 800
Effective from : 2017 -18 Session

Teaching Examination Scheme

Sl. Name of Subject Subject Subject Scheme
No. Code Hours Full Final Exam / Internal Pass Pass Marks
L T P of Marks of committee marks Assessment Marks in Subjects
Exam Subject Final / Ext.
1. Communication Skill – I 101 Theory 3 - - 3 100 80 20 26 40
2. Engineering Math – I 102 Theory 3 1 - 3 100 80 20 26 40
3. Engineering Physics - I 103 Theory 3 - - 3 100 80 20 26 40
4. Engineering Chemistry – I 104 Theory 3 - - 3 100 80 20 26 40
5. Engineering Graphics – I Th 105 Theory 2 - - 4 50 40 10 13 20
6. Fundamental of Computer 106 Theory 2 - - 3 50 40 10 13 20
7. Engineering Physics Lab – I 107 Practical - - 2 4 50 40 10 13 20
8. Engineering Chemistry Lab- I 108 Practical - - 2 4 50 40 10 13 20
9 Engineering Graphics – I SS 109 Sessional - - 4 - 50 30 20 - 25
10 Communication Skill I 110 Sessional - - 2 - 50 30 20 - 25
11. Fundamental of Computer - I 111 Sessional - - 2 - 50 30 20 - 25
12. Workshop - I 112 Sessional - - 4 - 50 30 20 - 25
Total Hours of Teaching per week : 16 1 16

Total Marks : Theory : Practical : Sessional :

L : Lecture, T : Tutorial P : Practical
Note: 1. Period of Class hours should be of 1 hrs duration as per AICTE norms.
2. Remaining Hrs every week has been marked for students Library and Student Centered Activities.
3. Drawing / Graphics / Practical / Sessional examinations will be held at parent institution.
4. Board will depute examiner for Practical examination.
5. Regarding sessional examination the parent institution will form a three member committee and this committee will examine the sessional
records and hold viva of the examinee for 60 % marks allotted to the subject. Marks for remaining 40 % will be provided by the Faculty
concerned on the basis of evaluation of each job / work throughout the semester.
Course Name : 03 Years Diploma in Engineering

Semester : First

Subject Title : Communication skills-I

Subject Code : 101

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

L T P Full Marks. External Internal External Total Pass Duration of
Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks External
TH Marks Marks Exams
03 1 100 80 20 26 40 3 Hrs


Internal marks will be allotted on the basis of two snap tests and 2 assignment of equal marks to
be conducted by the faculty teaching the subject.
The comprehensive knowledge of communication and communication skill is
essential for role of technicians in industry. Diploma pass outs are key persons between
workforce and management and they need to be most effective in communication skills. The
communication often includes grammar of the language in practice which is these days English. The
inhouse practice before the faculty as part of scheme will develop the abilities in students a practical
aspect of effective communication. Further exercises have been included for improving oral
communication. Practical exposure gives a comprehensive communication skill effectiveness.


1. Comprehend the given passage

2. Answer correctly the questions on seen and unseen passages

3. Increase the vocabulary

4. Apply rules of grammar for correct writing


Name of Topic Hours Marks

PART : 1 TEXT 10 18
 Comprehension- Responding to
Questions from text (Spectrum)
 Vocabulary-Understanding meaning of
new word from text.
 Identifying part of Speech from text.
PART-II : Application of Grammar 10 18
 Verbs
 Tense
 Do as directed (active/passive,
ive, question tag, remove too, use of
article, preposition, conjunction,
 Correct the errors from the sentences.

PART-III : Paragraph Writing 04 8

 Types of Paragraph (Narrative,
Descriptive, Technical)
 Unseen passage for Comprehension.

PART-IV : Vocabulary Building. 06 12

 Synonyms
 Antonyms
 Homophones
 Use of Contextual word in a given

PART-V : Soft Skill Development 08 16

 Speaking Skill
 Introduction to Group Discussion
 Process of Group Discussion
 Leadership skill
 Instant public speaking

PART-VI Etiquettes &Body Language 4 8

 Telephone etiquettes listening/speaking
 Problems of telephonic Conversation
 Verbal/ oral etiquettes
 Physical appearance
 Eye Contact/Body Language
 Group Discussion

Total 42 80
List of Assignment :

1. Building of Vocabulary
25 words from the glossary given at the end of each chapter, to be used to
make sentences.
2. Applied Grammar
Identify the various parts of speech and insert correct parts of speech in the
sentences given by the teachers.
3. Punctuation
Punctuation 20 sentences given by the teachers.
4. Tenses
List 12 tenses and give two examples for each tense.
5. Dialogue Writing
Write at least two dialogues on different situations. (Conversation between
two friends, conversation between two politicians etc.)
6. Identifying the Error
Identify the error in the sentences given by the teachers. (20 Sentences)
7. Idioms and Phrases
Use of Idioms and Phrases in sentences. (20 Examples)
8. Biography
Write a short biography on your favorite role model approximately. (250-
300 words with pictures)


01. Student should perform role-plays on the situations given by the teachers.
(04 Hours)
02. (e.g. V. Sasikumar & Dhamija 2nd edition (04 Hrs) or Linuga Phon L-21
Multimedia (Desirable)

