The detailed contractual structure will vary from project to WOM is the subject of a separate paper - please let us
project. However, for the purpose of this paper we have know if you would like a copy of this paper.
examined a project with the basic structure illustrated As can be seen from the diagram, the project company19
above. We do note that some wind farm projects split the will usually enter into agreements that cover the following
EPC into a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) supply elements:
contract and a Balance of Plant (BOP) contract, where the
An agreement that gives the project company the right
performance guarantee element is dealt with in a Warranty
to construct and operate the wind farm and sell
Operating and Maintenance Agreement (WOM). The
electricity generated by the wind farm. Traditionally
principles are essentially the same as set out below and we
this was a concession agreement (or project
will discuss specific components later in this paper. The
There are risks to the project company in this structure. Those major renewable energy specific interface issues
This mainly arises because of the derogation from the are:
principle of single point of responsibility. Access for the contractor to the transmission grid to
Unlike a standard EPC contract, the project company allow timely completion of construction,
cannot look only to a single contractor to satisfy all the commissioning and testing (grid access)
contractual obligations (in particular, design, construction Consistency of commissioning and testing regimes
and performance). Under a split structure, there are at
Interface issues between the relevant government
least two entities with those obligations. Therefore, a third
agencies and system operator and the contractor. In
agreement, a wrap-around guarantee26, is often used to
particular, whilst the project company must maintain a
deliver a single point of responsibility despite the split.
long term/comfortable relationship with either the
Under a wrap-around guarantee, an entity, usually either government or the system operator, the contractor does
the offshore supplier or the parent company of the not.
contracting entities, guarantees the obligations of both
Grid access
contractors. This delivers a single point of responsibility
to the project company and the lenders. However, that Clearly, EPC contracts will not provide for the handover
agreement is not relevant where the manufacturer of the of the wind farm to the project company and the PPA will
turbines and the balance of plant contractor are separate not become effective until all commissioning and
entities and neither company will take the single point of reliability trialling has been successfully completed. This
responsibility under the wrap-around guarantee. raises the important issue of the contractor‟s grid access
Accordingly, the lenders will want to be satisfied that the and the need for the EPC contract to clearly define the
interface issues are dealt with in the absence of a single obligations of the project company in providing grid
point of responsibility. access.
Lenders need to be able to avoid the situation where the
project company‟s obligation to ensure grid access is
uncertain. This will result in protracted disputes with the
contractor concerning the contractor‟s ability to place load
Development and environmental considerations Construction issues such as the impact of construction
traffic and the construction of access road
The responsibility for the environmental issues
surrounding the construction and operation of a wind farm Archaeological and heritage issues including the
must be set out clearly in the EPC contract. Wind farms impact on cultural heritage values and sites of
have a range of environmental impacts which need to be significance to indigenous peoples.
considered and managed properly and the sponsor or Many of these issues will be most relevant at the stage of
project company will have to investigate if any aspects of seeking approval for the development of a wind farm and
the project are likely to be subject to scrutiny under the will be the responsibility of the sponsor or project
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation company. The list of development permits, approvals and
Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act)31 or other environment or licences that must be obtained by the project company
planning legislation such as the relevant state planning should be clearly identified in the EPC contract, with the
scheme provisions. balance of construction permits and approvals being the
Certain factors relating to the location of the wind farm or responsibility of the contractor. However, responsibility
its effect on particular environmental features may limit for adherence to the conditions attached to the
development or trigger the need for reports or assessments development approvals, permits and the risks identified in
to be conducted and approvals obtained before the environmental impact assessment, must be passed on
construction can proceed. For example, as outlined above, to the contractor. For instance, planning approvals for
if turbines are located close to dwellings, written consent wind farms are generally subject to permit conditions
may be required from the owners before development is about noise limits. The contractor must adhere to the
allowed. Depending on the relevant state legislative required noise specifications and provide warranties that
framework, if the facility will require the clearance of the wind farm will comply with the noise curves required
native vegetation, a native vegetation offset management by the specifications.
plan may need to be prepared, and if flora and fauna will If the environmental assessment has identified areas of
be affected, surveys and assessments may be required. ecological or archaeological importance, then these pre-
Environmental and development impacts include: construction site conditions must be documented in the
EPC contract and accepted by the contractor.
