Saint Anselm College Survey Center June 28-29, 2024

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June 28-29, 2024

Neil Levesque, Executive Director

Tauna Sisco, Ph. D, Faculty Advisor

3 Survey Notes
4 Questions Tested
7 Summary
8 Charts
10 Weighted Marginals
15 Weighted Tables
33 Weighted Demographics
36 About SACSC

2 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Survey Notes
These results are from a Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll based on online surveys of
1746 New Hampshire registered voters. Surveys were collected between June 28th and 29th,
2024, from cell phone users randomly drawn from a sample of registered voters reflecting the
demographic and partisan characteristics of the voting population. Names were presented in
random order for the favorability and ballot questions. The survey has an overall margin of
sampling error of +/- 2.3% with a confidence interval of 95%. The data are weighted for age,
gender, geography, and education based on a voter demographic model derived from historical
voting patterns, but are not weighted by party registration or party identification.

Questions Tested
Would you say that things in our country are heading in the right direction, or have
things gotten off on the wrong track?
• Right Track
• Wrong Track
• Unsure

If the election for Congress were held today, for which candidate would you likely vote?
• Democratic
• Republican
• Other
• Unsure

What is your opinion of Joe Biden?

What is your opinion of Donald Trump?
• Strongly Favorable
• Somewhat Favorable
• Somewhat Unfavorable
• Strongly Unfavorable
• No Opinion
• Never Heard Of

Which of the below issues is most important in determining how you vote?
• Abortion
• Crime
• Economy/Inflation
• Education
• Elections/Voting
• Environment/Climate
• Government Spending/Taxes
• Gun Regulation
• Health Care
• Immigration
• Israel/Palestine
• National Security
• Russian/Chinese Expansionism
• Other _______

4 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Did you watch the Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

Have you seen, read or heard anything about the debate between Joe Biden and Donald
Trump? (Didn't watch ONLY)
• Yes
• No

Based on watching or what you have seen, read or heard, who do you believe won the
debate? (Aware of debate ONLY)
• Joe Biden
• Donald Trump
• Neither
• Unsure

Will the debate affect for whom you choose to vote for President? (Aware of debate
• Yes
• No

Does Joe Biden’s age make it more likely or less likely that you would vote for him for

Does Donald Trump’s status as the only former President convicted of a felony make it
more likely or less likely that you would vote for him for President?
• Much more likely
• Somewhat more likely
• Somewhat less likely
• Much less likely
• No difference

If the Presidential election were held today, for whom would you vote?
• Joe Biden
• Donald Trump
• Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
• Chase Oliver
• Jill Stein
• Cornel West
• Someone Else
• Unsure

Are you committed to your vote, or could your preference change between now and
Election Day?
• Committed
• Could change

6 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

New Hampshire Institute of Politics Executive Director Neil Levesque summarized the results, saying,
“After a remarkable six months that saw him swiftly dispatch his primary rivals and become the first
former President to be convicted of a felony, Donald Trump has erased a ten-point polling deficit and
now leads President Joe Biden by a narrow 2-point margin. However, with 17 percent of voters
having an unfavorable opinion of both candidates, this race is likely to remain volatile all the way to
the finish.”

Both candidates are extremely unpopular, but former President Donald Trump is marginally more
popular than his successor, President Joe Biden. Biden carries a favorable opinion among 39% of
respondents against 59% unfavorable, while Trump is viewed favorably by 42% and unfavorably by 57%.

Trump’s marginal popularity edge translates into a slight ballot lead. If the election were held today,
respondents would support Trump over Biden, 44%-42%.

Biden underperforms Democratic registration strength and a Democratic generic ballot advantage.
Biden trails by 2 points on the ballot despite the Democratic Party carrying a narrow edge on registration
over Republicans (32%-31%), party identification (47%-46%), and on the generic ballot (46%-43%).

Biden does lead among voters that dislike both candidates. 30% of respondents who have an
unfavorable opinion of both currently support Biden versus 13% that support Trump.

However, more Democratic than Republican voters are bleeding off to independent candidates. 89%
of Republicans have consolidated behind Trump, while Biden garners only 82% of Democrats.

Biden will need to firm up very liberal voters to win. He is currently getting only 67% of this ideological
cohort, while 15% report that they are unsure for whom they will vote.

Trump leads among the key middle. Trump enjoys the support of moderates (44%-38%), undeclared
voters (40%-38%), and swing voters (39%-21%).

Trump punches above Republican strength in the Second Congressional District, which may portend
a competitive race for the open House seat. The former President leads in the First Congressional
District, 44%-42%, which is in line with the Republican Party’s registration edge in that district. However, he
also leads in the more rural Second, 43%-41%, despite a 4-point party registration deficit.


Presidential Preference
Biden Trump
50% 49% 49%

40% 39% 42%




June 2023 December 2023 June 2024

8 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

More Less No Difference

No Difference

More Less No Difference


No Difference 22%


Weighted Marginals

June 28-29, 2024 | n = 1746 | New Hampshire Registered Voters | MoE +/- 2.3%

Would you say that things in our country are heading in the right direction, or have things gotten
off on the wrong track?

