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Developing an Open-Source IoT Platform for Optimal
Irrigation Scheduling and Decision-Making: Implementation at
Olive Grove Parcels
Konstantinos Tzerakis, Georgios Psarras and Nektarios N. Kourgialas *

Water Recourses-Irrigation & Environmental Geoinformatics Laboratory/Institute of Olive Tree,

Subtropical Crops and Viticulture, Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO Dimitra), P.C. 73134 Chania, Greece
* Correspondence: kourgialas@elgo.gr; Tel.: +30-282-108-3442

Abstract: Climate change has reduced the availability of good quality water for agriculture, while
favoring the proliferation of harmful insects, especially in Mediterranean areas. Deploying IoT-
based systems can help optimize water-use efficiency in agriculture and address problems caused
by extreme weather events. This work presents an IoT-based monitoring system for obtaining soil
moisture, soil electrical conductivity, soil temperature and meteorological data useful in irrigation
management and pest control. The proposed system was implemented and evaluated for olive parcels
located both at coastal and inland areas of the eastern part of Crete; these areas face severe issues
with water availability and saltwater intrusion (coastal region). The system includes the monitoring
of soil moisture and atmospheric sensors, with the aim of providing information to farmers for
decision-making and at the future implementation of an automated irrigation system, optimizing
the use of water resources. Data acquisition was performed through smart sensors connected to a
microcontroller. Data were received at a portal and made available on the cloud, being monitored
in real-time through an open-source IoT platform. An e-mail alert was sent to the farmers when
soil moisture was lower than a threshold value specific to the soil type or when climatic conditions
favored the development of the olive fruit fly. One of the main advantages of the proposed decision-
making system is a low-cost IoT solution, as it is based on open-source software and the hardware on
Citation: Tzerakis, K.; Psarras, G.;
edge devices consists of widespread economic modules. The reliability of the IoT-based monitoring
Kourgialas, N.N. Developing an
system has been tested and could be used as a support service tool offering an efficient irrigation and
Open-Source IoT Platform for
Optimal Irrigation Scheduling and
pest control service.
Decision-Making: Implementation at
Olive Grove Parcels. Water 2023, 15, Keywords: agricultural water management; decision support system; soil moisture; EC; smart sensor;
1739. https://doi.org/10.3390/ Internet of Things; remote sensing

Academic Editor: William Frederick

1. Introduction
Received: 2 April 2023 Irrigated agriculture is the sector that contributes the most to total water withdrawals
Revised: 20 April 2023
in the main olive oil producing Mediterranean countries, with a share of about 75% of
Accepted: 28 April 2023
total water withdrawals on average [1]. However, increased water demand from other
Published: 30 April 2023
sectors such as tourism and climate change will limit the available water resources for
agriculture in the coming decades and affect water quantity and quality. Efficient use of
irrigation water is a key factor in resolving water scarcity issues, but it is also important for
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
optimizing crop yields. The limited availability of water increases the interest of growers to
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. save water by improved irrigation scheduling, as the cost of water rises. Thus, accurate
This article is an open access article irrigation scheduling remains a major challenge for growers [2,3].
distributed under the terms and To mitigate climate-water impacts on agricultural production, proper and sustainable
conditions of the Creative Commons agricultural practices related to water, soil and crops should be adopted by growers. Espe-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// cially growers in arid and semi-arid orchard environments, who face significant problems
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ with water availability, water salinity due to saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers as
4.0/). well as occasional outbreaks of pest infestation. Thus, irrigation and pest/disease control

Water 2023, 15, 1739. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15091739 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water

Water 2023, 15, 1739 2 of 18

require accurate management for optimizing crop productivity, water-use efficiency and
diminishing environmental impacts [4]. In such environments, there is a potential to im-
prove water-use efficiency through smart irrigation systems, especially with the advent of
wireless communication technologies, monitoring systems and advanced control strategies
for optimal irrigation scheduling [5].
Adopting irrigation management strategies to increase water-use efficiency such as
deficit irrigation [6] or smart irrigation systems [7] requires several sensors to monitor soil
water availability. The assessment of the water status of plants is usually performed with
soil moisture sensors that provide data on the volumetric content of water in the soil [8].
Depending on their technology, these sensors provide an analog or digital signal and have
the ability to communicate with recorders. In recent years, in addition to moisture sensors,
smart sensors have been developed that simultaneously measure electrical conductivity
and soil temperature in addition to moisture [9].
The rapid development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has led to the use of
sensors with minimal need for wiring and great improvements in their installation and
maintenance [10–12]. A wireless sensor network consists of several spatially distributed
measurement points, called nodes, that communicate wirelessly with each other. The
data received from each of them is stored in a central hub and processed for irrigation
management. The weakness of such systems is that they use a central communication
structure (gateway) to communicate with the end user, which can lead to the collapse of
the entire system if this device has limited connectivity [13].
Generally, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers as a cluster of physical objects that are
integrated with multiple sensors, processing capability, software and other technologies
that facilitate communication with other devices and the cloud. IoT-based systems exchange
data without having physical interaction with the user and suppliers through different
modern wireless technologies and network solutions [14]. The evolution of mobile networks
and the development of the IoT has made mobile Internet communications (GSM/GPRS,
LTE, and NB) inexpensive. This enabled more flexibility in the deployment of nodes in
a wireless network as each node contains a mobile communication unit. In this way, the
topology of the network is changed from centralized to distributed, resulting in minimal
impact on the operation of the network in the case of a single-node connection failure.
The disadvantage of the mobile network is the increased energy requirements for the
transmission of the signals from the nodes, so careful planning should be adopted to ensure
the lowest possible energy consumption [15].
The use of sophisticated soil moisture and environmental sensors combined with
appropriate recorders allows the application of algorithms to automatically estimate the
amount of water needed and apply it at the right time [16]. They also enable agricultural
alerts to be automatically sent when weather conditions favor the development of diseases
or pests, so that farmers can take appropriate protective measures. As we move towards
enhancing decision-making to support farmers and growers, the analysis of sensor data
and exploiting intelligent scheduling of processes within a unified platform and framework
is crucial [17,18]. Today, a large number of companies offering platforms for sensor data
visualization are available in the market [19–22]. However, they require skilled farmers
who know how to interpret the data and implement the appropriate management strategy.
Most of these platforms are basically commercial and often have high costs, which prevents
the farmer from adopting them [23]. Previous researchers developed open IoT platforms
for agriculture [24,25] but none of them combines scalability, multi-tenancy, cartographic
background environment and creation of alerts when the value of a measurement passes a
predetermined threshold. The novelty of this work is that it combines a decision support
system for irrigation and plant protection with the above features connected with energy
efficient low-cost end devices.
Within this context, this work presents the design and implementation of a decision
support system (DSS) through a low-cost IoT-based platform that provides irrigation man-
agement and plant protection advice to Mediterranean olive farmers. For this purpose, a
Water 2023, 15, 1739 3 of 18

