HMSC Academic Needs Assessment FINAL

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Educational Needs Assessment for

Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center

Robert Suryan
Janet Webster
Maryann Bozza
Itchung Cheung

August 15, 2013

Executive Summary
The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is a key asset of Oregon State University (OSU), and
essential to being a global leader in marine science research and education. HMSC’s 49-acre campus
includes research and teaching laboratories, housing, and ship operations supporting 300 employees
representing OSU, federal, and state agencies. Located on the Yaquina Bay estuary in Newport
Oregon, HMSC is centrally placed within a continuum of ecosystems from coastal mountains to the
open ocean. Newport is a vibrant coastal town with a large commercial fishing fleet, tourist
industry, recreation, and coastal arts community. Between HMSC’s interagency campus, Visitor
Center and ship operations facility, NOAA’s research vessel marine operations center, the
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, and Ocean Observing Systems, the marine
science enterprise is emerging as a major economic driver in Newport and throughout the coast.
Recent strategic planning and external reviews of HMSC programs highlighted all of these strengths,
and recognized significant untapped potential for expanding HMSC academic programs. More
recently, OSU has looked toward HMSC and Newport as the next site for significant expansion of
educational opportunities to include an additional 500 or more students. The purpose of this report
is to identify pathways to fulfill these goals. Herein, we synthesize input from over 200 individuals
throughout OSU, HMSC, Newport, coastal communities, and other academic institutions (including
community colleges). The following summary identifies needs, highlights opportunities, and
proposes a phased approach to expansion.
The primary needs identified for academic program expansion at HMSC include:
1. Additional full time equivalent (FTE) teaching positions at HMSC for program development
and teaching (currently there is < 1.5 FTE for teaching among ~13 tenure-track faculty in
addition to a full time academic program coordinator);
2. Housing options and appropriate services for all students to minimize logistical constraints
of living and studying outside of Corvallis;
3. Additional classroom, laboratory, and small boat facilities;
4. Equitable tuition funding model that addresses costs of HMSC, academic units, and the
University administration;
5. Standardized FTE-based compensation of faculty for teaching courses at HMSC;
6. Creation of a marine science minor/major or certificate with a requirement for
undergraduate students to take some coursework on site at HMSC;
7. Augmented academic connections to all four coastal community colleges to increase
opportunities for four year degrees.

HMSC academic programs should focus on experiential learning that bridge all aspects of natural
and social sciences. These programs will build on existing strengths in marine science. Through a
lens of ocean literacy, students will study current and emerging issues ranging from science in the
arts to climate change impacts. The unique educational setting at HMSC provides a fluid integration
of research with teaching and community engagement, thereby stimulating new avenues of
investigation and learning. Applied learning would be organized about real-world problems and
issues so students are engaged with research in a variety of venues including field, laboratories, and
the community.

Ideally, any programs at HMSC should complement rather than compete with those on the Corvallis
campus. Likewise, programs developed should utilize OSU’s full potential, providing students with
an unparalleled experience capitalizing on synergies between the Corvallis campus, HMSC and the
coastal/marine setting.
A phased approach is recommended for achieving expanded academic programs at HMSC. In Phase
I, the focus is on enhancing and expanding HMSC’s current capabilities and signature strengths,
while Phase 2 introduces new opportunities building on existing partnerships.

• Phase I (1-5 years) focuses on enhancing and expanding upper division undergraduate and
graduate education. The student population will grow to 50-80 graduates and 150-200
resident undergraduates. A full suite of undergraduate and graduate courses (> 32 credits)
will be offered during all four academic terms. Courses that cross the many disciplines of
marine studies and ocean literacy while fulfilling core program requirements will be
developed. The foundation will be laid for partnering with the Oregon Coast Community
College beginning with articulation agreements and shared teaching facilities. Infrastructure
investment includes student housing and services, faculty offices, classrooms, laboratories,
and field services such as a small boat program.
• Phase II (6-10 years) builds on the momentum of Phase I with greater recognition of new
and expanding opportunities. Student population will grow to 80-110 graduate students,
200-300 resident undergraduate students, and 100-150 people involved with professional
workshops and certifications. A full suite of undergraduate and graduate courses (> 64
credits) will be offered during all four academic terms including hybrid and shared courses
between the Corvallis and HMSC campuses. Graduate students will be able to meet their
course requirements without needing to commute to or be in residence in Corvallis. HMSC
will have solidified and expanded its signature courses and unique niche in contributing to
the marine enterprise at OSU. With increased interest and enrollment in marine sciences at
OSU, some course duplication between the Corvallis campus and HMSC will begin to occur
without being detrimental to either interest. Expanded undergraduate courses will
contribute to the OSU baccalaureate core. The partnership with OCCC and other coastal
community colleges will build on a solid foundation focused on a smoother transfer process,
skills based training for marine technology and professional certifications. Infrastructure
investments will include additional housing, appropriate student services, classrooms, food
service, lecture hall, and meeting space.
There may be a limited number of students with sufficient passion to study marine science, however,
there is an unlimited number whose lives and careers can be enriched through ocean literacy.
Indeed, as stated by the HMSC external review panel, “[Our] goal should be to increase marine
science literacy and exposure in all disciplines at OSU, and make HMSC the face of marine science
and marine policy on the coast.” Elevating education to be in balance with research at HMSC will
diversify the current funding model. Sustained investment in these efforts will help establish OSU
as a preeminent University for marine education, research, and engagement. Furthermore, expanded
academic programs at HMSC will help OSU fulfill its unique role as Oregon's land and sea grant
institution and contribute to OSU’s three signature areas of distinction: (1) advancing the science of
sustainable earth ecosystems; (2) improving human health and wellness; and (3) promoting
economic growth and social progress.

