Khodam Huruf Hijaiyah

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to you in this book the knowledges that no science can proof, All of the knowledges has been
acquired from various teachers. At the beginning I will start with the servants of the Surat (Verse)
and after that I will talk about the servants of the Zodiac and others. WHAT IS THE SERVANT
The Khadam is an Arabic word means knowledge or translated as servant In Ilmu Al Hikmah
(Knowledge Of The Wisdom), Khadam is one of the occult word in Arabic/Islamic they usually
refer to servant. They are similar to Qarin but not the same because Qarin is a spirit servant that
was born with a person and a Khadam is a servant that has to be acquired/invoked by occult
practice. The Khadam is similar to the Familiar spirits in western occult but the they didn t usually
appear as animals unlike the Familiar spirits in shamanism. Khadam is said to be an
Angelic/Djinn/Demon spirits that each has their own ability. They can levitate their owner, make
them invisible and also let them walk on water each has their own power even invulnerability is
possible. The Khadam is also known as a Guardian they are known to guard the verse from the
Quran and even each Arabic and Hebrew Alphabet has their own guardians, I will talk about the
guardian of the Arabic Alphabet later, Insyaallah. Q THE GUARDIAN OF THE FIDELITY
VERSE Q This is the 112 th surat from the Quran known as Surat al-ikhlaṣ in Arabic language,
The name of the guardian of this verse is Syeikh Abdul Wahid he has great control over wealth
and usually invoked to acquire money magically from him, He is not a djinn nor he is a demon,
He is an angelic spirits that guard over the Fidelity Verse. This occult knowledge is acquired from
my teacher and I believe this is the most teached and most known occult knowledge by the Sufis
and Islamic occultism. You will success with this ritual if you done it with sincerity, faith and need
and of course by God most high willing you will success with it. Instead of money you can ask
him for whatever you desire it is depend on what he is capable of as long as it does not violate the
laws of God and the spiritual laws. 2
4 The Way You should prepare a quiet, clean and empty room from any hustle and bustle away
from people. It should not be used for any other purpose. You should place inside the room a
Sejadah (Muslim Prayer Carpet) a Quran and a Tasbih (Rosary). Wear some Non- Alcohol
perfume whenever you practice rituals especially like this one. When the actual ritual is being
conducted, the room should be incomplete darkness without any light. Before starting the rite, you
should ought to clear your subconscious mind of feelings of guilt and fear. You should ought to
ask forgiveness from all those that you had wronged, and in turn, forgive those that have harmed
or hurt yourself in any way. The practitioner ought to constantly engagein prayers, meditations,
and recitations of sacred verses in remembrance of the God Almighty. Several weeks before doing
this ritual, after every 5 Muslim obligatory prayers, bow down and recite : Astaghfirullahal Azhim.
as many times as possible while recalling one's past [ ‫ [ ا ستغفر هللا العظيم‬mistakes and with the desire
not to repeat them, and to compensate whenever possible. Spiritualize your world yearnings by
tithing and donating often to the poor and needy - this must be done with sincerity and with no
strings attached. The Conjuration Ritual You must fast for three days from dawn to dusk beginning
on a Tuesday. Nothing is to be consumed after dusk but white rice and plain water. Nothing is to
be accompanied with the rice - no side dishes. During the night enter the prayer room and make a
special prayer of request (solat hajad 2 raka at) to the Almighty Allah. Then recite Astaghfirullahal
Azhim. [ ‫ هللا العظيم [ا ستغفر‬and this Shalawat prayer as many times as possible Alahumma sholli ala
sayadina muhammad. [ ‫ل ه‬WWW‫[ال‬.‫د‬WWW‫ م ص ل ع ل ى م ح م د و ع ل ى ا ل م ح م‬At midnight on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, take a shower with the intention of cleansing yourself of all physical
and psychic dirt. Then get into the prayer room and burn some Arabic incense. You should be in a
state of cleanliness (free from hadats). The room has to be in 3

5 complete darkness by this time, without any disturbing sound. The occult practitioner should
wear clean clothings or preferably a ceremonial robe of some sort. First repeat the special prayer
of request that you made earlier in the night, then recite the verses below for the amount of times
indicated : The Bait Wayaa robbibilikhlasi khollis quluubana, Minasyirki wal 'idyani haqqon
takhollashod. The Fidelity Verse Recite this for 1,002x (One thousand and two times) and after
each of the recitation recite the Bait above, Which means you recite the Fidelity verse once and
the Bait once for 1,002x. This is what you recite : Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Qul huwallahu ahad,
allahush shomad, lam yalid walam yuulad, walam yakullahu kufuan ahad. Invocation Prayer
"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Bismillahil waahidil fardh isshomadil ladzi rofa'as
samaawaatibighoiri 'amadin waja'alal ardho mihaadan wakholaqol kholqo wa ahshohum 'adadan.
Waminhum arwaahun waluquusun min ghoiri ihsadin waminhum arwaahun waluquusun wa
ajsadu kholaqohum biqudrotihi wa amaddahum bihikmatihi fahuwa robbukullisyai in 'azzaman
yakhoofuhu wayaruuhu wayaqshiduhu ajiibu yaa huddamun qulhuwallahu ahad bi'izzatillahil
waahidil ahadil fardhish shomadilladzi lam yalid walam yuulad walam yakullahu kufuan ahad.
Ukh dhuru wala ta' juzu wala yatakhol laqu minqum ahad isma'u wa 'ati 'u wala yatajarrodu 'alaina
minqum ahad bihaqqi qul huwallahu ahad allahush shomad lam yalid walam yuulad walam
yakullahu kufuan ahad. Ukh dhuru bihaqqil malikin nafizi amruhu 'alaikumus sayyid 'Abdul
Wahid aluuha aluuhal 'ajalal 'ajalas saa'atissaa 'ah hayya hayya ayyuhas sayyidul jaliilu habibul 4

6 muwahhidin ajib yaa 'abdal waahidibil waahidil ahad wakun 'aunan lii 'ala maa uriidu
baarokallahufiika wa'alaika wazaa dakanuuron 'ala nuurin wadho 'afalakal ujuuro. 41x You recite
the Invocation Prayer for 41x (Forty-one Times) after finishing the Bait and The Fidelity verse. If
this ritual is done correctly for 3 nights in a row, on Thursday night, after the ritual, you will be
approached by an entity. This entity is no demon or 5

7 leprechaun, but he is the presiding khadam/guardian of the al-iklas verse named Syeikh Abdul
Wahid. This khadam will greet you (He usually greet by giving salam, Assalamualaikum. and you
should in turn return the greeting by saying Wa alaikummusalam. if he speak Hebrew such as
Salom Alaichem. then return the greeting with Alaikom Shalom. ). Although enshrouded in
darkness, you will see this entity clearly. Do not fear, no harm will come to you. When Abdul
Wahid inquires as to your request, answer that you will like money in abundance or anything that
you desire. If you ask for money the khadam/guardian would then leave for a few moments and
return with what you have requested. Receive this graciously and gratefully, thanking God and the
guardian for the blessings. Q THE GUARDIAN OF THE THRONE VERSE Q The Ayat Al-Kursi
is known as the most powerful verse of the Quran, By reciting it you can burn djinn and shitan
(Devil). It is known as the mighty protection prayer that can invoke Allah for protection against
evil. The name of the Guardian of this verse is the Angel Kandiyas. It is said by Imam Sheikh
Ahmad Ali Al-Buuni, If you want the service of Angel Kandiyas (Khadam Ayat Kursy), do the
following rite: 1. Repent to Allah (surrendering oneself with all affairs). 2. Purify your heart,
place, clothes. 3. Clear your mind. 4. Enter into a place of kholwat (solitude) on Tuesday, until the
prayer ended in the dawn of 4th day, in Saturday morning. 5. Burn incense of an unspecified type,
The most common incense for invocation of angels and khadam is Aloeswood and Arabic Incense,
something that could lead to perfumed with the fragrance of incense will do. 6

