062) GMCH 2022 PAPERJaat
062) GMCH 2022 PAPERJaat
062) GMCH 2022 PAPERJaat
Nursing Officer Exam-2022
Original Paper
PART-I 12. In which part of the fallopian tube fertilization takes place?
1. Which of the following anti-tubercular drug causes red- a. Infundibulum b. Ampulla
orange discoloration of urine? c. Isthmus d. Interstitial part
a. Isoniazid b. Streptomycin 13. Who is known as the father of Aseptic Surgery?
c. Ethambutol d. Refampicin a. Hippocrates b. Joseph Lister
2. Absence of bowel sounds and abdominal distention after c. Louis Pasteur d. Solman Waksman
abdominal surgery indicates? 14. World Mental Health day is observed on?
a. Hemorrhage b. Intussusceptions a. July 11 b. October 10
c. Paralytic ileus d. Flatulence c. April 7 d. June 5
3. Unwanted but unavoidable pharmacodynamics effects of a 15. Shoulder dystocia is managed by?
drug at the therapeutic dose are known as? a. Lovset Manoeuvre b. Leopold manoeuvre
a. Hypersensitivity b. Side effects c. Mc Robert's manoeuvre d. Burn marshall manoeuvre
c. Toxic effects d. Idiosyncrasy 16. A normal human cell has………………..chromosomes:
4. Which of the following is the organism that causes peptic a. 23 b. 46 c. 24 d. 48
ulcer disease?
17. One of the major complications due to mumps in males is?
a. Staphylococcus b. Coryne bacterium
a. Weskness b. Sterility
c. Helicobacter pylori d. Streptococcus
c. Earache d. Meningitis
5. When the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds two liters the
18. Pulse pressure is defined as?
condition is called:
a. Oligohydramnios b. Polyhydramnios a. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
c. Bag of waters d. Amnionitis b. The difference between arterial and venous pressure
6. Limit for registration of birth in India is? c. The difference between standing and supine blood pressure
a. 7 days b. 21 days
d. None of the above
c. 14 days d. Any of the above
19. The main aim of nursing care plan for assisted mobility at
7. In Identical twin, where the fetuses share common chorion, bed side would be?
the number of placenta is?
a. Perform active and passive range of motion exercises daily
a. One b. Two
b. Promote independence during exercises and activities
c. More than two d. Two and fused
c. Both a and b
8. Sports person enhance mental and physical capabilities by
d. None of these
20. The role of nurse in a comprehensive management plan for
a. Anabolic steroids b. Caffeine
depressed patient would essentially include?
c. Whisky d. High caloric food
a. Prescribing antidepressant medications
9. The salient feature of nurses records include all the
b. Evaluation of medical condition and course of disease
following except?
c. Providing psychological support through cognitive
a. Written with ink on paper
behavioral therapy
b. Complete clear and concise
d. Ordering the investigations for patients
c. Counter signed by doctor
21. All of the following are preventable hospital acquired
d. Should not have over-writing infections except?
10. The ability of the human body to defend itself against a a. Ventilator associated pneumonia
pathogenic agent?
b. Catheter associated urinary tract infection
a. Resistance b. Tolerance
c. Cannula associated thrombophlebitis
c. Immunity d. Adaptation
d. Drug associated toxicity
11. Fifth disease is also known as?
22. Out of the following, which is not a direct cause of bed sore in
a. Mumps b. Erythema Infectiosum a patient?
c. Measles d. Rubella a. Drug reaction
Ans. 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.B
Ans. 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.D 22.A
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b. Prolonged setting or lying in same position 33. The definition of health given by WHO includes all of the
c. Poor circulation to the affected part following dimensions except?
d. Constant pressure against a particular part a. Mental b. Physical c. Vocational d. Social
23. Out of the following, which is not a major intracellular 34. All of the following diseases can be affected by lifestyle
electrolyte? behavior except?
a. Sodium b. Potassium a. Cardiovascular diseases b. Cancer
c. Magnesium d. Phosphorous/Phosphate c. Hypertension d. Type 1 Diabetes
24. Hypervolemia can result because of all of the following 35. Health promotion activities that can be regularly practiced
except? by nurses include?
a. Early renal failure b. Congestive heart failure a. Motivating patients for healthy lifestyle behaviours
c. Diarrhoea d. Excessive sodium ingestion b. Regular psychological counselling of patient
25. Nursing medication errors most commonly observed in c. Counselling of family members
hospitals are? d. All of these
a. Errors related to wrong dosage and infusion rate 36. The urinary output of patient is the best indicator of?