Table of Contents
Introduction  ....................................................................................................................................  5  
Signature  Educational  Programs  ....................................................................................................  6  
Suggested  Courses  ..........................................................................................................................  7  
Recommendations  for  course  offerings  at  HMSC  ...................................................................................  7  
Student  Opportunities  and  Challenges  ...........................................................................................  8  
Recommendations  ..................................................................................................................................  9  
International  Student  Opportunities  and  Challenges  ...................................................................  10  
Recommendations  ................................................................................................................................  11  
Professional  and  Noncredit  Education  Opportunities  and  Audiences  .........................................  11  
Community  College  Partnerships,  Possibilities,  and  Needs  ..........................................................  12  
Recommendations  ................................................................................................................................  13  
Infrastructure  Issues  and  Recommendations  ...............................................................................  13  
Housing  ..................................................................................................................................................  14  
Classrooms  ............................................................................................................................................  14  
Research  Teaching  Space  ......................................................................................................................  15  
Student  Study  and  Office  Space  ............................................................................................................  15  
Information  Technology  ........................................................................................................................  15  
Recommendations  ................................................................................................................................  16  
Teaching  Faculty  (FTE)  Needs  and  Recommendations  .................................................................  16  
Recommendations  ................................................................................................................................  17  
Funding  Education  and  Tuition  Model  .........................................................................................  17  
Recommendations  ................................................................................................................................  18  
Scaling  Up  Educational  Opportunities  ..........................................................................................  19  
References  ....................................................................................................................................  20  
Appendix  1:  Interviewees  and  Respondents  ................................................................................  21  
Appendix  3:  Tuition  Schemes  and  Proposed  Models  ...................................................................  23  
Appendix  4:  Relevant  Development  Opportunities  From  HMSC  Strategic  Plan  ...........................  24  

The HMSC Implementation Task Team (Task Team) reviewed the output of the 2010 External
Review of HMSC. The Task Team report, released in March 2012, details priorities for changes at
HMSC arising from the External Review. The Task Team recommended a “needs assessment” for
education programs at HMSC, with an eye to growth as the capacity of the main OSU campus is
saturated. The Task Team noted that “…there should be a cohesive marine science based
curriculum developed and delivered using infrastructure and personnel that reside at HMSC and at
the Corvallis campus. The academic programs should be well integrated with complementary
programs delivered in Corvallis, and build upon the breadth and experience of all marine faculty at
OSU.” The Task Team further recommended the need to “Conduct an opportunity/needs
assessment to determine the demand for and related costs for marine based academic programs if
they were offered at HMSC.”
In the fall of 2012, President Ray suggested that HMSC can help OSU address Governor
Kitzhaber’s 40/40/20 Plan (Oregon Revised Statutes) through growth of the educational program.
The Plan’s goal is by 2025 for 100% of Oregon students to obtain a high school diploma or
equivalent, and 80% of these to students to obtain post-secondary education, including half with 4
year degrees and half with 2 year degrees or professional certifications. OSU, in collaboration with
community colleges, can increase educational capacity on the Oregon coast thus helping to obtain
this goal and promote economic development for coastal communities. HMSC has a history of
providing excellent experiential education for OSU’s students as well as opportunities to be
mentored by potential employers in natural resource agencies. Exploring future options for
expanded academic opportunities is timely. Consequently, a Working Group was established under
the auspices of the HMSC Director’s Office.
The Working Group addressed all matters associated with undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate
coursework, undergraduate and graduate research, and academic policy at HMSC. While we
acknowledge the value and leadership that HMSC provides on informal education, this report is
intentionally directed towards formal education. We considered the needs and opportunities for
growth in HMSC academic programs across disciplines and OSU colleges. Discussions included the
potential for collaboration with the other universities, community colleges, and state and federal
agencies. Between March and June 2013, we reached out to over 200 individuals from throughout
OSU, HMSC, the Newport community, and other academic institutions including community
colleges through 36 interviews, 5 focal groups, and an online survey (Appendix 1). During these
interactions, we discussed:
1. Need, opportunity, demand, and challenges for expanded course opportunities;
2. Professional certification needs for coursework and/or training;
3. Opportunities for areas of integration and cross-disciplinary teaching and learning including:
o Human Dimensions
o Fisheries Economics

o Ocean Engineering
o Ecological Modeling
o Marine Policy
o Environmental Humanities
o Renewable energy
o Free Choice Learning
4. Capacity at HMSC for expanding the offering of undergraduate awards/programs/majors,
postgraduate coursework awards/programs;
5. Community college pathways and articulation agreements with a focus on Oregon Coast
Community College (OCCC), and ultimately all five coastal community colleges;
6. Emerging educational and training issues and trends impacting marine labs and field stations.

Signature Educational Programs

The HMSC strategic plan calls for the development of “signature instructional, research, and
outreach programs that build upon and benefit from [its] unique location, environment, facilities,
and partnerships.” Assessment participants consistently encouraged HMSC to play to its strengths
when developing academic programs and look for niches that remained unfilled by other
institutions. A strength is experiential education that is closely linked to research endeavors and
addresses current issues. An inspirational education comes from more than classwork; it is the
experience of being immersed in an intellectually stimulating environment such as a working
waterfront, a research vessel, or an active research lab. People are the other vital element of
experiential education. For instance, many HMSC graduate students benefit from dual mentorship
by HMSC faculty and agency scientists. These unique opportunities for students at HMSC will
contribute to building high quality graduate and undergraduate marine-related education.
The HMSC External Review Panel as well as participants in this assessment highlighted that HMSC
should strengthen its ties with currently underrepresented departments or colleges including Earth,
Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Forestry, Engineering, Business, and Liberal Arts. Nearly all
ocean sciences involve aspects of engineering and business. Given that these disciplines comprise a
large proportion of OSU faculty and students, a greater partnership between these particular
disciplines and OSU marine studies was encouraged. Botany, Plant Pathology and Forestry are
natural resource programs with the potential to greatly increase their coastal or marine focus. That
said, HMSC should remain open to a broad swath of potential partnerships with all academic
disciplines including the arts, supporting the approach that many students’ educational experience
would be enriched by integration of a marine perspective.
Signature programs at HMSC could also include more specialized courses that would engage OSU
students and appeal to those outside OSU. These can be adaptive and conform to the needs and
demands of the time, but require sustained investment to develop the reputation of innovative
marine education. Potential signature programs include:
• Marine genomics
• Coastal and marine technology engineering
• Collaborative fisheries science
• Marine field techniques
• Marine economics and resource management
• Experiential and STEM education training

• Marine aquatic veterinary medicine
• Ocean literacy and the arts
• Aquaculture and food science
• Ecosystem science-based regional ocean modeling