8 6. Recite Azimah Ayat Kursi after each of the Muslim obligatory prayers 72x (Seventy-two
times) accompanied by the burning incense. Sheikh Ahmad Ali Al-Buni Ibni says : Know, O my
brother, Allah has given me Taufik also unto you, Behold thou shalt be heard on the first night
(Wednesday night) in the midst of your solitude, one whinny sound like the voice of himar
(donkey), so do not be afraid and surprised because they (Satan) will not be able to harm you. On
the second night (Thursday night), then indeed you will hear a voice at midnight on where you are
in solitude sound of horse galloping, so do not be scared and shocked. On the third night (Friday
night), in the middle of the night; three cats with colour red, white and black will appear in your
room. They enter from the door where you are solitude then went out from your front, do not be
scared and shocked because they (Satan) cannot harm you because the power from Azimah Ayat
Kursi will protect you. On the fourth night, at midnight, smudge your place of solitude with
perfume/incense while you face the Qiblat (Mecca) read the Azimah Ayat Kursy 1x (Once), the
wall of the room where you are in solitude will split and a Guardian will enter; the room is filled
with light so do not be afraid and do not stop burning incense/perfume. The khadam will greet
you, Assalamu alaika O Servant of Allah ; return his greeting with Wa alaikas warohmatullohi
wabarakatuh. He said : What do you want from us, O Servant of Allah, Then say to him : I do not
want anything from you except to help me for the rest of my life, The khadam Angel Kandiyas
will say : Take this gold ring which is engraved on the ring Asma Allah is the greatest ‫ [هللا‬.]‫ا كبر‬
This ring as a binder between you and me, if you want my service then wear this ring on your
right hand and then read Azimat Ayat Kursi 3x then Say ye: Ya Malaku Kandiyas Ajibni
Bihudurika (O Angel Kandiyas answer me with your presence), then I'll be there before you and
will help with anything you want with different customary jobs. It has been said Sheikh Abu
Hamid Al-Ghozali about the secret of this Ayat Kursi verse, Imam Ghozali said : There is no
prayer in 7

9 this world that are much faster to vacate all affairs at the time of emergency from praying this
way, namely: 1. Recite Ayat Kursy 313x (Three hundred and thirteen times). 2. Recite Azimah
Ayat Kursy after reading Ayat Kursi 7x. 3. Time to read at midnight in a place sacred from the
profane, and who deserted from the human. Said Al-Sheikh al-imam Ahmad Ali Al-buuny Ibni :
Reading Azimah Ayat Kursy after each obligatory prayers 20x Twenty times can control khadam
Ayat kursy named Sayyid Kandiyas And experts have said the cleric Khowas (who have to
khususan) He who is familiar/ get used to read Azimah Kursy 1x once every day after reading
Ayat Kursy 50x Fifty times or 170x One hundred seventy times, then Allah will subdue him all
mankind, and Allah will open for him all hidden things and Allah will make difficult matters
easier. This is the Aziman Ayat Kursy : Alhamdulillahi Robbil A lamin Was Sholatu Was Salamu A
la Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa A la Alihi Wa Shohbihi Wa Sallim Allohumma Inni As Aluka Wa
Atawassalu Ilaika (Ya Allohu 3x Three times) (Ya Rohmanu 3x Three times) (Ya Rohimu 3x
Three times) (Ya Robbahu 3x Three times) (Ya Sayyidah 3x Three times) (Ya Hu 3x Three times)
Yagiyasi Inda Siddati Ya Anisi Inda Wahdati Ya Mujibi Inda Da wati (Ya Allohu 3x Three times)
(Allohu La Ilaha Illa Huwal Hayyul Qoyyum) Ya Hayyu Ya Qoyyumu Ya Man Taqumus
Samawati Wal Ardo Bi Amrihi Ya Jamial Mahluqoti Tahta Lutfihi Wa Qohrihi As Alika An
Tashoro Li Ruhaniyata Hadzihil Ayatas Syarifata Tu inuni A la Qodoi Hawaiji Ya Man (La Ta
hudzuhu Sinatun Wa La Naum) Ihdina Ilal Haqqi Wa Ila Toriqim Mustaqim Hatta Astariha Minal
Laumi La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minadz Dzolimin Ya Man 8

10 (Lahu Ma Fis Samawati Wal Ardi Man Dzal Ladzi Yasyfa u Indahu Illa Bi Idznih) Allohumma
Isyfa Li Wa Arsyidni Fima Uridu Min Qodoi Hawaiji Wa Isbati Qouli Wa Fi li Wa A mali Wa
Barrik Li Fi Ahli Ya Man (Ya lamu Ma Baina Aydihim Wama Holfihim Wala Yuhituna Bisyayin
Min Ilmihi) Ya Man Ya lamu Domiro Ibadihi Sirron Wa Jahron As Alika Allohumma An Tashoro
Li Khuddamu Hadzihil Ayatil A dzimati Wad Da watil Munifati Yakununa Li Aunan A la Qodoi
Hawaiji (Haylan 2x Two times) (Jaulan 2x Two times) (Malakan 2x Two times) Ya Man La
Yatasorrofu Fi Mulkihi (Illa Bi Masya Wasi a Kursiyyuhus Samawati Wal Ardi) Sahhir Li Abdaka
Kandiyas Hatta Yukallimani Ffi Hali Yaqdoti Wa Yui nani Fi Jami i Hawaiji Ya Man (Wala
Yauduhu Hifdzuhuma Wa Huwal A liyyul A dhim) Yahamidu Yamajidu Ya Ba isu Ya Sahidu Ya
Haqqu Ya Wakilu Ya Qowiyyu Ya Matinu Kun Li Aunan A la Qodoi Hawaiji Bi Alfi Alfi La Haula
Wa La Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyyil Adhimi Aqsamtu Alaika Ayyuhas Sayyidul Kandiyas Ajibni
Anta Wa Huddamuka Wa Ai nuni Fi Jami i Umuri Bi Haqqi Ma Ta taqidunahu Minal A dhomati
Wal Kibriyai Wa Bihaqqi Hadzihil Ayatil A dhomati Wabisayyidina Muhammadin Alaihis Solatu
Was Salamu Ajib Ayyuhas Sayyidul Kandiyas Asro a Minal Barqi Wa Ma Amruna Illa Wahidatin
Ka Lamhi Bil Basori Aw Huwa Aqrobu Innalloha A la Kulli Sayin Qodir Wasollallohu A la
Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa A la Alihi Wa Sallama Tasliman Katsiro Wal Hamdulillahi Robbil A
lamin. Q THE GUARDIAN OF THE COW VERSE Q This occult knowledge is used to invite and
be friends with 100 angels that guard over the Al-Baqarah (The cow) verse. The conditions is to
fast sunnah for 33 days and the prayer below to be recited for 41x (Forty-one times) after each
muslim obligatory prayer and 313x (Three hundred and thirteen times) at night after performing
wishing prayer (Solah hajad). This Is The Prayer : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim. Alif Laam Miim.
Dzaalikal Kitaabu Laa Rayba Fiihi Hudan Lilmuttaqiina. Alladziina Yu minuuna Bilghaybi
Wayuqiimuunash Shalaata Wamimmaa 9

