Anatomy of Primary Teeth
Anatomy of Primary Teeth
Anatomy of Primary Teeth
In both the lower and upper jaws, the teeth of both types of dentition join together
to form dental arches, in which the incisors and canines, premolars (temporary molars)
and molars (Boj et al 2004).
The development of the dentition is a long series of biological events that,
without pause, occupies a large part of intrauterine life and almost two postnatal decades,
with great individual variations and an undoubted effect of environmental factors that can
influence its development. The dentist is undoubtedly committed to the diagnosis and
timely detection of these events and their eventual control.
The evolution of professional practice in pediatric dentistry indicates a strong
trend towards the comprehensive evaluation of the child, with a broader and more
systemic approach that will make it necessary to establish links with other professionals,
not only health professionals, and with other specialists. In this case, with pediatricians
and orthodontists, to find the most appropriate moments and actions to ensure the normal
development of the masticatory apparatus and the dental arches (Bordoni et al 2010).
Among the functions of the temporary teeth we have: chewing since these teeth
are used for the mechanical preparation of the child's food to digest and assimilate during
one of the most active periods of growth and development, they perform very important
and critical functions. Chewing stimulates bone growth in the jaws. Preservation , since
they maintain space in the dental arches for permanent teeth, that is, they serve as an
eruption guide. Phonetics , these teeth are important in the development of phonation.
Early and accidental loss of anterior primary teeth can lead to difficulties pronouncing the
sounds “f”, “v”, “s”, “z”. Aesthetics, because they improve the child's appearance, giving
facial harmony. They are also important in the psychological and social aspect , because
the child needs to feel normal to socialize with his environment and develop
psychologically, so, if there is a defect such as the presence of structural alterations, the
existence of cavities, malformations of the pieces , the presence of abnormal color in
them or the lack of a tooth will have an impact on the psychological and social aspect of
the child (Finn 1976)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
It is the embryological process that will lead to the formation of the tooth germ. The
teeth develop from two buds that interact reciprocally during the course of odontogenesis.
One, from the dental lamina: epithelial outline of ectodermal origin, and another from
mesenchymal tissue derived from the neural crests (ecto-mesenchymal origin). The
ectodermal epithelium forms the enamel organ and, as its name indicates, gives rise to the
most extensive tissue that covers the crown of the tooth. From the mesenchymal tissue
derives the papilla and the dental sac that give rise to the dentinal pulp complex (dentin and
pulp) and the elements of the insertion periodontium (cementum, periodontal ligament and
alveolar bone) respectively.
At the end of the sixth week of intrauterine life, when the embryo measures around
15 mm, the ectodermal epithelium that covers the jaws begins to thicken in two different
areas that adopt the shape of a horseshoe. These thickenings, which are formed by
proliferation of the basal cells of the flat multistratified epithelium of the oral cavity, are
introduced into the underlying mesenchyme and represent the first beginning in the
development of the dental lamina and the vestibular lamina (Montenegro et al 1997).
The vestibular lamina is located externally to the dental lamina, it evolves later than the
latter and gives rise to the oral vestibule.
The dental lamina or strip of each jaw gives rise to the dental buds of the temporary
and permanent dentition at different stages of development.
As the epithelium proliferates and interacts with the underlying mesenchyme, the enamel
organ takes on different shapes: button, cup, bell, each of which marks an important activity
in the development and determination of the final shape of the future piece. dental
(Montenegro et al 1997).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Although this is a continuous process and it is not possible to establish clear differences
between the stages it goes through, to make it easier to understand we classify the three into
five periods:
• Initiation Period
• Proliferation Period
• Histodifferentiation Period
• Morphodifferentiation Period
• Apposition Period (Boj et al 2011)
Around the sixth week of intrauterine life, the formation of the primary dental organs
begins, from an expansion of the basal layer of the epithelium of the primitive oral cavity
that will give rise to the dental lamina of the future tooth germ. This basal layer is composed
of cells that are organized linearly on the basement membrane, thus constituting the tissue
division between the ectoderm (epithelium) and the mesoderm (mesenchyme).
Along the basement membrane, in the position that the temporary teeth will occupy,
there are 20 specific places (10 in the maxilla and 10 in the mandible), where the innermost
cells of the oral epithelium adjacent to the basement membrane will have greater activity,
multiplying at a much greater speed than the adjacent ones, giving rise to dental buds and
causing the initial growth of the temporary tooth. The moment at which this stage begins
will be different depending on the tooth in question.
