CM Week 11
CM Week 11
CM Week 11
Resource Management
and Cost Control
Resource leveling
● Resource leveling is minimizing the fluctuations in day-to-day resource use
throughout the project. It is usually done by shifting noncritical activities within
their available float. It attempts to make the daily use of a certain resource as
uniform as possible
● According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide,
resource leveling is a technique to help you better accommodate resource
constraints by adjusting the start and finish dates of a project. In doing so, you can
make realistic project deadlines without overworking your team and increasing the
total cost of the project.
● Resource leveling is a project management technique that involves resolving over
allocation or scheduling conflicts to ensure a project can be completed with the
available resources. Resources include the time, materials, or tools needed to
complete a project.
Resource leveling
● The purpose of resource leveling is to get the most out of available resources while
working within the project’s time, cost, and scope constraints.
● Resource leveling can be challenging for project managers as it requires balancing
the demand for the same resources across multiple projects.
● Depending on team needs, here are possible outcomes:
● If the goal is to keep the current project deadline, more resources may need to be
made available.
● If the goal is to run the project with currently available resources, the deadline of
the project may be extended.
● Resource leveling adjusts resource allocation or project schedules to keep resources
from being overextended. This can help maintain the quality of project outputs.
Resource leveling
● The goal of the Resource Leveling is eliminating delays, failures and cost overruns,
without interfering with the project’s scope, cost and time constraints.
● In Resource Leveling, the project duration, number of the resources and the
completion date remains unchanged.
● Resource Leveling is closely tied to the project scheduling methods such as Critical
Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT),
which are predominantly used in construction industry. Usually, Resource Leveling
is coupled with one them.
● Whereas, these scheduling techniques are interested in critical tasks and their
connections to each other for completion of the project, they fail foreseeing any
failures due to shortcomings.
Resource leveling
● Resource Leveling takes advantage of float and moves tasks around in timetable
with an eye on resources. Coming up with more efficient solutions for more
balanced use is an area that has been attracting interest.
● For this purpose, various methods, algorithms and objective functions have been
developed. The users have opportunity to select between them according to their
project in order to achieve best results.
● Resource Levelling may impact critical path
When to use resource leveling
● Resource leveling prevents resources from being spread too thin while ensuring
projects still have what they need to succeed. This technique contributes to not only
project management, but also helps maintain work-life balance for the team. Here
are some reasons why your team can benefit from resource leveling.
To optimize your resources
● Resource leveling lets you get the most out of the resources you have on hand. It
helps you assess which projects should receive additional resources and which ones
are flexible in terms of deadlines.
To minimize deficits
● Resource leveling prevents significant project delays, thereby minimizing the
losses in costs and labor. This technique allows you to manage the resource demand
without exceeding the company’s current capacity and financial resources.
When to use resource leveling
To prevent task overloading
● Overallocation of resources leads to overwork, which can be overwhelming for
team members. Resource leveling prevents this by resolving over allocation issues
and adjusting deadlines to ensure team members don’t have too much on their
Key Concepts
1. Resource Allocation:
○ Resources include people, equipment, materials, or any other assets required to
complete project tasks.
○ Effective resource allocation ensures that the right resources are available at the
right time and in the right quantities.
resource Smoothing
Fluctuations in Resource Usage:
● Projects often experience peaks and troughs in resource demand, leading to periods
of under-utilization or over-utilization.
● Such fluctuations can lead to inefficiencies, increased costs, and delays.
Resource Limits:
● These are constraints on the availability of resources. For example, there might be a
limited number of workers or equipment available at any given time.
resource Smoothing
Benefits of Resource Smoothing
● Enhanced Efficiency:
○ Reduces periods of idleness and overwork, leading to more consistent
productivity levels.
● Cost Management:
○ Minimizes overtime and the need for temporary resources, thus controlling
project costs.
● Improved Morale:
○ Helps prevent burnout by avoiding excessive workloads on team members.
● Resource Availability:
○ Ensures resources are used optimally and are available when needed without
unnecessary downtime.
Resource leveling vs. smoothing
Difference between Resource leveling vs.
Resource Smoothing
● To ensure resource usage is as uniform as possible without changing the project's overall
duration or critical path.
● The project end date and the critical path cannot be altered.
● Tasks can only be moved within their available float/slack time.
Key Characteristics:
Key Characteristics: