The Power of Thought
The Power of Thought
The Power of Thought
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Original title:
Translated from English by Liliana Resnik
Cover design: Editorial Sirio, SA
of this edition EDITORIAL
SIRIO , S. TO . C/ Nirvana Libros SA de CV ED . SYRIO ARGENTINA
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ISBN: 978-84-7808-622-1
Legal Deposit: B-4.984-2009
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editorial Sirio, sa
The power of thought, as Emerson says, is a spiritual
power. It is the greatest of the powers that man has at his
disposal. The current world in its present state is simply the
result of thought. collective ment of humanity; every country in
its present state, whether of peace and prosperity, or misery,
crime and anarchy, is the simple result of its thinking as a
country; and each individual is as he is, and his life is what it is,
and the circumstances that surround him are as they are, simple
mind, as a result of your thoughts. What man thinks he
becomes; What a man thinks becomes a source of strength that
fuels all his actions; what a man thinks attracts to him the cir
circumstances and environments where it will act; What a man
thinks determines the type of friends and companions that
surround him. dearan what a man thinks decides whether he will
be happy or unhappy If he is born, he will be successful or
unsuccessful, he will be fortunate or unlucky, he will be
prosperous or imprisoned by poverty, he will be hated or loved;
What a man thinks can make him defeat destiny or favor his
fate, can make him march alongside his glorious destiny, or turn
him into an outlaw and aimless wanderer in the deserted places
of the world. There is really no limit to the power of thought,
because it is a spiritual power of great potential. It is the power
that distinguishes man from the brute; It is the power by which
we can ascend towards God; It is the power that can turn failure
in the battle of life into victory; It is the power that can make
possible the attainment of the highest realization; It is the power
with which all difficulties can be overcome. des, transcending
the disadvantages of birth and inheritance tarias, beautified life,
and inspired and saturated with the energy of the power that
God gives us.
By the power of thought man blesses or curses himself.
Through him he leads his life to success or failure. case, health
or illness, happiness or unhappiness, poverty or prosperity. It's
all in your mind and the character of your thoughts.
Anything in your life or mine that results in disharmony,
clumsiness, illness or unhappiness. cha is the result of our
inharmonious thoughts cough. We live in a universe where
order rules, but we do not react harmoniously to our
environment; we are not in correspondence with the law and the
occult order coughs that surround us. It is not necessary for the
universe to change good your rhythm; It is we who must
change. Within ourselves is the disorder of our
Chapter I
The subconscious mind, although it is so wonderful
intelligent mind and possesses such extraordinary powers, acts
entirely by suggestion. That is, he blindly and faithfully follows
the thoughts that are sent to him. Therefore, our actions depend
on the kind of thoughts we hold. If we send bad thoughts to the
mind subconscious, the natural result will be that it produces
We do evil and destructive acts. If we feed thoughts ments
(weakness and fear of failure), we will have actions that will
inevitably lead us to failure. On the other hand, if we hold good
thoughts, the result It will be necessary to have good
constructive actions, and if these are strong thoughts and full of
faith in success, it will be will lead to vigorous actions that lead
to success and real lization. It is impossible to think bad
thoughts and pro produce good deeds. Many have experienced
it. They have said to themselves: "I will be respectful to others
and lead a faultless life, but deep down I will feed negative
thoughts, which I will keep in my heart because it pleases me,
but I will not let them go any further because I know that bad
action leads to shipwreck." and to disaster. Therefore, I will
disappoint even my best friends. Externally I will be as I should
be, but in my thoughts I will feed evil. My life will be double;
For others I will be one thing and in the world of my thoughts
something very different. This way I can enjoy the evil in my
thoughts! lies and escape their consequences! Such a person
does not have the power and fidelity of the subconscious mind.
Every evil thought held and looked upon acts as a powerful
suggestion upon this giant patient until he can no longer sit still
and takes life in the form of a stream of evil actions, which are
an exact replica of the thoughts he held. They have been fed.
