RESEARCH Parenting-Styles

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Background of the Study

A parenting style is representing strategies that parents use in

their child rearing. The quality of parenting can be more essential

that the quality of time spent with the child. Parenting styles are

the representation of how parents respond to and make demands on their

children. Parenting practices are specific behaviors, while parenting

styles represent broader patterns of parenting practices. There are

various theories and opinions on the best ways to rear children as

well as defining levels of time and effort that parents are willing to

invest. Parenting style is defined as a constellation of attitude

toward the child that are communicated to the child and that, taken

together, create an emotional climate in which the parents behaviors

are expressed(Darling and Steinberg 1993).Parenting style captured two

important elements of parenting: parental responsiveness and parental

demandingness (Maccoby and Martin 1983).Parental responsiveness which

is similar to parental warmth or supportiveness refers to "the extent

to which parents intentionally foster individually, self-regulation

and self-assertion by being attuned, supportive and acquiescent to

children's special needs and demands" (Baumrind 1991).Parental

demandingness which emphasized behavioral control refers to "the

claims parents make on children to become integrated into the family

as a whole, by their maturity, demands, supervision, disciplinary

efforts and willingness to confront the child who disobeys" (Baumrind

1991). Parenting styles are categorized into authoritative,

authoritarian and permissive based on Baumrinds typology of

parenting(1967,1971). Authoritative parents are high in responsiveness

and demandingness. They monitor and impart clear standards for their

children’s conduct. They are assertive but not intrusive and

restrictive. Authoritarian parents are high in demandingness but low

in responsiveness. Those parents provide a well-ordered and structured

environment with clearly stated rules (Darling 1999).They expect the

children to obey the rules without explanation. Permissive parents are

high in responsiveness but low in demandingness. They are non-

directive and do not require mature behavior. Weiss and Schwarz (1996)

confirmed the important role of parenting styles are reported that

authoritative, democratic, and non-directive parenting styles

encouraged the development of positive attitudes among adolescents.

According to Darling (1999),authoritative parenting style is one of

the consistent predictors for cognitive competency among adolescents.

Statement of the Problem

Relationship between children and parents are consistently

interconnected to determine students’ schooling achievement (Wentzel,

2002). Furthermore, students’ academic behaviors are related to

supportive behavior from parents (Steinberg, Lamborn, Darling, Mounts,

Dornsbusch, 1992). In addition to how parenting styles relate to the

children’s outcomes. This study determined the effects of the

relationship between parenting styles and the students toward academic

performances as it has been suggested that parenting styles have

different influence. In particular, the study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the parenting style in terms of:

a. Permissive Parenting Style

b. Authoritarian Parenting Style

c. Neglectful Parenting Style

d. Authoritative Parenting Style

2. What is the academic performance of the student.

a. 2nd Quarter

3. Is there a significant relationship of students’ academic

performance and parenting styles?


HO1 There is no significant relationship of students’ academic

Schematic Diagram

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

1. Parenting Styles

1.1 Authoritarian 2. Student's

1.2 Neglectful Performances
1.3 Authoritative

1.4 Permissive

Figure 1. The schematic diagram of Parenting Style and Students’

Academic Performances.

Significant of the Study

Parents are the most important factor in children’s life and

development. Researches prove that parents have great impact on

children (hart, risley, 1995; peechia, 2002; vacca, 2006; williams,

2003). Thus, the significant of this study is to give information on

what the effects of parenting styles among the students are and how it

affects the students’ academic performances. The findings of the study

as knowledge would be dedicated to the parents for them to realize the

influence of parenting styles in shaping the students development in

their academic performances.

Teacher’s interaction among students has a significant effect in

which they are the second parents in the school. The relationship

between teachers and students had been strongly correlated by sizable

literatures teachers had been found as the basis for successful

adaptation to academic performance as well as the social and academic

environment of the students. It was when student enter school setting

for the first day when they were especially reliant on teachers to

provide understanding and support that would allow them to get the

most out of their daily interactions in the classroom. Encouraging and

constructive relationship with teachers were viewed, as a secured base

for students. Students felt they know if they experience something

difficult or if experience offenses; they could turn to their teachers

to recognize their needs and to respond to their perplexities.

(Crosnoe et al., 2004). This study will also give a benefit to the

principal of the school and to the future researcher as well on which

they can get more information and basis on the related topic of their


Scope and Delimitation

This study is a descriptive study of parenting styles among the

students in their academic performances. This study will focus on the

effects of parenting styles among students in Nasipit National

Vocational School. Only 15 boys and 15 girls in Grade 12 STEM (Science

Technology Engineering and Mathematics) students of S.Y 2020-2021 will

be randomly pick and participate in this study.

