Geometric Design of Highway
Geometric Design of Highway
Geometric Design of Highway
Introduction road planning & design, historical perspective, purpose of roads and
route Selection
Chapter 2
Chapter -3
Geometric design of road alignments, horizontal alignments and vertical alignments, road safety
designs, superelevation, sight distance and road widening
Chapter -4
Earth work quantity, computation of areas & volumes-Prismoidal & Trapezoidal methods and
mass haul diagram
Chapter -5
Introduction of drainage design and bridge
Perniciples & Practice of Highway Engineering – By Dr. L.R. Kadiyalli (Khanna publisher)
The history of highway engineering gives us an idea about the roads of ancient times.
Roads in Rome were constructed in a large scale and it radiated in many directions
helping them in military operations. Thus they are considered to be pioneers in road
construction. In this section we will see in detail about Ancient roads, Roman roads,
British roads, French roads etc.
The significant contributions were given by Tresaguet in 1764 and a typical cross
section of this road is given in Figure 1.2. He developed a cheaper method of
construction than the lavish and locally unsuccessful revival of Roman practice. The
pavement used 200 mm pieces of quarried stone of a more compact form and shaped
such that they had at least one at side which was placed on a compact formation.
Smaller pieces of broken stones were then compacted into the spaces between larger
stones to provide a level surface. Finally, the running layer was made with a layer of
25 mm sized broken stone. All this structure was placed in a trench in order to keep
the running surface level with the surrounding country side. This created major
drainage problems which were counteracted by making the surface as impervious as
possible, cambering the surface and providing deep side ditches.
Fig. 1.2. French roads
1.7 Overview
Highway design is only one element in the overall highway development process.
Historically, detailed design occurs in the middle of the process, linking the preceding
phases of planning and project development with the subsequent phases of right-of-
way acquisition, construction, and maintenance. It is during the first three stages,
planning, project development, and design, that designers and communities, working
together, can have the greatest impact on the final design features of the project. In
fact, the flexibility available for highway design during the detailed design phase is
limited a great deal by the decisions made at the earlier stages of planning and project
Although the names may vary by State, the five basic stages in the highway
development process are: planning, project development (preliminary design), final
design, right of way, and construction. After construction is completed, ongoing
operation and maintenance activities continue throughout the life of the facility.
Fig.1.4 Process of Highway Planning
The initial definition of the need for any highway or bridge improvement project
takes place during the planning stage. This problem definition occurs at the State,
regional, or local level, depending on the scale of the proposed improvement. This
is the key time to get the public involved and provide input into the decision making
process. The problems identified usually fall into one or more of the following four
1. The existing physical structure needs major repair/replacement (structure
2. Existing or projected future travel demands exceed available capacity, and
access to transportation and mobility need to be increased (capacity).
3. The route is experiencing an inordinate number of safety and accident problems
that can only be resolved through physical, geometric changes (safety).
4. Developmental pressures along the route make a reexamination of the number,
location, and physical design of access points necessary (access).
Project Development
After a project has been planned and programmed for implementation, it moves into
the project development phase. At this stage, the environmental analysis intensifies.
The level of environmental review varies widely, depending on the scale and impact
of the project. It can range from a multiyear effort to prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement (a comprehensive document that analyzes the potential impact of
proposed alternatives) to a modest environmental review completed in a matter of
weeks. Regardless of the level of detail or duration, the product of the project
development process generally includes a description of the location and major
design features of the recommended project that is to be further designed and
constructed, while continually trying to avoid, minimize, and mitigate
environmental impact.
Final Design
After a preferred alternative has been selected and the project description agreed
upon as stated in the environmental document, a project can move into the final
design stage. The product of this stage is a complete set of plans, specifications,
and estimates (PS&Es) of required quantities of materials ready for the solicitation
of construction bids and subsequent construction. Depending on the scale and
complexity of the project, the final design process may take from a few months to
several years.
The following paragraphs discuss some important considerations of design,
• Developing a concept
• Considering scale and
• Detailing the design.
Developing a Concept
A design concept gives the project a focus and helps to move it toward a specific
direction. There are many elements in a highway, and each involves a number of
separate but interrelated design decisions. Integrating all these elements to achieve
a common goal or concept helps the designer in making design decisions.
People driving in a car see the world at a much different scale than people walking
on the street. This large discrepancy in the design scale for a car versus the design
scale for people has changed the overall planning of our communities. For example,
it has become common in many suburban commercial areas that a shopper must get
in the car and drive from one store to the next.
