Holiday Homework

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Roll No:

Summer Vacation
“The joy of the holidays is the opportunity to
pause, reflect, and learn.”

Message from the Principal

“Vacations mean a change of pace, a gentleness with ourselves, a time of rest and renewal
and a time to stretch ourselves and encounter new people, new lands, new ways and new
We are extremely proud of our children for doing so well in this session so far. We appreciate you for
putting your best efforts in academics, co-curricular, physical activities and other school programs. The
wonderful performance displayed by class X and XII students proves that a lot of hard work and
perspiration has gone into achieving excellence in all aspects. I congratulate you all including the
teachers and hope that the future will hold higher success and achievement.

The educational landscape is undergoing rapid and profound transformations. We at Hansraj embrace
modern methodologies and innovative teaching practices to keep pace with all the changes happening
for the betterment of our children.

Holidays Homework is a reflection of classroom learning. We have designed the Holidays Homework as
a purposeful task that strives to encourage the application of classroom learning, fostering self-
directed exploration and reinforcement of concepts learnt. Hansraj makes sincere efforts to avoid
mere repetition or encourage rote learning in students. The designed holidays homework is a fine
example of it.

Dear children, summer vacations are an excellent opportunity for you to become friends with books.
Reading stories will help you expand your mind, your language and your understanding of people,
different cultures and practices beyond your scope. Remember those who read always have an edge
over others. Also, find time to travel with your family and explore new places.

Enjoy this unrestricted time with your family members, listen to their stories about times before and
share with them what you think about things around you. Try learning new skills and develop a hobby
and indulge in activities which provide extensive exercise for your body and mind. Let technology
enable you to gain insight into subjects of interest, use it as an aid to visit places virtually and learn
about people who made a difference.

The most important thing, dear children, is to keep asking questions. Questions help us to find
answers. You are full of potential and promise, so gear up and spread your imagination and use these
holidays to further enhance your skills and personality.

We hope Hansarians will enjoy doing the given work using it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to
think out of the box and to expand, skills and creativity.

Jaya Bhardwaj
Page No.


GREEN YOUR SCHOOL (Plants to be brought)

Class Name of Plant

IX Maulsari(Bulletwood)

*Attempt PA 1 to PA 4 in the READING MODULE of BBC.


*Attempt the following units in WORKBOOK

Unit 3. Future Time Reference
Unit 4. Modals
Unit 8. Prepositions

21st Century Skills Activity


Refer to Unit 4 of Main Course Book and come prepared to stage a Video/Radio Show,
displaying your creativity, confidence, talent and collaboration of ideas. The show should be
presented in a group of 6 to 7 students according to the following distribution of Roll numbers:

Group I 1 to 6
Group 2 7 to 12
Group 3 13 to 18
Group 4. 19 to 24
Group 5 25 to 30
Group 6 30 onwards
Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat

Based on your reading of Unit 3 Environment of MCB, prepare an Aesthetic Booklet using A4
sheets containing the following information on the state MANIPUR:

• Introduction to the state

• Descriptive paragraph on scenic beauty of Manipur
• Brochure on a place worth visiting in Manipur
• Interview with an environmentalist about Manipur


निदे श:--

1 . निम्िलिखित सारा कार्य A4 साइज शीट पर करें ।

2. सभी प्रश्ि लिििे भी ज़रूरी हैं।

3. कार्य को सुन्दर और सुचारू रूप से करें ।

4. सारा कार्य क्रमािुसार करें ।

प्रश्ि 1. निम्िलिखित शब्दों में से उपसर्ग एवं मूि शब्द अिर् अिर् करके लिखिए:-

निर्ायण, दि
ु भ
य , अिार्श्र्क, स्थिनत, अत्र्ंत, प्रनतकूि, प्रत्र्ेक, आगमि, संक्रमण, सम्माि, थर्ागत, संथिाि, उन्ित
ु पर्ोग ,अपवर्त्र, संग्राम।

प्रश्ि 2 निम्िलिखित शब्दों में से मि

ू शब्द एवं प्रत्यय अिर्-अिर् करके लिखिए:-

ऐनतहालसक, सजार्ट, जम
ु ायिा ,भगर्ाि, लमििसार, बैठक ,बढ
ु ापा ,उददत, कमजोरी, िघत
ु ा, पज
ू िीर्,रं गीि, िकार्ट,
बीमारी, पाठक ।

ु छे द िेिि

1 प्रातः काि की सैर

संकेत बबंद:ु - र्ेदों शाथत्रों का कहिा, सूर्ोदर् से पूर्य जागिा, थर्ाथ्र् के लिए िाभदार्क, भोर की र्ार्ु से शुद्ध ऑक्सीजि
का लमििा, मािलसक शस्क्त के लिए अत्र्ंत िाभकारी।

