Teacher Training Modules

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Teacher Training Modules

Proposed by: Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco


These Teacher Training Modules (30 hours of blended learning) integrate results compiled in
schools (through questionnaires to students and teachers), Lists of resources compiled by the
partners for teachers and students to use, as well as Tips for Teachers on how to use those
resources, compiled by the partners of the WE ARE EUROPE project.

The modules are devoted to specific cross-curricular themes designed to complement the
current school curricula, such as:

- the concept of ‘home’ as national, regional and local identity

- musical traditions

- fashion

- cooking

- sports

- future educational needs and skills.

This goal will be pursued through cross-curricular themes, resources and activities, to be
tested in schools (formal education) and in libraries (informal educational events). In addition,
the planned activities will assist the participating teachers in developing their personalities,
discovering their own abilities and strengths and enhancing their social skills, while finding
opportunities to collaborate with other teachers in Europe through the activities developed by
their students.


To assist teacher trainers in disseminating the WE ARE EUROPE resources and propose a set of
modules whereby teachers will combine their own experience and disciplinary knowledge with
the resources and produce cross-curricular lesson plans (units) within the WE ARE EUROPE
objectives and themes. The lessons are to be piloted in schools in order to encourage
opportunities for students to cooperate across Europe.

The project consortium has set itself the following objectives:

- Examination of own cultural identity;

- Promoting cultural and intercultural understanding;

- Generating interest in other EU countries and their cultures;

- Promoting respect for the cultures and achievements of others;

- Promoting and initiating active participation in the development of a common Europe

through a constructive discussion process;

- Deepen students' political and historical knowledge on Europe in general, and

especially on those European countries that are partners in the project;

- Sharing knowledge with others.

Through the lessons plans to be developed by teachers, specific skills are to be developed:

- Prepare for life in globalized inclusive societies (intercultural skills);

- Handle globalized information in changing educational and work contexts that

require lifelong learning;

- Increase awareness of historical relationships to better understand the current


- Promote the principles of integration;

- Use history as a basis for raising awareness of social justice and understanding of
diversity as enrichment for the people and the societies in which they live.

Organization of teacher training

It is recommended that teacher trainers use these modules with groups of up to 10 teachers.

There is no limitation in the disciplinary areas of the teachers to be involved’ however it is

important that teachers from several disciplinary areas sit together where possible to discuss
and develop multi- inter- and transdisciplinary (MIT) approaches to the themes of WE ARE

The modules are planned for weekly face-to-face sessions of 3 hours, during 5 consecutive
weeks. Teachers are expected to develop their own lesson plans during 15 additional
independent study hours to assist preparation of lesson plans.

Face-to-face sessions should include at most 1-hour of presentation and the remaining time
should be task-based and used for discussion.

Outline of Teacher Training Modules

Module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5

Timeline Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 (3h)
(3h+2h) (3h+4h) (3h+3h) (3h+6h)
Title Exploring the The WAE What do my Teaching Presentation
WAE project Tips for students approaches and
Teachers want to learn for unit discussion of
that relates (lessons) lessons (unit)
to WAE? plans plan outlines
Content WAE Exploring WAE Identification Teachers
rationale, List of themes, of all the present
aims, resources reports on resources lesson plans
objectives. together students’ available for and piloting /
Resources, with Tips for interests, the theme of implementat
perspectives teachers curricular lessons plan ion strategy
and objectives, outline.
outcomes and Proposals on
resources approaches
available for to teaching
students in
Materials PPt on List of Students’ List of Lesson plans
project resources quizzes Resources to be
Tips for Students’ Tips for implemente
Teachers interests Teachers- d
Tips for Curricula section
Teachers: WAE Approaches
section Resources to teaching
Activities for Students
Outcome Understand Connect Define A fleshed out Lessons/unit
the WAE resources outlines of unit plan plans to be
project and with tips on possible that implemente
the role of how to use lessons/unit integrates d
teachers in it them plans that WAE
effectively integrate resources
for the WAE students’ and
aims interests and curricular
curricular aims

Module 1. Exploring the WAE project

Content: WAE rationale, aims, objectives. Resources, perspectives and outcomes

Duration Methodology Materials Learning outcomes

These are suggestions.
Please customize
according to context
Week 1 Task 1 5 Computers with General: Understand
3 h face-to- Introduction of participants (ice- Internet access the WAE project and
face + 2 h breaking activity). Participants the role of teachers in it
self-study have to organize in pairs and Attendance sheet
answer a quiz about Europe online Specific:
Task 1 – 30’ (eg. Teachers may use resources Resource: Kids Corner Explore some resources
from The Kids Corner website). http://europa.eu/kids- for children collected
Once complete, each pair to corner/explore_pt.html by WAE
present themselves to the group Game: Let’s Explore
Task 2 – 60’ and describe motivation to be Europe Discuss some facts
involved in WAE. interactive map of about the cultures of
Task 2 http://europa.eu/kids- the partner countries
Use the interactive map of corner/countries/flash/i involved in WAE
http://europa.eu/kids- ndex_en.htm
corner/countries/flash/index_en.h Understand what the
tmto explore the WAE partners PPt on WAE project – WAE project is about
involved. (PPt with names of 1) PPt with names
partners and their expertise + of partners and Understand own role in
names of national teams is their expertise project
available on the project website) + names of
Present data and ask each pair to national teams Understand the
concentrate on one particular 2) PPt with WAE purpose and intended
country. After tutor presentation outputs and outcomes of the
each pair has to go online and workflow training
retrieve more facts about the 3) PPt
country to present to others. presentation of Explore WAE webpage
Task 3 – 30’ outline of the
teacher training
Task 3 modules,
PPt on rationale and objectives of sessions, and
WAE. intended
List of outputs and workflow outcomes
Task 4 – 60’ Questions and answers at the end.

Task 4
PPt presentation of outline of the Teacher log – page 1
teacher training modules, /page 2
sessions, and intended outcomes.
2h – self- Writing in the Teacher log – page
study 1
Webpage link
Task 5 (self-study) information
Explore information on the WAE http://www.we-are-
webpage europe.net/index.php/t

http://www.we-are- he-project-en
project-en and write questions to
share with the whole group in the
following session on p2 of their
Teacher Log.

Module 2. The WAE Tips for Teachers

Content: Exploring list of WAE resources together with Tips for teachers

Duration Methodology Materials Learning outcomes

These are suggestions.
Please customize
according to context
Week 2 Task 1 5 computers withGeneral:
3 h face-to- PPt presentation on WAE Internet access Connect resources
face + 3h themes. Focus on activities for with tips on how to
self-study children with picture books, Tips for Teachers - use them effectively
stories or comics. section Activities with for the WAE aims
Task 1 – 90’ In pairs invite teachers to Books; Text detectives
explore samples of picture Specific:
books, stories and comics from PPt on WAE Themes Explore some
the List of Resources online (1 resources for children
per pair from a list put up from List of possible collected by WAE
the national List of Resources). resources for Task 1:
Ask teachers to prepare a 1)Karolinka is travelling Connect resources to
presentation on a) the resource through Europe students’ interests and
itself; b) how they might use it in2) Through the Stories curricula
the classroom; c) what the 3)Polish History Comic
books/stories tell them about Book –King Henryk Explore WAE themes
the way of life in the different Walezy;
countries, including similarities 4) English Fairy Tales Explore teaching
and differences with their own and Legends approaches to the
country. 5) Eumof – folktale WAE resources
Task 2 – 60’ Task 2 6) EPBC – European
Switch pairs. Picture Book Collection
Teachers are then invited to 7) Shaun Tan, The
explore one particular theme Arrival
they think would be important 8) ComiX4=Comics for
and relevant for engaging Equality
students in collaborative 9) All U Need is Space
projects across the partner
countries, for example an List of resources on
exploration of the typical foods paper for each pair of
of one of the WAE countries. The teachers
teachers’ task is: a) Use the List
of resources to identify the
relevant resources; b) Present
those resources to others in 5 Copy of the Fact
minutes; c) Identify 3 good ideas Finding Report
Task 3 – 30’ on how to use them so that
students can share their own Teacher Log – pages 3
work across Europe. and 4

Task 3
PPt presentation of Tips for
Teachers: Activities with Books;
Activities with film and media;
3h - Self- Activities with games; and
study Activities with websites. At the
end, teachers discuss their
favourite. At home they
comment on this in their Teacher
Log – page 3.