Learning Resources :
Reference Books :

Sl. No. Title Author Publisher

Spectrum-A Text Book on
01. -------- SBTE, Maharastra
Contemporary English
02. Grammar structures and David Green Macmillan
English for practical
03. Z.N. Patil et el Macmillan
English Grammar and
04. R.C.Jain Macmillan
05 Grammer & Composition Nesfield
06 Technical English Longman
English Workplace Editor-
07 Macmillan
Mukti Sanyal
08 Thesaurus Rodgers Macmillan
09 Dictionary Oxford Oxford University
10 Dictionary Longman Oriental Longman

Web Sites for Reference :

Serial No. Website Address

01 www. edufind.com
02 www.english_the _the_easy_eay.com
03 www.englishclub.com
04 www.english_grammar_lessons.com
05 www.wikipedia.org/wiki/english_grammar
Course Name : 03 Years Diploma in Engineering

Semester : First

Subject Title : Engineering Mathematics-1

Subject Code : 102

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

L T P Full Marks. External Internal External Total Pass Duration of
Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks External
Marks Marks Exams
03 01 100 80 20 26 40 3 Hrs


Internal marks will be allotted on the basis of two snap tests and 2 assignment of equal marks to
be conducted by the faculty teaching the subject.


Mathematics provides foundation for all engineering subjects. Deep thought is given
while selecting topics of this subject known as “Engineering Mathematics” which intends to
teach students basic facts, concepts and principles of mathematics as a tool to analyze
engineering problems. It lays down the foundation for understanding core engineering and
technology subjects.


This subject helps the students to develop logical thinking, which is useful in
comprehending the principles of all other subjects. Analytical and systematic approach towards
any problem is developed through learning of this subject. Mathematics being a versatile
subject can be used as a tool at every stage of human life.

Sub Objective:
This subject is divided into four units 1) Algebra, 2) Trigonometry, 3) Coordinate Geometry and
4) Vector. Upon completion of these Units the student shall be able to:

1.1 Use Logarithms in engineering calculations

1.2 Resolve Rational Fraction into sum of Partial Fractions in engineering problems
1.3 Use Matrices for solving engineering problems
1.4 Understand the concept of Binomial Expansion and use of Permutation & Combination

2.1 Solve simple problems on Compound Angles

2.2 Solve problems using the formulae for Multiple and Sub- multiple Angles
2.3 Apply Transformations for solving the problems in Trigonometry
2.4 Use Inverse Trigonometric Functions for solving engineering problems
2.5 Understand Properties of triangles

3.1 Appreciate the concept of position of any point in a plane or in space

3.2 Distance between two points and its application in solving engineering problems
3.3 Solve the problems on straight line
3.4 Solve the problems on Circles

4.1 Appreciate the concept of a new type of physical quantity called Vector
4.2 Algebra of Vectors
4.3 Solve engineering problems like work done, moment of force about a point as well as about a line.


no urs rks
1 1.1 Prerequisites Revision of 01 01
▪ Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Progressions,
▪ Formula of nth term and sum to n-terms of A.P. and G.P.
▪ Expression of ∑n , ∑n2 and ∑ n3.
▪ Quadratic equations with real coefficients and relation
between their roots & coefficient
1.2 Logarithms: 03 04
▪ Definition of logarithm (Natural and Common logarithm.)
▪ Laws of logarithm
▪ Examples based on 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
▪ Definition of Polynomial Fraction Proper & Improper Fractions and
definition of Partial fractions.
▪ To Resolve proper fraction into partial fraction with denominator
containing non repeated linear factors, repeated linear factors
and irreducible non repeated quadratic factors.
▪ To resolve improper fraction into partial fraction.
Determinant ---------------------------- 4 Marks
▪ Definition and expansion of determinants of order 2 and 3.
▪ Cramer’s rule to solve simultaneous equations for 2 and 3
Matrices--------------------------------- 12Marks
▪ Definition of a matrix of order m X n and types of Matrices with
▪ Algebra of matrices such as equality, addition, subtraction, scalar
multiplication and multiplication of two matrices.
▪ Transpose of a matrix.
▪ Minor, Cofactor of an element of a matrix, adjoint of matrix and
Inverse of matrix by Adjoint method.
▪ Solution of simultaneous equations containing 2 and 3 unknowns
by matrix inversion method.
▪ Idea of Rank of Matrix and their calculation
▪ Definition of factorial notation, definition of permutation and
combinations with formula (without proof).
▪ Derivation of simple identities and solution based on it
▪ Binomial theorem for positive index. 02 04
▪ General term, Middle term, independent term and
coefficient of xn
▪ Binomial theorem for negative index (only idea).
▪ Approximate value (only formula)
2.1 REVISION 01 01
▪ Measurement of an angle (degree and radian). Relation
between degree and radian.
▪ Trigonometrical ratios of 00 , 300 , 450 , 600, 900, 900±θ, 1800±θ and
▪ Fundamental identities.


Questions based on numerical computations.

