Advertising Rates NAMIBIA 2023
Advertising Rates NAMIBIA 2023
Advertising Rates NAMIBIA 2023
The Namibian newspaper invites you to join a civic project aimed at creating a well-informed nation.
• Increase literacy and foster a reading culture primarily among the youth
• Assist needy communities to have access to information and reading material, specifically current
• Support a civic project across Namibia by donating monthly sets of The Namibian newspaper to
schools an public libraries, community centres and old age homes.
• Market your brand and spread your business message further.
• Broaden your CSI reach.
Advertising Rates Namibia 2023
Mon - Thur Friday
(Subject to availablility) Page positioning description Monday - Thursday Friday
rate rate
7 7 Front page (200% loading) 9,334.50 11,642 190.50 237.60
(Subject to availablility)
7 7 Front page (200% loading) 9,334.50 11,642.40 190.5 237.60
Booking deadline: 2 working days, no later than 12:00, prior to publication. Cancellation deadline: 2 working days,
no later than 16:00, prior to publication. Material deadline: 2 working day prior to publication, no later than 12:00.
Advertising Rates Namibia 2023
classified basic rate (per column centimetre)
Framed/Display (1 column) 96.36
20 words Maximum per placement 87.34
Per word extra 3.19
Legal Notice per placement per placement 709.43
Memorial / Death Notice per placement 289.85
Name Change per 2 placements 542.41
1 - 8 pager 45/120gsm 1,611 1,772 1,982
1 - 8 pager Glossy 1,647 1,894 2,027
Per additional consecutive 4 pages(45/60/7gsm) 240 264 295
Per additional consecutive 4 pages(Glossy) 245 282 301
Advertising Rates Namibia 2023
Advertising Spots
Advertising Rates Namibia 2023
2020 Advertising Rates
Max Height 90px Min width 1020px
N$13 016.40
L1 Twice daily
Max Height 220px R1
Min width 264px Max Height 350px
N$11 299.00 Min width 280px
N$11 298.98
Max Height N$1386
Min Width
N$11 299.00 Advertise on our social media
platforms for as
little as N$1386 per
day for two postings.
L2 Max Height 350px
Max Height 220px Min Width 280px
Min width 265px
N$7 954.50
N$7 803.80
Max Height The Namibian Facebook Insights
Min Width Total Followers 471,136
120px Page Likes 398,969
N$4 549.70
Total Page Views 417,000
Reach (the number of unique people
who saw any of your posts) 9,25mil
Engagements 6,46m
Instagram Insights
L3 Followers 300,900
Max Height 220px
Min width 265px Impressions (the number of times
N$2 199.60 B1 R3 people saw your posts) 23,58mil
Max Height 100px, Min Width 505px Max Height 350px
N$7 803.80 Min Width 280px Reach (number of unique people
N$2 199.60 who saw posts) 2,01mil
Twitter Insights
(Total number of account
7 July 2020
7 Profile visits 447,000
Impressions 10,7mil
Reach 4,885
Advertising Rates Namibia 2023
Whats On Namibia E-mail Advertising(1×display poster in weekly) 630.00
Whats On Namibia Spotlight Mail(1×) 1,260.00
Whats On Namibia Newsletter(Text ad)(1×) 315.00
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Advertising Rates Namibia 2023
1. The Advertiser agrees to be bound by these Terms of Acceptance with respect ferences if the said specifications (see below) are not strictly adhered too. Colour
to all or any publications whose advertising is owned or managed by The Namib- guides or separation proofs must be supplied.
ian and further agrees that it shall be bound by the provisions of The Namibian’s
rate card (“the Rate Card”) for the publication in question as it pertains to all Validation Specifications for Digitals Received
matters set out therein, including, but not limited to, the rates for advertisements,
technical specifications, material requirements, submission deadlines and cancel- Printing Specification Adverts must be supplied to the exact specifications indi-
lation deadlines and cancellation conditions. cated on the rate card. Any dimensions that are outside of these areas will not be
processed, and the client will have to supply new material.
2. All copy for advertisements/advertorials are subject to the approval of The
Namibian, who also reserves the right to decline or cancel any advertisements/ Digital file requirements
advertorials or series of advertisements/advertorials.
3. The Namibian will accept no responsibility for losses arising from typograph- Digital advertisements can be supplied using one of the following methods:
ical or other errors. The Namibian’s responsibility is limited to industry standard
scanning and printing quality. Quickcut
The Namibian is not responsible for any apparent discrepancy in this regard and You sendit
advertisers are not exempt from liability for the full insertion price reflected on Please include details in the “SUBJECT” field.
orders and/or copy instruction, should an error have occurred. Removable MEDIA: CD-Rom or USB stick.
4. It is an Advertiser’s responsibility to supply material suitable for space bookings General Specifications
in line with The Namibian’s copy deadlines as set out in the Rate Card for the
publication in question. If the copy is not forthcoming, The Namibian has the Images: All images must be imported/provided at 300dpi. Any enlargements on
right to make up copy for space booked. Furthermore, the cost of making up the the page will result in a decrease in resolution.
material will be debited to the Advertiser.
