Unit 4

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There are many types of assessment that may be used:

Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process. It is carried out at regular intervals
in the course of teaching and is intended to support and improve teaching and learning. It can
be seen as an ongoing diagnostic tool that enables the teacher to adjust their teaching plans in
the light of what students have (and have not) learned so far. Formative assessment is usually
informal and low-key to the extent that students may hardly realize that they are being
assessed. The assessment may be carried out on groups of students, with the teacher
observing what they are able to do. Consequently the outcomes of formative assessment may
be generalized rather than specific, helping the teacher to decide what still needs to be taught:
Formative assessment is likely to place greater emphasis on validity than reliability, since the
outcomes are generally ‘low-stakes’ and not intended to grade or rank those being assessed.

Summative assessment

Summative assessment is a comparison of the performance of a student or group of students

against a set of uniform standards. It takes place at the end of a course of teaching in order to
ascertain what has been learned by the students. Summative assessment is usually formal and
rigorous and likely to be conducted under controlled conditions. The outcome of summative
assessment usually takes the form of a mark or grade which may be used to put candidates
into a rank order and/or for the purposes of selection for a further stage.

Comparing formative and summative assessments

Formative Summative

Relation to  Occurs during instruction  Occurs after

Instruction instruction

Frequency  Occurs on a ongoing  Occurs at a particular

basis(daily) point in time to
determine what
students know

Relation to  Not graded – information is  Graded

grading used as feedback to students
and teachers, mastery is not
expected when students are
first introduced to a concept

Students role Active engagement - self  Passive engagement

assessment in design and

Requirements  Clearly defined learning  Well designed

for use targets that students assessment blue print
understand. that outlines the
 Clearly defined criteria for learning targets
success that students  Well designed test
understand items using best
 Use of descriptive versus practices
evaluative feedback

Examples  Better thought of as a process  State assessment

rather than a thing. ‘Examples (WASSCE, BECE),
include observations, interim assessments,
interviews, evidence from common assessments
work samples paper and
pencil tasks

purpose  Designed to provide  Designed to provide

information needed to adjust information about
teaching and learning while the amount of
they are still occurring learning that has
occurred at a
particular point
 Since summative Formal
assessments occur assessment
after instruction
every few weeks Formal
months, or once a assessments are
year, they to help basically the
evaluate the official ways of
effectiveness of finding out the
programmes, school
improvement goals,
alignment of
curriculum, or
student placement in
learning advancement of the students that have been improved or decreased during the
selected instructional period. These are the various means of classroom assessment which are
designed by teacher. The major examples of the formal assessments are exams (essay &
objective tests are well as group & individual tests/presentations), diagnostic tests,
achievement examinations, screening test, intelligence tests and lots of others. In every kind
of formal assessment, the standardized methods of administering the tests are utilized.
The formal assessments contain the formal grading system which is interpreting in the
official ways. From the exercising of the formal assessments, the tutors will become capable
of assessing the performance or the level of skill of their learners easily that they can describe
in a few words when they are asked.

Informal Assessment

This is a quick and casual way of finding out about the pupil’s performance. It gives a general
picture of their achievement, attitude, character and aptitude it does not usually involve pencil
and paper tests. It includes observation, interviews, work sample analysis, assignments/
projects and quizzes. The main target of informal assessment is to assess and evaluate the
performance of the learners along with their practical skills by avoiding the use of the
standardized tests and scoring patterns which are officially in practice. As a result, you will
never find any standardized tool in order to calculate or evaluate the performances of the
students in the informal assessment tools. For the sake of performing the informal
assessments, various kinds of projects, experiments and presentations can be established for
the students whether in the classrooms or any other platform. The student who the teacher has
chosen is asked some question that the student has to answer in front of the whole class. It
also takes the form of observation in and out of the classroom.
iii) Achievement tests:
 These measures the degree of student’s learning in specific curriculum areas in which
instruction has been given. They measure the extent to which students have acquired
certain information or have mastered the required skills. They measure the present
level of knowledge, skills and competence. Usually achievement tests are conducted
at the end of a curse of study, a term or a semester
 It is a performance appraisal test that measures the extent to which a trainee has
acquired certain information, or has mastered the required skills. An achievement test
is a test of developed skill or knowledge. The most common type of achievement test
is a standardized test developed to measure skills and knowledge learned in a given
grade level, usually through planned instruction, such as training or classroom

iv). Diagnostics Assessment:

This is done to identify specific strengths and difficulties of learners. When it is well
constructed, it indicates to the teacher specific areas in which an individual’s learners are
having difficulty for the purpose of remediation.
1. Occurs before or, more typically, during instruction
2. Concerned with skills and other characteristics that are prerequisite to the current
3. Used to establish underlying causes for a student failing to learn a skill

v). Terminal assessment (same as summative evaluation):

This is usually conducted at the end of an instructional segment to determine if learning is
adequate. It focuses on end products that are it involves making an overall assessment or
decision with regards to the programmed under study either at the end of the term, semester
or the year.

Continuous Assessment (CA)

Continuous assessment is more likely to be formative, process-oriented, informal, internal,

learner-involved, and/or self-referenced in nature. It can take the form of daily work (e.g.
essays, quizzes, presentation and participation in class), projects/term papers and practical
work (e.g. laboratory work fieldwork, clinical procedures drawing practice)


Continuous assessment as ‘a formative evaluation process concerned with finding out, in a

systematic manner, the overall gains that a student has made in terms of knowledge, attitudes
and skills after a given set of learning experience’. It therefore refers to the assessment of
students’ progress base on work they do, tests they take throughout the term or year, rather
than on a single examination. The definition implies that a student’s final grade after a
programme of instruction is an aggregation or summation of all the performances exhibited in
the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains during the duration of the course.

Continuous Assessment is the periodic and systematic method of

assessing and evaluating a person’s attributes

Characteristics of Continuous Assessment

Six desirable characteristics are expected in a continuous assessment programme. It is

expected to be cumulative, comprehensive, diagnostic, formative, guidance-oriented, and

1. Continuous assessment is cumulative

This means that the final grade awarded a student at the end of the term or year is an
accumulation of all the attainments throughout the term or year. Any decision on the student
is based on all the scores obtained in all measurements during the period under review.

A student for example might be declared to have attained the acceptable level of mastery in
social studies to warrant a promotion. This means that the sum total of all his scores in class
assignments, homework, weekly tests, mid-term tests, end of tests, class discussions and
projects, reached the desired level of competence. The decision does not ensure on only one
score in an end-of-year examination. Any decision made on the student therefore considers
all the previous decisions made about him.

2. Continuous assessment is comprehensive

Opportunities are provided for the assessment of the total personally of the student. This
involves the assessment of tasks, activities and outcomes and demonstrated in the cognitive
(knowledge), affective (attitude) and psychomotor (skill) domains. It must however be
emphasized that these three domains must not always be included in the programme before
the process is described as continuous assessment.

In addition many types of evaluation procedures are used. These include teacher-made tests,
classroom observations, class assignments and projects, oral questions standardized tests,
interviews and autobiographies. The score obtained from using all these procedures are
combined to arrive at a final grade or classification of the student.

3. Continuous assessment is diagnostic

Continuous assessment involves a constant and continual monitoring of a student’s

performance and achievement. This process enables each student’s strengths and weaknesses
to be identified. It also enables the teacher to identify which students’ have difficulties and
problems and in what areas. With this knowledge, specific remedial actions are recommended
and taken.

4. Continuous assessment is formative

Continuous assessment allows for immediate and constant feedback to be provided to the
student on his performance. The student, often with the help of the teacher and school
counsellor, can analyse the feedback results. On the basis of the information derived for such
an analysis, various strategies are adopted.

5. Continuous assessment is guidance – oriented

Guidance aims at helping the individual to accept his/her ‘worth’. He/she identifies and
accepts strengths and weaknesses. He/she works hard to consolidate the strong areas and
improve upon the weak areas. Continuous assessment aims at playing this guidance role. As
the student is actively involves in the teaching – learning activities and tasks, his areas of
weakness and strengths are easily identified early, and form time to time. The teacher then
helps the student to strengthen further his strong areas and attempts to improve upon his
weaknesses, to attain the level of mastery needed. The student is thus directed and motivated
in his learning.

Learning and taking tests is not an end in ‘itself’. It is a step to achieve the total growth and
development. It also provides the necessary information for the student to decide his future
career and his world of work.

6. Continuous assessment is systematic

Continuous assessment operates on a well-scheduled programme. Assessment is not
spontaneous. A plan is desirable at the beginning of each year, term and week. there could be
long term medium and short-term plans. The plan should spell out what measurements are to
be made. This includes the types of traits and behaviours to be assessed, and the procedure
for assessing them. The procedures should indicate the types of class assignments and
exercises, homework and projects, class tests and non-test techniques to be employed to
collect the relevant data.

A decision needs to be taken on the dates and period on which the various measurements will
be made. It is also important to include in the plan the types of instruments to be use. These
could be teacher-made tests, standardized tests; interview schedules questionnaires, project
sheets, observation schedules and checklists. Specific times should also be stated for the
filling in the scores that students obtain on the appropriate forms.


1. Continuous assessment provides an excellent picture of a student’s performance

over a period of time. In summative evaluation, a student’s attainment in a course of
students for example is measured by a single shot examination. However, several
influence like malpractices, illnesses and inability to follow instructions influence a
student’s final score. The reliability of such scores is therefore doubtful. In continuous
assessment, judgement on a student’s performance is based on several other previous
performances. This enables the effect of extraneous variables to be minimized a more
representative sample of his performance is arrived at.
2. It enables the classroom teacher as well as the school administration to be
actively and more meaningfully involved in the assessment of the students
throughout the period of teaching and learning. The teacher is expected to be alert,
diligent and consistent in assessing the various behaviours expected. He gives
exercises, assignments and tests, scores them and discusses result with the pupils. He
also observes students behaviours in various domains and provides where needed. The
school administration also provides the ‘back up’ services like the provision of
stationary needed for class assignments, projects, tests and questionnaires.
3. It enables the measurements of the three important domains in the taxonomy of
education objectives. That is; cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. This is
important because while the cognitive objectives are measured under test and
examination conditions, affective and psychomotor abilities such as courtesy,
sociability, creativeness, leadership and responsibility could only be measured over a
reasonable time lapse, and over repeated occurrences of such abilities (informal
assessment). In the traditional one shot examination system, the emphasis has always
been on the cognitive abilities. This ultimately provides a biased outcome of the
students’ educational attainment. The possibility of spreading the measurement net
over the other areas makes the assessment of the students’ exhibited behaviours more
4. It helps to minimize the students’ fears and anxieties about failure in the
examinations. It helps to minimize the students’ fears and anxieties about failure in
the examination. The fear of performing poorly leads students to engage in
examination malpractices such as copying and the exchanging of answer scripts.
Since the student is aware that several scores will be used to assess his final
performance, tensions are often reduced. More desirable learning habits are
developed. Rote learning is discouraged. Creativity and initiative are encouraged. A
poor performance in one course is counter-balanced by an improved performance in
another. Failure in one aspect of the course of study does not spell the doom of the
student. The student has a great advantage here in that he has several opportunities to
demonstrate the behaviours an objectives being measured.
5. Continuous assessment encourages students to work assiduously throughout the
period of teaching and learning. This implies that, it encourages students to
continually work hard. The student becomes more alert in the class. He is punctual
and attends classes regularly. This attitude comes about as a result of the fact that
every stage of the instructional process is assessed and these counts towards the
ultimate grade of score he would obtain. He knows that complacency, absenteeism,
laziness and malingering would prove disastrous to his goals in academic
achievement and he therefore works hard.
6. Constant feedback is given and this provides the groundwork for teachers to
engage in diagnostic teaching. Feedback enables the teacher to identify the
weaknesses of individual students early and across tasks. He is then in a position to
provide remedial and individualized teaching. This corrective action reduces
frustrations, disappointment and disillusionment on the part of students. The student is
thus helped to progress. Continuous feedback guides the student to the most effective
means of improving his performance.
7. Parents are provided with better and clearer pictures of their wards’
performance and achievement in school over a period of time and learning
experience. Continuous assessment provide parents with a better and clearer picture
of their wards’ performance and achievement in school over a period of time and
learning experience. The “One shot” traditional examination in most cases colours the
actual performance of a student. Due to repeated performances on various activities
and tests in continuous assessment, the influence of these factors is greatly minimized.
Parents thus receive more accurate information on their wards and are put in a better
position to plan more relevant programmes towards the future careers of their wards.
8. It is an Avenue for Keeping of Up-To-Date Records on Students . Record keeping
is an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. Records acknowledge ‘the
totally of what pupils have done in order to improve their motivation and help schools
identify their needs more closely. It also provides a testimonial respected and valued
by employers and colleges. Records also help to place students in appropriate stages
when they transfer to another institution. Continuous assessment is a great instrument
in the achievement of these goals. It provides the opportunity for the collection,
preparation and keeping of up-to-date records, interests and hobbies, work experience
and special talents.
9. Education under the traditional summative evaluation system could be termed,
“syllabus-ish” or “syllabus-pulled”. This means that the emphasis is purely on what
the syllabus prescribes as related to the syllabus for the examinations. Any activity or
task, which is not directly related to the syllabus for the examinations, is met with
profound resistance from students. Continuous assessment discourages this attitude to
a very large extent. Topics which are found relevant and interesting are included in
the teaching and learning process. The aim here is that teaching should bring about a
total growth in the individual and not only passing examinations.


