The Art of Nomograms

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The art of nomograms

Article in Eye and Vision · December 2018

DOI: 10.1186/s40662-018-0096-z


11 780

3 authors:

Samuel Arba Mosquera Diego de Ortueta

SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH AURELIOS


Shwetabh Verma
SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH & Co. KG


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Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2
DOI 10.1186/s40662-018-0096-z

RESEARCH Open Access

The art of nomograms

Samuel Arba Mosquera1,2,3*, Diego de Ortueta4 and Shwetabh Verma2,5,6,7

Background: To retrospectively analyse strategies for adjusting refractive surgery plans with reference to the
preoperative manifest refraction.
Methods: We constructed seven nomograms based on the refractive outcomes (sphere, cylinder, axis [SCA]) of 150
consecutive eyes treated with laser in situ keratomileusis for myopic astigmatism. We limited the initial data to the
SCA of the manifest refraction. All nomograms were based on the strategy: if for x diopters (D) of attempted metric,
y D is achieved; we can reverse this sentence and state for achieving y D of change in the metric, x D will be planned.
The effects of the use of plus or minus astigmatism notation, spherical equivalent, sphere, principal meridians notation,
cardinal and oblique astigmatism, and astigmatic axis were incorporated.
Results: All nomograms detected subtle differences in the spherical component (p < 0.0001). Nomograms 5 and 7
(using power vectors) and 6 (considering axis shifts) detected significant astigmatic differences (nomogram 5, p < 0.001;
nomogram 6, p < 0.05; nomogram 7, p < 0.005 for cardinal astigmatism, p = 0.1 for oblique astigmatism). We observed
mild clinically relevant differences (~ 0.5 D) in sphere or astigmatism among the nomograms; differences of ~ 0.25 D in
the proposals for sphere or cylinder were not uncommon. All nomograms suggested minor improvements versus
actual observed outcomes, with no clinically relevant differences among them.
Conclusions: All nomograms anticipated minor improvements versus actual observed outcomes without clinically
relevant differences among them. The minimal uncertainties in determining the manifest refraction (~ 0.6 D) are the
major limitation to improving the accuracy of refractive surgery nomograms.
Keywords: Refraction, Nomograms, Refractive outcomes, Sphere, Cylinder

Background markets can be optimized based on their technical speci-

Nomograms have been used from the beginning of fications, but the results of refractive surgery also
refractive surgery. In 1998, Yang et al. [1] evaluated a depend on the subtle differences among lasers, surgeons,
commercially available neural network program for calcu- operation room environment and the patient population
lating photorefractive keratectomy treatment nomograms and demographics. Thus, to compensate for these differ-
and concluded that neural networks offer a potential ences and obtain optimum results, different values are
means of segmenting and refining treatment nomograms used by surgeons when compared to the actual patient
to account for patient demographics, preoperative exami- data. These adjustments are determined using Nomo-
nations, surgeon style, and equipment bias. grams. Nomograms are designed after precisely analys-
The primary reasons for developing nomograms in ing a range of patient data based on several factors
refractive surgery are to avoid surgical retreatments [2] contributing variability. The precision and success of a
and achieve an optimum refractive result. The need for nomogram rests on several factors such as valid algo-
having nomograms is catalysed by variability. To achieve rithm design, accurate patient data and correct grouping
optimum results, the laser systems available in the of the data. In addition to this, nomograms must be
constantly updated, as lasers, surgeons, and techniques
* Correspondence:
change over time.
Recognized Research Group in Optical Diagnostic Techniques, University of Feltham and Wolfe, who retrospectively analysed the
Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
effects of ablation size, refractive errors, patient age, and
SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions, Mainparkstr. 6-10, D-63801 Kleinostheim,
corneal curvature on the retreatments, found that the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article older the patient and the larger the refractive error, the
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International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
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Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 2 of 13

greater the risk of not achieving a residual refractive calculation to model results with different pre-treatment
error of ±0.50 diopter (D) 3 months postoperatively and ablation adjustment strategies might be useful to elimin-
that corneas that are steeper preoperatively have a ate unpromising new approaches before clinical trials.
greater risk of retreatment. A nomogram can be designed based on several factors.
Most reported nomograms have provided accurate One can analyse the factors as variables that are used to
results for myopic spheres; however, for hyperopic design an equation that describes an empirical data pre-
spheres and astigmatic outcomes the results are less pre- cisely. Looking at this process purely mathematically, the
dictable. Moniz and Fernandes [3] analysed a nomogram more variables that are included in the analysis the bet-
for treating astigmatism with laser in situ keratomileusis ter the fit becomes. However, there is no ideal criterion
(LASIK). Similarly, Alpins and Goggin [4] provided a to judge the relevance of the analysed factors on the
method to analyse refractive outcomes of astigmatic refractive outcomes. These factors are selected mostly
refractive surgery. The Alpins methodology uses three based on scientific studies, common sense and some-
principal vectors and the various ratios among them times even a feeling. Although before including other
provide an aggregate analysis of astigmatic change with factors, reaching an optimum basis for the refractive sur-
parallel indices for spherical correction. A comparative gery design is imperative. In the current study, we aim
analysis using arithmetic and vectorial means and neces- at analysing the basic criteria that can be used to de-
sary nomogram adjustments for refining spherical and velop a nomogram, the Sphere Cylinder and axis (SCA)
astigmatic treatments can also be derived. These component of the manifest refraction. We analyse seven
advanced techniques, together with their suitability for systematic strategies for adjusting the surgical plan in
statistical analysis, comprehensively address the outcome refractive surgery with reference to the preoperative
analysis requirements of the entire cornea and the manifest refraction (SCA), with an aim to find an
refractive correction for examining successful refractive optimum fundamental nomogram that can be further
surgery outcomes. optimized with several other popular factors affecting
However, nomograms are only useful if the effects of refractive outcomes.
their proposed surgical plans can be positively verified.
Gailitis [5] compared the outcomes between two differ- Methods
ent excimer laser platforms using optimized nomograms One hundred and fifty consecutive eyes of 75 patients
and reported good results for both platforms, but super- that had been treated with the Amaris (SCHWIND eye--
ior results were obtained with the platform using the tech-solutions, Kleinostheim, Germany) “aberration neu-
more recent nomogram. tral” (Aberration-Free™) aspheric ablation profiles were
Nomograms can consider all kinds of variables for analysed retrospectively.
analysis. A recent nomogram proposed the coupling The inclusion criteria were a bilateral surgery on the
effects between preoperative high-order aberrations and same day targeted for emmetropia, preoperative bilateral
refractive outcomes [6]. The authors found that patient corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) ≥ 20/25 (loga-
satisfaction was slightly higher than that of patients who rithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR] ≤
underwent previous laser refractive surgery at the same 0.1), and no signs of amblyopia.
clinic and concluded that the advanced nomogram The 6-month follow-up data were available for all 150
increased treatment accuracy regarding the uncorrected eyes (100%). The mean preoperative manifest defocus
visual acuity (UDVA) and the mean postoperative refrac- refraction was − 3.60 ± 1.54 diopters (D) (range, − 7.50 to
tion and reduced the rate of hyperopic overcorrection − 1.25 D) and the mean preoperative manifest astigma-
compared with earlier studies. The need for retreatment tism was 0.79 ± 0.74 D (range, 0.00 to 4.00 D). We
procedures decreased, and patient satisfaction was high. measured the corneal topography [8] for all eyes and
There is no single approach for adjusting the surgical obtained the corneal wavefront aberrations [9, 10] up to
parameters based on retrospective analyses of previous the 7th Zernike order (36 terms) (Keratron-Scout,
outcomes. Arnalich-Montiel et al. [7] examined four OPTIKON2000, Rome, Italy), manifest refraction,
systematic strategies and one intuitive approach for UDVA, and CDVA. The measurements were performed
adjusting the ablation sphere in myopic wavefront LA- preoperatively and at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively.
SIK with reference to preoperative manifest refraction. All ablations were non-wavefront-guided but were
Surprisingly, they found that the postoperative manifest based on aspheric [11] aberration-neutral profiles (and
refraction spherical equivalent varied lesser when non- not on the profiles proposed by Munnerlyn [12]) to bal-
systematic, intuitive adjustments to the ablation sphere ance the induction of spherical aberration [13, 14] (pro-
were used. There was a strong trend toward reduced lateness optimization [15]). This approach included a
variability in the results in patients with a larger wave- multidynamic aspheric transition zone, aberration and
front diameter. The authors concluded that back- focus shift compensation due to ablation, pseudomatrix-
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 3 of 13

