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B1+ WRITING TASK 2 Material - TC

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2023-2024 SPRING TERM

B1+ WRITING TASK 2: Wri2ng an E-mail of Request / Complaint
(Teacher’s Copy)

An email of request/complaint is a written communication sent to a recipient, typically a company,

organization, or individual, to either ask for something or express dissatisfaction about a product, service,
or situation. Here's how you could structure such an email:

1. Subject Line: Be concise and clear about the purpose of your email. For example, "Request for
Refund" or "Complaint Regarding Recent Purchase."

2. Salutation: Start with a polite greeting. Depending on your relationship with the recipient, you can
use "Dear [Recipient's Name]," or "To Whom It May Concern." If you don’t know the recipient’s name,
you can use ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.

3. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and explain the reason for your email. If you're making a
request, clearly state what you're asking for. If you're making a complaint, describe the issue you're

4. Details: Provide specific details to support your request or complaint. Include relevant dates, order
numbers, or any other necessary information that will help the recipient understand your situation.

5. Explanation: Elaborate on why you're making this request or complaint. Describe how the issue has
affected you and why you believe it needs to be addressed.

6. Request or Resolution: Clearly state what you would like the recipient to do in response to your
email. If it's a request, specify the action you're hoping they'll take. If it's a complaint, suggest a
resolution or how you would like the issue to be resolved.

7. Closing: End your email with a polite closing, such as "Thank you for your attention to this matter,"
or "I appreciate your prompt response."

8. Contact Information: Include your contact information (phone number, email address) so the
recipient can easily reach you for further clarification if needed.

9. Signature: Sign off with your name.

Important: Remember to maintain a polite and professional tone throughout the email, even if you're
expressing frustration or dissatisfaction. Clear and respectful communication increases the likelihood of
a positive response to your request or complaint.
A Sample E-mail of Request/Complaint

Subject: "Complaint Regarding Recent Purchase."

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Kevin Rogers and I am a regular customer at your
supermarket. I am writing about an issue I recently encountered during my shopping experience.

Yesterday, on April 22, I visited your store and made several purchases. However, after I
reviewed my receipt at home, I discovered that I had been charged for items that I did not actually buy.
Specifically, the items include two boxes of cereal and one bottle of detergent. This mistake made me
feel quite concerned and dissatisfied with my shopping experience at your supermarket.

I kindly request that you investigate this matter and make the necessary corrections to my bill.
I would appreciate it if you could refund the amount that was charged for the items I did not purchase.
Additionally, I would like to suggest a detailed review of your checkout process to prevent such errors
from occurring in the future. As a loyal customer, I value the efficiency and accuracy of your services,
and I believe that addressing this issue properly will enhance the reputation of your supermarket.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding
the resolution of this issue. Please feel free to contact me at +1 482 335 56 67 or
kevinrogers@gmail.com if you require any further information.

Kevin Rogers

Exercise 1. Answer these questions related to the e-mail above.

1. Who is the e-mail to?

The email is addressed ‘’Dear Sir or Madam’’, indicating that it is directed to the supermarket
manager or relevant authority at the supermarket.

2. What is the purpose of this e-mail?

The purpose of this email is:
• to inform the supermarket about a billing issue
• requesting an investigation into the matter and corrections to the bill
• getting a refund for the items he did not purchase
• giving a suggestion for improving the checkout process to prevent such errors in the future.

3. Is it a formal or informal e-mail? Why? Underline the phrases/expressions used in the e-mail.
This email is formal because of the language used ("Dear Sir or Madam," "I kindly request," "I would
appreciate," "Thank you for your attention," "I look forward to hearing from you," etc.) and the
professional tone maintained throughout the message. Kevin Rogers addresses the issue with courtesy
and respect, making it appropriate for a formal communication.