Even though continuous assessment achieves much in terms of students and teacher
evaluation of the instructional process and product, there are problems and weaknesses.

1. Continuous assessment brings about an increase in the workload of teacher.

Since the process is systematic and comprehensive, the teacher is expected to be
active in designing and producing a variety of assessment instruments. In addition, he
is expected to be scoring the class tests, assignments, projects and at the same time
taking observations. He is also expected to provide up-to-date records on each pupil
and simultaneously be involved in remedial and individual teaching. Where classes
are large in size (and in Ghana most classes are large), the load becomes unbearable.
The teachers then resort to unfair means in providing the requisite data for each pupil.

2. Unreliable Test Instruments: To implement a continuous assessment programme, it

is assumed that teachers have the requisite skill in test construction. However, in
Ghana, most Ghanaian teachers lack the skills required for constructing tests, because
most initial teacher training programmes do not make provision for a course in
testing. In cases where teachers undergo a course of instruction in testing and
assessment, few teachers use their knowledge in test construction. The effect is that,
since each teacher designs his own instrument, the testing instruments yield unreliable
information. Standards are also bound to vary from teacher to teacher.

3. Lack of materials and equipment: In Ghana, one problem is the inadequacy of

materials and equipment. Continuous assessment is costly in terms of materials.
Finance is needed for the procurement of material and equipment such as cumulative
record cards, stationary for testing instrument, chairs and tables, and well-built
classrooms. The sizes of the classes are such that a huge financial outlay is needed.
The experience in the Ghanaian classrooms is that these equipment and material are
woefully adequate. This situation puts great inhibition on the success of any
continuous assessment programme.
4. Another problem is that of supervision. Continuous assessment requires co-
operation and co-ordination at different levels. Close supervision is needed at all
levels. Unfortunately, supervisors in most cases who are heads of institutions are
already laden with loads of work. They are therefore not effective in their supervisory
5. There is also an additional problem of record maintenance. Continuous
assessment requires the collection and storage of records. In most institutions,
adequate storage facilities are not available. Current storage and retrieval facilities
like steel cabinets. Personal computers and word processors are lacking in institutions.
Handling continuous assessment data is therefore extremely difficult.
6. Continuous assessment, especially in the first and second cycle levels, means less
dependence on an external examining body. This implies that the uniformity that goes
with external written examinations in the form of standard test items and scoring, are
reduced to some extent. The fate of the individual student lies more in the hands of
the classroom teacher. This situation generates fears, doubts and apprehensions in the
minds of the public about the degree of fairness in assessing the achievement of
students. It also makes it difficult to compare the performances from different schools
since there is less uniformity in the use of instruments and techniques in assessing the
performances of students.
7. In the first and second cycle institutions, certificates obtained are based on
performance and achievements in external examinations in Ghana. This situation
enables the certificates to have credibility, since efforts are made to maintain
standards across years and test items. However, with the continuous assessment, if
schools award certificates based on the attainments of their own students, standards
will vary from school to as well as certificates. The credibility of certificates becomes
doubtful in most cases. To handle this problem, schools contribute 30% of the total
scores of each student in a subject while an external examining body (WAEC)
contributes 70%.

Role of the Ghanaian teacher

The Ministry of Education, as a matter of policy experts each teacher to:

1) Give class assignment/exercises fortnightly and record the scores of four of them with
a maximum score of 10 each,
2) Conduct three class tests in a term with a subtotal 40,
3) Give pupils at least four projects/homework in a term with a subtotal of 20

The three assessments give a total score of 100, which scaled down to 30% as the internal
mark for each pupil.

At the end of the junior and senior secondary schools, all the scores a pupil obtains are scaled
to 30% and forwarded to the WAEC where 70% is obtained for external assessment.

For the policy to be successful, teachers are expected to perform the following roles.

1. The teacher must accept the philosophy of continuous assessment. He must be

convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that continuous assessment is a better form of
assessing students’ academic attainment than the traditional summative system.
2. The teacher needs to be knowledgeable about continuous assessment. He must know
the characteristics of continuous assessment, the strengths and weaknesses of the
system as a procedure for assessing students’ knowledge, attitude and manipulative
skills. He must clearly understand and accept his roles and responsibilities as outlined
by the programme, and be willing to contribute to its successful implementation.
3. At the beginning of each academic year and term (or semester), the teacher must
make a timetable for the assessments to be made. He must set specific dates on which
the class tests, assignment/exercises, projects/homework tasks will be performed. He
also needs to decide what instrument to use in his assessment.
4. The teacher must break the learning programme of the period of instruction into
smaller, specific and well-defined units. A level of mastery must set for each unit.
5. The teacher must assess the learning outcomes and performances at the end of each
unit of institution. He must follow the timetable laid out for assessment but should
allow some degree of flexibility.
6. The teacher must spread the assessment over all areas of student’s behaviour. These
are the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Appropriate assessment
instruments such as pencil and paper tests, observation autobiographies,
questionnaires, checklist, rating scales and inventories should be used.
7. The teacher must formulate measurable, specific and attainable instructional
objectives for each unit for instruction. This helps him to make his teaching more
effective and meaningful. It also makes his assessments easier since these are based
on the objective set out.
8. The teacher must provide constant feedback. Class assignments and exercises,
projects, test and home work must be promptly scored and returned to the students.
This helps to direct and motivate student learning.
9. The teacher must record all the assessment of the student in all the areas of learning
and instruction in the appropriate records. This must be done promptly at the end of
each measurement. The records must be well kept and maintained.
10. The teacher must be involved in remedial and individualized teaching. At the end of
teaching assessment the teacher should find out whether the whole class attained the
required level of mastery was not reached. In addition, the teacher must also devote
time to individuals who do not perform well in the class assignments exercises and
tests and have difficulties.
11. The teacher must also engage in guidance and counselling. He must identify the
weaknesses and strengths of students in the various areas of learning. He should then
use the information to guide and counsel the student for his full personal development
and growth as well as preparing the student for his future career.
12. The teacher must engage in constant evaluation of himself and of the continuous
assessment programme. The scores obtained from the various, assessments should be
used to measure his own performance and the effectiveness of his methods and
techniques. He must also evaluate the success of the programme regularly to identify
the lapses and improve upon them. This could be done weekly, monthly and at the

The new assessment system in Ghana

The form of assessment in the new educational structure and reform, being implemented
from September 2008, is based on two concepts and procedures. These are:

1. Assessment is based on profile dimensions of each subject.

2. School-based assessment (SBA) replaces continuous assessment.

School-based assessment (SBA)

School-based assessment (SBA) is an assessment which is embedded in the teaching and

learning process. It has a number of important characteristics which distinguish it from other
forms of assessment:

 It involves the teacher from the beginning to the end: from planning the assessment
programme, to identifying and/or developing appropriate assessment tasks right
through to making the assessment judgments.
 It allows for the collection of a number of samples of student performance over a
period of time
 It can be adapted and modified by the teacher to match the teaching and learning
goals of the particular class and students being assessed.
 It is carried out in ordinary classrooms.
 It is conducted by the students’ own teacher.
 It involve students more actively in the assessment process, especially if self and/or
peer assessment is used in conjunction with teacher assessment.
 It allows the teacher to give immediate and constructive feedback to students.
 It stimulates continuous evaluation and adjustment of the teaching and learning
 It complements other forms of assessment, including external examinations.

School-based assessment (SBA) replaces continuous assessment

A new School Based Assessment system (SBA) formally referred to as Continuous

Assessment is in use in Ghana as part of the new Educational Reforms starting September
2008. SBA is a very effective system for teaching and learning if carried out properly. The
new SBA system is designed to provide school with an internal assessment that will help
schools to achieve the following purposes:

1. Standardize the practice of internal school-based assessment in all schools in the

2. Provide reduced assessment tasks for each of the primary school subjects
3. Provide teachers with guidelines for constructing assessment items/questions and
other assessment tasks.
4. Introduce standards of achievement in each subject and in each class of the school
5. Provide guidance in marking and grading of test items/questions and other assessment
6. Introduce a system of moderation that will ensure accuracy and reliability of teachers’
7. Provide teachers with advice on how to conduct remedial instruction on difficult areas
of the syllabus to improve pupil performance.

The marks for SBA should together constitute the School Based Assessment component
marked out of 60 percent. The emphasis is to improve students’ learning by encouraging
them to perform at a higher level. The SBA will hence consist of:
 End-of-month tests
 Home work assignments (specially designed for SBA)
 Project

The SBA system will consist of 12 assessments a year instead of the 13 assessments in the
previous continuous assessment system. This will mean a reduction by 64% of the work load
compared to the previous continuous system. The 12 assessment are labelled as Task 1, Task
2, Task 3 and Task 4. Task 1 – 4 will be administered in Term 1, Task 5 – 8 will be
administered in Term 2, Tasks 9 – 12 administered in Term 3.

Task 1 will be administered as an individual test coming at the end of the first month of the
term. The equivalent of Task 1 will be administered in Term 2 and Term 3 respectively. Task
2 will be administered as a Group Exercise and will consist of two or three instructional
objectives that the teacher considers difficult to teach and learn. The selected objectives could
also be those objectives considered very important and which therefore need pupils to put in
more practice. Task 2 will be administered at the end of the second month in the term. Task
3 will also be administered as individual test under the supervision of the class teacher at the
end of the 11th or 12 week of the term.

Task 4 (and also Task 8 and Task 12) will be a project to be undertaken throughout the term
and submitted at the end of the term. Schools will be applied with 9 project topics divided
into three topics for each term. A pupil is expected to select one project topic for each term.
Projects for the second term will be undertaken by teams of pupils as Group Projects. Projects
are intended to encourage pupils to apply knowledge and skills acquired in the term to write
an analytic or investigative paper, write a poem (as may be required in English and Ghanaian
Language), use science and mathematics to solve a problem or produce a physical three-
dimensional product as may be required in Creative Arts and in Natural Science.

Apart from the SBA, teachers are expected to use class exercises and home work as processes
for continually evaluating pupils’ class performance, and as a means for encouraging
improvements in learning performance.

End-of Term Examination

The end-of term examination is a summative assessment system and should consist of a
sample of the knowledge and skills pupils have acquired in the term. The end-of-term test for
Term 3 should be composed of items/questions based on the specific objectives studied over
the three terms, using different proportions. For example, a teacher may build an end of term
3 test in such a way that if would consist of the 20% of the objectives studied in Term 1, 20%
of the objectives studied in Term 2, and 60% of the objectives studied in Term 3.