network of reliable sensors was created to measure important soil and climate parameters in
the areas of interest. Sensor data being stored in a database of an open-source IoT platform
installed on the premises. Irrigation dose is estimated through a real-time computation,
based on soil information, while weather information assists decision-making regarding
plant protection. The proposed platform, through its capabilities, can effectively support
the use of irrigation water towards increasing water productivity (ratio between the actual
yield of the crop and the total water involved in crop production). In addition, based on
the olive fly alerts provided by the platform, the user can act at the right time to minimize
the risk of pest infestation that could affect production and reduce environmental impact
through the correct use of pesticides.
This manuscript is organized into the following two major sections. The section “Mate-
rials and methods”, which includes information about the study area, the IoT platform, the
irrigation model and the irrigation strategies–olive fruit fly alarm rules. The section “Imple-
mentation and discussion”, which includes information about the device implementation
(IoT-based monitoring system), the user interface-scheduled alarms for irrigation/pest
control and benefits of the proposed system as well as steps for further improvements.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area
In this study, an IoT platform system supporting optimal irrigation and decision-
making approaches in olive growing regions was developed in two nearby pilot areas at
the eastern part of the Island of Crete, as part of the AgriCapture CO2 HORIZON project.
The first area is located on the coastal side and the other on the inland side (Figure 1).
In general, in the study areas, more than 82% of the total water used is consumed for
irrigation purposes, while over 92% of the total water supply comes from groundwater [26].
Considering that the agricultural sector is the primary consumer of water in Crete and
the study areas face the most acute issues with water availability and saltwater intrusion,
developing an easy-to-use and low-cost smart irrigation and decision-making system for
ensuring water-use efficiency is a great task.
Since olives are the dominant crop in the eastern part of Crete, and thus in both studied
areas, four experimental drip irrigated olive groves were selected for each area to develop
the proposed smart irrigation and decision-making system (Figure 1). These experimen-
tal sites were selected based on different criteria such as (a) soil and geomorphological
characteristics, (b) climatic conditions, (c) water availability, (d) the existence of water
salinity due to saltwater intrusion, (e) the agricultural practices already applied in the
parcels and (f) the small size of each experimental parcel (area of about 0.2 ha) to ensure,
within the same parcel, the lowest possible variability of the soil or/and geomorphology
characteristics. The aim of this selection was to capture the typical range of olive grove
characteristics in eastern Crete, including the heterogeneity of climate, soil, topography and
cropping systems.
In January 2021 a sampling campaign took place at the 8 studied parcels. The soil
samples were collected from a representative olive grove soil depth of 20–40 cm and
analyzed in the laboratory. Table 1 describes the main soil properties as well as the
climatological/geomorphological conditions of the 8 experimental parcels.
Based on this table, 4 out of the 8 experimental parcels are classified in the medium
texture class, 2 are classified in the medium–fine soil texture class, and the remaining
2 experimental parcels are classified in the coarse texture class. Additionally, values of
organic matter, bulk density, rocks, and Ca+2 percentages as well as values of pH are noted
in Table 1. In the coastal area the soil is alkaline with a higher percentage of carbonates.
Regarding the inland studied area, the majority of the soil is considered light alkaline with
a minimal presence of carbonates. Also noted on Table 1, the percentage of rocks at the
experimental parcels has an extensive range between 3.31 and 32.52%. All these values
correspond to the typical values of soil where the eastern Cretan olive groves are located [4].
Water 2023, 15, 1739 4 of 18

Considering the climate conditions, one weather station was installed in each area
covering and monitoring all the different climatological conditions between the coastal and
inland sites (Figure 1). Generally, the olive parcels located in both areas are characterized
by mild winters and dry summers with mean daily temperatures around 19.4 ◦ C for the
coastal area and 18.1 ◦ C for the inland area, while the mean annual precipitation is around
435.6 in the coastal area and 680.2 mm in the inland area (Table 1).
Additionally, of high importance is that the parcels (A, B, C and D) located on the
coastal studied area face the problem of saline water as an effect of seawater intrusion in
the coastal aquifers, which leads to the decrease in the available freshwater storage volume
and the simultaneous pollution of extracted irrigation wells. Table 1 depicts the levels of
ECw in the irrigation water. Thus, in these sites a proper saltwater irrigation management
Water 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 20
plan based on soil electrical conductivity monitoring levels is also proposed within the
context of the developed IoT platform.

