Cbus Industry Super PDS

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Product Disclosure Statement: 26 August 2023

Join Cbus Industry Super

Making hard
work pay off
United Super Pty Ltd
ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL  low fees
 insurance for
233792 as Trustee for the
Construction and Building
Unions Superannuation your industry
Fund ABN 75 493 363 262
(Cbus and/or Cbus Super).  history of
strong returns
MySuper authorisation
75 493 363 262 473  investment in
1223.4 08-23 ISS16 industry jobs
Contents 1. About Cbus Super
1. About Cbus Super 2 Cbus Super is one of Australia’s largest
2. How super works 3
3. Benefits of investing with industry super funds, created by workers
Cbus Super 4 for workers.
4. Risks of super 5
5. How we invest your money 5 Established in 1984, Cbus Super looks after more than
6. Fees and costs 7 910,000 members and manages over $85 billion of their
7. How super is taxed 8 money. We keep all fees and costs as low as possible, and
8. Insurance in your super 10 any profits go to our members, not shareholders.
9. How to open an account 15 We deliver strong results over the long term and invest
back into the sectors our members work in. Our advice
About this guide
This Product Disclosure Statement services are designed to help you make the right decisions
(PDS) contains general information only about your super.
and is designed to provide a summary Everything we do is to benefit our members, so they can
of significant information about eventually enjoy the retirement they’ve worked hard for.
Cbus Super. It contains references to
important information which also forms
part of this PDS. You should consider
Who is Cbus Industry Super for?
this information together with your own Cbus Industry Super is for people joining with an employer.
personal objectives, financial situation If you don’t have an employer who will contribute for you,
and needs before making a decision. you can join Cbus Super through:
A financial adviser can help you decide if ■ Sole Trader Super: for self-employed people
this is the right product for you. Also read
the relevant Target Market Determination
■ Personal Super: for people not receiving employer
at cbussuper.com.au/tmd. If you contributions
want a printed copy of this PDS or ■ Super Income Stream: for people nearing or in
other information referenced, retirement.
please call 1300 361 784 or
email cbusenq@cbussuper.com.au.
Save time and join online
Unless we’ve said otherwise, information Visit cbussuper.com.au/join and join
in this PDS is current at the date of
publication, but may change from time to Cbus Industry Super in four easy steps.
time. Any updates that aren’t materially
adverse will be available at cbussuper. Important information to read
com.au/pds or contact us for details of Visit cbussuper.com.au/fund for information including:
any changes. Always check our website
for the most up to date information.
■ Trust Deed (and governing rules)
Any statement made by a third party or
■ significant event notices (including fee/product updates)
based on a statement made by a third ■ Annual Report
party in this PDS has been included in ■ Financial Services Guide
the form and context in which it appears ■ details of service providers, appointment attendance,
with the consent of the third party, which
has not been withdrawn as at the date of remuneration of our directors, and remuneration
this document. Use of `us’, `we’, `our’ of our executives.
or `the Trustee’ is a reference to United You can also visit cbussuper.com.au/dashboard to
Super Pty Ltd. Use of `Fund’ refers to access our MySuper product dashboard.
Cbus Super.
Insurance is issued under a group policy
with our insurer, TAL Life Limited
ABN 70 050 109 450 AFSL 237848. All figures stated are as at 30 June 2023 unless otherwise noted.
2 | Join Cbus Industry Super
2. How super works
Most people get employer super contributions
Super helps you save for retirement and is compulsory for most employed Australians. That’s why the
government takes less tax from super than other types of investments. Most people receive super
contributions from their employer and can choose the super fund these payments are made to. The
amount your employer must contribute is usually at least 11% of your regular pay (which doesn’t
include overtime or some allowances). There are also other ways to grow your super, such as personal
contributions, government co-contributions and salary sacrifice. See our How super works fact sheet for
more details.

You can build your account with extra contributions

You can get more super by putting in extra money (see page 9 for limits). There are two ways:
1. From your before-tax salary: This could reduce your tax.
2. From your after-tax salary: The government could match money paid in with a co-contribution of
up to $500 if you’re a low to middle income earner.

Combine your super accounts to save

Moving jobs may mean you have several super accounts, paying fees on each of them. You can easily
search for and combine your super through your online Cbus Super account. Or complete the attached
Combine your super into Cbus Super form. To learn more about finding and combining your super visit

Super’s usually for your retirement

By law, you will generally need to reach your preservation age (age 60 if you were born from 1 July 1964),
or age 65 to access your super savings. Early access is possible under severe financial hardship, terminal
illness, permanent incapacity or on compassionate grounds.

You can stay with Cbus Super when you change jobs
If you don’t choose a fund when starting a new job, your boss may pay your super into your ‘stapled
fund’ as recorded by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). If you have more than one fund, this may not
be Cbus Super and may not be right for you. To stick with Cbus Super, complete the I want my super paid
into Cbus Super form at cbussuper.com.au/cs/choose-cbus and give it to your new boss.

You can also stay with Cbus Super when you finish work
After age 60 you can turn your super into regular, tax-free payments with a Cbus Super Income Stream
account. This means you can stay with Cbus Super as you transition into retirement and after you retire.

Keep track of your super

Unless you’ve told us you want to stay with Cbus Super, your account will move to the ATO and any
Cbus Super insurance and other benefits will stop if:
■ we can’t contact you for a while (so be sure to keep your details up to date)
■ there’s limited activity on your account (such as no contributions) for 16 months, you don’t meet a
condition of release, your account doesn’t have insurance, and its balance is less than $6,000.

You should read the important information about how super works before making a decision.
Go to cbussuper.com.au/superworks. The material relating to how super works may change
between the time when you read this statement and the day when you acquire the product.

Join Cbus Industry Super | 3

3. Benefits of investing with Cbus Super

Low fees and no entry fees

We keep costs low so more of your super stays where
it belongs: in your account.

Strong long-term investment performance

8.89 Our Growth (MySuper) option has returned an average of
8.89% each year for the past 39 years.*

Insurance for your industry

We offer tailored insurance options to suit your job, including high-risk
work that other super funds may not cover.

Financial advice that’s in your interests

Our Advice Services team can help you understand your options
and provide a personal recommendation – at no extra cost.

We invest in your industries

By investing in sustainable, long-term projects like Cbus Property†
developments and major renewable energy projects like Star of
the South, we actively invest in the industries that are important to
our members.

Digital services make it easy
Manage your super account your way. Search your app store for
Cbus Super or visit cbussuper.com.au/register to register online.

Regular, personalised updates

You’ll get two updates a year, along with personalised account videos
and retirement income estimates for most members.

From inception in 1984 to 30 June 2023. The average annual return is based on the crediting rate, which
is returns minus investment fees, taxes and until 31 January 2020, the percentage-based administration fee.
Excludes administration fees and insurance costs. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future
performance. See page 6 for details.

Cbus Property Pty Ltd is a wholly-owned entity of Cbus Super and is responsible for the development and
management of a portfolio of Cbus Super’s property investments.
4 | Join Cbus Industry Super
4. Risks of super
All investing has risk. Understanding risk helps you to make better
investment decisions.
We invest your super in different asset classes and each has a different level of risk and expected return.
Shares and some alternative investments can have high returns, but also more risk of a negative return
or loss in the short term. Cash and fixed interest investments generally have more stable but lower
long-term returns.
When investing in super (including Cbus Super) it’s important to consider:
■ the value of your investment can change as returns aren’t guaranteed and you may lose some of
your money
■ the level of investment returns can vary – future returns can be different to past returns
■ contributions and investment returns may not grow your super enough to fully support you when
you retire and your savings might not last long enough, and
■ super laws may change in the future.
So, when you come to choose investment options, it’s important to think about:
■ how old you are now and how long you plan to invest – to retirement or longer
■ other investments you have outside super, such as savings, property or shares, and
■ how much risk you want to take to achieve the return you want.