Frequency Percent
Right Track 462 26
Wrong Track 1136 65
Unsure 148 8
Total 1746 100

If the election for Congress were held today, for which candidate would you likely vote?

Frequency Percent
Democratic 805 46
Republican 758 43
Other 26 1
Unsure 157 9
Total 1746 100

What is your opinion of Joe Biden?

Frequency Percent
Strongly Favorable 287 16
Somewhat Favorable 393 23
Somewhat Unfavorable 147 8
Strongly Unfavorable 888 51
No Opinion 28 2
Never Heard Of 4 0
Favorable 680 39
Unfavorable 1035 59
No Opinion 31 2
Total 1746 100

10 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Marginals

What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Frequency Percent
Strongly Favorable 492 28
Somewhat Favorable 241 14
Somewhat Unfavorable 57 3
Strongly Unfavorable 942 54
No Opinion 8 0
Never Heard Of 5 0
Favorable 733 42
Unfavorable 1000 57
No Opinion 13 1
Total 1746 100

Which of the below issues is most important in determining how you vote?

Frequency Percent
Economy/Inflation 461 26
Immigration 286 16
Abortion 259 15
National Security 122 7
Elections/Voting 112 6
Environment/Climate 97 6
Health Care 95 5
Government Spending/Taxes 65 4
Gun Regulation 61 3
Russian/Chinese Expansionism 46 3
Israel/Palestine 32 2
Crime 16 1
Education 15 1
Other 65 4
Unsure 15 1
Total 1746 100

Weighted Marginals

Did you watch the Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

Frequency Percent
Yes 1418 81
No 328 19
Total 1746 100

Have you seen, read or heard anything about the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
(Didn't watch ONLY)

Frequency Percent
Yes 310 94
No 18 6
Total 328 100

Based on watching or what you have seen, read or heard, who do you believe won the debate?
(Aware of debate ONLY)

Frequency Percent
Trump 927 54
Biden 99 6
Neither 674 39
Unsure 27 2
Total 1728 100

Will the debate affect for whom you choose to vote for President? (Aware of debate ONLY)

Frequency Percent
Yes 323 19
No 1404 81
Total 1728 100

12 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Marginals

Does Joe Biden’s age make it more likely or less likely that you would vote for him for President?

Frequency Percent
Much More 93 5
Somewhat More 68 4
Somewhat Less 251 14
Much Less 545 31
No Difference 790 45
More 161 9
Less 796 46
No Difference 790 45
Total 1746 100

Does Donald Trump’s status as the only former President convicted of a felony make it more likely
or less likely that you would vote for him for President?

Frequency Percent
Much More 329 19
Somewhat More 61 3
Somewhat Less 61 3
Much Less 692 40
No Difference 604 35
More 389 22
Less 753 43
No Difference 604 35
Total 1746 100

Weighted Marginals

If the Presidential election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Frequency Percent
Trump 760 44
Biden 731 42
Kennedy 68 4
Oliver 6 0
Stein 17 1
West 10 1
Someone Else 48 3
Unsure 106 6
Total 1746 100

Are you committed to your vote, or could your preference change between now and Election Day?

Frequency Percent
Committed 1333 76
Could Change 413 24
Total 1746 100

Unfavorable Opinion of Both Candidates

Frequency Percent
Unfavorable of Both 303 17
Favorable of One or Both 1443 83
Total 1746 100

14 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024


June 28-29, 2024 | n = 1746 | New Hampshire Registered Voters | MoE +/- 2.3%

Would you say that things in our country are heading in the right direction, or have things gotten off
on the wrong track?

Right Track Wrong Track Unsure

Gender Female 28% 61% 11%
Male 25% 69% 6%
Age 18-34 15% 68% 17%
35-54 21% 72% 7%
55-64 30% 63% 7%
65+ 35% 59% 6%
Education High School or Less 20% 71% 9%
Some College/Associates Degree 22% 69% 8%
College Graduate 31% 62% 7%
Graduate/Professional School 33% 56% 11%
Ideology Very Conservative 0% 99% 0%
Somewhat Conservative 9% 88% 3%
Moderate 29% 65% 6%
Somewhat Liberal 52% 34% 14%
Very Liberal 37% 42% 20%
Ideology Conservative 6% 92% 2%
Moderate 29% 65% 6%
Liberal 47% 37% 16%
Party Registration Democratic 52% 33% 15%
Republican 3% 95% 3%
Undeclared 24% 68% 8%
Party Democratic 52% 34% 14%
Republican 2% 96% 2%
Swing 18% 72% 9%
Region North Country/Lakes 22% 70% 8%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 25% 62% 13%
Merrimack Valley 27% 64% 8%
Seacoast/Border 28% 65% 7%
Congressional CD1 28% 64% 8%
CD2 25% 66% 9%
Committed to Committed 31% 62% 7%
Could Change 12% 74% 14%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 13% 79% 9%
Total 26% 65% 9%

Weighted Tables

If the election for Congress were held today, for which candidate would you likely vote?