The design element with the greatest effect on the scale of the roadway is its width,
or cross section. The cross section can include a clear zone, shoulder, parking lanes,
travel lanes, and/or median. The wider the overall roadway, the larger its scale;
however, there are some design techniques that can help to reduce the perceived
width and, thus, the perceived scale of the roadway. Limiting the width of pavement
or breaking up the pavement is one option.
In some instances, four lane roadways may look less imposing by designing a grass
or planted median in the center.
Detailing the Design
Particularly during the final design phase, it is the details associated with the project
that are important. Employing a multidisciplinary design team ensures that
important design details are considered and those they are compatible with
community values. Often it is the details of the project that are most recognizable
to the public. A multidisciplinary design team can produce an aesthetic and
functional product when the members work together and are flexible in applying
Right-of-way, Construction, And Maintenance
Once the final designs have been prepared and needed right-of-way is purchased,
construction bid packages are made available, a contractor is selected, and
construction is initiated. During the right-of-way acquisition and construction
stages, minor adjustments in the design may be necessary; therefore, there should
be continuous involvement of the design team throughout these stages.
Construction may be simple or complex and may require a few months to several
years. Once construction has been completed, the facility is ready to begin its
normal sequence of operations and maintenance.
Even after the completion of construction, the character of a road can be changed
by inappropriate maintenance actions. For example, the replacement of sections
of guardrail damaged or destroyed in crashes commonly utilizes whatever spare
guardrail sections may be available to the local highway maintenance personnel at
the time
Stages of Highway Development
Summaries of the five basic stages in highway planning and development.
The position or the layout of the central line of the highway on the ground is called
the alignment.
1. Obligatory points these are the control points governing the highway
These points are classified into two categories. Points through which it should pass
and points through which it should not pass. Some of the examples are:
Bridge site: The bridge can be located only where the river has straight and
permanent path and also where the abutment and pier can be strongly founded.
The road approach to the bridge should not be curved and skew crossing
should be avoided as possible. Thus to locate a bridge the highway alignment
may be changed.
Coming to the second category, that is the points through which the
alignment should not pass are:
Religious places: These have been protected by the law from being
acquired for any purpose. Therefore, these points should be avoided
while aligning.
2.Traffic: The alignment should suit the traffic requirements. Based on the
origin destination data of the area, the desire lines should be drawn.
The new alignment should be drawn keeping in view the desire lines,
traffic flow pattern etc.
Map study: In most areas of the world, medium- and small-scale maps
either have not yet been produced, or are outdated and inaccurate. The
ability to extract a wide variety of information, and to locate features at
1: 25,000 scale without ground control, provides an unprecedented
opportunity to produce accurate, relatively inexpensive maps of entire
countries, including areas previously inaccessible due to terrain.
Frequent satellite coverage offered by Digital Globe can make such
areas easily accessible and inexpensive to update.
A reconnaissance survey is defined as “an examination of all or part of
an area accomplished in sufficient detail to make generalizations about
the types and distributions of historic properties that may be present”
within a given project area. Reconnaissance surveys represent a type of
field survey that is often used to gather initial information regarding the
presence or absence of historic properties within a project area.
Reconnaissance surveys generally include limited shovel testing in areas
that are likely to contain archaeological resources.
Preliminary survey and Final location of alignment
The alignment finalized at the design office after the preliminary survey
is to be first located on the field by establishing the centerline. The
detailed survey is to be carried out for collecting the information
necessary for the preparation of plans and construction details for
highway project.
The geometric design of highways deals with the dimensions and layout of visible
features of the highway. The features normally considered are the cross section
elements, sight distance consideration, horizontal curvature, gradients, and
Geometric design is the process whereby the layout of the road in the terrain is
designed to meet the needs of the road users.
o The main feature considered in geometric design includes:
Sight distance
Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment.
Intersection etc…
A good geometric design is the one with maximum safety and optimum
vehicle and construction cost
2.2Deign control and criteria
Functional classification
Design hourly traffic volume and vehicle mix
Design speed
Design vehicle
Cross section of the highway, such as lanes, shoulders, and medians
Presence of heavy vehicles on steep grades
Topography of the area that the highway traverses
Level of service
Available funds
Social and environmental factors
1 traffic volume
2 surface condition
3 level of service, etc…
However, classification based on the speed and accessibility is the most generic one.
Mobility and accessibility are the two most important element of highway efficiency
however; they are inversely related
The first step in the design process is to define the function that the facility is to serve.