4. How is this e-mail organised? Match the paragraphs and the functions.

1. Opening Paragraph c a. Giving details and making requests about your problem
2. Body Paragraph(s) a b. Thanking the recipient and giving contact information
3. Concluding Paragraph b c. Shortly introducing yourself and your purpose of writing the e-mail

A. Opening a Formal E-mail

• If you know the name of the person, you can begin your e-mail like this:
Dear Mr. Davidson, / Dear Dr Richards, / Dear Miss Wilson, / Dear Mrs. Johnson, / Dear Ms. Harper

• If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, begin your e-mail like this:
Dear Sir or Madam, / To whom it may concern,

B. Opening Paragraph
• You need to start your e-mail by introducing yourself and mentioning the purpose of your e-
o My name is … and I am writing to …
o My name is … and I am writing about / with regard to / in connection with…
o My name is … and I am writing in the hope that …

C. Body Paragraph(s)
• You should give details about your problem and the purpose of writing the e-mail. When you
are thinking about what to include in your e-mail, you should always keep your purpose in mind.
You should use your imagination to build on the situation which is outlined in the task. Try to
include all the information provided.
• Remember to maintain a polite and professional tone by using formal expressions and formal
phrases such as "Dear Sir or Madam," "I kindly request," "I would appreciate," "Thank you for
your attention," "I look forward to hearing from you," etc.

D. Concluding Paragraph and Signing Off

• Before signing off, clearly state what you expect to happen next or the desired outcome of your
complaint (e.g. "I kindly request that you investigate this matter and provide a resolution as
soon as possible.")

• Choose a closing phrase that matches the level of formality you’ve used in the email (e.g. Best
regards, Kind regards, Yours faithfully, etc.) and include your full name (e.g. Best regards, Jane
Exercise 2. In the body paragraphs below, what kind of details are given to explain the problem? Work
in groups of three and fill in the mind-map.

Yesterday, on April 22, I visited your store and made several purchases. However, after I reviewed
my receipt at home, I discovered that I had been charged for items that I did not actually buy.
Specifically, the items include two boxes of cereal and one bottle of detergent. This mistake has left me
quite concerned and dissatisfied with my shopping experience at your supermarket.

I kindly request that you investigate this matter and make the necessary corrections to my bill. I
would appreciate it if you could refund the amount that was charged for the items I did not purchase.
Additionally, I would like to suggest a detailed review of your checkout process to prevent such errors
from occurring in the future. As a loyal customer, I value the efficiency and accuracy of your services,
and I believe that addressing this issue properly will enhance the reputation of your supermarket.

The date of the shopping trip:

Yesterday, on April 22
The specific items charged incorrectly:
two boxes of cereal and one bohle of detergent
Details related to The feelings of the customer:
supermarket quite concerned and dissaisfied
shopping Requests:
an invesigaion, correcions to the bill, and a refund
process improvement

Exercise 3. Read the e-mail prompt below. Work in groups of three and fill in the outline for the
introduction, body paragraph(s), and the concluding paragraph of the e-mail. In Writing Task 2, you will
be given a prompt as the one below to write an e-mail of request/complaint. (ANSWERS MAY VARY)

Delayed Package Delivery: You ordered a package online with guaranteed two-day delivery, but it
arrived a week late. Write a leher to the shipping company complaining about the delay.
In your leher:
• provide details of the order, including the tracking number,
• explain the inconvenience caused by the delayed delivery,
• request an explanaion for the delay and possible compensaion for the inconvenience.

Write a sentence to give your purpose
Write the details you will give in your body paragraph(s) as in Exercise 2.
a. Order Details:

b. Descrip_on of Delay:

c. Impact of Delay:

d. Feelings of the Customer:

e. Request for Explana_on:

f. Request for Compensa_on:

g. Customer Loyalty:

h. Hope for Improvement:

CONCLUDING Write concluding sentences for your e-mail:

CLOSING You can close your e-mail like this:

(SIGNING Yours sincerely / Yours faithfully /Best Regards

Here is a sample response to this task:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this e-mail finds you well. My name is Jane Blake, and I am writing to express my
disappointment regarding a recent package deliver. Its tracking number is X3S5689. The package was
guaranteed to arrive within two days but it was delivered a week late.
On February 15th 2024, I ordered a printer from your online store. I asked for the two-day delivery
service and paid extra money for that. However, I was surprised and unhappy to find that the package did
not arrive until February 22nd, a full week after the expected delivery date. The delay in the delivery of my
package has caused significant problems. I had made plans based on the expected arrival date, and the
late delivery disrupted my schedule. Additionally, I needed the printer urgently for a project meeting and
this delay put me in a difficult position.
I kindly request an explanation for the delay in the delivery of my package. It is crucial for me to
understand the reasons that led to this delay, because this problem also caused frustration and
disappointment. Furthermore, I would like to request possible compensation for the inconvenience and
disruption to my plans. This might include a refund of the shipping fee that was paid for the two-day
delivery service, or a discount on future purchases as a gesture of goodwill. I value the services that are
provided by Bestbuy and have been a loyal customer for 5 years. However, this recent experience has left
me dissatisfied, and I hope that steps will be taken to prevent similar delays in the future.
I kindly ask for your help and would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience. You can
reach me at +14589314 or jane_blake@gmail.com if you require any further information. Thank you for
your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jane Blake
Enclosures: Copy of Order Confirmation and Receipt

Exercise 4. Now examine the outline for the sample response and compare it with yours.


PACKAGE I am writing to express my disappointment regarding a recent package
DELIVERY deliver. Its tracking number is X3S5689. The package was guaranteed to arrive within
two days but it was delivered a week late.
a. Order Details:
• "On February 15th, 2024’’
• "I asked for the two-day delivery service and paid extra money for that."
b. Descrip_on of Delay:
• " the package did not arrive unil February 22nd, a full week aner the expected
delivery date."
DETAILS c. Impact of Delay:
i. "I had made plans based on the expected arrival date, and the late delivery
disrupted my schedule."
j. " Additionally, I needed the printer urgently for a project meeting and this
delay put me in a difficult position."
d. Feelings of the Customer:
• I was surprised and unhappy to find that the package did not arrive until
February 22nd
• because this problem also caused frustration and disappointment.
• this recent experience has left me dissatisfied.
e. Request for Explana_on
• "I kindly request an explanaion for the delay in the delivery of my package."
• "It is crucial for me to understand the reasons that led to this delay, as it has not
only inconvenienced me but also caused frustraion and disappointment."

f. Request for Compensa_on:

• "Furthermore, I would like to request possible compensaion for the
inconvenience and disrupion to my plans."
• "This might include a refund of the shipping fees paid for the two-day delivery
service, or a discount on future purchases as a gesture of goodwill."
g. Customer Loyalty:
• "I value the services provided by [Shipping Company's Name] and have been a
loyal customer for 5 years."
• "However, this recent experience has len me dissaisfied."
h. Hope for Improvement:
• "I hope that steps will be taken to prevent similar delays in the future."
• I kindly ask for your help and would appreciate a response at your earliest
CONCLUDING • You can reach me at +14589314 or jane_blake@gmail.com if you require any
PARAGRAPH further information.
• Thank you for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue.
• I look forward to hearing from you soon.
CLOSING • Sincerely,
(SIGNING OFF) Jane Blake

Please make sure to follow these steps while you are writing your e-mail of complaint / request.
• You should plan your e-mail well before you start writing.
• Decide on the important points, the level of formality and the purpose.
• Think of what information you need to ask in order to complete the purpose.
• Decide how you will organise the paragraphs.
• Begin with an appropriate opening in the correct tone.
• Keep the tone consistent and use appropriate language for feelings, etc.
• Use an appropriate ending.
• Check for mistakes in vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Content and Organiza_on √ or X
• Does the email start with a polite greeing appropriate for the recipient?
• Does the introducion briefly explain the reason for the email and state the request or
• Are specific details provided to support the request or complaint?
• Is there an explanaion of how the request or complaint has affected the sender?
• Is there a clear statement of what acion the sender would like the recipient to take or a
suggested resoluion?
• Does the email end with a polite closing expressing graitude or appreciaion?
• Does the email sign off with the sender's name?
Language Use and Mechanics √ or X
• Are your sentences grammaically correct?
• Did you use a variety of grammaical structures?
• Did you use correct spelling, punctuaion, and capitalizaion?
Vocabulary √ or X
• Did you choose suitable words and word forms?
• Did you use a variety of words?

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