Figure 1.1.Spatial
Figure Spatial distribution
distribution of study
of the the study areas,
areas, the soil the soil(Ssensors
sensors 1–S 8) as(Swell
1–Sas 8)
theas well as the
meteorological stations
stations (M1 and M2). (M1 and M2).

Since olives are the dominant crop in the eastern part of Crete, and thus in both
studied areas, four experimental drip irrigated olive groves were selected for each area to
develop the proposed smart irrigation and decision-making system (Figure 1). These
experimental sites were selected based on different criteria such as (a) soil and
geomorphological characteristics, (b) climatic conditions, (c) water availability, (d) the
existence of water salinity due to saltwater intrusion, (e) the agricultural practices already
applied in the parcels and (f) the small size of each experimental parcel (area of about 0.2
Water 2023, 15, 1739 5 of 18

Table 1. The main soil properties and climatological/geomorphological conditions of the 8 experi-
mental parcels.

Site Mean Mean

Parcel Location Rainfall Tempera-
Organic Bulk Rocks Irrigation
and and CaCO3 (mm/Year) ture (◦ C)
Texture Class Matter Density (% pH ECw
Sensor Mean (%) Reference Reference
(%) (g.cm−3 ) w/w) (dS/m)
Name Altitude Period Period
(m) (2010–2022) (2010–2022)
(A) Coastal Loam
2.59 1.35 3.31 3.2 8.1
S1 area (Medium fine)
435.6 (SD:
(B) Mean Clay loam 19.4 (SD:1.3) 3.77
5.42 1.42 11.61 1.7 7.5 32)
S2 altitude (medium)
(12 m) Sandy clay
loam 5.13 1.78 13.47 4 7.9
(D) Loam
8.80 1.42 12.09 2.5 7.6
S4 (Medium fine)
(E) Inland Sandy loam
1.30 1.95 32.52 0 6.9
S5 area (coarse)
680.2 (SD: 18.1 (SD:
Mean Sandy clay 0.58
(F) 45) 1.4)
altitude loam 1.50 1.76 16.4 0 7.1
(260 m) (medium)
(G) Clay loam
2.68 1.78 9.79 0 7.1
S7 (medium)
(H) Sandy loam
0.63 1.85 26.35 1.4 8.1
S8 (coarse)

For all the studied parcels “traditional” cultivation practices are used as a common
production system in eastern Crete. Specifically, in all the selected farms (Figure 1), regen-
erative agriculture practices such as no-tillage, suitable pruning, proper weed management
(weed mowing) and appropriate plant protection are applied. In all parcels, the olive trees
were of the same variety (the dominant variety in Crete, named Koroneiki) and about
40 years old. The same drip irrigation system was applied in all olive groves using local
irrigation networks supplied from groundwater sources. The dripper flow was 8 L per
hour while drip spacing was 1 m. For all the studied parcels, one irrigation line was placed
per tree row. The irrigation line is located about 75 cm from the tree row. Additionally, soil
sensors, one per parcel (Sensor node 1 to 8, Table 1), were strategically installed between
drippers and one meter away from the trunk of a representative olive tree of the studied
parcel for capturing the dynamics of soil moisture, soil electrical conductivity and soil
temperature within the parcel.

2.2. IoT platform

2.2.1. General Architecture
The system architecture is divided into three layers that are independent of each other
(Figure 2). The layers are interconnected through the Internet or local area network and
interface with each other through a set of APIs. An essential component of the platform is
the Mosquitto broker, which is responsible for connecting the different services through
messaging. The Node-RED programming tool was used to connect online services.

2.2.2. Layer 1 (IoT Devices)

The first level consisted of energy-efficient smart devices to which sensors were
connected for soil measurement as well as weather stations for obtaining climate parameters.
The smart devices were installed at scattered locations in the plots and communicated with
layer 2 through the global system for mobile (GSM). To measure the different agronomic
parameters affecting irrigation, the SDI-12 (Serial Digital Interface at 1200 baud) protocol
was used [27]. It is also possible to connect other types of sensors that support different
protocols such as I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) and SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) as well
as analog sensors.
The system architecture is divided into three layers that are independent of each
other (Figure 2). The layers are interconnected through the Internet or local area network
and interface with each other through a set of APIs. An essential component of the
platform is the Mosquitto broker, which is responsible for connecting the different
services through messaging. The Node-RED programming tool was used to connect
Water 2023, 15, 1739 6 of 18
online services.

Figure 2.
Figure Platform Architecture.
2. Platform Architecture.

