English Madhyam
(Weekly vocabulary compilation)
From 29 July 2024 to 03 Aug 2024
English Madhyam 1
August 4, 2024 ENGLISH MADHYAM
Table of Contents
Part - A
The Hindu Editorial: Special relationship (29/07/2024) ............................................................................... 4
The Hindu Editorial: Planning better (30/07/2024) ...................................................................................... 6
The Hindu Editorial: Human failure (31/07/2024) ........................................................................................ 8
The Hindu Editorial: Impatience with jobs (01/08/2024) ........................................................................... 10
The Hindu Editorial: Unnatural disaster (02/08/2024) ............................................................................... 13
The Hindu Editorial: Private consultation (03/08/2024) ............................................................................ 16
Part - B
The Hindu editorial: Fiscal federalism (29/07/2024) .................................................................................. 19
The Hindu editorial: Plastic mess (30/07/2024) ......................................................................................... 22
The Hindu editorial: Widening conflict (31/07/2024) ................................................................................ 24
The Indian Express editorial: Manu Bhaker’s winning shot (01/08/2024) ................................................. 26
The Hindu editorial: Problem power (02/08/2024) .................................................................................... 28
The Hindu editorial: Contested harvest (03/08/2024) ............................................................................... 30
Part - C
The Economics times Editorial: Project Cheetah (29/07/2024) ................................................................. 33
The Economics times Editorial: Caring on a need to let go basis (30/07/2024) ......................................... 34
Financial planning comes of age in India (31/07/2024).............................................................................. 36
The Pioneer Editorial: Kolkata's healthcare (01/08/2024) ......................................................................... 39
The Pioneer: Microcredit courses revolutionise learning (03/08/2024) .................................................... 42
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23. Bother (verb) – Disturb, trouble, annoy, 33. Casualty (noun) – Injury, fatality,
worry, concern ऩये शान कयना victim, wounded, dead घामर व्मक्क्त
26. Throughout (adverb) – During, all 36. Assistance (noun) – Help, support, aid,
through, across, the entire time, in backing, cooperation सहामता
every part के दौयान
37. Underlying (adjective) – Fundamental,
27. Disastrous (adjective) – Catastrophic, basic, primary, essential, root आधायबत
devastating, ruinous, calamitous, tragic
ववनाशकायी 38. Point to (phrasal verb) – Indicate,
signify, suggest, show, denote संकेत
28. Trigger (verb) – Cause, provoke,
initiate, start, spark शुरू कयना
39. Criticism (noun) – Disapproval,
29. Take hostage (phrase) – Kidnap, censure, critique, condemnation,
abduct, seize, capture, hold prisoner
rebuke आऱोचना
फंधक फनाना
40. The Elite (noun) – The privileged, the
30. Captivity (noun) – Imprisonment, upper class, the high-ranking, the
confinement, detention, incarceration,
influential, the powerful असबजात विि
bondage ़़ैद
41. Dissenting (adjective) – Disagreeing,
31. Continuation (noun) – Prolongation, opposing, conflicting, differing,
persistence, perpetuation, extension,
nonconforming असहभत
carrying on तनयं तयता
42. Erode (verb) – Undermine, weaken,
32. Voice (verb) – Express, articulate,
deteriorate, diminish, corrode कभ
convey, state, declare व्मक्त कयना
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10. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause, bring about, 20. Unfettered (adjective) – Unrestricted,
produce, trigger वजह फनना unrestrained, free, unbound, unlimited तनयं कुश
11. Disenchantment (noun) – Disillusionment, 21. Grant (noun) – money that is given by the
disappointment, dissatisfaction, discontent, government, etc. for a particular purpose
disenchantment असंत़ोष/ तनयाशा अनुदान
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22. In contrast (noun) – Conversely, on the other 33. Merit (noun) – Value, worth, advantage,
hand, however, alternatively, whereas इसके quality, benefit म़ोग्मता
34. Contention (noun) – Argument, dispute,
23. Detractor (noun) – Critic, opponent, naysayer, assertion, claim, debate वववाद
faultfinder, adversary आऱोचक
35. Task (with) (verb) – Assign, charge, entrust,
24. Sought (verb) – try, attempt, endeavour, strive delegate, designate कामि सौंऩना
प्रमास कयना
36. Horizontal imbalance (noun) – It occurs when
25. Seek (verb) – to search for or try to obtain sub-national governments do not have the
same capabilities in terms of raising funds
something. भांिना
from their tax bases to provide public services.
This type of fiscal imbalance creates
26. Double engine governments (noun) – When
differences in net fiscal benefits, which are a
the same party rules at the Centre and in a
combination of levels of taxation and public
27. Favour (verb) – Prefer, support, endorse, back,
37. Macro-economic stability (noun) – An
promote ऩऺ रेना
economy with fairly constant output growth
and low and stable inflation would be
28. Crucially (adverb) – Essentially, importantly,
considered economically stable.