5. How we invest your money

You can choose from a range of investment options:
Pre-mixed options: DIY options: Cbus Self Managed
■ High Growth ■ Overseas Shares For even more control, you
■ Growth Plus ■ Australian Shares can choose from a range of
■ Growth (MySuper)* ■ Property Australian shares, exchange
■ Indexed Diversified ■ Diversified Fixed traded funds, term deposits,
Interest property and infrastructure
■ Conservative Growth
options (conditions and extra
■ Conservative ■ Cash*
costs apply).

We consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when investing across our whole
portfolio. Visit cbussuper.com.au/esg for more information on responsible investment.

Growth (MySuper) is designed to suit most members

We’ll invest your super in Growth (MySuper)* until you make a choice. This option suits people
who can live with occasional negative returns but want long-term returns to be higher than inflation.
It invests in a range of assets including shares, property, infrastructure and cash.

Until 14 February 2022, Growth (MySuper) was called Growth (Cbus MySuper) and Cash was called Cash Savings.
Join Cbus Industry Super | 5



Risk level/(band)* Medium to High (5)

Conservative Growth
Objectives Deliver a return of inflation plus:
3.25% a year over rolling 10-year periods

Likelihood of
3 to 4 in every 20 years
negative returns LOW HIGH

Minimum timeframe Invested for at least 7 years

Strategic Asset Allocation % Range %
Allocation Australian shares 22.0 5.0 – 38.0
and range Global shares 25.5 7.0 – 39.0
Emerging market shares 2.5 0.0 – 16.5
PrivateLOWequity HIGH
3.0 0.0 – 12.0
Alternative growth 3.0 0.0 – 13.0
Infrastructure 13.0 0.0 – 28.0
Property† Cash Saving 12.0 0.0 – 28.0
Global credit 7.0 0.0 – 17.0
Australian fixed interest 4.0 0.0 – 23.0
International fixed interest 4.0 0.0 – 23.0
Cash 4.0 1.0 – 18.0

Average annual Over 10 years: 8.27%

return (based on Over 39 years: 8.89%
annual crediting rates Visit cbussuper.com.au/investments for the latest returns.
to 30 June 2023) Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This is an industry-wide standard risk measure, which is based on the number of expected negative annual
returns over a 20-year period.

Made up of 85% unlisted property and 15% global real estate investment trusts (GREITs).
Investment options may change as our investment strategy changes. We’ll contact you or post
updates at cbussuper.com.au about any significant changes.

You can change investments through your online account or by completing an Investment
choice form. The right investment choice for you will depend on its likely return, the amount
of risk you’re happy to take to achieve it, and how long until you retire.

You should read the important information about our investment options and how we invest
your money before making a decision. Go to cbussuper.com.au/pds to read the Investment
handbook and the Cbus Self Managed investment guide. The material relating to our
investment options may change between the time when you read this statement and the
day when you acquire the product. Always visit our website for the latest information.

6 | Join Cbus Industry Super

6. Fees and costs
Did you know? Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a
substantial impact on your long-term returns. For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your
account balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30-year period (for
example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).
You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of
better member services justify higher fees and costs. You or your employer, as applicable, may be able
to negotiate to pay lower fees.* Ask the fund or your financial adviser.
To find out more: If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of fees based on your own
circumstances, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Moneysmart website
(moneysmart.gov.au) has a superannuation calculator to help you check out different fee options.
* This text is legally required, but as Cbus Super only charges fees to cover costs and not to make a profit our fees
can’t be negotiated.

Fees and costs summary

This table shows fees and costs for the Growth (MySuper) option and can be used to compare costs
between different superannuation products. Fees may be deducted directly from your account or from
investment returns.

Type of fee or cost Amount How and when paid

Ongoing annual fees and costs†
Administration fees $1.50 a week ($78 a year) Deducted from your account at the end
and costs plus of each month or when you close your
0.19% of your account account.
balance up to $1,000 a year
plus Deducted from fund reserves (not from
0.03% a year§ your account).
Investment fees 0.42% a year§ Deducted from returns before the crediting
and costs‡ ($4.20 for each $1,000) rate is applied to your account.
Transaction costs 0.08% a year§ Deducted from returns before the crediting
rate is applied to your account.
Member activity related fees and costs
Buy-sell spread Nil Not applicable
Switching fee Nil Not applicable
Other fees and costs Other fees and costs may apply, such as insurance premiums. See the
Additional explanation of fees and costs fact sheet at cbussuper.com.au/fees.

If your account balance for a product offered by Cbus Super is less than $6,000 at the end of the Cbus Super
income year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3%
of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.

Investment fees and costs include an amount of 0.04% for performance fees based on the average
performance fees for the five years to 30 June 2023.
These figures are estimates based on costs for the previous financial year and may change. The calculation
basis for these amounts is set out in Investment fees and costs fact sheet at cbussuper.com.au/fees.
Join Cbus Industry Super | 7
Example of annual fees and costs for Growth (MySuper)
This table gives an example of how the ongoing annual fees and costs for the Growth (MySuper)
option can affect your superannuation investment over a one-year period. You should use this table to
compare this superannuation product with other superannuation products.

Example – Growth (MySuper) Balance of $50,000

Administration $1.50 a week ($78 a year) For every $50,000 you have in Growth (MySuper)
fees and costs plus 0.19% of your you will be charged or have deducted from your
account balance a year investment $110* in administration fees and costs,
plus 0.03% a year paid plus $78 regardless of your balance.
from fund reserves
(not your account)
PLUS 0.42% And you will be charged or have deducted from
Investment fees your investment $210 in investment fees and costs.
and costs
PLUS 0.08% And you will be charged or have deducted from
Transaction costs your investment $40 in transaction costs.
EQUALS If your balance was $50,000 at the beginning of the
Cost of product year, then for that year you will be charged fees and
costs of $438† for the Growth (MySuper) option.
This includes $15 paid from fund reserves and not your account. †Additional fees may apply.
We may change fees and costs at any time. You’ll get at least 30 days’ notice before any increase to
administration fees or insurance premiums.

Financial advice fees may be able to be deducted from your Cbus Super account for personal
financial advice provided in relation to your account(s) by a financial planner who is part of
our Cbus Super and FAAA Member Referral Program, or if your chosen financial planner is
registered with us for fee deductions. Fees will only be deducted with your written consent.

You should read the important information about fees and costs before making a decision.
Go to cbussuper.com.au/fees. The information on fees and costs may change between the
time when you read this statement and the day when you acquire the product.

7. How super is taxed

Super is a more tax-effective way for most people to save for retirement.
Although you don’t have to, you should give us your tax file number or you’ll pay extra tax and
won’t be able to make after-tax contributions. We’re authorised to collect, use and disclose
your TFN under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. Your TFN may be shared
with another super provider when your benefits are being transferred unless you request in
writing not to. See cbussuper.com.au/tfn for details.

Tax on money put in

Tax on money put into super is worked out on the amount and if it’s paid from your before or after-tax
income (and also, sometimes, your total income). Tax is usually deducted from your account after the
money has gone in. We then pay the tax to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

8 | Join Cbus Industry Super

There are limits on how much you can contribute to your super (contribution caps). If you
contribute more than these limits you may pay extra tax.