b. Errors related to wrong identification of patient a. Severity of urinary tract infection
c. Errors related to wrong route of drug administration b. Level of consciousness
d. Errors related to wrong drug being administered c. Status of kidney function
26. Most of the medication errors occur because of a flaw at d. Status of medication
which stage? 37. The fluid and electrolyte balance in a patient can be easily
a. Prescribing b. Transcribing accessed by?
c. Dispensing d. Administering a. Blood pressure b. Pulse rate
27. Which term is used to denote normal heart rate in a patient? c. Urine output d. All of the above
a. Tachycardia b. Sinus rhythm 38. Using gloves is absolutely mandatory in which of the
c. Bradycardia d. Asystole following patient care activity?
28. Recording of vital signs of patient by nursing professionals a. Medication administration
is required? b. Perineal care after child birth
a. To keep patient happy c. Physiotherapy
b. To monitor the progress and detect any adverse event d. Recording vitals
c. To fill the medical records 39. Normal urinary output is anywhere between?
d. To have data for research a. 0.5-1.5 ml/kg/hour b. 0.1-0.5 ml/kg/hour
29. A fever is indicated when body temperature rises over oral c. 1.0-5.0 ml/ kg/hour d. 1.5-5.0 ml/kg/hour
temperature of? 40. Which of the following is not a micro-nutrient?
a. 98.6 degree F b. 99.5 degree F a. Vitamin A b. Zinc
c. 97.8 degree F d. 100 degree F c. Protein d. Vitamin C
30. In a patient, the fluid balance is assessed by? 41. Amongst fats, the category that should be minimally
a. Monitoring of weight consumed for a healthy body are?
b. Physical examination of patient a. Monounsaturated fats b. Polyunsaturated fats
c. Input output charting c. Saturated fats d. None of these
d. All of the above 42. Amongst the following, which is the correct measurement of
31. Theme for this year's nurses' day (2022) is? urinary output?
a. A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to a. 30 ounce b. One cup c. 300 ml d. 1 quart
secure global health 43. The most common micro-nutrient deficiency in India is?
b. A Voice to Lead - A vision for future healthcare a. Iodine b. Zinc c. Vitamin A d. Iron
c. A Voice to Lead - Nursing the World to Health D) 44. The recommended ante-natal visits for pregnant women in
d. None of the above India are?
32. The nurse's day is celebrated to commemorate? a. Four visits, including one as soon as pregnancy is suspected
a. Foundation day of International Council of Nursing and one at term
b. Anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth b. Once a month
c. Anniversary of Mother Teresa's birth c. Once in two month d. Every two weeks
d. Anniversary of day of opening first scientific nursing school
Ans. 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.B 30.D 31.A 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.D
Ans. 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.C 43.D 44.A
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45. Feeding colostrum to new-born is essential because? 55. Most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage?
a. It is good in taste a. Bleeding disorders b. Abruptio placenta
b. It is nutrient-dense and high in antibodies and antioxidants c. Placenta previa d. Atonic uterus
c. It is a tradition in India 56. Which of the following cells of the body are in almost
d. It induces breasts to produce more milk constant mitosis?
46. Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of? a. Nerve cells b. Stomach cells
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Muscle cells d. Renal cells
c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D 57. The total lung capacity in a healthy adult male is
47. Vitamin D deficiency causes? approximate?
a. Rickets and osteomalacia b. Beriberi a. 500 ml b. 5000 ml c. 600 ml d. 6000 ml
c. Dry eyes d. Mouth ulcers 58. Which among the following is an example of an isotonic
48. Pulse oximeter is used to measure? intravenous solution?
a. Oxygen saturation of blood b. Pulse rate a. Dextrose + Normal Saline b. 10% Dextrose
c. Both a and b d. None of these c. 0.45% NaCl d. Ringer's lactate
49. Range of motion depicts? 59. WHO declared the 2019-novel Coronavirus outbreak as a
Public Health Emergency of International Concern
a. Exercises that move each muscle and joint
(PHEIC) on?
b. Arc of movement of joint
a. January 30, 2020 b. January 13, 2020
c. Direction of movement of limbs
c. January 23, 2020 d. January 27, 2020
d. None of these
60. In which of the following clients is a rectal temperature most
50. For a patient with severe hearing disability, the nurse usually contraindicated?
a. Client who has had a myocardial infarction
a. Face the patient and speak clearly and distinctly
b. Client with Parkinson's disease
b. Shout and use exaggerating mouth movements
c. Client who is prone to seizures
c. Keep silent
d. Client with neuropathology associated with diabetes
d. Communicate with family only
61. In meiosis, how many daughter cells are produced?
51. Trochanter roll is used to?
a. 8 b. 6 c. 4 d. 2
a. Prevent internal rotation of hip when patient is in recumbent
62. Which hormone, produced by the ovaries, inhibits the
secretion of FSH and LH?