vitally, significantly, critically भहत्वऩण
ू ि रूऩ से
38. Infrastructure (noun) – Framework,
29. Varying (adjective) – Different, diverse, foundation, system, base, groundwork
changing, fluctuating, inconsistent ववववध फुतनमादी ढांचा
30. Deficit (noun) – Shortfall, shortage, 39. Capital investment (noun) – the acquisition of
insufficiency, lack, gap घाटा physical assets by a company for use in
furthering its long-term business goals and
31. Address (verb) – Tackle, deal with, handle, objectives.
manage, resolve सभाधान कयना
40. Backing (noun) – Support, endorsement,
32. Irrespective of (phrase) – Regardless of, assistance, sponsorship, aid सभथिन
despite, notwithstanding, no matter, without
considering बफना ध्मान हदए 41. Re-envision (verb) – Redesign, reimagine,
rethink, replan, reinvent ऩुनः ऩरयकलऩना कयना
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26. For instance (phrase) – For example, such 31. Valve (noun) – a device in a pipe or tube
as, like, to illustrate, as an example which controls the flow of air, liquid or gas,
उदाहयण के सरए letting it move in one direction only नर मा
नरी का वॉर ्व
27. Disrupt (verb) – Disturb, interrupt,
interfere with, break, unsettle फाधधत कयना 32. Plumbing line (noun) – Water pipe,
drainage system, pipeline, sewer line,
28. Flood-resilient (adjective) – Flood-proof,
water conduit ऩाइऩराइन
water-resistant, flood-tolerant, flood-
defensive, flood-protected फाढ़-प्रततय़ोधी 33. Resilience (noun) – Toughness, durability,
strength, flexibility, adaptability भज़फत
ू ी
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2. Stress (noun) – Emphasis, importance, focus, 15. Bridge the gap (phrase) – Close the gap,
attention, significance ज़ोय reduce the difference, connect, link, reconcile
अंतय क़ो कभ कयना
3. Pivot (noun) – Central point, focal point, hub,
core, axis केंद्र बफंद ु 16. Skill set (noun) – Abilities, competencies,
expertise, talents, qualifications कौशर सेट
4. Stance (noun) – Position, viewpoint, attitude,
perspective, standpoint रुि 17. Spruce-up (noun) – Improvement,
refurbishment, renovation, enhancement,
5. Frequency (noun) – Regularity, occurrence, upgrade सुधाय
incidence, rate, repetition आवक्ृ त्त
18. In tandem with (phrase) – Alongside, together
6. Theme (noun) – Subject, topic, motif, idea, with, in conjunction with, concurrently with,
focus ववषम simultaneously with साथ साथ
7. Facilitate (verb) – Assist, help, aid, ease, 19. Ambitious (adjective) – Aspiring, determined,
promote सुिभ फनाना driven, eager, enterprising भहत्वाकांऺी
8. Soothing (adjective) – Calming, comforting, 20. Flesh out (phrasal verb) – Elaborate, develop,
relaxing, alleviating, pacifying सुिदामक expand, detail, clarify ववस्तत
ृ कयना
9. Proposed (adjective) – Suggested, planned, 21. Bear (verb) – Carry, shoulder, sustain, endure,
recommended, intended, put forward support वहन कयना
22. Stipend (noun) – Allowance, payment, wage,
10. Seek (verb) – try, attempt, endeavour, effort, salary, remuneration वेतन
क़ोसशश कयना
23. Voluntary (adjective) – Optional,
11. Encourage (verb) – Motivate, inspire, support, discretionary, non-compulsory, willing, chosen
promote, foster प्ऱोत्साहहत कयना स्व़ैक्छिक
12. Entrant (noun) – Newcomer, participant, 24. Tap (verb) – Utilize, exploit, harness, draw on,
candidate, applicant, competitor प्रवेशी make use of उऩम़ोि कयना
13. Incentivise (verb) – Motivate, encourage, 25. Corporate social responsibility (noun) – the
stimulate, spur, promote प्ऱोत्साहहत कयना belief that businesses have a greater duty to
society than just providing jobs and making
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26. Highlight (verb) – Emphasize, underline, 38. Perhaps (adverb) – Maybe, possibly,
stress, focus on, spotlight ज़ोय दे ना conceivably, probably, it could be संबवतः
27. Mark (verb) – Indicate, signify, denote, 39. Acute (adjective) – Severe, intense, critical,
represent, show संकेत कयना extreme, sharp तीव्र
28. Acknowledgement (noun) – Recognition, 40. Informal sector (noun) – Unregulated sector,
acceptance, admission, affirmation, unorganized sector, non-formal economy,
confirmation स्वीकृतत casual sector, unstructured sector असंिहठत
29. Paper over (phrasal verb) – Cover up, conceal,
hide, gloss over, disguise िुऩाना 41. Account for (phrasal verb) – Make up,
constitute, represent, comprise, फनाना
30. Critique (noun) – Analysis, assessment,
evaluation, review, criticism सभाऱोचना 42. Take a hit (phrase) – Suffer, be affected,
endure a setback, face a loss, experience a
31. Barb (noun) – Insult, criticism, dig, jibe, taunt
decline नक
ु सान उठाना
43. Successive (adjective) – Consecutive,
32. Capital-intensive (adjective) – Investment- sequential, continuous, in a row,
heavy, requiring significant investment, high-
uninterrupted रिाताय
capital, finance-intensive ऩंज
ू ी-िहन
44. Rollout (noun) – Launch, implementation,
33. Catch up with (phrase) – Equalize, reach the
introduction, deployment, unveiling प्रायं ब
same level, keep pace with, match, get up to
speed उसी स्तय तक ऩहुुँचना 45. Spur (verb) – Encourage, stimulate, prompt,
drive, boost प्ऱोत्साहहत कयना