11 Razaqnaahumyunfiquuna. Walladziina Yu minuuna Bimaa Unzila Ilayka Wamaa Unzila Min

Qablika, Wabil Aakhirati Hum Yuuqinuuna. Ulaa-ika 'alaa Hudan Min Rabbihim Waulaa-ika
Humul Muflihuuna. Aamanar Rasuulu Bimaa Unzila Ilayhi Min Rabbihi Walmu minuuna, Kullun
Aamana Biallaahi Wamalaa-ikatihi Wakutubihi Warusulihi, Laa Nufarriqu Bayna Ahadin Min
Rusulihi Waqaaluu Sami'naa Wa-atha'naa Ghufraanaka Rabbanaa Wailaykal Mashiiru. Laa
Yukallifullaahu Nafsan Illaa Wus'ahaa,lahaa Maa Kasabat Wa'alayhaa Maa Iktasabat, Rabbanaa
Laa Tuaakhidznaa In Nasiinaa Aw Akhtha naa,rabbanaa Walaa Tahmil 'alaynaa Ishran Kamaa
Hamaltahu 'alalladziina Min Qablinaa, Rabbanaa Walaa Tuhammilnaa Maa Laa Thaaqata Lanaa
Bihi, Wa'fu 'annaa Waghfir Lanaa Warhamnaa Anta Mawlaanaa Fanshurnaa 'alalqawmil
Kaafiriina. At the last night, God most high willing, 100 servants/guardians of The Cow Verse will
come to you and ready to help you with all your desire. Q THE GUARDIAN OF THE YASIN
VERSE Q Surat Yasin is known as the heart of the Quran by the prophet, It has lots of benefits, I
will reveal to you the occult way to invoke one of the Guardian of the Yasin Verse his name is
Abdul Syiral (Pronounce : Ab-dool She-ral), This rite is used to invite and make friends with one
of the guardian of the Yasin Verse, This is the way to invite the guardian Abdul Syiral : 1. Fast
Sunnah for 7 days. 2. At night perform a prayer (solah hajad or tahajud) for 2 raka at in a place for
khalwah (solitude) or in a dark mosque without any light. 3. Upon each raka at after the opener
verse (Surat Al-Fatihah), Recite Surat Yasin 1x (once). 10

12 4. After salam recite the Yasin Verse for 3x (Three times), Repeat the ayat 1 for 100x (One
hundred times) and upon ayat 58 repeat it for 333x (Three hundred and thirty-three times). 5. After
everything is done, pretend to sleep or really go to sleep, your body and face should be facing the
Qiblat (Mecca) The Yasin Verse : Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim, Yaa Siin. (This is the ayat 1)
Wal Qur-aa-nil Hakiim, Innaka Laminal Mursaliin, alaa Siraatim Mustaqiim, Tanziilal- aziiziir
Rahiim, Litunnzira Qaumam Maa Unnzira Aabaa Uhum Fahum Ghaafiluun, Laqad Haqqal Qaulu
alaaa Aktsarihim Fahum Laa Yu Minuun, Innaa Ja- alnaa Fii anaa Qihim Agh-laalan Fahi Ya Ilal
Azqaani Fahum-muqmahuun, Waja alnaa Mim-baini Aidiihiim Saddau Wamin Khalfihim Saddan
Fa-agh Syainaahum Fahum Laa Yubsiruun, Wasawaa Un alaihim A-ann Zartahum Am Lam Tunn-
zirhum Laa Yu Minuun, Innamaa Tunn-ziru Manit Taba- azzikra Wa Khasyi-yar Rahmaana
Bilghaibi Fabasy-syirhu-bimagh Firatiw Wa Aj-rinn Kariim, Innaa Nahnu Nuhyil Mautaa
Wanaktubu Maa Qaddamuu Wa-aatsaarahum Wakulla Syain-in Ahsainaa Hu Fii Imaamimm
Mubiin, Wadh-rib Lahum Ma-tsalan Ashaabal Qaryati Izjaaa A-hal Mursaluun, Iz-arsalnaa Ilaihi-
muts Naini Fakaz-zabuu Humaa Fa az-zaz Naa Bitsaa-li-tsinn Faqaa Luuu Innaaa Ilaikum
Mursaluun, Qaaluu Maa-antum Illaa Basyarum Mitslunaa Wamaa Annzalar Rahmaanu Minn Syai-
in In Ann-tum Illaa Takzibuun, Qaaluu Rabbunaa Ya Lamu Innaaa Ilaikum Lamursaluun, Wamaa
alainaaa Illal Balaa-ghul Mubiin, Qaa Luuu In-naa Tatay-yarnaa Bikum La-il-lam Tann-tahuu
Lanar Jumannakum Walayamassannakum Minnaa azaabun Aliim, Qaaluu Taaa Irukum Ma akum
A-in Zukkirtum Bal Ann-tum Qaumum Musrifuun, Wajaaa A-min Aqsal Madiinati Rajuluy Yas aa
Qaala Yaa Qaumit Tabi- ul Mursaliin, It Tabi uu Mal-laa Yas-alukum Ajrau Wahum Muhtaduun,
Wamaaliya Laa A -budul Lazii Fataranii Wa Ilaihi Turja- uun, A-at-takhizu Min Duunihii Aa-
lihatan Iy Yuridnir Rahmaanu Bidhur-ril Laa Tughni annii Syafaa a-tuhum Syai Au Walaa Yung
Qizuun, Inn-nii Izal Lafii Dhalaa Limm Mubin, Inn-nii Aa-manntu Birabbikum Fasma uun, Qiilad
Khulil Jan-nata Qaala Yaa Laita Qaumii Ya lamuun, Bimaa Ghafaralii Rabbii Waja alanii Minal
Mukramiin, Wamaaa Ann Zalnaa alaa Qaumihii 11

13 Mimba Dihii Minn Jundimm Minas-samaa-i Wamaa Kun-naa Munnziliin, Inn Kaanat Illaa
Saihatau Waahidatann Fa-izaahum Khaa-miduun, Yaa Hasratan alal ibaadi Maaya Tiihim
Mirrasuulin Il-laa Kaanu Bihii Yastah-zi Uun, Alam Yarau Kam Ahlaknaa Qablahum
Minalquruuni An-na-hum Ilaihim Laa Yarji uun, Wa-inn Kul-lul-lamm-maa Jamii ul Ladainaa
Muh-dharuun, Wa Aa-yatul Lahumul Ar-dhul Mai-tatu Ahyai-naahaa Wa-akhrajnaa Minhaa
Habbann Faminhu Ya Kuluun, Waja- alnaa Fiihaa Jan-naatim Min-nakhii Liw-wa A -naabiw
Wafaj-jarnaa Fiihaaa Minal u-yuun, Liya Kuluu Min Tsamarihii Wamaa amilat-hu Aidiihiim
Afalaa Yasy-kuruun, Subhaanal Lazii Khalaqal Az-waaja Kullahaa Mimmaa Tumm-bitul Ar-dhu
Wamin Amfusihim Wa Mim-maa Laa Ya -lamuun, Wa Aa-yatul Lahumul Laylu Nasla-khu Min
Hun Nahaara Fa-izaa Hum Muzh Limuun, Wasy Syamsu Tajrii Limus Taqarril Lahaa Zaalika
Taqdiirul azii-zil aliim, Wal Qamara Qad Darnaahu Manaa-zila Hattaa aa-dakal urjuunil Qadiim,
Lasy-syamsu Yamm-baghii Lahaa An Tudrikal Qamara Walal-lay-lu Saabiqun Nahaari Wakul-
luun Fii Falakiy Yashbahuun, Wa Aa-yatul Lahum An-naa Hamalnaa Zur-riyyatahum Fil Fulkil
Masy-huun, Wa Khalaq Naa Lahum Mimm-mits Lihii Maa Yarkabuun, Wa Inn-nasya Nugh-riq-
hum Falaa Sariikha Lahum Walaahum Yunn-qazuun, Il-laa Rahmatam Min-naa Wamataa an I-laa
Hiin, Wa Izaa Qii-la Lahumut Taquu Maabayna Ay-diikum Wamaa Khal-fakum La al-lakum
Turhamuun, Wamaa Ta Tiihim Min Aa-yatim Min Aa-yaati Rabbihim Il-laa Kaanuu anhaa Mu -
ridhiin, Wa Izaa Qilla Lahum Ann-fiquu Mimmaa Razaqa Kumul-laa Hu Qaalal Laziina Kafaruu
Lil-lazii Na-aa Manuuu Anut- imu Mallau Ya-syaaa-ul Laa-hu At- amahuuu In Anntum Il-laa Fii
Dhalaalimm Mubin, Wayaquu-luuna Mataa Haazal Wa du Inn-kunntum Saadiqiin, Maa Yann
Zhuruuna Illaa Saihataw Waahidatann Ta Khuzuhum Wahum Ya-khissimuun, Falaa Yastatii- uuna
Taw-siyataw Walaa Illaaa Ah-lihim Yarji- uunm, Wanufi-kha Fis-suuri Fa-izaa Hum Minal Aj-daa-
tsiilaa Rabbihim Yann-siluun, Qaaluu Yaa Waylanaa Mamm-ba- atsanaa Mim-marqadinaa Haaza
Maa Wa- adar Rahmaanu Wasadaqal Mursaluun, Inn Kaanat Illaa Saihataw Waahidatann Fa-i-zaa
Hum Jami ul Ladai-naa Muh-dharuun, Falyaw Ma Laa Tuzh-lamu Nafsun Syai-aw Walaa Tujzau-
na Il-laa Maa Kunntum Ta Maluun, Inn-na As-haabal Jan-natil Yawma Fi Syughulinn Faa Kihuun,
Hum Wa-az Waajuhum Fii Zhilaalin alal A- raaa Iki Mut-taki-uun, Lahum Fiihaa Faakihatuw
Wala Hum-maa Yadda- uun, Salaamunn Qaulamm-mir Rab-bir Rahiim, (This is the ayat 58),
Wamtaazul Yauma Ay-yuhal Mujrimuun, Alam A - 12

