Yeujc D 14 00471
Yeujc D 14 00471
Yeujc D 14 00471
Manuscript Draft
Abstract: Recently, Andrews and Merca considered the truncated version of Euler's pentagonal number
theorem and obtained a non-negative result on the coefficients of this truncated series. Guo and Zeng
showed the coefficients of two truncated Gauss' identities are non-negative and they conjectured that
the truncated Jacobi's identity also has non-negative coefficients. Mao provided a proof of this
conjecture by using an algebraic method. In this paper, we consider the bilateral truncated Jacobi's
identity and show that when the upper and lower bounds of the summation satisfy some certain
restrictions, then this bilateral truncated identity has non-negative coefficients. As a corollary, we
show the conjecture of Guo and Zeng holds. Our proof is purely combinatorial and mainly based on a
bijection for Jacobi's identity.
Abstract. Recently, Andrews and Merca considered the truncated version of Euler’s
pentagonal number theorem and obtained a non-negative result on the coefficients of
this truncated series. Guo and Zeng showed the coefficients of two truncated Gauss’
identities are non-negative and they conjectured that the truncated Jacobi’s identity also
has non-negative coefficients. Mao provided a proof of this conjecture by using an algebraic
method. In this paper, we consider the bilateral truncated Jacobi’s identity and show that
when the upper and lower bounds of the summation satisfy some certain restrictions, then
this bilateral truncated identity has non-negative coefficients. As a corollary, we show the
conjecture of Guo and Zeng holds. Our proof is purely combinatorial and mainly based
on a bijection for Jacobi’s identity.
Keywords: Partitions, Jacobi’s identity.
AMS Classifications: 05A17, 11P82, 11P83.
1 Introduction
This paper is concerned with bilateral truncated Jacobi’s identity. Recall that Jacobi’s
identity [9, p.257, Eq.(5)] (see also [19, Theorem 357]) is given by
(q; q)3∞ = (−1)j (2j + 1)q ( 2 ), (1.1)
which is equivalent to
(q; q)3∞ = (−1)j jq (2 ). (1.2)
Yee [20]. In [4], Andrews and Merca considered the truncated Euler’s pentagonal number
theorem. Euler’s pentagonal number theorem is one of the most well-known theorem in
partition theory.
(q; q)∞ = (−1)j q j(3j+1)/2 . (1.3)
This gives
1 ∑
(−1)j q j(3j+1)/2 (1 − q 2j+1 ) = 1. (1.4)
(q; q)∞ j=0
Here and throughout this paper, we have adopted the standard notation on partitions
and q-series [3]
n−1 ∏
(a; q)n = (1 − aq j ) and (a; q)∞ = (1 − aq j ).
j=0 j=0
Let p(n) be the number of partitions of n. From (1.4), it is easy to obtain the following
recursive formula for p(n):
∞ ( ( ) ( ))
3j 2 + j 3j 2 + 5j
(−1) p n − j
−p n− −1 = 0.
2 2
Andrews and Merca [4] showed that the following truncated Euler’s pentagonal number
1 ∑
(−1) k−1
(−1)j q j(3j+1)/2 (1 − q 2j+1 )
(q; q)∞ j=0
k−1 ( ( ) ( ))
3j 2 + j 3j 2 + 5j
(−1) k−1
(−1) p n −
−p n− −1 ≥ 0,
2 2
where n ≥ 1 and k ≥ 1. They also conjectured that for positive integers k, R, S with
k ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ S < R/2, the following truncated Jacobi’s triple product identity
(−1)k−1 ∑
(−1)j q Rj(j+1)/2−Sj (1 − q (2j+1)S ) (1.5)
(q S ; q R )∞ (q R−S ; q R )∞ (q R ; q R )∞ j=0
gave a combinatorial proof of this conjecture with the aid of Wright’s bijection [19] for
the Jacobi’s triple product identity.
In [11], Guo and Zeng considered the truncated Jacobi’s identity. It is easy to see that
Jacobi’s identity (1.1) can also be written as
1 ∑
(−1)j (2j + 1)q ( 2 ) = 1. (1.6)
(q; q)∞ j=0
Define t(n) to be the number of partitions of n into three kinds of parts, then
∑ 1
t(n)q n = .
(q; q)3∞
(−1)k ∑
j ( 2 )
(−1) q (2j + 1)
(q; q)3∞ j=0
has non-negative coefficients. Mao [14] gave an algebraic proof of this conjecture.