Text: All black text must be set on overprint and must only reproduce on the
5. The Namibian accepts no responsibility for incorrect material supplied.
Black (K) plate, i.e. black text must not be made up of any other process colours.
6. The Namibian shall not be liable for any loss occasioned by the failure of an A minimum of 8pt Serif Type faces must be used if the text is to be reversed out
advertisement to appear on any special date, or at all, for any cause whatsoever. of a colour background.
7. While an enquiry service number may be supplied, this in no way forms part Colour Compensation: Material must be designed using CMYK process colours.
of the contract. The Namibian is not responsible for an omission of an enquiry All material must be prepared for Coldset Offset Lithographic Processes for news-
number, nor the failure to supply the Advertiser with enquiries. paper printing as per international printing standard (ISO 12647-3).
The Advertiser may not, in any way, hold back payment or part thereof should the Digital file delivery
enquiry service number, for whatever reason, not be supplied.
8. The placement of advertisements and advertorials/ insertions is at the sole The Namibian accepts digital material only for specifications and sizes indicated.
discretion of the Editor. Note that at least 2 (two) differing printing processes are used in the produc-
tion of the various supplements. To optimise print quality, please ensure that all
A guaranteed position is subject to a surcharge paid by the Advertiser as required digital material is properly corrected and pre-compensated for the specified print
by the publication in question. process in use.
Please supply colour guides to complement all advertising. If in doubt, please
9. Should The Namibian agree, in its sole discretion, to make up, or complete an contact your Sales Consultant for advice.
advertisement for an Advertiser, then all The Namibian’s production costs will be
for the account of the Advertiser as per The Namibian’s rate card. This includes Unless advised to the contrary, all advertisements must be provided as digital
design expenses. PDF/X-4 material (ISO 15930-10) as this is the preferred file format.
10. In the event of cancellation, a cancellation fee of 100% will be charged after
All advertisements must be cropped to the correct dimensions, i.e. no extra white
space around the adverts. Because of application version and font compatibility
11. All amounts payable are due simultaneously with the confirmation of order, issues, The Namibian cannot accept native “open” documents from any DTP ap-
save where The Namibian has approved an account for the Advertiser in writing. plication (e.g. Corel Draw, Quark Xpress, Macromedia Freehand, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe-In- Design, Aldus Pagemaker, Publisher and similar packages).
12. The Namibian reserves the right to suspend services if payment is not re-
ceived on the due date. Alternatively: Complete PDF files with fonts and images embedded consisting of
1 (one) advertisement only and NOT multiple advertisements (pages) in a single
13. Bank Transfers as well as Cash Deposits should be reflected on The Namib- PDF file. For quality reasons, NO complete ads received as JPEG or TIFF images
ian’s bank account, before an ad can be placed. Therefore, deposits must be will be accepted.
made 3 working days in advance before the advertisement can be placed.
14. Nothing herein contained shall be interpreted as obliging The Namibian to Total Ink Coverage: 240% for newpapers. Dot gain is 26% for newspapers.
afford the Advertiser any
Colour Proofs: Offset Lithographic colour-corrected proofs must be supplied as a
indulgence to effect payment after the due date. guide. If not supplied, accurate colour matching cannot be guaranteed.
15. All terms and conditions relating to the services are set out herein. All other Repeat & Archiving of previously printed advertisements:
terms and conditions are excluded unless agreed to in writing by The Namibian
and no other conditions, warranties or representations, whether oral or written, Please note that printed advertisement files are archived for 1 (one) year and
express or implied by statute or otherwise, shall apply hereto. discs from said clients are kept for 3 (three) months. After this time period, the
artwork is deleted.
16. No concession, latitude or indulgence allowed by The Namibian to the Adver-
tiser shall be construed as a waiver or abandonment of any of its rights hereunder.
The Namibian will not be responsible for any variance in colour or font differences
17. In the event that any of the terms of these Terms of Acceptance are found if the above specifications
to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms will be severable from the are not strictly adhered to. Colour guides or separation proofs must be supplied
remaining terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable. for comparison purposes.
Artwork material requirements & specification Before creating PDF files, designers are advised to be exceptionally careful to
ensure overprinting text (especially overprinting white type), the type transparency
Important is correctly set to “knock out” the background as desired.
The Namibian reserves the right to revise specifications at any time. In order to
give satisfactory replies to queries on reproduction, it is essential that they are Type (and other artwork) set to “transparent” will become invisible, thus appearing
requested within 7 (seven) days of publication. The Namibian reserves the right to “drop off”. In the event this error occurs, The Namibian cannot be held liable.
to withhold any unsuitable advertisement from publication and to cancel any
relevant advertisement order. To prevent the loss of sharpness, advertisements including text or type should
never be supplied as (or contained within) a contone image created in an imaging
The Namibian’s conditions of Advertisement Acceptances application such as Adobe Photoshop.
Text should be incorporated into the advertisement as type, using embedded
The Namibian will not be held responsible for any variance of colour or font dif- fonts or outline curves.