based spot positioning, and enhanced compensation for In this approach, we correlated the achieved spherical
the loss of efficiency [16]; all were based on theoretical change (considering astigmatism as the negative conven-
equations validated with ablation models and clinical tion) with the attempted change and the magnitude of the
evaluations. achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis with astig-
We used a 6.3-mm central, fully corrected optical zone matism as the negative convention) with the attempted
(OZ) for myopia and a 7.0-mm OZ for high astigmatism, change (all at the corneal plane where the ablation is
together with a variable transition size that was provided performed).
automatically by the laser depending on the planned
refractive correction (range, 6.5–9.2 mm). The ablation Nomogram 2: sphere and positive cylinder
was performed using the AMARIS excimer laser We correlated the achieved spherical change (consider-
(SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions, Kleinostheim, Germany), ing astigmatism as the positive convention) with the
which is a flying-spot laser system that uses a real ablative attempted change and the magnitude of the achieved
spot volume locally considered through a self-constructing cylindrical change (vectorial analysis with astigmatism as
algorithm that controls for the local repetition rates to the positive convention) with the attempted change (all
minimize the thermal load of the treatment [17]. at the corneal plane where the ablation is performed).
The AMARIS laser system works at a repetition rate
of 750 Hz and produces a beam (size, 0.54 mm) (full- Nomogram 3: spherical equivalent and astigmatism
width-at-half-maximum) and a super-Gaussian spot pro- We correlated the achieved spherical equivalent change
file [18, 19]. High-speed eye tracking (pupil and limbus with the attempted change, and the absolute magnitude
tracker with cyclotorsional tracking [20]) with a 1050 Hz of the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis)
acquisition rate is accomplished with a 3-ms latency with the attempted change (all at the corneal plane
time [21]. where the ablation is performed).
We based our nomogram analyses on three manifest
refraction values (sphere, cylinder, axis [SCA]), and for Nomogram 4: principal meridians
simplicity we ignored other known factors of refractive Spherocylindrical (SCA) prescriptions can be easily con-
deviation such as treatment duration [22], in that verted to the principal meridians notation.
increased dehydration leads to different laser tissue
interaction attributes; OZ [23–26], in that larger zones Cyl1 ¼ S orig ð4Þ
provide more natural corneal shapes but smaller zones Cyl2 ¼ S orig þ C orig ð5Þ
save ablated tissue; age [2, 24], in that corneal water
content and accommodation decrease with age; treated where Cyl1 and Cyl2 are the meridional powers of the
eye [27, 28], in the sense of bilateral symmetry for astig- principal meridians. We correlated the achieved merid-
matism; keratometric values [2, 27], in that greater loss ional power change (vectorial analysis) with the
of efficiency affects ablation of steeper corneas; wave- attempted power change for the principal meridians at
front refraction [7, 29–31]; coupling effects [28]; effects the corneal plane where the ablation is performed.
of wave aberration on the manifest refraction [24, 32];
and neural adaptation [25, 33]. Nomogram 5: spherical equivalent and cardinal and
For all nomogram construction, we used linear correl- oblique astigmatism
ation as a nomogram proposal: if for x D of attempted Spherocylindrical (SCA) prescriptions can be converted
metric, y D is achieved; we can reverse this sentence and easily to power vector notation of the form [C+, M, Cx].
state that for achieving y D of change in the metric, x D
will be planned. Cþ ¼ − cosð2AÞ ð6Þ
Nomogram 1: sphere and negative cylinder C
M¼Sþ ð7Þ
Spherocylindrical (SCA) prescriptions can be easily 2
converted to a plus or minus astigmatism notation.
C ¼ − sinð2AÞ ð8Þ
S conv ¼ S orig þ C orig ð1Þ 2
where M is the spherical equivalent (defocus compo-
C conv ¼ −C orig ð2Þ
nent), C+ the cardinal astigmatism, and Cx the oblique
Aconv ¼ mod Aorig þ 90; 180 ð3Þ astigmatism. The three components, respectively, repre-
sent the power of a Jackson crossed-cylinder with axes
where conv denotes the converted SCA prescription, at 0 degree and 90 degrees, the spherical equivalent
and orig denotes the original SCA prescription. power, and the power of a Jackson crossed-cylinder with
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 4 of 13