The level of service required to fulfill this function for the anticipated volume and
composition of traffic provides a rational and cost-effective basis for the selection of
design speed and geometric criteria within the range of values available to the
designer (for the specified functional classification).
The use of functional classification as a design type should appropriately integrate
the highway planning and design process.
Design Speed Horizontal/Vertical
Cross Section
B.Design Hourly Volume and Capacity: The general unit for measuring traffic
on highway is the Annual Average Daily Traffic volume, abbreviated as AADT. The
traffic flow (or) volume keeps fluctuating with time, from a low value during off peak
hours to the highest value during the peak hour. It will be uneconomical to design the
roadway facilities for the peak traffic flow.
C. Environmental and other factors: - The environmental factors like air pollution,
noise pollution, landscaping, aesthetics and other global conditions should be given
due considerations in the geometric design of roads.
D. Terrain Classification
E. Design speed
is used as an index which links road function, traffic flow and terrain to
the design parameters of sight distance and curvature
design elements such as lane and shoulder widths, horizontal radius,
superelevation, sight distance and gradient are directly related to, and
vary, with design speed.
Expressways: They are superior type of highways and are designed for high
Local streets: A local street is the one which is primarily intended for access
Collectors streets: These are streets intended for collecting and distributing
traffic to and from local streets and also for providing access to arterial streets.
Normally full access is provided on these streets. There are few parking
restrictions except during peak hours.
Fig.2.1. Speed vs accessibility
Roads can be classified based on some other criteria. They are given in detail below.
Based on usage
This classified is based on whether the roads can be used during seasons of the year.
This classification is based on the type of the carriage way or the road pavement.
Paved roads with hard surface: If they are provided with a hard pavement
course such roads are called paved roads. (eg: stones, Water bound
macadam (WBM), Bituminous macadam (BM), concrete roads)
Unpaved roads: Roads which are not provided with a hard course of at
least a WBM layer they is called unpaved roads. Thus earth and gravel
roads come under this category.
Based on pavement surface
Based on the type of pavement surfacing provided, they are classified as surfaced and
unsurfaced roads.
Surfaced roads (BM, concrete): Roads which are provided with a
bituminous or cement concreting surface are called surfaced roads.
Unsurfaced roads (soil/gravel): Roads which are not provided with a
bituminous or cement concreting surface are called unsurfaced roads.
Other criteria
Roads may also be classified based on the traffic volume in that road, load transported
through that road, or location and function of that road.
Traffic volume: Based on the traffic volume, they are classified as heavy,
medium and light track roads. These terms are relative and so the limits
under each class may be expressed as vehicles per day.
Load transported: Based on the load carried by these roads, they can be
classified as class I, class II, etc. or class A, class B etc. and the limits
may be expressed as tone per day.
Location and function: The classification based on location and function
should be a more acceptable classification since they may be defined
∆=deflection angle
L=Length of Curve
C=Chord Length
R=Radius of
M=Middle Ordinate
E=External Distance
T=Length of Tangent
P.I.=Point of
TC=Tangent to Circle
CT=Circle to Tangent
Degree of curvature
Arc Definition
20 2R
D 360 R
Chord Definition D
D = 10 / Sin (R/2)
Lecture note
A curve has a deflection angle of Δ = 230 18’02’’, and a radius of 1432.6
m. The point of intersection (PI) is 5+053.87. Calculate the tangent
distance T, external distance E, curve length L, point of curvature PC, and
point of tangent PT.
• Is the raising of the outer edge of the road along a curve in-order to
counteract the effect of radial centrifugal force in combination with the
friction between the surface and tyres developed in the lateral direction.
• Maximum value is controlled by:
– Climatic conditions: frequency & amount of snow/icing
– Terrain condition: flat vs. mountainous
– Area type: rural vs. urban
– Frequency of very slow moving vehicles
• 0.1m/m is a logical maximum super-elevation
• Minimum super-elevation rate is determined by drainage requirements
• UK emax: 0.07 (rural) & 0.05 (urban)
Application of superelevation
Is done in two stages:
1. Neutralizing the camber of the road gradually, bringing it in to a
straight line slope
2. Increasing the slope gradually until design super-elevation is
R1 B R2 L2 R2 f
R2 L2 R2 f
R2 L2 R2 f R2 2 R2 f f 2
2 2 2
2 2
L2 f (2 R2 f ) f L L
R2 2 R2 f 2 R2
B R1
• Sight Distance is the distance visible to the driver of a vehicle ahead of
• Stopping sight distance
• Passing sight distance
• For highway safety, the designer must provide sight distances of
sufficient length so that drivers can control the operation of their
vehicles. They must be able to avoid striking an unexpected object on
the traveled way.