Combining SBA marks and End-of-Term Examination Marks

The new SBA system is important for raising pupils’ school performance. For this reason, the
60 marks for the SBA will be scaled to 50 in schools. The total marks for the end of term test
will also be scaled to 50 before adding the SBA marks and end-of-term examination marks to
determine pupils’ end of term results. The SBA and the end-of-term test marks will hence be
combined in equal proportions of 50-50. The equal proportions will affect only assessment in
the school system. It will not affect the SBA mark proportion of 30% used by WAEC for
determining examination results at the BECE.

Grading Procedure

To improve assessment and grading and also introduce uniformity in schools, it is

recommended that schools adopt the following grade boundaries for assigning grades:

Grade A: 80% - 100% - Excellent

Grade B: 70% - 79% - Very Good

Grade C: 60 – 69% - Good

Grade D: 45 – 59% - Credit (Satisfactory)

Grade E: 35 – 44% - Pass

Grade F: 0 - 34% - Fail

The grading system presented above shows the letter grade system and equivalent grade
boundaries. In assigning grades to pupils’ test results, or any form of evaluation, you may
apply the above grade boundaries and the descriptions. The descriptors (Excellent, very Good
etc) indicate the meaning of each grade. For instance, the grade boundary for “Excellent ”
consists of scores ranging between ‘80% to 100%’. Writing “80%’ for instance, without
writing the meaning of the grade, or the descriptor of the grade i.e. “Excellent”, does not
provide the pupil with enough information to evaluate his/her performance in the assessment.
You therefore have to write the meaning of the grade alongside the score you write. Apart
from the score and the grade descriptor, it will be important also to write a short diagnoses of
the points the pupils should consider in order to do better in future tests etc.

Note that, the grade boundaries above are also referred to as grade cut-off scores. When you
adopt a fixed cut-off score grading system as in this example, you are using the criterion-
referenced grading system. By this system a pupil must make a specified score to earn the
appropriate grade. This system of grading challenges pupils to study harder to earn better
grades. It is hence very useful for achievement testing and grading.

Comments such as the following may also be added to the grades:

Keep it up

Has improved

Could do better


Not serious in class

Weak in mathematics… Etc.


Test Reliability


Reliability is the degree of consistency of assessment results. It means the consistency

with which a set of test scores measures what is supposed to measure. Simply put, a reliable
measuring instrument is one which gives the same measurements when you repeatedly
measure the same unchanged objects or events. If test scores cannot be assigned consistently,
it is impossible to conclude that the scores accurately measure the domain of interest. For
instance, a test score of 75% is reliable when there are reasons to believe that the score is
stable and truthful.
It is the degree to which assessment results are the same when (1) the same tasks are
completed on two different occasions (2) different but equivalent tasks are completed on the
same or different occasions, and (3) two or more raters mark performance on the same tasks.

Points to note when applying the concept of reliability to testing and assessment.

i. Reliability refers to the results obtained with an assessment instrument and not to
the instrument itself.
ii. An estimate of reliability refers to a particular type of consistency.
iii. Reliability is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for validity.
iv. Reliability is primarily statistical. It is determined by the reliability coefficient,
which is degree of relationship between two sets of scores intended to be
measures of the characteristics. It ranges from 0.0 – 1.0

Reliability coefficient. Reliability coefficient is a measure of the accuracy of a test or

measuring instrument obtained by measuring the same individuals twice and computing the
correlation of the two sets of measures. It is also a correlation that indicates the degree of
relationship between two sets of scores intended to be measure of the same characteristics
(e.g. correlation between two scores assigned by two different rates or scores obtained from
administration of two forms of a test. The reliability coefficient is represented by the term
rxx. To estimate test-score reliability, at a minimum, one needs at least two observations
(scores) on the same set of individuals. The correlation between the sets of observations
provides a reliability coefficient. From this simple requirement, a wide variety of reliability
studies could be designed, such as the test-retest reliability.

Definition of terms.

 Obtained (Observed) Score: Actual scores obtained in a test or assessment.

 Error score: The amount of error in an obtained score.
 True score: The different between the obtained and error scores. It is the portion of
the observed score that is not affected by random error. An estimate of the true score
of a student is the mean score obtained after repeated assessments under the same

Reliability can be defined theoretically as the ratio of true score variance to the observed
score variance.

 Standard error of measurement: it is a measure of the variation within individuals

on a test. It is an estimate of the standard deviation of the errors of measurement.

Interpreting standard errors of measurement

1. It estimates the amount that a student is likely to deviate from her/his true score. E.g.
SEM = 4 indicates that a student’s obtained scores lies 4 points above or below the
true score. An obtained score of 75 means the true score is either 71 or 79. The true
score therefore lies between 71 and 79 therefore provides a confidence band for
interpreting an obtained score. A small standard error of measurement indicates high
reliability providing greater confidence that the obtained score is near the true score.
2. In interpreting the scores of two students, if the ends of the bands do overlaps as in
Example 1, then there is no real difference between the scores.

Methods of Estimating Reliability of a Test Result

1. Test-retest reliability: This is a measure of the stability of scores over a period of

time. The same test is given to a group of students twice within a given period of time.
The scores on the two administrations are correlated and the result is the estimate of
the reliability of the test. The interval should be reasonable, not be too short or long.
2. Alternate/Equivalent forms Reliability: This method is used whenever two or more
equivalent (or parallel) forms of the test are available. Two test forms, which are
alternate or parallel with the same content and level of difficulty for each item, are
administered to the same group of students. The forms may be given on the same or
nearly the same occasion or a time of interval will relapse before the second form is
given. The scores on the two administrations are correlated and the result is the
estimate of the reliability of the test. NB: Parallel forms of a test are tests of the
same format that sample the same content in the same manner.
3. Split-half method. This is a measure of internal consistency. In this method, a test is
given to students once. At the point of scoring, the test is then split into two equivalent
halves. Therefore, each person in the group is scored on each of the two halves of the
test, thus resulting in two scores for each individual in the group. The test can be split
into two halves in several ways. These include using (i) odd-even numbered items, and
(ii) first half-second half. The Spearman Brown Prophecy formula is often used to
obtain the reliability coefficient. This is given by:

ryy (Whole test reliability) = 2 X correlation between half test scores

1 + correlation between half test scores

Suppose correlation between half test score was 0.75

ryy = 2X0.75 = 1.50 = 0.86

1 + 0.75 = 1.75

1. Inter – Rater Reliability: This type of reliability is to have two or more person’s
scores or rate each student’s paper. The set of scores of the students (One score for
scorer) are then correlated. The resulting correlation coefficients are known as scorer
reliability or inter- rater reliability.

Factors influencing reliability

1. Test length: Longer tests give more reliable scores. A test consisting of 40 items will
give a more reliable score than a test consisting of 25 items. Wherever practicable,
give more items.
2. Group variability: The more heterogeneous the group, the higher the reliability. The
narrower the range of groups ability, the lower the reliability Differentiate among
students. Use items that differentiate the best students from the less able students.
3. Difficulty of items: Too difficult or too easy items produce little variation in the test
scores. This in turn lowers reliability. The difficulty of the assessment tasks should be
matched to the ability level of the students.
4. Scoring objectively: Subjectively scored items result in lower variability. More
objectivity scored assessment results are more reliable. For subjectively scored items,
multiple markers are preferred.
5. Speed: When a test is a speed test, reliability can be problematic. This is because not
every student is able to complete all of the items in a speed test. Tests where most
students do not complete the items due to inadequate allocation of time result in lower
reliability. Sufficient time should be provided to students to respond to the items. In
contrast, a power test is a test in which every student is able to complete all the items.
6. Sole marking: Using multiple graders improves the reliability of the assessment
results. A single person grading may lead to low reliability especially of essay tests,
term paper, and performances. Averaging the results of several makers increase
7. Test-retest interval: The shorter the time interval between two administrations of a
test, the less likely the changes will occur and the higher the reliability will be.
8. Testing conditions: Errors in the testing situation (e.g., students misunderstanding or
misreading test directions, noise level, distractions, and sickness). Where test
administrators do not adhere strictly to uniform test regulations and practices, student,
scores may not represent their actual level of performances and this tends to reduce


Validity is concerned with the soundness or the appropriateness of students’ assessment

results. It emphasis the interpretation and the use of the results of a group of students.
Evidence needs to be provided that the interpretations and the use are appropriate. Validity is
in degree. It is specific to some particular use or interpretations.
The validity of an assessment tool is the extent to which it measures what it was designed to
measure, without contamination from other characteristics. For example, a test of reading
comprehension should not require mathematical ability.

Nature of Validity

In using the term validity in relation to testing and assessment, certain points have to be

1. Validity refers to the appropriateness of the interpretations of the results of an

assessment procedure for a group of individuals. It does not refer to the procedure of
instrument itself.
2. Validity is a matter of degree. Results have different degrees of validity for different
purposes and for different solutions. Assessment results may have high, moderate or
low validity.
3. Validity is always specific to some particular use or interpretations. No assessment is
valid for all purposes.
4. Validity involves an overall evaluative judgment. Several types of validity evidence
should be studied and combined.

Principles of validation

There are four principles that help a teat user/ giver to decide the degree to which his/ her
assessment results are valid.

1. The interpretations (meanings) given to students’ assessment results are valid only to
the degree that evidence can be produced to support their appropriateness.
2. The uses made of assessment results are valid only to the degree that evidence can be
produced to support their appropriateness and correctness.
3. The interpretations and uses of assessment results are valid only when the educational
and social values implied by them are appropriate.
4. The interpretations and uses made of assessment results are valid only when the
consequences of these interpretation and uses are consistent with appropriate values.

Forms of Validity Evidence

There are 3 major forms of validity evidence

1. Content-related evidence
This type of evidence refers to the content representativeness and relevance of tasks
or items of an instrument. Judgments of content representativeness focus on whether
the assessment tasks are a representative simple from a larger domain of performance.
Judgments of content relevance focus on whether the assessment task is included in
the test user’s domain definition when standardized tests are used.
Content-related evidence answers questions like
i. How will do the assessment task represent the domain of important content?
ii. How well do the assessment tasks represent the curriculum as defined?
iii. How well does the assessment task reflect current thinking about what should
be taught and assessed?
iv. Are the assessment tasks worthy of being learned?

To obtain answers for the questions, a description of the curriculum and content to be learned
(or learned) is obtained. Each assessment task is checked to see if its matches important
content and learning outcomes. Each assessment task is rated for its relevance, importance,
accuracy and meaningfulness.

One way ascertain content-related validity is to inspect the table of specification which is a
two-way chart showing the content coverage and the instructional objectives to be measured.

2. Criterion-related evidence

This type of evidence pertains to the empirical technique of studying the relationship between
the test scores or some other measures (predictors) and some impendent external measures
evidence answers the questions. How well the results of an assessment can be used to infer or
predict an individual’s standing on one or more outcomes other than the assessment
procedure itself. The outcome is called criterion.

There are two types of criterion-related evidence. These are Concurrent Validity and
predictive validity.

Concurrent validity evidence refers to the extent to which individual’s current status on a
criterion can be predicted from their prior performance on an assessment instrument. For
concurrent validity, data are collected at approximately the same time and the purpose is to
substitute the assessment result for the score of a related variable, e.g. ‘a test of swimming
ability vs swimming itself’ to be scored.

Predictive validity evidence refers to extent to which individuals’ future performance on a

criterion can be predicted from the prior performance on an assessment instrument. For
predictive validity, data are collected at different times. Scores on the predictor variable are
collected prior to9 the scores on the criterion variable. The purpose is to predict the future
performance of a criterion variable. E.g. Using SSCE results to predict the first year GPA in
University of Cape Coast.

Criterion-related validation is done by the coefficient of correlation between the assessment

result and the criterion. The correlation coefficient is a statistical index that quantifies the
degree of relationship between the scores from one assessment and the scores from another.
This coefficient is often called the validity coefficient and takes values from -1.0 to + 1.0.

Expectancy table can also be used for validation. An expectancy table is a two-way table that
allows one to say how likely it is for a person with a specific assessment result to attain each
criterion score level.