This explains why, very often do, people who have always
shown exemplary behavior suddenly goes astray and his life
collapses; simple mind they reaped the fruit of the thoughts
Although the above is true for the majority who secretly
entertain bad thoughts, there are, however, go, those who, either
through lack of courage or opportunity ity, either they do not do
so or they cannot "flow" into the stream of bad acts. Due to your
bad thoughts, certain emotions arise that cannot be satisfied.
chas and which, therefore, have to be repressed. The effect of
this repression is a chronic lack of health that no medical
acumen can cure, or else a disease. organic disease that is
beyond the art of healing. The lec The reader must not imagine,
however, that everyone who suffers in this way is in the same
situation as the one who Mint bad thoughts, but your practice is
true mindly one of the means by which people can literally
destroy themselves.
That example has been given merely to illustrate the effect
of bad thoughts, and most people have seen similar cases among
their friends and relations. nes. Undoubtedly, most of my
readers must be above this way of thinking, but the same law
operates on every kind of thought that is sent to the
subconscious mind. There are two kinds of thinking ments, that
is, constructive and destructive, sometimes called positive and
negative. The actions of our life depend on the kind of thoughts
we feed and let pass into the subconscious mind. If we allow our
mind to adhere to negative thoughts, we will structive - and this,
unfortunately, is the most frequent case count because it
requires no effort—the inevitable result will be negative and
destructive action. On the other hand, if we think constructive or
positive thoughts - and this requires an effort as great,
sometimes, as climbing a hill - the natural result will be positive
action. Thus, the man who gives rise to hatred and clings to his
errors will be led to think about crime, and by harboring
thoughts of this kind in his heart, the time will come when he
will be driven to commit crime. ter a crime. On the other hand,
if the same man tries to distance his mind from erroneous
thoughts and maintains the idea of forgiveness, or, better still,
that of love, or maintains If you have thoughts of good will for
the one who has hurt you, your life will be one of happiness and
tranquility, and in this high sense, it will be a life crowned with
Furthermore, a man who allows thoughts of fear and
weakness, who fears that his businesses are going to go wrong,
who believes that bad luck is chasing him, who fears the
competition that he will not be able to face, is a man who, will
probably fail, because all his actions will be fearful, colored by
doubt and lacking You have that strength and determination that
are necessary to achieve success. On the other hand, if you
eliminate all debilitating negative thoughts, all thoughts of
probable failure, case, and constantly fortify his mind with ideas
that affirm the possibility of success—in other words, they send
strong suggestions of success to the subconscious mind. cient—,
such a man will be successful in life, because his action will be
firm and decisive. When faced with great difficulty, you will be
able to see how powerful energy and stabilizing power, great
courage and determination come from your subconscious mind,
all due to the simple fact of having been nourished by right
A book could be filled with illustrations about this law, but
in a small work like the present one the examples given serve
their purpose. The law is immutable: it cannot be deceived or
circumvented. Anything we think sooner or later translates into
action; and since our life depends on our actions, it can be seen
that by controlling our thoughts it is possible to govern our life.
Controlling our thoughts We govern our actions; By governing
our actions we can shape our lives and circulate circumstances,
and thus, modify our destiny. Life is not a matter of chance or
accident; It is not something that is out of our control; is largely
the result state or effect of our thoughts. Therefore, by
controlling our thoughts—and this, thank God, can be done—
we can govern and direct our thoughts. through life to a degree
that seems inconceivable to achieve. As conscious thinking
beings, created, as the Bible says, in the image and likeness of
God, or in other words, being a microcosm of the macrocosm,
we possess one of the greatest powers in the universe, and that
power is thought. Our life depends on how we use this
wonderful power. The driver makes his machine move forward
or backward, although he uses the same power in both cases. in
my In another way, man's thinking can help build or destroy his
own character, whether he uses the potent power of thought well
or badly. Depends on how you use Use this power, whether you
use it for good or evil, because a successful, healthy, happy and
harmonious life will result. niosa, or lack of definitive
achievements, true success and happiness. "What a man sows,
he reaps."
Chapter II
Victims of ignorance
Victims of ignorance
conduct, undermine the will and help make the wrong decisions.
It will be admitted that this is a question tion of vital
importance, however, neither children nor people in general are
instructed in a matter of such importance. Mordial
transcendence. Because of this almost universal ignorance, most
of us are indifferent to the presence of negative thoughts, even
to our detriment.
