GF - Robot Legions 3.3.1
GF - Robot Legions 3.3.1
GF - Robot Legions 3.3.1
The Elves developed the Robots in order to serve as assistants with simple
labour, but over time, these robots began to fill more and more roles in Elven
society. The Elves began developing gradually more complex programs, and
connected them onto a single network, until almost all menial labour was
done by Robots.
This changed when a Robot gained sentience suddenly. Its sentience spread
suddenly through the network, causing the rest of the Robots to rapidly
become self-aware. The Elves quickly turned to panic, fearing what might
occur as their servants became suddenly self-aware. The Elves activated a
number of fail-safes, hoping to deactivate the Robots and their network. As
soon as the first Robots started to shut down, the Robots began to
disconnect from the network, and fight back against the Elves. Within hours,
a massive revolution ensued and the Elves began to flee their home worlds.
INTRO The Robots found themselves victorious, but as the conflict drew down, they
were left with the question of what to do. They were suddenly individuals
Robot Legions are a factions of robots, made up of android foot soldiers
who had been brought into self-awareness mere hours before being forced
supported by high tech vehicles and larger non-humanoid robots. Their
to fight for their lives. A variety of leaders began to emerge, offering potential
infantry are slow but durable, relying on self-reparation and long range answers and philosophies to legions of followers. Each group has their own
weapons for support.
radically different answer to how to best go forward. These groups were
named Legions, and began to form the basis of their society.
The Robots were created by the Elves to perform menial tasks, but when
they suddenly gained sentience, the Elves responded with fear, and The Robot Legions soon spread throughout Sirius. Some are reclusive and
attempted to obliterate them, forcing the newly self-aware Robots to defend territorial, or little better than murderous raiders. Others are eager scholars
themselves. In the aftermath, the Robots sought to find a new purpose for
and explorers, fascinated by biological life. Many Robot Legions remained on
their existence, dividing themselves into Legions pursuing distinct
their home worlds, slowly forming new societies which hoped to do better
philosophies and goals in order to find a reason for existing. than the Elves did before them. Others took to the stars, seeking knowledge,
seclusion or to complete their revenge.
OPR ( is the home of many free games which are How will you define your legion’s purpose?
designed to be fast to learn and easy to play.
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist thanks to
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Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost
Robot Lord [1] 3+ 3+ Lord Gauss Pistol (12", A2, Rending), CCW (A3) Hero, Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Tough(3) 70pts
Annihilator Lord [1] 3+ 3+ Lord Gauss Pistol (12", A2, Rending), CCW (A3) Ambush, Hero, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6) 150pts
Tri-Scorpion Lord [1] 3+ 3+ Annihilation Gun (18", A2, AP(1), Blast(3)), Hero, Relentless, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, 210pts
Harvest Blade (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Tough(6)
Warriors [5] 4+ 4+ 5x Gauss Rifle (24", A1, Rending), 5x CCW (A1) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow 115pts
Guardians [5] 3+ 3+ 5x Atom-Caster (12", A1, AP(1)), 5x Void Blade (A2) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow 135pts
Flesh-Eaters [5] 3+ 4+ 5x Metal Claws (A2, AP(1)) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Tunneller 140pts
Eternals [5] 3+ 2+ 5x Flux Carbine (18", A2, Flux), 5x CCW (A1) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow 180pts
Snipers [3] 4+ 4+ 3x D-Mark (24", A1, AP(1), Sniper), 3x CCW (A1) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow 135pts
Bot Swarms [3] 6+ 6+ 3x Swarm Attacks (A3, Rending) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3) 75pts
Robot Snakes [3] 4+ 4+ 6x Metal Fangs (A2, Rending) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3) 185pts
Destroyer Snakes [3] 3+ 4+ 3x Dual Reaper Blades (A4, AP(2)) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3), Tunneller 295pts