An example of expectancy table

Predictor Percent of pupils receiving each grade

Test Score


90-99 20 60 20 100

80-89 8 33 42 17 100

70-79 20 33 40 7 100

60-69 22 44 28 6 100

50-59 6 28 44 22 100

40-49 7 40 33 20 100

30-39 17 42 33 8 100

20-29 25 50 25 100

10-19 100 100

Determine the degree of success by using a grade e.g. C or better. A question will be: What is
the probability that a person with a score of 65 will succeed in this course (i.e. obtaining
grade C or better? The score of 65 lies in the 60-69 class and for this class 78% (44+28+6)
are successful, so the person has a 78% chance of success.

3. Construct-related evidence: This type of evidence refers to how the assessment result
can be interpreted as reflecting an individual’s status regarding an educational or
psychological trait, attribute or mental process. Example of constructs is mathematical
reasoning, reading, comprehension, creativity, honesty and sociability.

Methods of construct validation

i. Define the domain tasks to be measured. Specifications must be very well
defined so that the measuring of the construct is clear. Expert Judgment is then
used to judge the extent to which the assessment provides a relevant and
representative measure of the task domain.
ii. Analyze mental process required by the assessment tasks. Examine the
assessment tasks or administer the task to individual students and have them
“think aloud” as they perform their tasks.
iii. Compare the scores of known groups. Groups that are expected to differ on the
construct. E.g. by age, or training may both be given the same assessment
Correlate the assessment with other measures. Similar constructs are expected to produce
high correlation. E.g. two assessments on creativity are expected to produce high correlation.
There are several different types of validity:

Face validity: do the assessment items appear to be appropriate?

Content validity: does the assessment content cover what you want to assess?

Criterion-related validity: how well does the test measure what you want it to?

Construct validity: are you measuring what you think you're measuring?

It is fairly obvious that a valid assessment should have a good coverage of the criteria
(concepts, skills and knowledge) relevant to the purpose of the examination. The important
notion here is the purpose. For example:

Factors affecting validity

1. Unclear directions. Validity is reduced if students do not clearly understand how

to respond to the items and how to record the response or the amount of time
2. Too difficult reading vocabulary and sentence structure tends to reduce validity.
The assessment may be measuring reading comprehension which is not to be
3. Ambiguous statements in assessment tasks and items. This confuses students and
makes way for different interpretations thus reducing validity.
4. Inadequate time limits. This does not provide students with enough time to
respond and thus may perform below their level of achievement. This reduces
5. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items. Items that are too easy or too
difficult do not provide high validity.
6. Poorly constructed test items. These items may provide unintentional clues which
may cause students to perform above their actual level of achievement. This
lowers validity.
7. Test items being inappropriate for the outcomes being measured lowers validity.
8. Test being too short. If a test is too short, it does not provide a representative
sample of the performance being interest in and this lowers validity.
9. Improper arrangement of items. Placing difficult items in the beginning of the test
may put some students off and cause them to become unstable thereby performing
below their level performance thus reducing validity.
10. Cheating, when students cheat by copying answer or helping friends with answers
to test items, validity is reduced.
11. Unreliable scoring. Scoring of test items especially essay tests may lower
reliability if they are not scored reliably.
12. Student emotional disturbances. These interfere with their performance thus
reducing validity.
13. Fear of the assessment situations. Students can be frightened by the assessment
situation and are unable to performance normally. This reduces their actual level
of performance and consequently, lowers validity.

Types of test item formats

There are two major types of classroom achievement tests. These are the essay-type tests and
objective-types tests.



An objective test is the type of test that requires a respondent to provide a briefly response
which is usually not more than a sentence long. The tests normally consist of a large number
of items and the responses are scored objectively, to the extent that competent observers can
agree on how responses should be scored,

There are two major types of objective tests. These are the selection type and the supply type.

The selection type consists of the multiple-choice type, true and false type and matching
type. The supply type has variations such as completion, fill-in-the-blanks and short-answer

Strengths and advantages

A. Scoring is easy and objective

B. They allow an extensive coverage of subject content
C. They do not provide opportunities for “pooling”.
D. They are best suited for measuring lower-level behaviours like knowledge and
E. They provide economy of time in scoring
F. Student writing is minimized. Premium is not placed on writing.
G. They are open to item and statistical analysis.
H. Scores are not affected by extraneous factors such as the likes and dislikes of the
scorer (e.g., no hallo effect)

Weaknesses and disadvantages

1. They are relatively difficult to construct.

2. Item writing is time consuming.
3. They are susceptible to guessing.
4. Higher-order mental processes like analysis, synthesis and evaluation are difficult to
5. Places premium on student’s reading ability and may encourage reproduction

The Selection Types of Objective Tests

1. Multiples-Choice Questions (MCQs)

This is the most common objective-type test. A multiple-choice test is a type of objective
test in which the respondent is given a stem and then is to select from among three or
more alternatives (options or responses) the one that best completes the stem. The
incorrect options are called foils or distracters.

Multiple-choice questions are probably the most widely used of

objective tests.
Such questions are normally composed of four parts:
 Stem-question or incomplete statement
 Options suggested answers or completions
 Distracters-incorrect responses
 Key-correct response

There are two types of multiple-choice tests. There are the single “correct” or “best response”
type and the “multiple response type”. They single “correct” or “response” types consist of a
stem following by three or more responses and the respondent is to select only one option to
complete the stem.


Single correct response

The process by which scientific knowledge is utilised to the benefit of man is known as

a) Production b) Consumption c) Technology d) Technological

Single best response

In which of the following sites would you, as a community health worker, advise a
community to dispose refuse?

A) A compost pit B) An abandoned well C) An incinerator D) An uncultivated

Multiple responses

The multiple response type consists of a stem followed by several true or false statements or
words. The respondent is to select, which statement(s) could complete the stem

An example is:

Which of the following action(s) contribute to general principles of First Aid?

I) Arrest haemorrhage II) Bath the patient III) Immobilize injured bone

A. I only II only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II and III

Advantages of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. Scoring is easy, accurate and efficient. That is they can be scored quickly and
accurately by machines, clerks, teaching assistant, and even students themselves.
This is so because the element of subjectivity in scoring is totally absent in the
multiple – choice test.
2. Highly objective measurement of student achievement.
3. They allow an extensive coverage of subject content that is multiple-choice test
affords excellent content sampling which generally leads to more content – valid
score interpretations.
4. They do not provide opportunities for bluffing.
5. They are best suited for measuring lower-level behaviours like knowledge and
6. They provide economy of time in scoring.
7. Student writing is minimized. Premium is not placed on writing. Multiple-choice
items do not require students to write out and elaborate their answers.
8. They are amenable to item analysis. Item analysis is a procedure by which weakness
are detected within test items. This would be made possible by the use of a number of
plausible implications on their understanding and misunderstanding or whatever is
being measured. Thus, the distracter a student chooses may give the tester diagnostic
insight into difficulties the student is experiencing. Items of relatively high quality
will discriminate between better and poor students.
9. Scores are not affected by extraneous factors such as the likes and dislikes of the

Disadvantages of MCQs

1. They are relatively difficult to construct. The construction of multiple-choice test items is
time and energy consuming. It is difficult to write good multiple – choice tests with
equally plausible alternatives.
2. Item writing is time consuming
3. They are susceptible to guessing. The error introduced by guessing is only reduced by
the use of multiple-choice items but not entirely overcome. The chance element is still
5. Higher-order mental processes like analysis, synthesis and evaluation are difficult to
6. Places premium on student’s reading ability.
7. The selection format of the multiple-choice items does not allow pupils to construct,
organize and present their own answers. Students must choose from a fixed list of
options rather than creating their own ideas or solutions.

Guidelines for constructing multiple-choices tests

1. The central issue of the item should be in the stem. It should be concise, easy to
read and unambiguously worded.


A. became independent in 1960

B. has West Africa’s largest population
C. is the largest man-made lake in Africa
D. is the world’s leading cocoa producer
E. is a landlocked country

The largest man-made lake in Africa is in
A. Chad
B. Ghana
C. Kenya
D. Tanzania
E. Uganda
2. Avoid repetition of words in the option. The stem should be written so that key
words are incorporated in the stem and will not have to be repeated in each option.
Which is the best definition of a contour-line?
A. A line on a map joining places of equal barometric pressure.
B. A line on a map joining places of equal earthquake intensity.
C. A line on a map joining places of equal height.
D. A line on a map joining places of equal mean temperature.
E. A line on a map joining places of equal rainfall.

A line on a map joining places of equal pressure is called an
A. isobar
B. isobront
C. isochasm
D. isogeothem
E. isotherm
3. Avoid using “all of the above” as an option but “none of the above can be used
sparingly if at all. “None of the above” as an option should be used only when an
item is o the correct answer type and not the best answer type.

4. Vary the placement of the correct options. The correct options should be placed
randomly throughout the test. This is important so that no discernible i. e. easily
learned pattern of the correct/best answers/responses should be noticed.

5. The correct alternative should be of the same overall length as the distracters. Do
not make the correct option consistently longer than the incorrect
answers/options by phrasing it in a more completely explained or more qualified

6. Create independent item: The answer to one item should not depend on the
knowledge of the answer to a previous item. Try to avoid linking and clueing.
Linking means that the answer to one or more item depends on obtaining the
correct answer to a previous item.

7. Specific determiners which are clues to the best/correct option should be avoided
The first woman cosmonaut is a
A. American
B. Englishman
C. Irish
D. Italian
E. Russian

The first woman to go into space is a/an
A. American
E. Russian
C. French
D. Italian
B. British

In the poor example, the article, a gives a clue, that the correct option is Russian. In
addition, it is only Russians who use the term, cosmonaut. Also Englishman does not
belong to the group of options

8. Sentences should not be copied from textbooks or from others’ (colleagues,

friends, etc) past test items. Original items should be made. This builds capacity in
item writing.
9. Stems and options should be stated positively. However, a negative stem could be
used sparingly and the word NOT should be emphasized either by underling it or
writing it in capital form.


Which of these insects has NOT been incriminated to transmit disease?

A. Bed-bug
B. Black-fly
C. Body louse
D. Housefly
E. Tsetse fly
10. The expected response should not be put at the beginning of the stem
Poor example
.........................printing devices transmit output to a printer via radio waves.
A. Infrared
B. Laser
C. Bluetooth
D. Large Format

Good Example
What printing devices transmit output to a printer via radio waves?
A. Bluetooth
B. Cartridge
C. Infrared
D. Laser

Strengths or Advantages

a Scoring is easy, accurate and efficient

b Highly objective measurement of student achievement.
c They allow an extensive coverage of subject content
d They do not provide opportunities for bluffing
e They are best suited for measuring lower-level behaviours especially knowledge,
comprehension and application

Weaknesses and Disadvantages

1. They incorporate an extremely high guessing factor. They are subject to gross
error as a consequence of rampant guessing. Pupils’ scores on especially short
true – false test may be unduly influenced by good or poor luck in guessing.
2. Often results in ambiguous statements due to difficulty in writing statements that
are absolutely true or false.
3. Often includes more specific determiners or irrelevant clues.

4. They lead themselves mostly to cheating. If a student knows that he is to take a

True / False test, the better students may easily work out a means of helping the
poor student by signaling a True versus False answer.
5. There are many instances when statements are not completely clear (true or
false), but rather there are degrees of correctness.
6. Often results in testing of trivial knowledge
7. Higher-order objectives and behaviour like application, analysis

Guideline for constructing true or false tests

1. For Simple, Compound and Multiple types, statements must be definitely true or
definitely false.
Poor: The value of 2/3 as decimal fractions is 0.7. True or False
Good: The value of i expressed as a decimal fraction correct to two decimal places is
0.66. True or False

2. Avoid words that tend to be clues to the correct answer.

Words, like some, most, often, many and may are usually associated with true
statements. All, always, never, none are associated with false statements. These words
must therefore be’ avoided
3. For simple true-false type, approximately, half (50%) of the total number of items
should be false because it is easier to construct statements that are true and the
tendency is to have more true statements.

4. Statements should be original. They must not be copied directly from textbooks, past
test items or any other written material.

5. Statements should be worded such that superficial logic suggests a wrong answer.
Poor – A patient took one tablet of a prescribed medicine and was healed in 24 hours.
8 tablets would therefore heal him in 3 hours. True or False
The true case is that 8 tablet would constitute an overdose

6. Statement should posses only one central theme.

Poor Akropong Teacher Training College, built in 1900. Is the first teacher training
institution in Ghana
Two main themes are in the statement

7. State each item positively. Negatively item could however be used with the negative
word, not, emphasized by underlining or writing in capital letters. Double negatives
should be avoided.