Limits on how much you can put into super (for the 2023/24 financial year)
Before-tax (concessional) 15%* tax on amounts up to $27,500 a year. Amounts above this limit
such as employer and salary are added to your assessable income and taxed at your marginal
sacrifice contributions rate. If the excess concessional contributions are not withdrawn,
they will count toward your non-concessional contribution cap.
If your total super balance across all accounts is under $500,000
at the end of the previous financial year, you can use any unused
concessional contribution cap amounts on a rolling five-year basis.
After-tax No tax on amounts up to $110,000 a year.
(non-concessional) If you’re under age 75, you may be able to contribute $330,000 in
such as personal or voluntary any three-year period. Contributions more than this limit may be
contributions where no tax taxed at 47% if not withdrawn (being 45% marginal tax rate plus 2%
deduction has been claimed Medicare levy).
Your total super balance may affect these after-tax limits.
An additional 15% tax is levied on before-tax contributions that – when combined with your income – are
greater than $250,000.
You can apply to claim a tax deduction for after-tax contributions you make. Contributions you claim as a
tax deduction are treated as concessional contributions, so they’re taxed at 15% and contribute to your
before-tax (concessional) contributions cap. Think about what this tax treatment could mean for you.
Before you apply to claim the tax deduction you need to make sure you meet the eligibility criteria and
notify us of your intent to claim using our Claim a tax deduction for personal contributions to super form.
From age 67 you’ll also need to meet the work test (or exemption criteria) and your ability to contribute
stops around a month after your 75th birthday. For details read the How super is taxed fact sheet at

Tax on lump sum withdrawals

Age 60 or over: withdrawals are generally tax free. Under age 60: tax is deducted from withdrawals
before we pay them to you as follows.

Component Tax if you’re under 60

Tax free No tax payable.
Taxable Under preservation age: taxed at a maximum of 20%.†
Between preservation age and 59: the first $235,000‡ is generally
tax free and the balance is taxed at a maximum of 15%.†

Plus Medicare levy. ‡
Low rate cap for 2023/24.
Tax on investment earnings
Investment earnings on your super are generally taxed at up to 15% (the actual rate may be lower due
to certain tax credits and rebates available). This tax is deducted from the crediting rate that applies
to your super before the earnings are added to your account.

You should read the important information about how super is taxed before making a decision.
Go to cbussuper.com.au/tax or ato.gov.au. The material relating to how super is taxed may change
between the time when you read this statement and the day when you acquire the product.

Join Cbus Industry Super | 9

8. Insurance in your super
Cover you can count on
At Cbus Super, our size means we can get a better deal for our members, with insurance built for your
industry and premiums paid from your super, not your salary. Most members get cover automatically,
with no health checks and no hassle. Plus you can change your cover to suit your needs.
Some words in this section such as compulsory super, normal job and senior manager or
executive have specific meanings that you need to understand. Please read the Death and
disability insurance guide (Industry Super) to learn more.

You can get cover automatically

We offer automatic death and disability cover to eligible Cbus Super members. The automatic insurance
cover available is based on your age and occupation category and, in some cases, your account balance.

Your life Your income

Death Terminal Total and permanent Income
illness disablement (TPD) protection
Automatic Automatic Automatic Not automatic
if you qualify if you qualify if you qualify You’ll need to
apply if you qualify
Lump sum to Lump sum if you Lump sum if Monthly
your dependants have death cover you’re permanently payments if you
if you die. and are diagnosed disabled by injury or temporarily
as terminally ill.* illness and unlikely can’t work.†
to ever work again.†

With a life expectancy of 24 months or less from when you were diagnosed. † Conditions apply.
When automatic cover starts
By law, members who are under age 25 or have an account balance of less than $6,000 aren’t usually
eligible for automatic cover. However, Cbus Super has been able to provide automatic insurance cover
to members in the manual occupation category using a dangerous occupation exemption.
If you’re in a manual occupation, your cover will generally start when we receive an on-time compulsory
super payment from your employer.
Electech, non-manual and professional members
Your automatic cover won’t start until your account balance reaches $6,000 (and you’ve turned 25),
unless you tell us you want cover earlier. Select this option when you join Cbus Super or anytime at
cbussuper.com.au/want-cover. Your cover may be limited depending on when you tell us you want it.
Once your account balance reaches $6,000 (and you’ve turned 25), your cover will generally start when
we receive an on-time compulsory super payment from your employer. But your cover may be limited
depending on when this payment is received or if you can’t do your normal job due to injury or illness
when your cover starts.
See our Death and disability insurance guide (Industry Super) for more information on insurance, including
when cover may be limited.
If you’re changing super funds and want your cover to start from a certain date, make sure
you let your employer know. Otherwise there may be a gap in your cover when you move from
another fund to Cbus Super.

Watch our Know your insurance explainer video at cbussuper.com.au/knowhow to learn more.

10 | Join Cbus Industry Super

Cover for the work you do
Your occupation category affects both how much automatic death and TPD cover you may receive, and
how much you pay for your cover – so it’s important you’re in the right category for the work you do.
You’ll be covered under the manual category, which is the default category, if you’re eligible for cover and
don’t choose a different category when you join. The cost of cover in the manual category is higher than
for other categories. The amount of automatic cover is also lower than for other categories.
To change your occupation category, log into your account or complete an Application to change
occupation category – Death and TPD form, available at cbussuper.com.au/forms.
We’ll check your category if you make a claim, and any insurance payment may be reduced if you weren’t
eligible for the category you selected. So contact us if you’re not sure which category applies to you.

Mainly Mainly
physical work desk-based work

Manual Non-manual
■ You do manual or physical work, ■ You do only administrative,
and managerial or professional work
■ You don’t qualify for any other (and no manual work)
category. ■ At least 80% of your work is in an
office, and
■ You don’t qualify for the
professional category.
Typical jobs Typical jobs
Bricklayer, Truck driver, Bookkeeper, Quantity surveyor,
Mechanic, Plumber Payroll administrator

Electech Professional
■ You’re an electrical worker in a ■ You do only administrative,
classification set out in schedule managerial or professional work
A of either the Electrical, Electronic (and no manual work)
& Communications Contracting ■ At least 80% of your time is in
Award 2020 or Electrical Power an office
Industry Award 2020. ■ Your annual taxable income is more
than $100,000 (pro-rated if part
time), and
■ You’re a senior manager or
executive, or have a university
degree or higher qualification.
Typical jobs Typical jobs
Electrician, Linesperson, Accountant, Architect,
Electronics tradesperson HR manager, Lawyer

Join Cbus Industry Super | 11

How much cover will you get?
The automatic cover available is based on your age and occupation category. Cover for members in a
manual occupation is outlined in the table below:
Automatic cover – Manual
Your age Death TPD
15 to 20 *
$52,000 (1 unit) $52,000 (1 unit)
21 to 29 $156,000 (4 units)
30 to 34 $145,600 (4 units)
35 to 39 $208,000 (4 units) $135,200 (4 units)
40 to 44 $124,800 (4 units)
45 to 50 $104,000 (4 units)
Starts at $192,000 (4 units), decreases Starts at $100,000 (4 units),
51 to 64
each year to $100,000 decreases each year to $30,000
Starts at $50,000 (4 units),
65 to 69 No cover (0 units)
decreases each year to $24,000
Automatic cover will increase to 4 units when you turn 21 (unless you’ve made a change). We’ll write to you
before this happens and you can let us know if you’d like something else.
If you work in an electech, non-manual or professional occupation, you’ll generally receive the units of
cover outlined below if you choose automatic cover on joining or when your account reaches $6,000
(and you’ve turned 25).
Automatic cover – Electech, non-manual and professional
Non-manual and professional Electech
Your age Death TPD Death TPD
15 to 20 1 unit 1 unit
21 to 64 4 units 2 units 2 units
4 units
65 to 69 0 units
See the toolkit in our Death and disability insurance guide (Industry Super) at cbussuper.com.au/icover to
check how much cover each unit gives you.