• Two-lane highways should also have sufficient sight distance to enable
drivers to occupy the opposing traffic lane for passing maneuvers,
without risk of accident.
• Two-lane rural highways should generally provide such passing sight
distance at frequent intervals and for substantial portions of their length.
d is distance in meters
t driver’s reaction time (=2.5 sec)
V is initial speed (in Km/h)
f is coefficient of friction b/n the tyre and road
Control of sight distance
Sight distances should be checked during design, and adjustments made
to meet the minimum requirements.
Driver's eye height: 1.07 meters
Object height for stopping sight distance: 0.15 meters
Lecture note
t2 = time passing vehicle occupies left lane, s
v = average speed of passing vehicle, km/h
d3 = clearnace distance taken from table below
d4 = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle, which is approximately equal to d2 less the portion
of d2 whereby the passing vehicle is entering the left lane, estimated at:
Vertical alignment
Consists of straight sections of the highway known as grades, or tangents,
connected by vertical curves.
The design involves the selection of suitable GRADES for the tangent
sections and the design of the VERTICAL CURVES.
The topography of the area through which the road traverses has a significant
impact on the design of the vertical alignment
Lecture note
Vertical curve
The parabolic curve is used almost exclusively in connecting profile grade
tangents. The primary reason for the use of this type of curve in vertical
highway alignments is the convenient manner in which the vertical offsets can
be computed and the smooth transitions created from tangent to curve and
then back to tangent.
Y: tangent offset :
The geometric curve used in vertical curve alignment design is the vertical axis
parabola .The parabola has the desirable characterstics of
Lecture note
d2y/dx2=2a is constant
Lecture note
(c) the location and elevation of the high point on the curve.
Earthwork is excavation of material from cutting and/or construction of
embankments which is required to convert right of way from natural condition and
configuration to a level that is ready for pavement works as prescribed in the design
of the road
Borrow - material not obtained from roadway excavation but secured by widening
cuts, flattening back slopes, excavating from sources adjacent to the road within the
right-of-way, or from selected borrow pits as may be noted on the plans
Waste - material excavated from roadway cuts but not required for making the
Free Haul - the maximum distance through which excavated material may be
transported without the added cost above the unit bid price
-Plot natural ground level and proposed grade profile and indicate areas of cut and
Areas of Cross-sections
• For the purpose of calculating the quantity of earth work, the areas
of cross-sections and the distance between them must be known
• Methods
– For regular/level ground simple geometry
– For irregular ground, two methods
1. Graphical or planimeter method
2. Coordinate or other approximate method
Area calculation for irregular section
Volume calculation
Mass Diagram
• Is a continuous curve showing the accumulated algebraic sum of the
cuts (+ve) and fills (-ve) from some initial station to any succeeding
• Ordinates of the mass curve are plotted with reference to a horizontal
scale of distances
• It is convenient to tabulate the cumulative sum of cuts and fills at a
station before drawing a Mass diagram
1. Introduction
Provision of adequate drainage is an essential part of pavement design.
Protection of pavement structure
Improves road safety
Can be categorically studied in:
Surface Drainage
Drainage on the adjoining land and roadway
Side Drainage and Cross Drainage
Sub-surface Drainage
1. Rainfall Intensity
• Runoff is obtained by considering expected sever storm.
Return period of 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, and 100 years
• Quantity of runoff depends on intensity and duration.
• Duration= Time of Concentration
The time required for water from the remotest place to reach a
specific point on the drainage system.
=T +T
1 2
• T = over land flow time
• T = time of flow in the longitudinal drain
Source: ERA Manual, 2002
2. Computation of Runoff
Q 0.00278 CIA
C1 A1 C 2 A2 • If the water shade is made up of
C different surfaces
A1 A2
• Q= runoff (m3/sec)
• C=coefficient, representing ratio of runoff to rainfall
• I= intensity of rainfall (mm/hr) for a duration equal to the time of
• A= catchment area tributary to the design location, ha
• Once the quantity of runoff is known, the design of ditches and similar
structures is based on the principles of open channel flow.
• Mannings’s formula assumes steady flow in a uniform channel.