2.3 Transformation formula of Product into sums or difference and vice 03 06

versa, simple problems based on it
▪ Definition of inverse trigonometric, ratios, Principal values of
inverse trigonometric ratios.

▪ Relation between inverse trigonometric ratios.


Sine, Cosine, Projection and tangent rules (without proof). Simple 02 04
▪ Distance formula, Section formula, midpoint, centroid of
triangle. 2 04
▪ Area of triangle and condition of collinearity.
▪ Slope and intercept of straight line.
▪ Equation of straight line in slope point form, slope-intercept form,
two-point form, two-intercept form, normal form. General
equation of line
▪ Angle between two straight lines condition of parallel and 05 10
perpendicular lines.
▪ Intersection of two lines.
▪ Length of perpendicular from a point on the line and
perpendicular distance between parallel lines.
▪ Equation of circle in standard form, centre – radius formula
and diameter formula. 02 04
▪ General equation of circle, its centre and radius, simple problem
4 VECTORS 03 06
▪ Definition of vector, position vector, Algebra of vectors (Equality,
addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication)
▪ Dot (Scalar) product with properties.
▪ Vector (Cross) product with properties.

4.4 Applications
4.4.1 Work done and moment of force/s about a point & line 02
TOTAL: 42 80

Title Authors Publications

Mathematics: A Textbook for Class

1 National Council of Educational Research and Training
XI Part I &II

Mathematics: A Textbook for Class

2 National Council of Educational Research and Training
XII Part I &II

Mathematics for Class XI Volume I

3 R. D. Sharma Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Delhi.
and II

Mathematics for Class XII Volume I

4 R. D. Sharma Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Delhi.
and II

5 Co ordinate Geometry S. L. Loney S. Chand Publication

6 Trigonometry S. L. Loney S. Chand Publication
H. S. Hall & Metric edition, Book Palace, New
7 Higher Algebra
S. R. Knight Delhi
Higher Sr. Secondary School
8 R.S. Agrawal Bharti Bhawan, Patna
Mathematics for XI & XII

9 Vector Algebra L Prasad Bharti Bhawan, Patna

In board examination, question setter may be advised to select 20% questions of objective, 30%
of short type and remaining 50% of long type based on basic concepts, formula and calculations
Course Name : 03 Years Diploma in Engineering
Semester : First
Subject Title : Engineering Physics-I
Subject Code : 103/ 107
Teaching and Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme Examination
L T P Full External InternalScheme
External Total Pass Duration
Marks. Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks of
Marks Marks External
03 1 100 80 20 26 40 3 Hrs
Practical 2 50 40 10 13 20 4 Hrs
Internal marks will be allotted on the basis of two snap tests and 2 assignment of
equal marks to be conducted by the faculty teaching the subject.

Basic science forms the foundation of Engineering. In particular Physics provides
fundamental facts, principles, l aws, and proper sequence of events to streamline Engineering

Student will be able to:
• Measure given dimensions by using appropriate instruments accurately.
• Select proper measuring instrument on the basis of range, least count & precision required
for measurement.
 Differentiate kinetic and kinematics and solve the problems on kinematics and kinetics.
 Use principles of illumination for enhancing work efficiency.
 Analyze variation of sound intensity with respect to distance.
 Identify different factors affecting acoustical planning of buildings.

• Select proper material for intended purpose by studying properties of materials.

• Identify good & bad conductors of heat.
• Identify, analyze, discriminate and interpret logical sequence of field problems with
the study of physics.


1.1 Need of measurement and unit in engineering and
science, definition of unit , requirements of standard
unit, systems of units-CGS,MKS and SI,
fundamental and derived quantities and their units
1.2 Definition of dimensions with examples, principle of
1. homogeneity of dimensions, limitations of dimensions. 04 06
1.3 Definition of accuracy, precision and error,
estimation of errors – absolute error, relative error
and percentage error, rules and identification of
significant figures.
(Numericals on percentage error and significant figures)
2.1 Motion along a straight line and Force
Concept of scalar and vector quantities, Equations of motion
with constant acceleration (derivation not required),
Equations of motion of falling body under gravity, Newton’s
laws of motion, Force, inertia, Action and reaction, tension, , 04 10
momentum, impulse and impulsive force with practical
examples (basic Idea), Conservation of linear momentum,

(Simple problems on linear motion)

2.2Angular Motion
Definition of angular displacement, angular velocity and
angular acceleration, relation between linear velocity and
angular velocity, definition of simple harmonic motion (SHM), 05 08
SHM as a projection of uniform circular motion on any
diameter, equation of SHM, derivation of displacement,
velocity and acceleration of a body executing SHM.
Newton’s laws of gravitation,Newton’s gravitational constant
(G) and its SI unit, Acceleration due to gravity (g) and its
relation with “G”,Variation of g with altitude and 03 06
latitude(deduction not required)
(Simple problems)


Definition of work, energy and power, equations for P.E.
& K.E., Work-Energy principle, Representation of work by
02 06
using graph, work done by a torque (no derivation)
(Numericals on work, potential and kinetic energy)
5.1 Elasticity
Deforming force, restoring force, elastic and plastic body,
stress and strain with their types. elastic limit, Hooke’s law,
Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity and 04 08
relation between them (no derivation).
(Numerical on stress, strain and Young’s modulus)