A failure in the initial development of these cells will give rise to the congenital
absence of teeth, however, the continuous formation of buds will result in the presence of
supernumerary teeth (Boj et al 2011).
(Boj et al 2011).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Around the tenth embryonic week, the epithelial cells proliferate and the deep surface of
the buds invaginates, which produces the formation of the tooth germ. As the epithelial cells
proliferate, they form a kind of cap and the incorporation of mesoderm below and above.
Inside the cap it produces the dental papilla . The mesoderm that remains externally
surrounding the enamel organ and the dental papilla will give rise to the dental sac.
The enamel organ (of epithelial origin), the dental papilla (of ectomesenchymal origin)
and the dental sac (of mesodermal origin) constitute the follicle or tooth germ (Montenegro
et al 1997; Boj et al 2011).
The dental organ or enamel organ will give rise to enamel; The dental papilla will
give rise to the dentin and the pulp; and from the dental sac the support structures will
originate, that is, the cementum and the periodontal ligament.
A failure in this period of proliferation will cause a lower number of teeth than
normal, while excessive growth can lead to odontomas or supernumerary teeth (Boj et al
(Boj et al 2011)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
The basement membrane (divided into internal and external dental epithelium)
completely surrounds the dental organ, inside which the stellate reticulum expands and
organizes for the subsequent formation of enamel.
The condensation of the mesodermal tissue adjacent to the external part of the bell
will have formed the dental sac that will give rise to the cementum and the periodontal
The dental lamina of the temporary tooth is progressively built until it resembles a
cord, while at the same time it begins to emit an extension that will give rise to the future
permanent tooth.
Disorders of endogenous or exogenous origin that alter the differentiation of the cells
that form the tooth germ will be the cause of enamel or dentin with an abnormal structure
(Boj et al 2011).
(Boj et al
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Around 18 weeks of fetal life and during a more advanced phase of the bell, the cells
of the tooth germ are organized and arranged in a way that determines the size and shape of
the crown of the tooth.
In this period, the external and internal dental epithelia of the enamel organ join to
form the cervical loop from which the tooth root derives.
The cells of the internal dental epithelium closest to the stellate reticulum
differentiate into ameloblasts or enamel-secreting cells. These cells are located first in the
future cusp vertices or incisal edges and later in the cervical loop or neck of the tooth, thus
determining its shape. As the ameloblasts begin their formation, the ectomesenchyme cells
of the dental papilla close to the internal epithelium differentiate into odontoblasts,
responsible for the formation of dentin. Simultaneously, the central part of the dental papilla
will give rise to the pulp.
The cells of the stellate reticulum, which were initially polymorphic, acquire a
stellate appearance, because a mucoid substance is deposited in the extracellular space that
distances some cells from each other. This process creates a space in the enamel organ for
the crown of the tooth to develop.
During this phase, the dental lamina disappears, except in the part adjacent to the
developing primary tooth, at the same time it emits a proliferation towards the lingual to
initiate the development of the permanent tooth. The dental lamina disintegrates when the
bone crypt that surrounds the tooth germ finishes forming. If traces of it persist, they are
called Serre's pearls and, when these pearls have a superficial position, they can be observed
in the clinical examination and are called dental lamina cysts .
The anomalies suffered by the tooth germ during its morphological differentiation
will result in teeth of abnormal shape and/or size (Boj et al 2011).
(Boj et al
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
5 .- Application Period
- Basal layer
e-tf M - Dental
e organ
- Star reticle
Mcsodcrmo - External
■ Int dental
0a * Dental bag
'Dental papilla
alveolar bone
(Boj et al
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Dental calcification or mineralization includes the precipitation of mineral salts (mainly calcium
and phosphorus) on the previously developed tissue matrix. The process begins with the precipitation of a
small point on the vertices of the cusps and on the incisal edges of the teeth, continuing with the
precipitation of successive and concentric layers on these small points of origin. Finally, these small
mineralized nests approach and fuse, forming a layer of homogeneously mineralized tissue matrix. If an
alteration occurs in the calcification process, the nests do not fuse and the dental calcification is not
homogeneous. Each primary tooth begins its calcification at a certain time (Boj et al 2011).
Dentin mineralization begins after it has acquired a certain thickness, being a gradual process that
begins at the cusp ends and advances from the surface of the dentin to depth, just like the process of
matrix formation.