Suggested Courses
HMSC has begun to expand course offerings working toward a full complement of 16-32 credits
each term (Appendix 2). Currently the most complete and consistent curriculum is offered in the
spring as BI 450, a 16 credit course required for students pursuing an undergraduate Marine Biology
option in the Biology Program. Fall courses are provided through the Department of Fisheries and
Wildlife. Revised summer offerings being piloted during 2013 are offered from a variety of
departments/colleges and have the potential to collectively provide students a full complement of
course options (16+ credits). Winter term courses are currently limited and target graduate
students, first year undergraduate and non-majors. Expansion of winter term course offerings will
likely include skills-based courses such as GIS, statistics, programming, and data visualization.
Overall, a transition to consistently offering a full complement of core courses each term is
Recommendations for course offerings at HMSC

• Implement a full complement of courses offered consistently each term;
• Avoid teaching classes alternate years;
• Work with academic units to ensure more HMSC courses fulfill degree and baccalaureate
core requirements;
• Minimize use of temporary course #s (e.g., 499, 599) or courses listed without instructor
names. This makes courses difficult for students to find;
• Consider labeling courses taught at HMSC as MS### in listings to readily distinguish as
taught at HMSC, regardless of which college/department the course is through;
• Offer zero week (weeks before fall or after spring quarter) and spring break course offerings,
including intensive field courses and online hybrid courses with field component following
each term;
• Enable marine courses taught on campus to have a field and/or experiential component if
they do not already;
• Offer courses that may absorb overflow from high demand courses taught on campus;
• Develop cornerstone courses for a marine option available through all departments/colleges;
• Provide training in large and small vessel operations and scientific diving.

Undergraduate Students:
• 1-2 courses that fulfill Science Technology & Society and other baccalaureate core course
• Experiential courses (e.g., BI/FW 111 series) that satisfy students’ desire for 1-2 unit
introductory courses;
• Courses that integrate scientific writing, illustration and photography;

• Marine courses that contribute to the Education double degree.

Graduate Students:
• Courses that address science skills such as GIS, statistics, science writing, data management,
programming, website design, and software use;
• Salmon ocean ecology course;
• Marine food web dynamics;
• Marine spatial ecology;
• Marine field techniques course;
• Free choice learning in marine studies as part of teacher training and link to the online
Master's degree;
• Marine courses that contribute to the high school biology teaching certification.

• Courses and workshops for science educators nationally and internationally (e.g., community
college, high school, aquariums, museums) for career development or to maintain
• Advanced training in marine aquaculture and aquatic species health;
• Marine technical skills based courses.

Student Opportunities and Challenges

Learning about the ocean has great appeal to many students. Upon entering college, a much larger
percentage of students express an interest in marine science than ultimately study within the field.
OSU offers a wide range of 2 credit U-Engage courses; the class with a marine biology focus
consistently fills first, indicating that demand is greater than current capacity. Thus, there is a
potential untapped source of students who might focus on marine science, and equally important, a
large pool of students who want to integrate some knowledge of the ocean in whatever field of study
they choose. Students do not always explore course catalogs, so marine studies need to be
promoted to students, regardless of whether they intend to study science or other disciplines. Early
engagement of students could help retain students with interest in marine science, STEM fields as
well as the marine context in general.
Students add an important academic dimension and youthful exuberance to a marine lab. This is
certainly true for HMSC. Yet, current students face significant challenges if they want to reside full-
time at HMSC. HMSC students can feel like “forgotten children” as their academic homes typically
limit their investment beyond the Corvallis campus. For example, HMSC graduate students pay
similar fees as their Corvallis campus colleagues without receiving equitable services, including, and
especially, healthcare. Further, there are limited teaching assistantships for HMSC graduate students
as well as an inconsistent pay scale when compared to the Corvallis campus. There is also no formal
graduate student advocate to help them navigate and resolve these inequities.

Degree requirements dictate program plans and schedules. This poses a significant issue for HMSC
students as there are not enough courses at HMSC or offered via polycom from the Corvallis
campus to satisfy requirements or interests. One reason for the latter is that Corvallis instructors
have no incentives to ‘polycom’ courses to HMSC. The overall result is a lack of consistency in

courses offerings (i.e. not annually) which makes planning difficult and often necessitates
commuting between HMSC and Corvallis to meet program/course needs. One possible solution to
this problem is access to E-campus courses. However, E-campus courses have an additional per
credit fee and are only partially covered by tuition remission plans for graduate students. In general,
there are more incentives to be a Corvallis student than there is for a student to be resident at
HMSC full time. Another approach would be student exchanges among marine labs with
transferability of credits. This would be very useful for those students seeking specialized training
provided by specific institutions.
Meeting student needs goes beyond providing engaging and well-recognized academic programs.
This includes offering attractive social and recreational opportunities (especially for undergraduate
students). Newport and the central Oregon coast have much to offer through organizations such the
Surfrider Foundation, Aquarium Dive Team, and Yaquina Bay Yacht Club, and facilities including
the Newport Recreation Center and the Performing Arts Center. However, there must be a
concerted effort by the University and the community to support opportunities targeted at students
including expanded services for health and wellness.
Currently, there is not a critical mass of students in residence at HMSC to justify the provision of all
the services and courses necessary to fulfill student needs. Consequently, most students have to
juggle difficult logistics between Newport and the Corvallis main campus. Increasing the student
population will create a positive feedback loop to attract more students to HMSC as well as justify
the expanded course offerings and university supported services. At present, there are
approximately 20-30 graduate students in residence during any a given term, up to 25 undergraduate
students in fall and spring, and 35-40 undergraduate students and interns in the summer. The only
consistent student population is the graduate students. Establishing “a critical mass” of students is
needed to support and sustain the appropriate student services and academic programs


• By 2020, expand student population to 50-80 graduates, 150-200 resident undergraduates. A

full suite of undergraduate and graduate courses (> 32 credits) for students in full or partial
(e.g., online hybrid) residence offered during all four academic terms;
• By 2025, expand student population to 80-110 graduate students, 200-300 resident
undergraduate students, and 100-150 people involved with professional workshops and
certifications. A full suite of undergraduate and graduate courses (> 64 credits) will be
offered during all four academic terms including hybrid and shard courses between the
Corvallis and HMSC campuses. Graduate students will be able to meet their course
requirements while remaining at HMSC with courses on site or taken remotely. Expanded
lower division courses will contribute to the OSU baccalaureate core and 2+2 program with
OCCC will be fully implemented, as well as additional partnerships with OCCC and other
community colleges, such as skills based training for marine technology and professional
• Allow HMSC undergraduate and graduate students to take Ecampus courses as part of their
fee plateau to avoid commuting and support elimination of the plateau;
• Provide additional housing scholarships or subsidies while in residence at HMSC;
• Develop student exchange programs with other marine labs.

