Delivery 2 Software Architecture
Delivery 2 Software Architecture
Delivery 2 Software Architecture
PROBLEM STATEMENT.....................................................................................................4
GENERAL OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................5
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................5
JUSTIFICATION................................................................................................................... 6
GLOSSARY......................................................................................................................... 12
The Family Subsidy System, with 6 decades of operation, is currently faced with the need
to make profound changes to adjust to the new needs of Colombian working families. This
implies updating its dynamics, adapting to new perspectives and above all, reaffirming its
principles. To achieve this, it is necessary, among other things, to review the way in which
the Savings Banks carry out their operations optimally, which necessarily implies; on the
one hand, the review of costs and expenses and on the other, the use of robust, reliable,
flexible and scalable information systems, which results in the improved offer of current
services and the adjustments that are required by the new scenarios that arise. poses the
country, in an appropriate and timely manner.
In this sense, it is necessary to create a solution that allows optimization of operating costs,
eliminates or at least significantly reduces investment and standardization of processes that
result in an efficient, effective operation, with ease of growth and adaptability to highly
changing conditions. that the short and medium term scenarios will pose. These objectives
are achieved thanks to the aggregation of demand under schemes of homogenization and
centralization of services or provision of standard services, with the use of existing best
One of the premises of this tool is that it must be multi-entity and must be conceived under
a SaaS approach.
The solution must be provided as a cloud service, that is, the solution must reside on servers
at a cloud service provider and not on the premises of any particular entity.
Plan, design and implement software to provide a solution to the optimization of different
operations carried out by the compensation fund in order to also have easy and practical
access to each of the entity's modules.
1. Design an eye-catching interface so that the user can have easy access to the functions of
each module
2. Implementation of software with a series of modules for easy use by compensation box
3. Use agile methods for software development within established times
4. Have an agile and practical service when providing support about the software
5. Search for alternatives to the problems proposed for the development of the service
For the development of our service software, the first thing we must take into account are
some basic aspects such as requirements, functions, modules and other data that the
compensation fund can provide us. We will use techniques and metrics required to measure
the group performance of the team. thus achieving software development within a
predestined period and also meeting each of the established objectives.
We will start from a team made up of 4 members within which each one fulfills a specific
role thanks to certain virtues, skills and competencies. Finally, starting the creation, design
and implementation of our service software which will help and provide society with an
easily accessible alternative for other companies in the world which will see how this
software will help improve and efficiency when it comes to carry out processes such as
affiliations, contributions or subsidy settlements in the company.
According to the requested specifications, we provide a link to the project on GitHub for
Through this first phase we were able to conclude that software architecture requires
several methods and time for the development of an application if we want to meet the
proposed objectives.
• In this project, a model with general design parameters is proposed which allows to
speed up the implementation of software in a short time.
• With the innovation of technologies, the software architecture has simple patterns
which allow solutions to problems at the time an application is being implemented.
• Architecture design is a fundamental part of software engineering since its function
is to organize the objects and classes that would be defined in development.
• Schedules allow us to maintain order in the execution of a project. For this reason, it
is essential that in the software architecture we have these mechanisms to keep track of the
management of activities and deliveries in real time.
According to the information given in this first phase, the following is recommended:
1. Be more punctual with the delivery of the activities assigned to each group
2. Make the most of the tools provided by the virtual classroom for the development of
the different activities or deliveries of the project, and also take into account the
teacher's recommendations.
3. Optimize and provide feedback to the group's communication so that we are all
informed about the approach and development of the processes.
4. Search for methods that help us understand in an easier way and thus be able to
dynamically explain the importance of software architecture in the development of
an application.
In this second phase of the project we began the development plan for our service focused
on the optimization of different operations carried out by the compensation fund in each of
its entity modules.
• A membership form is created for the easy and practical entry of customer data
using input-type fields to fill out.
• A successful connection to the database is made through a connection from the
form, that is, all data is sent in an organized manner in predefined tables.
• A fresh and elegant design is made using CSS for easy viewing of the form by
future affiliates.
• Perfect tests are carried out using post-man to verify the execution and connection
of the form with the database.
According to the information given in this first phase, the following is recommended:
1. The software is created to follow specific steps to carry out and correctly fill out
each of the form fields.
2. Do not edit or try to change the name of any of the form boxes, this could cause
problems in the database with each of the variables.
4. Its design in terms of colors, images and figures can be modified according to each
person's taste, other colors and formats can be generated for a fresh visualization of
the interface.
DRIVERS: are requirements in English known as ARCHITECTURAL DRIVERS, which
are called guides that include quality attributes, functions, rules, components and
GOF: It is a software engineering book that describes design patterns which has two parts,
the first describes object-oriented programming and the second describes software design.
CASE TOOLS: These are computer programs designed to improve design, offering
diagramming and correction of diagrams for the development of software.
MODEL: Represents the information with which the application works and its logic.
REQUIREMENTS : They are the most important inputs for the software architecture, they
are called functional and non-functional, they are the conditions or needs of a client or user.
SAAS: This is a software distribution and licensing model in which the software solution to
be used lies on centralized servers and is isolated from the clients that use it.
SOA: Service Oriented Architecture, significant change in the design and creation of
STAKEHOLDERS: Group of people interested in the project and towards whom this
document is directed.
6. Giardine, B., Riemer, C., Hardison, R. C., Burhans, R., Elnitski, L., Shah, P., ... &
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