34. Liberalised economy (noun) – the reduction of
government laws and restrictions in place to 46. Term (verb) – Call, name, label, describe,
encourage greater participation by private
designate कहना
36. Hands on deck (phrase) – Workforce, labor 48. Potential (noun) – Capability, possibility,
force, personnel, employees, staff कामिफर capacity, prospect, promise ऺभता
37. Distress (noun) – Hardship, suffering, 49. Nudge (verb) – Encourage, prod, prompt,
difficulty, trouble, adversity संकट stimulate, push धक्का दे ना
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50. Margin (noun) – Relating to or resulting from 53. Foster (verb) – Encourage, promote, nurture,
small or incremental changes or adjustments support, cultivate फढ़ावा दे ना
to a variable or decision, often used in
economic contexts to evaluate the impact of 54. Trigger (verb) – Initiate, cause, prompt, set off,
marginal changes. activate शुरू कयना
51. Outlook (noun) – Perspective, view, forecast,
55. Avail (verb) – Use, utilize, take advantage of,
prediction, expectation दृक्ष्टक़ोण
employ, benefit from उऩम़ोि कयना
52. Expeditiously (adverb) – Quickly, promptly,
efficiently, speedily, swiftly शीघ्रता से
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5. Vulnerable (adjective) – Susceptible, exposed, 17. Spring (verb) – Emerge, arise, originate, come
defenseless, sensitive, weak असयु क्षऺत forth, emanate उत्ऩन्न ह़ोना
6. Encourage (verb) – Inspire, motivate, 18. Sheer (adjective) – Steep, abrupt, sharp,
stimulate, support, promote प्ऱोत्साहहत कयना vertical, precipitous िडा
7. Unprecedented (adjective) – Unmatched, 19. Sweep (verb) – Brush, clean, clear, scour, move
unparalleled, exceptional, extraordinary, quickly साप कयना
unique अबत
ू ऩव
ू ि
20. Sediment (noun) – Deposits, residue, silt,
8. Precipitate (verb) – Cause, trigger, hasten, particles, debris तरिट
accelerate, provoke उत्ऩन्न कयना
21. Downstream (adverb) – Downriver, with the
9. Magnitude (noun) – Scale, size, extent, current, following the flow, downwards, below
dimension, degree भात्रा धाया के साथ
10. Calamitous (adjective) – Disastrous, 22. Sweep up (phrasal verb) – Gather, collect, pick
catastrophic, devastating, ruinous, tragic up, remove, clean up इकट्ठा कयना
23. Debris (noun) – Rubble, wreckage, fragments,
11. Bear the brunt (of) (phrase) – Suffer the worst remains, litter भरफा
part, endure the impact, take the full force,
experience the major part, withstand the 24. Compound (verb) – Intensify, exacerbate,
worst िासभमाजा बि
ु तना worsen, aggravate, add to फढ़ाना
12. Deadly (adjective) – Fatal, lethal, mortal, life- 25. Strip (of) (verb) – Remove, take away, deprive,
threatening, dangerous घातक divest, clear हटा दे ना
13. Trigger (verb) – Activate, initiate, spark, 26. Swath (noun) – Band, strip, area, belt, stretch
prompt, provoke शरू
ु कयना ववशार ऺेत्र
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27. Upstream (adjective) – Against the current, 40. Fragile (adjective) – Delicate, weak, brittle,
upriver, towards the source, higher up, above vulnerable, breakable नाज़ुक
धाया के ववऩयीत
41. Burst (noun) – Explosion, outbreak, surge,
28. Humus (noun) – a substance made from dead eruption, blast ववस्प़ोट
leaves and plants, that you put into the ground
to help plants grow 42. Intense (adjective) – Extreme, strong, severe,
powerful, fierce तीव्र
29. Displaced (adjective) – Uprooted, removed,
relocated, dislodged, evacuated ववस्थावऩत 43. Result in (phrasal verb) – Lead to, cause, bring
about, produce, create के ऩरयणाभस्वरूऩ
30. Peculiarity (noun) – Uniqueness,
distinctiveness, oddity, characteristic, feature
44. Dislodge (verb) – Remove, eject, extricate,
oust, displace हटाना
31. Landslide-prone (adjective) – Susceptible to
45. Quarrying (noun) – Excavation, mining,
landslides, vulnerable, at risk, predisposed,
extraction, digging, removal िनन
likely ब-ू स्िरन के प्रतत संवेदनशीर
46. Monocropping (noun) – Single crop farming,
32. Evident (adjective) – Obvious, clear, apparent,
single-crop agriculture, continuous cropping,
noticeable, conspicuous स्ऩष्ट
one-crop cultivation एक पसर की िेती
33. Feature (verb) – Include, present, highlight,
47. Compromise (verb) – Undermine, weaken,
display, showcase शासभर कयना
impair, damage, jeopardize कभज़ोय कयना
34. Prominently (adverb) – Noticeably,
48. Ecosystem (noun) – Environment, habitat,
conspicuously, visibly, importantly, strikingly
biome, ecological community ऩारयक्स्थततकी तंत्र
ु ता से
49. Cope with (phrasal verb) – Manage, deal with,
35. Recurrence (noun) – Reappearance, return,
handle, tackle, address साभना कयना
repetition, relapse, reoccurrence ऩन
ु यावक्ृ त्त
50. Ecologically (adverb) – Environmentally,
36. Caught off-guard (phrase) – Surprised,
unprepared, taken aback, shocked, astonished greenly, sustainably, naturally ऩारयक्स्थततक रूऩ
आश्चमिचककत से
37. Recurring (adjective) – Repeating, continual, 51. Empower (verb) – Enable, authorize, permit,
ongoing, repetitive, persistent फाय-फाय ह़ोने equip, strengthen सशक्त कयना
वारा 52. Deliberate (adjective) – Intentional, planned,
calculated, purposeful, premeditated
