School Health Test
School Health Test
School Health Test
KEY: 07ESU0022L
School age is one of the most important in the evolution of man, in it the maturation of many
functions is reached and the process that allows him to integrate into society begins, which is
why it is important to analyze this topic, this essay It has been prepared since it is a
fundamental requirement of the health subject of the student of academic leveling at the
bachelor's level of Tapachula Chiapas.
Here we will address the dialectical interrelation that exists between Education and the Health
of students, as spheres that enhance each other and make their development and training
A search was carried out in different databases in order to obtain articles that alluded to said
topic. The biggest limitation for the preparation of this essay was the location of the books
where I could obtain information.
Health education has the mission of raising awareness and developing human potential in all
its splendor. Once students awaken to the reality of their sociocultural situation, they manage
to transcend the limitations and alienations to which they are subjected. Thus, students affirm
themselves as conscious subjects and co-creators of their historical future, Education and
Health, although they constitute two social spheres with delimited functions in each case ,
"they integrate their actions into the school dynamics by considering the student as a subject."
protagonist of their respective influences1 ”, health is essential for effective learning, and
education is a powerful means that enables children to achieve and maintain health and well-
“An education for the transformation of the student requires educators who are committed to
the transformation of society”2 The first virtue or quality that the educator must possess is the
consistency between the verbal discourse, the option offered and its practice, the latter must
confirm his verbal discourse. It is important to clarify that the critical perception of reality by
itself does not mean its transformation, it is through direct participation in the educational
process that students rediscover their own words and expand their capacity for expression
through the development of their creative potential.
The learning process begins with the level of health awareness that students have when they
arrive at the classroom, this level of awareness is reflected in their language, their living
conditions, their concepts of themselves and their vision of the world, Schools have the
potential to do more than any other public institution in society, “ they can contribute so that
students, their parents and adults in general can have healthier and more fulfilling lives.” 3 , it
is hoped that they can serve as a means to coordinate, integrate, implement and maintain a
Medina Díaz, María / Verdejo Carrión, Ada. Student Learning Assessment. San Juan, Isla Negra Editores.
(1999) page 33
Vázquez García, V.. Towards the development of comprehensive school health . (1992, April/May) p. 13.
Vera Vélez, Lamberto. Measurement and evaluation of learning. San Juan, Puerto Ricans. (2002). P. 234
variety of interests in health promotion, prevention of diseases, injuries and reduction of risks
that affect health, educational potential and well-being.
Currently, the concept of comprehensive school health in the school environment goes far
beyond offering educational information on health and health prevention services to students.
“ The concept of school health consists of seven interrelated components” 4 , firstly
comprehensive education to strengthen self-esteem and strengthen the capacity of young
people to form healthy habits and lifestyles, school health education based on positive health
values and the strengthening of life skills, means to develop school health, environments and
environments that reinforce health promotion, projects and scope of the school and/or
community, health, food and nutrition services, which favor the formation of healthy habits,
health promotion for school staff, teaching and administrative workers, physical education,
recreation and sports that contribute to comprehensive human development, counseling and
social support. When these components are organized and incorporated into a
comprehensive health approach, a variety of health issues can be addressed in the school
“ Schools that focus on health in this way can be called schools that promote health.” 5 , the
components of a comprehensive school health program can have strong, complementary
effects when coordinated to promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles. In addition,
organizations and programs are created that have the purpose of preventing and treating
health risk behaviors and factors. Effective school-based health education programs with a
comprehensive approach are based on knowledge, skills, and abilities to promote health.
These reinforce behaviors that avoid future problems.
The programs address children's health and behavior within the context of their living
conditions and local community. Through comprehensive school health programs, the
utilization of health and mental health services can be improved. For example, what is learned
through the topic of nutrition in the health course allows the student to make good use of the
healthy foods served in the school cafeteria or cafeteria. Another example is that education
Aguilar, E. and Jáuregui, A. Work with a Positive Attitude . Mexico: Editorial Tree, SA de CV (1997). Page 56
about the risks of smoking is complemented by the prohibition of smoking within the school
environment and with smoking cessation courses. By recognizing that health education is a
program whose objective is to strengthen the capacities, abilities and skills of students to
make informed decisions, establish healthy practices and lifestyles, the need for an
educational methodology and curricular design is also recognized. with greater relevance
than the amount of information provided to them. A change of emphasis from teaching to
learning is proposed. The active participation of students is essential so that the teacher's role
is to support them in their learning and strengthen the development of analysis and critical
reflection skills.
