Super Withdrawal Form
Super Withdrawal Form
Super Withdrawal Form
When can you withdraw There are other circumstances where you may be able
to access some of your super early, including:
from your super? • specified compassionate grounds
• severe financial hardship
There are three benefit types for super—preserved, restricted
• if you’re suffering a terminal medical condition.
non-preserved, and unrestricted non-preserved—each with
different rules for withdrawal. We outline the rules for each If one of these options apply to you, please contact
type of benefit in the sections that follow. Check your account us on 1800 331 685.
at to see which benefit type(s) your super
These are generally related to contributions made before
PRESERVED BENEFITS 1 July 1999. You can withdraw all or part of these benefits when
You may be able to withdraw from your preserved benefits you end employment with an employer who contributed to
if you meet one of the following conditions of release: UniSuper on your behalf—or if you meet a condition of release.
• reaching preservation age (see table following), ceased
employment and never again intend to be employed for UNRESTRICTED NON-PRESERVED BENEFITS
10 or more hours per week You can withdraw all or part of these benefits at any time.
• ceased an employment arrangement on or after the age
of 60
• reaching age 65 Definition of retired
• death
• suffering permanent incapacity It’s important to be sure you meet the definition of retired
• termination of employment with an employer who contributed before applying to withdraw your super under a ‘retirement’
to UniSuper if the account balance is less than $200. condition of release. The regulations applying to super specify
that retired means you’re no longer employed (either on a
Your preservation age depends on when you were born: full‑time or part-time basis), and don’t intend to work again
for 10 or more hours per week or that after reaching age
YOUR DATE OF BIRTH PRESERVATION AGE 60, an arrangement in which you were gainfully employed
Before 1 July 1960 55 has terminated. We’re unable to release your super if your
situation doesn’t meet this definition.
1 July 1960 – 30 June 1961 56
1 July 1961 – 30 June 1962 57 At times we might need to contact the relevant employer
to verify that you’re due to cease or have ceased work—for
1 July 1962 – 30 June 1963 58
example if we’re still receiving employer contributions to your
1 July 1963 – 30 June 1964 59 account, or you’ve submitted your withdrawal request before
1 July 1964 or after 60 retiring. We may also ask you to contact your employer and
provide us with additional information on their behalf.
This information is of a general nature only and includes general advice. It has been prepared without taking into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any decision in
relation to your UniSuper membership, you should consider your personal circumstances, the relevant product disclosure statement for your membership category and whether to consult a licensed financial
adviser. This information is current as at July 2024 and is based on our understanding of legislation at that date. Information is subject to change. To the extent that this fact sheet contains information which
is inconsistent with the UniSuper Trust Deed and Regulations (together the Trust Deed), the Trust Deed will prevail. Issued by: UniSuper Management Pty Ltd ABN 91 006 961 799, AFSL No. 235907 on
behalf of UniSuper Limited the trustee of UniSuper, Level 1, 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Vic 3000.
Fund: UniSuper, ABN 91 385 943 850
Trustee: UniSuper Limited, ABN 54 006 027 121 AFSL 492806
Date: July 2024 UNIS00F105 0724
Super withdrawal form
To request a full or partial withdrawal from your super:
• Read the attached Super withdrawal fact sheet.
Save time, go online! • Complete the form: Please provide your signature when
The quickest way to withdraw from your super is complete. We’re unable to accept digital signatures.
through your online account. Log in at • Verify your ID: We’re required by law to verify your identity.
You can either verify your ID through the Document upload
function on our website, your online account, provide your
identification details in SECTION 2, or include a certified copy
Use this form to withdraw all or part of your super from your of your ID with your posted form (read the attached Your guide
UniSuper account. to proof of identity fact sheet for more information).
If you want to make a withdrawal from your Flexi Pension account, • Return your form to us.
please use the Flexi Pension withdrawal form available at
If you’re in Australia on a temporary resident visa, you
can’t use this form to withdraw. Call us on 1800 331 685 for
more information.
> Please complete in BLACK or BLUE BALL POINT PEN using CAPITAL letters. Cross (X) where required.
Given name(s)
If you’ve changed your personal details (i.e. address and email) since you last contacted us, please update your details by:
• logging in to your account at
• completing a Change of details form-super members (available from
• calling us on 1800 331 685.
Email address
Fund: UniSuper ABN 91 385 943 850 Trustee: UniSuper Limited ABN 54 006 027 121 AFSL 492806
Administrator: UniSuper Management Pty Ltd ABN 91 006 961 799 AFSL 235907
Address: Level 1, 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 Issue date: July 2024
U NI S F 0 01 01 0724
Please complete ANY TWO of the DRIVER’S LICENCE, MEDICARE or AUSTRALIAN PASSPORT options if you checked the third
box above.
Licence number
My Medicare number is
> You don’t have to provide your tax file number (TFN). However, if you don’t provide it, you may pay more tax than you need
to on your withdrawal.
I’ve already provided my TFN to UniSuper.
Provide my TFN:
Read the important information about providing your TFN at You can also request a copy of that information,
free of charge, by calling 1800 331 685.