In this paper, we consider the following bilateral truncated Jacobi’s identity
1 ∑
(−1)j jq ( 2 )
(q; q)∞ j=a
and give a sufficient condition so that this bilateral truncated series has non-negative
coefficients. More specifically, we have
Theorem 1.1. Given any two integers a ≤ b, define sg(a) := 1 if a ≥ 0 and sg(a) := −1
if a < 0. If (−1)a+b sg(a − 1)sg(b) = 1, then the coefficient of q n in
(−1)a ∑b
sg(a − 1) (−1) j
jq (j+1
2 ) (1.8)
(q; q)3∞ j=a
is non-negative
{ {for n ≥ 1 and is positive for a ̸= 0 or b ̸= 0 and
(a+ sg(a)+1 ) (b+ sg(b)+3 )}}
n ≥ max 1, min 2
2 , 2
2 .
Observe that the coefficient of q n in (1.8) is equal to
(−1) sg(a − 1)
(−1)j jt(n − j(j + 1)/2).
Corollary 1.2. When (−1)a+b sg(a − 1)sg(b) = 1 and for n ≥ 1, there holds
(−1) sg(a − 1)
(−1)j jt(n − j(j + 1)/2) ≥ 0
Note that Guo and Zeng’s conjecture (1.7) is the special case of Corollary 1.2 with
a = −k − 1 and b = k.
As an example of Corollary 1.2, let a = −2 and b = 3, we obtain
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first recall the definitions of syn-
chronized partitions and rooted synchronized partitions and give the generating functions
for rooted synchronized partitions. Then we state a bijection between the set of degen-
erate rooted synchronized partitions and the set of synchronized partitions without the
zero part and an involution on the set of non-degenerate rooted synchronized partitions.
Finally, we restrict these two bijections to the set of rooted synchronized partitions whose
discrepancy lies in the interval [a, b]. Thus, we obtain a partition identity, which plays an
important role in the proof of Theorem 1.1. In Section 3, we give a combinatorial proof
of Theorem 1.1 based on the partition identity in Section 2.
2 Synchronized partitions
The notions of synchronized partitions and rooted synchronized partitions were first intro-
duced in [5] which are used to give a combinatorial proof of finite form of Jacobi’s identity.
Assume that α = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αr ) is a partition with distinct parts and β = (β1 , β2 , . . . , βs )
is also a partition with distinct parts under the assumption that the last part βs may be
zero. Then a synchronized partition is a representation of (α, β) as a two-row array such
that some ∗ symbols may be added at the end of α or β so that they are of the same length
depending on which is of smaller length. We may denote a synchronized partition with
underlying partitions α and β by S(α, β). The difference r − s is called the discrepancy
of the synchronized partition. A synchronized partition with a positive discrepancy k can
be represented as follows:
( )
α1 α2 · · · αs αs+1 · · · αs+k
S(α, β) =
β1 β2 · · · βs ∗ ∗ ∗
and the generating function of synchronized partitions without the zero part equals
On the other hand, the generating function of synchronized partitions with a non-negative
discrepancy k equals
q( 2 )
, (2.3)
(q; q)∞
and the generating function of synchronized partitions with a negative discrepancy −k
−k+1 k
q( 2 ) q (2)
= . (2.4)
(q; q)∞ (q; q)∞
The generating functions (2.3) and (2.4) can be deduced from the Wright’s bijection
[19] for the Jacobi’s triple product identity. Let us recall that a synchronized partition
S(α, β) with a discrepancy k can be represented as follows: put r solid circles on the
diagonal, where r is equal to the number of parts in α. Then for j = 1, 2, . . . , r, put
αj − 1 circles in row j to the right of the diagonal and βj circles in column k + j below the
( For example,
) Figure
( 2.1 gives the representations
) of the synchronized partitions
7 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 ∗ ∗ ∗
and .
6 5 2 0 ∗ ∗ 7 5 4 3 2 1
Let us define the sign of a synchronized partition as (−1)δ(S) , where δ(S) is the number
of stars in S(α, β) and define a sign of a rooted synchronized partition S̄(α, β) as (−1)δ(S̄) ,
where δ(S̄) is the number of stars in S̄(α, β) under the assumption that a star with the
bar in the top row is not counted. In other words, the sign of a rooted synchronized
partition equals (−1)k sg(k), where k is the discrepancy.