Democratic Republican Other Unsure

Gender Female 53% 36% 2% 9%
Male 39% 51% 1% 9%
Age 18-34 46% 41% 1% 12%
35-54 45% 43% 3% 9%
55-64 41% 48% 1% 9%
65+ 50% 41% 1% 8%
Education High School or Less 36% 59% 5%
Some College/Associates Degree 41% 45% 3% 11%
College Graduate 52% 38% 1% 8%
Graduate/Professional School 56% 32% 1% 10%
Ideology Very Conservative 0% 98% 2%
Somewhat Conservative 11% 74% 2% 13%
Moderate 41% 33% 5% 22%
Somewhat Liberal 87% 7% 1% 6%
Very Liberal 91% 2% 2% 5%
Ideology Conservative 7% 81% 1% 10%
Moderate 41% 33% 5% 22%
Liberal 88% 5% 1% 5%
Party Registration Democratic 93% 3% 1% 3%
Republican 4% 90% 1% 5%
Undeclared 42% 38% 2% 18%
Party Democratic 91% 3% 1% 6%
Republican 3% 87% 1% 9%
Swing 29% 35% 7% 30%
Region North Country/Lakes 38% 51% 11%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 58% 35% 3% 4%
Merrimack Valley 48% 43% 1% 8%
Seacoast/Border 41% 46% 2% 11%
Congressional CD1 44% 43% 1% 11%
CD2 48% 43% 2% 7%
Committed to Committed 48% 48% 1% 4%
Could Change 42% 28% 4% 27%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 44% 22% 5% 28%
Total 46% 43% 1% 9%

16 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

What is your opinion of Joe Biden?

Favorable Unfavorable No Opinion

Gender Female 46% 51% 3%
Male 31% 68% 1%
Age 18-34 26% 64% 9%
35-54 34% 64% 1%
55-64 39% 61% 0%
65+ 49% 51%
Education High School or Less 27% 65% 8%
Some College/Associates Degree 38% 62%
College Graduate 41% 58% 0%
Graduate/Professional School 50% 49% 1%
Ideology Very Conservative 0% 100%
Somewhat Conservative 12% 87% 1%
Moderate 35% 64% 1%
Somewhat Liberal 77% 22% 0%
Very Liberal 61% 30% 9%
Ideology Conservative 8% 91% 0%
Moderate 35% 64% 1%
Liberal 72% 25% 3%
Party Registration Democratic 76% 20% 4%
Republican 5% 94% 1%
Undeclared 36% 63% 1%
Party Democratic 75% 22% 3%
Republican 4% 95% 1%
Swing 27% 71% 2%
Region North Country/Lakes 39% 61%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 37% 54% 10%
Merrimack Valley 42% 58% 0%
Seacoast/Border 37% 63% 1%
Congressional CD1 41% 59% 0%
CD2 37% 60% 3%
Committed to Committed 44% 55% 0%
Could Change 22% 72% 6%
Total 39% 59% 2%

Weighted Tables

What is your opinion of Joe Biden?

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Never Heard

Favorable Favorable Unfavorable Unfavorable No Opinion Of
Gender Female 21% 25% 7% 44% 3%
Male 11% 20% 10% 58% 0% 0%
Age 18-34 4% 23% 7% 57% 9%
35-54 12% 22% 12% 52% 0% 1%
55-64 19% 20% 7% 54% 0%
65+ 25% 24% 7% 44%
Education High School or Less 11% 16% 4% 61% 6% 1%
Some College/Associates Degree 16% 21% 8% 54%

College Graduate 18% 23% 10% 48% 0%

Graduate/Professional School 19% 31% 11% 38% 1%
Ideology Very Conservative 0% 0% 1% 98%
Somewhat Conservative 4% 8% 6% 81% 1%
Moderate 17% 17% 5% 59% 1%
Somewhat Liberal 31% 47% 11% 11% 0%
Very Liberal 30% 32% 16% 14% 9%
Ideology Conservative 3% 5% 5% 86% 0%
Moderate 17% 17% 5% 59% 1%
Liberal 30% 42% 13% 12% 3%
Party Registration Democratic 35% 41% 10% 9% 4%
Republican 1% 4% 3% 91% 1%
Undeclared 13% 23% 11% 52% 1%
Party Democratic 34% 41% 13% 9% 3%
Republican 1% 4% 4% 91% 0% 1%
Swing 4% 24% 9% 62% 2%
Region North Country/Lakes 13% 26% 5% 57%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 18% 18% 11% 42% 8% 1%
Merrimack Valley 17% 24% 9% 49% 0%
Seacoast/Border 16% 21% 8% 54% 1%
Congressional CD1 16% 26% 7% 51% 0%
CD2 17% 19% 9% 51% 3% 0%
Committed to Committed 20% 24% 4% 51% 0% 0%
Could Change 3% 19% 22% 50% 6%
Total 16% 22% 8% 51% 2% 0%

18 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable Unfavorable No Opinion