Task 4 Self-study
Read the Fact Finding Report and
extract relevant information
from your point of view. How
does it connect with the
curricula you teach?
Write in Page 4 of Teacher Log.

Module 3. What do my students want to learn that relates to WAE?

Content: WAE themes, reports on students’ interests, curricular objectives, and resources
available for students in WAE

Duration Methodology Materials Learning outcomes

These are suggestions.
Please customize
according to context
Week Task 1 5 computers withGeneral:
3 h face-to- Brainstorming with the whole Internet access Define outlines of
face group: How would you like to possible lesson plans
teach your students on PPt presentation on that integrate
Task 1 – 40’ Europe? ACTIVITY 01 A1 students’ interests and
How would you present your TEACHERS’ curricular aims.
country to somebody who STATEMENTS and
knows very little or nothing ACTIVITY 01 A3 Specific:
about it? STUDENTS’ QUIZ Learn about students’
PPt presentation on findings perspectives on
from the ACTIVITY 01 A1 PPt presentation on learning about Europe
TEACHERS’ STATEMENTS and Through the Wild Web
ACTIVITY 01 A3 STUDENTS’ Woods Learn about 21st
QUIZ (tables) century skills
Task 2 – 30’ Curricula
Task 2 WAE Resources for Relate to the theme of
PPt presentation on some Students inclusive education in a
‘Resources for Children’ in the global world
List of Resources. Eg. Through 21st century Skills
the Wild Web Woods (a game): https://www.youtube. Identify resources and
Children’s Rights described in com/user/schoolgatew WAE themes for a
terms children can understand. ay on Inclusive lesson plan and discuss
Teachers are invited to play the Education them in a MIT
game for 20 minutes and https://www.youtube. perspective
comment on the experience. com/watch?v=eBiRTRe
Task 3 – 40’ 6mvRpHBOJsCJAjwvHV
Task 3 SYDmZW&index=1
Exploring 21st-century skills
through Resources for
Teachers. Use as example 21st TransABC Transcultural
century Skills ABCs of Cultural
https://www.youtube.com/use Understanding and
r/schoolgateway on Inclusive Communication
Education (www.transabcs.org);
https://www.youtube.com/wat Project ROUTES –
ch?v=eBiRTRe7dLg&list=PLWa Migration and
UnF8ej6mvRpHBOJsCJAjwvHVS Integration in Europe
YDmZW&index=1 (http://routes.pixel-
Ask teachers to jot down 5 online.org/index.php);
important principles for Feeling Lonely (http://
inclusive education and how www.youtube.com/wa
they can be taught to children. tch?v=NDEvA4WXR8A)

Discuss. ; Gulliver – to get to
Task 4 – 40’ know each other leads
Task 4 to better mutual
Invite teachers to find understanding
resources in the List of (Http://archive.ecml.at
Resources that they can relate /mtp2/gulliver/htm1/
to Inclusive Education (this may Gulliver_F_pdesc.htm
also include: new literacies,
critical literacy, and critical
pedagogy) and to present them
briefly to colleagues.
Eg. TransABC Transcultural
ABCs of Cultural Understanding
and Communication
(www.transabcs.org); Project
ROUTES – Migration and
Integration in Europe
online.org/index.php); Feeling
Lonely (http://
DEvA4WXR8A); Gulliver – to
Task 5 – 30’ get to know each other leads
to better mutual understanding