38. Abject (adjective) – Miserable, wretched,
ू कय
hopeless, pitiable, deplorable अत्मंत तनम्न
53. Feasibility (noun) – Viability, practicality,
39. Preparedness (noun) – Readiness, alertness,
possibility, achievability, workability व्मवहामिता
preparation, vigilance, awareness त़ैमायी
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54. Indeed (adverb) – Certainly, truly, 57. Slide (verb) – Slip, glide, move, shift, coast
undoubtedly, actually, really वास्तव भें कपसरना
55. Tame (verb) – Control, restrain, subdue, curb, 58. Past (adjective) – Former, previous, earlier,
moderate काफू कयना prior, preceding ऩव
ू ि
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8. Watermark (noun) – A design or text 21. Tone down (phrasal verb) – Moderate, soften,
incorporated into a paper or digital document reduce, lessen, mitigate कभ कयना
to identify the maker or owner
22. Cast in that light (phrase) – To perceive or
9. Integral (adjective) – Essential, fundamental,
interpret something in a particular way उस
indispensable, necessary, inherent असबन्न
संदबि भें दे िना
10. Extensive (adjective) – Comprehensive, wide-
23. Omission (noun) – Exclusion, neglect,
ranging, broad, thorough, exhaustive व्माऩक
oversight, omission, failure चूक
11. Outreach (noun) – Expansion, extension,
24. Sin of omission (phrase) – A failure to act or a
reach, community service, engagement संऩकि
neglect of duty through inaction
12. Insist (on) (verb) – Demand, assert, persist, 25. Deliberate (adjective) – Intentional, planned,
maintain, require ज़ोय दे ना premeditated, calculated, conscious
ू कय
13. Withhold (verb) – Refuse, retain, reserve,
suppress, conceal य़ोकना 26. Alarm (noun) – Concern, fear, apprehension,
unease, anxiety चेतावनी
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27. Established (adjective) – Recognized, settled, 36. Intent (noun) – Purpose, aim, goal, objective,
well-known, accepted, traditional स्थावऩत plan उद्देश्म
28. Coincide (with) (verb) – Correspond, concur, 37. Constrain (verb) – Restrict, limit, restrain,
align, match, synchronize भेर िाना confine, curb प्रततफंधधत कयना
29. Commentator (noun) – Analyst, critic, pundit, 38. Course of action (noun) – Plan, strategy,
reviewer, observer हटप्ऩणीकाय approach, procedure, method कामि म़ोजना
30. Let (verb) – Allow, permit, enable, grant, 39. Diverse (adjective) – Varied, different,
authorize ह़ोने दे ना assorted, manifold, heterogeneous ववववध
31. Sincerity (noun) – Honesty, genuineness, 40. Hurried (adjective) – Rushed, hasty, rapid,
authenticity, truthfulness, integrity ईभानदायी swift, expedited जलदीफाजी
32. Suspect (verb) – Doubt, question, mistrust, 41. End up (phrasal verb) – Result, conclude,
distrust, surmise संदेह कयना finish, culminate, become अंततः
33. Cease (verb) – Stop, discontinue, halt, 42. Beget (verb) – Cause, produce, create,
terminate, end य़ोकना generate, result in उत्ऩन्न कयना
34. Unfussy (adjective) – Simple, straightforward, 43. Flawed (adjective) – Imperfect, faulty,
uncomplicated, plain, unadorned सयर defective, erroneous, unsound त्रहु टऩण
ू ि
35. Diminish (verb) – Reduce, decrease, lessen, 44. Legislation (noun) – Laws, statutes,
weaken, abate कभ कयना regulations, acts, ordinances कानन
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9. Overwhelming (adjective) – very large, 20. Confer (on) (verb) – Bestow, grant, give,
profuse, enormous, immense, inordinate award, endow प्रदान कयना
बायी, फहुत फडा
21. Subject (to) (verb) – Dependent on,
10. Mineral-bearing (adjective) – Resource- contingent on, conditional on, reliant on
rich, mineral-laden, ore-containing, तनबिय ह़ोना
mineral-loaded ितनज मक्
ु त
22. Limitation (noun) – Restriction, constraint,
11. Landmark (adjective) – Historic, significant, boundary, curb, cap प्रततफंध
milestone, pivotal, important भहत्वऩूणि
23. Argue (verb) – Contend, claim, assert,
reason, debate तकि कयना
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24. Bench (noun) – The judge or judges 35. Adversely (adverb) – Negatively,
composing a court. न्मामऩीठ unfavorably, detrimentally, harmfully,
poorly प्रततकूर रूऩ से
25. Examine (verb) – Inspect, scrutinize,
investigate, analyze, review जांचना 36. Deliver (verb) – Provide, supply, distribute,
convey, present प्रदान कयना
26. Provision (noun) – Clause, stipulation,
requirement, condition, term प्रावधान 37. Dissent (noun) – Disagreement,
opposition, conflict, objection, protest
27. Conclude (verb) – Decide, determine, infer, असहभतत
deduce, finalize तनष्कषि तनकारना
38. Undesirable (adjective) – Unwanted,
28. Royalty (noun) – an amount of money that objectionable, unacceptable, unfavorable,
is paid to the person who wrote a book, harmful अवांिनीम
piece of music, etc. every time his/her
work is sold or performed यॉमलटी 39. Derive (verb) – Obtain, gain, extract,
acquire, procure प्राप्त कयना
29. Envisage (verb) – Imagine, foresee,
envision, anticipate, contemplate कलऩना 40. Result in (phrasal verb) – Lead to, cause,
कयना bring about, produce, trigger ऩरयणाभ दे ना
32. Autonomy (noun) – Independence, self- 43. Spike (noun) – Increase, surge, rise,