A special offer for new members

If you’re a new Cbus Super member and you To increase your automatic death and TPD
qualify for automatic insurance cover, you can cover, complete the Special offer: Change
apply to increase your cover or obtain income cover when you join form attached.
protection cover by answering a To apply for income protection cover,
few simple questions. complete the Application for income protection
How much cover you can get depends on cover form at cbussuper.com.au/forms.
your age and occupation category. You must Check if you already have income protection
apply within six months of joining your first cover with your employer, union or a
Cbus Super employer and can only take up Cbus Super Coordinator before applying.
this special offer once.

12 | Join Cbus Industry Super

Can you get cover?
You must meet some basic conditions to be eligible for cover through Cbus Industry Super. You’ll
generally qualify for automatic death and TPD cover, subject to the following.

You’ll get… If… Then…

You work in a manual occupation and ■ You can get automatic death and TPD
none of the below apply to you cover
Full cover You work in an electech, ■ You can get automatic death and TPD cover:
non-manual or professional – if you tell us you want cover when you
occupation and none of the join, or
below apply to you – when your account balance reaches
$6,000 (and you’ve turned 25)
You’re between 65 and 69 ■ Manual, non-manual or professional:
you can get automatic death cover and
can apply for TPD cover
Some cover ■ Electech: you can get automatic death
and TPD cover
You’re off work or on restricted ■ You can get automatic death cover
duties because you’re sick or injured ■ While you’re off work or on restricted
when cover starts duties, you’ll get TPD cover only for injuries
or illnesses that first occur after your
cover starts
■ You’ll get full TPD cover when you can do
your normal job again without restriction
for ten days in a row
You tell us you want automatic cover
more than six months from when you ■ For 24 months, you’ll have death and
joined your first Cbus Super employer TPD cover only for injuries or illnesses that
You don’t receive an on-time first occur after your cover starts
compulsory super payment within
■ You’ll get full death and TPD cover after
six months from when your account that, if you can do your normal job without
balance reached $6,000 (and you being restricted by injury or illness for ten
turned 25), and you didn’t tell us you days in a row
wanted automatic cover earlier
You’re under 15 or have reached age 70
You’ve received a total and
No cover permanent disablement or terminal
illness payment from a super fund or ■ Unfortunately you can’t get any
insurance policy, or you’re currently insurance through Cbus Super
applying for or entitled to one
You have a terminal illness with a life
expectancy of 24 months or less
from when it was diagnosed

Work out how much cover you may need to protect you and your family using our
Insurance needs calculator, available at cbussuper.com.au/calculators.

Join Cbus Industry Super | 13

What cover will cost
The cost of your insurance depends on the type of cover you receive, how many units you have, your
age and your occupation.
Weekly cost per unit of cover
Manual Non-manual and professional Electech
Your age Death TPD Death TPD Death TPD
15 - 24 $1.05 $0.75 $0.62 $0.28 $0.74 $0.52
25 - 34 $1.13 $1.68 $0.67 $0.68 $0.82 $1.18
35 - 49 $1.51 $2.33 $1.15 $1.35 $1.34 $1.92
50+ $2.06 $2.80 $1.73 $1.67 $1.76 $2.35
The cost of cover will come out of your account unless you cancel it (or it stops for another
reason). When deciding what cover is right for you – now and in the future – think about the
benefits of being covered and the impact of insurance costs on your retirement savings.

Keep your cover, even when life changes

Your death and TPD cover will stop if your account doesn’t receive a contribution or a roll in for 16 months.
It could restart if you receive an on-time compulsory super payment from your employer in future.
We can keep you covered – even if you stop work or change jobs – if you tell us you want to keep your
cover when you join Cbus Super or anytime at cbussuper.com.au/opt-in.
You can change your mind or choose to reduce or cancel your cover at any time. Be aware your cover
could stop for other reasons too, such as when you reach a certain age or don’t have enough money in
your account to pay for it. Different rules apply to income protection cover. See the Death and disability
insurance guide (Industry Super) and Income protection guide (Industry Super) for details.

Changing your cover

You can make changes to your insurance whenever you like. Apply to change your occupation category,
increase, reduce or cancel your cover by logging into your account at cbussuper.com.au/login or
completing the relevant form on our website. To simply cancel your cover, you can call us on 1300 361 784.
You can also apply to transfer your existing cover from another super fund or insurance policy or apply for
more cover when certain life events happen, like you get married, have children or take out a mortgage.

If you cancel your cover and want cover again later, you’ll need to reapply and provide health
and other information for our insurer to consider – but be aware, you may not be eligible.

Income protection cover

Many Cbus Super members already have income protection cover as part of their employment
arrangements. You can check this with your employer, union or a Cbus Super coordinator. Income
protection cover can give you a monthly income while you can’t work because of an accident or illness.
Visit cbussuper.com.au/industry-ip to explore your options and find out how to apply.

You should read the important information about insurance in your super before making a
decision, including the amount and cost of cover, when cover stops and starts, changing your
cover, making a claim, and any other terms and conditions of Cbus Super’s insurance policies. Read
the Death and disability insurance guide (Industry Super), Income protection guide (Industry Super)
and Industry Super insurance – key facts at cbussuper.com.au/insurance for more information.
The material relating to insurance in your super may change between the time when you read
this statement and the day when you acquire the product. Always visit our website for the
latest information.

14 | Join Cbus Industry Super

9. How to open an account
There are two ways you can open a Cbus Industry Super account:
1. Join online
■ Visit cbussuper.com.au/join to join in four easy steps

2. Complete the attached forms

■ Join Cbus Industry Super
■ Special offer: Change cover when you join
■ Combine your super into Cbus Super (optional)
■ I want my super paid into Cbus Super (optional)

Need help? Call us on 1300 361 784 8.30am to 6pm AEST/AEDT, Monday to Friday.

Contact us if you’re not satisfied

We strive to provide great service for every member. If you’re dissatisfied with any aspect of the Fund:
■ Submit your complaint online at cbussuper.com.au/complaint.
■ Call 1300 361 784 (8am to 8pm AEST/AEDT, Monday to Friday) within Australia.
Closed on national public holidays.
■ Write to the Complaints Officer, Cbus Super, PO Box 24231, Melbourne 3001.
If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of our investigation, your complaint may be considered by the
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA is an independent dispute resolution body set
up by the Federal Government to provide a free, impartial and binding dispute resolution service for
financial services.
■ Write to GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 ■ Email info@afca.org.au
■ Call 1800 931 678 ■ Website afca.org.au

To learn more about how to make a complaint, read the fact sheet available at

We collect, store and disclose the
mporary card
personal information you provide
only to administer(at 26 Aug 2023)
your account This card does not confirm active membership of Cbus Super or
acceptance by the insurer of your application for cover.
r number in accordance with our Privacy
Policy. Except where required by Call us on 1300 361 784 to confirm this.
law, your personal information will
not be used for any other purpose. Complete and detach this temporary card.
For more details, please refer to You'll receive a permanent member card
after your first payment.
our Privacy Policy and Personal
Information Collection
DateStatement at
Cbus Super Trustee: United Super Pty Ltd. ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792
cbussuper.com.au/privacy or call Cbus ABN 75 493 363 262 cbussuper.com.au
1300 361 784 for a copy.
Join Cbus Industry Super | 15
Set up your account
Get set up in just a few minutes

I want my super Complete this form to make sure your employer pays super to Give this form to your

your Cbus Super account employer – don’t send
paid into Cbus
it to Cbus Super
Super* ¡ If you don’t complete this form, your employer may pay your super to
another super account.
¡ All you need to do is fill in your personal and employer details, sign and date
the form, and give it to your employer.