How many of us, for example, deeply understand that it is
the thought that kills and not the lack of food in the majority of
cases of death caused by forced starvation? If a person,
commonly, does not get food, he can, in a few days, find death;
However, if a person voluntarily fasts to cure himself of some
physical illness ca, can do it, if the fast is carried out wisely, du
for forty or more days, not only without damage but also obtain
giving highly beneficial results for your health. How is it that in
the first case a few days of help Non-forced fasting ends in
death, while voluntary fasting of six weeks or more gives a
positive result. you? The answer is that, of course, what kills is
the state of the mind and the character of the thoughts and not
the lack of food in the case mentioned.
Furthermore, after a few days of "starvation" a person
generally feels in a state of great weakness and prostration.
However, one who voluntarily underwent a fast, usually with
continues its work, and it is only in the last stage that it drops
less than usual. A certain respectable gentleman who recently
fasted for forty or fifty days, details of which were given in the
newspapers, not only carried out his usual duties but also added
to it the fact of having written, during that time. po, a book
whose subject matter required great concentration and mental
effort. Contrast this case with that of a man who, after several
The power of thought
Victims of ignorance
and hope for healing give him life, strength, and ability to
continue his work.
It should not be presumed from these few observations that
I am in favor of uncontrolled fasts, because a poorly carried out
fast can cause a lot of damage. Fasting in certain cases is
beneficial, but it must be done under experienced supervision.
There is also a lot of ignorance about another point, which
is related to the possibility of controlling thought. I lie. It is not
generally known that our thoughts ments can be controlled and
regulated in a similar way to that a police officer controls and
regulates traffic. Just raising a hand instantly stops traffic behind
him, allowing vehicles coming from the cross street to pass. Our
thoughts can be controlled and regulated in the same way.
Undesirable, destructive thoughts can be stopped, while
desirable, constructive thoughts can be encouraged to pass.
People say, "You can't avoid those thoughts." lies, isn't it?
They accept that one cannot control tell your own thoughts.
They do not understand that one can deliberately change the
subject of one's thoughts. ments, the same as changing the topic
of a conversation sation. We all vary the topic of a conversation
sation when it is unpleasant to us, but how many of us change
the subject of our thoughts in the same deliberate way, by the
exercise of our will? However, it can be done, almost as easily,
by just DOING IT , instead of thinking and saying we can't do it.
It is not only possible to change the subject of our thoughts, but
also to stop thinking altogether. Both things are the achievement
of something of high value and must be acquired through
practice and self-control; even the weakest of us will be able to
acquire laugh them if he calmly persists in his effort.
We don't need to be smart, or highly gifted two, or get out
The power of thought
Chapter III
Victims of suggestion
The power of thought
The power of thought
The power of thought cleaned the floors while
kneeling on the ground. It is written, without a doubt, to arouse
laughter and amuse, but it contains It has its grain of truth,
which, if understood by the masses, would make the drug
dealers "wonderful." “llosas” will close their businesses.
Therefore, there is the so-called "suggestion of the
masses." We are all inclined to follow the paths beliefs of the
crowd, and have the same emotions that govern the popular
masses at a certain moment. For a positive person it is very easy
to handle pen thoughts and emotions of a crowd. It is difficult
for a person in a crowd not to be carried away. go for her. That
is why people who are usually sensitive, during national
festivities, feel united with the demonstrations. tations of
rejoicing. It is also the reason why the person who is patient and
incapable of harming anyone in private life can, united with the
crowd, commit acts of violence and disorder. It is simply that
the emotion of the masses preys on the individual, they
influence holding it so tightly that it allows itself to be handled.