Enamel calcification takes place in two stages. The first is almost simultaneous with the
formation of the organic matrix, and determines its partial impregnation (25 to 30%), this process occurs
in strata following the same lines in which the matrix has been deposited, so the most Deep areas
neighboring the dentinoenamel limit are more calcified.
The second stage occurs when the entire organic matrix has been formed, completing at this time
the 92 to 96% of inorganic salts contained in the enamel. The salts are not deposited in layers, but
massively, distributing themselves homogeneously throughout the matrix. This process occurs in the
opposite direction to enamel formation: it begins at the cusp ends or incisal edges and progresses towards
the cervical area (Montenegro et al 1997).
The development of the temporary pulp dentine organ is faster and its life cycle is shorter than in
the permanent tooth (Montenegro et al 1997).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
From Logan and Kronfeld, and slightly modified by McCall and Schour. (Boj et al 2004)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Inferiors Formation Calcific Enamel at Full enamel Rash full root Exfoliation
of the germ start. birth (months (average
(weeks of (womb after birth) age in
uterus) weeks) months)
From Logan and Kronfeld, and slightly modified by McCall and Schour. (Boj et al 2004)
^ From eruption to the end of root formation, the maturing pulpodentin complex is highly vascularized
and cellular, with important dentinogenic activity.
^ When root formation is complete, the dentinopulpal organ is similar to a young tooth, which enables a
dentinogenic response to aggression.
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
^ A year and a half after eruption, rhizalysis begins, decreasing vascularization, the number of cells and
increasing the number of fibers, decreasing the reparative capacity.
^ The apices of the primary teeth close between one and a half and three years of age. That is,
approximately one year after its appearance in the mouth (Boj et al 2004).
In order to universalize the identification of teeth, various ways have been described to mention
each tooth, both upper and lower. We will present two of the existing systems or nomenclatures, these
1 .- Traditional Nomenclature.
2 .-International Nomenclature (FDI system), which we use in the Dental Clinics of the
University of Talca).
These nomenclatures are used to name both temporary and permanent dentition.
1 .- Traditional system for temporary pieces
Capital letters are used. It begins with the second upper right molar with the letter A, continuing
along the same arch to the second upper left molar, this being the letter J. In the lower jaw, it starts from
the letter K , which corresponds to the lower right second molar, to the letter T , which is assigned to the
lower left second molar.
The quadrants are numbered from number 5 to 8, this to differentiate the nomenclature used in
permanent dentition.
The second digit corresponds to the tooth, to do this we number from the central incisor towards the
distal, starting with the number 1 until we reach the number 5 which corresponds to the second molar, this
in both the maxilla and the mandible. Both numbers are separated by a dot.
(Escobar 2012)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
Upper Right Central Incisor Left Upper Central Incisor
Traditional AND F
International 5.1 6.1
Coronary portion:
• Vestibular Face: The mesiodistal dimension is greater than the cervicoincisal dimension. This
surface is slightly convex mesiodistally and less convex in its inciso-cervical aspect, with little
evidence of grooves or lines of development. The incisal edge joins the mesial surface at an almost
right angle, while it is obtuse and more rounded at its distal junction (Boj et al 2004).
• Palatine Face: This is concave with a cingulum and marginal processes well marked and elevated
above the surface of the piece it surrounds. The depression between the marginal borders and the
cingulum forms the palatine fossa. The cingulum is convex and occupies one-half to one-third of
the cervical surface (Finn 1976).
• Proximal Faces: It is clearly convex, of large diameter in the vestibulo-palatal direction and
triangular in shape towards the incisal (Boj et al 2004).
Root portion:
The root is single and conical in shape, with an apical inclination towards the vestibular. It is
twice the length of the crown, is quite regular in shape, frequently flattened in the vestibulopalatine
direction and usually shows a slight vertical groove proximally. This ends in a well-rounded apex
(Finn 1976; Boj et al 2004).
• Pulp chamber and root canal: The pulp cavity corresponds to the general external shape of the
tooth. The pulp chamber thins cervically in
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
• its mesiodistal diameter, but is wider in its vestibulopalatine diameter. The root canal is single and
continues from the chamber, with no defined demarcation -/ between the two. The pulp canal thins
evenly to the apical foramen (Finn 1976).
et al 2011)
Upper Right Lateral Incisor Left Upper Lateral Incisor
Traditional d g
International 5.2 6.2
Coronary portion:
• Vestibular Face: Unlike the upper central incisor, the maxillary lateral incisor is smaller, it has a
cervicoincisal length greater than the mesiodistal length, the incisodistal angle is more rounded
and, seen from the incisal edge, it is more convex in the mesiodistal direction Boj et al 2004 ).