14 ahad I-laykum Yaabanii Aa-dama Al-laa Ta -budusy-syaitaana In-nahuu Lakum a-duw Wumm-
mubiin, Wa A-ni Buduunii Hazaa Siraatum Mustaqiim, Walaqad A-dhalla Minn-kum Jibillann
Katsiiran Afalam Takuu-nuu Ta qiluun, Haazihii Jahan-namul-latii Kunntum Tuu aduun, Is-lawhal
Yawma Bimaa Kunntum Takfurrun, Al-yaw Ma-nakh-timu a-laaa Afwaa Hihim Watukallimunaaa
Ay-diihiim Watasy-hadu Ar-juluhum Bimaa Kaanuu Yaksibuun, Walau Nasyaaa-u Latamasnaa a-
laaa A - yunihim Fas-tabaqus Siraata Fa-an-naa Yubsiruun, Walau Nasyaaa-u Lamasakh-naahum
alaa Makaanatihim Famas Tataa- uu Mu-dhiy-yaw Walaa Yarji- uun, Wamann Nu- ammirhu
Nunak-kishu Fil Khalqi Afalaa Ya -qiluun, Wamaa allamnaa Husy-syi -raa Wamaa Yamm-ba-ghii
Lahuu Inhuwa Illaa Zikruw Waqur-aa-numm Mubiin, Liyunn-zira Mann Kaana Hayyaw Waya-
hiqqal Qaulu alal Kaafiriin, Awalam Yaraw Ann-naa Khalaqnaa Lahum Mimmaa a-milat Ai-
diinaaa An- aa-mann Fahum Lahaa Maa-likuun, Wazallal Naahaa Lahum Faminhaa Rakuu-buhum
Waminhaa Ya Kuluun, Walahum Fiihaa Manaa-fi- u Wama-syaaribu Afalaa Yasy-kuruun, Watta-
khazuu Min Duunil-laahi Aa-lihatal La- al-lahum Yunn-saruun, Laayastatii- uuna Nas-rahum
Wahum Lahum Jundum-muh-dharuun, Falaa Yah-zunn-ka Qauluhum. In-naa Na -lamu Maa Yusir-
ruu Na Wamaa Yu -linuun, Awalam Yaral Inn-saanu An-naa Khalaqnaa Hu Min Nutfatin Fa-i-zaa
Huwa Khasii-mum-mubiin, Wa-dharaba Lanaa Ma-tsalaw Wanasiya Khalqa-huu Qaala May-
yuhyil izhaa-ma Wahiya Ramiim, Qul Yuhyii Hal-laziii Ann-sya-a-haaa Aw-wala Marra-tiw
Wahuwa Bikulli Khalqin a-liim, Al-lazii Ja- a-la Lakum Minasy Syajaril Akh-dhari Naaran Fa I-
zaaa Ann-tum Minhu Tuu-qiduun, Awalay Salla-zi Khalaqas-samaa Waati Wal Ar-dha Bi Qaa-
dirin a-laa Ay-yakh-luqa Mits-lahum Balaa Wahuwal Khal-laaqul a-liim, Inn-namaaa Amruhuuu I-
zaaa A- raada Syai-an Ay-yaquula Lahuu Kunn Fayakuun, Fasub-haa Nal Lazii Biyadihii
Malakuu-tu Kulli Syai-inw-wa I-lay-hi Turja uun. After the above method has been completed and
by God most high willing, the Guardian of the Yasin Verse will wake you up, do not be afraid he is
not a djinn nor he is a demon. Greet him and have a conversation with him. He usually help
people with banishing debt, giving foods, cure sickness and others as what he is usually capable
of. 13

15 Q THE GUARDIAN OF THE DIVINE NAME ALLAH Q The Angel Kehial is said to be an
Archangel in the Arsyi realm; he is the leader of 66 rows of angels under his lead. These angels
will assist who always recites Allohu. This is the way to conjure him : 1. Fast from dawn to dusk
for 14 days. Break fast without consuming any animals product or anything from it. 2. Isolate
yourself from general public for 14 days. 3. Recite Allohu 1,000x (One thousand times) and Surat
An- Nur ayat 35 for 50x (Fifty times) after each obligatory prayer. Addition to that, recite Allohu
10,000x (Ten thousand times) in between the prayers. 4. After the recitations are performed
diligently and on the 14th day, you will see in your prayer room all sorts of beautiful lights and
you will see the figure of a person as soon as the lights subsided. Do not be afraid as this is Angel
Kehial accompanied by a few khadams filling your prayer room. Kehial will greet you (Whether
in Arabic or Hebrew) and do return the greeting ; because Kehial is a great figure and has grace to
stay beside the God. Tell him your desire and promise him that you will always recite Allohu 66x
(Sixty-six times), ayat 35 from surat an-nur 1x (Once) after each obligatory prayer. This is Surat
An-Nur ayat 35 : Allahu Nurussamaa Waatiwalard, Matsalunurihi Kamishkautin Fiiha
Meshbaahul Mishbahu Fizujajatizzuja Jatu Kaannaha Kaukabun Durriyyun Yu Qadumin
Shajaratimmubaarakatin Zaitunatilla Sharqiyaatin Wala Gharbiyyatin Yakaaduzaituha Yu Dhiyaaa
Uwalaulam Tamsashunarun, Nurun Alaa Nuurin Yahdillahu Linurihi Man Yasyak u,
Wayadhribullahul Amtsaalalinnasi Wallahubikulli Shai in Alimun. 14

