Negotiating For Peace

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Negotiating for peace: On the ‘Summit on Peace’, in Burgenstock

India’s decision to attend but not vote at the Swiss conference was right

The two-day “Summit on Peace”, that ended on Sunday in Burgenstock, met with mixed outcomes.
Switzerland was able to bring together more than 90 countries, at least 56 were represented by
leaders, and the final joint communiqué was signed by about 82 countries and organisations, with the
exception of a few including India. The document made a strong call for an end to the “ongoing war of
the Russian Federation against Ukraine” and a pitch for sovereignty, territorial integrity and
adherence to international law. It cited three areas of broad understanding: nuclear safety, food
security and the exchange of all prisoners of war, displaced and detained Ukrainians. The statement
was not very ambitious in its scope, as the organisers were keen to bring as many countries,
particularly from the ‘Global South’ on board — which they managed to do to some extent. However,
despite all these areas where Ukrainian President Zelenskyy hailed a “historic victory”, there were
shortcomings. Switzerland’s decision not to invite Russia, and to build their negotiations on the basis
of the Ukraine Peace Formula along with UN resolutions, made the event appear one-sided. The
failure in convincing China, which arguably holds the most sway over Moscow, to even send a
delegation was another blow. That no BRICS member, current and future, signed on to the statement
indicates that it was a non-starter among the emerging economies.

Switzerland, Ukraine and other western countries had made a special attempt to win India’s favour for
the conference, including a last minute appeal by Mr. Zelenskyy when he met PM Modi at the G-7
outreach summit in Italy. As a close partner of Russia, a key Global South player, and a country that
has kept a balance in the conflict, India’s presence would have been a major win for the organisers.
However, while New Delhi sent the NSA and Deputy NSA to two preparatory conferences in Jeddah
and Davos, the Indian delegation here was led by the Secretary (West) in the External Affairs Ministry.
India has consistently abstained from every resolution at the UN, Security Council, IAEA, Human
Rights Council and other multilateral fora that seeks to criticise Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
While India may share concerns over much of the text released at the conference, it could not have
gone ahead with its overtly anti-Russian slant. In its presence, however, New Delhi showed that it is
willing to be part of the process, especially if it leads to a more inclusive future conference, with
Russia and Ukraine at the table. As a result, India’s decision to attend the conference, but not endorse
its outcome, was probably a foregone conclusion. [Practice Exercise]

 Non-starter (noun) – an idea, plan, or person with no chance of success न कर

 Red/blue coloring of words in the sentence indicates subject verb relationship; where ‘red’
denotes ‘subject’ and ‘blue’ denotes ‘verb’.

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1. Negotiate (verb) – Discuss, bargain, confer, 12. Detained (adjective) – Held, confined,
talk, mediate करन arrested, imprisoned, restrained र

2. Outcome (noun) – Result, consequence,

conclusion, effect, end result र 13. Ambitious (adjective) – Aspirational,
striving, determined, driven, enterprising
3. Communiqué (noun) – Official statement,

announcement, bulletin, message,
dispatch क न/ 14. Keen (to) (adjective) – Eager, enthusiastic,
interested, willing, ardent क
4. Call (for) (noun) – Demand, request,
appeal, plea, invitation 15. Global south (noun) – A term used to refer
to the regions of Latin America, Asia,
5. Pitch (noun) – a speech or act that
Africa, and Oceania, which are often seen
attempts to persuade someone as less developed than the Global North.

6. Sovereignty (noun) – Independence,
autonomy, self-governance, self-rule,
16. On board (phrase) – In agreement,
supremacy included, participating, involved,
7. Territorial (adjective) – Related to
territory, geographic, spatial 17. Manage (to) (verb) – Succeed, achieve,
accomplish, carry out, perform न
8. Integrity (noun) – Unity, wholeness,
soundness, cohesiveness, entirety 18. To some extent (phrase) – Partially,
somewhat, moderately, to a certain
9. Adherence (to) (noun) – Compliance,
degree, in part क क
obedience, conformity, observance,
sticking to न 19. Hail (verb) – Praise, acclaim, commend,
applaud, celebrate करन
10. Cite (verb) – Mention, refer to, quote,
acknowledge, note न 20. Shortcoming (noun) – Deficiency, fault,
weakness, drawback, limitation क
11. Displaced (adjective) – Uprooted, moved,
relocated, evicted, removed 21. Negotiation (noun) – Discussion,
bargaining, mediation, talks, deliberation