2 समाचार-पत्र

संकेत बबंद ु :-समाचार से िाभ ,समाचार पत्र का महत्र् ,प्रचार का सशक्त माध्र्म।

3 वक्ष
ृ ारोपण: एक आवश्यकता

संकेत बबन्द:ु - र्क्ष

ृ ारोपण की आर्श्र्कता, र्क्ष
ृ : प्रकृनत का अिुपम र्रदाि, पर्ायर्रण के रक्षक, हमारा कतयव्र्।

पत्र िेिि:- पष्ृ ठ 189,190

चचत्र र्णयि:- पष्ृ ठ 193, 194

संर्ाद िेिि:- पष्ृ ठ 197, 198

निम्िलिखित कायग व्याकरण पररचय पुस्ततका में कीस्िए :-

अपदठत गद्र्ांश :- पष्ृ ठ 23, 24

व्र्ाकरण :- पष्ृ ठ 43 ,63, 64

पष्ृ ठ 83 (प्रश्ि िंबर 5)

पररयोििा कायग

1 ‘प्रेमचंद की कहानिर्ााँ’ पुथतक में से पहिी कहािी ‘पंच परमेश्र्र’ पढकर उसे िघु िादटका के रूप में रूपांतररत करें ।

2 मखणपुर के संगीत- ित्ृ र् किा संथकृनत का चचत्र सदहत र्णयि।

पहिा पष्ृ ठ :आकर्यक कर्र पेज

ू रा पष्ृ ठ: वर्र्र् सूची

तीसरा पष्ृ ठ : भूलमका

चौिा और पााँचर्ााँ पष्ृ ठ : मखणपुर की संगीत ित्ृ र् किा संथकृनत वर्शेर् का चचत्र सदहत र्णयि।

3 थर्रचचत कवर्ता, िेि र्ा कहािी A4 साइज शीट पर लििें।

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think, learn and perform tasks autonomously. It encompasses various
technologies like machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision enabling
systems to perceive their environment reason about it and appropriate actions. A.I has
applications across industries from healthcare to finance, revolutionizing how we work, live
and interact with technology. Based on above, prepare a ppt/project file that…

i. How A.I is impacting our day-to-day life for example in Healthcare,

Automobile, Finance, Social Media, Education, Surveillance, Entertainment,
Space Exploration, Gaming, Robotic, Agriculture and E-commerce etc.
ii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of A.I?
iii. Will AI replace human jobs, or will it create new opportunities, let us dwell
upon it.
iv. What is the role of mathematics in A.I?

Solve the following questions:

1. Which is the greatest among 8118 , 24315 , 2721 and 938 ?
(a) 24315 (b) 2721 (c) 938 (d) 8118
2. The smallest rational number by which 1/3 should be multiplied so that its decimal
expansion terminates after one place of decimal, is
(a) 1/10 (b) 3/10 (c) 3 (d) 30
4 3
3. √ √22 equals
(a) 2−1/6 (b) 2−6 (c) 21/6 (d) 26
4. If 102𝑦 = 25, then 10−𝑦 equals
(a) -1/5 (b) 1/50 (c) 1/625 (d) 1/5
𝑥−𝑦 𝑥+𝑦
5. If 6 = 36 and 3 = 729, then 𝑥 2 − 𝑦 2 =
(a) 12 (b) 4 (c) 24 (d) 8
6. The value of √5 + 2√6 is
(a) √3 − √2 (b) √3 + √2 (c) √5 + √6 (d) none of these
√3 − √2 √3 + √2
7. If 𝑥 = and 𝑦 = then 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑥𝑦 =
√3 + √2 √3 − √2
(a) 101 (b) 99 (c) 98 (d) 102
8. If each side of an equilateral triangle of area 𝐴 is doubled, then the area of new triangle
(a) 2𝐴 (b) 4𝐴 (c) 8𝐴 (d) 6𝐴
9. If the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 32 cm and the ratio of the equal side to its
base is 3 : 2, then area of the triangle is (𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑚2 )
(a) 16√2 (b) 20√2 (c) 30√2 (d) 32√2
10. If 2 × 3 × 5 = 2160, find 𝑥, 𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑧. Hence compute the value of 3𝑥 × 2−𝑦 × 5−𝑧
𝑥 𝑦 𝑧

11. Find the value of 4 × (256)−1/4 ÷ (243)1/5

3√2−2√3 √12
12. Simplify: +
3√2+2√3 √3−√2
13. Express 0.00352̅̅̅̅ in p/q form.
14. The sides of a quadrilateral ABCD, taken in order are 6 cm, 8 cm and 14 cm respectively.
And the angle contained by the first two sides is a right angle. Find its area.
15. Find the area of an equilateral triangle having altitude ℎ cm.
16. Find the percentage increase in the area of a triangle if its each side is doubled.
17. Find the distance between the images of points 𝑃(−7, 4) and 𝑄(7, 4) in 𝑥 −axis.
18. Find the area of the figure ABCD formed by joining
𝐴(−1, 1), 𝐵(5, 1), 𝐶 (5, 6) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷 (−1, 6).

DIRECTION: In question number 19, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a

statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct option.
19. Statement A (Assertion): The abscissa of every point on y-axis is zero.
Statement R (Reason): The point P (0, 12) lies on y- axis.
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct
explanation of
assertion (A)
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
20. If the point P (4, 2) is translated parallel to x- axis through 8 units, then find the
coordinates of new position of P.

SCIENCE (Physics)

All the students will do their H.W in thin notebooks (separately for the three subjects)

Answer the following questions: -

Q.1. Rajeev went from Delhi to Chandigarh on his motor bike. The odometer of bike read 4,200
km at the start of trip and 4,460 km at the end of his trip. If Rajeev took 4h 20 minutes to
complete his trip, find the average speed in km/h as well as m/s.

Q.2. The minute hand of a wall clock is 15 cm long. Find its displacement and the distance
covered from 10:00 am to 10:45 am.

Q.3. Usha swims in a 105 m long pool. She covers 210 m in two minutes by swimming from one
end to the other end and back along the same straight path. Find the average speed and
average velocity of Usha.

Q.4. A man starts from his home for office. First, he travels 5 km toward north then takes a left
turn and travels 5 km and then takes left turn and travels 7 km to reach his office. Find distance
travelled and his displacement from home.

Q.5. Walk from one corner of the basketball court to its diagonally opposite corner along its
sides. If the basket-ball court has the dimension of 15m x 28m.

a. What is the distance covered?

b. What is the displacement?

Q.6. What can you say about the motion of a body if its distance- time graph is a straight line
parallel to the time axis?

Q.7. In a long-distance race, the athletes were expected to take four rounds of the track such
that the line of finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was 200 m.
The what is the displacement of the athletes when they touch the finish line?


(to be done in Science Notebook)
1. Select any five brands each of aerated soft drinks and fruit juices.
• Find out the nutrient content, price, advantage and disadvantage of each one of them.
• Conclude with reasons, what kind of beverage should be used.
• Present the information in a folder with illustration, pictures, photographs, etc.

SCIENCE (Chemistry)

Q1 . Write chemical formulae of the following:

a. Aluminium Chloride
b. Lead nitrate
c. Silver nitrate
d. Sodium Sulphate
e. Zinc Oxide
Q2. Account for the following:
a. The temperature of water remains constant during boiling
b. Evaporation is a surface phenomenon
c. The spaces between the gas particles are maximum.
Q3. The gas jar (A) containing a colourless gas is kept upside down over another gas jar (B)
containing a reddish brown gas . The two jars are separated by a glass plate placed in between
the jars. Answer the following :

i) Name the gases in the jars.

ii) What happens when the glass plate placed in between the jars is removed ?
iii) Name the phenomenon taking place after the glass plate is removed.
Q4. When sugar is dissolved on water, the volume of solution is same as that of water taken.
Where does the sugar go?

Q5. The pistons of the two syringes- one filled with air and the other with water, are pushed
inwards with equal force. What will you observe? What can be concluded from this activity?

Q6. How do kinetic energy and intermolecular force affect the physical state of matter?

Q7. A change in physical state of any matter can be caused by either of the following:

a) by changing temperature
b) by changing pressure
c) by changing both temperature and pressure.
Give an example of each.

SCIENCE (Biology)

1. Demonstrate with the help of diagram- Osmosis with human R.B.C’s when place in
isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solution.
2. How is bacterial cell different from an onion peel cell?
3. Give at least three similarities and three dissimilarities between a plant cell and animal
4. Case- Based question:
All cells must take up and turn out materials through the cell membrane. The plasma
membrane acts as physical barrier between the cell and its surrounding environment
and between the cell organelles and the surrounding cytoplasm. The cell membranes
are not freely permeable, i.e., they do not allow movement of all kinds of substances
across them. Instead, these are selectively permeable, i.e., they allow the entry or exit
of only selected materials. Cell membranes allow the movement of different materials
across them differently.
a. Name two processes of transport of materials which are slow, do not expend
energy and do not use carrier proteins?
b. Name the special processes which are involved in the bulk transport of materials
across the plasma membrane?
c. Which special process involving bulk transport is also called 'cell drinking' ?