• Palatine Face: It has a deeper palatine fossa due to the greater relief of the marginal rims. The
cingulum of the palatal surface is not as pronounced and merges with the palatal marginal edges
(Boj et al 2004).
• Proximal Faces: Like the central one, it is clearly convex and triangular in shape towards the
incisal (Boj et al 2004).
Root portion:
It is similar to the central one, but unlike it, the crown-root proportion is greater. The root of the
lateral incisor is thin and, like the central incisor, becomes thinner (Finn 1976).
• Pulp chamber and root canal: The pulp chamber follows the contour of the tooth, as does the
canal, and between the two there is a small demarcation between the pulp chamber and the canal,
especially on the palatal and vestibular surfaces (Finn 1976).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
It is characterized by being more voluminous and having a greater cervical constriction than the
Coronary portion:
• Vestibular Face: Convex in both directions. It has a prominent central lobe, which ends in a cusp
that determines an incisal edge, with a long mesial slope and a shorter distal slope. This longer
mesioincisal edge allows intercuspation with the distoincisal edge of the lower canine (Finn 1976;
Boj et al 2004).
• Palatine Face: It has a very prominent cingulum in the cervical two-thirds, which determines a
marked convexity. From the apex of the cusp to the cingulum there is a palatal crest that determines
two lateral fossae, which are limited laterally by the marginal rims (Finn 1976; Boj et al 2004).
• Proximal Faces : They are triangular and convex. They have a greater vestibulopalatine width than
the incisors and towards the cervical they narrow, forming a more constricted neck than the incisors
(Boj et al 2004).
Root portion:
The root is single, strong and long, more than twice the height of the crown and slightly
flattened on its mesial and distal surfaces. The apical third is inclined distally. It tapers towards the
apex, which is rounded (Finn 1976).
• Pulp chamber and root canal: Follows the external shape of the piece. There is very little
demarcation between the pulp chamber and the canal. The latter thins as it approaches the apex
(Finn 1976).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
• Occlusal Face: Shows a fossa close to distal and equidistant from the free faces.
This pit, as well as the grooves that emerge from it, are not very clear. The grooves - take
the shape of an irregular T. One of them heads towards the vestibular and emerges on this
face very close to the distal, delimiting two vestibular cusps, the mesial one much larger
than the distal one. The mesial occupies ¾ of the mesiodistal diameter, the distal only ¼.
Both the groove and the slopes of the cusps are not very noticeable. Shortly after the
molar has entered into occlusion, they are erased and the vestibular portion remains as if
made up of a single cusp. The two remaining grooves of opposite directions and unequal
lengths, the mesial one being longer, are directed towards the proximal surfaces, ending
without secondary grooves or prominent marginal ridges. Towards the palatine there is a
single cusp that is the largest of the three (Figún et al 2002).
Root portion:
It has three roots: mesiobuccal, distobuccal and palatal; long, thin and very divergent.
The palatine root is the longest and most prominent, it diverges towards the palatine and
in its apical third it curves towards the vestibular. The distobuccal root is the shortest (Boj
et al 2004). The particular arrangement of the palatal root determines its frequent fusion
with the distal root. On their internal surface they have a longitudinal canal that allows the
area for the permanent tooth germ to be expanded (Figún et al 2002).
• Pulp chamber and root canals: The molar has one chamber and three canals. The pulp
chamber has three pulp horns (Finn 1976). The mesiobuccal is the largest, followed by the
mesiopalatine and then the distobuccal (Boj et al 2004). The pulp chamber follows the
contour of the external surface of the tooth and looks like a triangle with rounded tips
(Finn 1976).
(Pefaur et al 1972)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
Right Upper Second Molar Left Upper Second Molar
Traditional TO J.
International 5.5 6.5
Similar to the first permanent molar, but with a smaller crown (Figún et al 2002).
Coronary portion:
• Vestibular Face: Short in height in relation to its mesiodistal length. The cervical border is
well defined throughout its entire length. This surface is divided by a buccal sulcus, which
separates the buccal cusps and ends towards the middle of the crown (Boj et al 2004).