Concern for the visual impact of wind energy
The underlying test in relation to most force majeure An example exhaustive definition is:
provisions is whether a particular event was within the “An Event of Force Majeure is an event or
contemplation of the parties when they made the contract. circumstance which is beyond the control and without
The event must also have been outside the control of the the fault or negligence of the party affected and which
contracting party. There are generally three essential by the exercise of reasonable diligence the party
elements to force majeure: affected was unable to prevent provided that event or
circumstance is limited to the following:
Preventing split contractors from having the ability to However, there are some general principles which should
make a claim on the project company due to the be adopted. They include:
default of one of the other contracting entities (e.g. Ensuring that the dispute resolution process is aligned
equipment supply contractor claiming against the with that under the PPA
project company for a default caused by the balance of Having a staged dispute resolution process that
plant contractor).
provides for internal discussions and meetings aimed
If a split contract structure is used, we recommend at resolving the dispute prior to commencing action
inserting the following clauses: (either litigation or arbitration)
Obliging the contractor to continue to execute the
"No relief works pending resolution of the dispute
We have prepared a paper which details the preferred 1.7 The Owner may require the Contractor to carry out
approach to be taken in respect of dispute resolution any test and/or inspection not described in this
regimes in various Asian jurisdictions including the PRC, Contract. The Contractor‟s extra costs necessarily
Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan. You should incurred, which do not include head office or
consult this paper, or ask us for a copy, if you want more corporate overheads, profit or loss of profit, in the
information on this topic. carrying out of the test and/or inspection will be
added to the Contract Price only if the test shows
APPENDIX 1 EXAMPLE CLAUSES that the relevant Works conform with the
requirements of the Contract, but otherwise all costs
will be borne by the Contractor.
Part I - Performance Testing and Guarantee Regime 1.8 If any Equipment or any part of the Works fails to
pass any test and/or inspection, the Contractor must
either rectify to the Owner‟s satisfaction or replace
Tests and Inspections such Equipment or part of the Works and must
1.1 The Contractor must, at its own expense, carry out at repeat the test and/or inspection upon giving a notice
the place of manufacture and/or on the Site all tests under GC 1.4.
and/or inspections of the Equipment and any part of 1.9 The Contractor must afford the Owner and the
the Works as specified in this Contract or as Lenders‟ Representative access at any time to any
required by any applicable Laws, and as necessary place where the Equipment is being manufactured or
to ensure the Facility operates safely and reliably the Works are being performed in order to inspect
under the conditions specified in the Schedule of the progress and the manner of manufacture or
Scope of Work and the Schedule of Tests. construction, provided that the Owner gives the
[Appendix 1 should specify all the categories of tests Contractor reasonable prior notice.
other than the Tests (example: test at manufacturers
1.10 The Contractor agrees that neither the execution of a
plant, test on site, functional test etc.)]
test and/or inspection of Equipment or any part of
1.2 The Contractor must also comply with any other the Works, nor the attendance by either or both the
requirements of the Owner in relation to testing and Owner and the Lenders‟ Representative nor the issue
inspection. of any test report pursuant to GC 1.5 releases the
1.3 The Owner and the Lenders‟ Representative are Contractor from any other responsibilities under this
entitled to attend any test and/or inspection by its Contract.
appointed duly authorised and designated inspector. 1.11 No part of the Works are to be covered up on the
1.4 Whenever the Contractor is ready to carry out any Site without carrying out any test and/or inspection
test and/or inspection, the Contractor must give a required under this Contract and the Contractor must
reasonable advance notice to the Owner of the test give reasonable notice to the Owner whenever any
and/or inspection and of the place and time. The part of the Works are ready or about to be ready for
Contractor must obtain from any relevant third party test and/or inspection.
or manufacturer any necessary permission or 1.12 The Contractor must uncover any part of the Works
consent to enable the Owner‟s inspector and the or make openings in or through the same as the
Lenders‟ Representative to attend the test and/or Owner may from time to time require at the Site and
inspection. must reinstate and make good that part.