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22. Arguably (adverb) – Possibly, conceivably, 31. Preparatory (adjective) – Introductory,

maybe, potentially, it can be said क नन foundation, preliminary, elementary,
preparative र क
23. Hold the sway (phrase) – Have influence,
dominate, control, rule, lead न 32. Consistently (adverb) – Regularly,
constantly, uniformly, steadily, without fail
24. Delegation (noun) – Group of र
representatives, mission, deputation,
envoy, team न 33. Abstain (from) (verb) – formally decline to
vote either for or against a proposal or
25. Blow (noun) – Setback, disappointment, motion. र करन ( न )
defeat, misfortune, adversity क
34. Resolution (noun) – Decision,
26. BRICS (noun) – BRICS, originally named determination, agreement, conclusion,
BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), is an ruling
acronym for the regional economies of
Brazil, Russia, India and China, which in 35. Multilateral (adjective) – Involving
2010 had included the letter S for South multiple parties, international, many-sided,
Africa. The original acronym "BRIC" (or collaborative, cooperative
"the BRICs") was coined in 2001 by
Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill, who 36. Fora (noun) – Forums, meetings,
created the term to describe fast-growing assemblies, gatherings, venues
economies that would collectively
dominate the global economy by 2050. 37. Seek (verb) – Pursue, aim for, strive for,
search for, look for करन
27. Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of
GDP 38. Criticise (verb) – Condemn, disapprove of,
fault, censure, denounce न करन
28. A last minute (phrase) – Final moment,
just before the deadline, at the eleventh 39. Invasion (noun) – Attack, incursion,
hour, in the nick of time assault, raid, incursion

29. Outreach (noun) – Engagement, contact, 40. Overtly (adverb) – Openly, explicitly,
communication, connection, reachout
clearly, plainly, obviously कर
/ न क
41. Slant (noun) – Bias, angle, viewpoint,
30. Summit (noun) – Conference, meeting,
perspective, inclination क -
assembly, conclave, gathering र

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42. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause, bring 44. Endorse (verb) – Support, approve, back,
about, produce, contribute to नन sanction, agree with न करन

43. Inclusive (adjective) – Comprehensive, all- 45. A foregone conclusion (phrase) – a result
encompassing, all-embracing, broad, wide- that can be predicted with certainty.

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Summary of the Editorial

1. The "Summit on Peace" in Burgenstock concluded with mixed outcomes.
2. Switzerland successfully gathered over 90 countries, with 56 represented by leaders.
3. The final joint communiqué was signed by around 82 countries and organizations, excluding a
few like India.
4. The document emphasized ending the war in Ukraine, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and
adherence to international law.
5. Key areas of understanding included nuclear safety, food security, and the exchange of
prisoners of war.
6. The statement aimed to be inclusive, particularly for countries from the Global South.
7. Despite Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's praise, the summit had notable shortcomings.
8. Switzerland's exclusion of Russia and reliance on the Ukraine Peace Formula made the event
seem one-sided.
9. China's absence was a significant setback, given its influence over Moscow.
10. No BRICS member, current or future, signed the statement, indicating it wasn't supported by
emerging economies.
11. Switzerland, Ukraine, and Western countries sought India's participation, with Zelenskyy
appealing to PM Modi.
12. India, balancing its partnership with Russia and global south interests, attended but didn't
endorse the communiqué.
13. India's delegation at the summit was led by the Secretary (West) in the External Affairs
14. India has consistently abstained from UN resolutions criticizing Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
15. India's decision to attend the conference but not support its anti-Russian stance was strategic,
showing a willingness to participate in future inclusive peace efforts.

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Practice Exercise: SSC Pattern Based

