Teacher Training Modules
Teacher Training Modules
Teacher Training Modules
endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
These Teacher Training Modules (30 hours of blended learning) integrate results compiled in
schools (through questionnaires to students and teachers), Lists of resources compiled by the
partners for teachers and students to use, as well as Tips for Teachers on how to use those
resources, compiled by the partners of the WE ARE EUROPE project.
The modules are devoted to specific cross-curricular themes designed to complement the
current school curricula, such as:
- musical traditions
- fashion
- cooking
- sports
This goal will be pursued through cross-curricular themes, resources and activities, to be
tested in schools (formal education) and in libraries (informal educational events). In addition,
the planned activities will assist the participating teachers in developing their personalities,
discovering their own abilities and strengths and enhancing their social skills, while finding
opportunities to collaborate with other teachers in Europe through the activities developed by
their students.
To assist teacher trainers in disseminating the WE ARE EUROPE resources and propose a set of
modules whereby teachers will combine their own experience and disciplinary knowledge with
the resources and produce cross-curricular lesson plans (units) within the WE ARE EUROPE
objectives and themes. The lessons are to be piloted in schools in order to encourage
opportunities for students to cooperate across Europe.
- Generating interest in other EU countries and their cultures;
Through the lessons plans to be developed by teachers, specific skills are to be developed:
- Use history as a basis for raising awareness of social justice and understanding of
diversity as enrichment for the people and the societies in which they live.
It is recommended that teacher trainers use these modules with groups of up to 10 teachers.
The modules are planned for weekly face-to-face sessions of 3 hours, during 5 consecutive
weeks. Teachers are expected to develop their own lesson plans during 15 additional
independent study hours to assist preparation of lesson plans.
Face-to-face sessions should include at most 1-hour of presentation and the remaining time
should be task-based and used for discussion.
Outline of Teacher Training Modules
Module 1. Exploring the WAE project
Task 4
PPt presentation of outline of the Teacher log – page 1
teacher training modules, /page 2
sessions, and intended outcomes.
2h – self- Writing in the Teacher log – page
study 1
Webpage link
Task 5 (self-study) information
Explore information on the WAE http://www.we-are-
webpage europe.net/index.php/t
http://www.we-are- he-project-en
project-en and write questions to
share with the whole group in the
following session on p2 of their
Teacher Log.
Module 2. The WAE Tips for Teachers
Content: Exploring list of WAE resources together with Tips for teachers
Task 3
PPt presentation of Tips for
Teachers: Activities with Books;
Activities with film and media;
3h - Self- Activities with games; and
study Activities with websites. At the
end, teachers discuss their
favourite. At home they
comment on this in their Teacher
Log – page 3.
Task 4 Self-study
Read the Fact Finding Report and
extract relevant information
from your point of view. How
does it connect with the
curricula you teach?
Write in Page 4 of Teacher Log.
Module 3. What do my students want to learn that relates to WAE?
Content: WAE themes, reports on students’ interests, curricular objectives, and resources
available for students in WAE
Discuss. ; Gulliver – to get to
Task 4 – 40’ know each other leads
Task 4 to better mutual
Invite teachers to find understanding
resources in the List of (Http://archive.ecml.at
Resources that they can relate /mtp2/gulliver/htm1/
to Inclusive Education (this may Gulliver_F_pdesc.htm
also include: new literacies,
critical literacy, and critical
pedagogy) and to present them
briefly to colleagues.
Eg. TransABC Transcultural
ABCs of Cultural Understanding
and Communication
(www.transabcs.org); Project
ROUTES – Migration and
Integration in Europe
online.org/index.php); Feeling
Lonely (http://
DEvA4WXR8A); Gulliver – to
Task 5 – 30’ get to know each other leads
to better mutual understanding
Template for
Task 5 unit/lessons plan (in
In groups of 3 to 4 teachers, Teacher Log – page 5)
define a theme and a unit
outline using WAE resources.
4h – tutorial They can either choose a focus
for on the activities the children
development would like to do in the
of individual classroom to learn about
lesson outline Europe and practice skills; or
on the activities teachers
consider important for
Task 6
Individually teachers define a
theme and a unit outline
(series of lessons) using WAE
resources and using the
template provided in the
Teacher Log (p.5). Teachers
prepare a PPt presentation (10
Module 4. Teaching approaches for unit (lessons) plan
Content: Identification of all the resources available for the theme of unit plan outline.
Proposals on approaches to teaching
c) Experiential learning
with Multimedia Art or
ComiX4=Comics for
Task 3
Individually teachers flesh out Template for lessons
6h – tutorial their lesson plans for the unit, plan (in Teacher Log –
for using the template provided page 6)
development in the Teacher Log (p.6).
of individual Teachers prepare a PPt
lesson outline presentation of their lessons
including preview of piloting
(15 minutes).
Module 5. Presentation and discussion of lessons plans.
List of additional resources organized by module
4. Teacher log – page 1 /page 2/ page 3/ page 4/ page 5/ page 6 (see also subsequent modules)
6. PPt with List of resources for Task 1. Some of the following resources may be chosen:
a) Karolinka is travelling through Europe
b) Through the Stories
c) Polish History Comic Book –King Henryk Walezy;
d) English Fairy Tales and Legends
e) Eumof – folktales collection
f) EPBC – European Picture Book Collection
g) Shaun Tan, The Arrival
h) ComiX4=Comics for Equality
i) All U Need is Space
9. PPt with
a) 21st century Skills https://www.youtube.com/user/schoolgateway on Inclusive Education
b) TransABC Transcultural ABCs of Cultural Understanding and Communication
(www.transabcs.org); Project ROUTES – Migration and Integration in Europe
(http://routes.pixel-online.org/index.php); Feeling Lonely (http://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDEvA4WXR8A); Gulliver – to get to know each other leads to
better mutual understanding
Materials for Module 4
1. Attendance sheet
Nº Name Organization e-mail Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5
4. Teacher log
Name: ___________________________________________
Organization: _____________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________
Teacher Log / Page 2
My questions to share with the whole group in the following session are:
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Teacher Log / Page 3
Additional comments
Teacher Log / Page 4
4. The suggestions made by students on how they would like to learn about Europe and
their feasibility
5. The answers from students to the question: How would you present your country to
somebody who knows very little or nothing about it?
6. How can these findings be used to inform the curricula you teach?
Teacher Log / Page 5
Teacher Log / Page 6
Lesson nr./position in
(i.e. 1 of 1, 3 of 4)
Main focus
Link to curriculum
11. Feedback sheet on presentations of lesson plans.
INSTRUCTIONS: Comment on the teachers’ presentations. How do they address the following
1. Content:
The unit (lessons)
3. Teaching strategies
There is a good balance between the curriculum
and the proposed activities
12. Teacher Evaluation Form on Training Modules.
13. Semi-structured Focus Group guidelines
The aim of the 15-minute focus group with teachers that attended the training is to collect
their views and opinions orally on the WAE resources and the training. Focus Group interviews
should preferably be audio or video recorded, after seeking permission to do so with those
involved. Please make sure teachers sign a consent form prior to recording; if recording is not
possible, keep notes on the focus group exchanges.
A. On the Training:
1. What did you learn from the training that you did not know before?
2. How will what you learnt impact on your teaching?
3. Which do you consider to be the strengths of the training?
4. And the weaknesses?
5. And the threats?
6. And the opportunities?