axes at 45 degrees and 135 degrees. We correlated the Statistical analyses

achieved spherical equivalent change with the attempted We assessed the statistical significance of the nomogram
change, and the achieved cylindrical change (cardinal correction compared to the preoperative refraction using
and oblique components analysis) with the attempted paired Student’s t-tests.
change (all at the corneal plane where the ablation is We assessed the statistical significance of the correla-
performed). tions using the Student’s t-tests. The coefficient of deter-
mination (r2) was used, and the significance of the
Nomogram 6: spherical equivalent and astigmatism correlations has been evaluated considering a metric
considering residual cyclotorsion distributed approximately as t with N-2 degrees of free-
We correlated the achieved spherical equivalent change dom where N is the size of the sample.
with the attempted change, and the achieved cylindrical The level of statistical significance was p < 0.05.
change (cardinal and oblique components analysis) with
the attempted change (all at the corneal plane where the Results
ablation is performed). Moreover, for astigmatism we com- Refractive outcomes
pared the achieved astigmatic axis to the attempted axis. At 6 months postoperatively, the spherical equivalent
Assuming that the freedom to adjust the applied mag- and the cylinder decreased significantly to subclinical
nitudes of astigmatism exists, an optimal factor that levels: the mean residual defocus refraction was − 0.08 ±
minimizes the magnitude of the residual astigmatism 0.36 D (range, − 1.12 to + 0.75 D; p < 0.0001) and mean
was calculated: residual astigmatism 0.16 ± 0.21 D (range, 0.00 to 0.75
D; p < 0.001). In 85% of eyes (n = 127), the spherical
equivalent was within ±0.50 D of emmetropia, and in
jCylPost j ¼ jCylPre j F 2 −2F cosð2θÞ þ 1 ð9Þ
97% of eyes (n = 145), the astigmatism was within ±0.50
D of emmetropia (Table 1).
where F is the adjustment factor due to cyclotorsion and
θ is the residual cyclotorsion. Nomogram 1: sphere and negative cylinder
The factor that minimizes residual astigmatism is the The achieved spherical change (considering astigmatism
one that minimizes the square root in the formula as a negative convention) was correlated with the
above, thus, the factor that minimizes the quadratic attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the magnitude of the
function is inside the square root. achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis with astig-
The minimum of this function is the vertex of the matism as a negative convention) was correlated with
parabola: the attempted one (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 1).
The nomogram correction differed significantly from
F ¼ cosð2θÞ ð10Þ the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) with a
mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.39 D (range, −
In addition, the residual astigmatic magnitude is: 1.49 D to + 0.76 D; median − 0.25 D) but not for astig-
matism (p = 0.3).
jCylPost j ¼ jCylPre j sinð2θÞ ð11Þ
Nomogram 2: sphere and positive cylinder
Notice that F is always between [− 1, + 1] and that F The achieved spherical change (considering astigmatism
changes its sign when: as a positive convention) was correlated with the
attempted correction (p < 0.0001), and the magnitude of
θ¼ ð12Þ
4 Table 1 Comparison of refractive outcomes 6 months after
surgery for all 150 eyes
As π/4 is much larger than typical cyclotorsion errors, Pre-op Post-op P value
it can be assumed that for practical purposes F is always (Mean ± SD) (Mean ± SD)
positive. Spherical equivalent (D) −3.60 ± 1.54 − 0.08 ± 0.36 < 0.0001*
Cylinder (D) 0.79 ± 0.74 0.16 ± 0.21 < 0.001*
Nomogram 7: power vectors analysis
Predictability within ±0.50 D (%) – 85% for Seq –
We correlated the achieved spherical equivalent change 97% for Ast
to the attempted change, and the achieved cylindrical
Predictability within ±1.00 D (%) – 97% for Seq –
change (separate cardinal and oblique components 100% for Ast
analyses) to the attempted change (all at the corneal Ast = astigmatism; Seq = spherical equivalent
plane where the ablation is performed). *Statistically significant
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 5 of 13

Fig. 1 Achieved correction vs. Attempted correction with Nomogram 1. The achieved spherical change (considering astigmatism as a negative
convention) correlated with the attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the magnitude of the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis with
astigmatism as the negative convention) correlated with the attempted change (p < 0.0001). The nomogram correction differs significantly from
the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) but not for astigmatism (p = 0.3). The nomogram proposes a − 6% reduction in sphere with a −
0.4 D bias, and a + 1% enhancement of the cylinder. A refraction of − 2.50 D sphere with − 1.50 D astigmatism at 63 degrees should be planned
as − 2.77 D sphere with − 1.52 D astigmatism at 63 degrees

the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis with Nomogram 5: spherical equivalent and cardinal and
astigmatism as a positive convention) was correlated oblique astigmatism
with the attempted change (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 2). The achieved change in the spherical equivalent was corre-
The nomogram correction differed significantly from lated with the attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the achieved
the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) with a cylindrical change (cardinal and oblique components analysis)
mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.36 D (range, − was correlated with the attempted change (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 5).
1.46 D to + 0.76 D; median − 0.25 D) but not for astig- The nomogram correction differed significantly from
matism (p = 0.3). the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001), with a
mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.36 D (range, −
Nomogram 3: spherical equivalent and astigmatism 1.47 D to + 0.76 D; median, − 0.25 D) and for astigmatism
The achieved spherical equivalent change was correlated (p < 0.001), with a mean nomogram correction of + 0.02 ±
with the attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the absolute 0.09 D (range, − 0.29 D to + 0.37 D; median, 0.00 D).
magnitude of the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial
analysis) was correlated with the attempted change (p < Nomogram 6: spherical equivalent and astigmatism
0.0001) (Fig. 3). considering residual cyclotorsion
The nomogram correction differed significantly from The achieved spherical equivalent change was correlated with
the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001), with the attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the absolute magni-
a mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.36 D (range, tude of the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis) was
− 1.47 D to + 0.76 D; median − 0.25 D) but not for astig- correlated with the attempted change (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 3).
matism (p = 0.3). Comparing the achieved astigmatic axis to the
attempted astigmatic axis, we detected a mean cyclotor-
Nomogram 4: principal meridians sion of 6 degrees that corresponded to a compensatory
The achieved meridional power change at the principal factor for the astigmatism of:
meridians was correlated with the attempted power change
(p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4), and the nomogram correction differed F ¼ 0:9806 ð13Þ
significantly from the preoperative refraction (p < 0.0001),
with a mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.37 D The nomogram correction differed significantly from
(range, − 1.49 D to + 0.76 D; median − 0.25 D). the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) with a
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 6 of 13

