The Greek Alphabet and Its Pronunciation

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The Greek alphabet and its pronunciation

Throughout the entire article and the entire blog in general we will use the International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA, IPA).
The Modern Greek alphabet is almost identical to that of Ancient Greek, although the
sounds that represent some letters change in some cases. There are a total of 24
letters :
α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ/ς τ υ φ ψ ω
 α — άλφα  ν — νι
 β — βήτα  ξ — ξι
 γ — γάμα  ο — όμικρον
 δ — δέλτα  π — πι
 ε — έψιλον  ρ — ρο
 ζ — ζήτα  σ/ς — σίγμα
 η — ήτα  τ — ταυ
 θ — θήτα  υ — ύψιλον
 ι — γιώτα  φ — φι
 κ — κάπα  χ — χι
 λ — λάμδα  ψ — ψι
 μ — μι  ω — ωμέγα

The name of the letters is similar to what they had in classical Greek, although the
spelling is adapted to current conventions. Note that the letter τ is pronounced [taf].
The Greek alphabet is not exact and, especially with vowels, represents difficulties,
as we are going to see.
Spelling and pronunciation of vowels

Modern Greek has only 5 vowels , although it has

more spellings as a result of the ancient Greek heritage.
All vowels are short, since there is no distinction in quantity
or opening, even between ο/ω, etc. The vowels are the M
odern Greek vowel diagram
same as in Spanish .
 [a] is represented by α
 [e] is represented by ε, αι
 [i] is represented by ι, η, υ, ει, οι
 [o] is represented by ο, ω
 [u] is represented by ου
As can be seen, mainly in the case of [i], the same sound corresponds to more than
one spelling , mainly due to etymological causes. Special attention to:
 All spellings for [i]: ι, η, υ, ει, οι
 The [u] is represented by ου (υ represents [i])
The graphic accent
All polysyllabic words (and some monosyllabic words) carry a graphic accent , which
coincides with the voice accent (which can be on the last, penultimate or
antepenultimate syllable, but no more). When the stressed syllable contains a vowel
digraph (e.g., παίδι), the stress is always placed on the second vowel, even if it is a υ
[v/f] (e.g., αύριο).
Accents are omitted when all capital letters are written ( unlike in Spanish ).
Modern Greek has simplified the three accents to just one, the acute one, just like in
Spanish. Nor does he use the spirits of ancient Greek at all.

Consonant pronunciation
 β — [v] (as in English voice )
 γ — [ɣ] (like Spanish intervocalic ‹g›) or [ʝ] (like Spanish ‹y/ll›)
 δ — [ð] (like the Spanish intervocalic ‹d›, or in English the )
 ζ—[z] (as in English zip )
 θ — [θ] (like the Spanish ‹z›, or in English think )
 κ—[k]
 λ—[l]
 μ—[m]
 ν—[n]
 ξ — [ks] (also at the beginning of a word: ξέρω [ˈksero])
 π—[p]
 ρ — [r] (note)
 σ/ς — [s] (note)
 τ—[t]
 φ—[f]
 χ — [x] (like the Spanish ‹j›)
 ψ — [ps] (also at the beginning of a word: ψυχολόγος [psixοˈlοɣοs])
When using uppercase, [s] is always represented by Σ, but in lowercase this letter has
two variants:
 σ in any position except…
 ς right at the end of a word
The γ becomes pronounced [ʝ] before [e, i] : γεγονός [ʝɛɣοˈnοs], για [ʝa].
β, γ, δ, ζ have changed their pronunciation since classical Greek:
 β, γ, δ were historically stop consonants [b, g, d], but in modern Greek they have
undergone lenition and have passed into the corresponding fricatives [v, ɣ, ð] (the
Spanish speaker has to be careful to actually read [v ], and not [b] as in Spanish)
 ζ is usually taught in ancient Greek classes as [dz] (although it was possibly more
like [zd] or even just [z]); in modern Greek it is simply [z]
Also θ, φ, χ have changed their pronunciation from classical Greek (voiceless aspirated
stops [t h , ph , k h ]) to voiceless fricatives [θ, f, x]; However, this is the pronunciation that
is usually taught in high schools, so it is not new to the student.