16 Another Way This is the other way to conjure the Angel Kehial the guardian of the divine name
Allah. 1. Fast for 66 days from dawn to dusk. Break fast by consuming non-meat products or
anything from it. 2. Recite Allohu 66x at every midnight. Master Al-Buni said that when the
guardian of the divine name Allah appears it would chant Yah (x2), El (x2), Elohim (x2). It is the
hebrew divine names the names of Allah spoken by Moses tounge. Know my friend that the
Guardians of the Verse and the Divine names is no demon or djinn, they are an angelic beings that
has been command to guard over the holy verse and names. Q THE GUARDIAN OF THE
DIVINE NAME AL-LATIF Q Al-Latif [ ‫ ]اللطيف‬is one of the 99 names of Allah and the names of
god in Islam, it means the gentle or the subtly kind. The guardian will assist those who recite Ya-
Latiff. This is the way you conjure the Guardian of the Divine Name Al-Latif : 1. Fast for for 7
days consuming only plain water and rice. 2. You should be in a quiet, desolate room for khalwah
(Solitude). 3. After each obligatory prayers, Recite Ya Latiff 129x (One hundred twenty-nine
times) and the prayer below 1x (Once). 15

17 4. Make sure that every night you recite Ya Latiff for 16,641x (Sixteen-thousand Six-hundred
and forty one times) along with the below prayer 4x (Four times). The Prayer :
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim.allahumma Innii As Aluka Wa Atawassalu Ilaika Bismikallathiifil
Ladzii Wasi'a Luthfuhuu Ahlassamaawaati Wa Ahlal Ardhi Walathafta Bil Ajinnati Fii Buthuuni
Ummahaatihaa Wa Ahathta Bilkainaati 'ilman As Aluka Bissirri Wal Asraari Wannuuri Wal
Anwaari Yaaman Laa Tudrukuhul Abshaaru Wahuwal Lathiiful Khabiiru Innamaa Amruhuu Idzaa
Araada Syai-an An Yaquula Lahuu Kun Fayakuun, Sakhkhirlii Khuddaamasmikal Lathiifil
Mubaraaki Inna Rabbii Lathiifu Limaa Yasyaa-u Innahuu Huwal 'aliimulhakiim. Allahumma Yaa
Musakhkhiras Samawaati Wal Ardhis Sab'i Waman Fiihina Waman 'alaihinna Sakhkhirlii
Khuddaamasmikal Lathiifil Mubaraaki Bisirri Sirrismikallathiifil Maknuuni Alam Tara
Annallaaha Anzala Minassamaai Maa-an Fatushbihul Ardhu Mukhdharatan Innallaaha Lathiifun
Khabiirun. Allahumma Yaa Rabbal Arbaabi Murabbil Kainaati Bilathiifi Rubuubiyyatihii Asri' Lii
Sarayaa Na Luthfika Fii Sya'nii Wamuraadii Kullihii Yaa Man Laisa Bighaibin Fa Antazhirahuu
Walaa Biba'iidin Fa Umhilahuu Alhimnii Luthfakal Khafiyya Wafahhimni Rusydi Waqalbii Baina
Ushbu'aini Min Ashaabi'i Luthfika Hattaa Asyhada Lathiifal...washallallaahu 'alaa Sayyidina
Muhammadin Wa'ala Aalihi Washahbiihi Wasallam. At the end of the day the Khadam will
appears to you, tell him whatever you desire. He will grant it, God most high willing. QTHE
knowledge with the power of the angel Rumiyail, this knowledge is handed down to me by an
adept H. Mahfud A. Zahwan. Do not practice this rite if you are new to Ilmu Al-Hikmah (The
knowledge of the wisdom), This is a high grade level of knowledge only those who are chosen can
master it, This knowledge is recommended for those who already mastered 16

18 many of the Ilmu Al-Hikmah (The knowledge of the wisdom) and those who has become an
adept, It will be easier for them to practice. The method will be hard for the beginner, but for those
who always praise Allah, Allah will always help him and make his practice easier. This is how you
conjure him : 1. For a few days you should be in a quiet mosque room or in a Musholah (Small
mosque) or others. Perform the Muslim obligatory prayers, For a few days recite Malikul Mulki
continuously non-stop until the recitation of the divine name has unite with your soul and body. 2.
If you are sure that the divine name has united within you, Then you are ready to go to the middle
of the jungle that is desolate from any peoples, Fast just like the muslim fasting month
(Ramadhan), You should be wearing clean clothes, Do not do any bad things or commit sins
because there is no worth to do such things. Keep yourself awake unless sleep has force you and
you couldn t resist it. Do not talk unless it is important. 3. At the day you of your practice recite
Malikul Mulki for 8,000x (Eight thousand times) and 12,000 (Twelve thousand times) at night.
Continue to solitude at that place and recite the divine name, for a few months when the time has
come, at night time there will be an entity from angelic being came to you, he appears as a man
with white and light skin, dressed like a king and wearing a red crown from Yaqud. Do not be
afraid. 4. When he has arrive and when he greet you (whether in Arabic, Syriac or Hebrew) return
his greeting, and when he asked you : What do you want? O Servant of Allah, Answer him : I want
to be friend with you, O creation of Allah and after a while he will give you a heritage Rod made
of Silver and he will give you conditions, among them is to always perform prayers to God, avoid
anything that will cause sins and others that forbid God laws and spiritual laws. Whenever you
wish to call him recite Malikul Mulki 3x (Three times) and he will come, and ready to fulfill your
desire and serve you. 17

19 Q THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE KING OF ANGEL Q This knowledge is also known as

Asmak Sirrul A zhim. It is known as high level knowledge that is rare and secrets. It s capability
and power is amazing. The practitioner will be protected by angels the time he sleep and awake, It
is also for any wishes and the practitioner third eye will be unveiled and he will get inspiration that
has never been obtained before. This knowledge will be handed down to those who has mental
spiritual maturity and those who have family. It is forbidden to use this knowledge for negative
purpose or violate religious laws, Thus the practitioner will be cursed by the angels. This is the
way you practice the knowledge : 1. Fast for 3 or 7 days. 2. Practice this rite at quiet place, it can
be a mosque or mushollah (Small mosque). 3. Before reciting the prayers below, perform a
wishing prayer (solah hajad) or Tahajud prayer and after that perform Istighfar Astaghfirullahal
Azhim. [ ‫ هللا العظيم [ا ستغفر‬and Shelawat ‫ [ الل ه م ص ل ع ل ى م ح م د‬muhammad. Alahumma sholli ala
sayadina times). ] for 100x (One hundred ‫د‬WWWW‫ و ع ل ى ا ل م ح م‬This Is The Prayer :
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah Inni Asaluka Bimaa Saala Bihi Jibriilu inda
Arsyikal azhiim, An Taskhoro Lii Malaikatikal Kiroom Khuddaama Haadzihil Asmaa. Allahumma
Sakhirlii Kamsayaail Wa Dardayaail Wa Samkhoyaail Wa Thuthoyaail Wa Ruqoyaail Wa Sam
ayaail Wa Thoghyaail Wa Jibrooiil Wa Mikaaiil Wa Samsamaaiil Wa Shorfayaaiil,. Ajiibuu
Ayyatuhal Muluuku War Ruasaa u Wa Aiinuuni alaa Qodhoo i Hawaai Ji Bihaqqi Ma Ta lamuuna
Min Azhiimi Sirrillah, Wa Bihaqqi Haaadzihil Asmaa il Azhiimil A zhom, Allah Allah, Bi Ilmika
Waqudrotika alal Kholaa iq Wabismikal Azhimi Kabiiril Muta aali, Allah Allah Allah. Al
Ismulladzi Faddholtahu ala Sa iril Asmaa As Aluka An Taskhoro Lil Haadzihil Arwaaha Wa An Ya
tuunil Fii Naumi Au Yaqhzhoti. Innaka ala Kulli Syai in Qodiir Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah. 18