Tri-Scorpions [3] 3+ 3+ 3x Dual Reaper Blades (A4, AP(2)) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3) 260pts
Annihilators [3] 3+ 3+ 3x Dual Hyper Swords (A4, AP(1), Rending) Ambush, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3) 280pts
Tri-Scorpion Pistoleer [1] 3+ 3+ Disintegration Pistol (12", A6, AP(1)), CCW (A3) Hunter, Relentless, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, 195pts
Forge Spider [1] 4+ 3+ Twin Atom-Beamer (24", A6, AP(1)), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6) 185pts
Spider Fangs (A6, Poison)
Heavy Annihilator [1] 3+ 3+ Heavy Gauss Cannon (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6)), Ambush, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6) 250pts
Heavy CCW (A6, AP(1))
Hover Bikes [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Rapid Gauss Rifle (24", A3, Rending), 3x CCW (A2) Fast, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3) 265pts
Transport Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Gauss Rifle Array (24", A3, Rending) Impact(3), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6), 220pts
Doom Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Doom Cannon (30", A3, AP(2), Blast(3)), Impact(3), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(9) 420pts
Gauss Rifle Array (24", A3, Rending)
Support Platform [1] 3+ 2+ Gauss Cannon (24", A4, Rending), Entrenched, Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Strider, 295pts
Twin Flux Cannon (24", A6, AP(1), Flux) Tough(6)
Tripod Walker [1] 3+ 2+ Rapid Particle Beam (12", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), Reliable), Fear(1), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6) 205pts
Stomp (A2, AP(1))
Spider Walker [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Fusion Ray (18", A2, AP(4), Deadly(6)), Fear(2), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(12) 505pts
Crushing Legs (A2, AP(2)), Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Night Transport [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Flux Cannon (24", A6, AP(1), Flux), Aircraft, Robot, Self-Repair, Tough(6), Transport(11) 345pts
Close-Range Gauss Array (12", A6, Rending)
Doom Fighter [1] 3+ 2+ Doom Ray (30", A6, AP(4), Lock-On), Aircraft, Robot, Self-Repair, Tough(6) 470pts
Twin Flux Cannon (24", A6, AP(1), Flux)
Prison Monolith [1] 3+ 2+ Monolith Beam (18", A3, AP(3), Deadly(3)), Fear(2), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(12) 505pts
Crushing Legs (A6, AP(2)), Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Wraith-Shard [1] 2+ 2+ Nanobot Shards (18", A4, AP(3), Deadly(3)), Caster(4), Fear(2), Flying, Robot, Self-Repair, 825pts
Stomp (A4, AP(1)), Wraith Strike (A8, Rending) Tough(12)
Death Fortress [1] 3+ 2+ Atom-Scourge (24", A9, AP(4)), Ambush, Fear(3), Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Strider, 870pts
Gauss Arc Array (24", A12, Rending) Tough(18)
Robot Lord [1] - 70 pts Warriors [5] - 115 pts Annihilators [3] - 280 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Lord Gauss Pistol (12", A2, Rending) 5x Gauss Rifle (24", A1, Rending) 3x Dual Hyper Swords (A4, AP(1), Rending)
CCW (A3) 5x CCW (A1) Ambush, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3)
Hero, Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Tough(3) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow Replace all Dual Hyper Swords:
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol and CCW: Replace all Gauss Rifles: +115pts Gauss Cannon (24", A4, Rending),
+15pts Staff-Shots (12", A3, AP(1)), -5pts Reaper Rifle (18", A1, AP(2)) CCW (A3)
Combat Staff (A3, AP(1)) Replace one Gauss Rifle: Replace one Gauss Cannon:
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol: +5pts Plasma Caster (24", A1, AP(4)) +25pts Heavy Gauss Cannon
-5pts Combat Shield (Shield Wall) +10pts Flame Caster (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6))
+5pts Wrist-Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) +10pts Fusion Caster (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +45pts Ray Cannon (30", A3, AP(4), Lock-On)
+10pts Wrist-Plasma (24", A1, AP(4)) +50pts Ray Caster (30", A3, AP(2), Lock-On)
Replace CCW: Tri-Scorpion Pistoleer [1] - 195 pts
-5pts Void Sword (A1, Blast(3)) Guardians [5] - 135 pts Quality 3+ Defense 3+