Fig. 2 Achieved correction vs. Attempted correction with Nomogram 2. The achieved spherical change (considering astigmatism as a positive
convention) correlated with the attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the magnitude of the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis with
astigmatism as a positive convention) with the attempted change (p < .0001). The nomogram correction differs significantly from the
preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) but not for astigmatism (p = 0.3). The nomogram proposes a − 4% reduction in sphere
with a − 0.39 D bias and a + 1% enhancement of the cylinder. A refraction of − 4.00 D sphere with + 1.50 D astigmatism at 153
degrees (− 2.50 D sphere with − 1.50 D astigmatism at 63 degrees) should be planned as − 4.25 D sphere with + 1.52 D astigmatism
at 153 degrees (− 2.73 D sphere with − 1.52 D astigmatism at 63 degrees)

Fig. 3 Achieved correction vs. Attempted correction with Nomogram 3. The achieved spherical equivalent change correlated with the attempted
change (p < 0.0001), and the absolute magnitude of the achieved cylindrical change (vectorial analysis) with the attempted change (p < 0.0001).
The nomogram correction differs significantly from the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) but not for astigmatism (p = 0.3). The
nomogram proposes a − 5% reduction in sphere with a − 0.41 D bias, and a + 1% enhancement of the cylinder. A refraction of − 2.50 D sphere
with − 1.50 D astigmatism at 63 degrees should be planned as − 2.75 D sphere with − 1.52 D astigmatism at 63 degrees
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 7 of 13

Fig. 4 Achieved correction vs. Attempted correction with Nomogram 4. The achieved meridional power change correlated with the attempted
change (p < 0.0001) and the nomogram correction differs significantly from the preoperative refraction (p < 0.0001). The nomogram proposes
a − 5% reduction in planned meridional power with a − 0.39 D bias. A refraction of − 2.50 D sphere with − 1.50 D astigmatism at 63 degrees
should be planned as − 2.79 D sphere with − 1.44 D astigmatism at 63 degrees

Fig. 5 Achieved correction vs. Attempted correction with Nomogram 5. The achieved spherical equivalent change correlated with the attempted
change (p < 0.0001), and the absolute magnitude of the achieved cylindrical change (cardinal and oblique components analysis) with the
attempted change (p < 0.0001). The nomogram correction differs significantly from the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) and for
astigmatism (p < 0.001). The nomogram proposes a − 5% reduction in sphere with a − 0.41 D bias, and a − 1% reduction of the cylinder with a + 0.01
D bias. A refraction of − 2.50 D sphere with − 1.50 D astigmatism at 63 degrees should be planned as − 2.75 D sphere with − 1.52 D astigmatism at
63 degrees
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 8 of 13

mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.36 D (range, Adverse events

− 1.47 D to + 0.76 D; median − 0.25 D) and for astig- No adverse events or complications were observed intra-
matism (p < 0.05), with a mean nomogram correction operatively or postoperatively. No patient needed or re-
of − 0.02 ± 0.21 D (range, − 0.75 D to + 0.66 D; quested retreatment of either eye.
median 0.00 D).
A refraction of − 2.50 D sphere with − 1.50 D of astig- Discussion
matism at 63 degrees should be planned as − 2.76 D In the current study, we used non-customized
sphere with − 1.49 D astigmatism at 63 degrees. aberration-neutral profiles, i.e., the ablations were opti-
mized to induce no change in wavefront aberration
within the OZ other than sphere and cylinder compo-
Nomogram 7: power vectors analysis
nents, leaving all existing higher order aberrations
The achieved spherical equivalent change was correlated
(HOAs) unchanged because the CDVA was unaffected
with the attempted change (p < 0.0001), and the achieved
by the pre-existing aberrations [25]. Thus, to compen-
cylindrical change (separate cardinal and oblique com-
sate for the induced aberrations observed with other
ponents analyses) was correlated with the attempted
types of profile definitions [26], several sources of aber-
change (p < 0.0001 for cardinal astigmatism; p < 0.0001
ration might be considered; some of those sources of
for oblique astigmatism) (Fig. 6).
aberration are related to the loss of efficiency of the laser
The nomogram correction differed significantly from
ablation for non-normal incidence [34–40].
the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) with a
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the
mean nomogram correction of − 0.23 ± 0.36 D (range, −
differences among seven systematic strategies for adjust-
1.47 D to + 0.76 D; median − 0.25 D) and for cardinal
ing the surgical refractive plan in reference to the pre-
astigmatism (p < 0.005) with a mean nomogram correc-
operative manifest refraction, based on retrospective
tion of + 0.03 ± 0.10 D (range, − 0.29 D to + 0.37 D; me-
analysis of 150 eyes treated with the AMARIS system
dian 0.00 D) but not for oblique astigmatism (p = 0.1).
that used an Aberration-Free ablation profile. The
advantage of the Aberration-Free ablation profile is that
Comparison of the different nomogram proposals it aims to be neutral for HOAs, leaving the visual print
Table 2 presents some values for comparing the different of the patient as it was preoperatively with the best spec-
nomogram proposals. tacle correction.

