Computer Modeling and Practical Realization of Chaotic Circuit With A Light-Emitting Diode
Computer Modeling and Practical Realization of Chaotic Circuit With A Light-Emitting Diode
Computer Modeling and Practical Realization of Chaotic Circuit With A Light-Emitting Diode
light-emitting diode
Volodymyr Rusyna*, Andriy Samilaa, Christos Skiadasb
Dept. of Radio Engineering and Information Security, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National
University, 2 Kotsjubynskyi Str., Chernivtsi, Ukraine 58000; bDept. of Production Engineering and
Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
A novel simple autonomous optoelectronic circuit that demonstrate chaotic behavior is presented. In this circuit a light-
emitting diode is a simple optoelectronic element. The mathematical model that contain exponential nonlinearity and six
terms with two parameters is described by three first-order ordinary differential equations. A great interest is the
simulation that using different software environments allows to demonstration different information properties of chaotic
oscillations. For modelling of information properties of the chaotic system and demonstrate results was selected one of
the modern software LabView (LabView-2015 (32-bit version for Windows). Temporal dependence of the system is
discussed, the chaotic attractors are found and the signal spectrum is given.
Keywords: nonlinear optics, computer modeling, LabView
Chaos is the most interdisciplinary thematic areas; it includes very interesting, complex, nonlinear phenomena that have
been intensively studied and regard many different areas ranging from social systems to sciences, mathematics and
engineering [1-4].
In the area of engineering, chaos has great potential in many technological disciplines, such as in information and
computer sciences, power systems protection, liquid mixing, flow dynamics, economics, magnetism, optics, biomedical
systems analysis etc. [5-8].
Chaotic signals can be generated by electronic circuits [9-14], memristors [15-18]. These signals depend on the system’s
initial conditions and this dependence is very sensitive. Thus, they demonstrate the feature of being unpredictable. At the
same time, chaotic signals are wide-band signals. Although they seem to be random, they are fully deterministic, highly
sensitive to the system parameters, as well.
Nonlinear optic system is one of the systems that realize chaotic behavior and described by three nonlinear differential
equations: dx1/dt = - x2; dx2/dt = - x3; dx3/dt = - x1 + α(exp(x2)-1) - βx3, where x1, x2, x3 – dynamic variables that
determine the phase space; α and β – system parameters.
For modelling of information properties of the chaotic system and demonstrate results was selected one of the modern
software LabView (LabView-2015 (32-bit version for Windows).
Figure 1 shows a block scheme that implements nonlinear optic system. The main functional part of the block scheme is
the formula node, in which recorded three nonlinear differential equations. In the input formula node served values of
system parameters (α, β) and values of dynamic variables (x1, x2, x3). From the block scheme output is an opportunity to
demonstrate the solution of equations in three dimensions and time distributions of chaotic coordinates x1, x2 and x3.
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