5.2 Surface Tension.

Molecular force, cohesive and adhesive force, Molecular
range , sphere of influence, Laplace’s molecular theory,
Definition of surface tension and its S.I. unit, angle of contact,
capillary action with examples, shape of meniscus for water
04 08
and mercury, relation between surface tension , capillary rise
and radius of capillary ( no derivation),effect of impurity and
temperature on surface tension
(Numerical on relation between surface tension,
capillary rise and radius)
5.3 Viscosity
Definition of viscosity, viscous force, velocity gradient,
Newton’s law of viscosity, coefficient of viscosity and its S.I.
unit, streamline and turbulent flow with examples, critical
velocity, Reynolds’s number and its significance, derivation
of viscous force for free fall of spherical body through viscous 04 08
medium, upthrust, terminal velocity, Stoke’s law (statement
and formula).
(Numerical on coefficient of viscosity, Reynolds
number and Stoke’s formula)
Transmission of heat and expansion of solids:
Three modes of transmission of heat -conduction, convection
and radiation, good and bad conductor of heat with
examples, law of thermal conductivity, coefficient of
thermal conductivity and its S.I. unit, Definition of linear, 04 08
aerial and cubical expansion and relation between them. (no
(Numericals on law of thermal conductivity, and coefficients
of expansions)
7.1 Sound
Definition of wave motion, amplitude, period, frequency,
and wavelength, relation between velocity, frequency and
wavelength , longitudinal and transverse wave, definition of 04 06
stationary wave , node and antinode, forced and free
vibrations, definition of resonance with examples, derivation
of formula for velocity of sound with end correction.
(Numericals on relation v = nλ and
7.2 Acoustics of Building
Acoustics-concept and definition, Intensity and loudness of
sound, echo, Reverberation standard reverberation time,
Sabine’s formula, Conditions for good acoustics, Factors
affecting Acoustical planning of auditorium. 04 06

(Numericals on Sabine’s formula)

TOTAL 42 80


Skills to be developed

1) Intellectual skills-
Proper selection of measuring instruments on the basis of range, least count,
precision and accuracy required for measurement.
Analyze properties of matter & their use for the selection of material.
To verify the principles, laws, using given instruments under different conditions.
To read and interpret the graph.
To interpret the results from observations and calculations.
To use these results for parallel problems.

2) Motor skills-
Proper handling of instruments.
Measuring physical quantities accurately.
To observe the phenomenon and to list the observations in proper tabular form.
To adopt proper procedure while performing the experiment.
To plot the graphs.

List of Experiments:
1. To know your Physics Laboratory.
2. To use Vernier Callipers for the measurement of dimensions of given object.
3. To use Micrometer Screw Gauge for the measurement of dimensions (Length,
Thickness, Diameter) of given object.
4. To use spherometer for the measurement of thickness of a given glass piece.
5. To calculate Young's modulus of elasticity of steel wire by Vernier method
6. To study capillary phenomenon and to verify that the height of liquid in capillary is
inversely proportional to the radius of capillary
7. To determine coefficient of viscosity of given liquid using Stoke's Method
8. To calculate the Linear Thermal coefficient of expansion for copper by using Pullinger's
9. To determine refractive index of a glass using glass slab by pin method. (sin i/sin r=μ).
10. To determine the velocity of sound by using resonance tube.
Reference Books:

Name of book Author Publisher & Address
Tata McGraw- Hill raw- Hill
1. Physics-I V. Rajendran
publication, New Delhi
Tata McGraw- Hill raw- Hill
2. Applied physics Arthur Beiser
Publication, New Delhi
Dhanpat Rai Publication,
3. Engineering Physics by R.K.Gaur and S.L.Gupta
New Delhi.
Fundamentals of Resnick ,Halliday & Walker
4. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

5. Core Physics-I A. Kumar Bharti Bhavan

6. Pradeep Publication
Fundamental K.L. Gomber & K.L Gogia

S. Chand’s Principles of
7. V.K Mehta & Rohit Mehta S. Chand Publication

Dinesh New
8. S. K Sharma Dinesh Publication
Millennium Physics-XI
Course Name : 03 Years Diploma in Engineering
Semester : First
Subject Title : Engineering Chemistry-I
Subject Code : 104 / 108
Teaching and Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme Examination
L T P Full External InternalScheme
External Total Pass Duration
Marks. Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks of
Marks Marks External
03 100 80 20 26 40 3 Hrs
Practical 2 50 40 10 13 20 4 Hrs
Internal marks will be allotted on the basis of two snap tests and 2 assignment of equal
marks to be conducted by the faculty teaching the subject.
Chemistry is a basic science subject which is essential to all engineering courses. It gives
knowledge of engineering materials, their properties, related applications & selection of materials
for engineering applications.
Due to technological progress there are hazardous effects on environment & human life.
The core knowledge of environmental effects will bring awareness in students about the
precautions & preventions to be taken to reduce the ill effects.
This subject will generate curiosity of carrying out further development in engineering

OBJECTIVES: The student will be able to:

1. Draw the orbital configuration of different elements.

2. Represent the formation of molecules schematically.
3. Describe the mechanism of electrolysis.
4. Identify the properties of metals & alloys related to engineering applications.
5. Identify the properties of non metallic materials, related to engineering applications.
6. Compare the effects of pollutants on environments & to suggest preventive measures &
Content: Theory

Name of the Topic Hours Marks
Atomic Structure
Definition of Atom, Fundamental Particles of Atom – their
Mass, Charge, Location, Definition of Atomic no, Atomic
Mass no., Isotopes & Isobars, & their distinction with suitable
examples, Bohr’s Theory, Definition, Shape of the orbitals &
distinction between Orbits & Orbitals, Hund’s Rule, Aufbau’s
01 06 12
Principle (till Atomic no. 30), Definition & types of valency
(Electrovalency & Covalency), Octet Rule, Duplet Rule,
Formation of Electrovalent & Covalent Compounds e.g.
Nacl, CaCl2, MgO, AlCl3, CO2, H2O, Cl2, NH3, C2H4,
N2, C2H2. Distinction between electrovalent
& covalent compounds.
Electrolytic dissociation, Arrhenius Theory of Ionisation,
Degree of Ionisation & factors affecting degree of ionization.
Significance of the terms involved in Electrolysis- Such as
Conductors, Insulators , Dielectrics, Electrolyte, Non
Electrolyte, Electrolysis, Electrolytic Cell, Electrodes.
Mechanism of Electrolysis. Concept of electrode potential
such as reduction potential & oxidation potential.
Electrochemical Series, Electrolysis of CuSO4 Solution by
02 using Cu Electrode & Platinum Electrode, Electrolysis of 08 16
NaCl solution & fused NaCl by using carbon electrode,
Faraday’s first & second law of Electrolysis & Numericals,
Electrochemical Cells & Batteries, Definition, types such as
Primary & Secondary Cells & their examples. Construction,
Working & Applications of Dry Cell & Lead – Acid Storage
Cell, Applications of Electrolysis such as Electroplating &
Electro refining, Electrometallurgy & Electrotyping

Metals & Alloys

3.1 Metals (Marks:10)
Occurrence of Metals, Definition of Metallurgy, Mineral, Ore,
Gangue, Flux & Slag, Mechanical Properties of metals such as
Hardness, Toughness, Ductility, Malleability, Tensile strength,
Machinability, Weldability, Forging, Soldering, Castability.
Stages of Extraction of Metals from its Ores in detail i.e.
Crushing, Concentration, Reduction, Refining. Physical
03 Properties & Applications of some commonly used metals 10 18
such as Fe, Cu, Al, Cr, Ni, Sn, Pb, Zn, Co, Ag, W.
3.2 Alloys (Marks: 08)
Definition of Alloy, Purposes of Making alloy. Preparation
Methods, Classification of Alloys such as Ferrous & Non
Ferrous & their examples. Composition, Properties &
Applications of Alnico, Duralumin, Dutch Metal, German
Silver / Nickel Silver, Gun Metal, Monel metal, Wood’s Metal,
Babbit metal.
Non Metallic Materials
4.1 Plastics (Marks: 04)
Definition of Plastic, Formation of Plastic by Addition &
Condensation Polymerisation by giving e.g. of Polyethylene &
Backelite plastic Respectively, Types of Plastic,
Thermosoftening & Thermosetting Plastic, with Definition,
Distinction & Compounding of Plastics – Resins, Fillers,
Plasticizers, Acceleraters, Pigments & their examples,
Engineering Applications of Plastic based on their properties.
4.2 Rubber (Marks: 04)
04 06 12
Natural Rubber: Its Processing, Drawbacks of Natural Rubber,
Vulcanisation of Rubber with Chemical Reaction.
Synthetic Rubber: Definition, Distinction Between natural &
synthetic rubber. Properties of rubber such as elasticity,
abrasion resistant, stress & strain and related engg.
4.3 Thermal Insulating Materials (Marks: 04)
Definition ,& types. Characteristics of insulators. Thermal
insulators. Properties & Applications o f glasswool, Asbestos,
Environmental Effects (Awareness Level)
5.1 Pollution & Air pollution (Marks 10)
Definition of pollution & pollutant, Causes of Pollution,
Types of Pollution - Air & Water Pollution.
Air Pollution
Definition, Types of Air pollutants their Sources & Effects,
Such as Gases, Particulates, , Radio Active Gases, Control of
Air Pollution, Air Pollution due to Internal Combustion Engine
& Its Control Methods, Deforestation their effects & control
05 12 22
measures. Causes , Effects & control measures of Ozone
Depletion & Green House Effects.
5.2 Water Pollution & Wastes (Marks 12)
Definition, Causes & Methods of Preventing Water Pollution,
Types of Waste such as Domestic Waste, Industrial Waste,
their Physical & Biological Characteristics, Concept &
significance of BOD, COD, Biomedical Waste & E – Waste,
their Origin, Effects & Control Measures.
Preventive Environmental Management (PEM) Activities.
Total 42 80


Intellectual Skills: 1. Analyse given solution

2. Interpret the results

Motor Skills : 1. Observe Chemical Reactions

2. Measure the quantities Accurately
3. Handle the apparatus carefully
List of Experiments:

01 – 07 Qualitative Analysis of four salts , Containing One Basic & One Acidic
Radical Listed below
Basic Radicals:
+2 +2 +3 +2 +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 + +
Pb , Cu , Al , Fe , Fe , Cr , Zn , Ni , Ca , Ba , Mg , K , NH4 .