Template for
Task 5 unit/lessons plan (in
In groups of 3 to 4 teachers, Teacher Log – page 5)
define a theme and a unit
outline using WAE resources.
4h – tutorial They can either choose a focus
for on the activities the children
development would like to do in the
of individual classroom to learn about
lesson outline Europe and practice skills; or
on the activities teachers
consider important for

Task 6
Individually teachers define a
theme and a unit outline
(series of lessons) using WAE
resources and using the
template provided in the
Teacher Log (p.5). Teachers
prepare a PPt presentation (10

Module 4. Teaching approaches for unit (lessons) plan

Content: Identification of all the resources available for the theme of unit plan outline.
Proposals on approaches to teaching

Duration Methodology Materials Learning outcomes

These are suggestions.
Please customize
according to context
Week 4 Task 1 General:
6h face-to- Presentation of theme and Tips for Teachers - A fleshed out unit
face unit outline (individual). Each section on Approaches plan that integrates
Task 1 – 100’ teacher has 10 minutes to Teaching WAE resources, tips
for teachers and
Task 2 curricular aims.
Task 2 – 80’ PPt presentation on Tips for Task 2
Teachers –Approaches to PPt presentation that Specific:
Teaching, each combined combines: Engaging with
with a resource from the List a) Discovery learning approaches to
of Resources. Teachers are with e-Learning in teaching such as
invited to discuss what they Science and discovery learning,
would change in their lesson Environmental cross-curricular or
(unit) outline to incorporate Education interdisciplinary
some of these tips, or others (http://socrates.gridw.pl teaching,
they would like to share with /; experiential
colleagues. learning, and peer
b) Cross-curricular or teaching through
interdisciplinary WAE resources.
teaching with European
Central Bank - An Clear identification
animation video on of ways in which to
prices, inflation and engage children in
commerce. c) Produced active learning.
in collaboration with the
Central European Bank. Clear connection of
It is accompanied by a lesson plan to
teacher’s guide national curricular
http://www.ecb.europa. disciplinary/ MIT
eu/ecb/educational/pric aims.
a8850b7200a5fc03; and
a leaflet for students

c) Experiential learning

with Multimedia Art or
ComiX4=Comics for

d) Peer teaching with

Classrooms without
or Youth4Youth

Task 3
Individually teachers flesh out Template for lessons
6h – tutorial their lesson plans for the unit, plan (in Teacher Log –
for using the template provided page 6)
development in the Teacher Log (p.6).
of individual Teachers prepare a PPt
lesson outline presentation of their lessons
including preview of piloting
(15 minutes).

Module 5. Presentation and discussion of lessons plans.

Content: Teachers present lesson plans and implementation strategy

Duration Methodology Materials Learning outcomes

These are suggestions.
Please customize
according to context
Week 5 Task 1
3 h face-to- Each teacher presents lesson Feedback sheet on Lesson plans to be
face plans with activities and presentations of implemented
implementation dates. lesson plans.
Task 1 -150’ Feedback is provided by all Critical analysis of
teachers and trainers, using a WAE resources and
feedback sheet. training

Task 2 – 10’ Task 2

Teachers fill in a Teacher Teacher Evaluation
Evaluation Form on Training Form on Training
Modules (individual). Modules.

Task 3 – 20’ Task 3

Focus group with all teachers- Semi-structured Focus
SWOT analysis on: a) List of Group guidelines
Resources; b) Tips for Teachers;
c) Training Modules.

List of additional resources organized by module

Materials for Module 1

1. Attendance sheet

2. PPt with Resource:

a) Kids Corner http://europa.eu/kids-corner/explore_pt.html; Game: Let’s Explore Europe;
b) Interactive map of http://europa.eu/kids-corner/countries/flash/index_en.htm

3. PPt on WAE project –

a) PPt with names of partners and their expertise + names of national teams
b) PPt with WAE outputs and workflow
c) PPt presentation of outline of the teacher training modules, sessions, and intended outcomes
d) PPt with Webpage link informationhttp://www.we-are-europe.net/index.php/the-project-en