Undergraduate Students

• Target opportunities specifically to major vs. non-major and upper division vs. lower
division that align with requirements;
• Improve outreach to students from various academic units including working at the student
level with the Marine Team and the administrative level of the Marine Council;
• Provide more upper division course sequences like the spring marine biology courses;
• Create a marine science minor requiring residence at HMSC for 1-4 quarters;
• Provide online hybrid courses so that students that are place bound have access to HMSC
• Develop additional courses that fulfill the biology requirement with a marine emphasis.
• Increase opportunities for undergraduate students to obtain Research or Arts Fellow
transcript notations in marine experiential education via HMSC;
• Include one day of undergraduate orientation at HMSC.

Graduate Students

• Entice students with the research support facilities that are unparalleled compared to many
other marine labs;
• Develop student exchange programs with other marine labs;
• Expand current connection between Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) and
OSU doctoral program in free choice learning given OMSI’s planned environmental
education center in Newport;
• Use community resources in teaching (e.g., Visitors Center, Oregon Coast Aquarium, OMSI)
to interest students in becoming STEM teachers;
• Work with the Graduate School to identify a graduate student advocate that can work across
academic units to resolve issues with course programs and fees.

International Student Opportunities and Challenges

International students add an important perspective to university courses, in addition to representing
another pool of students who might be interested in taking courses at HMSC. OSU currently hosts
over 3,000 international students. Most are enrolled in programs with outlined articulation towards a
degree. They are often motivated to take advantage of summer and zero week courses in order to
stay enrolled or maximize their coursework during the time they spend within their host country.
Summer courses also provide substantial tuition breaks for international students. Some
international students are interested in marine studies, but like domestic students, the courses need
to fulfill their baccalaureate core requirements.
Exchange students, ~100 of OSU international students, are generally on campus for 1-3 terms and
seek diverse cultural experiences. Their course schedule is typically completed one year in advance;
therefore, it is critical that course offerings are stable annually. Attracting a pool of international
students provides potential synergies with OCCC as these students would be interested in basic
college level courses. They would also need housing so increase the pool of potential tenants for
student housing.

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International students will be interested in a wide variety of courses offered at HMSC. Specific fields
of study include:

• Quantitative marine science, including fisheries stock assessment and ecosystem based
• Aquarium and aquaculture sciences
At this point, OSU is limited in offering certificates and non-degree education to international
students. F-1 and J-1 students need to enroll full-time (12 credits) each term. These students,
however, can pursue a certificate while enrolled as a full-time student. For certificate programs, it is
best to work with international students who are already enrolled at OSU. HMSC is designated as a
separate campus through the Department of Homeland Security, therefore, international students
spending extended periods at HMSC may be required to formally transfer to the HMSC campus.

• Work with International Programs to promote course offerings at HMSC to international

• Work to ease transitioning between Corvallis and HMSC for international students under all
• Coordinate with OCCC to ensure enrollment eligibility for international students.

Professional and Noncredit Education Opportunities and Audiences

A wide array of the public is interested in professional and non-credit educational opportunities.
HMSC faculty and instructors have co-directed very successful partnerships with the Oregon Coast
Aquarium, Lincoln County School District, and the University of Oregon that include OCAMP
(Oregon Coast Aquatic and Marine Science Partnership) and COSEE (Centers for Ocean Sciences
Education Excellence). These programs promote ocean literacy education in K-12 and community
colleges through teacher training, OSU faculty guided class projects, and student internships. They
also provide an invaluable resource to the OSU research community through collaborations with
P.I.’s in designing highly competitive “broader impact” components for grant proposals. OCAMP
and COSEE are examples of fixed duration grant funded projects. They demonstrated the potential
for establishing a variety of programs sustained through OSU academic units and University
Outreach and Engagement. Such programs could attract teachers nationally from K-12, community
college, and aquariums seeking credit and noncredit continuing education needed to maintain
certifications or for professional development and career advancement. These efforts could develop
into a center for lifelong STEM learning at HMSC.
Through partnerships among OSU academic units and OCCC, a wide variety of professional
certification and training programs could be offered that include hybrid and evening courses in
disciplines ranging from STEM topics for professionals to technical trade training. Target audiences
would be domestic and international, and including the aquarium and aquaculture industry. Courses
could be offered during the evening for local professionals, on weekends as part of online hybrid
options, or all weeklong providing the added incentive of visiting the Oregon coast.
Potential target audiences include:
• K-12 and community college teachers

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• Zoo and aquarium educators
• Aquaculture
• Professional naturalists
• Marine and coastal engineers
• Marine technical professionals

Community College Partnerships, Possibilities, and Needs

Expanded education programs for OSU on the coast will require strong ties with all coastal
community colleges including Clatsop Community College, Tillamook Bay Community College,
Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC), Lane Community College and Southwestern Oregon
Community College. In this assessment, however, we will focus on initial partnerships needed with
OCCC serving Lincoln County. A strong partnership between OSU and OCCC will be mutually
beneficial in bolstering academic programs at both institutions. This is true currently and also
critical for progressing toward a 2+2 program. The strongest and most consistent partnership
between HMSC and OCCC in recent years has been the Aquarium Science Program. Other
partnerships including course articulation agreements, however, have dwindled due to lack of
attention from both institutions. Reestablishing articulation agreements and developing additional
synergistic programs in the near term are some key initial steps to building a stronger partnership.
While articulation agreements are not necessary for the Associate of Arts/Oregon Transfer Degree,
they are required to transfer credits for courses within a specific degree offered through a given
academic unit at a university. A lack of funding and focus has made it difficult to provide
articulation support for community college students at OCCC. At Southwestern Oregon
Community College, the Oregon University System funded a director at the University Center and
OSU provided advising for students interesting in transferring to 4-yr programs. This is the type of
commitment needed. Students transferring from community colleges in Oregon are a significant
cohort and comprised 19% of graduating OSU undergraduates in 2011. OSU transfer students
succeed well with comparable probability of graduating in six years (82.2%) compared to students
who enter OSU as freshmen and persist to their third year (82.9%). (Oregon University System,
2012a, 2012b).
A stronger partnership between OCCC and OSU will help attract more students to both institutions.
Unique signature programs that students cannot get elsewhere would be attractive. Additionally,
students would have access to courses that are over capacity in Corvallis while living on the Oregon