Acidic Radicals:

Cl–, Br–, I–, CO3–2, SO4–2, NO3–.

05 To Determine E.C.E. of Cu by Using CuSO4 Solution & Copper Electrode

06 To standardize KMnO4 using Sodium oxalate.

07 To determine percentage of Fe in the given mohr’s salt.

08 To Prepare a chart to showing application of metals like Fe, Cu, Al, Cr, Ni, Sn, Pb, Co.

09 To determine Carbon Monooxide, CO 2 content emission from petrol vehicle

10 To Determine Dissolved Oxygen in a Water Sample.

Learning Resources:

Reference Books:

Author Name of the book Publisher
01 Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry Dhanpat Rai and Sons
02 S. S. Dara Engineering Chemistry S. Chand Publication
03 B. K. Sharma Industrial Chemistry Goel Publication
Environmental Chemistry &
04 S. S. Dara S. Chand Publication
Pollution Control
05 Vedprakash Mehta Polytechnic Chemistry Jain brothers
06 Uppal Engineering Chemistry
Course Name : 03 Years Diploma in Engineering

Semester : First

Subject Title : Engineering Graphics-I

Subject Code : 105

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

L T P Full Marks. External Internal External Total Pass Duration of
Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks External
Marks Marks Exams

02 0 4 50+50 40+30 10+20 13 TH 20+25 4 Hrs (TH)


Internal marks for theory will be allotted on the basis of two snap tests and 2 assignment of
equal marks to be conducted by the faculty teaching the subject.


Normally Graphical representation are used for expressing intents and contents. Engineering
Graphics is the language of engineers. The concepts of Engineering Graphics are used to develop,
express the ideas, and conveying the instructions which are used to carry out jobs in the field
Engineering. The course illustrates the techniques of graphics in actual practice. This preliminary
course aims at building a foundation for the further course in drawing and other allied subjects.


The student should be able to:-

1) Draw different engineering curves and know their applications.

2) Draw orthographic projections of different objects.

3) Visualize three dimensional objects and draw Isometric Projections.

4) Use the techniques and able to interpret the drawing in Engineering field.

5) Use computer aided drafting packages.

No. of Hr.
No. of
Chapter Name of Topic
Sheet Theory Practical

1.1- Drawing Instruments and sheet layout

1.2- Letters and Numbers as per BIS:
01. 02 01 04
1.3- Scale (Plane and diagonal scale)
Curves and Conic Section
To draw ellipse by directrix and arc of
circle method
02 To draw parabola by directrix and 01 02 04
rectangle method
To draw hyperbola by rectangle and
directrix method.
Introduction to orthographic
3.1- projection.
03 Projection of point on principal, 01 01 04
3.2- auxiliary and profile planes.
Idea of shortest distance.
Projection of straight line on principal
plane in the following cases.
4.1- Parallel to both H.P and V.P
04 01 02 04
4.2- Inclined to one plane and parallel to
other plane.
4.3- Inclined to both plane.
5.1- Projection of different simple shapes
eg. Circle, Triangle, Rectangle,
05 Pentagon, & Hexagon on principal 01 02 04
plane (Inclined to one plane and to
both planes)
Projection of simple solid.
6.1- Projection of Prism, Pyramid, Cone,
06 Cylinder, and Cube with their axis 01 02 04
inclined to one reference plane and
parallel to other.
7.1- Section of simple solids with true
shape of sectioned portion.
07 7.2- Development of solid surfaces eg. 01 02 04
Prism, Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid and
8.1- Isometric Scale and their use in
drawing isometric views of single and
08 01 02 04
compound solids. (Simple case only)

9.1- Intersection of solids.

Curves of intersection of the surfaces
of the solids in the following case;
a. Prism with Prism
09 01 02 04
b. Cylinder with cylinder
c. Prism with cylinder
d. Cylinder with cone
with different axis.
10.1- Prospective Projection
10 01 02 04
11.1- AutoCAD
Basics, Layers, multi-layer images,
11 03 10 16
graphic interfaces, different views to
be drawn.
Total- 14 28 56

Learning Resources:

a. Book-

Sl. No. Author Title Publication

1. N.D.Bhatt Engineering Drawing Charotkar Publishing House
2. R.K.Dhawan Engineering Drawing S.Chand Co.
3. K.R.Mohan Engineering Graphics Dhanpat Rai & Publication Co.
4. P.J.Shah Engineering Drawing ----
5. P.S.Gill Engineering Drawing ----
6. Mastering AutoCAD BPB Publication
Course Name:- All Branches of Diploma in Engineering
Semester: First
Subject Title: Fundamental of Computer
Subject Code; 106/111
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

L T P Full Marks. External Internal External Total Pass Duration of
Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks External
Marks Marks Exams

02 0 50 40 10 13 20 3 Hrs
Sessional 2 50 30 20 25

Internal marks will be allotted on the basis of two snap tests and 2 assignment of equal marks to be conducted
by the faculty teaching the subject.