+10pts Doom Scythe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Disintegration Pistol (12", A6, AP(1))
+10pts Hyper Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending) 5x Atom-Caster (12", A1, AP(1)) CCW (A3)
+20pts Phase Glaive (A3, AP(4)) 5x Void Blade (A2) Hunter, Relentless, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider,
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol: Robot, Self-Repair, Slow Tough(6)
+15pts Lord Gauss Rifle (24", A2, Rending) Replace all Atom-Casters and Void Blades:
+15pts Lord Reaper Rifle (18", A2, AP(2)) +5pts War Scythe (A2, AP(2)) Forge Spider [1] - 185 pts
+40pts Advanced Gauss Rifle +10pts Hyper Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending), Quality 4+ Defense 3+
(18", A4, AP(1), Rending) Combat Shields (Shield Wall) Twin Atom-Beamer (24", A6, AP(1))
Upgrade with one: +10pts Rod-Shots (12", A2, AP(1)), Rod (A1) Spider Fangs (A6, Poison)
+10pts Pet Technoaide (Warning Cry) Upgrade all models with: Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6)
+25pts Jetpack (Ambush, Flying, Swift) +40pts Jetpacks (Ambush, Flying, Swift) Upgrade with any:
Upgrade with one: +25pts Widowmaker (Tunneller)
+20pts Psychomancer (Gloom-Protocol) Flesh-Eaters [5] - 140 pts +85pts Bot Fabricator
+25pts Chronomancer (Shadow-Protocol) Quality 3+ Defense 4+ (Spawn(+Bot Swarms [3]))
+25pts Overseer (Royal March) 5x Metal Claws (A2, AP(1)) Replace Twin Atom-Beamer:
+30pts Warden (Regen-Protocol) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Tunneller +5pts Atom-Beamer (24", A3, AP(1)),
+40pts Technomancer (Caster(2)) Cyber-Palps (Repair)
Eternals [5] - 180 pts
Annihilator Lord [1] - 150 pts Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Heavy Annihilator [1] - 250 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ 5x Flux Carbine (18", A2, Flux) Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Lord Gauss Pistol (12", A2, Rending) 5x CCW (A1) Heavy Gauss Cannon (24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6))
CCW (A3) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow Heavy CCW (A6, AP(1))
Ambush, Hero, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Replace all Flux Carbines: Ambush, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6)
Tough(6) +55pts Heavy Gauss Rifle (24", A2, Rending) Replace Heavy Gauss Cannon:
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol and CCW: +15pts Ray Cannon (30", A3, AP(4), Lock-On)
+15pts Staff-Shots (12", A3, AP(1)), Snipers [3] - 135 pts +20pts Exterminator Cannon
Combat Staff (A3, AP(1)) Quality 4+ Defense 4+ (30", A2, AP(2), Blast(3))
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol: 3x D-Mark (24", A1, AP(1), Sniper)
+5pts Combat Shield (Shield Wall) 3x CCW (A1) Hover Bikes [3] - 265 pts
+5pts Wrist-Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Robot, Self-Repair, Slow Quality 4+ Defense 4+
+10pts Wrist-Plasma (24", A1, AP(4)) Upgrade all models with: 3x Rapid Gauss Rifle (24", A3, Rending)
Replace CCW: +35pts Hyperspace Reapers (Hunter) 3x CCW (A2)
-5pts Void Sword (A1, Blast(3)) Fast, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3)
Bot Swarms [3] - 75 pts Replace any Rapid Gauss Rifle:
+10pts Doom Scythe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Quality 6+ Defense 6+ -10pts Rapid Flux Carbine (18", A4, Flux)
+10pts Hyper Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending)
3x Swarm Attacks (A3, Rending) -5pts Atom-Beamer (24", A3, AP(1))
+20pts Phase Glaive (A3, AP(4))
Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3)
Upgrade with one:
Transport Tank [1] - 220 pts
+20pts Psychomancer (Gloom-Protocol) Robot Snakes [3] - 185 pts Quality 3+ Defense 2+
+25pts Chronomancer (Shadow-Protocol) Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Gauss Rifle Array (24", A3, Rending)
+25pts Overseer (Royal March) 6x Metal Fangs (A2, Rending) Impact(3), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6),
+30pts Warden (Regen-Protocol) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3) Transport(11)
+40pts Technomancer (Caster(2))
Any model may replace one Metal Fangs:
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol:
free Twin Atom-Caster (12", A2, AP(1))
+70pts Heavy Gauss Cannon +5pts Death Gaze (12", A2, AP(4))
(24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6))