b. Prevent external rotation of hip when patient is in recumbent
a. Progesterone b. Oestrogen
c. Inhibin d. GnRH
c. Prevent internal rotation of hip when patient is in standing
position 63. The enzyme pepsin digests which dietary component?
d. Prevent external rotation of hip when patient is in standing a. Protein b. Fat
position c. Carbohydrate d. Vitamin
52. Wrist drop is a condition in which? 64. The most abundant tissue in the human body is?
a. Flexor muscles of wrist and digits do not work a. Epithelial tissue b. Connective tissue
b. Extensor muscles of wrist and digits do not work c. Nervous tissue d. Muscle tissue
c. Abductor muscles of wrist and digits do not work 65. Quality assurance in nursing is concerned with?
d. Adductor muscles of wrist and digits do not work a. Adequacy of care b. Practice ratings
53. The best nursing practice to prevent ventilator associated c. Standard of practice d. Organizational practice
pneumonia is? 66. Deformity of...............bone resulting in sprengel's shoulder?
a. Reduce exposure to mechanical ventilation a. Scapula b. Radius c. Ulna d. Tibia
b. Excellent oral care & sub-glottic suctioning 67. Smallpox vaccine was invented by?
c. Promoting early mobility a. Louis Pasteur b. Paul Eggene
d. All of these c. Edward jenner d. John Snow
54. Ideal solution for replacement of intravascular volume 68. Amoebiasis is transmitted through?
(non-haemorrhagic) would be? a. Faeco-oral route b. Vector borne
a. Blood transfusion b. Blood substitutes c. Parentral d. Airborne
c. Isotonic solution d. Colloid solution
Ans. 45.B 46.C 47.A 48.C 49.A 50.A 51.B 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.D 56.C 57.D
Ans. 58.D 59.A 60.A 61.C 62.D 63.A 64.B 65.C 66.A 67.C 68.A
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69. Maximum amount of vitamin D is found in which among the 78. The following articles are essential components of crash cart
following? in hospital except?
a. Liver b. Cheese a. Defibrillator
c. Egg yolk d. Cod liver oil b. Resuscitation medicines
70. 3D's (diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis) are the characteristic c. Material for peripheral intravenous access
of which deficiency disorder? d. Stationary items
a. Thiamine b. Biotin 79. An error in measuring blood pressure may result because of
c. Niacin d. Riboflavin which of the following?
PART-II a. The size or position of cuff is wrong
71. Surgical operations in which an opening is made through b. Patient's arm is positioned above or below the level of heart
the abdominal wall to enable discharge of waste into the c. The sphygmomanometer is pressed too firmly against
ileum to enable discharge of waste without passing through brachial artery
the colon is? d. Any of these
a. Ileostomy b. Gastroscopy 80. Apical pulse of a patient can be assessed by?
c. Arthroscopy d. Vasectomy a. Palpating the radial artery
72. Which of the following client's complaint requires b. Palpating the brachial artery
immediate nursing intervention? c. Auscultating the heart
a. 40 year old client with sharp, severe pain due to a renal d. Palpating the carotid artery
stone, not relieved by analgesics
81. Bed side assessment of respiration by nursing professional
b. 35 year old client with fractured femur complaining of sharp includes all of the following except?
chest pain
a. Respiratory rhythm/pattern/regularity
c. Both a and b
b. Depth of breathing
d. A client ulcerative colitis having lower abdominal pain
c. Assessment of any injury to chest
73. In a psychiatry ward, which of the following patients should
d. Effort associated with breathing
the nurse assess first?