4. Teacher log – page 1 /page 2/ page 3/ page 4/ page 5/ page 6 (see also subsequent modules)

Materials for Module 2

5. PPt on WAE Themes

6. PPt with List of resources for Task 1. Some of the following resources may be chosen:
a) Karolinka is travelling through Europe
b) Through the Stories
c) Polish History Comic Book –King Henryk Walezy;
d) English Fairy Tales and Legends
e) Eumof – folktales collection
f) EPBC – European Picture Book Collection
g) Shaun Tan, The Arrival
h) ComiX4=Comics for Equality
i) All U Need is Space

Materials for Module 3



8. PPt presentation on Through the Wild Web Woods

9. PPt with
a) 21st century Skills https://www.youtube.com/user/schoolgateway on Inclusive Education
b) TransABC Transcultural ABCs of Cultural Understanding and Communication
(www.transabcs.org); Project ROUTES – Migration and Integration in Europe
(http://routes.pixel-online.org/index.php); Feeling Lonely (http://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDEvA4WXR8A); Gulliver – to get to know each other leads to
better mutual understanding

Materials for Module 4

10. PPt presentation that combines:

a) Discovery learning with e-Learning in Science and Environmental Education
b) Cross-curricular or interdisciplinary teaching with European Central Bank - An animation
video on prices, inflation and commerce. c) Produced in collaboration with the Central
European Bank. It is accompanied by a teacher’s guide
web.pdf?1f928d0a5f506b3fa8850b7200a5fc03; and a leaflet for students
c) Experiential learning with Multimedia Art or ComiX4=Comics for Equality.
d) Peer teaching with Classrooms without Borders/E-competences (http://e-
competences.blogspot.co.uk/; http://www.europe.org.uk/201/11/08/new-school-featured-
item-2/) or Youth4Youth (http://medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content-uploads/Y4Y-

Materials for Module 5

11. Feedback sheet on presentations of lesson plans.

12. Teacher Evaluation Form on Training Modules.

13. Semi-structured Focus Group guidelines.

1. Attendance sheet

Location: __________________________ Country _________________________ Beginning date ____________ End date___________

Name of trainers: 1_________________________ 2__________________________ 3__________________________ 4_____________________________

Nº Name Organization e-mail Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5


4. Teacher log

Name: ___________________________________________

Organization: _____________________________________

Disciplines taught: _________________________________

E-mail ___________________________________________

Teacher Log / Page 1

What I have learnt in Module 1 about:

1. The rationale of the WAE project


2. The objectives of the WAE project


3. The teacher training modules and their intended outcomes


4. What my role is in the WAE project


Teacher Log / Page 2

I have looked at the WAE webpage


My questions to share with the whole group in the following session are:

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Overall impression of the website

What is available through the WAE project website?:






Teacher Log / Page 3

Please comment on the Tips for Teachers:

1. Activities with Books

2. Activities with film and media

3. Activities with games

4. Activities with websites

My favourite activity is ___________________________________


Name 1 strength of the Tips for Teachers.

Make 1 suggestion to improve the Tips for Teachers

Additional comments

Teacher Log / Page 4

Read the Fact Finding Report

Please comment on:

1. Teachers’ perceptions on working with the students’ quiz in class

2. Students’ Quiz results

3. The list of themes proposed by students

4. The suggestions made by students on how they would like to learn about Europe and
their feasibility

5. The answers from students to the question: How would you present your country to
somebody who knows very little or nothing about it?

6. How can these findings be used to inform the curricula you teach?

Teacher Log / Page 5

Unit plan outline (group work in classroom)

Unit thematic area

Disciplinary areas /MIT*

Duration and number of lessons

Resources to be used from the List of


How will these Resources be used?

How will the students be able to

collaborate with other students
across Europe?
Lesson 1 – content description and
learning outcomes for students
Lesson 2 – content description and
learning outcomes for students
Lesson 3 – content description and
learning outcomes for students
Lesson 4 – content description and
learning outcomes for students
Add as many lessons as you wish

* multi-, inter-and transdisciplinary: please note all that apply

Teacher Log / Page 6

Full lesson plan outline

Unit thematic area

Disciplinary areas /MIT*

Duration and number of lessons

Resources to be used from the List of


How will these Resources be used?

