Heart Murmurs in Dogs

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Brian A. Scansen, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Cardiology)

Ohio State University*


Young or never previously auscultated

Systolic Diastolic Continuous

Left apex Left base Right

Mitral valve Subaortic Tricuspid valve

dysplasia or stenosis or dysplasia or  iastolic murmurs are
D Patent ductus
regurgitation pulmonary regurgitation; uncommon arteriosus is most likely
stenosis or ventricular septal h C onsiderations include h E
 chocardiography is
functional defect aortic or pulmonary valve helpful to confirm
murmur or insufficiency; mitral or
atypical VSD tricuspid stenoses are
even rarer
h C onfirm with

In general, if the murmur Soft (grade I-II/VI),

is grade III/VI or higher, ejection-type murmurs
semilunar valve stenosis is at the left base may be
likely functional or represent
h I t is helpful to evaluate mild semilunar valve
pulse quality, as the pulse stenosis
in severe subaortic stenosis
is weak; it is normal in pul-
monary stenosis or func-
tional murmurs
h C  onfirm with
Diagnostic tests to help separate these differentials
include radiography, ECG, or echocardiography
h E
 chocardiography is most likely to provide a definitive
diagnosis for congenital heart disease; radiography or
ECG can be supportive

*Byline reflects author affiliation on

original publication. On publication
of this collection, the author’s
VSD = ventricular septal defect current affiliation is Colorado State

16 cliniciansbrief.com

Middle aged and older

<15 kg >15 kg Any size with

fever, lameness,
new murmur

Systolic Diastolic Systolic Diastolic

endocarditis as a
 ortic insufficiency or
A  ortic insufficiency or
pulmonary insufficiency pulmonary insufficiency
required to confirm
most likely most likely
h C auses are rare; h C auses are rare;
infectious endocarditis, infectious endocarditis,
congenital malforma- congenital malforma-
tion, or severe degenera- tion, or severe degenera-
tion are considerations tion are considerations

Left base Left apex Right Left base Left apex Right

If grade III/VI or Mitral valve Tricuspid regurgita- If grade III/VI or Dilated cardiomyop- Tricuspid regurgitation is
less and with no degeneration (eg, tion is the most likely less and with no athy or mitral valve the most likely differential
clinical signs, a endocardiosis) differential clinical signs, a degeneration h C onsider degenerative

functional murmur is the most likely h C onsider degener- functional mur- (eg, endocardiosis) tricuspid valve disease
is possible differential ative tricuspid mur is possible are both possible and/or pulmonary
h F or any grade, h T horacic radio- valve disease (eg, h F or any grade, h C onsider echo- hypertension
consider undiag- graphy or echo- endocardiosis) consider undi- cardiography to h A heartworm antigen

nosed congeni- cardiography and/or pulmonary agnosed con- differentiate test should be evaluated
tal heart disease can help evalu- hypertension genital heart h T horacic radio- h C onsider previously
h A heartworm anti-
such as subaor- ate overall disease such graphs may also undiagnosed VSD if
gen test should be
tic or pulmonary heart size and as subaortic or be pursued to a left basilar systolic
stenosis or VSD evidence of h C onsider previ-
pulmonary ste- evaluate overall murmur is also present
h C onfirm with congestive nosis or VSD heart size and h C onfirm with
ously undiagnosed
echocardio- heart failure VSD if a left basilar
h C onfirm with any evidence of echocardiography
graphy h C onfirm with
systolic murmur is echocardio- congestion
echocardio- also present graphy
graphy h C onfirm with


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