• Palatine Face: Convex and slightly converging towards occlusal in its highest part. This
surface is divided by the palatine sulcus, which divides it into a mesiopalatine and a
distopalatine cusp. The mesiopalatine cusp is higher and more extensive than the
distopalatine cusp. When the Carabelli tubercle is present it occupies the mesiopalatine area
in the middle area of the crown (Figún et al 2002).
• Mesial Surface: The mesial surface is convex occlusocervically and less so in the
buccopalatine direction, which provides a wide and flattened contact area for the first
primary molar, giving the appearance of an inverted half-moon. This surface is the larger of
the two proximal surfaces (Finn 1976).
• Distal Face: Convex occlusocervically and flattened in its central portion in the
vestibulopalatine direction. The contact area with the first permanent molar is in the shape
of an inverted crescent, with the convexity in the occlusal direction.
• Occlusal Face: Rhomboidal in shape. It has 4 cusps. In order of decreasing size we have the
mesiopalatine, mesiobuccal, distobuccal and distopalatine. The distobuccal cusp joins the
mesiopalatine cusp by a prominent line that runs diagonally across the occlusal surface
called the “adamantine ridge” or “oblique ridge.”
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Boj et al 2004). The distopalatine cusp is the smallest of the 4 and is separated from the
mesiopalatine cusp by a very pronounced distopalatine groove (Finn 1976).
(Pefaur et al 1972)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
Right Lower Central Incisor Left Lower Central Incisor
Traditional EITHER Q
International 8.1 7.1
It is the smallest of the temporary pieces; The crown is symmetrical with the mesial
and distoincisal angles almost ninety degrees, with the edge generally perfectly coinciding
with the horizontal plane (Escobar 2004). Seen from the incisal side, the buccal side is
convex and the lingual side is concave or flat (Boj et al 2004).
Coronary portion:
• Vestibular Face: Its surface is smooth, without mamelons or developmental grooves (Boj
et al 2004). It is convex in all directions with the greatest convexity at the cervical edge
and tends to flatten as it approaches the incisal edge (Finn 1976).
• Lingual Face: Its surface shows a prominent cingulum, with slightly marked marginal
ridges (Boj et al 2004). The lingual surface is narrower in diameter than the buccal surface
(Finn 1976).
• Proximal Faces: They are convex buccolingually. Contact with adjacent teeth is made on
the incisal third of the proximal surfaces.
The incisal edge joins the proximal surfaces at almost right angles (Finn 1976).
Root portion:
The root is almost three times longer than the crown, is straight and slightly
compressed mesiodistally. It thins towards the apex and curves in the apical third towards
the buccal (Finn 1976; Boj et al 2004).
• Pulp chamber and root canal: The pulp chamber follows the general surface of the
contour of the piece. It has a single root canal which has an oval appearance and becomes
thinner as it approaches the apex. There is a defined demarcation of the pulp chamber and
root canal (Finn 1976).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
It is very similar to the central one although slightly wider and longer (Escobar 2004).
The contour of the crown is asymmetrical seen from the incisal, being larger distally than
mesially (Boj et al 2004).
Coronary portion:
• Vestibular Face: Its surface is generally quite smooth, but it may present a superficial
depression at the level of the incisal third. The distoincisal coronary angle is a little more
obtuse. The greater cervicoincisal length and smaller mesiodistal diameter of the crown
give it a more rectangular appearance (Boj et al 2004).
• Lingual surface: The lingual surface may have a greater concavity between the marginal
ridges with a somewhat more marked cingulum displaced slightly distally (Boj et al 2004).
• Proximal Faces: They are convex buccolingually, greater at the cervical level. Contact
with adjacent teeth is made on the incisal third of the proximal surfaces (Finn 1976).
The incisal surface joins the mesial surface at an acute angle and the distal surface
at an obtuse angle. The incisal edge slopes cervically as it progresses distally (Finn 1976).
Root portion:
The root is conical, long and narrow; It has a groove or depression in the central area,
curving towards the distal at the apex. (Boj et al 2004).
• Pulp chamber and root canal : It presents a pulp chamber that follows the contour of the
piece and is continuous with a single root canal, with no demarcation between them (Finn
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
Left lower canine
8.3 7.3
Coronary portion:
♦ Vestibular Aspect: The crown is longer cervicoincisally than wide mesiodistally; It has
an acute incisal cusp displaced mesially with a short and inclined incisal edge mesially
and longer and rounded distally, therefore the distal slope is longer (Woelfel et al
♦ Lingual surface: The lingual surface has a less prominent cingulum than that of the
upper canine, with a single central fossa limited by the marginal ridges, which are not
very marked (Boj et al 2004).
