Theory Paper

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Grade 5Y

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Candidate …………………………………………………………

Theory Paper Grade 5 Sample Y July 2017 Entered by …………………………………………………………

Duration 2 hours


!!!!!!!This paper contains SEVEN questions, ALL of which should be answered.

!!!!!!!Write your answers on this paper – no others will be accepted.

!!!!!!!Answers must be written clearly and neatly – otherwise marks may be lost.

© 2017 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

Grade 5Y 1 Turn the page
1 (a) The following extract, which begins on the first beat of the bar, contains some changes of 15
time signature. Put in the correct time signature at each of the three places marked *.

* * *


(b) Look at the following extract and then answer the questions below.

Andante un poco allegretto

Benda, Sonatina in G minor
1 2 3 4


(i) Draw a circle around three successive notes that form part of a chromatic scale. (2)

(ii) Describe the chords marked A and B as I, II, IV or V. Also indicate whether the lowest
note of the chord is the root (a), 3rd (b) or 5th (c). The key is G minor.

Chord A (bar 1) ………………………………………………… (2)

Chord B (bar 3) ………………………………………………… (2)

(iii) Rewrite the last left-hand note of the extract so that it sounds at the same pitch, but using
the alto C clef. Remember to put in the clef and the key signature.

!!!!!!!!!!!! (3)

Grade 5Y 2
2 Describe fully (e.g. minor 3rd, perfect 5th) each of these melodic intervals. 10

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………………

…………………………………………… ……………………………………………

3 The following melody is written for clarinet in Bb. Transpose it down a major 2nd, as it will sound 10
at concert pitch. Remember to put in the new key signature and add any necessary accidentals.

Finzi, Fughetta


© Copyright 1945 by Hawkes & Son (London) Ltd

Reproduced by permission of Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd.

Grade 5Y 3 Turn the page

4 Look at this extract from a piece for bassoon and piano by Michael Rose, and then answer the questions that follow.

Alla marcia = 100 A

1 2 3

3 3


5 6 7
3 8 9


© 1990 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

(a) (i) Mark clearly on the music, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one 10
example of each of the following. Also give the bar number of each of your answers, as
shown in the answer to A.

A in the bassoon part, a subdominant note in

the key of C major (circle the note concerned).!Bar ………

B in the bassoon part, a melodic interval of

a diminished 5th (circle the notes concerned).!Bar ……… (2)

C in the bassoon part, a sign that means to give slight emphasis to a note.!Bar ……… (2)

D in the piano part, a chord of C minor in first inversion.!Bar ……… (2)

(ii) Name one similarity and one difference in the bassoon part between bars 5 and 6.

Similarity! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1)

!! Difference …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1)

Grade 5Y 4
(iii) Rewrite the last bassoon note of the extract so that it sounds at the same pitch, but using the
tenor C clef. Remember to put in the clef sign.

!!!!!!!! (2)

(b) (i) Tick one box for each term/sign. 10

Alla marcia means: q = 100 means:!

majestic 100 crotchet beats

broadening 100 crotchet beats in a minute!
in the style of a march! 100 crotchet notes
in the same way! # 100 crotchets in the melody (4)

(ii) Rewrite the bassoon part of bar 4 in compound time but without changing the rhythmic effect.
Remember to put in the new time signature.

!!!!! (4)

(iii) Write as a breve (double whole-note) an enharmonic equivalent of the first bassoon note
of the extract.

!!!!!!!!! (2)

(c) (i) Answer TRUE or FALSE to each of the following statements: 10

The bassoon is a double-reed instrument.!……………………… (2)

The bassoon is a transposing instrument.!……………………… (2)

A bassoonist might be asked to play pizzicato.!……………………… (2)

(ii) The bassoon is a member of the woodwind family of orchestral instruments. Name a standard
orchestral instrument from a different family that could play the bassoon part of the extract so
that it sounds at the same pitch, and state the family of instruments to which it belongs.

Instrument!………………………………………………!!Family!……………………………………………… (4)

Grade 5Y 5 Turn the page

5 (a) Write the key signature of five sharps and then one octave descending of the major scale 10
with that key signature. Use semibreves (whole notes) and begin on the tonic.

(b) Using semibreves (whole notes), write one octave ascending of the melodic minor scale that has the given key
signature. Begin on the tonic and remember to put in any necessary additional accidentals.

Grade 5Y 6
6 Look at this extract and then answer the questions below. 15

1 2 Y 3 4


leggiero teneramente 3

5 6 7 3 8



(a) Tick one box for each term.

leggiero means:! teneramente means:! smorzando means:

light pleasant resonant, with rich tone!

graceful tenderly calm
loving sad, mournful hurrying
smoothly # bold, strong dying away (6)

(b) Give the technical names (e.g. tonic, dominant) of each of the notes marked X and Y.
The key is A major.

Leading note
X (bar 1)!………………………………………………………………… (2)

Y (bar 2)!………………………………………………………………… (2)

(c) Rewrite bar 3 in notes of twice the value. Remember to include the new time signature.

!!!!!!!!! (4)

(d) Give the letter name of the highest note in the melody.!……… (1)

Grade 5Y 7 Turn the page

7 Indicate suitable progressions for two cadences in the following melody by writing I, II, IV or V 10
in the boxes underneath the stave. Use one chord per box.

Grade 5Y 8

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