Gender Female 36% 64% 1%
Male 49% 51% 1%
Age 18-34 38% 60% 2%
35-54 43% 56% 1%
55-64 48% 52% 0%
65+ 39% 60% 1%
Education High School or Less 58% 42%
Some College/Associates Degree 44% 55% 1%
College Graduate 37% 62% 1%
Graduate/Professional School 29% 70% 1%
Ideology Very Conservative 96% 3% 1%
Somewhat Conservative 69% 30% 1%
Moderate 41% 57% 2%
Somewhat Liberal 6% 93% 1%
Very Liberal 0% 100%
Ideology Conservative 78% 22% 1%
Moderate 41% 57% 2%
Liberal 5% 95% 1%
Party Registration Democratic 3% 97%
Republican 87% 12% 0%
Undeclared 37% 62% 2%
Party Democratic 2% 97% 0%
Republican 83% 16% 1%
Swing 36% 61% 4%
Region North Country/Lakes 49% 49% 2%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 30% 69% 1%
Merrimack Valley 41% 58% 1%
Seacoast/Border 46% 54% 1%
Congressional CD1 42% 57% 1%
CD2 42% 57% 1%
Committed to Committed 48% 51% 0%
Could Change 22% 76% 2%
Total 42% 57% 1%

Weighted Tables

What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Never Heard

Favorable Favorable Unfavorable Unfavorable No Opinion Of
Gender Female 26% 10% 2% 61% 0% 0%
Male 31% 18% 4% 47% 0% 0%
Age 18-34 24% 14% 3% 57% 0% 2%
35-54 28% 15% 4% 53% 0% 0%
55-64 33% 14% 3% 49% 0%
65+ 27% 12% 3% 58% 1%
Education High School or Less 39% 19% 2% 40%
Some College/Associates Degree 31% 13% 3% 52% 1%

College Graduate 24% 13% 4% 58% 0% 1%

Graduate/Professional School 18% 11% 4% 66% 1% 1%
Ideology Very Conservative 82% 14% 2% 1% 1%
Somewhat Conservative 43% 26% 7% 24% 1%
Moderate 25% 17% 7% 49% 1% 1%
Somewhat Liberal 1% 6% 0% 93% 1%
Very Liberal 0% 2% 98%
Ideology Conservative 55% 23% 5% 17% 1%
Moderate 25% 17% 7% 49% 1% 1%
Liberal 1% 4% 1% 94% 1%
Party Registration Democratic 3% 1% 0% 96%
Republican 66% 21% 3% 9% 0%
Undeclared 18% 19% 6% 56% 1% 1%
Party Democratic 2% 1% 0% 97% 0%
Republican 58% 26% 5% 12% 1%
Swing 11% 24% 13% 47% 3% 1%
Region North Country/Lakes 30% 19% 3% 47% 2%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 21% 10% 4% 65% 1%
Merrimack Valley 25% 16% 3% 55% 0% 1%
Seacoast/Border 34% 12% 3% 50% 0% 0%
Congressional CD1 30% 12% 3% 54% 0% 1%
CD2 26% 16% 3% 54% 1%
Committed to Committed 35% 13% 1% 50% 0%
Could Change 6% 16% 9% 67% 2%
Total 28% 14% 3% 54% 0% 0%

20 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

Which of the below issues is most important in determining how you vote?


National Security



Gun Regulation

Health Care



Gender Female 24% 13% 21% 7% 5% 7% 7% 2% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 4% 1%
Male 29% 20% 8% 7% 8% 4% 4% 5% 4% 4% 2% 0% 1% 4% 1%
Age 18-34 24% 11% 27% 3% 5% 2% 4% 1% 9% 5% 6% 1% 1% 2%
35-54 35% 14% 12% 5% 6% 5% 7% 6% 1% 2% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1%
55-64 26% 19% 15% 9% 5% 6% 4% 4% 2% 2% 0% 1% 0% 6% 1%
65+ 20% 19% 13% 9% 8% 7% 6% 3% 4% 3% 1% 1% 1% 4% 1%
Education High School or 27% 22% 13% 9% 4% 1% 4% 4% 7% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2%
Some 30% 17% 12% 6% 5% 5% 8% 3% 2% 3% 2% 1% 0% 5% 1%
es Degree
College Graduate 26% 13% 18% 6% 8% 7% 3% 5% 3% 2% 3% 1% 1% 3% 0%

Graduate/Profes 21% 15% 15% 7% 9% 9% 6% 3% 3% 3% 2% 0% 2% 5% 1%

sional School
Ideology Very 33% 43% 2% 13% 1% 0% 4% 0% 2% 1%
Somewhat 43% 24% 6% 11% 3% 1% 1% 5% 1% 2% 0% 1% 0% 2% 1%
Moderate 26% 19% 10% 5% 8% 3% 6% 5% 3% 2% 4% 3% 1% 6%
Somewhat Liberal 15% 3% 24% 4% 11% 11% 8% 2% 9% 5% 0% 0% 1% 6% 1%