82. What should be the nurse's immediate decision on
a. A patient suffering from chronic schizophrenia who is
physician's order of 'give one unit of blood intravenously'?
a. Prepare the patient, collect blood unit and clarify the order
b. A patient with an acute attack of severe anxiety
with the physician prior to administration
c. A patient with agoraphobia who stays in her room all day
b. Seeking assistance from the head nurse/nursing supervisor
d. A patient with depression complaining of constipation
c. Collect blood unit and transfuse the patient
74. Medical treatment of coronary artery disease includes
d. Clarify the order with physician, prepare the patient and
which of the following procedure?
a. Cardiac catheterization
83. When should the baseline vital signs be recorded before
b. Oral medication administration initiating blood transfusion?
c. Coronary artery bypass Grafting a. Within thirty minutes b. Within one hour
d. Percutaneous transluminal Coronary Angioplasty c. Within one and half hour d. Within two hours
75. Heimlich maneuver is used to? 84. A nurse should check the availability and patency of an
a. Clear foreign body from airway intravenous access line?
b. Remove foreign body from eye a. Before bringing blood unit to ward
c. Remove foreign body from ear b. After bringing blood unit to ward
d. None of these c. While transfusing the blood
76. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by compression of? d. Not require to be
a. Radial nerve b. Medial nerve 85. Evidence-Based clinical practice recommendations of
c. Ulnar nerve d. Axillary nerve nursing care of acute stroke patient includes all of the
77. In case of needle stick injury, the first response of the nurse following except?
should be? a. Rapid identification and triage
a. Start preparing a report b. Enable delivery of relevant time critical treatment
b. Talk to seniors c. Observe the patient
c. Wash the site with soap and water d. Rapid transfer to acute stroke unit for ongoing assessment
d. Check your immunization status nerve and provision of further treatment
Ans. 69.D 70.C 71.A 72.B 73.B 74.B 75.A 76.B 77.C 78.D 79.D 80.C 81.C
Ans. 82.D 83.A 84.A 85.C
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86. The First priority in emergency department management of d. Frequent change of cannulas
acute burn injury would be? 94. Immediate nursing care activities for an unconscious
a. Cleaning the wounds patient include all of the following, except?
b. Fluid replacement therapy a. Maintaining airway patency
c. Maintaining airway, breathing and circulation b. Maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance
d. Starting Medication c. Maintaining nutrition
87. In clinical situations, which method for hand hygiene is to be d. Medication management
preferred? 95. Early indicator of hypoxia in a patient is?
a. Wash with soap and water a. Anxiety and restlessness
b. Use alcohol based hand sanitiser b. Fall in oxygen saturation of blood
c. Clean your hands only when it is visibly soiled c. Cyanosis
d. None of these d. Hypertension
88. For hand hygiene procedure, which parameter/parameters 96. The first response of a nurse on noticing suspected blood
are most important? transfusion reaction should be?
a. Time duration of hand washing a. Inform the patient attendants
b. Technique of hand washing b. Call the doctor
c. Both a and b c. Stop the transfusion
d. None of these d. Monitor urine output
89. Which nursing intervention would best prevent 97. The most important intended outcome of using side rails on
development of deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism patient bed would be?
in a post-surgical patient? a. Preventing the patient from fall injury
a. Hydration and physical movement of patient b. To provide support to drip set
b. Psychological counseling of patient c. To help in bed hygiene management
c. Bed management d. To restraint the patient
d. Keeping patient 98. In a patient diagnosed of having an acute anaphylactic
90. A patient of anaemia with haemoglobin of 7gm percent has attack, the first nursing care response would be?
been advised iron injections as the preferred therapy by the a. Administer epinephrine b. Call the family
physician. On being given the prescribed injection by c. Look for causative agent d. Check the medication chart
intramuscular route, the patient suddenly develops
99. The cardinal signs of cardiac arrest include all of the
breathlessness, nausea, and hypotension. What would be the
following except?
most probable cause?
a. Apnoea
a. Wrong site of injection
b. Dilated non-reactive pupils
b. Wrong technique of injection
c. Cold clammy skin
c. Anaphylaxis
d. Absence of carotid and femoral pulse
d. Heart attack
100. The correct sequence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
91. Normal rectal temperature is typically?
a. Lesser than oral temperature
a. Airway, breathing, circulation
b. Equal to oral temperature
b. Circulation, breathing, airway
c. Greater than oral temperature
c. Breathing, circulation, airway
d. No relation to oral temperature
d. Hydration, breathing, airway
92. If a patient is complaining of orthopnoea, it is best to make
a. Lie down straight on bed
b. Sit on bed in upright position
c. Walk around in the room
d. Be in any position
93. The best strategy to prevent cannula site infection is?
a. Periodic training of healthcare professionals
b. Use of hand hygiene and aseptic technique of insertion
c. Skin anti-sepis
Ans. 86.C 87.B 88.C 89.A 90.C 91.C 92.B 93.B 94.C 95.A 96.C 97.A 98.A
Ans. 99.C 100.A
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