In Engineering Education role of computers and its knowledge is day by day increasing and
every documentation and analysis requires basic fundamentals of computers. The accessibility to
internet and presentation techniques are essential elements these days which is fully dependent on
knowhow of computers irrespective of branches or discipline.


Student will be able to:

1. Understand a computer system that has hardware and software components,

which controls and makes them useful.
2. Understand the operating system as the interface to the computer system.
3. Use the basic function of an operating system.
4. Set the parameter required for effective use of hardware combined with and
Application software's.
5. Compare major OS like Linux and MS- Windows.
6. Use file managers, word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software's and
7. Have hands on experience on operating system and different application software.
8. Use the Internet to send mail and surf the World Wide Web.

Chapter Name of Topic Hr Marks

Fundamentals of Computer
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Type of Computer
1.3 Components of PC
1. 4 6
1.4 Inputs & Output Devices
1.5 Computer Languages
1.6 Memory of Computer

Introduction to MS Office
3.1 MS- Word : Introduction, Starting MS-Word Screen and its
Components, Elementary Working with MS-Word
3.2 MS- Excel: Introduction, Starting MS-Excel, Basics of Spreadsheet,
MS- Excel Screen and its Components, Elementary Working with MS-
2. 8 12
3.3 MS –Power Point: Introduction, Starting MS-PowerPoint, Basics of
PowerPoint, MS-PowerPoint Screen and Its Components, Elementary
Working with MS-PowerPoint.

Introduction to Internet
4.1 What is Internet?
4.2 Computer Communication and Internet.
3. 4.3 WWW and Web Browsers. 4 6
4.4 Creating own Email Account.
4.5 Networking and types.

Introduction to HTML and Software

5.1 Introduction to HTML. Working of HTML
5.2 Creating and loading HTML pages, tags.
5.3 Structure of on HTML, Document, Stand Alone Tags.
4. 8 10
5.4 Formatting text, Adding Images, Creating hyper Links, Tables.
5.6 Cyber security.
5.7 Computer virus.

Information Technology
6.1 Current IT Tools.
6.2 Social networking, mobile computing, cloud computing.
5. 6.3 Introduction of IOT and IOE 6 6
6.4 Computer Application in various fields like Data analysis, database
management, artificial intelligence.

Total 30 40

List of Practical

Exp- 1

Identification of different part of computer system and peripherals

Exp – 2: Operations on operating system

1. Create a new folder and do the following:
a. Make a new folder in it.
b. Rename the initial folder.
c. Opening a new file.
d. Creating document in note pad.
e. Move the initial folder.
f. Copy the initial folder.
g. Delete the initial folder
2. Implement the various well known features of Windows operating system such as Notepad, WordPad,
Calculator, System tools etc. enclosed in Start→Programs→Accessories.
3. Implement various display properties by right clicking on the Windows Desktop.
4. Explore the taskbar of Windows.
5. Set the wall paper and screen saver.
6. Set the date /time.

Exp.3Basic operations on MS Word

1. Create a document and

a. Put Bullets and Numbers
b. Apply various Font parameters.
c. Apply Left, Right, and Centre alignments
d. Apply Hyperlinks
e. Insert pictures
f. Insert ClipArt
g. Show the use of Word Art
h. Add Borders and shading
i. Show the use of Find and Replace.
j. Apply header/footers

Exp- 4 Advance operations on MS Word

2. Create any document and show the use of File→Versions.

3. Create any document and show the difference between paste and paste special.
4. Create any document and show the use of Washout/Watermark.
5. Implement the concept of mail merge.
6. Implement the concept of macros.
7. Implement the concept of importing a file/document.
8. Implement the concept of merging the documents.
9. Create a student table and do the following :
a. Insert new row and fill data
b. Delete any existing row.
c. Resize rows and columns.
d. Apply merging/ splitting of cells
e. Apply sort.
f. Apply various arithmetic and logical formulas.
g. Apply various arithmetic and logical formulas.
10. Create your resume using General Templates.
Exp- 5Basic operation on electronic spreadsheet/excel

Computer the division of each and every student of a class.

2. Generation of Electricity Bill
3. Generation of Telephone Bill
4. Generation of Salary statement of an employee
5. Generation of Mark Sheet of a student.
6. To compute mean / median / mode.
7. Generation graph to show the production of goods in a company during the last five years.
8. Compare the cost, overheads and sales figure of a company for last three years through appropriate
Exp – 6 Advance operations on electronic spreadsheet

1. Generation the following worksheet

Roll No. Marks
2050 67
2051 49
2052 40
2053 74
2054 61
2055 57
2056 45
and do the following:
a. Create chart of the marks.
b. Compute sum of marks using auto sum, auto calculate and sum function.
c. Compute average of marks.
d. Show pass or fail if marks are above 50 or less than 50
e. Put header and footer in the spread sheet.
Importing and exporting data from other files.
Program development in excel using simple commands.