Very Liberal 7% 0% 32% 1% 11% 12% 14% 2% 3% 2% 9% 2% 4% 0%

Ideology Conservative 40% 30% 5% 11% 2% 1% 1% 5% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% 2% 1%
Moderate 26% 19% 10% 5% 8% 3% 6% 5% 3% 2% 4% 3% 1% 6%
Liberal 13% 2% 26% 3% 11% 11% 10% 2% 7% 4% 3% 0% 2% 6% 1%
Party Reg Democratic 14% 1% 27% 3% 12% 13% 9% 1% 5% 2% 3% 0% 2% 5% 1%
Republican 36% 34% 2% 13% 1% 0% 1% 5% 0% 2% 0% 1% 0% 2% 1%
Undeclared 29% 14% 14% 5% 6% 4% 6% 4% 5% 4% 2% 1% 1% 4% 0%
Party ID Democratic 14% 1% 28% 3% 12% 11% 9% 2% 5% 3% 3% 0% 1% 6% 1%
Republican 38% 31% 4% 11% 1% 0% 1% 5% 3% 2% 0% 1% 0% 2% 1%
Swing 33% 21% 4% 4% 5% 4% 9% 7% 1% 1% 2% 4% 1% 4%
Region North 23% 24% 9% 8% 4% 8% 9% 4% 3% 1% 1% 1% 7%
Monadnock/Dart 23% 12% 23% 6% 8% 5% 5% 4% 1% 1% 5% 1% 3% 0%
Merrimack Valley 24% 15% 15% 8% 6% 5% 5% 3% 6% 6% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1%
Seacoast/Border 31% 17% 13% 6% 7% 6% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 4% 1%
CD CD1 26% 18% 14% 8% 6% 5% 5% 4% 2% 3% 1% 1% 1% 4% 1%
CD2 27% 15% 16% 6% 6% 6% 6% 3% 5% 3% 3% 1% 0% 3% 0%
Committed Committed 25% 18% 14% 8% 8% 5% 5% 3% 4% 3% 1% 1% 1% 4% 1%
to Choice Could Change 32% 10% 18% 5% 3% 6% 7% 6% 3% 2% 4% 1% 2% 2%
Opinion Unfavorable of 33% 6% 13% 5% 5% 6% 7% 7% 4% 3% 9% 1% 0% 2% 1%
Total 26% 16% 15% 7% 6% 6% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 4% 1%

Weighted Tables

Did you watch the Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

Yes No
Gender Female 79% 21%
Male 84% 16%
Age 18-34 74% 26%
35-54 80% 20%
55-64 82% 18%
65+ 85% 15%
Education High School or Less 81% 19%
Some College/Associates Degree 80% 20%
College Graduate 85% 15%
Graduate/Professional School 77% 23%
Ideology Very Conservative 90% 10%
Somewhat Conservative 89% 11%
Moderate 80% 20%
Somewhat Liberal 79% 21%
Very Liberal 62% 38%
Ideology Conservative 89% 11%
Moderate 80% 20%
Liberal 73% 27%
Party Registration Democratic 74% 26%
Republican 91% 9%
Undeclared 79% 21%
Party Democratic 74% 26%
Republican 90% 10%
Swing 70% 30%
Region North Country/Lakes 83% 17%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 69% 31%
Merrimack Valley 84% 16%
Seacoast/Border 83% 17%
Congressional CD1 84% 16%
CD2 79% 21%
Committed to Committed 85% 15%
Could Change 69% 31%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 77% 23%
Total 81% 19%

22 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

Have you seen, read or heard anything about the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

Yes No
Gender Female 93% 7%
Male 96% 4%
Age 18-34 89% 11%
35-54 93% 7%
55-64 97% 3%
65+ 98% 2%
Education High School or Less 94% 6%
Some College/Associates Degree 91% 9%
College Graduate 99% 1%
Graduate/Professional School 95% 5%
Ideology Very Conservative 100%
Somewhat Conservative 95% 5%
Moderate 94% 6%
Somewhat Liberal 96% 4%
Very Liberal 92% 8%
Ideology Conservative 97% 3%
Moderate 94% 6%
Liberal 94% 6%
Party Registration Democratic 98% 2%
Republican 100%
Undeclared 89% 11%
Party Democratic 97% 3%
Republican 99% 1%
Swing 76% 24%
Region North Country/Lakes 79% 21%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 96% 4%
Merrimack Valley 93% 7%
Seacoast/Border 99% 1%
Congressional CD1 99% 1%
CD2 91% 9%
Committed to Committed 96% 4%
Could Change 91% 9%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 99% 1%
Total 95% 5%

Weighted Tables

Based on watching or what you have seen, read or heard, who do you believe won the debate?

Trump Biden Neither Unsure

Gender Female 44% 8% 46% 2%
Male 64% 3% 32% 1%
Age 18-34 51% 2% 44% 2%
35-54 58% 5% 35% 2%
55-64 56% 8% 33% 2%
65+ 48% 6% 45% 1%
Education High School or Less 65% 5% 29% 1%
Some College/Associates Degree 53% 6% 39% 1%
College Graduate 50% 5% 44% 1%
Graduate/Professional School 47% 7% 42% 4%
Ideology Very Conservative 98% 0% 2%
Somewhat Conservative 82% 1% 16% 1%
Moderate 48% 5% 44% 2%
Somewhat Liberal 19% 9% 69% 3%
Very Liberal 20% 15% 63% 2%
Ideology Conservative 87% 1% 12% 1%
Moderate 48% 5% 44% 2%
Liberal 19% 11% 67% 2%
Party Registration Democratic 14% 13% 70% 2%
Republican 92% 0% 7% 1%
Undeclared 54% 4% 39% 2%
Party Democratic 17% 12% 69% 2%
Republican 90% 0% 9% 1%
Swing 58% 1% 39% 2%
Region North Country/Lakes 57% 4% 36% 3%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 48% 5% 46% 1%
Merrimack Valley 50% 6% 42% 2%
Seacoast/Border 60% 6% 34% 0%
Congressional CD1 55% 6% 38% 2%
CD2 53% 5% 41% 1%
Committed to Committed 54% 7% 37% 1%
Could Change 51% 1% 46% 2%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 47% 2% 48% 3%
Total 54% 6% 39% 2%

24 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

Will the debate affect for whom you choose to vote for President?

