AOF - Sky-City Dwarves 3.3.1
AOF - Sky-City Dwarves 3.3.1
AOF - Sky-City Dwarves 3.3.1
The Dwarven tribes were once spread throughout Tyria, but as the
plains were settled by humanity and Orcs and Giants came to the
grasslands, the Dwarves retreated into the mountains. They made their
homes in their mountains, creating powerful fortresses surrounded by
terrace farms on the heights, and dug mines deep below. For most of
their history, Dwarves had to travel overland, often through hostile
territory, to visit and trade with other Dwarfholds.
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost
Balloon Master [1] 4+ 4+ Cannon-Gun (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)), Flying, Hero, Scout, Tough(6) 145pts
Weapon-Rig (9", A2, AP(1)), Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1)),
Chain-Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending)
Sky-Captain [1] 4+ 5+ Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1)), Hand Weapon (A3) Hero, Slow, Tough(3) 35pts
Crew [10] 4+ 5+ 10x Pistol (9", A1, AP(1)), 10x Hand Weapon (A1) Slow 110pts
Gunners [5] 4+ 4+ 5x Sky-Rifle (18", A1, AP(1)), 5x Hand Weapon (A1) Slow 80pts
Heavy Gunners [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Flame-Gun (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable), Relentless, Slow 90pts
3x Hand Weapon (A1)
Balloon Wardens [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1)), 3x Sky-Pike (A3, AP(2)) Flying, Tough(3) 180pts
Balloon Riggers [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Rivet Gun (9", A3, Rending), 3x Chain-Sword (A3, Rending) Flying, Scout, Tough(3) 205pts
Sky-Gunboat [1] 4+ 2+ Sky-Cannon (18", A2, AP(1), Blast(3)), Crew (A3) Fast, Flying, Tough(6) 160pts
Sky-Frigate [1] 4+ 2+ Hook Cannon (24", A2, Blast(3)), Deck Gun (12", A3, AP(1)), Fast, Flying, Tough(9), Transport(11) 270pts
Crew (A3)
Sky-Ironclad [1] 4+ 2+ Heavy Hook Cannon (24", A2, AP(2), Blast(3)), Fast, Flying, Tough(12), Transport(16) 410pts
Deck Gun (12", A6, AP(1)), Crew (A6)
Augment: When this model and its unit shoot at
enemies within 12", unmodified rolls of 6 to hit
deal one extra hit (only the original hit counts
as a 6 for special rules).
Bombing Run(X): Whenever this model moves
over enemy units, pick one of them and roll X
dice. For each 2+ it takes 3 hits with AP(1).
Follow the Code: This model and its unit get
Furious and Fearless.
Grappling Hook: This model and its unit may
move by up to 3” after shooting.
Repair: Once per this model's activation, before
attacking, if within 2” of a model with Tough,
roll one die. On a 2+ you may remove D3
wounds from that model.
Storm Sight: When taking a wound, roll one die,
and on a 6+ it is ignored. If the wound was from
a spell, then it is ignored on a 2+ instead.
Wind Reader: Once per this unit's activation,
before attacking, pick one other friendly unit
within 12”, which may move by up to 6".
Balloon Master [1] - 145 pts Balloon Wardens [3] - 180 pts
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Quality 4+ Defense 4+
Cannon-Gun (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) 3x Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1))
Weapon-Rig (9", A2, AP(1)) 3x Sky-Pike (A3, AP(2))
Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1)) Flying, Tough(3)
Chain-Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending) Replace one Volley Pistol and Sky-Pike:
Flying, Hero, Scout, Tough(6) -10pts Grappling Hook Launcher
Replace Volley Pistol: (24", A1, AP(1), Grappling Hook),
+5pts Rivet Gun (9", A3, Rending) Knife (A2)
Replace Chain-Sword: +5pts Drill Shooter
+5pts Sky-Pike (A4, AP(3)) (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)),
Upgrade with one: Knife (A2)
+20pts Sky-Mines (Counter in Melee) +5pts Heavy Hook Rifle
+20pts Sky-Seer (Storm Sight) (24", A1, AP(1), Blast(3)),
+35pts Sky-Rigger (Repair) Knife (A2)
+10pts Volley Rifle (18", A4, AP(1)), Knife (A2)
Sky-Captain [1] - 35 pts Replace one Volley Pistol:
Quality 4+ Defense 5+ +30pts Sky-Charges (Bombing Run(1))
Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1)) Upgrade all models with:
Hand Weapon (A3) +50pts Sky-Mines (Counter in Melee)
Hero, Slow, Tough(3)
Replace Hand Weapon: Balloon Riggers [3] - 205 pts
+5pts Great Hammer (A1, AP(1), Deadly(3)) Quality 4+ Defense 4+
+10pts Sky-Pike (A3, AP(2)) 3x Rivet Gun (9", A3, Rending)
Replace Volley Pistol: 3x Chain-Sword (A3, Rending)
+5pts Flame Pistol Flying, Scout, Tough(3)
(6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Replace one Rivet Gun and Chain-Sword:
+5pts Chem-Rifle (9", A3, Poison) -15pts Grappling Hook Launcher
Upgrade with one: (24", A1, AP(1), Grappling Hook),
+10pts Sky-Seer (Storm Sight) Knife (A2)
+15pts Admiral (Follow the Code) +5pts Drill Shooter
+15pts Master Chemist (Augment) (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)),
+35pts Engine Master (Repair) Knife (A2)
+40pts Aether Master (Caster(2)) +5pts Heavy Hook Rifle
+50pts Navigator (Wind Reader) (24", A1, AP(1), Blast(3)),
Knife (A2)
Crew [10] - 110 pts +10pts Volley Rifle (18", A4, AP(1)), Knife (A2)
Quality 4+ Defense 5+ Upgrade one model with:
10x Pistol (9", A1, AP(1)) +35pts Sky-Rigger (Repair)
10x Hand Weapon (A1)
Slow Sky-Gunboat [1] - 160 pts
Replace one Pistol and Hand Weapon: Quality 4+ Defense 2+
+5pts Sky-Pike (A2, AP(2)) Sky-Cannon (18", A2, AP(1), Blast(3))
Replace one Pistol: Crew (A3)
+15pts Hook Rifle (24", A1, Blast(3)) Fast, Flying, Tough(6)
+30pts Volley Rifle (18", A4, AP(1)) Replace Sky-Cannon:
Replace one Pistol: +5pts Drill Cannon
+5pts Volley Pistol (9", A2, AP(1)) (18", A1, AP(2), Deadly(6))
+5pts Flame Pistol +15pts Deck Gun (12", A3, AP(1)),
(6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) Bombing Run(+1)