♦ Proximal Faces: These surfaces are convex in the cervical third and have a
vestibulolingual length of the cervical line much shorter than that of the upper canine,
due to the lesser development of the cingulum (Boj et al 2004).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Root portion:
The root is up to 2 mm. shorter than that of the upper canine, it is thin and twice
as long as the crown, converging towards apical and lingual (Boj et al 2004). Its buccal
diameter is wider than its lingual diameter and the mesial and distal surface are slightly
flattened (Finn 1976).
♦ Pulp chamber and root canal: The pulp chamber follows the external contour of the
tooth, it is approximately as wide in its mesiodistal aspect as in its buccolingual aspect.
There is no difference between chamber and duct. The canal follows the general root
surface and ends in a defined constriction at the apical edge (Finn 1976).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Occlusal Face: The general shape of the crown when examined from the occlusal side is
rhomboidal or ovoid, with a vestibulolingual length greater mesial than distal.
Generally, its largest diameter is the mesiodistal. On the occlusal surface there are four
cusps, two buccal and two lingual. The cusp
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
mesiobuccal is the largest, followed by the mesiolingual, the distobuccal and the
distolingual (Boj et al 2004). - 'I
On its surface there are two main fossae located closer to the distal than the mesial, one
located towards the mesiobuccal and the other towards the distolingual and joined by a
short oblique groove. From both fossae there are main grooves that go towards the
proximal faces, ending in secondary fossae delimiting the marginal ridge. From the
mesiobuccal fossa there is a groove towards the buccal that divides that portion into
two unequal cusps, the mesial one being larger. From the distolingual fossa there is a
groove towards the lingual that separates two other cusps with characteristics similar to
those indicated in the vestibular, the mesial one being more acute (Figún et al 2002).
Root portion:
It has two long, flattened roots, very divergent, one mesial and the other distal
(Figún et al 2002). They are wide buccolingually and flat mesiodistally. The mesial
root is almost as wide as the crown buccolingually and the distal root is shorter and
narrower. (Boj et al 2004).
♦ Pulp Chamber and root canals:
The pulp chamber seen from occlusal has a rhomboidal shape and follows the
contour of the crown surface. This has four pulp horns. The mesiobuccal horn, which is
the largest, occupies a considerable part of said chamber. The distobuccal pulp horn is
the second in area. The mesiolingual pulp horn is third in size and second in height.
The distolingual pulp horn is the smallest.
There are three or four root canals. Two of them are located in the mesial root.
These are the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual. The third canal is located in the distal
root, called the distal canal. This canal is wide buccolingually and may be narrowed in
its center, reflecting the outer contour of the root (Finn 1976). In this distal root, we can
find, in 75% of cases, a second root canal.
(Pefaur et al 1972)
(Finn 1976)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
(Castillo et al 2011)
Nomenclature Right Lower Second Molar
Left Lower Second Molar
Traditional K T
International 8.5 7.5
This is a replica, in reduced size, of the first permanent lower molar. The
mesiodistal diameter of the crown is greater than the buccolingual diameter. It is the
widest of all molars (Boj et al 2004).
Coronary portion:
♦ Vestibular Face: Three vestibular cusps are observed, similar in height and with a
slight difference in width, with the distobuccal cusp being the largest, followed by the
mesiobuccal cusp and the distal cusp.
The mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps are divided by the mesiobuccal sulcus,
while the distobuccal and distal cusps are separated by the distobuccal sulcus. (Finn
1976). On this side, in the mesiobuccal sulcus, we observe the foramen cecum, which is
important in the development of cavities.
♦ Lingual Face: It is convex in all directions and is crossed on the occlusal edge by the
lingual groove that separates the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps, which have
approximately the same height. The convexity of this surface is greater as it approaches
the cervical area (Finn 1976).
♦ Mesial surface: It is generally convex, but flattens considerably in the cervical
position. It is crossed in its center by the mesial groove, which crosses the occlusal
edge to extend one third of the distance from the mesial surface in a descending
direction. (Finn 1976).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
♦ Distal Face: It is generally convex, but flattens a little buccolingually at the cervical
level. It is smaller than the mesial surface. The occlusal profile presents the distobuccal
cusps separated from the distal one by the distobuccal groove, which descends almost
to the middle of the buccal surface. It has the distal marginal ridge, which is lower than
the mesial one, and the distolingual cusp. The cervical line presents a slight convexity
towards occlusal. (Finn 1976, Boj et al 2004).