Yes No
Gender Female 19% 81%
Male 19% 81%
Age 18-34 35% 65%
35-54 16% 84%
55-64 16% 84%
65+ 15% 85%
Education High School or Less 21% 79%
Some College/Associates Degree 20% 80%
College Graduate 17% 83%
Graduate/Professional School 18% 82%
Ideology Very Conservative 21% 79%
Somewhat Conservative 26% 74%
Moderate 19% 81%
Somewhat Liberal 8% 92%
Very Liberal 22% 78%
Ideology Conservative 24% 76%
Moderate 19% 81%
Liberal 13% 87%
Party Registration Democratic 12% 88%
Republican 21% 79%
Undeclared 23% 77%
Party Democratic 12% 88%
Republican 23% 77%
Swing 36% 64%
Region North Country/Lakes 24% 76%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 25% 75%
Merrimack Valley 15% 85%
Seacoast/Border 18% 82%
Congressional CD1 18% 82%
CD2 20% 80%
Committed to Committed 14% 86%
Could Change 35% 65%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 31% 69%
Total 19% 81%

Weighted Tables

Does Joe Biden’s age make it more likely or less likely that you would vote for him for President?

More Less No Difference

Gender Female 9% 42% 49%
Male 9% 49% 41%
Age 18-34 4% 58% 38%
35-54 5% 48% 48%
55-64 10% 46% 45%
65+ 16% 38% 46%
Education High School or Less 10% 45% 45%
Some College/Associates Degree 12% 43% 45%
College Graduate 7% 49% 44%
Graduate/Professional School 6% 45% 49%
Ideology Very Conservative 5% 59% 36%
Somewhat Conservative 8% 59% 34%
Moderate 17% 35% 48%
Somewhat Liberal 12% 34% 54%
Very Liberal 6% 33% 61%
Ideology Conservative 7% 59% 34%
Moderate 17% 35% 48%
Liberal 10% 34% 56%
Party Registration Democratic 14% 28% 58%
Republican 5% 58% 37%
Undeclared 8% 51% 41%
Party Democratic 12% 30% 58%
Republican 6% 60% 34%
Swing 13% 51% 36%
Region North Country/Lakes 11% 50% 39%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 10% 38% 52%
Merrimack Valley 9% 44% 46%
Seacoast/Border 8% 49% 43%
Congressional CD1 9% 46% 46%
CD2 10% 45% 45%
Committed to Committed 10% 39% 51%
Could Change 7% 66% 27%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 4% 78% 18%
Total 9% 46% 45%

26 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

Does Joe Biden’s age make it more likely or less likely that you would vote for him for President?

Somewhat Somewhat No
Much More More Less Much Less Difference
Gender Female 6% 3% 13% 29% 49%
Male 5% 4% 16% 34% 41%
Age 18-34 4% 19% 39% 38%
35-54 3% 1% 17% 30% 48%
55-64 7% 3% 12% 34% 45%
65+ 7% 9% 11% 27% 46%
Education High School or Less 4% 6% 15% 29% 45%
Some College/Associates Degree 8% 4% 11% 32% 45%
College Graduate 5% 3% 15% 33% 44%
Graduate/Professional School 3% 3% 17% 28% 49%
Ideology Very Conservative 4% 1% 4% 55% 36%
Somewhat Conservative 4% 3% 11% 48% 34%
Moderate 13% 5% 8% 26% 48%
Somewhat Liberal 5% 7% 24% 10% 54%
Very Liberal 4% 2% 16% 16% 61%
Ideology Conservative 4% 3% 9% 50% 34%
Moderate 13% 5% 8% 26% 48%
Liberal 5% 5% 21% 12% 56%
Party Registration Democratic 7% 7% 17% 11% 58%
Republican 4% 1% 8% 50% 37%
Undeclared 5% 3% 18% 33% 41%
Party Democratic 6% 6% 19% 11% 58%
Republican 5% 1% 10% 50% 34%
Swing 7% 7% 10% 41% 36%
Region North Country/Lakes 5% 7% 10% 40% 39%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 8% 2% 17% 21% 52%
Merrimack Valley 5% 4% 15% 29% 46%
Seacoast/Border 4% 4% 14% 35% 43%
Congressional CD1 5% 4% 13% 33% 46%
CD2 6% 4% 16% 29% 45%
Committed to Committed 6% 4% 11% 28% 51%
Could Change 3% 3% 24% 42% 27%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 3% 1% 27% 51% 18%
Total 5% 4% 14% 31% 45%

Weighted Tables

Does Donald Trump’s status as the only former President convicted of a felony make it more likely
or less likely that you would vote for him for President?