A weather station (Davis Weather Station, Wireless Vantage Pro2™—Davis Instru-

ments Corporation, 3465 Diablo Ave, Hayward, CA 94545, USA) was installed in each
study area. The exact location for the installation of WS was selected based on proximity
to the study area and Internet access availability. Data from the stations is sent to a host
computer using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
The smart devices were programmed using the Arduino IDE development environ-
ment. The main component of each device is an ESP32 microcontroller board which is
responsible for receiving data from the sensors at regular intervals and sending them to
layer 2 via mobile telephony. More specifically, each device consists of:
• An ESP32-based development board (DEVKIT V1).
• Four parallel connected 2600 mAh, 3.7 V, rechargeable 18,650 lithium-ion batteries,
which are charged by a 3.5 Watt/6 V solar panel. A charging module with step up
boost converter (3.7 V/9 V/5 V—2 A) controls the battery charge and supplies the
microcontroller and SDI sensor with 5 V/2 A power.
ment. The main component of each device is an ESP32 microcontroller board which is
responsible for receiving data from the sensors at regular intervals and sending them to
layer 2 via mobile telephony. More specifically, each device consists of:
• An ESP32-based development board (DEVKIT V1).
• Four parallel connected 2600 mAh, 3.7 V, rechargeable 18,650 lithium-ion batteries,
Water 2023, 15, 1739 7 of 18
which are charged by a 3.5 Watt/6 V solar panel. A charging module with step up
boost converter (3.7 V/9 V/5 V—2 A) controls the battery charge and supplies the
microcontroller and SDI sensor with 5 V/2 A power.
•• AA power usingaalogic
power switch using logiclevel
Mosfet forfor cutting
cutting offoff
thethe power
power supply
supply toSDI-
to the the
SDI-12 sensor
12 sensor during
during the sleep
the sleep period.
•• AAvoltage
measuringthe thebattery
•• AA SIM800L GPRS module equipped with a sim card (1nce
SIM800L GPRS module equipped with a sim card (1nce IoT)
which isiscontrolled
by the microcontroller unit and supplied with power from 3.7 V lithium
the microcontroller unit and supplied with power from 3.7 V lithium batteries.
This module
module establishes
establishes communication
communication with with the
the mobile
mobile network
network by by means
means of of aa
GSM/GPRS protocol,
protocol, sending
sending the
the data
data to
to layer
layer 2.2.
•• A 171×
A171 121 ××55mm
× 121 55 mmproject
•• The
shownin inthe

Figure 3. Device Schematic.

Figure 3. Device Schematic.

2.2.3. Layer 2 (IoT Backend)

Information from the sensors connected to the devices is periodically sent to the
Eclipse Mosquitto message broker that implements the MQTT protocol, establishing a TCP
communication through the GSM/GPRS module. Files with data from the Davis weather
stations are sent periodically to an FTP server using an Internet connection available near
the location of the stations and are finally stored in a relational database using a periodically
executed shell script. Data from the sensor node and weather stations are transferred to
the Things Board IoT platform using the Node-RED programming tool. The Things Board
community edition IoT platform uses the PostgreSQL database for storing data (Figure 2,
Layer 2).
The components of the backend include a virtual machine which is running the
following open-source software:
• Ubuntu server (a version of the Ubuntu operating system designed and engineered to
run on servers);
• MySQL relational database system;
• Eclipse Mosquitto™ MQTT broker;
• Node-RED, a visual programming tool that allows you to connect different web
services and devices;
• Things Board community edition, an open-source IoT platform for data collection,
processing, visualization and device management.
interface that displays information and facilitates interaction
platform. The frontend is structured in customers, assets, de
customer can own one or more assets, devices and dashboard
Water 2023, 15, 1739 8 of 18
There are different entities for districts, olive plots (parc
be private or public depending on their data use (Figure 4).
2.2.4. Layer 3 (Things Board frontend)
have one or more parcels in the same or different areas. Mete
The last level includes web design and development technologies (Dashboards) that
based on tothe
allow the user corresponding
interact with the backend. Theweather
Things Board station
frontend located
consists of a in
usereach s
interface that displays information and facilitates interaction between the user and the
The frontendFor each parcel
is structured entity
in customers, assets,there
dashboards. Each on ag
type, can own density,
one or more assets,
and irrigation system. Farm
There are different entities for districts, olive plots (parcels) and devices which can
platform) candepending
be private or public manage thedata
on their entities
use (Figure they have
4). Each created
customer (farmer) canand ad
have one or more parcels in the same or different areas. Meteorological data are collected
based onhave access to
the corresponding the station
weather samelocated
in each studied area (coastal and inland
region).InFor order
each parcelto visualize the data
entity there is information from the
on agronomic devices,
factors different
such as soil type,
plant density, area, tree age and irrigation system. Farm owners (customers in the platform)
ated for the
can manage each parcel
entities with
they have olive
created trees,
and add which
or delete arewho
other users visible
will haveto the f
access to the same entities.

Figure 4. Structure of entities.

In order to visualize the data from the devices, different dashboards have been created
for each parcel with olive trees, which are visible to the farmer who owns the parcel.

