Civil Society
Civil Society
Civil Society
Brgy. Bacong, San Luis, Aurora
Civil Societies and Social Movements
Alternative Learning
First Edition, 2023
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Welcome! This Learning Activity Sheet will help you understand the
lesson about Civil Societies and Social Movements.
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. list different civil societies and social movements;
b. recognize the importance of civil societies and social movements
through infographic materials; and
c. write a paragraph about people’s experiences in achieving freedom
and exercising rights through social movements found in books,
articles, newspaper or online.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of
the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a formal decision-making process by which the citizens of the
country vote and select certain officials to hold public office.
A. Amendment C. Plebiscite
B. Election D. Suffrage
6. The following are the qualifications of voters in the country EXCEPT one,
which is this?
A. Not otherwise disqualified by law
B. At least eighteen (18) years of age
C. Citizen (male or female) of the Philippines
D. Have resided in the Philippines for at least three (3) months and in
the place wherein he proposes to vote for at least two (2) months
preceding the election.
7. It is the name given to a vote of the people expressing their choice for or
against a proposed law or enactment submitted to them.
A. Plebiscite C. Recall
B. Referendum D. Initiative
8. It is a political system in which are featured by the presence of a fairly
large number of parties with compete with one another on relatively equal
A. Double Party System C. Multiparty System
B. Electoral System D. One-Party System
10. What article of the constitution is related to the right of every Filipino to
A. Article III C. Article V
B. Article IV D. Article VI
As part of the discussions on political interaction, this lesson presents
another manifestation of state-society interaction. That is, the relationship
between civil society and social movements. It highlights another aspect of
group politics, but its focus is on players outside the government. This part
assesses the roles taken by the civil society in the Philippine governance and
The London School of Economics Centre for Civil Society does define
civil society as “the arena of uncoerced collective action around shared
interests, purposes, and values. Civil society commonly embraces a diversity
of spaces, actors, and institutional forms, varying in their degree of
formality, autonomy or power. It is often populated by organizations such as
registered charities, development non-governmental organizations,
community groups, women’s organizations, faith-based organizations,
professional associations, trade unions, self-help groups, social movements,
business associations, coalitions and advocacy groups”.
The United Nations refers to civil society as the “third sector” of the
society, along with government and business. The civil society is considered
a social sphere independent from both the state and the market. It
comprises of civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations.
citizen concerns to governments, advocate, monitor policies, and encourage
participation through information dissemination. Similarly, they provide
analysis and expertise on specific issues on environment, health, and
human rights (NGO Global Network, 2016)
The civil society can have a positive influence to the state. And it has
become increasingly important in the promotion of good governance,
effectiveness, and accountability (Ghaus- Pasaha, 2004)
Article II, Section 23: “The states shall encourage non-governmental, community-
based, or sector organizations that promote the welfare of the nation.”
Article XIII, Section 15: “The state shall respect the role of independent people’s
organizations to enable to pursue and protect within the democratic framework,
their legitimate and collective interest and aspirations through peaceful and lawful
Article XIII, Section 16: “The right of the people and their organizations to
effective and reasonable participation at all levels of social, political, and economic
decision-making shall not be abridged. The state shall, by law, facilitate the
establishment of adequate consultation mechanism.
o Social movements perpetuate because there is a need for change, there is always
a need for societies to change for the better or even worse. Social movements are
extremely prevalent.
o The “movement” in social movement is a transformation in the habits. Including
linguistic and basic domestic habits that shape our everyday lives Social
movements are the key agents for bringing about changes within the society.
o They are the proof that our society is not stoic or stable, they flow; and social
movements are key currents within this flow.
Directions: List down civil societies and social movements you know in your
community and describe the organization’s purposes. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.
Directions: Complete the infographic material below by writing appreciations
on the importance of civil societies and social movements in our country.
Images are provided below for you to come up with a concept. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper. Use the rubric as your guide.
Infographic Rubrics
Indicator Score
Content (50%)
Terms, Facts
Quality of relevant data
Clarity (50%)
Quantity of relevant data
Easy to understand
Teacher’s Comment
Directions: Using the Venn diagram, give the similarities and differences
between Civil Societies and Social movements. Then, write a brief
explanation below. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
Directions: Read a story, news, or articles about people’s experiences in
achieving freedom and exercising rights through social movements. Write a
short paragraph guided by the questions below. Use short bond paper for
your answer. Use the rubric below as your guide.
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.
3. These are groups that are made up of people from the community who
volunteer their time in order to raise money for community projects
or needs.
A. Civic agencies C. Social agency
B. Civic group D. Social group
A. Provided solidarity mechanisms
B. Separated from the state and the market
C. Formed by the people who have common needs, interests, and values
D. Developed through a fundamentally endogenous and autonomous
process that is not easily controlled from the outside
10. Listed below are means of expressing social movements advocacies except;
A. Boycott C. Legislative lobbying
B. Street protest D. Solidarity mechanisms
Key to Corrections
Let’s Recall Let’s Practice Let’s Enrich Let’s Perform Let’s Assess
16 (2022). Retrieved 8 August 2022, from
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