government, self-rule, freedom, escalation, upsurge ववृ द्ध
sovereignty स्वामत्तता
44. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause, bring
33. Observation (noun) – Remark, comment, about, produce, trigger वजह फनना
note, statement, reflection हटप्ऩणी
45. Exploit (verb) – Utilize, take advantage of,
34. Dilution (noun) – Weakening, reduction, leverage, capitalize on, use पामदा उठाना
attenuation, diminution, mitigation कभज़ोय
46. Arbitrage (noun) – the practice of buying
कयना something in one place and selling them in
another where you can get a higher price
at the same time
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47. Given (preposition) – Considering, taking 50. Explicit (adjective) – Clear, specific,
into account, in view of, bearing in mind, in precise, unequivocal, definite स्ऩष्ट
light of दे िते हुए
51. Prohibit (verb) – Forbid, ban, restrict,
48. Implication (noun) – Consequence, result, prevent, disallow प्रततफंधधत कयना
effect, repercussion, impact प्रबाव
52. Tax net (noun) – the amount of money you
49. Amend (verb) – Modify, revise, alter, have left after subtracting taxes.
change, adjust संश़ोधधत कयना
53. Competence (noun) – Ability, capability,
skill, proficiency, expertise ऺभता
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23. Teething issues (phrase) – the problems that business-driven, economy-based फाजाय
can develop when a person, system, etc. is
new शुरुआती सभस्माएं
28. Sustainable (adjective) – Viable, eco-friendly,
24. Undermine (verb) – Weaken, erode,
renewable, maintainable, enduring हटकाऊ
sabotage, subvert, destabilize कभज़ोय कयना
29. Address (verb) – Confront, tackle, attend to,
25. Impose (verb) – Levy, enforce, inflict, place,
deal with, manage सुरझाना, तनऩटाना
exact थ़ोऩना
30. Effectiveness (noun) – Efficiency, efficacy,
26. Fraught (with) (adjective) – Filled with, full
impact, success, productivity प्रबावशीरता
of, burdened with, loaded with, laden with
बया हुआ 31. Mitigate (verb) – Alleviate, reduce, lessen,
diminish, ease कभ कयना
27. Market-driven (adjective) – Commercially
motivated, profit-oriented, demand-led,
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2. Drag (on) (verb) – Prolong, extend, continue, 14. Rage (on) (verb) – Continue, persist, carry on,
delay, linger रंफा खिंचना go on, proceed जायी यहना
3. To the brink of (phrase) – On the verge of, on 15. Following (preposition) – After, subsequent
the edge of, close to, near, almost at किाय to, ensuing, post के फाद
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25. Clean hands (phrase) – Innocent, blameless, 30. Provoke (verb) – Incite, stimulate, arouse,
guilt-free, untainted, pure तनदोष spur, irritate उकसाना
26. Civilian (adjective) – Non-military, non- 31. Deter (verb) – Discourage, dissuade, prevent,
combatant, public, general, ordinary नािरयक inhibit, thwart य़ोकना
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2. Tale (noun) – Story, narrative, account, 13. Hype (verb) – Promote, publicize, advertise,
legend, chronicle कहानी boost, exaggerate प्रचारयत कयना
4. Drive someone out (phrasal verb) – Force 15. Sharpen the knives (phrase) – to become
out, expel, remove, oust, push away फाहय better at something
6. Speak one’s mind (phrase) – Express openly, 18. Fallout (noun) – Consequence, repercussion,
speak frankly, be candid, be outspoken,
aftermath, result, impact वववाद
speak freely फेफाकी से फ़ोरना
19. Funnel (verb) – Channel, direct, guide,
7. Walk the talk (phrase) – Act on one's words,
convey, transfer भाििदशिन कयना
follow through, back up one's words, practice
what one preaches, fulfill promises अऩने 20. Keep someone on a tight leash (phrase) –
शब्दों ऩय िया उतयना Control closely, restrict, monitor strictly,
oversee, regulate कसकय तनमंत्रण भें यिना
8. Steely one's nerves (phrase) – Strengthen
one's resolve, toughen up, brace oneself, be 21. Stern (adjective) – Strict, severe, harsh,
resolute, remain steadfast फौराद के सभान rigorous, tough सख्त
ह़ोना 22. Let the dust settle (phrase) – Wait for things
to calm down, allow the situation to stabilize,
9. Choke (verb) – Falter, fail, stumble, collapse,
wait for clarity, let things return to normal,
freeze असपर ह़ोना
let the situation clear up क्स्थतत साभान्म ह़ोने
10. Televised (adjective) – Broadcasted, aired, दे ना
shown, screened, transmitted प्रसारयत
23. Harsh (adjective) – Severe, rough, cruel,
11. Meltdown (noun) – Breakdown, collapse, unkind, stringent कठ़ोय
failure, disintegration, crash ऩतन
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24. Nous (adjective) – Intelligence, wit, acumen, 27. Regulation (noun) – Rule, law, directive,
savvy, shrewdness सभझदायी guideline, order तनमभ
25. Resilience (noun) – Strength, toughness, 28. Essential (noun) – Necessity, fundamental,
adaptability, endurance, flexibility भज़फूती requisite, requirement, basic आवश्मकता
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4. Sustainable (adjective) – Viable, 15. Aspire (verb) – Strive, aim, desire, hope,
maintainable, renewable, enduring, long- long for आकांऺा कयना
lasting हटकाऊ
16. Compromise (verb) – weaken, undermine,