Are you an Australian citizen, current or prior permanent resident, New Zealand citizen or holder of a 405 or 410 retirement visa?
No. If you’re in Australia on a temporary resident visa, you can’t use this form to make a withdrawal.
Please call us on 1800 331 685 for more information.
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I’ve reached preservation age, have ceased gainful employment and never again intend to become
gainfully employed for 10 or more hours per week. The relevant employer was
I have $200 or less in my account and have terminated my employment with an employer who contributed to UniSuper on
my behalf.
I’m still employed but want to withdraw my unrestricted non-preserved benefits.*
^ You’ll need to meet another condition of release to access any preserved amount accrued after you ceased this employment.
UniSuper is unable to release your super prior to termination of employment and receipt of your last contribution from the relevant employer. UniSuper may need to
verify your cessation of employment with the relevant employer. By selecting this option, you give consent for UniSuper to contact the relevant employer. UniSuper may
also ask you to contact your employer and provide us with additional information on their behalf.
* If you’re a DBD member UniSuper is not required to pay your defined benefit component unless your entire defined benefit consists of unrestricted non-preserved benefits.
(You can withdraw from your accumulation component if it has unrestricted non-preserved benefits.) If you select for a benefit to be withdrawn from your defined benefit
component and UniSuper decides to pay your benefit from your defined benefit, you will cease to be a DBD member and become an Accumulation 1 member. Read more
in the Defined Benefit Division and Accumulation 2 PDS.
Please indicate if this is a gross or net amount (please note, this is not relevant if you’re aged 60 or over):
Gross (before tax is deducted) Net (after tax is deducted)
Entire account balance, less $6,000
* If the amount requested doesn’t allow a minimum account balance of $6,000, we’ll process your withdrawal and retain $6,000 in your account. If your account balance
is less than $6,000, you can only request a full withdrawal.
Please indicate if this is a gross or net amount:
Gross (before tax is deducted) Net (after tax is deducted)
Entire account balance, less $6,000
Please select which component you wish to withdraw (one option only):
Defined benefit and accumulation component
Defined benefit component only
Accumulation component only
* If you’re making a partial withdrawal, you can withdraw your entire accumulation component or retain a minimum of at least $6,000 in your accumulation component.
If the amount requested doesn’t allow a minimum account balance of at least $6,000 to be retained in UniSuper, we won’t process your withdrawal.
If you withdraw all or part of your defined benefit component, you’ll cease to be a DBD member. Any amount left over in your defined benefit component will be transferred
together with your accumulation component to an Accumulation 1 account.
> Please provide your financial institution details where you’d like us to make the payment.
Account number
Please ensure you’ve entered your financial institution account details correctly. Our responsibility is discharged once payment
is made to this account.
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> Please read this declaration before you sign and date your form.
• I declare that I’ve read the attached Super withdrawal fact sheet and the information I’ve provided on this form is true and correct.
• I understand if I intend to claim a tax deduction for some or all of my personal contributions, I must lodge a notice of intent to claim
a tax deduction with UniSuper before making a withdrawal.
• If making a withdrawal, I understand that tax may be deducted from my payment if I’m under age 60.
• I understand that if I don’t provide my TFN, I may be liable to pay additional tax on my withdrawal (if applicable).
• If applying to withdraw my benefit after retirement, I understand UniSuper may need to verify my retirement with the relevant
employer, and will be unable to release my super if I’m found to be still employed.
• I consent to the disposal of a MySuper interest in circumstances where I have an Accumulation 1, Accumulation 2 or Personal
Account, and my instruction to make a withdrawal results in the disposal of an amount held in the Balanced investment option.
• I understand I must leave a minimum of $6,000 in my account if I’m requesting a partial withdrawal.
– For Accumulation 1, Accumulation 2 and Personal Account members: if the amount requested doesn’t allow for a minimum
of $6,000 to remain, I consent to UniSuper processing the withdrawal and retaining $6,000 in my account.
– For DBD members: if the amount requested doesn’t allow for a minimum of $6,000 to remain in my accumulation component,
I acknowledge that UniSuper won’t process the withdrawal.
• If my account balance is under $6,000, I understand I can only request a full withdrawal of my entire balance, which will close
my account.
• I discharge UniSuper from all further liability, claims and obligations in respect of the benefits paid into my nominated financial
institution account, as applicable.
• I consent to my personal information being used in accordance with UniSuper’s Privacy Policy.
• I understand that UniSuper may contact me at any time to request additional documentation or information to verify the information
on this form.
• I consent to my personal details being used to electronically verify my identity.
• I understand my details will be subject to an information match request for relevant record holder information, and that the result
will be provided through an external third party system. If your identity can’t be electronically verified, we’ll require you to send us
a certified copy of your identification with your form.
Signature Date
> Complete this section if you have signed this form in your capacity as the member’s attorney.
Signed on behalf of the member under Power of Attorney.
Signature Date
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Fact sheet
A certified copy of a:
Make sure you’ve updated your current personal details with
relevant government agencies before you begin the process of • current driver licence
verifying your identity online. We use online government and • current passport (Australian passports that haven’t
public databases to securely verify your identity. expired more than two years ago are also acceptable).