8. Statements should be short, simple and clear. Ambiguous as well as tricky statements
should be avoided.
Examples: (1) Abedi Pele is the best Ghanaian footballer. True or False
(2) Margaret Thacher was the British Prime Minister in \9W
True or False

Item 1 is ambiguous because best is relative while the trick in item 2 is the spelling to

9. Statements should measure important ideas not trivia

Poor – Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had artificial teeth. True or False
Good: Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was the first President of Ghana. True or False

10. Arrange the items such that the correct responses do not form a discernible pattern

11. To avoid scoring problems, let students write the correct options in full.

12. Avoid the use of unfamiliar vocabulary.

Poor: According to some politicians, the raison d’etre for capital punishment is
Good: According to some politicians, the justification for the existence of capital
punishment is retribution.

Matching-Type Tests
The matching type of objective test consists of two columns. The respondent is expected to
associate an item in Column A with a choice in Column B on the basis of a well-defined
relationship. Column A or 1 consists of the questions or problems to be answered. These are
known as a list of premises. Column B or 2 contains the possible answer, which are known
as the responses or options. A matching exercise therefore presents a student with three
A. Directions for matching
B. a list of premises and
C. a list of responses
Example 1
Match the vitamins in Column A with the disease and conditions which, a lack of the vitamin
causes in column B.
Column A Column B
Vitamins Diseases caused by lack
1. Vitamin A a. Beriberi
2. Vitamin C b. Kwashiorkor
3. Vitamin D c. Pellagra
d. Poor eyesight
e. Rickets
f. Scurvy

Example 2: Directions
For each definition in column A below, select the most appropriate term from the set of terms
in column B:

Column A Correct Column B

Definitions Terms
1. the process of collecting A. behavioural objectives
information about students and
interpreting the likely meaning
of the information for
educational decision making
2. A series of tasks or problems B. Criterion references test
3. Text used to compare C. Evaluation
4. Specification of what a child D. Measurement
must do to indicate mastery of a
5. Determination of the amount of E. Norm referenced
a skill or trait
F. Assessment

Guidelines for constructing matching-type tests

1. Do not use perfect matching. Have more responses than premises. There should be at
least three more responses than premises.
2. Arrange premises and responses alphabetically or sequentially. This reduces the amount
of unnecessary searching on the part of the person who knows the answer.
3. Column A (premises) should contain the list of longer phrases. The shorter items should
constitute the responses.
4. Limit the number of items in each set. For each set, the number of premises should not be
more than six per set with the responses not more than ten.
5. Use homogeneous options and items.
Poor example:
Instruction: Select an option from List B to match List A.
1. The Battle of Dodowa a. 1824
2. Built Korle Bu hospital b. Gordon Guggisberg
3. Longest river in Africa c. Nile
d. 1826
e. LordListowel
f. Congo

Good example:
Instruction: Select a river from list B to complete the description in list A. Write the answer
against the number in list A.
Description of river Name of river
1. Aswan Dam is built on it. a. Niger
2. The longest river in Africa. b. Nile
3. It is tributary of River Congo c. Orange
d. Ubangi
e. Volta
f. Zambezi

6. Provide complete directions. Instructions should clearly show what the rules are and also
how to respond to the items.
7. State clearly what each column represents.
8. Avoid clues (specific determiners) which indirectly reveal the correct option.
9. All options must be placed (and typed) on the same page.

1. Scoring is easy and objective.
2. They allow an extensive coverage of subject content.
3. They do not provide opportunities for bluffing.
4. They are best suited for measuring lower-level behaviors like knowledge and
5. They provide economy of time is scoring.
6. Student writing is minimized. Premium is not placed on writing.
7. Item and statistical analysis can be done easily.
8. Scores are not affected by extraneous factors such as the likes and dislikes of the

1. Item writing is time consuming.
2. It provides opportunities for guessing.
3. Items are relatively difficult to construct.
4. Higher-order mental processes like analysis, synthesis and evaluation are difficult to
5. A premium is placed on student’s reading ability.

Constructed-Response Type
Short-Answer Type Tests
This type of objective test is also known as the Supply, Completion, and fill-in-the blanks. It
consists of a statement or question and the respondent is required to complete it with a short
answer usually not more than one line. This could be a word, a phrase or a symbol. It is easily
recognized by the presence of one or more blanks in which the student writes his/her answer
to fill or complete the blank.
There are three common varieties of the short answer form. These are:
 The question variety in which the item is presented as a direct question
 The completion variety in which an incomplete statement is used and
 The association or identification variety

Examples of each variety are:

1. Question Variety
What is the capital city of Ghana?
What is the name of the president of Ghana?
2. Completion Variety
The capital city of Ghana is ……………………….
The name of the president of Ghana is …………………………
3. Identification or Association Variety
Direction: On the blank next to the name of each chemical element, write the symbol
used for it.

Element Symbol





Guidelines for constructing short-answer tests

1. Keep the number of missing words or blank spaces low. Preferably use one blank per
item. There should not be more than two blanks in one item.
Poor: The ........................... of .......................took place in..........................
Good: The battle of Dodowa took place in the year.............................
2. Use original statements that are carefully constructed. Statements should not be lifted
from textbooks or past items or any written material.
3. Avoid specific determiners which provide clues to the correct option.
4. Blanks must be placed at the end or near the end of the statement and not at the
Poor ..............................is an instrument used for measuring temperature.
Good: An instrument used for measuring temperature is called...........................
5. Items should be so clearly written that the type of response required is clearly
Poor: The battle of Nsamankow was fought in............................................
Good: The battle of Nsamankow was fought in the year............................
6. Avoid lengthy and tortuous statements.
Poor: A specific disease in which acute glomerular damage occurs following distant
infections, particularly with certain streptococci and usually affects children and
young adults and which clinical picture is commonly one of a dramatic onset of
edema and hematuria is...............................
Good: The disease in which acute glomerular, damage occurs following distant
infections is...........................
7. Think of the intended answer first before constructing the item.
8. Omit important words. Avoid writing trivial words to trick students. A completion
item should require a student to respond to important facts and knowledge. In other
words, the teacher or examiner should use the item to assess a student’s knowledge of
an important concept or fact.
Example of Poor item: Radio’s and tape recorders are …………. as audiovisual aids
Good item: Radios and tape recorders are regarded as …………… aids in the
9. Specify the degree of precision and the units of expression required in computational
Poor: The value of 2.6÷0.07 is.......................
Good: The value of 2.6÷0.07 correct to 3 decimal places is...............................
10. Aim at providing items that belong to the correct answer type and not the best answer
Poor: The best audio-visual material to use in the classroom is.......................
Good: Radios and tape recorders are regarded as ......................... audio-visual aids.
11. Keep all blanks the same length, and in a column to the right of the question.
12. A direct question is generally more desirable than an incomplete statement.

1. Scoring is easy.
2. They allow an extensive coverage of subject content.
3. They do not provide opportunities of bluffing.
4. Minimizes guessing.
5. They are best suited for measuring lower-level behaviours especially knowledge
comprehension application.


1. They are difficult to construct so that the desired response is clearly indicated.
2. Higher-order objectives and behaviours are difficult to measure.
3. Often includes more specific determiners.
4. Difficult and time consuming to score since more than one answer may have to

An essay type test is a test that gives freedom to the respondent to compose his own response
using his own words. The test consists of relatively few items but each for each item
demands an extended response.
There are two types of essay-tests. These are the restricted response type and the extended
response type.
The restricted response type limits the respondent to a specified length and scope of the
response. For example, ‘In not more than 200 words explain the causes of the Yaa
Asantewaa War of 1900.
The extended response type does not limit the student in the form and scope of the answer.
For example, discuss the factors that led to the overthrow of the Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s
government in Ghana in 1966.

1. It is easier to prepare an essay test than to prepare objective test. Time spent in writing
the essay type test is comparatively less as compared to objective test items.
2. It is the only means of providing the respondent with the freedom to organize his / her
own ideas and response within unrestricted limits. Thus students or testees have a
greater degree of freedom to respond to the item.
3. There is elimination guessing on the part of the respondents since there is no options from
which students can select.
4. Skills such the ability to organize material and ability to write and arrive at conclusions
are improved.
5. Essay type tests encourage good study habits as students learn materials in their
wholes. This is so because sine the essay test is holistic in subject matter it covers whole
facts and processes rather than parts. This in turn discourages learning by rote and ensures
comprehensive learning.
6. It measures some complex learning outcomes which objective type tests fail to cover.
They are best for testing higher – order behaviours and mental process such as analysis,
synthesis and evaluation. In other words, essay test items which express divergent
7. Little time is required to write the test items.
8. They are practical for testing a small number of students.

1. They are difficult to score objectively. Thus a major weakness of an essay test is the
subjectively of scoring. There is a good deal of inconsistency between scores obtained
from successive administration of the same test. Intra – rater and inter – rater
variability could be very high. In fact Elliot cited Betsey (2001) reported that inter – rater
variability could be as high as 68%.
2. Essay test provides opportunity for bluffing where students write irrelevant and
unnecessary material. Students who do not have much to write may rely on the power of
vocabulary to attempt to convince the assessor.
3. Since students cannot be made to respond to so many essay items as a particular testing
time, only limited aspect of students’ knowledge are measured.
4. Essay tests suffer from limited sampling of subject matter content. Several content
areas or topics may be omitted.
5. Essay test is time-consuming to both the teacher who scores the responses and the student
who writes the responses.
6. They are susceptible to the halo effect, where the scoring in influenced by extraneous
factors such as the relationship between scorer and respondent’s handwriting etc.
7. A premium is placed on writing. Students who write faster, all things being equal are
expected to score higher marks.
8. The degree of correctness or merit of a student’s response can be effectively judged only
by a critical reader, a teacher skilled or informed about the subject.

Guidelines in constructing good classroom essay tests.

1. Plan the test.
Give adequate time and thought to the preparation of the test items. The test items
must be constructed from a test specification table and well in advance (at least two
weeks) of the testing date. This allows editing to be done.
2. The items should be based on novel situations and problems. Be original. Do not
copy directly from textbooks or colleagues/others’ past test items.
3. Test items should require the students to show adequate command of essential
knowledge. The items should not measure rote memorization of facts, definitions and
theories but must be restricted to the measuring of higher mental processes such as
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
4. The breadth of the essay items should be clearly limited for specificity of
response. A well-constructed essay question should establish a framework within
which the student operates. Give enough instructions and guidance to the students.
Ways in which a framework to guide the student may be established include:
 Delimiting the areas covered by the question
 Using clear, descriptive words like define, outline, select, illustrate classify, and
summarize, which are reasonably clear in their meaning. Items must not be
ambiguous. In fact, they must have only one interpretation.
 Direct the student to the desired response. Write the question so that the student’s task
is defined as completely and specifically as possible.
 Indicate the value of the question and the time to be spent answering it. If all
questions carry equal marks let the student know.
5. Test items should require the students to show adequate command of essential
knowledge. The items should not measure rote memorization of facts, definitions and
theorems but must be restricted to the measuring of higher mental processes such as
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Examples of items include:
(a) Application:
You are in charge of a youth camp of 100 campers. Prepare a menu chart which
shows a balanced diet taking into consideration cost and nutritional value.
Here the student uses knowledge learnt in school to deal with a concrete situation.

(b) Analysis:
A Form 1 student girl was severely and unfairly punished. Describe the feelings such
treatment aroused in her.