Theoretical Framework

In the theory Pelegrina, she analyse the relationships between

parenting styles (democratic, authoritarian, permissive, and

neglectful) and several aspects of academic performance. 372 children

between 11 and 15 years evaluated their parents in terms of perceived

acceptance and control. Their academic performance, academic

motivation, perceived academic competence, and the attributions about

their academic success were assessed through self-report measures. The

results showed that adolescents who tended to consider their parents

as more democratic or permissive scored highest in the various areas

analysed, while the lowest results were for the adolescents who

perceived their parents as neglectful or authoritarian. These findings

are discussed in terms of the dimensions of acceptance and control

underlying the various parenting styles.(Santiago Pelegrina,2002)

Definition of Terms

For clarification and understanding of this study the following

terms are being defined:

Parenting Styles- parents support, help and extend their time in doing

their children classroom activity.

Students- a person engaged in study, one who attends a school, or who

seeks knowledge from professional teachers or from books.

Academic Performance- is the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects, refers to the students’ behavior in their

studies and how they work and perform in school.



The literature section helps to explore what has been and has not

been investigated in the field. This discusses the existing literature

and attempts to gain an understanding of the relationship between the


The goal of this literature review is to provide a relevant

context for new research. Previous studies are summarized and grouped

with other studies to produce similar results. The development of a

comprehensive analysis of the proper investigation is one of its

objectives. Each segment will let the reader know about the holes in

the literature.

Parenting Styles

In modern society, many aspects of life have become increasingly

similar around the world – one of the rare exceptions to this is

probably the way we parent our children. In the United States, there

is some truth to the stereotype of “helicopter parents” who monitor

and guide every step of their children’s lives. Scandinavian parents

tend to be the opposite. They are more interested in having their

children develop imagination, independence, and a sense of discovery,

and they generally interfere much less with their children’s choices

(Giuseppe Sorrenti 2019).

Filipino parents display different attitudes toward parenting in

contrast to the existing literature. Many aspects of traditional

Filipino parenting, including teaching Filipino culture and values,

employing Filipino parenting practices, observing Filipino traditions,

establishing the child’s identity and maintaining a Filipino

household. The complexities of the acculturation process and the

potential challenges of negotiating cultural differences in parenting

beliefs and practices. (Garcia et al.,2017).

In the last decades, the relevance of the family and particularly

of parenting styles has been recognized as one of the factors

influencing academic performance in students. One of the most

perspectives used to study the relationship between parenting

characteristics and different areas of children’s development comes

from initial studies by Baumrind (Baumrind and Black, 1967) and Mccoby

& Martin (1983).

Authoritarian Parenting Style

Dr. Anchal (2018) defined that parents who practice authoritarian

parenting, demand a total cooperation from their children and have no

tolerance for questions or breaking rules. This parenting style

expects high degrees of maturity from the child with low levels of

parent-child communication. Children disciplined by authoritarian

parents stay out of trouble and make good grades, but their social
development is negatively affected due to not being encouraged to have

opinions, being shy and constantly worrying about disappointing their


Permissive Parenting Style

According to Tracy Trautner (2017), This is the parent who is

afraid to set limits on children or believes a child has to be true to

his or her own nature. When a parent is permissive, they look at their

child as equal rather than children of a parent. Gift-giving and

bribery are their primary parenting tools versus boundaries and

expectations. There are very few demands of a child in this situation

and parents have a difficult time saying “no” as they avoid asserting

authority and confrontation. They also avoid punishment at all times.

Neglectful Parenting Style

In the study of Dr. Aruna Anchal (2018) parents who are

ambivalent to their child's wants and needs are considered uninvolved

parents. Often, this parenting style is associated with neglect and

abuse. While there are no demands or rules to follow for the child,

there is also no communication and no encouragement from the parent.

When parents are psychologically or physically unavailable to their

children, all elements of development are negatively affected. Social

development is stunted because the child is never taught how to act

around people and, therefore, feels awkward in social situations.

Because of the lack of emotional and psychological connections between

the parent and child, cognitive development also suffers.

Authoritative Parenting Style

The authoritative parenting style, more than any other, aids in

ensuring healthy development, because children are taught to follow

rules, ask questions and have their own opinions. Research conducted

by Betsy Garrison and colleagues for Louisiana State University on how

parenting styles influence cognitive ability found authoritative

parenting in both fathers and mothers to be positively correlated with

cognitive development in children. Social development also benefits

from this parenting style, because communication is welcomed and

children feel more comfortable with peers and in other social

situations (Dr. Anchal, 2018)

Student’s Academic Performance

Several studies have shown the existence of a relationship

between parenting styles and their children's academic performance.

