Module 3 - GSR
Module 3 - GSR
Module 3 - GSR
IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, known for its low-power consumption, is considered less favored
for WBANs currently, though some arguments exist in its favor.
The following network topologies are applicable to personal low-power radio networks:
Broadcast: environment where a message is sent from a device in the hope that it is
received by a receiver within range. The broadcaster does not receive signals;
Mesh: environment where a message can be relayed from one point in a network to
any other by hopping through multiple nodes;
Star: environment where a central device can communicate with a number of
connected devices;
Scanning: environment where a scanning device is constantly in receive mode,
waiting to pick up a signal from anything transmitting within range;
Point-to-point: in this mode, a one-to-one connection exists, where only two devices
are connected over the communication path
Zigbee uses IEEE 802.15.4 at phy layer & medium access control layer (PHY & MAC).
ZigBee networks support various topologies including star, mesh, and cluster-tree,
allowing for flexible device connectivity.
These network capabilities enable ZigBee networks to accommodate over 65,000
devices within a single wireless network.
ZigBee facilitates low-latency communication between devices without the need for
initial network synchronization delays commonly associated with Bluetooth.
ZigBee is capable of forming self-healing wireless mesh networks, enhancing
reliability and resilience in communication.
ZigBee mesh networks overcome distance and range limitations, allowing all devices
to communicate with each other and act as repeaters for data transmission between
Features of Zigbee Pro:
- Low power consumption
- Supports large networks with thousands of devices
- ZigBee PRO introduces new application profiles such as automatic meter
reading, commercial building automation, and home automation.
- ZigBee PRO can automatically fragment and reassemble larger messages at
receiving nodes. So, less overhead
LR-WPANs (Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks) applications demand technology
that is
highly reliable,
offers long battery life, lasting for months or even years.
Automatic or semi-automatic installation is also essential.
1. PHY Layer Features: The PHY layer specifies network interface components,
parameters, and operations. It includes features like
Receiver Energy Detection (RED),
Link Quality Indicator (LQI), and
Clear Channel Assessment (CCA).
it supports various low-power features such as low-duty cycle operations,
strict power management, and low transmission overhead.
2. Addressing Modes: IEEE 802.15.4 defines addressing modes allowing the use of
either IEEE 64-bit extended addresses or 16-bit addresses unique within the PAN
after an association event.
3. MAC Layer Operation: The MAC layer handles network association and
disassociation, regulates access to the medium, and operates in two modes:
beaconing and nonbeaconing. Beaconing mode is for environments with an always
active device, while nonbeaconing mode uses unslotted, nonpersistent CSMA-based
MAC protocol.
4. Network Layer: Provides functionalities like
network routing,
device discovery,
association and disassociation,
topology management,
MAC layer management, and
routing and security management.
It supports three network topologies: star, mesh, and cluster tree.
5. Security Layer: Leverages IEEE 802.15.4 security model for infrastructure security
and application data security.
6. Application Layer: Comprises the Application Support Sublayer (APS), ZigBee Device
Object (ZDO), and manufacturer-defined application objects. The APS sublayer
maintains binding tables for devices based on their services and forwards messages
between bound devices.
Data Modulation Modulation
Freq Band Spreading Code Scheme Data Rate Chip Rate Scheme
BPSK with
15-chip m- differential
868 MHz sequence encoding 20 Kbps 300 Kchips/s -
BPSK with
15-chip m- differential
915 MHz sequence encoding 40 Kbps 600 Kchips/s -
16-ary orthogonal O-QPSK with
modulation (O- half-sine pulse
2.4 GHz 32-chip PN codes QPSK) 250 Kbps 2.0 Mchips shaping
IEEE 802.15.4 defines four types of frames: (see Fig. 6.4). IMP ***
beacon frames,
MAC command frames,
acknowledgement frames, and
data frames.
IEEE 802.15.4 nw operate in either nonbeacon-enabled or beacon-enabled modes.
In beacon-enabled n/ws, devices synchronize themselves using a coordinator's
beacons, allowing the use of superframes within which a contention-free guaranteed
time service (GTS) is possible.
Nonbeacon-enabled nw use a contention-based channel access method of unslotted
carrier sense multiple access/collision detect (CSMA/CD) for sending data frames.
In nonbeacon-enabled nw, although beacons are not used for synchronization, they
are still valuable for link-layer device discovery, aiding in association and
disassociation events.
In order to accommodate the MAC protocol, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard distinguishes
devices based on their hardware complexity and capability. Accordingly, the standard
defines two classes of physical devices, namely:
Based on these physical device types, ZigBee defines a variety of logical device types. These
logical devices are distinguished based on their physical capabilities and the role they play in
the deployed network. There are three categories of logical devices:
1. Network Coordinator:
An FFD device responsible for network establishment and control.