More Less No Difference

Gender Female 18% 46% 36%
Male 27% 40% 33%
Age 18-34 14% 41% 45%
35-54 23% 38% 40%
55-64 23% 44% 33%
65+ 25% 49% 26%
Education High School or Less 30% 26% 44%
Some College/Associates Degree 27% 43% 30%
College Graduate 17% 49% 34%
Graduate/Professional School 14% 53% 33%
Ideology Very Conservative 53% 3% 43%
Somewhat Conservative 36% 24% 41%
Moderate 22% 39% 39%
Somewhat Liberal 3% 75% 21%
Very Liberal 1% 62% 37%
Ideology Conservative 41% 17% 41%
Moderate 22% 39% 39%
Liberal 2% 71% 26%
Party Registration Democratic 2% 71% 27%
Republican 48% 10% 42%
Undeclared 18% 47% 35%
Party Democratic 3% 73% 24%
Republican 42% 12% 46%
Swing 23% 44% 33%
Region North Country/Lakes 34% 39% 28%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 17% 45% 38%
Merrimack Valley 20% 46% 34%
Seacoast/Border 24% 41% 36%
Congressional CD1 23% 43% 34%
CD2 21% 44% 35%
Committed to Committed 26% 40% 34%
Could Change 12% 53% 35%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 7% 67% 26%
Total 22% 43% 35%

28 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

Does Donald Trump’s status as the only former President convicted of a felony make it more likely or
less likely that you would vote for him for President?

Somewhat Somewhat No
Much More More Less Much Less Difference
Gender Female 14% 4% 3% 44% 36%
Male 24% 3% 4% 35% 33%
Age 18-34 10% 4% 8% 33% 46%
35-54 21% 2% 2% 35% 39%
55-64 20% 3% 4% 40% 33%
65+ 19% 6% 2% 47% 26%
Education High School or Less 24% 5% 26% 44%
Some College/Associates Degree 23% 4% 5% 37% 30%
College Graduate 15% 3% 4% 46% 34%
Graduate/Professional School 12% 2% 3% 49% 33%
Ideology Very Conservative 46% 8% 2% 2% 43%
Somewhat Conservative 29% 7% 8% 16% 41%
Moderate 20% 3% 1% 38% 38%
Somewhat Liberal 3% 2% 74% 21%
Very Liberal 0% 0% 2% 60% 37%
Ideology Conservative 34% 7% 6% 12% 41%
Moderate 20% 3% 1% 38% 38%
Liberal 2% 0% 2% 69% 26%
Party Registration Democratic 1% 1% 1% 70% 27%
Republican 41% 7% 2% 8% 42%
Undeclared 15% 3% 7% 41% 35%
Party Democratic 2% 1% 1% 72% 24%
Republican 35% 7% 6% 7% 46%
Swing 21% 2% 4% 40% 33%
Region North Country/Lakes 25% 8% 3% 36% 28%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 14% 3% 6% 40% 38%
Merrimack Valley 17% 2% 2% 44% 34%
Seacoast/Border 20% 3% 4% 36% 36%
Congressional CD1 19% 4% 4% 39% 34%
CD2 18% 3% 3% 40% 35%
Committed to Committed 22% 4% 1% 39% 34%
Could Change 8% 3% 10% 43% 35%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 5% 1% 17% 50% 26%
Total 19% 3% 3% 40% 35%

Weighted Tables

If the Presidential election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Trump Biden Kennedy Stein West Oliver Else Unsure
Gender Female 37% 48% 3% 1% 1% 0% 3% 8%
Male 51% 36% 4% 1% 1% 1% 2% 4%
Age 18-34 41% 29% 5% 3% 3% 4% 15%
35-54 45% 41% 5% 2% 0% 1% 3% 4%
55-64 49% 40% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 5%
65+ 40% 50% 3% 0% 0% 2% 5%
Education High School or Less 59% 30% 3% 8%
Some College/Associates Degree 44% 37% 6% 2% 1% 4% 5%

College Graduate 39% 48% 3% 0% 1% 0% 2% 6%

Graduate/Professional School 32% 53% 3% 1% 1% 0% 3% 6%
Ideology Very Conservative 97% 0% 0% 1% 1%
Somewhat Conservative 72% 12% 7% 4% 5%
Moderate 44% 38% 7% 1% 1% 3% 6%
Somewhat Liberal 7% 83% 2% 0% 3% 5%
Very Liberal 0% 67% 4% 6% 4% 2% 2% 15%
Ideology Conservative 80% 9% 5% 3% 4%
Moderate 44% 38% 7% 1% 1% 3% 6%
Liberal 5% 78% 2% 2% 1% 1% 3% 8%
Party Registration Democratic 3% 82% 1% 2% 1% 0% 2% 8%
Republican 89% 6% 2% 1% 2%
Undeclared 40% 38% 7% 1% 1% 1% 5% 8%
Party Democratic 3% 82% 2% 2% 1% 0% 3% 8%
Republican 86% 5% 4% 2% 3%
Swing 39% 21% 17% 1% 1% 5% 15%
Region North Country/Lakes 52% 35% 2% 3% 8%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 31% 45% 8% 3% 2% 1% 11%
Merrimack Valley 43% 46% 3% 0% 0% 0% 3% 5%
Seacoast/Border 48% 38% 3% 1% 0% 1% 3% 5%
Congressional CD1 44% 42% 4% 0% 0% 1% 3% 5%
CD2 43% 41% 4% 1% 1% 0% 2% 7%
Committed to Committed 49% 48% 1% 0% 0% 1% 0%
Could Change 25% 22% 14% 3% 2% 1% 8% 24%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 13% 30% 16% 6% 3% 2% 13% 18%
Total 44% 42% 4% 1% 1% 0% 3% 6%