(c) Synthesis:
You are the financial secretary of a society aimed at raising money to build a fish
pond in your community. Plan and describe a promotional campaign for raising the

(d) Evaluation:
Evaluate the function of the United Nations Organization as a promoter of world
6. The length of the response and the difficulty level of items should be adapted to the
maturity level of students (age and educational level).
An item like:
“Discuss the implications of the Lome 11 Convention on the economy of Ghana”
would be too difficult for a first year Senior Secondary School student.
7. Optional items should not be provided when content is relevant. They may be
necessary only for large external examinations and when the purpose of the test is to
measure writing effectiveness. If students answer different questions, an analysis of
the performances on the test items is difficult.
8. All items should be of equal difficulty if students are to select from a given number of
9. Prepare a scoring key (marking scheme) at the time is prepared.
Decide in advance what factors will be considered in evaluating an essay response.
Determine the points to be included and the weights to be assigned for each points.
The preparation of a model answer will help disclose ambiguities in an item.
10. Establish a framework and specify the limits of the problem so that the student knows
exactly what to do.
The following item for example does not any framework for the student to operate.
Write brief notes on the following:
a. United Nations Organization (UNO)
b. African Union (AU)
c. European Union (EU)
11. Present the student with a problem which is carefully worded so that only ONE
interpretation is possible. The questions/items must not be ambiguous or vague.
For example: Family Planning in Ghana is a “mixed bag”. Discuss
Deferent interpretations could be given to the term ‘mixed bag’ if it was not
mentioned in.
12. Indicate the value of the question and the time to be spent in answering it.
13. Structure the test item such that it will elicit the type of behaviour you really want to.
14. The test items must be based on the instructional objectives for each content unit.
An item like: Discuss the factors which in your opinion contributed to the escalation
of the Persian Gulf War in 1990.
This item elicits students opinions which might be different from the behaviour desired.
15. Give preference to a large number of items that require brief answers. These provide
a broader sampling of subject content and thus better than a few items that require
extended responses.
16. Statements and sub-questions for each item should be clearly related.
A. The facilitator/tutor is central in the teaching/learning process in the
B. Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of tutors in distance education
programmes in Ghana.
C. Schizophrenia is an illness in which the functioning of the brain becomes
disorganized leading to disturbed feelings and emotions, confusion of thought
abnormal behaviour and withdrawal from the reality of the environment into
real world of fantasy’ Sainsbury 1987. Discuss.
17. Start essay test items with words that are clear and as simple as possible and which
requires the student to respond to the stimulus expected. Avoid words such as: what,
list who, as much as possible.
For example: What can you as a teacher do to promote professionalism in the teaching
service in Ghana? This item requires only a statement as the response and not an extended
Commonly used words to start essay questions.
1. Explain: to make plain or clear; to make known in detail. To tell what an
activity/process is and how it works and why it works the way it works.
2. Describe: to tell or depict (a picture) in written words.
3. Analyze: to determine elements or essential features; examine in detail to identify
causes, key factors, possible results.
4. Assess: to estimate or judge the value, character etc. of
5. Examine: to inspect or scrutinize carefully; to inquire into or investigate.
6. Discuss: to consider or examine by argument, or comment, give point for and
against the content of the question.
7. Evaluate: to judge or determine the significance worth or quality of. Involves
discussion and making a judgment.
8. Give an account of to describe a process/activity, and giving reasons, causes, effects

Scoring Essay Tests

Essay tests can be scored by using the analytic scoring rubrics (also known as the point-score
method) holistic scoring rubrics (also called global-quality scaling or rating method).

The analytic (also known as scrolling key, point score or trait score) method.
In analytic scoring the ideal or model answer is broken down into specific points. This
scoring method requires the tester to develop an outline or a list of major elements that
students are to include in the ideal answer. Then he/she decide on the number of points /
marks to award to students when they include each element. The student’s score is based
upon the number of quality points contained in his/her answer. The analytic scoring rubric is
best for restricted response essays. The scoring rubric is the same as a marking scheme.
Example 1.
Discuss five reasons why there is the need for counselling in our tertiary institutions. (30
Introduction (3 marks)
Definition/Explanation of counselling
Reasons (5 reasons × maximum 5 marks each. Total = 25 marks). Consider expression and
mechanics of writing in addition to discussion for each reason. Other reasons that are
relevant are expected.
1. Upsurge in institutional related problems.
2. Need to make informed choices.
3. Need to make informed decisions.
4. Inability of home to cope with all problems of students.
5. Promotion of attitudinal change.
6. Need for coping and adjustment skills.
7. Demands of modern world.
Conclusion (2marks)

Example 2.

Introduction (3marks)
 Definition/Explanation of Counselling.
Reasons (5reason x maximum 4 marks each. Total = 20 marks) Consider and accept other
reason that are relevant.
1. Upsurge in institutional related problem.
2. Need to make informed choices.
3. Need to make informed decisions.
4. Inability of home to copy with all problems of students.
5. Promotion of attitudinal change.
6. Need for copying and adjustment skills.
7. Demands of modern world.
Conclusion (2marks)
Mechanics of writing and Expression (5makes)

The major advantages of the analytic method of scoring are as follows:

1. It can yield very reliable scores when used by a critical reader.
2. The process of preparing the detailed answer may frequently bring to the teacher’s
attention such errors as faulty wording, extreme difficulty of the question and unrealistic
time limits. This will cause the teacher to redesign such items with problems.
3. The subdivision of the model answer facilitates the pro vision of effective feed back to
students as to their strengths and weakness. It is easier to discuss the grade given to the

Two major limitations of the analytic scoring methods are:

10. It is very laborious and time-consuming. Scoring may be a little slower than when using
the global method.
11. For some essays it might be difficult to come up with well – defined elements in the
scoring guide.
 Holistic (global Scoring
In holistic scoring the ideal answer is not subdivided into specific point and component
parts. The model answer serves as a standard. Each response is read for a general
impression of its adequacy as compared to the standard. The general impression as
compared with the response of other student or in relation to the absolute standard is then
transformed into a numerical score. Here, each specific content that a student included in
the answer is not marked. The holistic method thus involves assigning a score to each
response depending on the overall quality of the answer.
Holistic scoring is more appropriate for extended response essay. One way of
checking the consistency of scoring using the holistic method is to read each response
quickly and place it on one of three or one of five categories depending on how that
response compares with others that have been read. After the first reading is completed,
papers in the high category or stack and shuffled, re-read and sorted into grades (or
numeric piles).
Discuss five reasons why there is the need for counselling in our tertiary institution.
Main Reasons
1. Upsurge in institutional related problems.
2. Need to make informed choices.
3. Need to make informed decisions.
4. Inability of home to copy with all problems.
5. Promotion of attitudinal change.
6. Need for copying and adjustment skills.
7. Demands of modern world.

.A: Excellent (18-20)

 Gives an introduction
 Discusses five reasons why very well/in depth
 Very few grammatical errors/expression
 Gives conclusion
.B: Very Good (15-17)
 Gives an introduction
 Discusses five reasons but not too well or discusses four reasons very well
 Few grammatical error/expression
 Gives conclusion
.C: Good (12-14)
 Gives an introduction
 Discusses five reasons but not in depth
OR discusses three reasons very well
 Many grammatical error/expression
 No conclusion
.D: Fairly Good (9-11
 No introduction
 Discusses three reasons but not in depth
 A lot of grammatical error/expressions
 No conclusion
.E: Fail (1-8)
 No introduction
 Discusses one/two reasons but not in depth
 A lot of grammatical error/expressions
 No conclusion

 Generally, holistic scoring is simpler and faster than analytical scoring. It also
helps to review papers as a working whole.
 It is effective when large numbers of essays are to be read.
 Its limitations include the inability to give specific feedback to students as to their
strengths and weaknesses.
 Rater gives overall marks and do not point out details to their students that might
help them to improve. Scorers own bias and errors can be easily masked (go
unnoticed) by the overall mark.

Principles for scoring essay tests

1. Prepare a form of scoring guide, either an analytic scoring rubric or a holistic scoring
2. Test must be kept anonymous as possible. Score without knowing the one whose
paper is being scored. This reduces the HALLO EFFECT.
3. Grade the responses item by item and not script by script. Score all responses to each
item before moving to the next item. This reduces the CARRYOVER EFFECT. The
carryover occurs when the mark for a question is influenced by the performance on
the previous question.
4. Keep scores of previously graded items out of sight when evaluating the rest of the
5. Periodically rescore previously scored paper.
6. Being starting to score each set of item the script should be shuffled.
7. Score the essay test when you are physically sound, mentally alert and in an
environment with very little or no distraction.
8. Constantly follow the scoring guide as you score.
This reduces the RATER DRIFT which is the tendency to either not paying attention
to the scoring guide (marking scheme) over time or interpreting it differently as time
9. Score a particular question on all papers at one sitting. Break when fatigue sets in.
10. Arrange for an independent scoring of the responses or at least a sample of them
where grading decision is crucial.
11. Comments could be provided and errors corrected in the scripts for class tests to
12. Avoid being influenced by the first few papers read. These could make you either too
harsh or too lenient.
13. The mechanics of writing such as correct grammar usage, paragraphing, flow of
expression, quality of handwriting, orderly presentation of material and spelling
should be judged separately from the content.

Comparison of Essay and Objective Tests

1.Either an essay or an objective test can be used to measure almost any important
educational achievement that any test can measure.
2.They can both be used to encourage students to study for understanding of principles,
organization and integration of ideas and application of knowledge to the solution of
3.The value of scores from either type of test is dependent on their objectivity and reliability.

Essay Test Objective Test
Requires students to plan their own answers and Requires students to choose among
to express them in their own words. several designated alternatives or write a
short answer
Consists of relatively fewer questions but calls Consists of many items requiring only
for lengthy and extended responses brief answers (one or two words or a short
The student spends most of his / her time The student spends a lot of his time
thinking and writing while taking the test reading and thinking when taking the test
Quality of the test is dependent largely on the Quality of the test is determined largely
Skill of the rater/test scorer by the skill of the test constructor.
Relatively easy to prepare but more difficult Relatively tedious and difficult to prepare
and tedious to grade accurately but rather easy to grade or score
Affords both the student and grader the Affords freedom of expression only to the
opportunity to be individualistic constructor (item writing)
Are more susceptible to bluffing Are more susceptible to guessing
The score distribution may vary from one Score distribution is determined largely
scorer to another by the test
Less amenable to item and statistical analysis Amenable to item and statistical analysis
Sampling is limited hence content validity is Sampling is usually extensive hence
low content validity is high
Reliability of test scores is low Reliability of test scores could be high
Can measure both knowledge and complex Can measure both but measurement of
achievement of complex achievement is knowledge and comprehension is more
recommended common
Emphasizes primarily on larger units of Emphasis is often on factual details
Achievement Tests

Achievement tests are tests that measure the extent of present knowledge and skills. In
achievement testing, test takers are given the opportunity to demonstrate their acquired
knowledge and skills in specific learning situations. The main objective of an achievement
test is to produce a fair and representative indication of what pupils have learned from the
instruction they were given. Since the results of the test will be to grade pupils and make
important decisions about them, it is necessary that the test provides valid and reliable
information about learning. If they do not, incorrect grades and poor decisions can result. A
clear understanding of this unit will therefore, equip teacher trainees with the skills to be able
to distinguish well-written test questions from poorly written ones.

Types of achievement tests

There are two types of achievement tests. These are (1) standardized achievement tests
and (2) teacher-made/ classroom achievement test.

The major difference between these two types of tests is that standardized achievement
tests are carefully constructed by test experts with specific directions for administering
and scoring the tests. E.g. WASSE, BECE, UCC EXAMS. This makes it possible for
standardized achievement tests to be administered to individuals in different places often
at the same time.

Characteristics of standardized achievement tests

1. Standardized specific instructions are provided for test administration and scoring.
Directions are so precise and uniform that the procedures are standard for different
users of the test.
2. The test items are developed by test experts and specialists who follow well-
formulated procedures for test development. The tests are thus of high quality.
Reliability is often over 0.90.
3. They use test norms which are based on national samples of students in the classes/
forms where the tests are intended for use.
4. Test content is determined by curriculum and subject-matter experts and involves
extensive investigation of existing syllabi, textbooks and programs.
5. Equivalent and comparable forms of the test are usually provided and administered.
6. A test manual is available as a guide for test administration and scoring. It provides
information for evaluating the test for technical quality and interpretation and use of
the results.
7. They are useful for measuring broader curriculum objectives and for school, district,
regional and national comparisons.