Fig. 6 Achieved correction vs. Attempted correction with Nomogram 7. The achieved spherical equivalent change correlated with the attempted
change (p < 0.0001) and the absolute magnitude of the achieved cylindrical change (separate cardinal and oblique components analyses) with
the attempted change (p < 0.0001 for cardinal astigmatism; p < 0.0001 for oblique astigmatism). The nomogram correction differs significantly
from the preoperative refraction for sphere (p < 0.0001) and for cardinal astigmatism (p < 0.005) but not for oblique astigmatism (p = 0.1). The
nomogram proposes a − 5% reduction in sphere with a − 0.41 D bias, a + 1% enhancement of the cardinal astigmatism with a + 0.03 D bias, and
a − 8% reduction of the oblique astigmatism with a + 0.01 D bias. A refraction of − 2.50 D sphere with − 1.50 D astigmatism at 63 degrees should
be planned as − 2.78 D sphere with − 1.47 D astigmatism at 66 degrees
Table 2 Comparison of the different nomogram proposals
Attempted Nom 1: Sph + negCyl Nom 2: Sph + posCyl Nom 3: SEq + Ast Nom 4: Cyl1 + Cyl2
Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis
(D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg)
−3.00 0.00 0 − 3.25 0.02 0 −3.29 0.02 0 −3.28 0.02 0 −3.27 0.00 0
0.00 −2.00 15 −0.41 −2.05 15 −0.27 − 2.04 15 − 0.34 − 2.04 15 − 0.38 − 1.93 15
−3.00 − 2.00 150 − 3.25 − 2.04 150 − 3.18 − 2.03 150 −3.21 − 2.03 150 − 3.27 − 1.92 150
−1.50 −1.00 45 −1.83 − 1.01 45 − 1.78 −1.01 45 −1.81 − 1.01 45 − 1.82 −0.96 45
−4.75 −3.25 120 −4.90 −3.31 120 −4.82 −3.30 120 −4.84 −3.31 120 −4.95 −3.11 120
4.75 −3.25 75 4.11 −3.36 75 4.43 −3.33 75 4.27 −3.35 75 4.21 −3.14 75
2.00 −2.00 90 1.49 −2.05 90 1.68 −2.04 90 1.58 −2.05 90 1.55 −1.93 90
3.00 −6.00 165 2.44 −6.20 165 2.86 −6.14 165 2.67 −6.17 165 2.52 −5.78 165
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2

Ast = astigmatism; C+ = cardinal astigmatism; Cx = oblique astigmatism; deg = degree; negCyl = negative cylinder; Nom = nomogram; SEq = spherical equivalent; Sph = sphere

Table 2 Comparison of the different nomogram proposals (Continued)

Nom 5: SEq + (C+,Cx) Nom 6: Cyclotorsion Nom 7: SEq + C+ + Cx Max. internomogram difference
Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis Sphere Cylinder Axis
(D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg) (D) (D) (deg)
−3.26 −0.02 0 −3.28 0.02 0 −3.23 − 0.08 98 0.06 0.09 98
− 0.34 − 2.03 15 −0.35 − 2.01 15 − 0.39 − 1.93 14 0.14 0.12 1
− 3.21 − 2.02 150 −3.22 −2.00 150 −3.28 − 1.88 150 0.10 0.15 0
− 1.80 −1.02 45 −1.82 − 1.00 45 − 1.86 − 0.91 47 0.08 0.11 2
−4.86 −3.26 120 −4.86 −3.26 120 −4.91 −3.15 118 0.13 0.20 2
4.25 −3.29 75 4.25 −3.30 75 4.26 −3.32 77 0.32 0.22 2
1.57 −2.03 90 1.57 −2.02 90 1.62 −2.12 90 0.19 0.19 0
2.62 −6.04 165 2.63 −6.08 165 2.58 −5.96 166 0.41 0.42 1
Page 9 of 13
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 10 of 13