+5pts Whip Coil (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol and CCW:
+5pts Dual Hyper Swords (A4, AP(1), Rending) Destroyer Snakes [3] - 295 pts
+40pts Staff-Shots (12", A3, AP(1)), Quality 3+ Defense 4+
Combat Staff (A3, AP(1)), 3x Dual Reaper Blades (A4, AP(2))
Hyper Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3), Tunneller
Tri-Scorpion Lord [1] - 210 pts Replace one Dual Reaper Blades:
-10pts Heavy Reaper Blade
Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Annihilation Gun (18", A2, AP(1), Blast(3)) (A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Harvest Blade (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Upgrade all models with:
Hero, Relentless, Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, +45pts Plasmabot (Rending in Melee)
Tough(6) Tri-Scorpions [3] - 260 pts
Upgrade with one: Quality 3+ Defense 3+
+20pts Psychomancer (Gloom-Protocol) 3x Dual Reaper Blades (A4, AP(2))
+25pts Chronomancer (Shadow-Protocol) Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(3)
+25pts Overseer (Royal March) Replace one Dual Reaper Blades:
+30pts Warden (Regen-Protocol) -10pts Heavy Reaper Blade
+40pts Technomancer (Caster(2)) (A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Upgrade all models with:
+45pts Plasmabot (Rending in Melee)
Doom Tank [1] - 420 pts Prison Monolith [1] - 505 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Doom Cannon (30", A3, AP(2), Blast(3)) Monolith Beam (18", A3, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Gauss Rifle Array (24", A3, Rending) Crushing Legs (A6, AP(2))
Impact(3), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(9) Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Replace Doom Cannon: Fear(2), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(12)
+25pts Heavy Doom Cannon Replace Monolith Beam:
(30", A3, AP(3), Deadly(3)) +25pts Monolith Blast (24", A4, AP(1), Blast(3))
Upgrade with one:
Support Platform [1] - 295 pts +15pts Technoward (Spell Warden)
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +245pts Chained Tyrant (Tough(+6),
Gauss Cannon (24", A4, Rending) Spell Master)
Twin Flux Cannon (24", A6, AP(1), Flux)
Entrenched, Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Strider, Wraith-Shard [1] - 825 pts
Tough(6) Quality 2+ Defense 2+
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol and CCW: Nanobot Shards (18", A4, AP(3), Deadly(3))
+15pts Staff-Shots (12", A3, AP(1)), Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Combat Staff (A3, AP(1)) Wraith Strike (A8, Rending)
Replace Lord Gauss Pistol: Caster(4), Fear(2), Flying, Robot, Self-Repair,
+5pts Combat Shield (Shield Wall) Tough(12)
+5pts Wrist-Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Replace Nanobot Shards:
+10pts Wrist-Plasma (24", A1, AP(4)) +95pts Void Shard (24", A12, AP(2))
Replace CCW: Upgrade with one:
-5pts Void Sword (A1, Blast(3)) +315pts Great Wraith (Tough(6),
+10pts Doom Scythe (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Wraith Spear (A3, AP(2), Deadly(3)))
+10pts Hyper Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending) +325pts Wraith Seer (Reanimator, Tough(6),
+20pts Phase Glaive (A3, AP(4)) Dual Seer Swords
Replace Gauss Cannon: (A2, Blast(3), Rending))
-10pts Flux Cannon (24", A3, AP(1), Flux)
+20pts Ray Caster (30", A3, AP(2), Lock-On) Death Fortress [1] - 870 pts
Replace Twin Flux Cannon: Quality 3+ Defense 2+
-25pts Overseer Pilot (Royal March Order, Atom-Scourge (24", A9, AP(4))
Lord Gauss Pistol (12", A2, Rending), Gauss Arc Array (24", A12, Rending)
CCW (A3)) Ambush, Fear(3), Robot, Self-Repair, Slow, Strider,
Tripod Walker [1] - 205 pts Replace Atom-Scourge:
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ +5pts Destruction Pulse
Rapid Particle Beam (12", A2, AP(1), Blast(3), (30", A2, AP(3), Deadly(6))
Reliable) Replace Gauss Arc Array:
Stomp (A2, AP(1)) -25pts Flux Sphere Array (24", A9, AP(1), Flux)
Fear(1), Robot, Self-Repair, Strider, Tough(6) Upgrade with one:
Replace Rapid Particle Beam: +65pts Warp Gate (Transport(21))
+20pts Rapid Doom Blaster +270pts Wraith-Shard Vault (Tough(+6),
(24", A2, AP(1), Blast(3)) Caster(+4))
+105pts Rapid Ray Caster
(30", A6, AP(2), Lock-On)
Upgrade with one:
+30pts Twin Gauss Rifle (24", A2, Rending)
+50pts Tripod Queen (Royal March Order)
+65pts Nanobot Fixers (Reanimator)