DCN Question Bank Unit Exam1
DCN Question Bank Unit Exam1
DCN Question Bank Unit Exam1
Unit 1
Sr. No. Questions
1. Define the term: Data Communication
2. Briefly describe the five components of data communication.
3. Briefly describe following terms in context of data flow:
1. Simplex 2. Half-Duplex 3. Full-Duplex
4. What is network? Describe network criteria.
5. What is physical topology of network? Explain following physical topologies of
1. Mesh 2. Star 3. Bus 4. Ring 5. Hybrid
6. Describe following types of network:
1. LAN 2. WAN 3. MAN
7. Explain TCP/IP protocol suite with its layers in detail.
8. Explain OSI model with its layers in detail.
9. Explain types of connection.
10. What is protocol? What are elements of protocol in context of data
Unit 2
Sr. No. Questions
1. Illustrate analog and digital signal.
2. Define following terms:
1. Frequency 2. Wavelength 3. Bandwidth
3. Describe causes of transmission impairment.
4. Describe following:
1. Nyquist’s theorem 2. Shannon’s theorem
5. Consider a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of 3000 Hz transmitting a signal
with four signal levels. Calculate the BitRate.
6. Consider a telephone line with a bandwidth of 3000. The signal-to-noise ratio is
usually 3162. What is the capacity of channel?
7. Define following terms:
1. Throughput 2. Latency 3. Bandwidth-Delay Product
8. What is digital to digital conversion? Enlist various digital to digital conversion
9. Explain line coding briefly. Enlist different line coding schemes.
10. Describe following line coding schemes:
1. Unipolar 2. Polar-NRZ 3. Polar-RZ 4. Manchester 5. Bipolar- AMI and
11. Describe block coding digital to digital conversion technique.
12. What is analog to digital conversion? Enlist various analog to digital conversion
13. Explain following analog to digital conversion techniques:
1. Pulse Amplitude Modulation 2. Pulse Code Modulation 3. Delta
14. Describe different transmission modes in digital transmission.
15. What is digital to analog conversion? Enlist various digital to analog conversion
16. Explain following digital to analog conversion techniques:
1. ASK 2. FSK 3. PSK
17. What is analog to analog conversion? Enlist various analog to analog conversion
18. Explain following analog to analog conversion techniques:
1. AM 2. FM 3. PM
19. What is multiplexing? Enlist various multiplexing techniques.
20. Explain following multiplexing techniques:
1. FDM 2. WDM 3. Synchronous TDM 4. Asynchronous TDM
(Subject Teacher)
Mr. Aakash Parmar