1. At the "Summit on Peace" in Burgenstock, what can be inferred about India's role based on
its decision to attend but not vote on the final joint communiqué? [Editorial page]
A. India played a neutral role by attending but not endorsing the final document.
B. India was skeptical about the inclusivity of the summit's process.
C. India fully supported the summit's objectives and conclusions.
D. India opposed the summit's objectives and outcomes.
2. Which of the following is a valid criticism of the outcomes of the "Summit on Peace"
according to the passage?
A. The summit failed to address nuclear safety, food security, and the release of prisoners
B. The non-participation of Russia and BRICS nations indicated a lack of global consensus.
C. The summit was overly ambitious in its scope and failed to achieve its goals.
D. The summit successfully resolved the issues it aimed to address.
3. What was the main reason for India's participation in the Summit on Peace without
endorsing its outcome?
A. India wanted to demonstrate its support for Ukraine exclusively.
B. India's historical alliance with Russia influenced its decision to maintain neutrality.
C. India was primarily interested in economic benefits from the conference.
D. The summit was hosted by India, making participation mandatory.
4. Why did India send a relatively lower-level delegation led by the Secretary (West) to the
Summit on Peace?
A. India intended to fully support the summit's resolutions.
B. The Prime Minister of India was unavailable due to other commitments.
C. Sending a lower-level delegation signaled India's cautious engagement without full
D. India was not formally invited to the summit.
5. What is the tone of the passage describing India's participation in the 'Summit on Peace'?
A. Optimistic
B. Critical
C. Diplomatic
D. Indifferent
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
As we entered his farm, we were surprised. There were dead leaves, wild plants, and grass
everywhere! Some of the tree branches ______1_____ so dry, as if eaten by insects. At places
we saw some plants with colourful leaves. Why these? Bhaskarbhai said they were croton
plants which gave him a signal when the soil became dry. We were surprised! How? He
explained that the roots of the croton do not go deep in the ground. So when the top layer of
the soil becomes dry, the croton leaves bend and become ____2_____. This signal tells

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Bhaskarbhai which part of his farm needs to be watered. We found the soil soft and crumbly.
We could see tall coconut trees, full of fresh coconuts. We thought he must be using some
special fertilisers. Bhaskarbhai said he does not buy fertilisers made in factories. His soil is
fertile because of all the dried leaves which slowly rot and mix with it. He _____3____the soil
____4______ and told us to look. We saw thousands of earthworms! “These are my soil's best
friends”, he said. The earthworms soften the soil as they keep digging _____5_______ to make
tunnels. This way air and water can easily get into the soil. The earthworms also eat the dead
leaves and plants, and their droppings fertilise the soil.
6. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.
A. Contented
B. Refined
C. Considered
D. Seemed
7. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.
A. Impede
B. Prompt
C. Impartial
D. Limp
8. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.
A. Dug
B. Drugs
C. Dig
D. Digging
9. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4
A. Little
B. Few
C. a little
D. some
10. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5
A. Underneath
B. Upward
C. Exterior
D. Upper
Direction: Each of the following items in this section consists of a sentence, parts of which have
been jumbled. These parts have been labelled as P, Q, R and S. Given below each sentence has
four sequences, namely (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are required to re-arrange the Jumbled parts of
the sentence and mark your response accordingly.
11. aircraft by the National Aviation Corporation of India Limited,(P)/ giving the clean chit to
former Union Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel, (Q)/ the CBI has filed a closure report in its
probe into alleged irregularities in the leasing of(R)/ which was formed by the merger of Air
India and Indian Airlines during the UPA’s corruption-stained rule(S).

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12. Select the correctly spelt word
A. Comemorate
B. Commemmorate
C. Commemorate
D. Comemmorate
13. Select the most appropriate word that means the same as the group of words given.
Enclosed area where aircraft are kept and repaired
A. Hose
B. Harbinger
C. Hanger
D. Hangar
14. Select the indirect narration of the given sentence.
He said to me," What time do the banks open and close?"
A. He said me what time did the banks open and close.
B. He asked me what time the banks opened and closed.
C. He wanted to know what time the banks open and close.
D. He asked me what time do the banks open and close.
15. Identify the part of the sentence that contains the grammatical error.
One of the greatest responsibilities of a scientist is that his discoveries and inventions are
utilized to the overall development of the nation.
A. is that his discoveries and inventions
B. development of the nation
C. are utilized to the overall
D. One of the greatest responsibilities of a scientist
16. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
A. Weak
B. Dull
C. Active
D. Sedentary
17. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
A. Unfavourable
B. Adverse
C. Amiable
D. Violent
18. Select the most appropriate word that means the same as the group of words given.
A short story with a moral, usually with animals as characters.
A. Parody

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B. Ode
C. Fable
D. Hymn
19. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives
their correct order.
A. It is called the atmosphere.
B. All parts of the earth are surrounded by air.
C. Living beings breathe in and breathe out the air all the time.
D. This process is called respiration.
20. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If no substitution is required, select No improvement.
Amit has the good command on English as he was born and brought up in England.
A. a good command over
B. No improvement
C. a better command of
D. the best command in
21. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom.
To add fuel to the fire
A. Simplify the problem
B. Exploit someone
C. To make a bad situation worse
D. Calm down the situation
22. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
A. Abundance
B. Sufficiency
C. Efficiency
D. Inadequacy
23. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
A. Tough
B. Mysterious
C. Disastrous
D. Delicate
24. Select the correctly spelt word
A. Definate
B. Definiet
C. Definete