All patients were followed for 6 months postopera- the enhancement of the meridional regression line with-
tively, and, although no nomogram adjustments were out considering the astigmatic axis. It can be useful for
applied, no patient required retreatment. A study with a small datasets since the statistical power is enhanced
longer follow-up and more eyes would provide more using only one correlation with 2 N points, instead of
proof of stable outcomes, even though the refractive two correlations with N points each.
spherical and astigmatic results were stable after Nomograms 5 and 7 use SCA values expressed as
3 months. power vectors, whereas in nomogram 5 the astigmatism
The average residual defocus was about − 0.1 D and the nomogram is based on analysis of the cardinal and
residual cylinder about 0.2 D, with 85% of the eyes within oblique astigmatism components together, and in nomo-
0.50 D and 97% within 1.0 D of emmetropia. This might gram 7 the astigmatism nomogram is based on separate
be specific to the SCHWIND laser, which is calibrated for analyses of the cardinal and oblique astigmatism compo-
all treatments to achieve − 0.2 D of residual myopia. nents. These approaches are independent of the used
Although this small series of treated eyes does not cylinder convention and based on enhancement of the
allow for definitive conclusions to be drawn or evidence- regression lines considering the astigmatic axis.
based statements, our preliminary results are promising. Only nomograms 5 and 7, which used power vectors,
We compared seven different approaches for construct- and nomogram 6, which considered the effects of cyclo-
ing a nomogram for planned refraction for laser refract- torsion on residual astigmatism [28], detected significant
ive surgery. For all approaches, we limited the initial differences for astigmatism (nomogram 5, p < 0.001;
data to the SCA values of the manifest refraction. All nomogram 6, p < 0.05; and nomogram 7, p < 0.005 for
nomogram proposals were derived based on the strategy: cardinal astigmatism, but p = 0.1 for oblique astigma-
if for x D of attempted metric, y D is achieved; we can tism). This means that only by considering SCA, with
reverse this sentence and state that for achieving y D of emphasis on the axis, subtle astigmatic differences can
change in the metric, x D will be planned. be detected.
Six nomograms considered only the SC values inde- Comparing the different nomogram proposals, we
pendent of the astigmatism axis, and nomogram 7 also observed mild significant differences of almost 0.5 D in
considered the astigmatism axis. sphere or astigmatism among the different nomogram
Nomograms 1 and 2 were identical except for the fact proposals; differences of about 0.25 D in the proposals
that they used opposite cylinder conventions (negative for sphere or cylinder were not uncommon.
versus positive). These approaches have the disadvantage Ditzen et al. [41] compared the correction values
of depending on the astigmatic sign, which provide dif- entered into the laser with the achieved change in
ferent results. refraction for these eyes and incorporated the effect of
Nomogram 3 is the most established method for OZ size and patient age. Scatterplots comparing the
analysing refractive outcomes, and we think that to- laser settings to achieved postoperative refractions
gether with the intuitive approach, nomogram 3 is the showed a clear 20% trend toward overcorrection. This
most extended approach for constructing nomograms trend increased with patient age and OZ diameter.
for laser refractive surgery. This approach is independent Sheludchenko and Fadeykina [42] studied the results
of the cylinder convention, but is based on enhancement of excimer laser correction for mixed astigmatism using
of the spherical equivalent and astigmatism regression bitoric nomograms for cylinder and standard monotoric
lines without considering the astigmatic axis. The prob- procedures and found that bitoric ablations for astig-
lem is that this approach considers a perfect result as matic corrections resulted in fewer retreatments com-
that in which the attempted correction is − 1 D cylinder pared to standard monotoric procedures.
at 0 degrees, and the achieved correction is − 1 D cylin- Anderson et al. [43] analysed the attempted versus
der at 90 degrees. That means that it may fail for data- achieved changes in refraction. Factors such as age,
sets with only low astigmatic values, small datasets, or corneal thickness (pachymetry), preoperative spherical
datasets in which large rotations of the astigmatic angle equivalent refraction, preoperative cylinder, and OZ were
are achieved. Nomogram 6 is a modification of nomo- studied to evaluate their roles in predicting the refractive
gram 3, which further considers the effects of cyclotor- outcome 6 months after LASIK. The preoperative spher-
sion on residual astigmatism [28], i.e., it targets reducing ical equivalent refraction and OZ size were strong
postoperative residual astigmatism instead of enhancing predictors of the 6-month refractive outcomes, that is,
the achieved astigmatism change. with the preoperative spherical equivalent refraction and
Nomogram 4 uses the astigmatism value only indir- OZ size, the postoperative refraction of the patient could
ectly, since it is based on correlation of the changes in be strongly estimated. However, there was no correlation
the meridional optical powers. This approach is inde- between the postoperative refraction and the age, pre-
pendent from the cylinder convention, but it is based on operative cylinder, or surgeon.
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 11 of 13