It is a fact that there are people who are easier more
influenced by one suggestion than another. Some are impassive
and phlegmatic, and when faced with a suggestion tion are left
almost unaffected. Others, for the with On the other hand, they
are more sensitive and very nervous. These are more easily
influenced by the suggestion of anything, being easy prey before
they learn to resist. throw it away These people often think that
they are “unsociable,” and that life has not played fair by
making them so sensitive. But they don't need to feel sorry for
what they should rather
Victims of suggestion
Thank you, because these people are the ones who can benefit
the most from suggestion when it is used appropriately and
Finally, we come to the topic of temptation. We are all
tempted in one way or another. What you can have Tempting
one severely may not affect another at all, but each is tempted in
a peculiar way colored by his own temperament. What is
temptation tion but suggestion? It is not necessary to argue
about where from, or from whom the suggestion comes to us;
We believe that it is more than enough to know that we are
victims of it until we learn to resist it successfully. There is no
suggestion more subtle than temptation. He is so clever that it
appears impossible to notice in any way. Even in our best
moments, when we feel inclined towards noble acts, the
suggestion of ideas and motives of a lower nature arises in us. If
we do not want to fall we must exercise eternal vigilance. And it
is because of this that we have been told in the greatest of all
books and by the greatest of all teachers: "Watch and pray that
you do not fall into temptation."
As I conclude this chapter let me touch lightly mind the
teaching of those who have declared that almost all things are
the product of suggestion. His theory is that we only have
consciousness and that everything that constitutes our life is the
result of suggestion. Therefore, they say, poverty is the result of
accepting the suggestion of poverty; the sick ity comes from
accepting the suggestion of illness; affliction tion is the result of
having accepted the suggestion of the
affliction, and so on. To counter these suggestions tions an
autosuggestion of opposite nature is recommended rarity. The
person burdened by poverty is advised What do you do for
yourself when you go to bed? mir, all suggestion of wealth,
prosperity and plenitude. If the subconscious mind, or
unconscious mind as some call it, accepts the suggestion,
poverty ends. The per sick son does the same, but using health
suggestions, with a similar pleasant result, if the sub conscious
or internal "mental power" accepts the suggestion that has been
made to work.
All this may seem to most readers res as something
inoperative and misleading. However, still Although the reader
is not prepared to accept such teachings in the crude form set
forth above, there is an appreciable degree of truth in them.
However, it is not advisable to use the subconscious mind in this
way. Many individuals today suffer the effects of experiments
done without knowledge or experience.
Chapter IV
The power of thought
people not to shelter in their fears and think instead. bio about
pleasant things, but one is liable to create a habit of thinking
almost as harmful as that of eating. end it with affliction and
unresolved worry. It is applied negative version of what is
called good advice is res responsible for the failure of those who
say: "I have tried "I think rightly, but I didn't find any
difference." The reason for "finding no difference" is that it is
not right thinking at all, but rather a wrong way of thinking.
Such people say: "I never let thoughts arise." wrong ideas about
my difficulties; I reject all thoughts about them. That's right, and
this is precisely where the total difficulty lies. Instead of facing
daring mind the worries of life and conquer them in thought, we
flee from them. As soon as the mind is confronted with an
unpleasant thought, a thought ment of some annoying duty that
we have to fulfill plir, of a crisis that we have to face, or of a
difi cult that must be overcome, the mind "spies" and comes out
shot searching for something pleasurable. He who says: "I never
think about my difficulties" and escapes from his troubles
unpleasant thoughts, what you are doing is never overcoming
the real difficulties that arise. in see ity, what he considers right
thinking means that he does not know how to make decisions
and act firmly and sensitively in response to them. mind. We
must win first in our thoughts cough if we really want to win in
the experience itself.
The secret of winning by
The world could be divided into two types of people: those
who conquer life and those who are defeated by life. Those who
overcome the difficulties of life are those those who do it first in
thought. Those who are overcome by the difficulties of life are
those who have not previously overcome in thought. If someone
has not practiced By deliberately monitoring unpleasant
thoughts, quickly replacing them with pleasant ones, he remains
passive, that is, he will fail in his attempt to overcome in
thought the difficulty that arises in real life.
The secret of winning lies in achieving victory first in
thought. If we continually win in thinking, we develop a mind
full of firmness. Without a strong mind it is impossible to
emerge victorious in the battle of life. On the other hand, there
is no difficulty, that has a human solution, that cannot be
overcome by a firm mind. Certainly, if a strong mind is directed
towards a certain goal, it will not only succeed, but will also be
able to accomplish the most remarkable things, I know. doing
everything you could have previously foreseen or hoped for.
The mind becomes powerful, increasing in strength
continually, through the method of going to the meeting tro of
difficulty in thinking; facing off I say carefully to them, and
then putting the weight of the mind and the will behind it to
support it. Then the "whole man" moves forward, passing
through the difficulty and reaching the other side victoriously.
