Dominion Character Sheet v2

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Dominion Character Sheet v.2.

Player’s Name:______________________ Character’s Name:___________________________
Species:_______________________ Affiliation:_______________________________________
Age:_____ Height:_________ Weight:_________ Hair Color:__________ Eye Color:__________
Distinguishing Marks:____________________________________________________________

Physique: Psyche:
Potence: Intelligence:
Agility: Willpower:

Improvement Points: ____________________________________________________________

Confederate Credits: _______________________________ Initiative:_________________________

Damage Capacity:__________________________ Stun Capacity: ______________________________

Vitality: _________________________________ Sentience: ____________________________________

Encumbrance (): Current Units:_________________________ Current Level: ____________________

Encumbrance Level Encumbrance Units Time Max/Load Encumbrance Effect
None  ∞ No Adjustments
Light  Hours -1 Agility and Initiative
Moderate  Hours -2 Agility and Initiative
Severe  Hours -4 Agility and Initiative
Extreme  Minutes -8 Agility and Initiative
Lift (but cannot carry)  Minutes Unable to move

Armor Enc Type Class Dmg Cap/Hits Taken

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Weapon Enc Skill Mode Ammo Class Range Dmg

Item Enc Vitality/Sentience Functions
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Skill Score Successes Skill Score Successes
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
Potence ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
Intelligence ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Climbing [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Computer [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Unarmed * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Demolitions [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Melee * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Engineering [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Throwing * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Medicine [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Fortitude [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Navigation [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Piloting [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
Agility ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Pistol * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Blind Fighting * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Rifle * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
Willpower ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Heavy Weapon (Direct) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Concentration [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
* ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Heavy Weapon [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Determination [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
(Indirect) * ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Sleight of Hand [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Resilience [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Stealth [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Dodge * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Fast Draw * [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Skills marked with a * are combat skills – combat skills may be purchased up to 4 at character creation, all other skills are limited to 3. All skills
have the same maximum level attainable through game play.
Psi Skills
Clairsentience [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Psychometabolism [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Prescience [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ABC [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Remote Viewing [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Metamorphosis [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Psychocreativity [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Psychoportation [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Alteration [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Projection [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Fabrication [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Teleportation [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Psychokinesis [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Telepathy [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Pyrokinesis [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Domination [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []
Telekinesis [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ESP [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
[] []

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