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
♦ Occlusal Face: Seen from the occlusal side, the crown has a pentagonal contour (Boj
et al 2004). It has a larger diameter at its buccal edge than at its lingual edge. It has five
cusps, three vestibular: one mesiobuccal (second in size), one distobuccal (the largest)
and one distal (the smallest of the three), the latter being slightly lingual in relation to
the other two; and two lingual cusps of approximately equal size: the mesiolingual and
the distolingual, which are divided by a short lingual groove and are larger than the
buccal cusps (Finn 1976).
On the occlusal surface we find 3 fossae. The central or lingual fossa is the
deepest, and from it begins a central groove that crosses the surface and ends in the
mesial and distal fossae (the shallowest). From this same central fossa starts a second
groove towards the lingual that separates the two lingual cusps. Two vestibular grooves
and a lingual groove originate from the central fossa. In addition to these main sulci,
supplementary sulci can be found radiating from the mesial (mesiobuccal and mesial
marginal) and distal (distal and distal marginal) fossae (Boj et al 2004). When looking
at the occlusal surface the grooves adopt the shape of a W.
Root portion:
It has two roots, one mesial and one distal, narrow mesiodistally and wide
buccolingually, with the mesial root being wider than the distal one. These roots are
almost twice as long as the crown, quite divergent and less curved than that of the lower
first molar (Boj et al 2004).
♦ Pulp chamber and root canals:
The pulp chamber is identified with the exterior contour of the piece; it has five
pulp horns that correspond to the five cusps, with the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual
horns being the largest (Finn 1976).
It may have 3 or 4 canals, where the mesial root has two mesial canals that
converge as they leave the floor of the pulp chamber, through a common foramen and
which then divide into a greater mesiobuccal canal and a lesser mesiolingual canal. .
(Finn 1976).
The distal root may have one or two canals. The four canals thin as they
approach the apical foramen, and generally follow the shape of the roots (Finn 1976).
(Pefaur et al 1972)
(Finn 1976)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Temporary teeth are distinguished from permanent teeth by the so-called dentition
characters, which are a set of differentiating features that result from the comparison of
both dentitions among which we have:
Although the odontogenesis process of temporary and permanent teeth is basically
the same, the periods are shorter in the temporary formula.
Temporary teeth are smaller than their permanent counterparts in both the length of
their crowns and roots.
The enamel of temporary teeth is bluish-white compared to the yellowish-white
color of permanent teeth.
Coronal Features :
The occlusal surfaces of primary teeth are narrower buccolingually than the crowns
of permanent teeth.
The crown-tooth length index is lower for temporary teeth than for permanent
teeth, meaning that the crown is, in relation to the root, shorter in temporary teeth.
The maximum mesiodistal diameter of the crown of the temporary piece is
proportionally greater, in relation to the height of the crown, than in its permanent
The presence of bulging lingual and labial surfaces on the anterior deciduous teeth
and the vestibular ridges that appear on the vestibular surfaces of the molars, with their
consequent constrictions at the level of the cervical line, is another characteristic and
differentiating feature of the deciduous dentition. with respect to the permanent one.
Temporary teeth have contact areas or zones (except mesial of the first molar),
unlike permanent teeth that have contact points.
The anterior temporary teeth do not have mamelons on the incisal edges unlike the
permanent teeth that do.
Root Characteristics:
The roots of the anterior temporary teeth are longer and thinner, with a buccal
deviation that appears in the apical third, the most acute apices. Due to the location of the
permanent germ located towards the palatine and apical.
The posterior temporal pieces have more flattened and divergent roots, the palatine
root is located more distally. The permanent ones have greater proximity between the roots
and the palatine root is located equidistant from the mesial and distovestibular roots. The
primary molars house the germ of the premolars, so the physiological resorption of the
molars begins on the inner surface of the roots.
The root bifurcation in the primary molars is located in the cervical third, since
their roots lack a root trunk. On the other hand, in permanent ones, it occurs at the junction
of the middle third with the cervical third or in the middle third.
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Pulpal Characteristics:
The chamber and root canals of the temporary pieces are wider in proportion to the
size of these pieces, than in a permanent one.