Social Science is a field that connects us to the world around us, encompassing history,
geography, political science, and economics. It helps us understand the complexities of our
society and the forces that shape our world. Don’t View your Holiday homework, as a task to
be completed, but as an exploration of ideas and concepts that have real-world implications.

Attempt the following questions in the fair notebook:
Q1.Mention the events associated with the dates mentioned below.

Q2. Give detailed description of the slave trade during the French revolution and how it came
to an end?

Q3. Mapping the Battles of the French Revolution:

There were many significant battles during the French Revolution. This activity gives students a
chance to map them out and mark the victor.
● Political map of Europe

● Colored pencils
Prepare a Mind Map on the entire chapter PHYSICAL FEATURES OF INDIA
Q1.“Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts”. Explain the
statement. (5)
Q2. Why has India not experienced a famine as severe as that of China in 1958-61? (5)

Prepare a concept map on the topic THE STORY OF VILLAGE PALAMPUR


TOPIC: NATURAL AND MAN-MADE DISASTERS (Causes: Typical adverse effects, Distribution
pattern and possible risk and Reduction measures (Do's and Don’ts for Protection)

The main objectives of giving project work on Disaster Management to the students are to:
a. create awareness in them about different disasters, their consequences and
b. prepare them in advance to face such situations
c.ensure their participation in disaster mitigation plans
d. enable them to create awareness and preparedness among the community.
Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on Disaster Management.
► Reference list: Clear and concise APA instructions for American Psychological Association (APA) Style* is
commonly used in the social sciences. Prepare your project and cite your sources according to APA style.

Examples of Common References

In-Text Citations
Paraphrasing: Include the author(s) and year of publication.
Direct Quotes: Include the author(s), year, and page number
Books: Author(s). (Year). *Title of the book*.
Journal Articles:
Author(s). (Year). Title of the article. *Title of the Journal, Volume*(Issue), Page numbers.
Web Pages:
Author(s). (Year, Month, Day). Title of the webpage and Website name

❖ The Project Report should be HANDWRITTEN by the students themselves. (minimum 30-35
pages )
❖ Students can collect minimum two case studies.
❖ Project must include a chart (A3 size) on DISASTER EMERGENCY KIT.
❖Each section should be done on A4 size sheets. Cover page, table of contents,
acknowledgements, bibliography, headings and sub –headings are a must. It should be well
presented, researched, and pictorial.
Students are required to integrate different forms of art in project work.


● Together, Towards a Safer India - Part II, a textbook on Disaster Management for Class IX
Published by CBSE.


संतकृतम ्

क) रचनात्मककार्यम ्-

प्रश्न 1. अधोप्रदतं चचत्रं दृष्ट्वा मञ्जूषार्ााः सहार्तर्ा पञ्चवाक्र्ानन लिखत।

प्रश्न 2. “समर्स्र् सदप

ु र्ोगाः” इनत ववषर्मचधकृत्र् ए-4 पत्रे अनुच्छे दं लिखत।

ख) कृत्रत्रमबुद्चधमत्ता (Artificial intelligence) आधाररतकार्यम ्-
प्रश्न 3. कृत्रत्रमबद्
ु चधमत्तार्ााः (Artificial intelligence) प्रर्ोगेण उच्चारणस्थानानाम ्
पी०पी०टी० (PPT) ननमायणम ् कुवयन्त।ु

गनतववचधाः आधाररतकार्यम ्-
प्रश्न 4. “ ववद्र्ार्ााः महत्वम ्” इनत ववषर्े A-4 पत्रे श्िोकत्रर्म ् लिखत।
प्रश्न 5. संस्कृतस्र् पञ्चदशकवव: तेषां रचना च ए-4 पत्रे लिखत।

व्र्ाकरणकार्यम ्-
1. मणणका अभ्र्ासपुस्तकस्र् अपठितगद्र्ाशम ् 1-5 कुवयन्त।ु
2. मणिका अभ्यासपुस्तकस्य णित्रविणनम् 1-5 कुवणन्तु।

Art & Craft

Design a ‘Mini Garden in a Pot’

GROUPS: Roll No. 1-5
● Size: Minimum size of ceramic pot: 15 inches.
● Height of the pot should not be more than 6 inches.

● Students can use a variety of succulents, jade plants and snake

● You can also use colourful stones, marbles or other mini
toys(handmade from clay) to decorate.
● Sample according to roll no will be shared in class groups


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