20 Q TO ACQUIRE A SERVANT NAMED AUNUL MUTI Q If you wish to attract a khadam

named Aunul Muti (The obedient assistant),this is the way you conjure him : 1. Fast for 3 days
starting from Tuesday. 2. Break your fast by not consuming animal products or anything from it. 3.
Recite Hayloosh for 1,500x (One thousand five hundred times) after each obligatory prayer. 4.
Burn Red Sandalwood incense each time you recite it. At Friday night, there will appear someone
who is good looking, the khadam will make a deal for anything you desire, the khadam will be
willing to help you with anything you desire even serve foods & drinks if you ask him to do so.
This is an interesting and easiest way to conjure a khadam just by reciting Hayloosh or
Hayloosheen (According to some). Q TO ACQUIRE A DJINN SERVANT NAMED SYEIKH
TOYTOWAL Q This is the way you conjure him : 1. Fast for 41 days, break your fast without
consuming any animals product or anything from it. 2. During fasting recite the below incantation
after each muslim obligatory prayer for 100x (One hundred times) and at night prayer for 313x
(Three hundred and thirteen times) This Is The Incantation : Ya Banukh Rodromukh Ajibuu Wa
Ajjiluu Antum Wa Dzurriyatukum Bi Haqqi Sam at Syamu Barhut Barhiin Ashiim Waf aluu
Ayyutuhal a wanu Ma Amartukum Minal Khdmati Min 19

21 Mahabbati Wal Firoqi Aw Tasliti Aw Jalbin Nisai Aw Fathil Kunuzi Wa Jalbil Akhbari Aynama
Takunu Ya ti Bikumullohu Jami a Innalloh ala Kulli Sai In Qodir. Q THE PRAYERS TO THE
GUARDIAN OF THE ZODIAC Q This prayers is also known as The Prayer of Basymakh Jesus
Christ (Peace Be Upon Him), According to Syeikh Al-immam Al- Allamah Al-Hamam Sayyid
Muhammad bin Khotiruddin bin Bayazid bin Khowajah in his holy book: Al-Jawahir Al-Khomsi
(The Five Gems); this prayer is publicized by Syeikh Muhyiddin Abdul Qodir Zailany Al-
Bagdadi. It is believed that if one recites prayers to each Guardian/Khadam (from the Ruhhaniyah
group) of the zodiac according to the zodiacs ruler ships, his/her desire will be fulfilled : a
Aries/Haml (23 March 20 April) The khadam of this zodiac is Haytoyil The Prayer to the
Guardian of Aries : Allohumma ya basymakh basymakh dzala hamuu saytisuna as aluka an
taqdiya hajati ajib ya haytoyila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai b Taurus/Tsaur (21 April 21 May) The
khadam of this zodiac is Towroyil The Prayer to the Guardian of Taurus : Allohumma ya dza nuu
malkhus (Malkuth) damuusuu daimuuna as aluka an taqdiya hajati ajib ya towroyila bihaqqi
hadzihil asmai l Gemini/Zawja (22 May 22 June) The khadam of this zodiac is Syamyail The
Prayer to the Guardian of Gemini : 20

22 Allohumma ya haysu haymun arfasyu daro I lliyyuna as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya
syamyayila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai d Cancer/Sarton (23 June 23 July) The khadam of this zodiac is
Anyail The Prayer to the Guardian of Cancer : Allohumma ya rohmisa dahliluna metatron as aluka
antaqdiya hajati ajib ya anyaila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai e Leo/Asad (24 July 23 August) The
khadam of this zodiac is Manyayil The Prayer to the Guardian of Leo : Allohumma ya
rokhsyisyuna akhlaaquna as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya manyayila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai f
Virgo/Sunbulah (24 August 23 September) The khadam of this zodiac is Qomroyil The Prayer to
the Guardian of Virgo : Allohumma ya rohmuutu arkhimu arkhimuuna as aluka antaqdiya hajati
ajib ya qomroyila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai g Libra/Mizan (24 September 23 October) The khadam
of this zodiac is Hadzihil Asmai The Prayer to the Guardian of Libra : Allohumma ahyan
asrohiyan adzuti asbautu asbausuuna as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya manhayaila bihaqqi hadzihil
asmai h Scorpio/Aqrobi (24 October 22 November) The khadam of this zodiac is Ismail 21

23 The Prayer to the Guardian of Scorpio : Allohumma ya nuru irghis idgir tasylisuna as aluka
antaqdiya hajati ajib ya ismaila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai i Sagitarius/Qows (23 November 22
December) The khadam of this zodiac is Jibril (Gabriel) The Prayer to the Guardian of Sagitarius :
Allohumma isybir asma a asmasuna as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya jibriala bihaqqi hadzihil
asmai j Capricorn/Jadyu (23 December 19 January) The khadam of this zodiac is Dardayail
(Dardiel) The Prayer to the Guardian of Capricorn : Allohumma ya mali usta imlikhoo milkhuuna
as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya dardayaila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai k Aquarius/Dalwu (20 January
19 February) The khadam of this zodiac is Mikail (Michael) The Prayer to the Guardian of
Aquarius : Allohumma ar id ar arizuuna as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya mikaila bihaqqi hadzihil
asmai l Pisces/Huut (20 February 20 March) The khadam of this zodiac is Isrofil (Raphael) The
Prayer to the Guardian of Pisces : Allohumma ya masymakhu fa syamkhisa masalamuuna bainal
kafi wan nuni innama amruhu idza aroda syaian an yaqula lahu kun fayakunu fasubhanlldzi
biyadihi malakutu kulli sayin wa ilaihi 22

24 turjau na as aluka antaqdiya hajati ajib ya isrofila bihaqqi hadzihil asmai Q THE GUARDIAN
OF THE ARABIC ALPHABET Q It is known that every huruf Hijaiyah is guarded by an angel
and assistants. They can be summoned for various purposes such as destroying enemies,
transforming metal into gold, discover treasure and others. Below is the table of the alphabets and
it s Servant and Clouds : Alphabet Name Servant Clouds ‫ ا‬Alif Hatmahtolqiyail Hadhayun,
Syalhamid, Tomkholasy, Bukhlaylakh ‫ ب‬Ba Jaromhayail Kasyamsyakh, Haylakh, Mahalsyatin ‫ج‬
Jim Tolaqtoyail Hadmakh, Halasylakhokhin ‫ د‬Dal Sakamhayail Haltofin, Mahlalkhin, Mahlalkhin,
Syawidin, Syasyaltotin ‫ ه‬Ha Afroyail Dzabhatin, Hamkikin, Hasytoyto in ‫ و‬Wawu Tunayail ‫ ز‬Zay
Almasyyail Mahdaduhin, Syaltamukhin, Barokhin Ma adrosyin, Hatotimin, Mahatin 23

25 ‫ ح‬Hha Tofyail ‫ ط‬Tho Astoyail ‫ ي‬Ya Hardaqil ‫ ك‬Kaf Yamhayail ‫ ل‬Lam Tohtoyail ‫ م‬Mim
Syarokhil ‫ ن‬Nun So riyail ‫ س‬Sin Hatgil ‫ ع‬Ain Syarhil ‫ ف‬Fa Syatotil ‫ ص‬Shod Hardayal ‫ ق‬Qof
Azqiil Dahlikh, Kamsyalaatokhin Syamhatin, Malsyakhin, Malkhosyin, Tomahin Damgigin,
Halhafin, Syawiyadkhin Syafrudin, Hamiiton, Khotosyin Ghoghitin, Tohmasyin, Kholasyadzamin
Hazamsyatin, Kalityatin, Madmakjhin Syagigin, Dalkhomin, Bahitin Masto, Atladin, Khimin,
Altolin Lakhtomin, Ghodifin, Arzadin Kaytomin, Raztosyin, Hakhoytin Syarukhin, Hamsyin
Ghodghosin, Tolhayasyin 24