“Health education should encourage the exchange of knowledge and experiences as well as
the interaction between students in order to promote their health” 6 . Students need skills to
make decisions, negotiate, manage conflicts and solve their problems, education must
contain a methodology that guarantees that these skills and abilities are developed or
strengthened through the educational experience in the course; Likewise, the participation of
parents and citizens in general is required, although schoolchildren form their own future, but
there are people whose participation is relevant and of great importance during the process.
In essence, the approach promotes the formation of principles and values that lead to healthy
lifestyles; The work process promotes a solidarity consciousness and community spirit, in
Vázquez García, V.. Towards the development of comprehensive school health. (1992, April/May) p.18
Aguilar, E. and Jáuregui, A. Work with a Positive Attitude . Mexico: Editorial Tree, SA de CV (1997).p. 60
favor of life and human rights, as well as the prevention of physical, mental and social health
conditions evolves over time. It starts from an inductive base towards another of applied
research. Among one of the most developed areas is the theory and programming of the
prevention of the use of psychoactive substances. Recently, this field adopted the risk and
protective factors model.
“Risk factors are consistently associated with the incidence of a given health condition.” 9 . For
example, different studies show that young people who have strong family ties and the
capacity for academic success are less likely to start using psychoactive substances. They
may even reside in sectors with a high incidence of psychoactive substance use; however,
these protective factors keep them free from initiation. Research on protective factors
explores a person's positive characteristics and life circumstances and seeks opportunities to
strengthen and sustain them as a preventive design.
From a prevention perspective, protective factors function as mediating variables that can be
detected to prevent, postpone or reduce the impact of use. Individuals have their particular
characteristics and these are manifested in their interactions that function as filters and shape
the way they perceive and act, whether their interactions are positive or negative. A useful
way to observe such interplay is by organizing interactions based on the domain areas in
which they interact.
Medina Díaz, María / Verdejo Carrión, Ada. Student Learning Assessment. San Juan, Isla Negra Editores.
(1999) p. 35
Vera Vélez, Lamberto. Measurement and evaluation of learning. San Juan, Puerto Ricans. (2002). P. 150
Since the influence of lifestyles is so high on the health-disease pattern, then the relevance of
school health education will be understood; A few years ago, the causes of morbidity and
mortality in adolescents and their relationship with lifestyles were analyzed. “ The analysis
reflected the existence of six categories of risk behaviors that cause harm to health, such as
behaviors that cause intentional or unintentional harm.” 10 , use of alcohol and other drugs,
risky sexual behaviors, tobacco use, inappropriate eating behaviors and lack of physical
activity. According to studies, behaviors, practices and habits begin in childhood or youth and
continue into adulthood and old age.
Given this situation and given that risk behaviors can be prevented through the adoption of
healthy practices, it is urgent that health education be emphasized with a comprehensive
approach, at all levels of the Country's Educational System. The Mexican school, as a social
institution, has the obligation to guarantee the physical, mental, emotional, sociocultural and
spiritual health, as well as the safety of all students. It even has the duty to train them to opt
for healthy behaviors, habits and lifestyles, all of which will help maintain the health of
students in order to guarantee the continuity of their ability to learn. To build a better country
we need young people who have a solid education, the product of their training under the
protection of a high-quality educational system. In this context we affirm that, to a large
extent, the Mexico of the future depends on the capabilities, talents and abilities of today's
children and young people.
It is mainly in school where children and young people can develop their potential and
abilities, and acquire the knowledge, critical spirit and values that will allow them to build a
supportive, deeply democratic and inclusive society. Consequently, from this perspective, the
school is a vital space in which respect for justice, tolerance and the development of the
culture of peace to which we all aspire are cultivated.
It is important to be aware, both the education professional and the health sector, in carrying
out strategies and efforts to go more regularly to visit schools to carry out gross detections of
health problems and at the same time have a unit that is exclusively in charge. to the attention
of schoolchildren detected with some type of problems.
The children actively participate in the development of the detections and are concerned by
asking why the problem they represent and how they can correct it or what they should do.
The problem is us adults, who do not fulfill our obligations, from the father or mother, to the
teacher and ending with the health personnel, who do not act and do not realize that it is
much easier and cheaper prevent or limit the damage when the problem begins
Aguilar, E. and Jáuregui, A. Work with a Positive Attitude . Mexico: Editorial Tree, SA de CV
Medina Díaz, María / Verdejo Carrión, Ada. Student Learning Assessment. San Juan, Isla
Negra Editores. (1999)
Vera Vélez, Lamberto. Measurement and evaluation of learning. San Juan, Puerto Ricans.