State government-issued ID cards
Or send us certified copies of your ID We want it to be as convenient as possible for you to change
or verify your details with us. You can provide a certified
You can also send us certified copies of your ID. The following copy of the following valid state government-issued ID cards
guide explains the types of documents we can accept and how to instead of your current driver licence or passport:
ensure they’re correctly certified. • Victorian proof of age card
• Queensland proof of age card
• South Australian proof of age card
• New South Wales photo card
In some cases and on some of our forms, we can verify your • Western Australia photo card
identity on your behalf if the document(s) you provide haven’t • Tasmanian personal information card
been certified correctly or can’t be read. All you need to do is • Australian Capital Territory (ACT) proof of identity card
give us consent and we’ll try to verify your identity electronically • Northern Territory evidence of age card.
using those documents. We’ll let you know if the process
wasn’t successful.
Who can certify your documents
Some of the people authorised to certify IDs include:
A certified copy of a: 1. A person currently licensed or registered under a state or
• birth certificate or birth extract territory law to practise in one of the following occupations:
• Australian citizenship certificate • architect • nurse
• a pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the • chiropractor • occupational therapist
person to financial benefits. • conveyancer • optometrist
• dentist • patent or trade marks
• financial adviser or attorney
• Notice of Assessment from the Australian Taxation Office financial planner • pharmacist
(less than 12 months old) containing your name and • legal practitioner • physiotherapist
residential address • medical practitioner • psychologist
• letter from Centrelink regarding a government assistance • midwife • veterinary surgeon.
• rates notice from local council (less than 12 months old) 2. One of the following persons:
containing your name and residential address • teacher employed full-time at a school or tertiary
• electricity, gas or water bill dated within the past three education institution
months that contains your name and residential address. • agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in
charge of, or a permanent employee with two or more
STEP 2: CERTIFY YOUR DOCUMENTS years of continuous service with, an office supplying
postal services to the public
Take your original document(s) and a clear photocopy of both • bank, building society, credit union or finance company
sides of the original document to an authorised person—we’ll officer with two or more years of continuous service
list who can authorise your documents below. • clerk, master, registrar or deputy registrar of a court
Your ID must be properly certified • judge of a court or a magistrate
The authorised person will need to: • justice of the peace
1. sight the original document, and the copy, to ensure both • member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
documents are identical, and Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising
2. write or stamp ‘this is a true and correct copy of the original Accountants, the Institute of Public Accountants or the
document I have sighted’ or ‘certified true copy’, followed Association of Taxation and Management Accountants,
by their: or a Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association
• signature • notary public, and
• printed name • police officer.
• qualification (e.g. Magistrate), and Members residing overseas
• date. If you live overseas, the following people are authorised to
If you’ve changed your name or are signing on behalf of another certify identification documents:
member, we require that you prove the ‘link’ between you and • Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer
the name change, or other person. Use a certified copy of one (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)
of the following documents as well as your other certified ID. • employee of the Commonwealth or the Australian Trade
Commission who is authorised and exercising his or her
PURPOSE SUITABLE LINKING DOCUMENT function in a country or place outside Australia.
• a person authorised as a notary public in a foreign country.
Change of name • Marriage certificate
• Deed poll or change of name Your documents must be certified by a person with an Australian
certificate from the Registry of connection. We won’t accept certifications by someone licensed
Births, Deaths and Marriages or registered to practise outside of Australia in an occupation
listed above, or who holds a position in a foreign country—except
Signing on behalf of • Power of Attorney for a foreign notary public.
another member • Guardianship papers
When will my form be processed?
If you’ve provided a correctly completed form (and any certified
When having your documents certified, remember:
ID or other paperwork required), we’ll aim to process your
• all pages must be certified
request as soon as possible. Not providing correct information
• the copy of the document must be certified—not on
may delay us processing your request. Please allow 3-5 business
a separate page attached to the document
days for your form to arrive. We’ll contact you if we have any
• certified copies of your documents must have an
queries in relation to your request.
original signature
• faxed or emailed copies won’t be accepted
• documents not written in English must be accompanied by
an English translation prepared by an accredited translator
• documents certified more than a year ago won’t be accepted.
This information is of a general nature only and includes general advice. It has been prepared without taking into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any decision in
relation to your UniSuper membership, you should consider your personal circumstances, the relevant product disclosure statement for your membership category and whether to consult a licensed financial adviser.
This information is current as at July 2023 and is based on our understanding of legislation at that date. Information is subject to change. To the extent that this fact sheet contains information which is inconsistent
with the UniSuper Trust Deed and Regulations (together the Trust Deed), the Trust Deed will prevail. Issued by: UniSuper Management Pty Ltd ABN 91 006 961 799, AFSL No. 235907 on behalf of UniSuper
Limited the trustee of UniSuper, Level 1, 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Vic 3000.
Fund: UniSuper, ABN 91 385 943 850 | Trustee: UniSuper Limited, ABN 54 006 027 121 AFSL 492806 | Date: July 2023 UNIS000F80 0723