Join Cbus Complete this form to open your super account Send this form

to Cbus Super
Industry Super ¡ Confirm you’re eligible for insurance cover to start.
¡ Provide your tax file number so you don’t pay more tax than you need to.
¡ Choose beneficiaries and communication options.

Special offer: Complete this form if you want to make changes to insurance Send this form

to Cbus Super
Change cover ¡ Consider the special offer for more death and disability insurance to protect
when you join you at home and on the job.
¡ You can only use this form when you join and not at a later date.

Combine your Complete this form to combine your super into Cbus Super and Send this form to Cbus

find any lost super Super, along with any
super into
other documents
Cbus Super ¡ Know the details of your other funds? Combine up to three accounts on this required
form. Get more forms at cbussuper.com.au/forms or call us.
¡ Want to search for lost super? You can verify your identification
electronically at Step 3 and avoid certifying documents.

You may also receive an Australian Taxation Office Standard Choice form from your employer. You can use this to choose the super fund you want, including
Cbus Super.

Expert help and support

Local Cbus Super Coordinators are here to give face-to-face support when
you and your worksite need it. Get in contact today if you need help, or to
organise a workplace information session. Or you can visit your nearest
Cbus Super front counter for assistance with your super.
Go to cbussuper.com.au/contact for details.

1300 361 784 cbusenq@cbussuper.com.au Visit us in person in Adelaide, Brisbane,

Hand back 8am to 8pm (AEST/AEDT) cbussuper.com.au Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
to your employer Monday to Friday Log in to chat to us online Details: cbussuper.com.au/contact

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super).
I want my super paid into Cbus Super OPTIONAL
Please use black or blue pen and CAPITAL letters. Use an X in boxes where required.
¡ If you would like to have your super paid into Cbus Super, complete this form and hand it back to your employer.
¡ Don’t send it to Cbus Super or the Australian Taxation Office.

Step 1: Provide your personal details

Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
Given name(s)

Family name

Cbus Super member number† Tax file number (TFN)*

Skip this if you don’t have a member number yet.
Cbus Super is authorised under legislation to collect your TFN. Where provided it will be confidential and used only for lawful purposes (which may change in the future).

If you quote your TFN to your employer for super purposes, they must provide it to the super fund.

Step 2: Provide your employer details

Employer name

ABN Employer ID number (if applicable)

Step 3: Cbus Super fund details

Fund name Unique Super Identifier (USI) MySuper authorisation number ABN
CBUS SUPER CBU0100AU 75 493 363 262 473 75 493 363 262

For a copy of the Cbus Super Product Disclosure Statement call 1300 361 784 or visit cbussuper.com.au.

Step 4: Sign this form

I would like my super paid into Cbus Super.
Sign here: Date
D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y

Step 5: Give this form to your employer


Date choice is accepted: Date you act on choice:
D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y
When the employee has chosen a fund other than your default fund, contributions in the two months after receiving the form can be made to either
your employer default fund or your employee’s chosen fund. Contributions after the two months must be paid to the employee’s chosen fund.

Compliance information
Dear employer,
Cbus Super is:
¡ a complying resident regulated super fund
¡ not currently or ever has been under direction not to accept any contributions from an employer sponsor (under s.63 of SIS)
¡ able to accept super contributions from employers on behalf of their employees
¡ an authorised MySuper provider and meets the insurance requirements to be chosen as a default fund by employers.
If you are not an existing Cbus Super participating employer, go to our website to find out how to register and pay your employee super to Cbus Super.

SIGN and DATE this form and hand it back to your employer
This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn’t account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions.
Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit cbussuper.com.au.

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 1 of 1 1208.7 08-23 ISS8
Join Cbus Industry Super Join online – visit
This application form is part of the Join Cbus Industry Super Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to join in
dated 26 August 2023. Please read the PDS before you complete this form. four easy steps.
Please use black or blue pen and CAPITAL letters. Use an X in boxes where required.

Step 1: Provide your personal details

Title Date of birth Gender
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other D D / M M / Y Y Y Y X Male X Female
Given name(s)

Family name

Home phone Mobile

( )
Email address (providing your email means you give us permission to use it)

Residential address (compulsory)

Suburb/town State Postcode

Postal address (complete if different from your residential address)

Suburb/town State Postcode

Step 2: Consider providing your tax file number

Providing your tax file number (TFN) is voluntary but can result in paying less tax. It also allows
you to top up your super with your take-home pay. (See section 7 of the PDS for details.) My TFN is:

Step 3: Tell us about your work

Your employer

Cbus Super employer number (if known) Phone Date you started with this employer

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
What’s your job?

Step 4: Choose your occupation category for insurance cover (see pages 11 & 12 for details)
Select the option below that describes your current work (one only). If you don’t choose an option and are eligible for cover, you’ll be covered under manual
until you tell us otherwise. You must receive an on-time compulsory super payment from your employer for cover to start. Other conditions apply.

PART 4A: Manual occupation – you receive automatic cover

I’m in a manual occupation You’ll receive automatic insurance cover now as the work you do is classified as a dangerous occupation category.
How much cover do you get?
Age 15-20: 1 unit (death & TPD) Age 21-64: 4 units (death & TPD) Age 65-69: 4 units (death only)
Go to step 5
PART 4B: Electech occupation – elect to receive automatic cover
I want automatic insurance cover now
 How much cover do you get? I don’t want cover until I have $6,000 in my account and
Age 15-69: 2 units (death & TPD) have turned 25
Go to step 5
PART 4C: Non-manual and professional occupations – elect to receive automatic cover
Non-manual I want automatic
 I don’t want cover until I have $6,000 in my account
How much cover do you get?
insurance cover now Age 15-20: 1 unit (death & TPD) and have turned 25
Professional I want automatic Age 21-64: 4 units (death & TPD) I don’t want cover until I have $6,000 in my account
 Age 65-69: 4 units (death only)
insurance cover now and have turned 25

Go to step 5
Want a different level of cover? To change your insurance, complete the Special offer: Change cover when you join form attached to this PDS.

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 1 of 2 1223.4 08-23 ISS16
Step 5: Check if you can get automatic cover
Answer the following questions to see if you’re eligible for automatic cover.
Have you ever received a payment for total and permanent disablement (TPD) Yes
 You can’t get automatic cover. Go to step 7.
or terminal illness from any super fund or insurance policy, or are you currently
applying for or entitled to one? No

Do you have a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 24 months or less from Yes
 You can’t get automatic cover. Go to step 7.
when it was diagnosed? No

Answer the following questions to see what sort of cover you may be able to get.
 You may get death cover and new events TPD cover.
Are you off work or on restricted duties because you’re sick or injured?
 You may get death and TPD cover.
  ou may get full automatic cover.
Did you start working with your first Cbus Super employer in the past six months?
 You may get new events cover for 24 months.

Please consider what insurance is right for your circumstances and the impact insurance premiums can have on your account balance.

Step 6: Elect to keep your cover, even when life changes

If your account doesn’t receive a contribution or a roll in for 16 months, any death and TPD cover (including any future cover) will stop unless you’ve
elected to keep it. You can change your mind and cancel cover at any time – see page 14.
I want to keep my insurance cover even if my account becomes inactive.

Step 7: Choose who gets your super if you die

Complete this section to make a non-binding beneficiary nomination. Note, the Trustee still has the discretion to decide who receives the benefit.
The minimum you can allocate to a single beneficiary is 1%. See page 17 of the Death and disability insurance guide (Industry Super).
Legal personal representative . %
Dependants: Given name and initial(s) (e.g. Sam R) Family name Relationship to you (spouse, child, etc)
. %
. %
Attach another page if you have more than two beneficiaries. You can change your nominations at any time online or by calling us. Must add up to 1 0 0 . 0 0 %

Making a binding nomination will give you more certainty. Check your beneficiary options at cbussuper.com.au/beneficiaries.