From (2.3) and (2.4), it is easy to show that the generating function of synchronized
partitions S(α, β) with sign (−1)δ(S) equals
1 ∑
(−1)k q ( 2 ) , (2.5)
(q; q)∞ k=−∞
and the generating function of rooted synchronized partitions S̄(α, β) with sign (−1)δ(S̄)
1 ∑
(−1)k kq ( 2 ) . (2.6)
(q; q)∞ k=−∞
For any two integers a ≤ b, let Sa,b denote the set of synchronized partitions S(α, β)
whose discrepancy lies in the interval [a, b], and let Ra,b be the set of rooted synchronized
partitions S̄(α, β) whose discrepancy lies in the interval [a, b]. Again, from (2.3) and (2.4),
we have
Lemma 2.1. The generating function of synchronized partitions S(α, β)in Sa,b with sign
(−1)δ(S) equals
∑ 1 ∑
δ(S) |α|+|β|
(−1) q = (−1)k q ( 2 ) , (2.7)
(q; q)∞ k=a
and the generating function of rooted synchronized partitions S̄(α, β) in Ra,b with sign
(−1)δ(S̄) equals
∑ 1 ∑
(−1) δ(S̄) |α|+|β|
q = (−1)k kq ( 2 ) . (2.8)
(q; q)∞ k=a
Theorem 2.2. There is a sign preserving bijection ϕ between the set of degenerate rooted
synchronized partitions of n and the set of synchronized partitions of n that do not contain
the zero part.
Proof. For a degenerated rooted synchronized partition S̄(α, β), we can construct a syn-
chronized partition S(α′ , β ′ ) that do not contain the zero part. Let ℓ(λ) denote the number
of parts in an ordinary partition λ. We consider the following two cases.
Case 1: If ℓ(α) > ℓ(β), then delete the bar to the first ‘∗’ on the bottom row.
( ) ( )
α1 · · · αs as+1 · · · αr α1 · · · αs αs+1 · · · αr
←→ .
β1 · · · βs ∗¯ · · · ∗ β1 · · · βs ∗ ··· ∗
Case 2: If ℓ(α) < ℓ(β), then delete a zero part on the bottom row along with a barred
star on the top row.
( ) ( )
α1 · · · αr ∗ · · · ∗ ∗¯ α1 · · · αr ∗ ··· ∗
←→ .
β1 · · · βr βr+1 · · · βs 0 β1 · · · βr βr+1 · · · βs
We now state a sign reversing involution on the set of non-degenerate rooted synchro-
nized partitions (see [5, Theorem 3.1]).
Theorem 2.3. There is a sign reversing involution τ on the set of non-degenerate rooted
synchronized partitions of n.
Proof. For a non-degenerate rooted synchronized partition S̄(α, β), we proceed to con-
struct a non-degenerate rooted synchronized partition S̄(α′ , β ′ ). We consider the following
two cases.
– If ℓ(α) > ℓ(β), then replace the first ‘∗’ on the bottom row by a zero part.
– If ℓ(α) < ℓ(β), then add a zero part along with a star on the top as a column.
( ) ( )
α1 · · · αr ∗ ∗¯ ∗ ∗ ℓ(α)<ℓ(β) α1 · · · αr ∗ ∗¯ ∗
− .
β1 · · · βr βr+1 · · · βs−1 0 β1 · · · βr βr+1 · · · βs−1
Using (2.2) and (2.6) and combining Theorems 2.2 and 2.3, we are led to a combina-
torial proof of Jacobi’s identity
1 ∑∞
(−1)k kq ( 2 ) = (q; q)2∞ .
(q; q)∞ k=−∞
In [10], Joichi and Stanton also provided two combinatorial proofs of Jacobi’s identity.