26 ‫ ر‬Ro Dahrobiil Alaltofin, Almikhin, Day umin ‫ ش‬Syin Khordayail ‫ ت‬Ta Mar A wiil ‫ ث‬Tsa
Jansayail ‫ خ‬Kho Hamlil ‫ ذ‬Dzal Rofa ayail ‫ ض‬Dod Kalghiyail ‫ ظ‬Dzo Torkhoyail ‫ غ‬Ghin Salkafyal
Syatifin, Kahyiilin Syahir, Haghil, Tunisy Kadaruus, To matis Amutyarin, Wakisyin, Rokisyin,
Dahuuyatin Alalmahasin, Sohda in, Syahlatin Yukhin, Rukhin, Amusyin, Tomlasyitin, Aysu in
Hamyatyuwasyin, Ma adin, Masyatin Asy atlafin, Hayutin, Syatotofin, Kalakafafin This Is How
You Invoke The Guardian Of The Arabic Alphabets : Know my brother who s reading this book,
That there are rules for this section of inscribing the Arabic letters. When the writing on 25

27 the palm whether the right or left, then it should be carried out and of course the total letter s
can not be more or less, If there is no space to write the letter s on your palm then continue
inscribing it upon your fingers, If there is still not enough space to inscribe it continue inscribe it
upon the back of the hand. You should be in a holy state and facing Qiblat (Mecca) when writing.
While writing when it comes the time for praying (Solah) you should stop and perform you
prayers first and later continue the writing. While writings it is important to wear non-alcohol
perfumes, There are type of perfumes for the letter s, below is one of them : 1. Lubban Dzakar 2.
Wardah (Rose) 3. Sunbul Rihan 4. Misk/Musk 5. Sandalwood White/Red 6. Mustaqi 7. Luban
Jawa (Javanese Incense) 8. Za Faron 9. Qosob 10. Khowlan You should inscribe the alphabet from
right to left. The Opening Prayer to Conjure The Guardian and Clouds :
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Ayyuharruhani Almuwakkali Biharfil (Say The Name Of The Huruf
You Wish To Invoke) Saaltuka Bil Ladzi Kholaqoka Fa Sawwaka Fa adalaka Fi Ayyi Surotin Ma
Sya A Rokabaka Ayyuhas Sayyidul Kamilul Mugtarofu Min Bihari Ma adini Jawahiril Asrori Wa
Yunabi u Malakutu Jabarutil Anwari Illa Ma Ajabtani Wa Rofa tal Hijaba Bayni Wa Baynaka
Hatta Andzuroka Bi Bashori Wa Anta Tukhotibuni Wa Sakhhir Li A wanaka (Say The Name Of
Servant And Clouds Of The Huruf). Huruf Alif 26 ‫ا‬

28 Inscribe Huruf Alif ‫ ا‬on your palm for 1,000x (One thousand times) from 10-April to 25-April.
Face your palm towards the sky and recite the opening prayer, then recite the below prayer : Ajlib
Li Al Akhbaro Minal Aqtori Wak Syif Li Al Hujuba War Fa Li Al Astaro Anil Maknuni. The
khadam will inform you of any information that you wish to know and any secrets from the edge
of the earth, they will inform you the most secret place, If accompanied with burning/wearing
Anbar it would be better because the sweet smells will bring together the whole ruhanniyah. Huruf
Ba ‫ ب‬Inscribe Huruf Ba ‫ ب‬on a piece of green paper with red ink 1,000x (One thousand times)
from 25-April to 13-May. Show the inscription to the sky, recite the opening prayer, followed by
below prayer : Ajlib Li Al Akhbaro Minal Aqtori Wak Syif Li Al Hujuba War Fa Li Al Astaro Anil
Kunuzi Allimni Ayyuhar Ruhani Sun atal Hikmati. The khadam will inform you of the hidden
treasures and Al- Hikmah knowledge. Huruf Jim ‫ ج‬Inscribe Huruf Jim ‫ ج‬on your left palm 364x
(Three hundred and sixty-four times) from 13-May to 26-May. Then face your left palm towards
the sky while reciting Jim 364x (Three hundred and sixty-four times) and recite the opening
prayer 400x (Four hundred times) and the below prayer 1x (Once) : Ayyuharhani Ajib Man Da aka
Wamdadni Bil A fariti Khuddamu Bisatikal Jailiina Fi Aqtoril Ardi Li Yahzamu Askarol Malaka
(Say The Name Of Your Enemy That You Wish To Destroy). The khadam and ifrits from all the
edge of the world will destroy your wicked enemy. 27

29 Huruf Dal ‫ د‬Inscribe Huruf Dal 11,000 ‫د‬x (Eleven thousand times) on a piece of yellow paper
from 26-May to 8-June. Show the inscriptions to the sky while reciting Huruf Dal 11,000x (Eleven
thousand times), recite the opening prayer 1x (Once), then the below prayer : Ayyuharruhani Ajib
Bi Hudurika Wajlib Li Al-amwala Alladzi Yui ununi Fi Ma isati Wadunyaya Wal Hajji Ila
Bytillahib. The khadam will fulfill all your wishes and even give you treasure and money for you
to live and for you to praise God, Also for you to succeed your haji. Huruf Ha ‫ ه‬Inscribe Ha ‫ ه‬on
your right palm 500x (Five hundred times) from 8-June to 21-June while reciting Ha 500x (Five
hundred times) and recite the opening prayer 500x (Five hundred times), then the following prayer
: Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhanil Qoimi Bibabis Somadaniyati As Aluka Bi Sirri Hadzal Harfi Wa Bil
Ismil Mukhtassi Bihi Illa Ma Atla tani Aa lar Rizali Arbabid Dairotir Robbaniyati. The khadam
will open the door to astral realm and to seek help from the other side. There will be a race of
drunk peoples but they re drunk drinking a drink called Mahabbah Lillahi, They will get near you
and speak to you with a language that you have never known, they will give you a sign that if you
use the sign they will be there to help you. Huruf Wawu ‫ و‬Inscribe Wawu 600 ‫و‬x (Six hundred
times) on a piece of gold from 21-June to 4-July, then recite Huruf Wawu (Pronounce : Wow)
600x (Six hundred times) while showing the inscription 28

30 towards the sky; and recite the opening prayer 100x (One hundred times). Followed by :
Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Ajib Man Da aka Wa Sakhhir Li Alamal Makhluqoti Wa Ruhaniyati
Uqulaha. You will be honored and respected where ever you go. The khadam will subdue all
humans and ruhanni minds even if you visit a city with a lot of peoples that hates you, they will
obey you to your command whether male or female. Knows that ruhanniyah huruf Wawu is the
ruhanniyah of mind. Huruf Zay ‫ ز‬Inscribe Zay 1,000 ‫ز‬x (Ten thousand times) on a piece of white
paper form 4-July to 17-July, then recite Zay 1,000x (One thousand times), opening prayer 70x
(Seventy times) and the below prayer : Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Amdadni Bi Roqoiqol Asrori Wa
Yunibi u Ulumal Anwari Af alu Biha Al Kharomata. The khadam will teach you all kinds of al-
hikmah knowledge. Huruf Ha ‫ ح‬Inscribe Ha ‫ ح‬on right palm 80x (Eighty times) from 17-July to 1-
august, recite Hha 80x, recite the opening prayer 1x (Once) and the below prayer : Ajib
Ayyuharruhani Waj al Li Almahabbata Wal Qobula Indal Muluqi Wal Asyrof Minan Nasi. The
khadam will do whatever your desire; especially obtaining favors from very important person s
and for love. Huruf Tho 29 ‫ط‬