2.3. Irrigation Model

Irrigation needs per tree of each parcel were determined based on the meteorological
data (recorded by the nearby weather station) using the Penman equation (FAO56 version).
In addition, as a parallel and more accurate process, the soil moisture data were used to
confirm or reduce/postpone the need for the applied irrigation dose per tree proposed by
the Penman equation. Specifically, the irrigation model is responsible for calculating the
weekly amount of water that olive trees need to reach the desired soil moisture level. It
can be used for any irrigation method, but in this case, it concerns drip irrigation as it is
the dominant irrigation method for the specific areas. Specifically, each node (soil sensor)
every week automatically calculates the amount of water needed to reach the desired
level. It can be used for any irrigation method, but in this case, it concerns drip irrigation
as it is the dominant irrigation method for the specific areas. Specifically, each node (soil
sensor) every week automatically calculates the amount of water needed to reach the de-
sired soil moisture level for the corresponding studied parcel, in turn the system sends a
Water 2023, 15, 1739 9 of 18
mail alarm notification to the farmer to irrigate. A schematical representation of the dif-
ferent components of the incorporated IoT platform irrigation model is depicted in Figure
soil moisture level for the corresponding studied parcel, in turn the system sends a mail
alarm notification to the farmer to irrigate. A schematical representation of the different
components of the incorporated IoT platform irrigation model is depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5. A flow chart of the incorporated irrigation model.

Figure 5. A flow chart of the incorporated irrigation model.
To effectively incorporate soil moisture data into the proposed irrigation model, the
estimation of the van Genuchten water retention curve is a task of high importance. A
To effectively
common addressed incorporate soil moisture
scientific practice data
to predict soilinto the proposed
hydraulic irrigation
parameters model, the
estimation of the van Genuchten water retention curve is a task of high importance.
soils) is the use of the Rosetta pedotransfer model. This model allows the estimation of van A
Genuchten addressed scientific
water retention practiceusing
parameters to predict
limited soil
inputhydraulic parameters
data such as (unsaturated
the soil texture [28].
soils) is the usefor
Nevertheless, of more
the Rosetta pedotransfer
robust and model.
accurate results, it isThis
highlymodel allows
suggested the estimation
to measure and of
test all the hydraulic soil parameters through laboratory analysis [29]. Thus, using the soil
hydraulic parameters calculated by Rosetta or by laboratory analysis, the van Genuchten
equation can be used to determine the soil water retention curve [30,31]:

θ s − θr
θ ( h ) = θr +  (m)
1 + (αh)n

where θ(h) is the soil water content (L3 L−3 ) at a matric potential h, θ s is the saturated water
content (L3 L−3 ), θ r is the residual water content (L3 L−3 ), α is related to the inverse of the
air entry suction (L−1 ) and m and n are empirical parameters determining the shape of the
soil water retention curve where m = 1 − 1/n.
In turn, with the calculated water retention curve, the total available soil water (TAW)
can be assessed as the difference between the volumetric soil water content of filed capacity
Water 2023, 15, 1739 10 of 18

(FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) multiplied by the effective root depth. The FC
and the PWP were estimated according to the Saxton equation [32]. Moreover, another
important term is the fraction of TAW that a crop can extract from the root zone without
suffering water stress, named as readily available soil water (RAW).
Considering that irrigated olive trees have a relatively shallow root system, it is
essential to apply water at the effective root zone, reducing the deep percolation. Depending
on the soil type, the olive grove’s effective root zone is usually up to 30 cm in soil depth [33].
At that depth, there is a minimum threshold of critical matric potential, the lower limit
of the readily available water (RAWLLim), which needs to be maintained. The typical
threshold for olive trees ranges from—30 to −100 kpa depending on the phenological
stage [34,35].
Another benefit of the proposed irrigation model is that it issues differentiated recom-
mendations for saline water irrigation. For olive cultivation, irrigation water is considered
to be of low quality when the ECw is greater than 3 dS/m. The main negative effects of
irrigation with saline water are (a) clogging of drippers, (b) making the soil water osmotic
potential more negative so that the roots cannot absorb water efficiently, (c) causing root
and plant toxicity, as well as (d) destruction of the soil structure (reduction of soil water
holding capacity). In cases when there is not enough rainfall during consecutive years, salts
will gradually accumulate from year to year leading to the destruction of soil texture and
desertification [36–38].
According to [39] the olive yield is reduced by about 10% when the electrical con-
ductivity of the soil saturation extract (ECe) ranges from 4 to6 dS/m. The authors of [40]
proposed a mathematical approach which correlates the ECe and the soil electrical conduc-
tivity (ECa) with various soil properties. Thus, based on this approach, the ECe threshold
of 4–6 dS/m for olive trees was converted to the corresponding threshold values of ECa in
our study parcels. These ECa values were estimated to be within 5–7 dS/m. Considering
the above, when the ECa, at a soil depth of 30 cm, is greater than 5 dS/m, the proposed
IoT system recommends the use of irrigation water only at critical stages of olive growing.
Thus, 1–2 irrigations are recommended before and after flowering—during spring (the
irrigation water quality is usually better)—so that flowering, fruit set and shoot growth
are promoted. In addition, drip irrigation is recommended to be applied at less frequent
intervals using a higher dosage of water each time, so that salts from the previous irrigation
events are removed to the boundaries of the wetted soil and consequently the main volume
of water in the soil remains close to the ECw values [41,42].

2.4. Irrigation Strategies and Olive Fruit Fly Alarm Rules

Based on the proposed system and in cases of dry periods or low water availability,
a deficit irrigation strategy could be applied (irrigation only at critical periods of plant
growth). Thus, the crucial parameters that are incorporated for determining the amount of
irrigation for each parcel and defining the proper irrigation strategy are the climatic condi-
tions, the soil parameters/soil moisture dynamics as well as crop parameters, phenological
stages and the water availability for each parcel.
In addition, the system may send notifications to users when weather conditions favor
the development of an increased population of the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae), a key
pest for olive groves of Crete. Alerts are triggered based on data from weather stations. The
model followed trigger alerts when daytime air temperature was between 15 ◦ C and 26 ◦ C
and air relative humidity was > 65% for three consecutive days. Alerts were deactivated
when, even for one day, the air temperature during the daytime increased above 32 ◦ C with
a simultaneous drop in air relative humidity below 65% [43,44].