Step 8: How should we communicate with you?

You can change your preferences at any time via your online account.
Do you want to receive your statements online only? Yes No
Do you want to receive information about Cbus Super products and services by email or SMS? Yes No
Do you want to receive information from Cbus Super about special offers, discounts and other marketing materials Yes No
outside of your Cbus Super membership?
Do you want to receive The New Daily (TND)? TND is a free online newspaper providing general and financial content.
To get started, your name and email address will be provided to TND. Yes No

Step 9: Sign and date this form

I am eligible for Cbus Industry Super membership and agree to the terms and conditions in the trust deed and I confirm that:
¡ I’ve read and understood the Join Cbus Industry Super PDS and additional ¡ I’ve answered all questions truthfully and correctly to the best of my
information incorporated by reference before making the decision to join. knowledge. I’m aware my insurance benefit may be affected if I claim and
¡ If I return this form by email, I acknowledge and declare that I have read and my responses are later shown to be false and misleading. I acknowledge the
accepted the terms and conditions of the Join Cbus Industry Super form and insurer has the right to verify my answers.
I acknowledge that if I have not applied my physical or electronic signature: ¡ I acknowledge that, any automatic insurance cover I’m eligible for and elected
- If Cbus Super is satisfied that this is a genuine application, Cbus Super will to receive, will start from the first day of the period for which Cbus Super
process the request, including making a payment from my account receives an on-time compulsory super payment and will stop for the reasons
if I have requested one.
- In some cases, Cbus Super may request more information to be satisfied set out in the Death and disability insurance guide (Industry super). If I’ve
this is a genuine application. applied to change my occupation category, this won’t take effect until the
¡ I understand Cbus Super may send product disclosure statements, annual later of:
statements, significant event notices and other regulatory items to me ­– the first day of the period that the on-time compulsory super payment
digitally (such as a link in an email or making it available through my online relates to, or
account) using the email address provided on this form. I can opt out of – the day Cbus Super receives my application to join.
receiving these materials electronically through my online account or by ¡ If I’m in an electech, non-manual or professional occupation, I understand that
contacting Cbus Super. I won’t receive cover automatically on joining, unless I make an election. If I
¡ I’ve read the Trustee’s Privacy Statement as contained in the Privacy Policy don’t make an election, I understand that I won’t receive default cover until my
and Personal Information Collection Statement and I consent to the collection, account reaches $6,000 and I turn 25 or I make an election to receive cover at
use and disclosure of my personal and sensitive information by the Trustee in some other time. If I make an election to receive cover more than six months
the manner described in the Privacy Statement.
¡ I’m entitled to one Cbus Super account (except for Super Income Stream) and after joining my first Cbus Super employer, I understand that I may receive
one insured benefit, and I accept duplicate accounts may be closed. limited cover.
¡ I’ve considered my own personal circumstances, needs and objectives ¡ My election to keep insurance cover will apply to the death and TPD cover
(with or without the assistance of a financial planner) in deciding to invest I have and will continue to remain in place even if my level or type of cover
in Cbus Super products or make any other choice set out in this form. changes in the future (unless it stops for another reason).
Sign here: Date
D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y

Want to choose investments? Once you receive Send this form to: Cbus Super, Got a query? Call us on:
your member number, register your account online to choose Locked Bag 5056 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 or via 1300 361 784 8am to 8pm
investment options or you can call us on 1300 361 784. email – visit cbussuper.com.au/cs/id to learn how. (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday
United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 2 of 2 1223.4 08-23 ISS16
Special offer: Change cover when you join OPTIONAL
You can use this form to change your automatic cover when you join Cbus Super.
You must return it to us with your Join Cbus Industry Super form.
Please use black or blue pen and write in CAPITAL letters. Use an X in boxes where required.

Join online – visit cbussuper.com.au to join in four easy steps.

Step 1: Provide your personal details

Title Date of birth Gender
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other D D / M M / Y Y Y Y X Male X Female
Given name(s)

Family name

Step 2: Change your cover

If you receive or elect to receive automatic cover on joining (subject to eligibility), complete this form to:

Apply for more cover  o to step 3

Reduce your cover Go to step 4
Reduce your cover (Electech only) Go to step 5
To cancel your insurance, you can call or email us, log into your Cbus Super account at cbussuper.com.au/login, or complete a Change my insurance:
Industry Super form available from cbussuper.com.au/forms.

Step 3: Increasing cover? Check your eligibility

Answer the following questions to see if you’re eligible for this special offer. If you qualify, you’ll need to submit this form within six months of
joining your first Cbus Super employer.

Are you:
¡ unemployed Yes
  ou’re not eligible
¡ off work because you’re sick or injured, or for this offer.
¡ unable to do all the duties of your normal job for at least 30 hours a week without limitation, regardless of No

whether you’re working full-time, part-time or casually?

Have you:
¡ in the last 12 months been hospitalised for more than 5 days in a row (other than for pregnancy)
¡ in the last 12 months been away from work for 15 or more days in total because of illness or injury, or Yes
  ou’re not eligible
¡ in the last 2 years seen a medical specialist or been advised by a doctor that you’ll need to have surgery for this offer.
or see a specialist, or No

¡ in the last 5 years undergone any employment related health screening, or been advised to do so?
(For example, screening for asbestosis or silicosis.)

  ou’re not eligible
Have you ever been declined death, total and permanent disablement (TPD) or income protection cover from for this offer.
any insurance company, or in the last 12 months have you had cover accepted with a loading or exclusion? No
 Go to Step 4 or Step 5
(Electech only).

This form allows you to apply for specific amounts of cover in limited scenarios. If you’re ineligible for this special offer and still want additional cover,
you’ll need to log into your account at cbussuper.com.au/login or complete our Change my insurance: Industry Super form.

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 1 of 2 1223.4 08-23 ISS16
Step 4: Increase or reduce your cover (Manual, non-manual or professional only)
Choose how much death and TPD cover you want, up to the maximum limit for your age including the automatic cover applicable to you.
See the Death and disability insurance guide (Industry Super) for how much cover each unit provides under your occupation category. To completely cancel
your cover, log in to your account at cbussuper.com.au/login or complete the Change my insurance: Industry Super form available from our website.

Are you in a non-manual or professional occupation? You need to tell us that you want automatic cover before you can take up this offer.
Simply make your election when you join or anytime at cbussuper.com.au/want-cover.

Option 1: If you work in a manual occupation

Cost of 1 unit per week

Death units: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age 15-24: $1.05 Age 25-34: $1.13
Age 35-49: $1.51 Age 50+: $2.06

TPD units: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cost of 1 unit per week

Age 15-24: $0.75 Age 25-34: $1.68
Limits for age: 15-20 21-34 35-39 40-44 Over 45 Age 35-49: $2.33 Age 50+: $2.80

Your TPD cover can’t exceed the limits for your age. If it does, we’ll process your application based on the maximum allowed for your age.

Option 2: If you work in a non-manual or professional occupation

Cost of 1 unit per week

Death units: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age 15-24: $0.62 Age 25-34: $0.67
Age 35-49: $1.15 Age 50+: $1.73

Cost of 1 unit per week

TPD units: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age 15-24: $0.28 Age 25-34: $0.68
Age 35-49: $1.35 Age 50+: $1.67

Step 5: Reduce your cover (Electech only)

Choose to decrease your Death and TPD cover below.
See the Death and disability insurance guide (Industry Super) for how much cover each unit provides for your occupation category.
You can choose to increase your cover via your online account at cbussuper.com.au/login or complete the Change my insurance: Industry Super form
available from our website.