Thus, democratic parenting styles have been associated to higher

grades, while neglectful styles have been associated to lower grades.

A democratic parenting style has also been linked to a number of other

variables related to academic performance. However, the relationship

between parenting styles and other factors related to academic

achievement has seldom been studied. Among these factors are: academic

motivation, perceived competence, and attributions about the causes of

school success or failure. The present study explores additional

evidence on the association between various parenting styles

(democratic, authoritarian, neglectful, and permissive) and a number

of variables closely related to academic performance. In addition, we

analyse the the effect of the parenting styles and on how does this

affect the adolescents' behaviour in their educational setting

(Linares & Casanova, 2014).

Linares and Casanova, the researchers, after they classified

parents into the four previously mentioned styles, the relationships

between these and the measures of academic performance were analysed.

The results confirmed the differential relation between the

adolescents' perceptions of parenting styles and several academic

variables. A clear and consistent pattern appeared in which those

adolescents who considered their parents to be democratic achieved the

best position, while the worst position was for those who perceived

their parents to be neglectful. This holds true for the various areas

analysed: academic performance, perceived academic competence,

academic motivation, and attributions of academic success. Regarding

the other groups, our results show a clear advantage for the

permissive style—with scores similar to democratic parenting—over

authoritarian (Linares & Casanova, 2014).

These results are easier to understand when they are analysed in

terms of parent's dimensions of ‘control’ and ‘affect’. From this

perspective, ‘affect’ is positively associated with different

variables linked to academic performance, though not ‘control’ as

measured in this study. Parental affect may be viewed as a necessary

condition for the child's internalization of appropriate behaviours

and in order to achieve an optimum level of self-esteem and

confidence. On the other hand, parents' lack of affect hinders their

children's internalization of rules as the reasons behind the parents’

request are seldom given. The role played by ‘control’ is less clear,

as no relationship was found with the variables analysed. Some

possible explanations aimed at future research are put forth: The

relationship between parental control and several aspects of academic

competence might be curvilinear—rather than linear—and, as a result,

high and low levels of control might be associated with similar levels

of academic performance; Parental control might be a multidimensional

construct and its different aspects may be related in different ways

to the variables analysed; The relationship between parental control

and adolescents’ behaviour might vary depending on specific features

(e.g. culture) of the sample (Linares & Casanova, 2014).

Children’s choice of a future career depends on many factors

including the parenting styles and their education. If the child's

mind is active during his development about his future career through

career counseling programs, in the secondary school the child gains

the necessary knowledge and information about himself. Parents have an

important role in identifying children’s talent and guiding them.

Mutual understanding and close relationship between parents and

children are recommended.

The Effects of Parenting Styles among the Senior High School Students’

Academic Performances in Nasipit National Vocational School

A research study

By Grade 12 HUMSS B

Liza Mae M. Gualiza

Crisabelle Jane D. Estorba

Robie Felias

Adelene Masing

Venus Lumactod


This chapter sets out the operational arrangement of work or

technique in an organized pattern to support our study. Demonstrate

the methodology for the study. This includes the research subjects,

the data source, sample population and the data collection method

used, as well as the statistical methods used in the preparation of

results. This chapter will cover research design, local respondents,

equipment, ethical standards, data collection and mathematical


Research Design

The study will use the descriptive research design. The study

will focus on the effects of Parenting Styles among Senior High School

Grade 12 STEM Students’ Academic Performances in Nasipit National

Vocational School. This research will use the descriptive research

design in determining what the effects of parenting styles towards the

students are. It is helpful in d

Research Locale
The study will be conducted at the school of Nasipit National

Vocational School which is located at Bay View Hill, Nasipit, Agusan

del Norte. The school was founded in the year 1975. By implementing K-

12, the Senior High School provides the full academic track, namely

Humanities and Social sciences (HUMSS), Science Technology Engineering

and Mathematics (STEM), Accounting and Business Management (ABM) and

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL).

Research Respondents

Respondents to the study will be limited to the Grade 12 STEM

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Senior High School

Students of Nasipit National Vocational School, School Year 2020-2021.

There will be 35 male and 15 female Grade 12 STEM student populations.

There are 50 students in the total population of respondents.

Research Instruments

In this study, the survey questionnaire was formulated by the

researchers and approved by the adviser. The survey has two parts. The

first part is the respondents’ profile, the demographic factor, and

the second part is the effect of Parenting Styles among the Senior

High School Grade 12 STEM students’ Academic Performances.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, the researchers will

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