5. Externalise (verb) – fail or choose not to impair; jeopardize, endanger कभज़ोय कयना
incorporate (costs) as part of a pricing
structure, especially social and 17. Feasibility (noun) – Viability, practicability,
environmental costs resulting from a possibility, workability, achievability
product's manufacture and use. व्मवहामिता
6. Complicate (verb) – Obstruct, convolute,
18. Leverage (verb) – Utilize, exploit, harness,
confuse, perplex, entangle जहटर फनाना
employ, apply राब उठाना
7. Calculus (noun) – Calculation,
19. Capital cost (noun) – Investment in
computation, method, analysis,
physical assets, funds used by a company
assessment िणना to acquire or upgrade physical assets such
as equipment, property, or industrial
8. Indeed (adverb) – Certainly, truly, surely,
buildings ऩूंजी राित
actually, really वास्तव भें
20. Aspiration (noun) – Ambition, goal, desire,
9. Commissioning (noun) – Launch, initiation,
dream, hope आकांऺा
inauguration, installation, activation काभ
के रामा जाना 21. Low-enriched uranium (noun) – Uranium
with a lower concentration of the fissile
10. Unheard (of) (adjective) – Uncommon, isotope U-235 than highly enriched
rare, unusual, unknown, novel अनसुना uranium, used in nuclear reactors. तनम्न
ृ मूयेतनमभ
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22. Facilities (noun) – a building or place that 31. Feasibility (noun) – Viability, practicability,
provides a particular service or is used for possibility, workability, achievability
a particular industry व्मवहामिता
23. Existing (adjective) – Current, present, 32. Peg (verb) – Fix, set, secure, establish,
established, prevailing, ongoing भौजूदा determine तनधािरयत कयना
24. Economical (adjective) – Cost-effective, 33. Sophisticated (adjective) – Advanced,
budget-friendly, affordable, efficient,
complex, intricate, refined, cultured जहटर
thrifty ककपामती
34. Baseline cost (noun) – an estimate of the
25. Yield (verb) – Produce, generate, provide, budget required to successfully complete a
deliver, supply उत्ऩन्न कयना project
29. Tout (verb) – Promote, endorse, advertise, 38. Stable (adjective) – Steady, secure, firm,
publicize, acclaim प्रचाय कयना unchanging, constant क्स्थय
30. Safeguardable (adjective) – Protectable, 39. Grid (noun) – the system of electricity
secure, defensible, shieldable संयक्षऺत wires, etc. taking power to all parts of a
country ववद्मुत-ववतयण के सरए बफजरी की
तायों की व ्मवस ्था
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5. Saga (noun) – Epic, chronicle, tale, story, 16. Comparator (noun) – a device for
narrative िाथा comparing something with a similar thing
or with a standard measure. तुरना
6. Fate (noun) – Destiny, outcome, fortune,
end, doom त़दीय
17. Metric (noun) – Measurement, standard,
7. Pit stop (noun) – Break, halt, pause, rest,
criterion, parameter, gauge भाऩदं ड
stopover ववयाभ
18. Code (verb) – be the genetic code for (an
8. Bench (noun) – Judiciary, court, panel,
amino acid or protein). कूटफद्ध कयना
tribunal, judges न्मामऩीठ
19. Pesticide (noun) – Insecticide, herbicide,
9. Split verdict (noun) – Divided decision, fungicide, agrochemical, poison
conflicting judgment, opposing ruling,
split decision, divided opinion ववबाक्जत
तनणिम 20. Destructive (adjective) – Damaging,
harmful, devastating, ruinous, pernicious
10. Prompt (verb) – Induce, stimulate, ववनाशकायी
motivate, provoke, encourage प्रेरयत कयना
21. Transparent (adjective) – Clear, open,
candid, straightforward, explicit ऩायदशी
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22. Finding (noun) – Discovery, conclusion, 31. Amplify (verb) – Increase, enhance,
result, outcome, verdict तनष्कषि intensify, magnify, boost फढ़ाना
23. Violate (verb) – Breach, infringe, 32. Panacea (noun) – Cure-all, remedy,
transgress, contravene, disobey उलरंघन solution, elixir, magic bullet याभफाण
33. Yesteryears (noun) – Past, bygone days,
24. Cage (verb) – Confine, enclose, imprison, previous years, earlier times, history फीते
restrict, trap फंद कयना जभाने
25. Deliberate (upon) (verb) – Consider, 34. Synthetic fertilizer (noun) – Chemical
ponder, contemplate, reflect, weigh fertilizer, artificial fertilizer, man-made
ववचाय कयना fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer,
manufactured fertilizer कृबत्रभ उवियक
26. Evolve (verb) – Develop, progress, adapt,
transform, advance ववकससत कयना 35. Productivity (noun) – Efficiency, output,
performance, yield, production उत्ऩादकता
27. Fundamentally (adverb) – Basically,
essentially, primarily, intrinsically, 36. Unleash (verb) – Release, set free, let
inherently भौसरक रूऩ से loose, trigger, activate ि़ोडना; शुरू कयना
28. Ideologically (adjective) – Philosophically, 37. Ought to (modal verb) – Should, must,
doctrinally, theoretically, conceptually, have to, need to, are supposed to कयना
belief-based व़ैचारयक चाहहए
29. Yardstick (noun) – Criterion, standard, 38. Perfect is the enemy of good (phrase) –
measure, benchmark, gauge भाऩदं ड The demand, desire, or insistence for
perfection decreases the chances of
30. Yield (noun) – Output, production, crop, obtaining a good or favorable result in
return, harvest उऩज the end.