3. Implementation and Discussion

3.1. Device Implementation (IoT-Based Monitoring System)
The prototype service described in the previous sections was deployed in eight plots in
two regions. Specifically, during 2021 and 2022, the proposed IoT-based monitoring system
Water 2023, 15, 1739 11 of 18

for obtaining soil moisture and meteorological data useful in irrigation management was
developed. The system includes the monitoring of soil moisture and atmospheric sensors,
with the aim of providing information to farmers for decision-making.
The climate conditions of the two studied areas were obtained by two weather stations
(M1 and M2); one located in each area. These stations could adequately capture the
meteorological conditions in the study areas. Both provided the IoT platform with real-time
meteorological parameters (rainfall, max-min-average temperature, solar radiation, wind
speed and direction, air humidity, and ET, with a time interval of 10 min), informing and
supporting an effective irrigation schedule and pest control warning system for the farmers
ensuring water saving as well as olive productivity.
A node with a smart soil sensor was installed in each plot of olive trees to take
measurements of soil moisture, electrical conductivity and temperature in real time placed
at a soil depth of 30 cm. Maintaining water content in the soil at a constant level indicates
that irrigation is applied at the rate of water intake from the crop. As mentioned above,
experiments have found that a representative depth to monitor soil moisture for mature
olive trees is at 30 cm [26]. Thus, the soil moisture sensors were installed at 30 cm soil depth
for each irrigated olive grove.
In the literature there are studies that propose the installation of soil moisture sensors
at more than one soil depth. This approach has some pros (such as better monitoring of
the soil profile) but also several cons, such as cost, risks of damage during fieldwork, the
practical management and the inherent complexity of integrating data from different soil
depths into a final and clear suggestion/decision for the user [26,45]. Additionally, for
some crops such as olives, which have a relatively shallow root system and the effective
root zone is usually up to 30 cm soil depth, the selection of a representative soil depth
for monitoring purposes could be considered sufficient [30]. It should be noted that the
functionality of soil moisture data loggers in the field have already been validated and
customised to the farmer’s needs.
Detailed information about the sensor types, main characteristics (Table 2) and the
coordinates of the sensors installed as well as photographic material are given below.

Table 2. Main characteristics of TEROS 12 digital sensor.

Parameter Range Resolution Accuracy

VWC 0.00–0.62 m3 /m3 0.001 m3 /m3 ±0.03 m3 /m3
Temperature −40 to +60 ◦ C 0.1 ◦ C ±1 ◦ C
Bulk Electrical Conductivity 0–20 dS/m (bulk) 0.001 dS/m ±5% dS/m

The TEROS 12 sensor by METER Group, Inc. USA, determines volumetric water
content (VWC) using capacitance/frequency-domain technology. The sensor uses a 70
MHz frequency, which minimizes textural and salinity effects, making the TEROS 12
accurate in most mineral soils. Additionally, it includes a thermistor in the center needle to
measure temperature and electrical conductivity using a stainless-steel electrode array [46].
The coordinates of the sensors installed in the olive groves are as follows:
Node1 (Sensor 1) teros12 35◦ 170 31.000 N 25◦ 300 18.900 E
Node2 (Sensor 2) teros12 35◦ 170 37.900 N 25◦ 300 02.800 E
Node3 (Sensor 3) teros12 35◦ 170 41.300 N 25◦ 290 58.100 E
Node4 (Sensor 4) teros12 35◦ 170 43.600 N 25◦ 300 02.200 E
Node5 (Sensor 5) teros12 35◦ 140 48.600 N 25◦ 370 06.500 E
Node6 (Sensor 6) teros12 35◦ 140 40.000 N 25◦ 370 50.800 E
Node7 (Sensor 7) teros12 35◦ 140 34.400 N 25◦ 370 44.300 E
Node8 (Sensor 8) teros12 35◦ 140 15.100 N 25◦ 370 30.800 E
Data were collected, transferred and analyzed based on the following steps: First, data
acquisition was conducted through smart sensors connected to a microcontroller. In turn,
signals were transmitted over the mobile network using the MQTT protocol. Data were
were received at a portal and made available on the cloud where they could be monitore
in real-time through an open-source IoT platform. Analyzing the data through the irriga
tion model, an e-mail notification could also be sent to the farmer when soil moisture wa
lower than a threshold value specific to the soil type. The platform informed the farme
Water 2023, 15, 1739 of the volume of irrigation water requirements of their crops in order to restore 12 of 18soil moi