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
Most of the pulp chamber of primary teeth is in the crown; they have long and
often narrow pulp horns, with the mesiobuccal being the most prominent. There is a lower
height of the cameral floor. Permanent teeth have a less wide chamber and root canals in
proportion to the size of these pieces. Much of the pulp chamber is located in the root
trunk, they have a greater height of the chamber floor.
Fig .3.2 Differences in temporal formula: 1. Thinner enamel. 2. Lower proportion of coronary dentin in relation to pulp volume. 3. Taller and sharper
horns. 4. Different prismatic orientation at the cervical level. 5. Neck with constriction.
6. Enamel ceases abruptly at the neck. 7. Thin cameral floor. 8. Long and thin root. 9. Narrow and curved ducts. In addition to a crown that
is wider than tall, in general, and a smaller difference in crown height and root length.
( Escobar 2012)
Histological Features:
Enamel :
Regarding the adamantine structural differences between primary and permanent
teeth, the prismatic structure is similar, except on the surface. Prismless or aprismatic
enamel is located in the outermost 30 um of the enamel of all primary teeth and the crystals
in these regions are aligned perpendicular to the enamel surface. These prism-free zones
form in the late stages of amelogenesis. After eruption, the surface is abraded, but areas
lacking prisms remain in protected areas, such as the cervical-proximal area, which may be
important in adhesive restorative dentistry. In the prismatic zone there is a difference in the
orientation of the prisms, the prisms of the enamel of the gingival third of the crown of the
temporary teeth extend in an occlusal direction from the dentinoenamel junction, unlike the
prisms of the permanent teeth that are oriented towards cervical.
Careful examination of the enamel of primary teeth shows some characteristics that
could explain the rapid progression of dental caries compared to permanent teeth. The
thickness of the enamel is 1mm on average, half the thickness in permanent teeth, which
results in earlier involvement of dentin than in permanent teeth. The degree of
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
factor that influences the progression of caries lesions. It has been shown that the
permeability of temporary enamel is greater than that of permanent enamel, which suggests
greater porosity and at the same time would influence the rate of diffusion of acids and
other products in the tissue.
Microscopic examination reveals a more prominent incremental line of Retzius,
called the neonatal line, which is located in the cervical third of the crown of the incisors
and in the middle area of the crown of the canines and molars, with an average thickness of
10 -20 um, there are changes in orientation and smaller diameter of the prisms and lower
crystalline concentration, being more marked in premature babies, who also present
enamel with more mineralization defects. In the cervical region, the cement-enamel
junction is irregular, and may be edge to edge, cement on enamel or lack of contact,
leaving dentin exposed, which represents a fragility of the region, which must be
considered when applying chemical elements, use of clamps and restorative materials.
The enamel that forms after birth is of a more irregular quality than that formed in
utero. Intrauterine enamel is usually more regular, like the nutritional intake of that period,
but postnatal enamel is not, which can be affected by environmental agents.
The basic structure of the dentin is also similar to the dentin of the permanent
formula, although thinner in both the crown and the root, it is softer, especially in its
average mass.
There is a progressive decrease in dentin as it approaches the peripulpal region;
this, plus the reduction of peritubular dentin as the diameter of the tubules increases,
determines a poor substrate for adhesive techniques in deep cavities of temporary teeth. .
The permeability of temporary dentin is lower than permanent dentin with a lower
density and diameter of tubules.
The pulp has a classic structure, the vascularization, connective tissue,
subodontoblastic zones and myelinated fibers are the same for the young pulp and fully
developed in temporary and permanent teeth.
In the life cycle of the temporary tooth, three phases are distinguished: root
formation, root completion and resorption. During root formation the pulp is highly
vascularized and cellular; As the root becomes complete, there are fewer cells and more
fibers. The vessels, organized in a subodontoblastic network in young pulp, present a
degenerative process with age, although it is maintained until the piece exfoliates. The
nerves, on the other hand, gradually organize, forming an infraodontoblastic plexus when
the piece is in occlusion; There is degeneration of fibers with the progress of resorption,
making the tooth insensitive at the time of its normal fall.
These relatively rapid changes, of an involutional nature, critically influence the
prognosis of treatments in relation to pulpal health of temporal teeth. (Woelfel et al 1998;
Escobar 2004; Figún et al 2006; Boj et al 2011; Escobar 2012)
Anatomy and morphology of temporary teeth
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