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D. Definite
25. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom.
Hobson's Choice
A. To be in an aggressive mood when facing a challenge
B. To challenge an unworthy opponent
C. An apparently free choice where there is no real alternative
D. To exercise the choice to surrender before the enemy

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1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7.D 8. A 9. C 10.A 11.D 12.C
13. D 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.D
25. C [Practice Exercise]
1. A) India played a neutral role by attending but not endorsing the final document.
C is incorrect because India’s decision not to vote indicates a reservation or non-full endorsement of
the summit’s conclusions, not full support.
B is incorrect because the passage does not provide explicit information about India's skepticism
regarding the inclusivity of the process, only its decision not to vote.
A is correct as India's presence without voting signifies neutrality, indicating participation without
agreement or endorsement.
D is incorrect because merely not voting does not equate to opposition; it suggests a more cautious
stance rather than direct opposition.
2. B) The non-participation of Russia and BRICS nations indicated a lack of global consensus.
A is incorrect because the summit did address nuclear safety, food security, and the exchange of all
prisoners of war, even if other areas fell short.
B is correct as the passage highlights the non-invitation of Russia and the non-signing of the
communiqué by any BRICS members, reflecting a significant gap in global consensus.
C is incorrect because the passage explicitly states that the statement was not very ambitious in scope,
which counters the notion of being overly ambitious.
D is incorrect because the passage clearly states there were shortcomings and mixed outcomes,
implying that not all issues were resolved effectively.
3. B) India's historical alliance with Russia influenced its decision to maintain neutrality.
A is incorrect because the passage suggests that India maintained a balanced stance rather than
supporting Ukraine exclusively.
B is correct as the passage indicates that India's long-standing relationship with Russia and its balanced
approach in the conflict influenced its decision not to endorse the outcome of the summit.
C is incorrect because there is no mention in the passage of economic motivations being a primary
interest for India's participation.
D is incorrect as the summit was not hosted by India but in Burgenstock, Switzerland.
4. C) Sending a lower-level delegation signaled India's cautious engagement without full endorsement.
A is incorrect because India's action of sending a lower-level delegation contradicts the notion of full
B is incorrect as the passage does not indicate the unavailability of the Prime Minister as a reason for
the decision.
C is correct because the passage suggests that sending a lower-level delegation, instead of more senior
figures, was a strategic choice reflecting India's balanced and cautious approach to the summit's
D is incorrect as the passage clearly states that India was courted for its participation, indicating it was
5. C) Diplomatic
A This choice is incorrect because the passage does not express a hopeful or positive outlook; instead,
it presents a balanced view of India's strategic decisions.