Currently, limited basic, life, and physical science courses are offered at OCCC. Expanding these
courses would provide HMSC graduate students teaching opportunities while enhancing the OCCC
basic curriculum. Community college students express interest in marine science but cannot
currently pursue this subject. Offering several marine-based courses that fulfill the science elective
for AA/OT students could be very popular. OSU participation in OCCC open houses and other
recruiting venues would expose more students to the educational options offered by both
A 2+2 program with OCCC could be mutually beneficial for both parties, as evidenced by success
between OSU Cascades and Central Oregon Community College, and the fact that many successful

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community colleges exist within towns with equally robust universities. At the outset, it is important
for programs at OCCC and OSU to be complimentary, as is the case between HMSC and the
Corvallis campus. Ideally, students could seamlessly transition between OCCC and OSU courses,
allowing students to make full use of dual enrollment. Articulation support services with student
advisors will be critical in preparing students for transitioning to a 4-yr degree whenever they decide
to chart that course. Realistically, many community college students will not transfer because they
are place bound or need specific skills training. Some estimates are < 25% of community college
students will be interested in transferring to a 4-yr program. At Southwestern Oregon Community
College, however, ~ 60% of students are enrolled in the AA/OT program. When presented with
guidance and alternative pathways with clear benefits from the onset, students will take advantage of
newly recognized opportunities to further their education or technical training.
Administrative steps in establishing the 2+2 relationship with a community college include strong
relationships among key leaders, primarily the Presidents, the Academic Deans, Enrollment
Services/Student Affairs Deans, and local government. Also, a strong relationship between HMSC
and the Corvallis campus is critical at both the administrative and faculty level. Financial support for
services such as library and student affairs is critical. As noted by several interviewees “the State
cannot support an 8th university.” Rather, a robust 2+2 program would truly enhance educational
opportunities for coastal residents.

• Establish articulation agreements for relevant courses;

• Provide articulation support services for students prior to and after transferring to OSU;
• Expand STEM courses at OCCC through partnership with OSU;
• Develop technical training courses through OCCC and OSU that focus on marine
technology and coastal engineering;
• Design a wide variety of hybrid classes that allow flexibility for traditional and non-
traditional OCCC and OSU transfer students;
• For out of state transfer students, resolve or make clear to students the differences in
obtaining resident tuition status between community college and university.

Infrastructure Issues and Recommendations

Student housing, lab, and classroom facilities consistently ranked high among infrastructure needs
identified by study participants. With increased enrollment and faculty, infrastructure needs will also
include student services (health and recreation) and offices. Some of this new infrastructure will be
at HMSC where access to existing resources and services is required. However, other facilities that
support student life and possibly some teaching and research efforts will be built elsewhere, possibly
on property adjacent to OCCC. This separation revolves around two concerns: safety and
maintaining the existing research environment. Student housing should be located outside of the
tsunami inundation zone. Additional teaching and research spaces should be designed to address
the site’s inherent risks in responsible and feasible ways. HMSC currently supports an “open door”,
collegial multi-agency marine lab atmosphere that many cherish and want to see preserved as the
student population grows. These concerns must be addressed as we plan additional infrastructure
and growth.

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Existing student apartments at HMSC can functionally accommodate 52 students and have 50%
occupancy in fall, 50% in winter, 80% in spring, and 98% in summer. Short-term (1-3 nights)
bunkhouses can accommodate 32 students and range from 10% occupancy in January to 70%
occupancy in May. Two manufactured home units on site can accommodate a total of 10 people
full-term or longer (generally visiting faculty or staff). The local rental market is challenging as there
is seasonal pressure for vacation rentals and limited reasonably priced short and long term options.
Additional student housing is unquestionably needed to better accommodate current demands and
expand to full-term programs.
OSU students face difficult challenges when relocating from Corvallis to Newport, or vice versa.
Students often have to forfeit hard sought accommodations to move either direction or face paying
two rents. The difficulty is reduced for spring and summer term students as many have moved out
of Corvallis housing. It is worse in the fall or winter terms when students often have to commit to a
full year lease to secure housing for the academic year. In this situation, it would make sense to stay
in Newport for a full year, rather than a term, if sufficient curricula were offered. Alternatively,
arranging opportunities for shared leases between housing in Newport and Corvallis through
University or private property managers will ease the burden of one term transitions.
In designing new student housing, it is important to consider the different needs of undergraduate
and graduate students. Some may be more willing to share space and want more social and
recreational amenities but others may need more separation or permanent living spaces, especially
those with families that require additional space. When attracting students from outside the area to a
2+2 program, housing for freshman students is a must. Funding student housing construction
would require creative solutions involving donor funds, state bonding, and public-private
HMSC’s largest classroom can accommodate 30 students. This is the main teaching classroom and
heavily booked during spring, summer, and fall terms. The second largest is the distance education
classroom that can accommodate 19 students with full remote conferencing with campus. Two
additional classrooms accommodate 15-20 students. The classrooms are also in demand for training
sessions frequently offered by HMSC residents. The four teaching wet labs with running seawater
accommodate 20-25 students each. Two are committed to youth education instruction and the
other two to college level courses and student projects. The Guin Library renovation projects will
provide an additional two meeting/classroom spaces when completed in 2014 and we anticipate
high demand from HMSC residents.
The current HMSC classrooms can only accommodate a small to modest expansion in academic
programs. Significant expansion of any academic program at HMSC would necessitate expanded
classroom facilities. Additional classroom space could also be used by agencies. For example,
NOAA’s groundfish observer program now conducts multiple 4-week training sessions for 100%
observer coverage of west coast trawl fisheries. The new OCCC campus has classroom and science
lab facilities. However, similar to HMSC, they are relatively low capacity (maximum of 24 students),
and are also in high use Monday through Thursday.