This generates internal power, which is cumulative. When we
are faced with the difi Culture of daily living helps us achieve
All of that is very different from agonizing over things.
Tormenting yourself is destructive. Afflicted by our difficulties,
we not only stimulate fear, one of the most destructive
The power of thought
The secret of winning by
But although we should not be distressed by our imaginary
worries or fears, we should nevertheless face them decisively in
our thoughts. lie and will. In no way should we esca stop
because this is probably the most negative and destructive thing.
Those who do not face their difficulties and who keep slipping
away without seeking the real way out are, generally speaking,
those who suffer the greatest afflictions. Avoiding the true exit
in the mind This increases the reason for concern.
At the risk of repeating myself, I must insist again on this
important and vital truth that we must win in thought. The
teaching that he proposes to us To put the worry out of our mind
and think of pleasant things, or indulge in daydreaming, may to
be positively followed, but, as commonly practiced, it is entirely
negative. Applied in a negative way, it weakens the will, takes
away our initiative and destroys our own power to decide and
act. Instead of avoiding the exit every time a worrying or
difficult thought threatens to appear in our conscience, we must
face it bravely, affirmed thus commanding our ability to win
and emerge victorious you are If every time the thought arises
we face it by demonstrating our power, ability to overcome and
achieve triumph over it, when the time comes to face the real
experience, we will find that we have the power to overcome
and be victorious against the own experience. We will find that
our mind is firm me and that he has a reserve of power that will
surprise us ourselves.
Facing thoughts of failure, difficulty, and fear in the right
way has its effect on the subconscious mind. She receives a
defined directive and performs what is expected of her action.
Being a faithful servant, he does not fail us. These statements
can They can be of various kinds and must necessarily vary
The power of thought
The secret of winning by
changed, simply because the character is improved beyond all
knowledge. Instead of the differences cults of life defeat him,
the student triumphs over them. When he has achieved a victory
he finds new your fields to conquer, new and beautiful
panorama but they open before his eyes. See what you can
shape and pro project the lines of his character, and by this
means, shape and shape his own life.
Some people think of forming mint squares them. The
nature of their lives and the character of the cir circumstances
that surround them depend on the character of their mental
images. Therefore, if they are of worry, fear, failure, etc., they
must be poured into the opposite image. ta. Many people are
naturally given to imagining negative mental disorders. When
they think about the rent they already imagine that they will not
be able to pay it, and in their three mendacious consequences,
such as being forced to sell for zosas, eviction and things like
that. When you think about business, if you are a business
owner, you see a picture of banking. defeated, they find
themselves facing the courts, being interrogated ged by the
prosecutor. If they belong to the middle class and are employed,
they imagine that they are unemployed, which I know is They
become homeless, and become one of many thousands of
unemployed people looking for work, and suffering all the evils
and discomforts that such a position entails. If pre They feel an
accident, they see themselves as the victim, all magu thrown
against the sidewalk. If you see or read something about a
hospital, you already see yourself hospitalized, subjected to a
tremendous operation, or saying goodbye to your crying
relatives at the moment of saying goodbye to go to a no less
terrible and unknown place. acid world.
The power of thought
Chapter V
The power of thought
Are we creators of our own evil?
The power of thought
Right thinking and right attitude
The power of thought
Right thinking and right attitude
The power of thought
Chapter VII
The power of thought
Effect of thought on health
The power of thought
Effect of thought on health
The power of thought anguish and tremendous
emotional experience that gives us leads to an unfaithful wife
who abandons us, or intermittently noble financial worries of a
businessman people who are going through difficult times, all of
this collapses the nervous system, dissipates strength and opens
the entire system. ma to the disease.
We do not pretend that what we call Science of Thought,
or Right Thinking, can cover us quote to avoid all the worries of
life, even that many of them are created by ourselves, and in
some cases, they are the harvest of our erroneous always. from
the past, but we can say that it enables us to face them in such a
way that it does not cause us problems. cause so much damage.