1.5 The Contractor must provide the Owner‟s 1.13 If any part of the Works have been covered up at the
Representative with a certified report of the results Site after compliance with the requirement of GC
of any test and/or inspection within 5 days of the 1.12 and are found to be performed in accordance
completion of that test or inspection. with the Contract, the Contractor‟s extra costs,
26 EPC contracts in the Australian Renewable Energy Sector –
Wind Farms
which do not include head office or corporate 1.21 If the Contractor fails to pass a Performance Test (or
overheads, profit or loss of profit, necessarily any repetition in the event of prior failure) or if a
incurred in uncovering, making openings in or Performance Test is stopped before its completion,
through, reinstating and making good the same will that Performance Test must, subject to 24 hours
be added to the Contract Price. prior notice having been given by the Contractor to
Performance Tests Procedures and Guidelines the Owner and the Lenders‟ Representative, be
repeated as soon as practicable. All appropriate
1.14 The relevant Performance Tests must be conducted adjustments and modifications are to be made by the
by the Contractor after Commissioning to ascertain Contractor with all reasonable speed and at its own
whether the Facility can achieve Completion and expense before the repetition of any Performance
after Completion to ascertain whether the Facility Test.
can meet the Performance Guarantees.
1.22 The results of the Performance Tests must be
1.15 All Performance Tests must be conducted in a presented in a written report, produced by the
professional, timely, safe and environmentally Contractor and delivered to the Owner and the
responsible manner and in accordance with the Lenders‟ Representative within 5 days of the
Schedule of Scope of Work and the Schedule of completion of the Tests. Those results will be
Tests, all other terms and conditions of this Contract, evaluated by the Owner and the Lenders‟
applicable standards, Laws, Government Approvals Representative. In evaluation of the results, no
and must be accomplished at no additional cost or additional allowance will be made for measurement
expense to the Owner. tolerances over and above those specified in the
1.16 The Facility must not be operated during any applicable ISO test standard.
Performance Test in excess of:
Sale of electricity during the Performance Tests
(a) the limits allowed by any manufacturer to
1.23 The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that:
maintain its warranty;
(a) the Owner is entitled to all energy, revenues
(b) the limits imposed by the Law and
and other benefits, including all Renewable
Government Approvals applicable standards;
Energy Certificates under the REC Act, carbon
credits and all other “green” renewable energy
(c) the limits stated in the Schedule of Tests. credits, that may be generated or derived from
1.17 The Contractor agrees that the Owner and the the Facility during the Performance Tests or
Lenders‟ Representative will monitor the conduct of otherwise; and
the Performance Testing to ensure compliance with (b) nothing in this Contract imposes any
the terms and conditions of this Contract. restrictions on the Owner from selling any
1.18 The Contractor agrees that an inspection pursuant to electricity generated during the Performance
GC 1.17 by the Owner and/or the Lenders‟ Tests.
Representative does not release the Contractor from
any other responsibilities under this Contract, 2 MECHANICAL COMPLETION,
including meeting the Performance Guarantees. PRECOMMISSIONING, COMMISSIONING
1.19 If a Performance Test is interrupted or terminated,
for any reason, that Performance Test must be re- 2.1 Mechanical completion
started from the beginning, unless otherwise (a) As soon as the Facility, in the opinion of the
approved by the Owner or the Lenders‟ Contractor, reaches the stage of Mechanical
Representative. Completion the Contractor must give a notice
1.20 The Owner or the Contractor is entitled to order the to the Owner.
cessation of any Performance Test if: (b) The Owner‟s Representative must, promptly,
(a) damage to the Works, the Facility or other and no later than 5 days after receipt of the
property or personal injury; or Contractor‟s notice under GC 22.1(a), either
issue a Certificate of Mechanical Completion
(b) breach of the conditions specified in the
stating that the Facility has reached
relevant environmental Laws or Government
Mechanical Completion or notify the
Approvals, is likely to result from
Contractor of any defects and/or deficiencies.
Damian McNair
Partner, Head of Finance & Projects Australia
T +61 3 9274 5379