Post Lab 6 EEE 201 001

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Post Lab Report-06

Experiment Name:
Course Title : Electrical Circuits-II
Course code : EEE-201
Department : Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Section No : 01
Submitted To : DR. Farhana Parveen
Assistant Professor, EEE Department.
Submitted By : Md. Zakaria Mahmud Pulak
Student Id : 2021-3-80-001
Date of submission: 25-08-2022
In this experiment, supply frequency of a series R-L-C circuit will be varied and
the variation of current through the circuit, voltage across resistance, inductance &
capacitance, and the phase difference between voltage and current will be plotted
against the frequency to study resonance.
• Oscilloscope
• Signal generator
• Resistance, inductance and capacitance of values shown in Fig. 01.
• Multimeter (used as AC voltmeter)
Circuit diagram :

1. Set the function generator signal to sinusoidal wave shape with 10V peak-to
peak value at any arbitrary frequency.

2. Connect the circuit as shown in the Fig. 01 and observe both the signals as

3. Set the frequency of function generator to 100Hz.

4. Measure the phase difference between the voltage and current from oscilloscope
using the formula 𝛥𝜃 = 360*𝛥𝑡*f. If current channel-2) leads 𝛥𝜃 is negative,
positive otherwise.
5. Measure the voltage across the resistance, the inductance, and the capacitance
using the AC voltmeter and write them in a tabular form as shown in Table 01

6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 for the following frequencies: 200Hz, 300Hz, 400Hz,
500Hz, 600Hz, 700Hz, 800Hz, 900Hz, 1000Hz, 1125Hz, 1250Hz, 1375Hz,
1500Hz, 2375Hz, 3250Hz, 4125Hz, and 5000Hz.

Simulation result :

The time difference is ∆t = 46us

= 46 * 10^-6 sec
The phase difference = 360 * f X*∆t
= 360 * 100 *46*10^-6
∆θ = 82.8

F(Hz) Vr (V) VL (V) Vc (V) Δθ

100 0.20 0.13 3.38 70
200 0.40 0.27 3.44 72
300 0.61 0.55 3.56 69.6
400 0.85 0.98 3.74 63.3
500 1.11 1.55 3.90 54
600 1.35 2.23 3.96 38.8
700 1.53 2.95 3.87 20.1
800 1.60 3.51 3.56 0
900 1.57 3.86 3.10 11.5
1000 1.47 4.00 2.61 28.8
1125 1.32 4.03 2.08 40.5
1250 1.16 3.97 1.66 50.5
1375 1.04 3.90 1.34 59.4
1500 0.93 3.82 1.10 60.5
2375 0.50 3.48 0.36 71.8
3250 0.30 3.35 0.13 79.5
4125 0.20 3.26 0.05 80.2
5000 0.12 3.19 0.01 82.8

Answer to the question number -1

Graph of Frequency vs Voltage

Vr (V) VL (V) Vc (V)






90 900 9000
Frequency (Hz)
Answer to the question number -2

Graph of Δθ vs Frequency










90 900
Frequency (Hz)

Answer to the question number -3

Resonance Frequency : 800Hz →1600𝜋
Lower Cutoff Frequency : 600Hz → 1200𝜋
Higher Cutoff Frequency : 1125Hz → 2250𝜋
Answer to the question number -4
At Resonance Frequency (800Hz)
Δθ = 0°
VR = 1.6V
VC = 3.56V
VL = 3.51V
At Lower Cutoff Frequency (600Hz)
Δθ = 38.8°
VR = 1.35V
VC = 3.96V
VL = 2.23V
At Higher Cutoff Frequency (1125Hz)
Δθ = 40.5°
VR = 1.32V
VC = 2.08V
VL = 4.03V
Answer to the question number -5
Bandwidth ( B ) = 𝝎𝑳 − 𝝎𝑯 = 1125 – 600 = 525 rad/s
𝝎𝒐 𝟖𝟎𝟎
Quality Factor ( Q ) = = = 1.52
𝑩 𝟓𝟐𝟓

Answer to the question number -6

Resistor R = 100 ohm
Inductor L = 40mH = 40 x 10^-3 H
Capacitor C = 1uF = 1 x10^-6 F
This is a series resonance RLC circuit so the resonant frequency,
= 1 / LC = 1 / 40 x 10-3 x ( 1 x10-6)
= 5000 rad/s → 796 Hz

The Lower cut off frequency ωL= - R/2L + √((R/2L)^2+1/LC)

= -100/(2x40 x 10^-3) + √((100/(2x40 x 10^-3))^2 + 1/(40 x 10^-
= 3903.88 rad/s →621 Hz