And this is a great achievement. Two individuals may find
themselves with similar concerns. jantes and in equal quantity;
one of them takes them negative vatively and absorbs them, and
as a consequence, he feels very bad, unhappy, bitter and
becomes coarse and harsh; while the other goes through
difficulties without harm, but rather softens and refines his
Teaching people how to face life to be triumphant in all
experiences is the most important part of our work. There are
very few doctors who do not appreciate this facet of our work,
because they know that if a patient can rest, relax, let If you
know how to be and remain calm in difficult times, while being,
at the same time, confident and positive in mind and thought,
you will recover quickly and be saved from being attacked by
one of the many illnesses that the
Effect of thought on health man has a propensity to
disease, as well as a remedy in the sense It brings our mind to a
state of rest and peace.
Fundamentally, the cause of all disorder lies in our
separation from Divine order. If we all could We wanted to put
ourselves on a par with the Divine, we did not find we would
bring with it no suffering or worry. The cause of our suffering
lies in the fact that we are not in harmony or correspondence
with the perfect Divine order. God does not punish us, it is we
ourselves who do it, or rather our evil itself punishes us. Evil is
our own punishment. Being separated from the Divine order is
the worst. The prodigal son was not punished ged by his father,
but received the punishment himself by having separated from
his father's home and wandering far away. nas lands. When he
returned he was forgiven, and all was harmony and joy. Put in
modern language, we have to leave our life of separation in
thought, desire, emotions and affections, from the Center of our
life, which is order and harmony, and become one with it. This
means that, first, we must have the desire to do it, and then, we
must put all our thoughts into it. ments in line with the Divinity
that dwells in the depths of our hearts.
Such things, of course, would be impossible to do if it
were not for the fact that he who aspires receives help from
Heaven itself. All the powers of darkness rise to stop us, if they
can, but there is ONE who
The power of thought
Chapter VIII
There are two very old proverbs that are well known.
acidic and often cited, but whose profound importance
psychological science is perhaps not fully appreciated. These
are: "Birds of a feather fly together", "Tell me who you hang out
with and I'll tell you who you are." The origin of this attraction
tion is found largely in the thinking of man. If we have thoughts
of a certain type, We come to us people of a similar type of
thinking I lie. We are brought together by the invisible forces of
attraction. It is true that the character of our thoughts ments,
with the passage of time, remains imprinted on our another face,
so that everyone can see if we are pure or mean; but it is mainly
the attractive power of thought that attracts people to us.
Our thoughts not only attract people of their type, but also
The power of thought
however, continually strengthens and changes us, which greatly
increases our possibility of keeping our thoughts on a heavenly
plane; and this, in turn, keeps the other door more effectively
The negative aspect of all this is that if we allow the door
of weakness and evil to remain open, the door The gate of the
Divine Good is closed. Heaven, despite all its good intentions
and wishes, cannot help If our thoughts and attention are
occupied bread of lower things.
This is how we can appreciate the value of faith. If we lift
our hearts and thoughts above our worries, we open the door to
the heavenly word, and it flows within us like a flood of new
life, power and good, allowing us to overcome this state. But if
we look and dwell in our After worries and afflictions, the door
that leads to Heaven remains closed, thus allowing the flow of
debilitating and destructive thoughts to enter. Therefore,
rejecting the attitude of sheltering in our after worries and
difficulties, looking with faith towards Heaven and thinking
about the Divine Perfection or Reality,
The power of thought is doubly liberated: first,
the entrance to the current of spiritual discomfort is closed, and,
second, we open ourselves to a constant current of celestial
influences. tiales.
We not only attract to ourselves one of the two currents of
thoughts and influences already described, but we also create
within ourselves an atmosphere of attraction or repulsion. This
atmosphere, aura or personal magnetism attracts people or
circumstances, or pushes them away. If two men, one with an
attractive atmosphere and the other with one that is not, were in
charge of a small business and were given equal opportunity
The former will do much more business than the latter, simply
because he knows how to attract his clientele, serve them
kindly, accept their recommendations, and maintain their favor.
It will produce a living atmosphere where the other man with an
atmosphere of repulsion would have married. The same goes for
any profession. A doctor, a lawyer, a priest, can attract a huge
half of people if it has an attractive atmosphere, as which will
have very few to follow it if its atmosphere is repulsive.