Cost of 1 unit per week

Death units: 1 Age 15-24: $0.74 Age 25-34: $0.82 Age 35-49: $1.34 Age 50+: $1.76

Cost of 1 unit per week

TPD units: 1 Age 15-24: $0.52 Age 25-34: $1.18 Age 35-49: $1.92 Age 50+: $2.35

Step 6: Sign and date this form

I’m eligible for Cbus Industry Super membership, agree to the terms and conditions in the trust deed and I confirm that:
¡ I understand that to apply for an increase in cover above the automatic insurance amount, this form must be provided with my Join Cbus Industry Super
form when I join my first Cbus Super employer. Subject to Cbus Super’s insurer accepting my application, the insurance cover I’ve applied for above the
default level of cover will start from the later of:
– ­ the first day of the period for which Cbus Super receives an on-time compulsory super payment, or
– ­ the date I sign this form.
¡ Any extra cover I select may be restricted if my employer doesn’t pay my super on time. And if my employer pays my super more than six months after
I joined my first Cbus Super employer, I may be asked for more information to work out if I can get cover.
¡ My election to keep insurance cover (step 6 of the Join Cbus Industry Super form) will apply to the death and TPD cover I have and will continue even if
my level or type of cover changes in the future (unless it stops for any other reason).
¡ I’ve read the Trustee’s Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement at cbussuper.com.au/privacy and I consent to the collection, use and
disclosure of my personal and sensitive information as described in that statement.
¡ I’ve answered all questions truthfully and correctly to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my insurance may be affected and I may not be entitled to
claim an insurance payment if my answers on this form are shown to be inaccurate or false. I acknowledge the insurer has the right to verify my answers.
Sign here: Date
D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y

Cbus Super 1300 361 784 cbusenq@cbussuper.com.au Visit us in person in Adelaide, Brisbane,
Locked Bag 5056 8am to 8pm (AEST/AEDT) cbussuper.com.au Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Monday to Friday Log in to chat to us online Details: cbussuper.com.au/contact

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 2 of 2 1223.4 08-23 ISS16
Combine your super OPTIONAL

into Cbus Super

It's easier than ever to sort out your super
If you’ve had more than one job, you could have more than one super account. And this means
you’re probably paying more fees than you need to.

Why combine your super into Cbus Super?

Save on fees. You pay fees for every super account you own. We keep costs low so more of your super stays
where it belongs: in your super account.

Insurance for your industry. With more than one super fund, you could be paying for more than one
insurance policy. And other super funds may not cover high-risk working conditions such as working from heights,
underground or in confined spaces.

8.89 Benefit from strong long-term returns. Our Growth (My Super) investment option has delivered an
average of 8.89% each year for the past 39 years.*

Keep track of your super. One super account is easier to manage.

We invest in your industries. Through long-term projects like Cbus Property developments† we create
jobs for our members.

It’s easier than ever before

Transferring your super is easy and we can also help you find any lost super.
Two ways to combine your super
1. Combine online OR 2. Complete the attached form
The easiest way to combine your super is online. Simply Send the form back to us at
log into your online account at cbussuper.com.au/login Cbus Super, Locked Bag 5056, Parramatta NSW 2124
and go to Consolidate your super. Or you can email your form to us.
Visit cbussuper.com.au/cs/id to learn how.

If you need help finding your super or completing the form, call us on 1300 361 784 and we can help you over the phone. You can also visit your
nearest Cbus Super front counter or arrange for a Cbus Super Coordinator to meet with you. Go to cbussuper.com.au/contact for details.

Watch our How to consolidate your super explainer video at cbussuper.com.au/knowhow to learn more.

From inception in 1984 to 30 June 2023. The average annual return is based on the crediting rate, which is returns minus investment fees, taxes and until 31 January 2020,
the percentage-based administration fee. Excludes administration fees and insurance costs. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Cbus Property Pty Ltd is a wholly-owned entity of Cbus Super and is responsible for the development and management of a portfolio of Cbus Super’s property

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super).
Use of ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘the Trustee’ is a reference to United Super Pty Ltd. Page 1 of 4 1500.0 08-23 ISS7
Important information about combining your super
Things to consider when combining your super This form won’t change where your employer
Combining your super can save you money and hassle, but there are pays your super into
a few important things to check first: Using this form won’t change the fund your employer pays your super
■ Fees and costs – Will the fund you’re transferring from charge any contributions into. To do that, speak to your employer and provide
fees? How do fees and insurance premiums compare? This can them with a completed I want my super paid into Cbus Super form,
make a big difference to how much you have when you retire. available at cbussuper.com.au/forms.
■ Insurance cover – Will you lose any insurance cover or other You need to provide proof of identity to search
benefits? And are you eligible for enough insurance cover and other
benefits with your chosen fund? You may be able to transfer your
for other super
insurance to Cbus Super before you close that account (see below). There's three options for this:
■ Contributions – Can your employer contribute to your chosen fund? 1. Electronic ID (see step 3 in this form)
■ Performance – How have both funds performed over the medium
The easiest way to provide proof of identity is to complete step 3
to longer term? (But remember, past performance is not an of this form. You'll need your Medicare card and drivers licence or
indicator of future performance.) passport so we can verify your identity electronically.
■ Advice – Will access to financial advice about your account be
available as part of your membership? 2. By email (Selfie ID)

Transfer your insurance cover first  mail us a photo of you holding your Australian drivers licence, as
well as a clear photo of the back of your drivers licence.
If you’re going to apply to transfer your insurance cover to Cbus Super, OR
don’t submit this form until the insurer accepts your application. Email us a photo of you holding your passport. The selfie needs to
be close up so we can read the writing on your ID.
Visit cbussuper.com.au/insurance for more information about
insurance through Cbus Super. To check if you’re eligible to transfer
3. By post (Certified ID)
cover to Cbus Super, use the Transfer my other insurance form at
cbussuper.com.au/forms. Send certified copies* of these documents to us by post:
1. Australian drivers licence (both sides) OR Australian passport.
Providing your TFN 2. One of the following: birth certificate/extract†, citizenship
You don't have to give us your TFN, but if you don't, you may be taxed certificate or government-issued concession card.
at a higher rate and we won’t be able to search for other super you 3. One of the following:
- phone, electricity, gas or water bill (from past three months)
might have. Learn more at cbussuper.com.au/tfn.
- bank statement that includes your name and address
Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, we're (from the past six months)
authorised to collect your TFN, which will only be used for lawful - Australian Taxation Office notice or council rates notice
purposes. These purposes may change in the future as a result of (from the past 12 months).
legislative change. Your TFN may be shared with another super *
Your documents can't be expired, though an Australian passport can be used
provider, when your benefits are being transferred, unless you if it expired within the past two years.
request in writing that your TFN is not shared. †
The name on your birth certificate/extract needs to match the name on your
Cbus Super account.
Combining a self managed super fund Read the Identification requirements brochure at
If you're combining your SMSF super balance into your Cbus Super cbussuper.com.au/cs/id for further info.
account, you will need to provide us with the name, ABN and
Electronic Service Address (ESA) of your SMSF. Has your name changed or are you signing on
If you need an ESA, you can obtain this from: behalf of another person?
■ your SMSF Administrator, tax agent, accountant or bank; or You'll need to provide additional proof of identity. See the
■ a dedicated SMSF messaging provider – go to ato.gov.au for Identification requirements brochure at cbussuper.com.au/cs/id for
registered providers. more information.

This form cannot be used to:

¡ transfer benefits if you don’t know where your super is (but you can use this form to search for it)
¡ change the fund your employer pays your super contributions into
¡ open a super account, or
¡ transfer benefits under certain conditions or circumstances (e.g. if a super agreement under the Family Law Act 1975 is in place).