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B This option is incorrect as the passage does not offer criticism but rather neutrally details India's
diplomatic maneuvers.
C This is the correct answer as the tone is reserved and neutral, focusing on describing India's careful
and strategic approach without overt biases.
D Incorrect because the text clearly shows India's active yet balanced involvement, which contrasts
with indifference.
6. D) 'Seemed' का use होगा क्योंकक "seemed" का अर्थ होता है ककसी चीज़ का प्रतीत होना या ऱगना।
पैराग्राफ में वर्थन ककया गया है कक कुछ पेडों की शाखाएॉ बहुत सख
ू ी प्रतीत होती हैं, जैसे कक कीडों ने
खा लऱया हो। इसलऱए 'seemed' यहाॉ सही है । जबकक 'Contented' का अर्थ होता है सॊतष्ु ट, 'Refined' का
अर्थ होता है सॊशोधित या सि
ु ारा हुआ, और 'Considered' का अर्थ होता है ववचार ककया हुआ या माना
गया, जो इस सॊदभथ में कफट नहीॊ बैठते।
'Seemed' will be used because it means to appear or give an impression. The paragraph describes that
some tree branches looked very dry, as if they were eaten by insects. Thus, 'seemed' is appropriate
here. On the other hand, 'Contented' means satisfied, 'Refined' means improved or polished, and
'Considered' means thought of or deemed, which don't suit this context
7. D) Limp' का use होगा क्योंकक "limp" का अर्थ होता है ऱचीऱा या मरु झाया हुआ। paragraph में describe
है कक जब जमीन की ऊपरी परत सख
ू जाती है, तो क्रोटन पौिों की पत्ततयाॉ झुक जाती हैं और मरु झा
जाती हैं। इसलऱए 'limp' इस सॊदभथ में सही ववकल्प है । जबकक 'Impede' का अर्थ होता है बािा डाऱना,
'Prompt' का अर्थ होता है तवररत करना या प्रेररत करना, और 'Impartial' का अर्थ होता है ननष्पऺ, जो
इस सॊदभथ में सही नहीॊ हैं।
'Limp' will be used because it refers to being flexible or wilted. The paragraph describes how the croton
plant's leaves bend and wilt when the top layer of soil dries out. Thus, 'limp' correctly fits this context.
Whereas, 'Impede' means to hinder, 'Prompt' means to encourage or initiate, and 'Impartial' means
unbiased, which are not appropriate here
8. A) 'Dug' का use होगा क्योंकक "dug" simple past tense है जो कक past में पर्
ू थ हो चुकी गनतववधि को
दशाथता है । paragraph में भास्करभाई ने कहा कक उसने लमट्टी को खोदा और हमें ददखाया, त्जससे पता
चऱता है कक खुदाई पहऱे ही हो चुकी र्ी। 'Dug' इस सॊदभथ में बबल्कुऱ सही बैठता है । 'Drugs' का मतऱब
दवाएॊ होता है, जो यहाॉ अप्रासॊधगक है । 'Dig' और 'Digging' present or ongoing action को दशाथते हैं, ऱेककन
यहाॉ पर्
ू थ समय की आवश्यकता है , इसलऱए ये दोनों ववकल्प सही नहीॊ हैं।
'Dug' will be used because it is the simple past tense of "dig," indicating an activity that has already
been completed in the past. The paragraph describes Bhaskarbhai as having already dug the soil and
showing it to us, indicating that the action was completed before this point. Therefore, 'dug' is the
correct choice. 'Drugs' means medications, which is irrelevant here. 'Dig' and 'Digging' indicate present
or ongoing action, but a completed action is required in this context, making these options incorrect.
9. C) 'a little' का use होगा क्योंकक "a little" का अर्थ होता है र्ोडी मा्ा में, जो uncountable nouns के सार्
प्रयोग होता है । paragraph में mention है कक भास्करभाई ने लमट्टी को र्ोडा खोदा और ददखाया। यहाॉ 'a
little' इस सॊदभथ में सही बैठता है क्योंकक यह र्ोडी मा्ा को दशाथता है । 'Little' अक्सर नकारातमक अर्थ
ऱेकर आता है जैसे कक बहुत कम, 'Few' countable nouns के लऱए प्रयोग होता है और 'soil' एक

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uncountable nouns है , और 'Some' भी काम आ सकता है ऱेककन वह ववलशष्ट छोटी मा्ा का सॊकेत नहीॊ
दे ता जैसे कक 'a little'।
'a little' will be used because it means a small amount, typically used with uncountable nouns. The
paragraph mentions that Bhaskarbhai dug the soil a little and showed it, making 'a little' the correct
choice as it indicates a small quantity. 'Little' often carries a slightly negative connotation, suggesting
not much, 'Few' is used with countable nouns and wouldn't apply to 'soil', and 'Some' could work but
does not specify the small amount as precisely as 'a little'.
10. A) 'Underneath' का use होगा क्योंकक "underneath" का अर्थ होता है के नीचे या के अिीन। paragraph
में describe है कक कीचड में कृलम सरु ॊ गें बनाते हैं, त्जससे हवा और पानी लमट्टी में आसानी से प्रवेश कर
सकते हैं। इसलऱए 'underneath' यहाॉ सही है क्योंकक यह सरु ॊ गें जमीन के नीचे बनाई जाती हैं। जबकक
'Upward' का अर्थ होता है ऊपर की ओर, 'Exterior' का अर्थ होता है बाहरी, और 'Upper' का अर्थ होता है
ऊपरी, जो इस सॊदभथ में सही नहीॊ हैं।
'Underneath' will be used because it means below or beneath. The paragraph describes earthworms
digging tunnels, allowing air and water to easily enter the soil. Thus, 'underneath' is appropriate here as
the tunnels are made below the surface of the ground. Whereas 'Upward' means towards the top,
'Exterior' means outside, and 'Upper' means upper part, which are not suitable for this context.
11. D) QRPS
Q introduces the subject, former Union Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel, and mentions the clean chit
given to him.
R follows logically as it specifies the probe related to alleged irregularities in the leasing of aircraft by
the National Aviation Corporation of India Limited.
P continues the sentence by providing additional context about the National Aviation Corporation of
India Limited, which was formed by the merger of Air India and Indian Airlines during the UPA's
corruption-stained rule.
S concludes the sentence by indicating the timeframe of the events mentioned.
12. C) The correct spelling among the options provided is 'Commemorate' (Option C). "Commemorate
13. D) Hangar (noun) – A large building with extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft. ववमानगार
 Hose (noun) – A flexible tube for conveying liquids or gases. नऱी
 Harbinger (noun) – A person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