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2. Seek (verb) – Ask for, call on , solicit on भांि 15. Acclimatisation (noun) – Adjustment,
adaptation, becoming accustomed, getting
used to, habituation ऩरयक्स्थतत-अनक
ु ू रन
3. Put the spotlight on (phrase) – Highlight,
emphasize, focus on, draw attention to, bring 16. Unfenced (adjective) – Open, unenclosed,
without barriers, unbounded, unrestricted
to light ध्मान आकवषित कयना
बफना फाड वारा
4. Ambitious (adjective) – Aspiring, determined,
17. Reintroduction (noun) – restoration, revival,
driven, eager, enterprising भहत्वाकांऺी
reestablishment, reappearance ऩन
ु स्थािऩना
5. Fare (verb) – Perform, do, get along, manage,
18. Hiccup (noun) – Glitch, problem, setback,
cope प्रदशिन कयना
obstacle, issue सभस्मा
6. Invoke (verb) – to use a law in order to achieve
19. Crucial (adjective) – Critical, essential, vital,
something तनमभ, ़ानन
ू आहद प्रम़ोि कयना
important, key भहत्वऩण
ू ि
7. Withhold (verb) – Hold back, retain, reserve,
20. Shaky (adjective) – Unstable, uncertain,
keep, deny य़ोकना
doubtful, unreliable, wobbly अक्स्थय
8. Integrity (noun) – Honesty, uprightness,
21. Ground (noun) – Basis, foundation, reason,
probity, morality, virtue अिंडता
rationale, justification आधाय
9. Sovereignty (noun) – Autonomy,
independence, self-governance, self-rule, 22. Amiss (adjective) – Wrong, faulty, incorrect,
supremacy संप्रबत out of order, improper िरत
ु ा
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23. Framework (noun) – Structure, system, 27. Err in (phrasal verb) – Make a mistake
foundation, basis, outline ढांचा in, be wrong in, be mistaken in, blunder
in, be incorrect in िरती कयना
24. Stringent (adjective) – Strict, rigorous,
severe, harsh, inflexible कठ़ोय 28. In place (phrase) – Established, set up,
positioned, ready, prepared स्थावऩत
25. Bureaucratic (adjective) –
Administrative, procedural, official, 29. Hospice (noun) – a special hospital
governmental, regulatory नौकयशाही where people who are dying are cared
26. Notarise (verb) – Certify, authenticate,
validate, attest, legalize प्रभाखणत कयना
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11. Undergo (verb) – Experience, Endure, Go 23. Craft (verb) – Create, Construct, Design,
through, Suffer, Face अनुबव कयना Forge, Fabricate तनभािण कयना
12. Rigorous (adjective) – Strict, Stern, Harsh, 24. Comprehensive (adjective) – Thorough, All-
inclusive, Exhaustive, Wide-ranging,
Tough, Stringent कठ़ोय
Extensive व्माऩक
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25. Encompass (verb) – Include, Cover, Embrace, 39. Prosperity (noun) – Wealth, Success,
Contain, Comprise शासभर कयना Affluence, Richness, Well-being सभवृ द्ध
26. Keen (adjective) – Eager, Enthusiastic, Sharp, 40. Empower (verb) – Authorize, Enable, Permit,
Acute, Intense उत्सुक Empower, Qualify सशक्त फनाना
27. Ally (noun) – Friend, Supporter, Partner, 41. Sound (adjective) – Solid, Reliable, Robust,
Collaborator, Confidant सहम़ोिी Sturdy, Strong भजफूत
36. Hone (verb) – refine or perfect (something) 49. Emergence (noun) – Arrival, Appearance,
over a period of time सुधायना Coming into view, Emergence, Rise उबाय
37. Invaluable (adjective) – Priceless, Precious, 50. Herald (verb) – Announce, Proclaim, Signal,
Inestimable, Valuable, Irreplaceable अभल
ू म Indicate, Foretell संकेत दे ना
38. Dynamic (adjective) – Energetic, Active, 51. Era (noun) – Period, Age, Epoch, Time, Age
Vigorous, Forceful, Powerful िततशीर मुि
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52. Characterise (verb) – Define, Describe, 60. Aspiring (adjective) – Ambitious, Hopeful,
Distinguish, Mark, Typify ववशेषता दे ना Eager, Desirous, Keen भहत्वाकांऺी
53. Informed decision-making (noun) – a choice 61. At large (phrase) – In general, Broadly,
that individuals make once they have all the Overall, As a whole, Widely व्माऩक रूऩ से
information related to the decision topic
62. Rewarding (adjective) – Satisfying, Fulfilling,
54. Tailored (adjective) – Custom-made,
Gratifying, Worthwhile, Valuable राबप्रद
Bespoke, Personalized, Designed, Fitted
ु ू सरत 63. Lucrative (adjective) – Profitable, Beneficial,
Gainful, Rewarding, Advantageous राबदामक