ture to a predefined optimal level. Corresponding information was also provided whe
the weather conditions were favorable for an outbreak (significant increase) of olive fru
fly at a portal
population. and made
Farmers available
could accessonthetheonline
cloud where
could be relevant
monitoredapps in for th
real-time through an open-source IoT platform. Analyzing the data through the irrigation
PC, or android smart phone.
model, an e-mail notification could also be sent to the farmer when soil moisture was lower
During the non-irrigation period, the data were received from the sensors every 6
than a threshold value specific to the soil type. The platform informed the farmers of the
(conserving energywater
volume of irrigation usedrequirements
by the system), while
of their cropsduring
in orderthe
to irrigation
restore soil period
to adata wer
predefinedevery 2 h.
optimal Figure
level. 6 depicts the
Corresponding installation
information was of the
also node with
provided whensmart soil sensors.
the weather
The reliability of the IoT-based monitoring system has been tested throughout
conditions were favorable for an outbreak (significant increase) of olive fruit fly population. th
full could access
operational theit,online
use of duringplatform through
both the winterrelevant
periodapps for the PC,
(2021–2022) asor android
well as during th
smart phone.
irrigation season of 2022 (April to October). The IoT-based monitoring system integrate
During the non-irrigation period, the data were received from the sensors every 6 h
real-time soil moisture data from the soil sensors, and meteorological stations could b
(conserving energy used by the system), while during the irrigation period the data were
used as a support service tool offering an efficient irrigation and pest control service.
received every 2 h. Figure 6 depicts the installation of the node with smart soil sensors.

Figure 6. Installation
Figure 6. Installationofof
soilsoil moisture
moisture sensors
sensors asaswell
as well as the
the IoT IoT enabled
enabled device indevice in the field.
the field.

The reliability
3.2. User of the
Interface and IoT-based
Scheduled monitoring
Alarms system and
for Irrigation has been tested throughout the
Pest Control
full operational use of it, during both the winter period (2021–2022) as well as during the
The user in the environment of this system can see the network of sensors located o
irrigation season of 2022 (April to October). The IoT-based monitoring system integrates
real-timefarms and in data
soil moisture turnfrom
can the
soil asensors,
specific sensor/node,
and and
meteorological they can
stations see
could be the plo
used as aaway as service
support depicted toolinoffering
Figurean 7. efficient
Specifically, the and
irrigation owners
pest of eachservice.
control farm have access t
a number of dashboards corresponding to the farm’s plots as well as a public dashboar
3.2. User Interface and Scheduled Alarms for Irrigation and Pest Control
The user in the environment of this system can see the network of sensors located
on specific farms and in turn can select a specific sensor/node, and they can see the plots
straight away as depicted in Figure 7. Specifically, the owners of each farm have access to
a number of dashboards corresponding to the farm’s plots as well as a public dashboard
where the data, from the weather station of the area in which the farm is located, are
displayed. Additionally, at the same dashboard, plant protection alarms based on the data
from the weather stations are available. Analytically, the dashboards corresponding to the
olive plots of the farm show data from the node located in the specific plot and include:
• The latest telemetry for soil volumetric water content, electrical conductivity and
• Historical elements of the data from the node located in the specific plot;
• The characteristics of the plot (soil type, irrigation system, area, tree density and
tree age);
• The boundaries of the plot on a map with a satellite background;
• A table with the irrigation alarms;
• The lowest soil moisture threshold value with the option to be modified by the user;
Water 2023, 15, 1739 13 of 18

Water 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 20

• The recommended amount of irrigation water per tree at a given moment.

Figure 7. The public dashboard depicts soil moisture (VWC), electrical conductivity (ECa), soil tem-
Figure 7. The public dashboard depicts soil moisture (VWC), electrical conductivity (ECa), soil
perature (°C) and irrigation needs/alarms (upper part). On the lower part of this figure, the basic
temperature ◦ C) and irrigation needs/alarms (upper part). On the lower part of this figure, the basic
weather (data, as well as olive fruit fly alarms are displayed.
weather data, as well as olive fruit fly alarms are displayed.
Summarizing the above information, in the case where soil moisture is below specific
Summarizing an alarm message
the above is sent to the in
information, farmer to inform
the case where them about
soil the need
moisture is of irri- specific
gation and the specific dosage that could be applied per tree. Additionally,
thresholds, an alarm message is sent to the farmer to inform them about the need of the farmers
have a full monitoring view of the climate conditions of their farm and based on this, in
irrigation and the specific dosage that could be applied per tree. Additionally, the farmers
cases of favorable climate conditions for the olive fruit fly, an alarm message is also sent
havetoa inform
full monitoring view
the farmer that ofshould
they the climate conditions
take action. Of course,offor
their farm
all of theseand basedthe
instances, on this, in
of favorable
can fully climate conditions
control the forparcels
needs of their the olive fruittheir
through fly, smart
an alarm
phone message
(Figure 8).is also sent
to inform the farmer that they should take action. Of course, for all of these instances, the
farmer can fully control the needs of their parcels through their smart phone (Figure 8).
Water 2023, 15, 1739 14 of 18
Water 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 20

Figure IoT-based
Figure 8. platform
platform screenshot
screenshot from mobile
from mobile phone. phone.