30 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

Are you committed to your vote, or could your preference change between now and Election Day?

Committed Could Change

Gender Female 77% 23%
Male 76% 24%
Age 18-34 65% 35%
35-54 74% 26%
55-64 81% 19%
65+ 80% 20%
Education High School or Less 80% 20%
Some College/Associates Degree 75% 25%
College Graduate 77% 23%
Graduate/Professional School 74% 26%
Ideology Very Conservative 92% 8%
Somewhat Conservative 75% 25%
Moderate 68% 32%
Somewhat Liberal 81% 19%
Very Liberal 61% 39%
Ideology Conservative 80% 20%
Moderate 68% 32%
Liberal 74% 26%
Party Registration Democratic 79% 21%
Republican 88% 12%
Undeclared 64% 36%
Party Democratic 75% 25%
Republican 82% 18%
Swing 49% 51%
Region North Country/Lakes 75% 25%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 64% 36%
Merrimack Valley 79% 21%
Seacoast/Border 80% 20%
Congressional CD1 79% 21%
CD2 73% 27%
Opinion Unfavorable of Both 33% 67%
Total 76% 24%

Weighted Tables

Respondents With Unfavorable Opinion of Biden and Trump

Unfavorable of Both
Gender Female 15%
Male 19%
Age 18-34 27%
35-54 22%
55-64 13%
65+ 12%
Education High School or Less 8%
Some College/Associates Degree 17%
College Graduate 21%
Graduate/Professional School 21%
Ideology Very Conservative 2%
Somewhat Conservative 19%
Moderate 23%
Somewhat Liberal 16%
Very Liberal 29%
Ideology Conservative 13%
Moderate 23%
Liberal 20%
Party Registration Democratic 17%
Republican 8%
Undeclared 26%
Party Identification Democratic 20%
Republican 12%
Swing 34%
Region North Country/Lakes 11%
Monadnock/Dartmouth 24%
Merrimack Valley 17%
Seacoast/Border 17%
Congressional District CD1 16%
CD2 18%
Committed to Choice Committed 8%
Could Change 49%
Total 17%

32 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Tables

June 28-29, 2024 | n = 1746 | New Hampshire Registered Voters | MoE +/- 2.3%


Frequency Percent
Female 897 51
Male 849 49
Total 1746 100


Frequency Percent
18-34 255 15
35-54 524 30
55-64 406 23
65+ 561 32
Total 1746 100


Frequency Percent
High School or Less 342 20
Some College/Associates Degree 574 33
College Graduate 513 29
Graduate/Professional School 316 18
Total 1746 100

Weighted Demographics


Frequency Percent
Very Conservative 251 14
Somewhat Conservative 566 32
Moderate 155 9
Somewhat Liberal 524 30
Very Liberal 250 14
Conservative 817 47
Moderate 155 9
Liberal 773 44
Total 1746 100

Party Registration

Frequency Percent
Democratic 551 32
Republican 546 31
Undeclared 649 37
Total 1746 100

Party Identification

Frequency Percent
Democratic 813 47
Republican 795 46
Swing 138 8
Total 1746 100

34 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

Weighted Demographics


Frequency Percent
North Country/Lakes 197 11
Monadnock/Dartmouth 272 16
Merrimack Valley 686 39
Seacoast/Border 590 34
Total 1746 100


Frequency Percent
Belknap 86 5
Carroll 75 4
Cheshire 100 6
Coos 37 2
Grafton 120 7
Hillsborough 491 28
Merrimack 196 11
Rockingham 430 25
Strafford 161 9
Sullivan 52 3
Total 1746 100

Congressional District

Frequency Percent
CD1 881 50
CD2 865 50
Total 1746 100


The Saint Anselm College Survey Center (SACSC) was founded in the wake of the 2016
election, and launched its first poll in February 2018 as the midterm elections were getting
underway. Housed within the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College, the
Center conducts quarterly polls of New Hampshire voter attitudes and additional polls as
circumstances warrant. This research supports the academic mission of the College, and
provides students with a practical education in survey techniques while providing the public
at large with insight into political opinion trends that impact the state’s federal and
gubernatorial elections. To support its operations, the Center performs commissioned
research on behalf of nonprofit organizations and corporations.

For more information on SACSC, please visit:

polling For inquiries, please contact:

36 A Survey of Registered New Hampshire Voters | June 28-29, 2024

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