Caster et al. [44] evaluated the refractive results of Long-term follow-up of these eyes will help determine
conventional (non-wavefront) LASIK for treating myopia the stability of these results.
and myopic astigmatism using the Alcon LADARVision Refined models to analyse the refractive outcomes and
4000 excimer laser system and nomogram adjustment derivation of adjusted nomograms may increase the
techniques. They found that the outcomes improved accuracy of the results; however, the high validation cost
substantially throughout the development of an accurate and the analysis of sufficiently large datasets to convey
nomogram because of continually updated regression sufficient statistical power must be examined together
analysis of previous refractive results. with the potential benefits of nomograms.
Zaldivar et al. [45] compared five nomogram refine- Artificial intelligence applied to nomograms may also
ments accounting for accommodation, use of a 7.0-mm contribute to auto-updating of the proposals for the
OZ and a 9.5-mm transition zone, a targeted mean flap surgical plans, e.g., weighting the refractive outcomes
diameter of 10.5-mm, sequential interruption of the laser based on the time they were planned (i.e., recent treat-
ablation, and cleaning of the interface. They concluded ments weigh more than older ones).
that the outcomes support the observation that five We have not clinically validated the proposed nomo-
surgical and technical modifications of the hyperopic grams, since on the one hand the results observed in this
LASIK procedure resulted in excellent visual quality and setting were already highly accurate (range residual
refractive outcomes and a low regression rate. spherical equivalent between − 1.12 D and + 0.75 D, and
Mrochen et al. [46] stated that nomograms are residual astigmatism below 0.75 D), and on the other
efficient tools for improving the predictability of refract- hand no patient requested an enhancement.
ive procedures by using statistical methods to analyse However, we have virtually validated the different
the preoperative and postoperative refractive data. The nomograms by assuming that the adjustment in the plan
authors found that using individual nomograms signifi- transfers linearly to the achieved change (Table 3). All
cantly improved the predictability of the refractive out- proposals suggested minor improvements versus the
come. However, theoretical investigation showed that actual observed outcomes, but there were no clinically
homogeneous data distribution within cohorts is a key relevant differences among the different nomograms.
factor for predictable nomogram calculations. Nomo- One fact we must consider is that there are a number
grams are helpful for improving refractive outcomes. of sources of uncertainty (due to fluctuations in accom-
However, they are currently limited to about 90% within modation, uncertainty in point of final refraction, errors
±0.5 D of emmetropia. in working distance, uncertainties in the power of the
The limitations of the current study included short trial lenses, errors in trial lens vertex distance) in the
follow-up and no clinical study groups for which the quoted values for manifest refraction [47]. Some of these
proposed nomogram adjustments have been planned. can be analysed statistically, using the International
Table 3 Comparison of the virtual refractive outcomes for all nomograms
Post-op Post-op p value compared to
SEq (D) Cyl (D) actual outcomes
(Mean ± SD) (Mean ± SD)
(Range) (Range)
Actual outcomes −0.08 ± 0.36 0.16 ± 0.21 –
− 1.12 to + 0.75 0.00 to 0.75
Nomogram 1: Sph + negCyl 0.00 ± 0.35 0.12 ± 0.17 < 0.0001
− 1.20 to + 0.91 0.00 to 0.75
Nomogram 2: Sph + posCyl 0.00 ± 0.35 0.12 ± 0.17 < 0.0001
− 1.19 to + 0.95 0.00 to 0.75
Nomogram 3: SEq + Ast 0.00 ± 0.35 0.12 ± 0.17 < 0.0001
− 1.19 to + 0.93 0.00 to 0.75
Nomogram 4: Cyl1 + Cyl2 0.00 ± 0.35 0.13 ± 0.17 < 0.0001
− 1.20 to + 0.93 0.00 to 0.78
Nomogram 5: SEq + (C+,Cx) 0.00 ± 0.35 0.14 ± 0.16 < 0.0001
− 1.19 to + 0.93 0.02 to 0.79
Nomogram 6: Cyclotorsion 0.00 ± 0.35 0.14 ± 0.16 < 0.0001
− 1.19 to + 0.93 0.00 to 0.74
Nomogram 7: SEq + C+ + Cx 0.00 ± 0.35 0.19 ± 0.17 < 0.0005
− 1.20 to + 0.91 0.05 to 0.80
Ast = astigmatism; C+ = cardinal astigmatism; Cx = oblique astigmatism; negCyl = negative cylinder; posCyl = positive cylinder; SEq = spherical
equivalent; Sph = sphere
Arba Mosquera et al. Eye and Vision (2018) 5:2 Page 12 of 13

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