31 Inscribe Tho 100,000 ‫ط‬x (One hundred thousand times) on a piece of blue paper with red ink
from 1-August to 14-August, recite Tho 100,000x (One hundred thousand times) and recite the
opening prayer 10x (Ten times), then the below prayers : Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhanii Ajib Man Da
aka Wa Ahlik (Say The Name Of Person Who Bullied You With His/Her Mother s Name) Wa
Akhrib Diyarohu Wa Syatit Syamlahu Wa Khudz Hu Akhdzan Wa Baylan. The khadam will kill,
destroy or cause sickness to befallen your bully. Huruf Ya ‫ ي‬Inscribe Ya 10,000 ‫ي‬x (Ten thousand
times) On a Piece Of Red paper from 14-August to 27-August. Recite Ya 10,000x (Ten thousand
times), the opening prayer 100x (One hundred times) and the below prayer : Ajib Ayyuhar Ruhani
Man Da aka Wa Sakhhir Li Muulukal Ardis Sab ati Yukhdimuni Fi Kulli Amrin Uriduhu. This
khadam will subdue 7 jinni kings to assist you in achieving your desires. Huruf Kaf ‫ ك‬Inscribe Kaf
‫ ك‬on a piece of white paper 20,000x (Twenty thousand times) from 27-August to 8-September,
then recite Kaf 20,000x (Twenty thousand times), recite the opening prayer 1x (Once), and the
following prayer : Ayyuhal Malkur Ruhani Ajib Man Tolabaka Fi Rof il Ghitol An Miyahil uyuni
Wal Anharil Kainati Tahtal Ardi Was Sukhuril Goibati Tahta Tsaro. This khadam will assist you to
see hidden treasures inside the earth, under the rivers and in the caves. 30

32 Huruf Lam ‫ ل‬Inscribe Lam ‫ ل‬on right palm 1,000x (One thousand times) from 8-September to
19-September, then recite the opening prayer 30x (Thirty times), followed by the following :
Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Ajib Man Da aka Wajlib Wa Admartu Bihi Ilaika Min Anwa il At immai
Wal Asyrobati. This khadam will provide you with good foods and drinks. Huruf Mim ‫ م‬Inscribe
Mim 700 ‫م‬x (Seven hundred times) on your left palm from 19-September to 28-September. Recite
Mim 700x (Seven hundred times), recite the opening prayer 70x (Seventy times) and the below
prayer : Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Ajib Man Da aka Wa Ajlib Li Kulla Ma Uriduhu Minka
Wakhdiuni Anta Wa A wanaka. This khadam will fulfill all your wishes, attract what you desire,
and also becoming your servant. Huruf Nun ‫ ن‬Inscribe Nun ‫ ن‬on your right palm 500x (Five
hundred times) from 28-September to 12-October then recite Nun 500x (Five hundred times) and
the opening prayer 70x (Seventy times), and the below : Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Ajib Man Da
aka Wakhdimni Anta Wa A wanaka Fi Inqilabill Asy Yai Dzawatiil Ahjari Ma adinud Durri Wal
Yaquti Wa Syuhusul Kagidi Dzahaban Toyyibatun Ifa luu Ma Amartukum Bihi. This khadam can
turn bad things into good; turn rocks into pearls, ruby, paper into sheet of silver and golds.
Transform plants into Zaffaron and change them into any sweet smells 31

33 Huruf Sin ‫ س‬Inscribe Sin 3,000 ‫س‬x (Three thousand times) on a piece of paper or skin from 12-
October to 25-November, show the inscriptions to the sky while reciting Sin 3,000x (Three
thousand times), and the opening prayer 70x (Seventy times), followed by the following prayer :
Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Ajib Man Da aka Wa Sakhhir Li Asakiroka Yahlikulu Bani (Say The
Name Of Your Enemy) Wa Yakhribuu Manazilahum Wa Diyarohum. The khadam will do
whatever it takes to destroy the enemy. Huruf Ain ‫ ع‬Inscribe Ain 80,000 ‫ع‬x (Eighty thousand
times) on a piece of white paper from 12-November to 25-November then recite Ain 80,000x
(Eighty thousand times) and the opening prayer 70x (Seventy times), in addition to the below :
Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Amdadni Bi Sirrin Nuqoba Min Ahlid Dairotir Robbaniyati Hatta La
Yuglaqo Anni Kulla Babin Wa Yuftahu Li Kulla Haitin. This khodam opens the gate to realm of
Naqib Saints, and other astral realms. Huruf Fa ‫ ف‬Inscribe Fa ‫ ف‬on your right palm 400x (Four
hundred times) from 25-November to 18-December then recite Fa 400x (Four hundred times) and
the opening prayer 1,000x (One thousand times), then the below : Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani
Tolabtu Minka Ma Amdadtu Bihi Min Marohim A lajatil Asqomi Wa Dawai (Name Of Patient)
Wa Syifai (Name Of Patient) Mimma Asobahu Minad Doruri. With the God s permission, the
patient will be cured. 32

34 Huruf Shod ‫ ص‬Inscribe Shod ‫ ص‬on the right palm 700x (Seven hundred times) between 18-
December to 21-January; then recite Shod 700x, the opening prayer 800x (Eight hundred times)
and the below : Ayyuhal Malkur Ruhani Ajib Ni Anta Wa A wanaka Fi Toyyil Ardi Ablagol
Masriqi Wal Magribi Wa Masiroti Sanatin Fi Yaumin Wahidin. This khadam will make you walk
like wind or teleport you, even if your journey takes 1 year but with his help the journey only
takes 1 day. Huruf Qof ‫ ق‬Inscribe Qof ‫ ق‬on a piece of silver 100x (One hundred times) from 21-
December to 3-January; then recite Qof 100x (One hundred times), the opening prayer 1,000x
(One thousand times) and the below : Ayyuhal Malkur Ruhani Ajib Ni Anta Wa A wanaka Fi
Toyyil Ardi Ablagol Masriqi Wal Mgribi Wa Masiroti Sanatin Fi Yaumin Wahidin. You will not be
seen by others even by birds and by the moon because the khadam has veiled you. Huruf Ro ‫ر‬
Inscribe Ro ‫ ر‬on a piece of copper 200x (Two hundred times) from 3-January to 16-January, then
recite Ro 200x, the opening prayer 12,000x (Twelve thousand times) and the below : Ayyuhal
Malakur Ruhani Al Mutolla i Ala Asroril Uluhiyyati As Aluka An Tamuddani Bi Sirril Ijabati Fi
Kulli Ma Tolabtu Minallohil Fai li. 33

35 This khadam will fulfill all your wishes. All your prayer will be quickly fulfilled by him, Know
that if you used the following rite the door of prayers will be open to you, If you pray at the
mountain the mountain will collapsed, if you pray near the sea the sea will become dried. Huruf
Syin ‫ ش‬Inscribe Syin 1,000 ‫ش‬x (One thousand times) on a piece of red paper from 16-January to
27-January. Recite Syin 1,000x, the opening prayer 10,000x (Ten thousand times) and the below :
Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Al Mutolla i Ala Asroril Uluhiyyati As Aluka Biha An Tamuddani Bi
Sirril Ijabati Fi Kulli Ma Tolabtu Minalllohil Fa ili. This khadam will fulfill all your wishes. The
benefits is similar to huruf Ro. Huruf Ta ‫ ت‬Inscribe Ta 1,000 ‫ت‬x (One thousand times) on a piece
of red paper from 27-January to 11-February. Recite Ta 1,000x (One thousand times), the opening
prayer 10,000x (Ten thousand times) and below prayer : Ayyuhal Malakur Ruhani Amadadni Bi
Sirri Ghowronil Miyahil Mutolsamatil Jinniyati Wal Miyahil Mkhluqotil Kholiyyati Kamail U
yuni Wal Anhari. This khodam will guide you to any water source from this world or even the
spirits world. Huruf Tsa ‫ ث‬Inscribe Tsa 900 ‫ث‬x (Nine hundred times) on ground with a needle from
11-February to 26-February. Recite Tsa 900x (Nine hundred times) then the opening prayer, and
the following : 34

Recite with the Heart

Recite with the Heart Recite with the Heart We have now completed al-fatihah and move on to the
Quran recitation after it. Did you ever notice that any Quran recited in Salah is always recited
when we are in the standing position?

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