14 | P a g e
Research Teaching Space
There is shared state and federal lab space at HMSC that is excellent for collaborative research but
problematic for teaching. The size of rooms (unusable for teaching a class of over 8 students) and
the difficulty of gaining short-term access permission are challenges. Classes requiring more in-depth
research are limited to the two wet labs. Most graduate students are housed in the lab spaces of
their major professors. Construction of additional classrooms and research space would free up
existing spaces for conversion to teaching labs.
Student Study and Office Space
Currently, the only common student study space is in the Guin Library. Originally built for 100 full
time students and 300 staff in 1990, it is being renovated to address changing needs in 2013/14.
The Library has adequate study space for small groups and individuals, but would be challenged if
the student population increased beyond 200. Additional student space would be needed to retain
the library as a quieter place to study.
Graduate student office space is also limited to two common areas with cubicles, one in a NOAA
building (20-25 desks) and one in an OSU building (5 desks), and limited carrel space (18 desks) in
the Guin Library. The graduate student space in the NOAA building is currently adequate in terms
of size, but problematic because students have limited or no access after hours or on weekends.
Additionally, students are required to have a government ID to access the building, which can be
particularly time consuming or prohibitive for non-US citizens. Additional graduate student and
post-doctoral fellow space for 20 is planned in the Guin Library renovation.
Information Technology
Relatively recent upgrades to HMSC information technology infrastructure have been extremely
beneficial. Currently the fiber optic connection is not fully taxed and could support expanded use
for educational programs. In the future, with expansion of data transmission from genome
sequencers and ocean observing systems through HMSC, greater bandwidth may be needed.
OCCC has sufficient fiber optic connectivity within its new campus. OCCC’s current bridge can
support all possible endpoints. Therefore, IT requirements are manageable in moving toward a
greater integration with the community college and can be addressed using models developed for
OSU Cascades.
Video conferencing systems are readily available for HMSC students and staff to connect with
Corvallis campus and elsewhere. The College of Agricultural Sciences has expanded video
conferencing capabilities and enjoys easy connectivity with HMSC. This is not the case for other
colleges, which limits HMSC students from remote connection to classes on campus (beyond
Fisheries and Wildlife), as well as for seminars and thesis defenses. It is currently easier for Corvallis
students to attend HMSC courses remotely than HMSC students to connect remotely to courses in
Corvallis. Corvallis faculty often decline to use video conferencing due to limited availability of
equipment, unfamiliarity with use of equipment, need to move classes to rooms equipped for video
conferencing, or lack of incentive if the additional effort is only for a few students on the coast.
Increasing the number of students in resident on the coast and applying their IT fees to remote
videoconferencing support for on campus course instructors could help resolve this problem.

15 | P a g e
HMSC classrooms and meeting rooms have been updated with adequate media equipment for
teaching and presenting. Judicious use of Technology Resource Fees have allowed all rooms to have
similar equipment making operations and training smoother and simpler. Ongoing support for
equipment and IT staff is provided by the HMSC Director’s Office. As educational demands and
the resident student population increase, IT staff levels, expectations, and funding will need to be
• Additional housing scholarships and subsidies;
• Exploration of shared housing agreement between HMSC and University Housing and
• New housing in Newport to accommodate increased student population;

• Additional teaching classrooms, with at least one capable of holding larger groups;
• Computer/Electronics teaching lab (e.g., statistics, computer modeling, GIS);

Research Teaching
• Additional multi-purpose wet/dry labs;
• Small boat and dive facility for classes and student projects/research;

Student Work Space

• Additional student common space;
• Provision of graduate student work space if not accommodated in labs;

Information Technology
• Funding for videoconferencing support on the Corvallis campus;
• Expansion of teaching technology in Corvallis academic units to promote videoconferencing
for teaching at HMSC;
• Funding model for IT support of students and teaching

Teaching Faculty (FTE) Needs and Recommendations

Additional teaching appointments at HMSC was the highest ranking need among the over 200
participants in our assessment. One cogent comment during a focus group discussion was that
additional teaching FTE “would be a game-changer, otherwise we [HMSC] will remain a research
station that does some teaching.” Currently, among approximately 13 tenure track faculty, there is
less than 1.5 teaching FTE in total. Hiring additional faculty with teaching and research
appointments that represent diverse expertise and academic units on main campus is needed to
provide expanded courses and graduate student mentoring at HMSC. Some of this FTE should
support strategic academic planning and program development. The External Review Team
recommended that a faculty representative from HMSC should be appointed to facilitate education
at the Center by engaging faculty, administrators, and staff on both campuses. This is soon to be
accomplished with the hiring of a new Zoology faculty member charged with working with “HMSC

16 | P a g e
leadership to develop and promote undergraduate academic programs and curricula at HMSC”.

Expanded teaching FTEs can be achieved through new faculty and instructor hires. Current faculty
with research appointments are interested in contributing to OSU’s educational mission. This
requires revision of position descriptions and funding for that effort. An additional key teaching
resource is OSU courtesy faculty residing in agencies who contribute to courses at HMSC and
greatly enhance the student’s marine lab experience, as well as exposure to careers post graduation.
Tapping into this willing pool of educators is invaluable for OSU. Although, since graduate or
undergraduate instruction is not within the position description of agency scientists, tactical
incorporation of their expertise into teaching faculty designed courses is the most cooperative
approach (FW426/526, Coastal Ecology and Resource Management is a good example). That said,
numerous courtesy faculty do teach graduate level courses or informal research skills-based courses.

Faculty from several colleges expressed the need for OSU to provide equitable support for teaching
classes. Currently the two primary models in use for HMSC courses are credit based and FTE
based. In general, FTE based compensation was considered most equitable and should be
standardized among academic units. The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science,
College of Science, and College of Agricultural Science have similar FTE commitments for teaching
in a 9 month, tenure track position: 45-50% teaching and advising, 40-45% research and 10%
service. The teaching commitment equates to 3 classes per year (~ 9 credits - University expectation
is 0.1 FTE per course) plus student advising. For the following recommendations, 1 FTE is defined
as one 9 month appointment that includes 50% FTE for teaching and advising of 3-5 graduate


