(I) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV (I) Please check that this question
n¥ð> 11 h¢ & paper contains 11 printed pages.
(II) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS (II) Code number given on the right
>Zå~a H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na hand side of the question paper
{bI| & should be written on the title page of
the answer-book by the candidate.
(III) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| (III) Please check that this question
>42 àíZ h¢ & paper contains 42 questions.
(IV) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go (IV) Please write down the Serial
nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Number of the question in the
Adí` {bI| & answer-book before attempting it.
(V) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m (V) 15 minute time has been allotted to
g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU read this question paper. The
nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & question paper will be distributed
10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to
10.30 a.m., the students will read the
àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ question paper only and will not
do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo & write any answer on the
answer-book during this period.
.335/B 1 P.T.O.
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~hþV gmdYmZr go n{‹T>E Am¡a CZH$m g™Vr go nmbZ H$s{OE :
(a) Bg àíZ-nÌ _| Xmo IÊS> h¢ IÊS> H$ … amoµOJma H$m¡eb Am¡a IÊS> I … {df` H$m¡eb &
(b) IÊS> H$ … amoµOJma H$m¡eb (10 A§H$)
(i) {XE JE 6 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 4 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
(ii) {XE JE 5 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 3 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 2 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
(c) IÊS> I … {df` H$m¡eb (50 A§H$)
(i) {XE JE 12 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 10 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
(ii) {XE JE 7 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 2 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
(iii) {XE JE 7 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
(iv) {XE JE 5 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 3 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 5 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
(d) Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 42 àíZ em{_b h¢ {OZ_| go 30 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo h¢ &
(e) g^r àíZm| Ho$ {deof ^mJ /IÊS> H$mo ghr H«$_ _| H$s{OE &
(f) A{YH$V_ g_` 3 K§Q>o h¡ &
(amoµOJma H$m¡eb) (10 A§H$)
{XE JE 6 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 4 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ & 14=4
1. __________ g§àofU H$m EH$ àH$ma h¡ Omo {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo H$mJO na AnZr ^mdZmE± VWm
{dMma aIZo H$s AZw_{V XoVm h¡ & 1
3. EH$ ì`{º$ Ho$ {bE nwñVH|$ àoaUm H$m òmoV {H$g àH$ma ~ZVr h¢ ? 1
.335/B 2
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(a) This question paper consists of two parts viz. Section A : Employability
Skills and Section B : Subject Skills.
(d) This question paper contains 42 questions out of which 30 questions are to
be answered.
(Employability Skills) (10 Marks)
Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each. 14=4
2. Define Antisocial. 1
.335/B 3 P.T.O.
4. __________ gyMZm Xe©Z H$m EH$ ì`dpñWV ê$n h¡ & 1
8. ñbmBS> emo MbmZo Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo VarH$m| H$s gyMr Xr{OE & 2
9. EH$ ñd-ào[aV ì`{º$ H$s {H$Ýht Xmo A{ÛVr` {deofVmAm| H$m CëboI H$s{OE & 2
IÊS> I $
({df` H$m¡eb) (50 A§H$)
{XE JE 12 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 10 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ & 110=10
12. {H$Ýht Xmo _mo~mBb ~¢qH$J godmAm| H$s gyMr Xr{OE & 1
13. _mo~mBb \$moZ Ûmam ^oOo JE EH$ Q>oŠñQ> g§Xoe Ho$ Ûmam dñVwAm|, godmAm| AWdm CËnmXm| Ho$
^wJVmZ H$m __________ EH$ gmYZ h¡ & 1
15. __________ H$m`m©b` ~¢H$ Ho$ {bE Omo{I_ VWm gyMZm àm¡Úmo{JH$s g§gmYZm| H$m à~§Y
H$aVm h¡ & 1
.335/B 4
4. A __________ is a systematic display of information. 1
Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each : 23=6
(Subject Skills) (50 Marks)
Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each : 110=10
13. ___________ are means of paying for goods, services or products via a text
message sent from a mobile phone. 1
15. ___________ office manages risk and IT resources for the bank. 1
.335/B 5 P.T.O.
16. {VOmoar Ho$ {S´>b Ûma H$s Mm~r aIZo dmbo A{YH$m[a`m| H$mo {VOmoar __________ H$hVo h¢ & 1
18. 30 OwbmB©, 2019 H$mo 30 {XZm| Ho$ níMmV² Xo` EH$ {d{Z_`-nÌ {bIm J`m & BgH$s
n[anŠdVm {V{W Š`m hmoJr ? 1
19. AënH$mbrZ G$Um| H$s pñW{V _|, ã`mO Xa|, XrK©H$mbrZ G$Um| _| ã`mO Xam| go __________
hmoVr h¢ & 1
20. _mZH$ Xa {Og na ^maVr` [aµOd© ~¢H$ AÝ` ~¢H$m| go {d{Z_`-nÌ H«$` H$aZo, nwZ: ~Å>o na
^wZmZo VWm AÝ` `mo½` dm{UpÁ`H$-nÌ H«$` H$aZo Ho$ {bE V¡`ma hmoVm h¡ __________
H$hbmVm h¡ & 1
(A) ~¢H$ Xa
(B) àmB_ CYma Xa
(C) aonmo Xa
(D) ~og Xa
21. ~¢H$ ~MV ImVo Ho$ boZ-XoZ H$s à{dpîQ> H$s OmVr h¡ 1
22. ~¢H$ Ho$ bm^-hm{Z ImVo Ho$ ì`` nj H$s Amoa H$m¡Z-gr A{YH$V_ am{e H$s _X àX{e©V H$s
OmVr h¡ ? 1
18. A bill of exchange was drawn on 30th July, 2019 payable 30 days after
date. What will be the date of its maturity ? 1
19. In case of short-term loans, interest rates are ___________ than interest
rate for long-term loans. 1
20. The standard rate at which RBI is prepared to buy or rediscount bills of
exchange or other eligible commercial paper from other banks is called : 1
(A) a ledger
(B) a register
22. Which item shows the largest amount on the expenditure side of a bank’s
Profit and Loss Account ? 1
.335/B 7 P.T.O.