 Hanger (noun) – A shaped piece of wood, plastic, or metal with a hook at the top, typically used
for hanging clothes in a wardrobe. कपड़े टाांगऩे का हुक
14. B) He asked me what time the banks opened and closed.
15. C) 'are utilized to the' के बदऱे 'are utilized for the' का प्रयोग होगा क्योंकक यहाॉ पर उपयोग को दशाथने
के लऱए 'for' की आवश्यकता है ; जैस—
े His inventions are utilized for the benefit of society.
 'are utilized for the' will be used instead of 'are utilized to the' because 'for' is needed here to
indicate usage; Like— His inventions are utilized for the benefit of society.
16. C) Sluggish (adjective) – Slow-moving, inactive, lethargic, listless. िीमा

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Antonym: Active (adjective) – Engaged in action, energetic, lively, dynamic. सक्रिय

 Weak (adjective) – Lacking strength, feeble, frail, delicate. कमजोर
 Dull (adjective) – Not shiny, lacking brightness, lusterless; also can mean boring, uninteresting.
ु ा
 Sedentary (adjective) – Characterized by much sitting and little physical exercise, inactive,
stationary. बैठा-बैठा
17. C) Hostile (adjective) – Unfriendly, antagonistic, aggressive, confrontational. शत्रत
ु ा
Antonym: Amiable (adjective) – Friendly, affable, congenial, cordial. ममत्रपण
ू ण
 Unfavourable (adjective) – Not supporting, disadvantageous, adverse, detrimental. प्रततकूऱ
 Adverse (adjective) – Unfavourable, harmful, detrimental, pernicious. ववपरीत
 Violent (adjective) – Using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill
someone or something. हहांसक
18. C) Fable (noun) – A short narrative, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral. नैततक कथा
 Parody (noun) – A humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing. हां सी
का अनक
ु रण
 Ode (noun) – A type of lyrical stanza, usually praising or glorifying an event or individual,
describing nature intellectually as opposed to emotionally. स्तव
 Hymn (noun) – A religious song or poem of praise to God or a god. भजन
19. C) BACD
All parts of the earth are surrounded by air. It is called the atmosphere Living beings breathe in and
breathe out the air all the time. This process is called respiration.
20. A) 'a good command over' will replace 'the good command on' because the phrase 'command over' is
used to indicate proficiency in a language. The indefinite article 'a' suggests a general level of skill,
suitable for the context of the sentence. The revised sentence correctly conveys that Amit has a
significant level of proficiency in English due to his upbringing in England.
21. C) To add fuel to the fire (idiom) – To make a bad situation worse एक बरु ी त्स्र्नत को और भी खराब
22. D) Deficiency (noun) – A lack or shortage, insufficiency, inadequacy, scarcity. अभाव/ कमी
Synonym: Inadequacy (noun) – The state of being insufficient or not enough, lack, deficiency, shortage.
 Abundance (noun) – A large quantity, plenty, a lot, affluence. प्रचुरता
 Sufficiency (noun) – An adequate amount, enough, plenty, adequacy. पयाणप्तता
 Efficiency (noun) – The state of achieving maximum productivity with minimum waste or
effort, effectiveness, productivity, competence. कुशऱता
23. C) Catastrophic (adjective) – Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering, disastrous,
calamitous, ruinous. ववनाशकारी

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Synonym: Disastrous (adjective) – Causing great damage, devastating, catastrophic, ruinous.

 Tough (adjective) – Strong, sturdy, durable, robust. कठोर
 Mysterious (adjective) – Difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify, enigmatic,
puzzling, strange. रहस्यमय
 Delicate (adjective) – Fine, subtle, exquisite, elegant. सक्ष्
ू म
24. D) The correct option is D. 'Definite' स्पष्ट, ननिाथररत.
25. C) Hobson's Choice (idiom) – An apparently free choice where there is no real alternative वास्तववक
ववकल्प के बबना एक प्रतीत होता हुआ मक्
ु त ववकल्प

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