• By 2020, add 10-14 FTE to HMSC through revised position descriptions for existing HMSC
faculty and new hires. New hires should complement current faculty expertise while also
teaching classes and conducting research that utilizes HMSC facilities (e.g., sea water system,
Visitor Center) and field laboratories (e.g., estuaries, coastal communities). This would allow
> 32 course credits per term.
• By 2025, add an additional 10-14 FTE. HMSC will have solidified and expanded its
signature courses and unique niche in contributing to the marine enterprise at OSU. With
greater recognition and enrollment in marine studies at OSU, some course duplication
between the main campus and HMSC will begin to occur without being detrimental to either
interest, thereby allowing additional teaching FTE to exist at HMSC. This would allow >
64 course credits per term.
Growing the HMSC faculty is a key step toward creating a critical mass of graduate and
undergraduate students required to establish a robust, sustainable program and needed student

Funding Education and Tuition Model

Most current funding for academic programs comes from the Research Office through the HMSC
Director’s Office budget. This covers the Academic Program Coordinator salary, facilities, IT and

17 | P a g e
occasional instructors. Teaching lab equipment and classroom upgrades rely on Technology
Resource fees, and a variety of other sources including private donors and other departments. Most
teaching FTE is provided through departments and colleges with the Fisheries and Wildlife
Department committing consistent effort. The External Review Team commented that these are
“inappropriate sources [for academic funding] (i.e., the Research Office) or highly unpredictable
sources such as the departments and colleges on campus.”
The HMSC Strategic Plan noted that incentives are not available to encourage faculty to develop
new course or curriculum offerings, especially multidisciplinary courses that cross traditional
department or college lines. Targeted fees for non-Corvallis courses increase the burden on students
and are not an appropriate solution. The net result is that colleges and departments have no
incentive to invest in developing and offering classes beyond the Corvallis campus. Therefore, a
new, uniform funding model is needed that is equitable to HMSC, academic units, and the
University that support academic program coordination, development and delivery.
Currently, there are three tuition schemes for OSU classes: Academic Year (AY), Summer Session
(SS) and Ecampus. The AY and SS models do not address the cost to a facility other than the
Corvallis campus; this inhibits course offerings beyond OSU main campus. The Ecampus model
assumes no facility cost but substantial administrative and course development costs; these are
covered by the $75 per credit fee. The AY model has the bulk of the fees added to the first credit
with incremental additional fees up to 12 credits and then plateauing. The SS model adds fees to the
first credit taken; additional credits do not result in additional fees.
The net result is that Ecampus tuition is lowest for students taking < 4 credits, SS tuition is lowest
for students taking 5-12 (undergraduate) or 5-9 (graduate) credits, and AY tuition is lowest for
students taking > 13 (undergraduate) or > 10 (graduate) credits. Differences in costs among the
three models can be substantial, up to $1,400 per term for undergraduate and $3,700 per term for
graduate students taking a full 16 credits (Appendix 3).
Tuition should be shared equitably among all units investing in course delivery. These may include
the department who covers the cost of instruction, the facility for use of space and coordinating
staff, Central Administration for registration and business affairs and Central Enterprise for
marketing. Additional course fees could be charged for courses requiring specialized facilities such
as labs. Regular fees applicable to the Corvallis campus would need to be adjusted so that student
services (e.g. medical services, recreation, information technology) can be provided off campus.
Creating an equitable tuition model for non-Corvallis courses has been a work in progress for
several years without finalization. Several models for tuition allocation are currently being discussed
(Appendix 3). The expansion of academic programs at HMSC provides the opportunity to create a
model that would work for other OSU facilities beyond the Corvallis main campus.

• Adopt a tuition scheme for non-Corvallis campus courses that returns 70% of tuition to the
unit providing the instruction, 20% to the facility hosting the instruction, and 10% to Central

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Scaling Up Educational Opportunities
Throughout our conversations, we sensed enthusiasm for expanded educational opportunities on
the coast and better use of HMSC as a teaching facility embedded in the research environment. One
participant said: “I enjoy having the vitality students bring with them and the energy and passion
they have. Our community has always embraced our students and learning about what they do. I can
see this as being a new dynamic within the community we live in.” There was also recognition of
the challenges of geography, funding and policies. There is potential for increasing HMSC’s capacity
to address the educational desires of students and the community needs. While this assessment
focuses on students, infrastructure and faculty, many we spoke with see an expansion of educational
opportunities as a means to boost the coastal economy with a better educated workforce. As one
person stated: “more living wage jobs would only help the coast to grow and would attract great
people to the coast to study and live”. There is interest in improving sustainable business
opportunities related to science and the marine environment.
Expanding HMSC academic programs would increase our interactions with the Lincoln County
schools, and OCCC enhancing opportunities for all students. People see this as “positive for the
community” and “good for coastal youth to know what academic opportunities are available should
they want a local college option.” Keeping local students on the coast and recruiting students from
elsewhere are positives.
There may be a limited number of students with sufficient passion to study marine biology.
However, there is an unlimited number whose lives and careers can be enriched through ocean
literacy. A current HMSC student commented: “I love the coastal life and treasure the sense of
being a part of a healthy ecosystem. I want to help maintain it and improve it. I want others to have
access to it and to learn about it”. We concur with the HMSC External Review Panel, “[Our] goal
should be to increase marine science literacy and exposure in all disciplines at OSU, and make
HMSC the face of marine science and marine policy on the coast.” Elevating education to be in
balance with research at HMSC will diversify the current funding model. Sustained investment in
these efforts will help establish OSU as a preeminent University for ocean science education,
research, and engagement.

19 | P a g e
External Review Team for Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center. 2010.
Report of an external review Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center,
September 16-17, 2010. Corvallis: The University. 22 pp. Available:
Hodder, Jan. 2009. What Are Undergraduates Doing at Biological Field Stations and Marine
Laboratories? BioScience. 59 (8): 666-672.
Implementation Task Team. Recommendations on Implementation of External Review of Hatfield
Marine Science Center: Report to Provost Sabah Randhawa and Vice President for Research Rick
Spinrad. 2012. Corvallis: Oregon State University. 11 pp.
Oregon Revised Statutes. 2011. § 351.009 Available:
Oregon State University. 2006. Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center Strategic Plan.
Newport: The University. 35 pp. Available:
Oregon University System. 2012a. OUS Achievement Compact 2012-2013. Eugene: OSU. 42 pp.
Oregon University System, Office of Institutional Research. 2012b. Oregon University System Facts and
Figures 2011. Eugene: OUS. 116 pp. Available:
External Review of the Hatfield Marine Science Center.