Exp – 7 Power Point Presentation preparation

1. Make a presentation of College Education System using

a. Blank Presentation
b. From Design Template
c. From Auto Content Wizard
Exp – 8 Animation and various effect in Power Point Presentation, exporting and importing contents from

1. Make a presentation on “Wild Life " and apply the following:

a. Add audio and video effects
b. Apply various Color Schemes
c. Apply various animation schemes.
d. Apply slide show
Exp – 9 Simple program in HTML

1. Create any webpage using following HTML tags:

a. Background Colour
b. Font (Colour, Size, Face)
c. Bold / Italic / Underline
d. Big / Small
e. H 1, H 2, etc.
f. Marquee
g. Ordered / Unordered List
h. Data list
2. Create Employee Table and apply various operations on it using HTML. Also put Border around the
3. Create Internal and External Hyperlinks in a Webpage.
4. Implement the concept of Frames in a Webpage.
5. Insert an image in a Webpage.
6. Design Home page of your Institute
7. Design Web page for tourism spots in your area
8. Prepare your CV and link on the web page
9. Use animation of image in a web page
10. Insert a table and perform table handling in web page

Exp – 10 Basics of Internet, surfing, email account opening and transactions through email account

Connect the Internet; open any website of your choice and save the Web Pages.
2. Search any topic related to your syllabus using any search engine and download the relevant material.
3. Create your E-Mail ID on any free E-Mail Server.
4. Login your E-Mail ID and do the following:
a. Read your mail
b. Compose a new Mail
c. Send the Mail to one person
d. Send the same Mail to various persons
e. Forward the Mail
f. Delete the Mail
g. Send file as attachment
5. Surf Internet using Google to find information about yours state college.
6. Surf Internet using Google to find Tourism information about your state.
7. Surf Internet using Yahoo to find Hotel around your state

Text Books:
i) C.S. French "Data processing and Information Technology ", BPB Publications.
ii) P.K Sinha Computer Fundamentals , BPB Publications
iii) Guy Hart-Davis “The ABCs of Microsoft Office Professional
Edition", BPB Publication.
iv) Karl Schwartz, “Microsoft Windows 98 Training Guide"
Course Name : 03 Years Diploma in Engineering
Semester : First
Subject Title : Workshop-I
Subject Code : 112
Teaching and Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme Examination
L T P Full External InternalScheme
External Total Pass Duration
TH Marks. Exam Exam Pas Marks Marks of
Marks Marks External
01 4 50 30 20 -- 25 ---


Engineering diploma technician is expected to know basic workshop practice. like Wood
working, Sheet metal. The students are required to identify, operate, control various
machines, select and use various tools and equipments related to Wood working and sheet
metal processes together with exposure to fabrication soldering and joint making of various types.

The student will able to
• Know basic workshop processes.
• Read and interpret job drawing.
• Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking and cutting tools
& equipments.
• Operate, control different machines and equipments.
• Inspect the job for specified dimensions
• Produce jobs as per specified dimensions.
• Adopt safety practices while working on various machines.


Sr.No. Details Of Theory Contents Jobs Theory Practice(hr)


1. Introduction. 04 04
01 14
2. Various types of woods.
3. Different types of tools, machines and accessories.
4. Practice Job
a. Preparation of cross lap joints.
b. T Lap joints
c. Dovetail Joints
d. Wood turning
1. Introduction
2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking
3. Different fitting operation like chipping, filing, right
angle, marking, drilling, tapping etc.
4. Working Principle of Drilling machine, Tapping dies its use. 03 03 12
5. Safety precautions and safety equipments.
6. Practice 3 Jobs (V groove, Square notch, Fitting of two
parts )
1. Introduction
2. Various types of tools, equipments and accessories.
3. Different types of operations in sheet metal shop.
4. Soldering and riveting. 03 03 14
5. Safety precautions
6. Practice Jobs (Making funnel, tray, cylinder)

1. Introduction
2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and
striking tools.
3. Working Principle of Drilling machine, Tapping dies its
04 use.
4. Drilling and Tapping
5. Turning: Plain, taper
6. Threading and Knurling
7. Safety precautions and safety equipments.
Total 13 14 56

Skill to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
1. Ability to read job drawing
2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and machine.
3. Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use of
in machine.

Motor Skills:
1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations.
2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time.
3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations.

4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape.
5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience.

Notes: 1] The Faculty/ Instructor shall give demonstration to the students by preparing
a specimen job as per the job drawing.
2] The workshop diary shall be maintained by each student duly signed
by Faculty/Instructor of respective shop
• S.K. Hajara Chaudhary- Workshop Technology-Media Promotors and Publishers, New
• B.S. Raghuwanshi- Workshop Technology- Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi
• R K Jain- Production Technology- Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
• H.S.Bawa- Workshop Technology- Tata McGraw Hill Publishers,New Delhi
• Kent’s Mechanical Engineering Hand book- John Wiley and Sons, New York
• Electronics Trade & technology Development Corporation.(A Govt. of India
undertaking) Akbar Hotel Annex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110 021
• Learning Materials Transparencies, CBT Packages developed by N.I.T.T.E.R. Bhopal.

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