55. Embrace (verb) – Accept, Adopt, Welcome,
Include, Take up अऩनाना 64. On the rise (phrase) – Increasing, Growing,
Rising, Ascending, Climbing फढ़ यहा ह़ै
56. Embark (on) (verb) – Begin, Start,
Commence, Enter (on), Launch into प्रायं ब 65. Tangible (adjective) – Concrete, Real,
कयना Physical, Actual, Material ठ़ोस
57. Empowerment (noun) – Authorization, 66. Cadre (noun) – Core group, Framework,
Enabling, Liberation, Empowerment, Team, Unit, Staff क़ैडय
Enablement सशक्क्तकयण
67. Equip (verb) – Provide, Supply, Furnish, Arm,
58. In conclusion (phrase) – Finally, To sum up, Prepare सक्जजत कयना
Lastly, In summary, To conclude तनष्कषि भें
68. Resilience (noun) – Toughness, Strength,
59. Immense (adjective) – Huge, Vast, Massive, Fortitude, Endurance, Durability भज़फूती
Enormous, Tremendous अत्मधधक
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30. Allegiance (noun) – Loyalty, fidelity, 41. Vast (adjective) – Huge, immense,
adherence, devotion, faithfulness
extensive, expansive, large ववशार
42. Infrastructure (noun) – Framework,
31. Meet (verb) – Fulfill, satisfy, achieve, foundation, facilities, system, base
comply with, accomplish ऩूया कयना फुतनमादी ढांचा
32. Milestone (noun) – Landmark, 43. Address (verb) – Tackle, deal with,
achievement, significant event,
handle, resolve, confront सभाधान
breakthrough, marker उऩरक्ब्ध
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8. Pressing (adjective) – Urgent, critical, 17. Domain (noun) – Field, area, realm,
imperative, acute, pressing जरूयी sphere, territory ऺेत्र
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20. Meet (verb) – Fulfill, satisfy, achieve, 33. Potential (noun) – Possibility, potential,
accomplish, attain ऩूया कयना capacity, promise, prospect संबावना
21. Stand out (phrasal verb) – Distinguish 34. Unlike (preposition) – Contrary to,
oneself, excel, shine, be prominent, be different from, dissimilar to, not like,
noticeable अरि हदिना unlike सबन्न
22. Rigorous (adjective) – Strict, stringent, 35. Hefty (adjective) – Substantial, large,
thorough, demanding, exacting कठ़ोय significant, considerable, sizeable बायी
23. Blend (verb) – Mix, combine, merge, 36. Stringent (adjective) – Strict, rigid, severe,
amalgamate, integrate सभश्रण कयना tight, exacting कडे
24. Rigour (noun) – Strictness, severity, 37. Marginalised community (noun) – A group
exactness, precision, thoroughness कठ़ोयता of people who are socially, economically,
or politically excluded or sidelined, often
25. Exposure (noun) – Experience. facing discrimination or limited access to
resources and opportunities.
26. Ecosystem (noun) – Environment, habitat,
system, biosphere, ecology ऩारयक्स्थततकी 38. Constraint (noun) – Limitation, restriction,
impediment, hindrance, obstacle फाधा
39. All walks of life (noun) – People from
27. Pivotal (adjective) – Central, crucial, key,
various backgrounds, professions, and
vital, essential भहत्वऩूणि
social statuses, representing a diverse
range of experiences and perspectives.
28. Catalyse (verb) – Stimulate, trigger, spark,
accelerate, activate प्रेरयत कयना 40. Tailor (verb) – Customize, adapt, modify,
adjust, shape अनुकूर फनाना
29. Underscore (verb) – Emphasize, underline,
highlight, stress, accentuate ज़ोय दे ना 41. Impart (verb) – Convey, transmit,
communicate, bestow, provide प्रदान कयना
30. Commitment (noun) – Dedication,
obligation, responsibility, pledge, promise 42. Alignment (noun) – Conformity,
प्रततफद्धता agreement, harmony, synchronization,
coordination संयेिण
31. Leverage (verb) – Utilize, exploit, harness,
capitalize on, make use of राब उठाना 43. Furthermore (adverb) – Moreover,
additionally, besides, also, likewise इसके
32. Strengthen (verb) – Fortify, reinforce,
bolster, enhance, consolidate भजफत
ू कयना
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44. Foster (verb) – Encourage, promote, 47. Immense (adjective) – Enormous, vast,
nurture, cultivate, develop प्ऱोत्साहहत कयना huge, massive, tremendous ववशार
45. Dynamics (noun) – Forces, motion, energy, 48. Drive (verb) – Propel, motivate, push, spur,
mechanics, movement िततशीरता impel प्रेरयत कयना
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