20 | P a g e
Appendix 1: Interviewees and Respondents
Number and background of over 200 interviewees and respondents from in-person and online
surveys while seeking input for this report during April – June 2013.


• OSU faculty and administration representing 17 different colleges/departments/programs

(28 interviews of 37 people).
• Other marine laboratories directors and faculty (4 interviews of 5 people)
• Community college presidents (2 interviews)
• State representatives (2 interviews)

Focal Groups:
• HMSC faculty, Hatfield Student Organization, HMSC agencies, Newport community leaders
(4 focal groups including 25 people).

Online survey (# of responses):

• University Faculty and Staff (64) – 33 Newport, 31 Corvallis

• University Graduate Students (36), 13 Newport; 23 Corvallis
• University Undergraduate Students (32)
• Agency (22)
• K-12 (5)
• Community (15)
• Community College (26)

21 | P a g e
Appendix 2: Current HMSC Courses
Listing of courses offered at HMSC during four terms of the 2012-2013 academic year.
FALL 2012 - Oregon State University Courses
Course Title Course # Credits
HMSC seminar FW 407/507 1
Coastal Ecology & Resource Mgmt (CERM) WEEK FW 426/526 5
Natural History of Whales and Whaling FW 419 3
Fishery Biology FW 454/554 5
Dynamics of Marine Biological Resources FW431/531 4
Marine Conservation Biology FW/Z 464/564 3
Early Life History of Fishes FW 474/574 4
Aquatic Biological Invasions FW 421/521 4
Math on the Beach OC 599 3
Total 32

WINTER 2013 - Oregon State University Courses

Course Title Course # Credits
Introduction to marine mammal Accoustics FW/OC 599 3
Introduction to Marine Life in the Sea - Marine Habitats BI/FW 111 1
FW Seminar FW 407/507 1
Fundamentals of Molecular Ecology FW 699 3
Genetic Monitoring of F & W FW 599 3
Total 11

SPRING 2013 - Oregon State University Courses

Course Title Course # Credits
Marine Biology BI 450 16
Introduction to Marine Life in the Sea - Marine Mammals BI/FW 111 1
Introduction to Marine Life in the Sea - Marine Birds BI/FW 111 1
Advanced Fundamentals of Molecular Ecology FW 599 3
Total 21

SUMMER 2013 - Oregon State University Courses

Course Title Course # Credits
Introduction to Marine Biology BI 150 4
Biology and Conservation of Marine Mammals BI/FW 302 4
Laboratory: Field Techniques for Marine Mammal Conservation FW 499 1
Ecology of Marine & Estuarine Birds FW 499 3
Intro. to Geographic Information Systems GEO 365 4
Scientific Diving IST 499/599 4
Coastal Oceanography OC 332 3
Marine and Estuarine Invertebrate Zoology Z 461 4
Total 27

22 | P a g e
Appendix 3: Tuition Schemes and Proposed Models
Comparison of costs for one term among the three tuition schemes used at OSU (AY = Academic

Possible models for allocating tuition among academic units and facilities (recommended model in

Central Central Enterprise

Administration (Summer Session,
Instructional (Registrar, course
Percentages Unit Facility Academic Affairs) development)
65/15/10/10 $120.25 $27.75 $18.50 $18.50
65/20/10/5 $120.25 $37.00 $18.50 $9.25
70/10/10/10 $129.50 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50
70/20/10 $129.50 $37.00 $18.50 $0.00
80/10/10 $148.00 $18.50 $18.50 $0.00
Based on one credit at $185

23 | P a g e
Appendix 4: Relevant Development Opportunities From HMSC Strategic Plan

Undergraduate courses at HMSC that enrich existing programs.

1. Increase resident teaching FTE at HMSC (with funding from E&G) for coastal and marine
2. Create a Marine Science Minor, Option or Certificate Program (within existing
undergraduate majors) with residency, independent research, project, or internship at HMSC.
3. Explore opportunities to develop an inter-disciplinary B.S. degree in marine and coastal
4. Develop relationships with partner academic institutions
5. Recruit additional (non-OSU) undergraduates to new and extended programs (e.g. education
programs, summer internship programs) with opportunities for underrepresented groups
6. Further develop OCCC relationship with dual enrollment
7. Examine combined OSU/UO/PSU alliance for statewide programs in marine science
8. Promote and develop opportunities for other universities, community colleges, tribal
colleges, and underrepresented groups to take advantage of HMSC educational opportunities
9. Increase international marine science learning opportunities for OSU students and bring
foreign students to HMSC

Opportunities for graduate studies at HMSC.

1. Increase resident graduate faculty at HMSC.
2. Offer graduate courses on year-round basis at HMSC examine dedicated term for students
studying marine science.
3. More fully engage courtesy faculty in teaching, advising, and supporting graduate students.
4. Increase agency and industry fellowships, traineeships, and marine resource related summer
jobs for graduate student education.
5. Obtain external financial support for graduate education in marine and coastal science and
resource management.
6. Increase international marine science research opportunities for OSU grad students.

Leading national and international programs in informal education for youth and lifelong
learners and extension-based outreach in coastal and marine science.
1. Continue development as a national site for free-choice learning, based on coastal and
marine themes for audiences that choose how and when to learn.
2. Increase physical capacity and staffing for youth education and life-long learning at HMSC.
3. Increase involvement and participation by agencies and academic units with Visitor Center,
youth, and life-long learning educational (outreach) programming that improves science
4. Improve library resources for informal education
5. Increase extension-based educational programming around coastal, aquatic, and marine
issues and opportunities, including coastal community development.
6. Expand youth and lifelong learning opportunities for diverse, under-represented, and
underserved audiences.

24 | P a g e
7. Consider developing “SEATAUQUA” or elder hostel-like program featuring integration of
the arts and sciences
8. Partner with OCCC and Oregon Coast Aquarium in training activities, e.g., for volunteers.

Create programs of continuing professional education for scientists, managers,

practitioners, and educators.
1. Evaluate productive areas for program expansion (professional Ed, certificate programs,
agency scientists, Distance Education).
2. Develop curriculum for fisheries management training.
3. Develop distance learning courses that contribute to OSU Extended Campus programs.
4. Offer professional development workshops (Aquaculture, Aquarium Science, Veterinary
5. Increase use of HMSC for scientific/professional meetings.

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