Selects key parameters of network configuration and initiates network setup.
Stores network information and security keys.
2. Router:
An FFD device supporting data routing functionality.
Acts as an intermediate device, linking different network components.
Forwards messages between remote devices via multihop paths.
Can communicate with other routers and end devices.
3. End Devices:
RFD devices with minimal functionality, communicating only with the parent
node (coordinator or router).
Lack the capability to relay data messages to other end devices
A PAN coordinator is the designated principal controller of the WPAN. Every network has
exactly one PAN coordinator, selected from within all the coordinators of the network. A
coordinator is a network device configured to support network functionalities and additional
responsibilities, including:
1. Managing a list of all associated network devices;
2. Exchanging data frames with network devices and peer coordinator
3. Allocating 16-bit short addresses to network devices. The short addresses, assigned
on-demand, are used by the associated devices in lieu of the 64-bit addresses for
subsequent communications with the coordinator;
4. Generating, on a periodic basis, beacon frames. These frames are used to announce
the PAN identifier, the list of outstanding frames, and other network and device
Based on these logical device types, a ZigBee WPAN can be organized into one of three
topologies – star, mesh (peer-to-peer), cluster tree. (See Fig. 6.6.)
ZigBee WPAN Topologies:
1. Star Topology:
Supports a single coordinator with a maximum of 65,536 devices.
One FFD-type device serves as the network coordinator, while others act as
end devices.
Coordinator Responsibilities:
Initiates and maintains the end devices on the network.
End devices can communicate only with the coordinator upon
2. Mesh (Peer-to-Peer) Topology:
Enables path formation from any source device to any destination device.
Utilizes tree- and table-driven routing algorithms.
Routing: Allows for flexible routing between devices.
3. Cluster Tree Topology:
Supports peer-to-peer network formation with minimal routing overhead.
Utilizes multihop routing.
Self-organized structure with network redundancy.
Ensures fault resistance and self-repair.
Can comprise up to 255 clusters with 254 nodes each, totaling 64,770
Coordinator Assignment:
Any FFD can be a coordinator, but only one is selected for the PAN.
PAN coordinator forms the first cluster and assigns it a cluster identity
(CID) of value 0.
Subsequent clusters are formed with a designated cluster head for
each cluster.
Public Application Profiles (Profiles): These are agreements defining messages, message
formats, and processing actions.
ZigBee Device Object (ZDO): Provides an interface between application objects, profiles
(e.g., ZigBee Health Care), and the APS (Application Support Sublayer). Abstracts low-level
details, allowing developers to focus on application-specific code.
Specific Application Standards: These are like specific rules or protocols that ZigBee devices
follow for different tasks enabling smooth inter-operability and efficiency
IEEE 802.15.4 Security:
It requires a certain level of security for data transmission, specifically using the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES).
IEEE 11073 and PHHC Profile: This standard enables devices to establish connections, share
capabilities, and handle communication needs efficiently.
ZigBee RF4CE was standardized in 2009 by Sony, Philips, Panasonic, and Samsung.
Security key generation mechanism;
ZigBee RF4CE is primarily used as a device remote control system, particularly for
television set-top boxes, aiming to address common issues associated with infrared
(IR) technology such as interoperability, line-of-sight limitations, and limited
enhanced features.
Property IEEE 802.11 WLANs 802.15.1/Bluetooth 802.15.4/ZigBee
Power consumption Medium Low Very low
Range ∼250 m (802.11n) ∼10 to 100 m ∼10 m
Bluetooth Version 1.2: Introduced a maximum data rate of 1 Mbps, resulting in an effective
throughput of about 723 Kbps. This version provided basic wireless connectivity but had
limitations in data transmission speed.
Bluetooth Version 2 (Bluetooth 2.0+EDR): Ratified in late 2004, this version introduced
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) technology. With EDR, the maximum data rate increased to 3
Mbps, resulting in a throughput of 2.1 Mbps. Bluetooth 2.0+EDR also extended the range up
to 10 meters (and up to 100 meters with power boost).
Both older and newer Bluetooth devices can seamlessly work together without requiring any
special configuration or compatibility efforts. This ensures smooth communication between
devices of different Bluetooth versions.
Bluetooth Version Features
- Maintained backward compatibility with earlier Bluetooth versions
- Enhanced Bit Error Rate (BER) performance for more reliable data
Current chip designs support two types of BLE implementations—dual mode and single
Figure 6.8 - frequency plan associated with BLE
Figure shows various coexistence scenarios, such as in corporate settings, homes, or small
office home offices (SOHO) where Wi-Fi is utilized.
IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g specifications propose dividing the spectrum into 14 overlapping,
staggered channels with 5 MHz spacing. Channels 1, 6, and 11 (and optionally channel 14)
do not overlap, allowing multiple networks to operate in close proximity without
Figure 6.9 - The spectral mask for 802.11b requires the signal to be at least 30 dB down
from its peak energy at ±11 MHz from the center frequency and at least 50 dB down at ±22
MHz from the center frequency.
Each BLE channel is 2 MHz wide. However, the placement of ZigBee channels suggests that
only four channels are likely to be free in typical Wi-Fi network settings, where channels 1,
6, and 11 are common defaults.
With a signaling data rate of 250 Kbps and no hopping capability, ZigBee faces the risk of
packet nondelivery in congested Wi-Fi environments.
Devices that operate solely on Bluetooth v4.0 without implementing other versions are
known as single-mode devices.
Bluetooth has traditionally been used in health care primarily for connecting various
medical devices together.
The development of the Bluetooth Health Device Profile (HDP) marks a shift in the use of
Bluetooth in health care.
Under Bluetooth, a profile defines the characteristics and features, including the
function, of a Bluetooth system.
HDP facilitates the connection of application data source devices (e.g., blood pressure
monitors, weight scales, glucose meters) to application data sink devices (e.g., mobile
phones, laptops, desktop computers, health appliances) without requiring cables.
HDP supports a variety of medical devices, including blood pressure monitors, weight
scales, glucose meters, thermometers, and pulse oximeters.
HDP can be combined with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to ensure that medical devices
can remain operational for extended periods, even months or years.
The use of HDP with Bluetooth enables wireless connectivity between medical devices
and data collection devices, enhancing convenience and mobility in health care settings.
6.2.3 LTE
The EPS is the key element provided by LTE/SAE, encompassing both LTE and SAE
It provides users with IP connectivity to a packet data network, enabling access to
the Internet and supporting services like streaming video.
Components of EPS: *** (Overall network architecture of EPS n/w elements)
1. New Air Interface E-UTRAN (Evolved UTRAN):
E-UTRAN, or evolved UTRAN, represents the new air interface introduced
with LTE.
It encompasses the radio access network (RAN) components, including base
stations (eNodeBs), that facilitate wireless communication between User
Equipment (UE) and the core network.
2. Evolved Packet Core (EPC) Network:
The EPC network forms the backbone of the LTE/SAE architecture.
It comprises various network elements responsible for handling packet-
switched traffic and managing user sessions.
Components of the EPC include the Mobility Management Entity (MME),
Serving Gateway (SGW), Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW), and others.
Advantages of IPv6 IMP ***
Advantage Description
IPv6 utilizes 128-bit addresses compared to IPv4's 32-bit addresses, offering
a significantly larger address space.
Scalability and While IPv4 provides approximately 4.3 billion addresses, IPv6 offers over 340
expanded addressing undecillion addresses, providing ample room for the growing number of
capabilities devices on the Internet.
IPv6 features a "plug-and-play" mechanism that enables automatic
configuration of network equipment without the need for a dedicated
server. This simplifies the process of connecting devices to the network,
reducing manual configuration efforts and ensuring seamless integration
"Plug-and-play" into the network infrastructure.
IPv6 allows nodes to have multiple IPv6 addresses on the same network
interface, facilitating the creation of overlay or communities of interest (COI)
Support for multiple networks.
IPv6 addresses on This enables users to establish specific networks with their own security
one interface policies, enhancing flexibility and security in network configurations.
IPv6 includes built-in security features such as payload encryption and
source authentication. With mandatory IP Security (IPsec) implementation,
IPv6 promotes end-to-end security, allowing hosts to provide security
services for data traffic between them.
This results in greater flexibility in creating policy-based trust domains based
Enhanced security on various parameters.
VPN deployment is easier and more standardized in IPv6 due to features like
Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP)
extension headers.
Simplified Virtual IPv6 VPN implementation incurs lower performance penalties compared to
Private Network IPv4, making it an attractive option for secure communication over
(VPN) deployment networks.
IPv6 removes unused or obsolete IPv4 characteristics, resulting in a better-
optimized protocol. Merging networks with overlapping addresses, a
complex task in IPv4, becomes simpler with IPv6, facilitating organizational
Optimized protocol mergers or network expansions.
IPv6 includes "labeled flows" to better support real-time traffic like VoIP and
IPTV. Routers can identify end-to-end flows, similar to MPLS, enhancing
quality of service without additional overhead.
Support for real-time This feature preceded MPLS and is intrinsic to the IPv6 mechanism,
applications providing efficient support for real-time applications.