3.3. Benefits of the Proposed System—Steps for Further Improvements

Considering that Mediterranean islands such as Crete include significant rural and
touristic areas, water strategy approaches based on smart technological tools may ensure
the balanced development between cultivated and touristic activities, especially on islands
suffering from water shortage.
The proposed easy-to-use IoT system can offer farmers and local authorities the ability
to support proper irrigation and pest control management at the parcel scale. It is also of
high importance to note that the proposed system is a low-cost IoT solution as it is based
Water 2023, 15, 1739 15 of 18

on an open-source software and the hardware on edge devices consists of widespread

economical modules. The recommendations for farmers proposed by this system can
contribute to achieving increased water-use efficiency. Based on the soil properties data
and the climatic data of a parcel/region, the IoT platform could assist the user to identify
the appropriate irrigation dose.
The achievements of this IoT system can be summarized to the following points: (a)
the reduction of irrigation water losses by implementing modern and accurate irrigation
techniques, both for areas with high concentrations of salts in irrigation water and for
non-saltwater affected areas; (b) the optimization of irrigation based on soil properties,
crop type, phenological stage as well as climatic conditions; (c) the recommendation of a
deficit irrigation strategy which can enhance irrigation efficiency, especially in areas with
limited water availability, giving water only during drought-sensitive crop stages; and (d)
supporting alarms for pest control using climate parameters, an extra useful service to
the farmers, ensuring their crop productivity. These decision-making alarms are of high
importance considering the more frequent insect outbreaks as an effect of changing weather
conditions, especially in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems.
To ensure the functionality and trustworthiness of the proposed IoT system, the
eight selected parcels in eastern Crete capture a wide range of olive, Mediterranean agro-
ecosystems including the heterogeneity of climatic, soil, topography and cropping systems.
Moreover, for each studied parcel the recommended weekly irrigation dose as well as
the alarms for pest control were compared with the corresponding, manually calculated
irrigation values (obtained by the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation) and fruit fly alarms
(obtained by the rules of favoring weather conditions), respectively. The above comparison
was accomplished during the irrigation period of 2022. These comparisons indicate that the
irrigation dose as well as the alarms for pest control proposed by the IoT system and the
manual approaches for all the studied parcels was entirely the same. The above confirms
the reliability of the outputs recommended by the IoT system.
The limitations of the proposed IoT system as well as actions for further improvements
can be considered in the following points. So far, preliminary user testing has been comple-
mented by the team of the project as well as a few farmers that had practical familiarity with
the proposed IoT system during project dissemination actions. The feedback concerning
the usability of the system that was obtained by these actions was fairly satisfactory. Never-
theless, for further improvement of user interaction and platform usability, a systematic
user test should be conducted. In addition, as future steps, the proposed decision-making
IoT system must expand its application to additional cropping systems including (a) more
crop types of the island (for local use), or even crops from other Mediterranean countries,
(b) different irrigation methods and agricultural practices, (c) different soil types, as well
as (d) different climate zones and modelling for more pest/disease outbreaks. Finally,
it should be noted that during the following irrigation period another capability of this
monitoring IoT system to automatically regulate irrigation (by controlling electric valves of
the irrigation system) based on soil moisture levels will be tested and incorporated; a fact
that can further improve the efficiency of irrigation and save time and effort for the farmer.

4. Conclusions
The Mediterranean is considered a climate change hotspot. Many Mediterranean
areas face or will face the heat of climate change more than other places in Europe, with
the largest increase in temperature and reduction in rainfall. Mediterranean agriculture,
including olive cultivation, has to adapt to new challenges that affect local water, energy and
ecosystems. On the island of Crete in Greece, agriculture is already the largest user of water.
The aim of this paper is to propose an advanced and easy-to-use technological system as
an extra component of an already applied regenerative agriculture approach to cultivating
olives, protecting production and ensuring efficient use of water. Specifically, this paper
introduces a low-cost IoT monitoring system that has been tested in all the different olive
cultivation characteristics in the extended area of eastern Crete for proper irrigation and
Water 2023, 15, 1739 16 of 18

pest control management at parcel scale. The proposed system provides useful information
in areas that face issues with water availability, saltwater intrusion and pest infestation.
The Implementation of the IoT-based monitoring system took place at eight parcels in the
eastern part of Crete, where, through the proposed system, smart irrigation and pest control
alert approaches for every parcel were offered to the farmers. The proposed system includes
state-of-the-art technologies incorporating soil and atmospheric monitoring sensors and
microcontrollers for transmitting information using the MQTT protocol. Data are received
at a portal and made accessible on the cloud where they can be observed in real-time over
an open-source IoT system offering the farmers services concerning proper irrigation and
pest control. The advanced open access decision-making system implemented in olive
parcels offers users the capability: (a) to know the weekly irrigation dose per tree at the
studied parcel, (b) to know the proper irrigation needs in case of applied saline irrigation,
(c) to suggest deficit irrigation in areas with low water availability as an adaptation strategy
measure to climate change, (d) to send alarm messages to the farmers concerning the danger
of pest infestation aiming at protecting production, and (e) to install an affordable field
monitoring system as it is based on an open-source software and the hardware consists of
widespread economic modules. The above capabilities offered by the proposed easy-to-use
IoT system can increase farmers’ and policy makers’ awareness of optimal irrigation and
pest control management issues critical to crop sustainability.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.N.K.; methodology, N.N.K. and K.T.; field work, K.T.,
N.N.K. and G.P.; data curation and IoT, K.T.; writing—original draft preparation, K.T. and N.N.K.;
writing—review and editing, G.P. and N.N.K.; supervision, N.N.K. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was carried out in the frame of the AgriCapture CO2 project that was funded
by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 for Research and Innovation Programme, grant number
101004282. Funded under: H2020-EU.2.1.6.; H2020-EU.; H2020-EU. agreement ID:
101004282, DOI:10.3030/101004282.
Data Availability Statement: Data are available from the authors upon reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study, in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.

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