Data Transformation
Data Transformation
Data Transformation
To connect to data and begin the query building process, select New
Source. A menu appears, providing the most common data sources
The View tab on the ribbon is used to toggle whether certain panes
or windows are displayed. It's also used to display the Advanced Editor.
The following image shows the View tab.
The left (Queries) pane
The left pane, or Queries pane, displays the number of active queries
and the name of the query. When you select a query from the left pane, its
data is displayed in the center pane, where you can shape and transform
the data to meet your needs.
3. Applied Steps
Any transformations to your data will show in the Applied Steps list.
For instance, if you change the first column name, it will display in the
Applied Steps list as Renamed Columns.
- Select OK.
- To expand the merged table, and select which columns to include,
select the expand icon ( ).
The Expand window appears.
- To apply your changes and close Power Query Editor, select Close &
Apply from the Home ribbon tab.
Append tables
Append means results of two (or more) queries (which are tables
themselves) will be combined into one query in this way:
- Rows will be appended after each other.
- Columns will be the same number of columns for each query.
Let’s follow these step:
- To append these queries, Click on one of them and select Append
Queries from the Combine section of Home tab in Query Editor.
- If you want to keep the existing query result as it is and create a new
query with the appended result choose Append Queries as New,
otherwise just select Append Queries.
- You can choose what is the primary table (normally this is the query
that you have selected before clicking on Append Queries), and the
table to append.
You can also choose to append Three or more tables and add tables
to the list as you wish.
5. Sort & Filter
Sort one column by another column in Power BI
- Select the column that you want to sort. In the Fields pane, the
Column tools tab becomes active.
- Select Sort by Column, then select the field you want to sort the
other field by
- From the Fields pane, select the field you want to add as a new
visual-level filter, and drag it into the Filters on this visual area.
Add a filter to an entire page
- In Power BI Desktop, open the Retail Analysis report.
- Select the Report icon.
- Open the Visualizations and Filters pane and the Fields pane, if
they're not already open.
- From the Fields pane, select the field you want to add as a new
report-level filter.
- Select the values you want to filter.
- Select the back arrow to return to the previous report page.
Set up the drillthrough target page
- To set up drillthrough, create a target report page that has the
visuals you want for the type of entity that you're going to provide
- Then, on that drillthrough target page, in the Build visual section of
the Visualizations pane, drag the field for which you want to enable
drillthrough into the Drill through well.
To pivot a column
- Select the column that you want to pivot.
- On the Transform tab in the Any column group, select Pivot column.
Operations available
Perform an operation to group by one or more columns
Starting from the original sample, in this example you'll have a
column containing the total units and two other columns that give you the
name and units sold for the top-performing product, summarized at the
country and sales channel level.
You can select the white space inside the cell to see a preview of the
contents of the table at the bottom of the dialog box.