To create or develop an attractive atmosphere you must
We should feel affection for those around us, we should be
eager to serve and help them, and think righteous thoughts.
There is no need to resort to cajoling—certainly, this should be
avoided at all costs. ta—; Instead, we must remember that as
long as our desire to serve is sincere, it does not matter what our
purpose is. faith or position, we are the magnet and others are
The attractive power of thought
tempted; We will receive much greater strength from our Elder
Brother that will overcome the power of evil that assaults us.
The Great One is before us, conquering and conquering, and He
is the one who can and helps us in all our endeavors. striving to
achieve the best and highest things.
"For greater is He who is in you than he who is in the
Chapter IX
The power of thought
mind is firm and his thoughts are directed toward the goal he
aims for. na. The seemingly insurmountable difficulties will be
overcome, just by having directed and focused. turned his
thoughts towards the desired goal. If his mind had been
wavering and his thoughts had wandered, he would never have
satisfied his ambition.
I must point out that if we pursue success wholeheartedly,
it eventually becomes our master. At first we see that success is
like a scared bird, evasive and difficult to hunt. He makes us run
after him, always demanding self-sacrifice and more and more
sacrifice, until we find ourselves embarked on a life full of
responsibilities and comparative importance, from which we
cannot decently deny or desert. Then we see that success,
instead of being our servant, has become our master, and we We
have become slaves. It is therefore important that we limit our
material ambitions. them. There is no reason, however, to limit
our spiritual ambition, because if we are successful in our search
for God the only thing that awaits us is joy, having already seen
that material success can only be achieved. pours into master
and us into his slave.
It is not generally accepted that a spiritual level can be
achieved without the thought control that is the result of training
the mind. Brother Lorenzo is an obvious example of this. He is a
great exponent of the practice of the "Presence of God." This
humble servant of God, working daily in the monastery kitchen,
among his pots and pans, he cooked washing and scrubbing, he
discovered that by training his thoughts ments to continually
flow towards God could permanently feel his presence. So clear
was this realization that Brother Lorenzo com proved that he
was much more aware of the Divine Pre sence while scrubbing
the greasy pots and pans than when he went to his cell with the
express purpose of devote yourself to your devotional exercises.
This humble brother no, who lacked book instruction, became a
saint (although he has not been called as such) and teacher of
many, by the simple fact of directing his thoughts to God and
persevering in his practice despite the tension. tendency of
thought to wander and not concentrate.
Praying is possible for us if we possess a certain degree of
control in our thoughts. We have to direct our attention towards
God and this forms a scale the one by which our thoughts
ascend to God. Thought control really consists of fixing your
attention on a given object and trying to keep it on it. All the
time that we fix our attention on God will be a time dedicated to
ascending the ladder that leads us upward.
Those whose power to fix attention and control The power
of thoughts is so weak that they come to believe that they lack it
completely and must repeat their prayers. This is not as good as
praying with all fervor, but it is getting started and taking the
first step in the right direction. He who "says" or repeats his
prayers, day and night, has a bond of connection with Heaven
that those who do not try do not have. But pray directing
attention and thinking wisdom towards God is, really,
something very different. It is something very great, a spiritual
exercise of a very high degree. However, it is not easy to carry
out, because in the meantime our thinking is not disciplined.
swimming, his tendency is to wander. The worries of life, or our
ambitions, divert our thoughts. sations, so that we soon see that
he finds us We think about material things instead of spiritual
things. rituals. Our thoughts, of course, must be brought back
again and again to the subject of our preference. ta create the
The power of thought
dies. And furthermore, we become children entirely new tures.
We may not be religious, as it is generally understood to be, or
blessed, but the fact is that we become more noble, more
sincere, we become more refined types of women and men to
whom the world will have to thank.