IPv6 incorporates more efficient mobility mechanisms, especially for mobile
IP and mobile computing devices. Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6), defined in RFC 3775,
Enhanced mobility offers robust support for mobile devices and is increasingly deployed,
support ensuring seamless connectivity and efficient mobility management.
Streamlined header IPv6 features a streamlined header format and efficient flow identification,
format and flow optimizing packet processing and enhancing network performance.
Advantage Description
IPv6 is designed to be extensible, offering support for new options and
This allows for the integration of future technologies and standards,
ensuring the longevity and adaptability of the IPv6 protocol in evolving
Extensibility network environments.
IMP ***
However, Broadcast as a specific addressing type has been eliminated; in its place
support for multicast addressing has been expanded and made a required part of the
A new type of addressing called anycast has also been implemented. In addition,
there are a number of special IPv6 addresses.
Types of transmissions:
o Unicast transmission: “send to this one specific address”
o Anycast transmission: “send to any one member of this specific group.” Typically
(motivated by efficiency goals), the transmission occurs to the closest (in routing
terms) member of the group. Generally one interprets anycast to mean “send to
the closest member of this specific group.”
IMP ***
An IPv6 packet, also known as an IPv6 datagram, comprises an IPv6 header and an
IPv6 payload.
The IPv6 header consists of two parts: the IPv6 base header and optional extension
Functionally, the optional extension headers and upper-layer protocols, such as TCP,
are considered part of the IPv6 payload.
The IPv6 base header fields are detailed in Table 7.4.
IPv4 headers and IPv6 headers are not directly interoperable; hosts and routers must
implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to recognize and process both header formats.
This lack of interoperability creates complexities in the migration process between
IPv4 and IPv6 environments.
The IPv6 header is streamlined and defined to be a fixed length of 40 bytes.
In IPv6, several IPv4 header fields have been removed, renamed, or moved to
optional IPv6 extension headers.
The IPv4 "type of service" field is equivalent to the IPv6 "traffic class" field.
The "total length" field in IPv4 has been replaced with the "payload length" field in
IPv6 only allows fragmentation to be performed by the source and destination
nodes, not individual routers, leading to changes in segment control fields.
The "time to live (TTL)" field in IPv4 is replaced by the "hop limit" field in IPv6.
The "protocol" field in IPv4 is replaced by the "next header type" field in IPv6.
The "header checksum" field was removed in IPv6 to save processing time at relays.
The "options" field from IPv4 headers is no longer part of the IPv6 header; instead,
options are specified in optional IPv6 extension headers.
Removing the options field from the header enhances routing efficiency by
processing only necessary information.
IPv6 tunneling establishes a "virtual link" between two IPv6 nodes for transmitting
data packets as payloads of IPv6 packets.
This virtual link, known as an IPv6 tunnel, appears as a point-to-point link from the
perspective of the two nodes, with IPv6 acting like a link-layer protocol.
The two IPv6 nodes involved in tunneling have specific roles:
The encapsulator node, AKA tunnel entry-point node, encapsulates original
packets received from other nodes or itself and forwards the resulting tunnel
packets through the tunnel.
The decapsulator node, AKA tunnel exit point, decapsulates the received
tunnel packets and forwards the resulting original packets toward their
destinations, possibly itself.
IPv6 tunnels are unidirectional mechanisms, meaning tunnel packet flow occurs in
one direction between the IPv6 tunnel entry-point and exit-point nodes.
Bidirectional tunneling is achieved by configuring two tunnels, each in opposite
directions, where the entry-point node of one tunnel serves as the exit-point node of
the other tunnel.
IPsec provides network-level security by encapsulating application data within IPv6
IPsec consists of two protocols: ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), which provides
integrity and confidentiality, and AH (Authentication Header), which provides
AH and ESP headers may be used separately or in combination to provide security.
With ESP, IPsec offers integrity, data origin authentication, confidentiality, and
optional anti-replay features.
ESP also provides limited traffic flow confidentiality.
IPsec can be implemented in two modes:
Tunnel mode: The protocol is applied to the entire IP packet, ensuring
security over the entire packet. A new IPv6 header and an AH or ESP header
are wrapped around the original IP packet.
Transport mode: The protocol is applied only to the transport layer (e.g., TCP,
UDP, ICMP), with an IPv6 header and AH or ESP header followed by the
transport protocol data.
Ongoing work in the IETF aims to address issues like highly scalable multihoming
support for IPv6 sites and IP-layer interworking between IPv6-only and IPv4-only
IPv6/IPv4 interworking at the application layers is managed within the dual-stack
model of IPv6 deployment, where either end of an application session has dual-stack
connectivity or a dual-stack intermediary interfaces with both IPv4-only and IPv6-
only hosts or applications.