Teacher-made/ classroom achievement tests

These tests are constructed by classroom teachers for specific uses in each classroom and
are closely related to particular objectives. They are usually tailored to fit the teacher’s
instructional objectives. The content of the test is determined by the classroom teacher.
The quality of the test is often unknown but usually lower than standardized tests. E.g.
class tests, quizzes etc.

Stages involved in teacher made/ classroom achievement testing

The main goal of classroom assessment is to obtain valid, reliable, and useful information
concerning students’ achievement. It is therefore important that good and quality tests and
assessment tasks are constructed. Four principal stages are involved in classroom testing.

These are:

1. Constructing the test

2. Administering the test
3. Scoring the test

Stage 1: Constructing the test

There are eight steps in the construction of a good classroom test.

Step 1 Define the purpose of the test

The basic question to answer is, “Why am I testing?” the test must be related to teacher’s
classroom instructional objectives. Several purposes are served by classroom tests and
teacher has to be clear on the purpose of the test. The teacher has to answer other
questions such as ‘Why is the test being given at this time in the course?” “Who will take
the test?”, “Has the test takers been informed?”, “How will the scores be used?”

Step 2: Determine the items format to use

Test items could either be essay or objective types. Objective-type tests include multiple-
choice, short-answer, matching and true and false. The choice of format must be
appropriate for testing particular topics and objectives. It is sometimes necessary to use
more than one format in a single test. In other words, there could be both essay and
objective. Also, there could be a combination of the multiple choice and the true-false
type items in a particular testing situation. There are eight (80 factors to consider in the
choice of the appropriate format. These include;

(1) The purpose of the test, (2) the time available to prepare and score the test, (3) the
number of students to be tested, (4) skills to test, (5) difficulty desired, (6) physical
facilities like reproduction materials, (7) age of pupils, (8) skills in writing the
different types of items

Stage 3: Determine what is to be tested

The teacher asks himself/ herself the question. ‘What is it that I wish to measure’? The
teacher has to determine what chapters or units the test will cover as well as what
knowledge, skills and attitudes to measure. Instructional objectives must be defined in
terms of student behaviour and linked to what has been stressed in class.
A test plan made up of a table of specification or blue print must be made. The
specification table matches the course content with the instructional objectives. To
prepare the table, specific topics and sub-topics covered during the instructional period
are listed. The major course objectives are also specified and the instructional objectives
defined. The total numbers of test items are then distributed among the course content
and instructional objective or behaviour.

Example: Terms and Concepts in Assessment

Conten Behaviour
Knowl Comprehe Applica Anal Synth Evalua To
edge nsion tion ysis esis tion tal

Assess 1 1 1 3

Test 1 1 1 3

Evaluat 1 1 1 3

Contin 2 1 1 4


Test 2 1 3


Test 1 1 1 1 4


Total 4 7 5 3 1 20

The table of specifications has a number of advantages.

1. It makes make that justice is done to all the topics covered in the course.
2. It helps the teacher to determine the content validity of the test.
3. It helps to weight the score distribution fairly.
4. It avoids overlapping in the construction of the test items
5. It helps students to determine the content and behaviour areas where they have
difficulty. Teachers can also determine areas where the class has difficulty.
Step 4: Write the individual items.

Inspecting the individual items, the specific principles guiding the construction of each
type of test must be followed for the item format chosen. However, the following general
guidelines must be considered.

9. Keep the table of specification before you and continually refer to it as you write the
10. Items must match the instructional objectives.
11. Formulate well-defined items that are not vague, and ambiguous and should be
grammatically corrected and free from spelling and typing errors.
12. Avoid excessive verbiage. Avoid needlessly complex sentences.
13. The item should be based on information that the examiner should know.
14. Write the test items simply and clearly.
15. Prepare more items than you will actually need.
16. The task to be performed and type of answers required should be clearly defined.
17. Include questions of varying difficulty.
18. Write the items and the key as soon as possible after the material has been taught.
19. Avoid textbook or stereotyped language.
20. Write the items in advance of the test date to permit reviews and editing.

Step 5: Review the item

This is another important step in test construction. Since the purpose of an achievement
test is to provide a fair and representative indication of how well pupils have learned the
things they were taught, faulty items are undesirable regardless of whether they inhibit or
enhance pupils’ test performance. If pupils get lower scores because test items are poorly
written or ambiguous, a fair and representative indication of learning will not be obtained.
If on the other hand, clues in items help pupils do better than they would have without the
clues, a fair and representative indication of pupils’ learning will not be obtained.
Critically examine each item at least a week after writing the items. Items that are
ambiguous and those poorly constructed as well as items that do not match the objectives
must be reworded or removed. Items must not be too difficult or too easy. Check the
length of the test (i.e. number of items against the purpose, the kinds of test items used
and the ability level of the students. The test must discriminate between the low achievers
and the high achievers. Assemble the test in the final form for administration

Step 6: Prepare scoring key/scheme

Many classroom teachers fail to score pupils’ work accurately. This is not a good practice
for obvious reasons. Prepare a scoring key or marking scheme while the items are fresh in
your mind. List correct responses and acceptable variations for objective-type tests.
Assign points to the various expected qualities of responses.
Assign values to each item and ensure representative sampling of content covered.
Step 7: Write directions
Give clear and concise directions for the entire test as well as sections of the test. Clearly
state the time limit for the test. Penalties for undesirable writing must be spelt out.
Directions must include number of items to respond to how the answers will be written,
where the answers will be written, amount of time available, credits for orderly
presentation of material (where necessary) and mode of identification of respondent. For
selection-type tests, indicate what will be done to guessing. E.g. answer all questions in
section A and only one (1) from section B

Step 8: Evaluating the test.

Before administration, the test should be evaluated by the following five criteria: clarity,
validity, practicality, efficiency and fairness.

Clarity................. Who is being tested?

................... What material is the test measuring?
.................... What kind of knowledge is the test measuring?
.................Do you test items relate to content and course objectives?
..................Are the test items simple and clear?
Validity ...................Is the test a representative sampling of the material
Presented in the chapter, unit, section or course?
.................Does the test faithfully reflect the level of
difficulty of material covered in the class?
Practicality ...............Will students have enough time to complete the
................ Are there sufficient materials available to present
the test to complete it effectively?
Efficiency ............Is this the best way to test for the desired
knowledge, skill or attitude?
................ What problems might arise due to material
difficulties or shortage?
Fairness ...............Were the students given advance notice?
........... ..........Have I adequately prepared students for the
................Do the students understand the testing procedures?
....................How will the scores affect the students’ live?

Guidelines for Assembling Achievement Tests

1. Review test items and assessment tasks. Where possible, fellow teachers for
colleagues can review the test items or tasks. The following points should be
i. Test format should be appropriate for the learning outcome being measured.
ii. Knowledge, understanding or thinking skills required by the item or task
should match the specific learning outcome and subject-matter content being
iii. The item or task should be excessively wordy.
iv. The point of the item or task as well as the desired response should be clear.
v. A scoring rubric or scoring guide should be available.
vi. The item or task should be free from technical errors and irrelevant clues.
2. Decide on the total number of items and the length of time to constitute the test. The
number of items and time to be used are dependent on institutional policy, number of
credits for a course, test format, item difficulty level, examiner’s experience and
student’s maturity level.
3. Test items should be typed or written neatly. Writing items on the chalkboard or
dictating them must be done with utmost care since it may cause problems for
students especially those with visual, listening comprehension or hearing problems.
4. Arranging test items.
 Items should be sequenced (especially objective-type tests) such that they appear
in the order of difficulty with the easiest ones placed first.
 Items should also be arranged in sections by items-type. The sections should
progress from easier formats to more difficult formats. Within each section, group
items such that the easier ones come first. For example, all true-false items should
be grouped together, then all matching items and so on.
 Items can also be arranged according to the order in which they are taught in class
or the order in which the content appeared in the textbook.
 Sequencing is not necessary for essay-type tests where optional choices are made.
All items of this nature should however equal difficulty levels.
 Provide directions to students. Directions should include the amount of time
allowed to completed the test, where and how answers should be written, number
of points for each test item, what should be done about guessing (on selection-type
item). Each item format should have a specific set of directions.
5. Reproducing the test.
 Items must be spaced and arranged to that they can be read and scored (for
objective-type tests) with the least amount of difficulty. Cramming too many tests
on to a page is poor economy.
 Multiple-choice items should have the alternatives listed vertically below the stem
of the item rather than across the page.
 Items should not be split with parts of the item on two different pages. All items
should be numbered consecutively.
 All illustrative materials should be clear, legible and accurate.
 Proofread the entire test or assessment before it is finally reproduced.

Guidelines in Administering Achievement Test

1. Prepare students for the test. The following information is essential to students’ maximum
 Where the test will be given (date and time).
 Under what conditions it will be given (timed or take-home, number of items, open
book or closed book, place of test)
 The content areas it will cover (study questions or a list of learning targets)
 Emphasis or weighing of content areas (value in points)
 The kind of items on the test (objective-types or essay-type tests).
 How the assessment will be scored and graded.
 The importance of the results of the test.
2. Students must be made aware of the rules and regulations covering the conduct of the test.
Penalties for malpractice such as cheating should be clearly spelt out and clearly adhered
3. Avoid giving tests immediately before or after a long vacation, holidays or other
important events where all students are actively involved physically or psychologically/
4. Avoid giving tests when students would normally be doing something pleasant, e.g.
having lunch etc.
5. The sitting arrangement must allow enough space so that pupils will not copy each other’s
6. Adequate ventilation and lighting is expected in the testing room.
7. Provision must be made for extra answer sheets and writing materials.
8. Pupils should start the test promptly and stop on time.
9. Announcements must be made about the time at regular intervals. Time left for the
completion of the test should be written on the board where practicable.
10. Invigilators are expected to stand at a point where they can view all students. They should
once a while move among the pupils to check on malpractices. Such movements should
not disturb the pupils. He/ she must be vigilant.
11. Invigilators should not be allowed to read novels, newspapers, grade papers or receive
calls on mobile phones.
12. Threatening behaviours should be avoided by the invigilators. Speeches like ‘if you don’t
write fast, you will fail’ are threatening. Pupils should be made to feel at ease.
13. The testing environment should be free from distractions. Noise should be kept to a very
low level if it cannot be eliminated or removed. Interruptions within and outside the
classroom should be reduced. It is helpful to hang a “Do not DISTURB-TESTING IN
PROGRESS” sign at the door.
14. Test anxiety should be minimized.
 Things that create excessive anxiety are (1) warming students to do their best because
the test is important, (2) telling students that they must work fast in order to finish on
time, (3) threatening dire consequences if they fail, and (4) threatening students with
test if they do not behave.
 Teachers and invigilators should not walk around looking over students’ shoulders
while they are responding to assessments.
 Before assessments, teachers should convey a sense of confidence about student’s
performance in the upcoming assessment.
15. Do not walk unnecessarily before letting students start work. Remarks should be kept; to
a minimum and related to the test.
16. Avoid giving hints to students who ask about individual items. Where an item is
ambiguous, it should be clarified for the entire group.
17. Expect and prepare for emergencies. Emergencies might include shortage of answer
booklets, question papers, power outages, illness etc.

Appraising Achievement Test (Item Analysis)

Item analysis is the process of collecting, summarizing, and using information from students’
responses to make decisions about each test item. It is designed to answer the following;

1. Did the item function as intended?

2. Were the test items of appropriate difficulty?
3. Were the test items free of irrelevant clues and other defects?
4. Was each of the distracters effective (in multiple-choice items)

Benefits of item analysis

1. It helps to determine whether an item functions as intended. It provides information on

whether an item assesses the intended learning targets, whether it is of the appropriate
level of difficulty or whether it distinguishes between high achievers and low achievers
and low achievers and whether the options are working.
2. Item analysis data provide a basis for efficient class discussion of the test results.
Difficult items can be identified and discussed. Misinformation and misunderstanding of
distracters can be corrected.
3. Items analysis provides feedback to the teacher about pupils’ difficulties. It brings to
light general areas of weakness that require more attention.
4. Item analysis data provide a basis for the general improvement of classroom instruction.
It assists in evaluating the appropriateness of the learning outcome and course content of
the particular students being taught.
5. Item analysis procedures provide a basis for increased skills in test construction. Item
analysis reveals ambiguities, clues, ineffective distracters and other technical defects
that were missed during the test preparation. Information revealed provides experience
for future writing of tests.
6. It helps to create item banks for use in future test.