Cbus Super 1300 361 784 cbusenq@cbussuper.com.au Visit us in person in Adelaide, Brisbane,
Locked Bag 5056 8am to 8pm (AEST/AEDT) cbussuper.com.au Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 Monday to Friday Log in to chat to us online Details: cbussuper.com.au/contact

This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn’t account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions.
Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit cbussuper.com.au.
United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 2 of 4 1500.0 08-23 ISS7

Combine your super into Cbus Super

Please use black or blue pen and write in CAPITAL letters. Use an X in boxes where required.

Return your form to Cbus Super, Locked Bag 5056 Parramatta NSW 2124. Or email it to us – visit cbussuper.com.au/cs/id to learn how.
Step 1: Provide your personal details
Title Date of birth Gender
Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other D D / M M / Y Y Y Y X
Male X Female
Given name(s)

Family name

Home phone Mobile

( )
Email address (providing your email means you give us permission to use it)

Tax file number (if you haven’t already provided it)

You don’t have to give us your tax file number, but there may be tax consequences and
we won’t be able to search for lost super. Visit cbussuper.com.au/tfn for more details.
Residential address

Suburb/town State Postcode

Step 2: How do you want to combine your super?

I want Cbus Super to search for other super I might have Complete step 3
I’m ready to supply the details of my other super accounts Complete step 4

Step 3: Search for other super accounts

Tick the box below to give us permission to search for other super you might have, then make sure you also provide proof of your identity.
Cbus Super may use my TFN for the purpose of a SuperMatch search to find lost super held by the ATO and super with other funds (including any insurance
cover), then notify me of the results. Super held by the ATO will be rolled into my Cbus Super account. Super with other funds will be rolled over upon my request.
This permission will be ongoing and we will store it. You can change this permission at any time once you have set up your online account, or call us on
1300 361 784.

Proving your identity

You need to provide proof of your identity before we can search for your super (so we can make sure the super belongs to you). We will store the status
of your ID check for two years from the date it was successfully completed.
Do you want us to verify you electronically using Yes Provide details in Part 1 and Part 2 (below), then go to step 4.
independent data sources? (We’ll use the details you No Provide certified copies of your identity documents (see page 2). If your documents
provide below and other details on this form.) 
haven't been certified correctly, we’ll use your ID and other information on this form
Part 1: Medicare details to verify you electronically using independent data sources.
Full name including middle name as shown on card

Medicare number Valid to Your reference number on this card is

- - M M / Y Y Y Y
Part 2: Either Australian driver’s licence or Australian passport – you don’t need to supply both
Australian driver’s licence number Australian passport number

Full name including middle name as shown on licence Full name including middle name as shown on passport

Place of birth as shown on your passport

State of issue Expiry date

Country of birth (this isn’t shown on your passport)
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Card number (See cbussuper.com.au/IDhelp) Family name at birth (this isn’t shown on your passport)

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 3 of 4 1500.0 08-23 ISS7
Step 4: Other super account details
To transfer your super from more funds you can attach another This transfer may close your account and cancel any insurance cover or any other
form or log into your account and combine your super online. entitlements associated with that account (you need to check this with your FROM fund).

Transfer from fund details

FROM (transferring) Fund name

Membership or account number Fund phone number Australian business number (ABN)

Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) (not required for SMSF transfers) For SMSF transfers only Electronic Service Address (ESA)

Whole or partial Whole balance – Partial – transfer $ , , .

balance rollover this will close your other super account. this amount:
Transfer from fund details (if transferring from a second fund)
FROM (transferring) Fund name

Membership or account number Fund phone number Australian business number (ABN)

Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) (not required for SMSF transfers) For SMSF transfers only Electronic Service Address (ESA)

Whole or partial Whole balance – Partial – transfer $ , , .

balance rollover this will close your other super account. this amount:
Transfer from fund details (if transferring from a third fund)
FROM (transferring) Fund name

Membership or account number Fund phone number Australian business number (ABN)

Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) (not required for SMSF transfers) For SMSF transfers only Electronic Service Address (ESA)

Whole or partial Whole balance – Partial – transfer $ , , .

balance rollover this will close your other super account. this amount:

TO (receiving) CBUS SUPER

Fund name
Membership or
account number
Fund phone number 1 3 0 0 3 6 1 7 8 4
Australian business Unique Superannuation
number (ABN) 75 493 363 262 Identifier (USI) CBU0100AU

Step 5: Sign and date this form

By signing this request form I confirm: – I request a transfer of super as described above and authorise the
¡ I have fully read this form and the information completed is true and correct. provider of each fund to action this transfer.
¡ I have read and understand the important information I need to consider ¡ If I return this form by email, I acknowledge and declare that I have read
when transferring my super (see page 2). and accepted the terms and conditions of the Combine your super into
¡ I have considered where my future employer contributions will be paid. Cbus Super form and I acknowledge that if I have not applied my physical or
¡ If I have provided it, I consent to my tax file number being disclosed for the electronic signature:
purposes of consolidating my account. – If Cbus Super is satisfied that this is a genuine application, Cbus Super
¡ If I have provided the details of other super accounts I want to transfer into will process the request, including making a payment from my account if I
Cbus Super: have requested one.
– I’m aware I can ask my other super fund/s for information about any fees – In some cases, Cbus Super may request more information to be satisfied
or charges that may apply, or any other information about the impact this this is a genuine application.
transfer may have on my benefits, and I’ve obtained or do not require any
further information. Privacy
– I understand that the other super fund will no longer have any liability for Refer to our Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement at
my account once it’s transferred to Cbus Super. cbussuper.com.au/privacy for details about how we collect and disclose
– I understand that any insurance I have with my other super fund will stop personal information or call 1300 361 784 for a copy.
and if I have applied to transfer this insurance cover to Cbus Super, I have
waited for the insurer to accept my application before submitting this form.

Sign here: Date

D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). Page 4 of 4 1500.0 08-23 ISS7
Specialist Fund of the Year, again and again
We are proud to have received the
Chant West Specialist Fund of the Year award
yet again, and for the fourth year running.

Please visit cbussuper.com.au/awards for details of these and our many other awards.

The Zenith CW Pty Ltd ABN 20 639 121 403 AFSL 226872/AFS Rep No. 1280401 Chant West rating
(assigned January 2023) is limited to General Advice only and has been prepared without considering
your objectives or financial situation, including target markets where applicable. The rating is not a
recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product and is subject to change at any time without
notice. You should seek independent advice and consider the PDS or offer document before making
any investment decisions. Ratings have been assigned based on third party data. Liability is not
accepted, whether direct or indirect, from use of the rating. Past performance is not an indication of
future performance. Refer to chantwest.com.au for full ratings information and FSG. Chant West
Awards issued 17 May 2023 are solely statements of opinion and not a recommendation in relation
to making any investment decisions. Awards are current for 12 months and subject to change at any
time. Awards for previous years are for historical purposes only. Full details on Chant West Awards at

Contact us
1300 361 784 8am to 8pm Cbus Super,
(AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday, Locked Bag 5056
closed on national public holidays PARRAMATTA NSW 2124

cbusenq@cbussuper.com.au Visit us in person in Adelaide, Brisbane,

cbussuper.com.au Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
Log in to chat to us online Details: cbussuper.com.au/contact

Temporary card (at 26 Aug 2023) This card does not confirm active membership o
acceptance by the insurer of your application for
Member number
Call us on 1300 361 784 to confirm this.

Given name(s) Complete and detach this temporary card.

You'll receive a permanent member card
Family name after your first payment.
Signature Cbus Super Trustee: United Super Pty Ltd. ABN 46 0
Cbus ABN 75 493 363 262 cbussuper.com.au

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