Hospital Introduction
Hospital Introduction
Hospital Introduction
This report, titled “Analysis of the Bellavista Hospital,” aims to analyze the hospital in
accordance with the National Building Regulations, to see whether or not it complies
with the established parameters.
In this work we will address the description of the Bellavista project, its location,
dimensions, its environments, among others.
Hoping that this work is to the reader's liking, as well as as part of their constant
learning or reinforcement of what will be seen below.
3.1. Project description
3.3. Architecture
This is the standard that we will use to carry out the analysis of the
Bellavista hospital
Standard A. 050
Article 7.- Hospitals are classified according to the degree of complexity, the
number of beds and the geographical scope of action.
Hospital: National.
Departmental support hospital.
Local support hospital.
Article 9.- In a hospital there are seven types of circulation flows, depending on
volume, schedule, reliability and compatibility:
a) Outpatient circulation
b) Inpatient circulation
c) Personnel circulation
d) Visitor circulation
e) Supply circulation
f) Circulation of dirty clothes
g) Waste circulation
It is necessary that outpatient traffic does not enter the hospital and that
hospitalized patients do not mix with hospital traffic.
Given the heavy visitor traffic that comes to the hospital, the design must take
into account the need to separate visitor traffic from the daily functions of the
hospital as much as possible.
Article 11.- Vehicle parking areas must meet the following requirements:
Article 14.- The vertical circulation of patients to the hospitalization units will
be done using stairs, ramps and elevators.
a) Stairs.
- Stairs for general use will have a minimum width of 1.80 meters between
parameters and handrails on both sides.
- In hospitalization units, the distance between the last door of the patient
room and the stairs should not be greater than 25.00 meters.
- The service and emergency stairs will have a minimum width of 1.50 meters
between parameters and will have handrails on both sides.
- The stair step must have a depth between 0.28 and 0.30 m. and the offset
between 0.16 and 0.17 m.
b) Ramps:
Article 15.- The transfer of dirty clothes will be done using conditioned bags
with an indication of their content.
The disposal of garbage and waste material will be done in plastic bags, and
must have a specific forklift, and identifying the type of waste.
Article 16.- The constituent spaces of a hospital must be organized in such a way as to
minimize interference between the different units that make it up. 12 units are
recognized whose main characteristics are described below:
a) Administration unit: it will be located near the main entrance, and should not be
a passage to other units.
b) External consultation unit: must have direct and independent access. It will be
located on the first level and separate from the hospitalization unit. The offices
should be grouped into general offices and specialized offices.
c) Diagnosis and treatment support unit: it will be made up of the following
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation
- Blood bank (hemotherapy)
- Pharmacy
- Clinical pathology
- Diagnostic imaging
- Pathological anatomy and wake
d) emergency unit
e) Obstetric and neonatology center unit
f) surgical center unit
g) Intensive care unit
h) Hospitalization unit
i) Personal comfort unit
j) Housing unit
k) Teaching and research unit
l) General services unit