In the remainder part of this section, we will restrict the bijection ϕ in Theorem 2.2
and the involution τ in Theorem 2.3 to the set Ra,b . Let Da,b denote the set of degenerate
rooted synchronized partitions in Ra,b and let Na,b denote the set of non-degenerate rooted
synchronized partitions in Ra,b . Obviously,
We first restrict the bijection ϕ in Theorem 2.2 to the set Da,b . Let S̄(α, β) be a degen-
erate rooted synchronized partition with the discrepancy k and let S(α′ , β ′ ) = ϕ(S̄(α, β))
and its discrepancy is equal to k ′ . From the definition of ϕ, we see that S(α′ , β ′ ) is a
synchronized partition without the zero part. Furthermore, when k > 0, k ′ = k; when
k < 0, k ′ = k +1. Hence, if S̄(α, β) is in Da,b , that is, a ≤ k ≤ b, then a+(1+sg(−a))/2 ≤
k ′ ≤ b + (1 − sg(b))/2 which implies that S(α′ , β ′ ) is in Sa+(1+sg(−a))/2,b+(1−sg(b))/2 . Thus,
we have the following conclusion.
Corollary 2.4. The bijection ϕ in Theorem 2.2 is also a sign preserving bijection between
the set of degenerate rooted synchronized partitions of n in Ra,b and the set of synchronized
partitions of n in Sa+(1+sg(−a))/2,b+(1−sg(b))/2 that do not contain the zero part.
Let Za,b denote the set of synchronized partitions of n in Sa,b that do not contain the
zero part, from Corollary 2.4, we see that
∑ ∑
(−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| = (−1)δ(S) q |α|+|β| . (2.10)
S̄(α,β)∈Da,b S(α,β)∈Za+(1+sg(−a))/2,b+(1−sg(b))/2
We next restrict the bijection τ in Theorem 2.3 to the set Na,b . It should be noted
that when we apply the involution τ into non-degenerate rooted synchronized partitions
S̄(α, β) with the zero part, whose discrepancy is b, then we delete the zero part of β
to obtain S̄(α′ , β ′ ) which has b + 1 discrepancy. This new rooted synchronized partition
S̄(α′ , β ′ ) is not in Na,b . Besides, if we apply the involution τ into non-degenerate rooted
synchronized partitions S̄(α, β) without the zero part, whose discrepancy is a, we then
add a part 0 to β to get S̄(α′ , β ′ ) which has a − 1 discrepancy. This rooted synchronized
partition S̄(α′ , β ′ ) is also not in Na,b .
Define Ta to be the set of non-degenerate rooted synchronized partitions S̄(α, β) with-
out the zero part, whose discrepancy is a and Tb to be the set of non-degenerate rooted
synchronized partitions S̄(α, β) with the zero part, whose discrepancy is b. Let Ma,b de-
note the set of non-degenerate rooted synchronized partitions in Na,b and not in Ta and
Tb . Obviously, we have
Na,b = Ma,b ∪ Ta ∪ Tb . (2.11)
It is not difficult to verify the following consequence.
Corollary 2.5. The involution τ in Theorem 2.3 is also a sign reversing involution τ on
the set Ma,b .
Hence, from the relation (2.9) and (2.11), we have
(−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β|
∑ ∑
= (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| + (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β|
S̄(α,β)∈Da,b S̄(α,β)∈Na,b
∑ ∑
= (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| + (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β|
S̄(α,β)∈Da,b S̄(α,β)∈Ma,b
∑ ∑
+ (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| + (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| . (2.13)
S̄(α,β)∈Ta S̄(α,β)∈Tb
Submitting (2.10) and (2.12) into (2.13), we obtain the following identity, which is useful
in the proof of our main theorem.
(−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β|
= (−1)δ(S) q |α|+|β|
∑ ∑
+ (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| + (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| . (2.14)
S̄(α,β)∈Ta S̄(α,β)∈Tb
(−1)a ∑b
(−1)a ∑
sg(a − 1) (−1)j
jq (j+1
2 ) = sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| . (3.1)
(q; q)3∞ j=a
(q; q)2
Using (2.14) in the above identity, we find that
(−1)a ∑b
sg(a − 1) (−1) j
jq (j+1
2 )
(q; q)3∞ j=a
(−1)a ∑
= sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β|
(q; q)2∞
(−1)a ∑
+ sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β|
(q; q)2∞
(−1)a ∑
+ sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S) q |α|+|β| . (3.2)
(q; q)2∞
Obviously, (3.2) can be seen as the sum of three terms. We proceed to show that each
sum has non-negative coefficients under the assumption (−1)a+b sg(a − 1)sg(b) = 1. At
first, we have the following conclusion.