Pronunciation of some digraphs

In addition to what has already been seen, the following digraphs must be taken into
 αυ — [av] or [af]
 ευ — [ev] or [ef]
In both cases, it is pronounced with [v] when the following sound is voiced (vowel,
β, γ, δ, ζ, λ, ρ, μ, ν), and with [f] when the following sound is voiceless (κ, π, τ, φ, θ,
χ, σ, ξ, ψ).
These digraphs were the diphthongs [aw, ew] in ancient Greek, but later the second
element of the diphthong fricatized into [v], resulting in [av, ev].
 μπ — [b] (word initial: μπάσκετ) or [mb] (middle position: ομπρέλα)
 ντ — [d] (word initial: ντίσκο) or [nd] (middle position: Αντρέας)
 γκ — [g] (word initial: γκαράζ) or [ŋg] (middle position: καγκουρό)
Pronunciations with a mid-position nasal are more conservative, but the truth is that,
increasingly, Greeks tend to pronounce [ m b, n d, ŋ g] or even [b, d, g] (with some
nasalization of the front vowel).
As we had seen, the historical stops [b, d, g] were weakened in modern Greek, so
when there is a need to represent these sounds (normally in loanwords from other
languages) we have to resort to the previous digraphs.
 γγ — [ŋg] ([ɲʝ] before [e, i]: άγγελος [ˈaɲʝelos], αγγίζω [aɲˈʝizo])
 τσ — [ts]
 τζ— [dz]
The digraph τζ is misleading, since its pronunciation is [dz] and not [tz] as one might
expect. It is mainly used in loanwords from Turkish or, more recently, from English [dʒ]

Difficult phoneme pairs for Spanish speakers

When we talk about phonemes, we are talking about sounds that are capable of
distinguishing one word from another, like in Spanish “co g er” and “co s er” for
example. In Greek there are some phonemes that do not exist in Spanish (or are only
allophones), so the Spanish speaker must pay special attention to distinguishing
both phonemes from the following pairs :
 β [v] ↔ μπ [b] — the Spanish speaker tends to pronounce only ‹b, v› [b/β] according
to the Spanish distribution
 γ [ɣ] ↔ γκ [g] — the Spanish speaker tends to pronounce only ‹g› [g/ɣ] according to
the Spanish distribution
 δ [ð] ↔ ντ [d] — the Spanish speaker tends to pronounce only ‹d› [d/ð] according to
the Spanish distribution
In Spanish, /b/, /d/, and /g/ are approximants [β], [ð], [ɣ] in all positions except after
pause, after nasal consonant, or, in the case of /d /, after lateral consonant; in these
contexts, they are voiced stops [ Wikipedia ].

Latest notes
 Greek, like English and most languages (but not Spanish), has words that begin
with σ + consonant , such as σκόρδο [ˈskοrðο]. This combination does not exist in
Spanish, so Spanish speakers usually add an [e] at the beginning (i.e. [esˈkοrðο])
which is as incorrect as it is comical to native ears.
This consonant group did exist in Latin, but in the Vulgar Latin of Iberia a prothetic [e] was
added, so that the Latin statua [ˈsta.tu.a] became pronounced [es.ˈta.tu.a], from where
the current “statue”.
 The Greek [r] is theoretically simple as in the Spanish “but”, even in initial position
(e.g., ρόδα [ˈroða]). However, it is not uncommon to hear natives pronounce it twice
randomly, as in the Spanish “perro”, without changing the meaning of the word.
 The Greek [s] sounds more like the Castilian [s] than the Andalusian/Spanish-
American/English [s], that is, it sounds like a mixture of [s] and [ʃ] (English show ). In
any case, since in Greek there is no distinction between [s] and [ʃ], the pronunciation
should not create any confusion.
 Furthermore, σ is pronounced as [z] when immediately followed by any of the
letters β, γ, δ, μ, ν, ρ (occasionally λ): κό σμ ος [ˈko zm os], etc.; This pronunciation
is mandatory. This can happen even between two separate words when the first
ends in ς: ο φίλο ς μ ου [oˈfilo zm u]; This pronunciation is not mandatory, but it is
common in everyday speech.
 Greek fricatives are generally “heavier” and longer than the corresponding Spanish
or English fricatives, although this should not create any confusion either.
 Greek does not have the sounds [ʃ, tʃ, dʒ], so when a native (without specific training
or without taking care of their pronunciation) has to pronounce foreign words with
these phonemes, they simply adapt them: fish [fɪʃ] > [ fis]; chat [tʃæt] > [tsat]; jeans
[dʒi:nz] > [dzinz].
 In general, there are no diphthongs in Greek, since those of ancient Greek were
monophthongs. Yes, there are rare combinations of two vowels , always being the
last [i]. To prevent these written combinations from being confused with the
corresponding digraphs (for example, παιδί [peˈði]), the ι/υ has an umlaut, that is: αϊ,
εϊ, οϊ, υϊ, οϋ, αϋ, εϋ [ai , ei, oi, ii, oi, ai, ei]. It is also possible that that [i] has the
accent: παΐδι [paˈiði].

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