The inner or spiritual life is truly real. Two individuals can
feel spiritual awakening, and take We therefore desire to live a
more noble and elevated life. One of them may succeed, and the
other may, after hard struggle, return to his old life. The reason
is that the former kept the flame of his inner life lit, while the
latter let it go out. The first persevered in true prayer and in
directing his thoughts toward God, continually placing them on
better and higher things; The other, meanwhile, becomes
negligent in his prayers, does not control his thoughts, for which
reason his spiritual life withers and dies from lack of food. Then
temptations come like a flood and the battle is tremendous for
one who has not been fortified in prayer. Thus, he returns and
surrenders to his old life without hope, simply because he sees
that there are no possibilities for him to make an effort that will
make him move forward. The blame is not on the temptation for
being too strong, but on the fact that one has disconnected. ted
from the Only Source of infinite power, having discovered
careful his prayers, and having fallen into the lack of perse
confidence in controlling your thoughts.
Considering the importance of training thought to direct it
from unworthy things to those that are noble, true, beautiful and
truly valuable, can anyone be surprised by the fact that I write
books and publish a magazine dedicating myself to this? issue?
Chapter X
The way to conquer fear
The power of thought
The way to conquer fear
Divine Order that no one can destroy and over which no force of
disorder has any power. This means that behind us is all the
power of the hidden Divine Forces pushing us towards the
glorious consummation designed and planned by us in the
depths of the Divine Mind and the Heart of Infinite Love.
Therefore, we can later use the words of Eduardo
Carpenter: "All the Divine Forces impel me rapidly to the
achievement of my eternal joy." Because by doing this we can
feel and realize that it is exactly as it has been declared; what's
real mind Divine Forces behind us that impel us san to continue
moving forward to achieve a more fulfilling life nary and rich,
bringing us closer to the best and highest things you give. If one
finds that this declaration or invocation is too advanced or
"fantastic" for him, he may ele calmly say your own words that
will be effective for your case. But the same process must be
followed. It is better to use the negative first, and then the
However, like our imaginative little boy who was afraid of
the dark, we may feel the need for something more. He wanted
us to stay by his side holding his hand; So he could feel and
understand that with our presence we protected him. In the same
way we can invoke and realize the Presence of the Omnipotent
and Eternal. There is the One who has conquered the world and
defeated all the powers of evil, who has glorified His humanity
and opened the Path for us through His own sacrifice, and has
said: "I will never abandon you," and "I am always with you,
even to the end." .
Chapter XI
The power of thought
You don't have to demand, but
without removing the rough edges, to May we achieve them."
There is an internal harmony to which we must correspond. We
belong to the whole, in which we have a place, and of which we
are part. We can put ourselves in harmony with that
"everything", becoming less selfish and more universal
individuals. In other words, we must love God and love our
fellow men. Instead of forcing our will on life, instead of
making ourselves the center around which everything must
revolve, instead of demanding and forcing, if we wish to find
real happiness and real satisfaction, we must love and serve God
and to man, to life and to the world, and this is the way to put
ourselves in harmony with the All.
The inner law of life is love, but it is better for us to
consider it as cooperation. To the degree that we think, act,
work and feel in accordance with this law, we will find true
happiness, peace, satisfaction and things that are more precious
than rubies that no fortune on Earth can compass. prar them
Let us see, then, why we must train ourselves to have
thoughts of good will instead of hatred or resentment; of
cooperation and not of selfish acquisition ta; of service rather
than personal conquest. Only in this way do we become brothers
of humanity and can We enter into correspondence, or a state of
unity, with the inner harmony that is Divinity.
We live in a universe where order reigns, because behind
the disorder that exists on the surface of life is the internal
Divine Order. The Divine Order can be expressed externally by
all men if they put themselves in harmony with it. But the "I"
stands in the way. Love, cooperation, good will are the key by
which man can open the door that leads to internal harmony and
internal order; and the one who achieves it can provide his
The power of thought
Chapter XII
First steps
The power of thought
First steps
The power of thought
First steps
Life is bad and cruel. What Life is good and always strives to
terrible thing or evil could bring me the highest good. No
happen to me at any moment? evil can reach me; nothing can
Does the fra case, bankruptcy, harm or harm me destroy The
loss leave my job, end up in a Divine blessing accompanies me
hospice, a sick dad, accidents, in all my affairs; the blessing that
surgery, hospital, being left makes me rich and does not
helpless? allow a single more affliction to
come to me. The life of God took
me na with health, strength and
joy of life.
The power of thought
First steps
The way to conquer fear...............................................66
You don't have to demand, but obey............................75
First steps......................................................................81