How will the students be able to

collaborate with other students
across Europe?
* multi-, inter-and transdisciplinary: please note all that apply

Individual lesson plans (add as many tables as the number of lessons)

Lesson nr./position in
(i.e. 1 of 1, 3 of 4)
Main focus
Link to curriculum

11. Feedback sheet on presentations of lesson plans.

INSTRUCTIONS: Comment on the teachers’ presentations. How do they address the following

Criteria Strongly Agree Disagree No

agree comment

1. Content:
The unit (lessons)

Promote cultural and intercultural understanding

Generate interest in other EU countries and their


Promote respect for the cultures and

achievements of others

Promote and initiate active participation in the

development of a common Europe through a
constructive discussion process
Deepen students' political and historical
knowledge on Europe in general, and especially on
those European countries that are partners in the
Contribute to share knowledge with others

2. Use of WAE resources

The choice of resources from the List of Resources

is adequate

Selected resources meet the Unit/lessons


There is enough guidance on how to use the

selected resources

There is a clear relationship between resources,

the overall theme and unit objectives

3. Teaching strategies

The teaching strategies are informed by the


There is a good balance between the curriculum
and the proposed activities

There are examples of either Discovery or

Experiential Learning / Cross-curricular,
Interdisciplinary, or Peer Teaching
4. Activities with Students

The proposed activities are motivating for students

It is clear how WAE resources are to be used with

students during the proposed activities

The activities are feasible and/ or innovative

12. Teacher Evaluation Form on Training Modules.

INSTRUCTIONS: Comment on the Training Modules using the grid below.

Criteria Strongly Agree Disagree Comment

The purpose and scope of the WAE
training was clearly presented
The modules assisted teachers in
meeting the intended objectives of
the WAE project
The overall management of modules
was well-organized
There is a clear articulation between
the 5 Modules
The Modules provided enough
guidance on how to integrate WAE
List of Resources, Tips for Teachers
and previously-collected fact-finding
data into future teaching
The examples provided in the
Modules were useful
The balance between work in class
and self-study was adequate for the
intended outcomes
The 15 face-to-face contact hours and
the 15 self-study hours were adequate
for the intended outcomes
The supporting documents (power
point presentations, teacher log, unit
and lesson templates, analysis grids)
to Modules were adequate
The classroom environment was
cooperative and collaborative

13. Semi-structured Focus Group guidelines

Notes for Trainers

The aim of the 15-minute focus group with teachers that attended the training is to collect
their views and opinions orally on the WAE resources and the training. Focus Group interviews
should preferably be audio or video recorded, after seeking permission to do so with those
involved. Please make sure teachers sign a consent form prior to recording; if recording is not
possible, keep notes on the focus group exchanges.

Guidelines for Discussion

A. On the Training:
1. What did you learn from the training that you did not know before?
2. How will what you learnt impact on your teaching?
3. Which do you consider to be the strengths of the training?
4. And the weaknesses?
5. And the threats?
6. And the opportunities?

B. On the WAE Resources:

7. Comment on the List of Resources: what was most useful? And least useful? What will
you use? Why? What will you not use? Why not?
8. Comment on the Tips for Teachers: what was most useful? And least useful? What will
you use? Why? What will you not use? Why not?
9. Comment on the student-centred resources. What are their strengths from the
perspective of children’s learning? How can you use them effectively in class? Do you
think they are motivating?
10. What would you change in the resource lists? What would you add to them?

C. On your professional development:

11. Do you think it was important to hear about the units presented by colleagues? Did
this have value in terms of what you do in school / your own development?
12. How do you personally react to the suggestions of the multi-, inter-and
transdisciplinary (MIT) approaches suggested?
13. Do you foresee any difficulties during the implementation of the WAE units? How are
you prepared to overcome them?


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