The Higher cut off frequency ωH = R/2L + √((R/2L)^2+1/LC)

= 100/(2x40 x 10^-3) + √((100/(2x40 x 10^-3))^2 + 1/(40 x 10^-
= 6403.88 rad/s →1019.21 Hz
Resonance Lower Cutoff Higher Cutoff
Frequency Frequency Frequency
Plot values 800 Hz 600 Hz 1125 Hz

796 Hz 621 Hz 1019.21 Hz

Answer to the question number -7

For resonant frequency:
When, ω = ω0 = 5000 rad/s
Impedance , Z = R = 100Ω
Phase difference, Δθ = 0°

Current, I = V/R = 5/100 = 0.05A

Voltage across the resistor, VR = 0.05×100 = 5.0V
Voltage across the inductor, VL = I × jωL = 0.05×j×5000×40×10-3
= 10∠90°V
Voltage across the capacitor ,Vc=10<-90V
For lower cutoff:
When, ω = ω1 = 3903.88rad/s
Impedance, Z = R+jwL+1/ jwC
= 100 +( j3909.88*40*10^-3) +( 1/j3909.88∗1∗10−6)
=141.44< −45°
Phase difference, Δθ= - 45°

Current , I = 0.035∠45°A
Voltage across the resistor, VR = 0.035∠45°×100
= 3.50∠45°V
Voltage across the inductor, VL =0.035∠45°×j×3903.88×40×10^-3
= 5.52∠135°V
Voltage across the capacitor, VC = 0.035< 45° * 1/j3909.88∗1∗10−6
= 9.05∠-45°V
For higher cut off frequency:
When, ω = ω2 = 6403.88rad/s
Impedance, Z = R + jωL +1/jωC
= 100 + j6403.88 ∗ 40 ∗ 10−3 +1/j6403.88∗1∗10−6
= 141.42 < 45°
Current ,I=0.035<-45A
Voltage across the resistor, VR = 0.035∠-45°×100
=3.54∠- 45°V
Voltage across the inductor, VL = 0.035∠-45°×j×6403.88×40×10^-3
= 9.05∠45° V
Voltage across the capacitor, VC = 0.035 < −45 ∗1/j∗6403.88∗1∗10−6
= 5.52∠-135°v

Plot Resonance Frequency Theoretical Resonance Frequency

(800Hz) (800Hz)

Δθ = 0° Δθ = 0°

VR = 1.6V VR = 5.0V

VC = 3.56V VC = 10∠-90°V

VL = 3.51V VL = 10<90V

Plot Lower Cutoff Frequency Theoretical Lower Cutoff

(600Hz) Frequency (621Hz)

Δθ = -38.8° Δθ= - 45°

VR = 1.35V VR = 3.50∠45°V

VC =3.96∠-38.8° V VC = 9.05∠-45°V
VL = 2.23∠128.8V VL = 5.52∠135°V

Plot Higher Cutoff Frequency Theoretical Higher Cutoff

(1125Hz) Frequency (1019.21 Hz)

Δθ = 40.5° Δθ= 45°

VR = 1.32V VR = 3.54∠- 45°V

VC =2.08V VC = 5.52∠-135°v

VL = 4.03V VL = 9.05∠45° V

Answer to the question number -8

Power Values using plot and Theoretical values
Using plot value
Power at the resonant frequency,
Pmax = VI = 1.60*0.016 = 0.0256W

Power at the lower cutoff frequency,

I=V/Z=1.35/ (1.35+3.96+2.23) = 0.1790A
PL = Pmax/2 = (0.2417/2) = 0.1208 W
Power at the higher cutoff frequency,
I=V/Z=1.32/ (1.32+2.08+4.03) = 0.1776A
PH = Pmax/2 = (0.2345/2) = 0.1172 W.
Using theoretical value
Resonance Lower Cutoff Higher Cutoff
power (W) power (W) power (W)

Plot values 0.025 0.1208 0.1172

0.25 0.1223 0.123

Discussion: The experiment we have done in esayeda software. We have determined the voltage
across the inductor, capacitor and resistor in different frequencies. Besides we have calculated the
phase difference for every frequency measure ed by the EasyEda software. The theoretical value for
the circuit resonant frequency is calculated carefully, because the frequency and all values are too
small. So, we should calculate the small values carefully.

Conclusion: From this experiment we have learned characteristics of a series resonant circuit
with different frequencies and learned the importance of resonant frequency in AC circuit also we
will use EasyEDA simulation software for drawing the circuits and then taking measurements.

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