1 2 / 3 1/ 2
n Q V A
• V= mean velocity (m/sec)
• R= hydraulic radius (m)= Area/wetted perimeter
• S=slope of the channel (m/m)
• n=Manning’s roughness coefficient
Best hydraulic sections
Please refer best hydraulic section for trapezoidal
• Fig 5.2 Nomograph for normal depth
• Examples:
The drainage area which contributes runoff to a proposed culvert
installation is 1.30 km2 in extent. The rainfall intensity of the area is
57 mm/hr. The area has an average slope of about 4%. Assuming a
runoff coefficient of 0.25, determine the quantity of flow and design
the size of the culvert. [NB: If slope of culvert is not given, use S =
10% as a default value]
1. The maximum quantity of water expected in one of the open longitudinal
drains on clayey soil is 0.9 m3/sec. Design the cross section and longitudinal
slope of trapezoidal drain assuming the bottom width of the trapezoidal
section to be 1.0 m and cross slopes to be 1V:1.5H. The allowable velocity of
flow in the drain is 1.2 m/sec and Manning’s roughness coefficient is 0.02.
• Highest level of water table should be below the subgrade.
• Practically 1.0 to 1.2 m below subgrade
• Relatively permeable soil-
• Longitudinal drains are mainly used
• Impermeable soils-
• Transverse drains may be necessary in addition to longitudinal
1. Lowering of Water Table
Fig5.2 . Symmetrical longitudinal drains used to lower the groundwater table and
to collect water infiltrating the pavement.
• Lowering of Water Table
al Drain
2. Seepage Control
• If seepage zone is at a depth less than 0.6 to 0.9 m below subgrade level,
• Use longitudinal pipe drain in trench with filter material to
intercept the seepage flow.
• This phenomenon can be explained using figures.
Fig 5.4 Longitudinal interceptor drain used to cut off seepage and lower the
groundwater table.
Fig.5.5 Longitudinal collector drain used to remove water seeping into the
pavement structural section.
Capillary rise
Highest water
Fig 5.6 Granular capillary cutoff
Impermeable layer
Capillary rise
• Culverts lead the water from the side drains under the road to the other (lower)
• Fitted with aprons, head and wing walls and installed with a similar backfill.
Functions of Culverts
-To collect and carry the water across the road so as not to cause damage to road
-To allow sufficient waterway to prevent heading up of water above the road
Types of Culverts
1. Pipe Culvert
2. Box Culvert
3. Slab Culvert
4. Arch Culvert
Pipe Culverts
• When the stream carries low discharge and alignment has high embankment,
pipe culverts are considered more suitable.
• Pipe is laid slightly inclined.
• Minimum diameter of the pipe culvert is limited to 600 mm to facilitate
cleaning and avoid blocking.
• The standard length of the RCC pipe is fixed at 2.5 m, jointed by collar or
tongue and groove.
• Pipes may be made of stoneware, concrete, RCC, etc.
The standard size of pipe culverts are 0.5 m, 0.75 m, 1 m, 1.25 m and 2 m in
Slab Culverts
• RCC slab is placed over abutments made of masonry and the span is generally
limited to 3 m.
• Open or closed conduit sufficiently above the roadway to drain water across the
a. According to alignment
b. According to materials used
c. According to usage
a. According to alignment
1. Normal Bridge – a transverse structure perpendicular to the banks
of the river or creek.
2. Skew Bridge – a transverse structure having an angle of less than
90º from the bank of the river.
1. ERA Manual: Not more than 20º
b. According to materials used
1. Timber Bridge- timber is used because of its low cost. However, it
has a short life span because of its exposure to wet and dry season.
2. Concrete Bridge:
Reinforced Concrete – concrete containing adequate
reinforcement, pre-stressed or non-pre-stressed, designed on the
assumption that the two materials act together in resisting
Pre-stressed Concrete – reinforced concrete in which
internal stresses have been introduced to reduce potential tensile
stresses in concrete resulting from loads.
3. Steel Bridge: Steel Plate Girder – heavy loads must be carried for
spans above 12.19 meters & nearly all spans over 18.288 meters
c. According to usage
1. Temporary Bridge – a bridge with short life span which needs replacements
of members every after 3 years.
2. Permanent Bridge – a bridge with life span of 50 years or more before it is
completely replaced.
Example: Concrete & Steel Bridges
Most economical bridge site & potentially the longest service life is
located at:
» on a straight reach of the river
» beyond the disturbing influence of larger tributaries
» has well defined banks
» reasonably straight approach roads
» permits as perpendicular a crossing as possible
» on a good foundation condition.