Steps in doing item analysis of objective tests.

1. Arrange the marked test papers from the highest score to the lowest score.
2. Create three groups-upper, middle and lower groups using the top 27% and the
bottom 27% if the total number of students is more than 40. Where the number of
students is between 20 and 40, select the top 10 students and the bottom 10 students.
For fewer than 20 students, create only two groups.
3. For each item summarize the number of students in each of the upper lower groups.
4. Calculate the difficulty index, i.e. the percentage of the total number of students who
got the item correct. The difficult index by convention is written as a decimal.
5. Compute the discrimination index, i.e. the difference between the percentages of
students in the upper and lower groups who got the item correct. The discrimination
index is often written as a decimal fraction.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of options for multiple-choice tests (distracter analysis).
 Every distracter should have at least one lower group student choosing it, and
more lower group students than the upper group students should choose it.
 Every correct option should be selected by more students in the upper group.
 Options are ambiguous if upper group students are unable to distinguish between
the correct response and one or more of the distracters.
 If a large number of upper group students select a particular wrong response,
check to be sure the answer key is correct.

Using difficulty and Discrimination Indices

Points to note

 A low index of discriminating power does not necessarily indicate a defective item. They
could be examined, however, for the possible presence of ambiguity, clues, and other
technical effects especially if they are selection-type items.
 Negatively discriminating items should be avoided and not used in test construction.
 Discrimination indexes of 0.50 and above are more desirable in test construction.
However, items with high, positive discrimination indices are used mostly by test
developers on standardized tests.
 It is sometimes necessary to retain items with low discriminating power in order to
measure a representative sample of learning outcomes and course content.
 Items with a 50% level of difficulty make maximum discrimination possible.
 In norm-referenced testing, difficulty indices of between 0.16 and 0.84 are used to select
items where the test represents a single ability. If performance on the test represents
several different abilities, difficulty indices between 0.40 and 0.60 are used.


This is the arithmetic average of all the scores in the distribution. It is obtained by adding
all the scores in the distribution together, and then dividing the sum by the number of scores
in the distribution. It is calculated from this formula:
Mean = sum of all Scores
Number of Scores
(The “mean” is the “average” you are used to, where you add up all the numbers and then
divided by the number of numbers)
 Find the mean for the following list of values:
13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13
The mean is the usual average, so:
(13 + 18 + 13 + 14 + 13 + 16 + 14 + 21 + 13) 9 = 15

The “median” is the “middle” value in the list of numbers. To find the median, your numbers
have to be listed in numerical order, so you may have to rewrite your list first.
 Find the median for the following list of values:
13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13
The median is the middle value, so you will have to rewrite the list in order:
13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 16, 18, 21
There are nine numbers in the list, so the middle one will be the 5th number:
13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 16, 18, 21
So the median is 14
NOTE: when dealing with ungrouped data, the median is determined basically by inspection.
If the number of scores in a given distribution is odd, the median will be the single score at
the centre of the distribution located by inspection. If the number of scores in a distribution is
even, the median will be the average of the two scores at the centre of the distribution. Note
again that, the distribution has to be re – arranged before the single score or two scores at the
centre are located. Thus, for this distribution: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 (N is 5, which is odd), the median is
4. But for this distribution: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 (N is 6, which is even) the median is 4+6


The “mode” is the value that occurs most often. If no number is repeated, then there is no
mode for the list
 Find the mode for the following list of values:
13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13
The mode is the number that is repeated more often than any other, so 13 is the mode.
NOTE: if there are scores that have the same highest frequency in a given distribution, those
two scores will constitute the mode and such distribution is said to be ‘bi – modal’. A
distribution that contains more than two modes is called ‘multi – modal’. It is determined
basically by inspection, and calls for o calculations in ungrouped data.

The “range” is just the difference between the largest and smallest values.
 find the range for the following list of values:
13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13
The largest value in the list 21, and the smallest is 13, so the range is 21 – 13 = 8.


Frequency distribution
A frequency distribution table tells us the frequency of each score. By the frequency of a
score we mean how many times it occurs in the data. For example, if the data is
7, 2, 3, 5, 6, 2, 9, 3, 2
Then the frequency of 2 is 3 (as the scores 2 occurs 3 times)
The frequency of 3 is 2
The frequency of 4 is 0 (because 4 does not occur at all)
The frequency of 5 is 1
The frequency of 6 is 1
The frequency of 7 is 1
The frequency of 8 is 0
The frequency of 9 is 1
The frequency distribution table is:

Score Frequency
2 3
3 2
4 0
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 0
9 1

This is what a frequency distribution table is. You find the frequency of each score, then
write down each score in the left column and write their frequencies in the right column.
Frequency histograms:
a) this a pictorial representation of the data constructed by drawing based on some
established class interval.
b) Frequencies or performance are plotted against scores and a histogram constructed.
c) It indicates pictorially the most typical scores obtained by pupils which is a rough
measure of the ability of the class.
d) It also shows the direction of pupil’s performance.
e) Individual and group comparison can be made.
A Frequency Histogram

Frequency polygon/curve
a) This is an alternative way of representing frequency distributions in a graphical form.
b) Frequency are plotted against scores and the points connected by lines to form a smooth

A Frequency polygon/curve

Scores obtained in classroom quizzes, tests and examinations are known as raw scores.

They give very little information about the performance or achievement of a student. For
example if John obtained 48 in a test, it is difficult to know his level of performance unless
more information is provided. Such types of information include the maximum/ total score,
mean or median score, the variability of the group, the difficulty level of the items, the
number of test questions and the amount of time allowed for the test. To interpret and obtain
meaning from the scores, they need to be referenced or transformed into other scores.

There are two popular ways of interpreting test scores so the meaning can be derived from the
scores. There are

1. Norm-referenced Interpretation
2. Criterion-referenced Interpretation

Norm-referenced interpretation

These describe test scores or performance in terms of a student’s position in a reference

group that has been administered the assessment. In other words, it compares and individuals
performance with others in the group who have taken the same test. The reference group is
called the norm. In the earlier example, John’s score of 48 can be compared with the mean
score for the class. If the mean score is 40, then one could say that John’s performance was
above average. If the median score is 40, then one could say that John’s performance could
be placed in the upper half of the class. The score of 40 can appropriately be called the norm
and the class that provided the mean or median of 40 is called the norm group.

Types of norm-referenced scores

The most popular norm-referenced scores are described below.

1. Class raw score ranks: Raw scores in a class are often ordered in merit form from the
highest score (1st position) to the lowest score (last position). The ranks tell about how
a student performs compared with the others in the group.
2. Percentile and percentile rank:. A percentile is a point in a distribution below which a
certain percentage of the scores fall while a percentile rank is a person’s relative
position such that a given percentage of scores fall below the score obtained. If a raw
score of 48 is the 60 th percentile, it means that a student who obtains 48 in a test, has
done better than 60 percent of all those in the group that took the test.
3. Standard scores: These are either linear Z or T scores. A linear Z scores is based on
the normal distribution such that the mean is 0. Raw scores that are transformed to Z-
scores use the formula.
Z = E – E/S’ where E is the raw score, E is the group mean and S, the group standard
Negative values show that performance is below average and positive values mean
that performance is above average.
T-scores are based on Z-score and use the formula; T = 50 + 10Z. Scores above 50
shows above average performance and scores below 50 shows below average
Stanines (Standard Nine): These are derived scores based on the normal distribution
with a mean of 5 and standard deviation of 2. It uses the integers, 1 – 9. The
percentage of scores at each Stanine are: 9 (top 4%), 8 (next 7%), 7 (next 12%),
6(next17%), 5(next 20%), 4(next 17%), 3 (next 12%), 2(next 7%) and 1 (next 4%).

Uses of norm-referenced interpretations

1. Selection decision: In selecting students for awards and prizes, a norm-referenced

approach is often used. To award the prize for the best student, a ranking is done and the
student at the top position is awarded the prize. Also the ranking of students allows the
selection of those who meet a fixed quota. If an educational institution wants to admit 400
students out of a total of 600 based on an entrance examination, an order merit is done
and the top 400 students are selected.
2. Comparison decision: Norm referenced interpretations allow the comparison of
performance across subjects. For example performance in Mathematics and English can
be compared by using Z and T scores. It may be necessary to compare performance
between two classes, for example, Home Economics and Arts. Norm referenced scores
provide the information needed for the comparisons. Mean or median scores would
provide information as to which class performs better.
3. Achievement testing. Examination bodies such as West Africa Examinations Council
used norm-referenced score sometimes in interpreting the results of students in
examinations such as the BECE and WASSCE.
4. Monitoring decisions. Norm-referenced scores are useful in monitoring the general
progress of individual students. A student who was at the 10 th percentile in Mathematics
in the first term but moved up to the 75 th percentile in the third term has made much

Criterion-referenced interpretation

These describe test scores or performance in terms of the kinds of tasks a person with given
score can do. The performance can be compared to a pre-established standard or criterion.

For example a student may be able to solve 8 problems out of 10 concerning fractions. A
level of performance can be established at 6. The criterion or standard can be used as a
competency/ mastery score, so that students who have obtained scores that are greater than 6
are termed competent or have mastered skills in a particular domain. Criterion-referenced
interpretations generally indicate what an individual can or cannot do with respect to a
specified domain of knowledge attitudes or skills.

Types of criterion-reference scores

1. Percentage correct score: This is the percentage of items that a student got correct.
For example if a student obtained 8 marks out of 10, the percent correct is 80.
2. Competency score: These are cut-off scores set to match acceptable performance.
Students who obtained the cut-off scores are believed to have achieved a required
level 0.1 competency. Cut-off scores should not be arbitrarily set. There should be a
support or basis for them.
3. Quality rating: This is the quality level at which a student performs a task. For
A student can be rated as A for outstanding, B+ for excellent etc.
4. Speed of performance scores: These indicate the amount of time a student uses to
complete a task or the number of tasks completed within a specified time. For
example, a student may type 30 words in a minute or an athlete may run 100 meters in
11.5 seconds.

Uses of criterion-referenced interpretations

1. Certification decisions: Certificates are needed in several areas of work to

demonstrate the acquisition of skills and knowledge. Criterion-referenced scores
demonstrate the acquisition of skills and knowledge. Criterion-referenced scores
provide information about whether an applicant has the required level of skills or not
a certificates of achievement attest to this.
2. Minimum competency decisions. Certain curricula are structured such that a student
needs to achieve a certain level of competency before moving on to a higher level.
Criterion-referenced scores are used to determine whether a student or a class can
move on to a higher level of study.
3. Diagnostic decisions. Criterion-referenced scores help the teacher to discover the
learning difficulties of the pupils. They help the teacher to diagnose and know which
topics or learning targets have not been grasped. It helps the teacher to provide
individual or class learning activities that will best adapt to students’ requirements and
thereby maximize their opportunities to attain chosen learning targets.
4. Placement decisions: Criterion-referenced scores provide information as to whether a
student can succeed in a programme or not. For example, to determine whether a
person can be a medical doctor or not, a test can be given such that performance on
the test can determine whether the individual has the pre-requisite skills to succeed in
the medical programme.
5. Programme evaluation: Criterion-referenced scores provide information about
national progress in education. The performance of students can indicate whether a
particular curricular is successful in its implementation or not. In Ghana, criterion-
referenced scores were used in the 1990s to assess the level of mathematics and
English literacy.
Compatibility of both measures
1. Both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced scores can be used for guidance
and counselling decisions.
2. Scores on a single test can be given both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced
interpretations. A score of 80 may indicate that the student is the best in the class
and may also indicate that the student reached a level of high competency in the
material taught.
3. Both scores can be used for summative evaluation. At the end of an instructional
unit, a teacher can test to find out if the students have generally grasped the
concepts taught. The teacher can also determine which students have performed
below the lower quartile and may need remedial actions.

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