{XE JE 7 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 2 A§H$ H$m h¡ & 25=10
25. Yamoha (A_mZVXma) Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo H$V©ì`m| H$m CëboI H$s{OE & 2
27. Am°Z-bmBZ VWm _mo~mBb ~¢qH$J Ho$ hmoVo hþE ^r J«mhH$m| Ûmam ~¢H$ emIm _| OmZo Ho$ {H$Ýht
Xmo H$maUm| H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 2
28. ~r.Ama. (BR) VWm E_.AmB©.~r.Amo.Ama. (MIBOR) _| AÝVa H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 2
29. ^maVr` [aµOd© ~¢H$ Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo H$m`mªo H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 2
{XE JE 7 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$ H$m h¡ & 35=15
31. h_mao Xoe _| H$m`©aV ~‹S>o _yë` ^wJVmZ H$aZo dmbr {H$Ýht VrZ àUm{b`m| Ho$ Zm_ Xr{OE & 3
32. H$åß`yQ>amBµÁS> boIm§H$Z Ho$ {H$Ýht VrZ bm^m| H$mo g§jon _| g_PmBE & 3
35. _Yw Zo 5% MH«$d¥{Õ ã`mO Xa na n§Om~ ZoeZb ~¢H$ _| < 1,20,000 VrZ dfmªo Ho$ {bE
O_m {H$E VWm AZw^d Zo AnZo {_Ì H$mo 5% gmYmaU ã`mO Xa na VrZ dfmªo Ho$ {bE
< 1,20,000 {XE &
(a) _Yw {H$VZr am{e àmá H$aoJr ?
(c) VrZ dfmªo Ho$ AÝV _| H$m¡Z A{YH$ YZ àmá H$aoJm ? H$maU Xr{OE & 3
.335/B 8
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions of 2 marks each. 25=10
26. How does length of time affect the market interest rate ? 2
27. State any two reasons of visiting a bank branch by customers irrespective
of online and mobile banking. 2
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions of 3 marks each. 35=15
31. Give the names of any three large value payment systems functioning in
our country. 3
35. Madhu deposited < 1,20,000 in Punjab National Bank @ 5% p.a. interest
compounded annually for 3 years and Anubhav gave < 1,20,000 to his
friend @ 5% p.a. simple interest for 3 years.
(a) How much amount will be received by Madhu ?
(b) How much amount will be received by Anubhav ?
(c) Who will get more money at the end of three years ? Give reasons. 3
.335/B 9 P.T.O.
36. gmYmaU ã`mO VWm MH«$d¥{Õ ã`mO _| A§Va Ho$ H$moB© VrZ {~ÝXþ Xr{OE & 3
{XE JE 5 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 3 àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & àË`oH$ àíZ 5 A§H$ H$m h¡ & 53=15
38. ‘{S>_m§S> S´mâQ>’ H$m Š`m AW© h¡ ? BgHo$ {H$Ýht Mma bm^m| H$m CëboI H$s{OE & 5
39. ‘BÝQ>aZoQ> ~¢qH$J’ H$m Š`m AW© h¡ ? Bg_| H$nQ> H$mo amoH$Zo Ho$ {bE H$m¡Z-gr gmdYm{Z`m± boZr
Mm{hE ? 5
40. AmB©.E\$.E\$.gr. ~¢H$ Ho$ à~ÝYH$ Ho$ ê$n _| Amn AnZo H$_©Mm[a`m| H$mo EH$ g^m H$m
Am`moOZ H$aVo hþE CZH$mo ~¢H$ emImAm| Ûmam J«mhH$m| H$mo àXmZ H$s OmZo dmbr godmAm| VWm
emIm Am` ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {df` _| g_Pm aho h¢ & Bg g§X^© _| {H$Ýht nm±M godmAm| H$s gyMr
Xr{OE & 5
42. EH$ ~¢H$ Ho$ bm^-hm{Z ImVo H$m Z_yZm Xr{OE & 5
.335/B 10
36. Give any three points of difference between Simple and Compound
Interest. 3
Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 5 marks each. 53=15
38. What is meant by ‘Demand Draft’ ? State its any four advantages. 5
39. What is meant by Internet Banking ? What precautions need be taken for
prevention of fraud therein ? 5
.335/B 11 P.T.O.