Lemma 3.1. Given any integer a, the coefficient of q n in
(−1)a ∑
sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| (3.3)
(q; q)2∞
(−1)a ∑ 1 ∑
sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| = q |α|+|β| , (3.4)
(q; q)2∞ (q; q)2∞
S̄(α,β)∈Ta S̄(α,β)∈Ta
When a > 1, we set γ = δ = ∅ and
( () )
n − a2 a − 1 a − 2 · · · 1
S̄(α, β) = .
∗ ∗ ∗ ··· ∗¯
b > 0 and n ≥ 2
, we set γ = δ = ∅ and
( ( ) )
n − b+1
b b − 1 ··· 1
S̄(α, β) = .
0 ∗ ∗ ··· ∗¯
When b < −1 and n ≥ , we set γ = δ = ∅ and
( )
( ) ∗ ∗ ··· ∗ ∗
S̄(α, β) = .
n − −b−12
−b − 2 −b − 1 · · · 1 0
Proof. Let On denote the set of triplets (γ, δ, S(α, β)) of n, where
• γ is an ordinary partition;
• δ is an ordinary partition;
Hence, it suffices to show that the number of triplets in On with positive sign is not less
than the number of triplets in On with negative sign. To this end, we construct a sign-
reversing involution ψ defined on the set On . Let π = (γ, δ, S(α, β)) ∈ On , we proceed to
construct another triplet π ′ = (γ ′ , δ ′ , S(α′ , β ′ )). We consider the following four cases.
Case 1. γ = α = ∅ and β1 ≥ δ1 . We remove β1 from β to get β ′ and add β1 to δ to
generate δ ′ .
Case 2. γ = α = ∅ and β1 < δ1 . We remove δ1 from δ to get δ ′ and add δ1 to β to generate
β ′.
Case 3: γ ̸= ∅ or α ̸= ∅ and α1 ≥ γ1 . Remove α1 from α to get α′ and add α1 to γ to
generate γ ′ .
Case 4: γ ̸= ∅ or α ̸= ∅ and α1 < γ1 . Remove γ1 from γ to generate γ ′ and add γ1 to α
to get α′ .
From the definition of ψ, it is easy to see that the map ψ changes the parity of
ℓ(α) − ℓ(β). Note that (−1)δ(S) = (−1)ℓ(α)−ℓ(β) , so ψ changes the parity of the sign ω(π).
Furthermore, it is not difficult to check that if we apply the map ψ into the following
three kinds of triplets (γ, δ, S(α, β)) in On , then their images are not in the set On .
( )
(1). α = γ = ∅, ℓ(β) = − a + 1+sg(−a)
and δ1 > β1 .
Hence, we have ∑ ∑
ω(π) = ω(π), (3.9)
π∈On π∈En
When b = −1 or b = 0, but a ̸= 0, let
Proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall that the bilateral truncated Jacobi’s identity has the fol-
lowing combinatorial interpretation
(−1)a ∑b
sg(a − 1) (−1)j
jq (j+1
2 ) (3.10)
(q; q)3∞ j=a
(−1)a ∑
= sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| (3.11)
(q; q)2∞
(−1)a ∑
+ sg(a − 1) (−1)δ(S̄) q |α|+|β| (3.12)
(q; q)2∞
(−1)a ∑
+ sg(a − 1) (−1)ℓ(α)−ℓ(β) q |α|+|β| . (3.13)
(q; q)2∞
S(α,β)∈Z 1+sg(−a) 1−sg(b)
a+ 2 ,b+ 2
From Lemmas 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, we see that when (−1)a+b sg(a − 1)sg(b) = 1, the
coefficient of q n in (3.10) is non-negative for n ≥ 1.
To study the positivity of the coefficient of q n in (3.10), we first let
{ {( ) ( }}
sg(b)+3 )
a + sg(a)+1
b + 2
L(a, b) = max 1, min , .
2 2
(3.11) and (3.12) are non-negative, then for all n ≥ L(a, b), the coefficient of q n in (3.10)
is positive.
Case 3: a = 1 or a = 0 but b ̸= 0. In this case, it follows from Lemma 3.3 that the
coefficient of q n in (3.13) is positive for all n ≥ 1. Hence, for all n ≥ L(a, b), the coefficient
of q n in (3.10) is positive since the coefficients of q n in (3.11) and (3.12) are non-negative.
Therefore, when a ̸= 0 or b ̸= 0, the coefficient of q n in (3.10) is positive for n ≥ L(a, b).
This completes the proof.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the 973 Project, the PCSIRT Project
and the National Science Foundation of China.
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