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Resource Levelling

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Daryl Gervacio CE PROF 2

WHAT IS RESOURCE LEVELING? Benefit from resource leveling

Resource leveling is a project To optimize your resources
management technique that involves
Resource leveling lets you get the most
resolving overallocation or scheduling
out of the resources you have on hand. It
conflicts to ensure a project can be
helps you assess which projects should
completed with the available resources.
receive additional resources and which
Resources include the time, materials, or
ones are flexible in terms of deadlines.
tools needed to complete a project.
To minimize deficits
Resource leveling prevents significant
The purpose of resource leveling is to get
project delays, thereby minimizing the
the most out of available resources while
losses in costs and labor. This technique
working within the project’s time, cost,
allows you to manage the resource
and scope constraints.
demand without exceeding the company’s
Resource leveling can be challenging for current capacity and financial resources.
project managers as it requires balancing
To prevent task overloading
the demand for the same resources across
multiple projects. Overallocation of resources leads to
overwork, which can be overwhelming
Depending on your team needs, here are
for team members. Resource leveling
possible outcomes:
prevents this by resolving overallocation
• If the goal is to keep the current issues and adjusting deadlines to ensure
project deadline, more resources may team members don’t have too much on
need to be made available. their plates.
• If the goal is to run the project with To ensure the quality of a project
currently available resources, the output
deadline of the project may be extended.
Leveling allows you to manage both
Resource leveling adjusts resource resources and client expectations by
allocation or project schedules to keep maintaining the same level of quality for
resources from being overextended. This project deliverables. In general, resource
can help maintain the quality of project leveling can be a useful technique for
outputs. resolving budget issues, resource
overallocation, and project delays.
Resource leveling examples Resource leveling strategies
1. Delaying a project start date Adding project resource leveling to your
arsenal of skills will help you become a
A project requires a designer to create
more effective leader. Here are some
mock-ups for the client, but the designer
resource leveling strategies you can apply
was double-booked, and the rest of the
to your team.
design team is occupied as well. They
decide to start the project two days later • Critical Path Method (CPM)-
when the designer is available. Since the Calculates project duration and
designer works fast, the project end date scheduling flexibility based on
remains the same. critical and non-critical activities.
2. Obtaining additional resources
• Fast tracking- Speeds up projects
The IT team has been responding to a by running activities in parallel.
large number of IT requests to deal with a
virus that infected company computers.
Since the company’s current antivirus • Crashing- Shortens project
software isn’t robust enough to handle timelines by assigning additional
the virus, the team decides to invest in resources.
new antivirus software so they’re able to
fix the computers. • Critical chain method- Calculates
project duration based on task
3. Postponing a project end date
dependencies and resource
The marketing team is launching a new limitations.
social media campaign and they’re
waiting for approval from the social
media manager, who is currently out of
the office due to illness. Since the
campaign isn’t time-sensitive, they decide
to push the launch date back by a few
days so the manager has time to review.
Whether you lead a marketing, sales, or IT
team, resource leveling can come in
handy for resolving resource conflicts.
Once you decide on a solution, let the rest
of your team know your plan. You can use
a meeting template to plan the agenda.
Resource leveling tools resources are required so you can gauge
resource availability before the project
• Use Gantt charts: A Gantt chart is starts.
a bar chart that visualizes a project
schedule and can be ideal for identifying • Make realistic estimations of
and planning the critical path. You can resource needs: Resource leveling
easily get a high-level overview of the task efforts have a better chance of succeeding
dependencies, start and finish dates, and if you clearly define the project scope up
project duration. As the project front and make realistic estimates of
progresses, you’ll be able to rearrange the resource needs.
chart and adjust dates as needed.
• Leverage project management
software: Some project management
software comes with resource leveling Tips for making more precise
algorithms that can help resolve estimates
overallocation conflicts. Project
management software also gives greater • Make estimations in a team to
visibility into team members’ schedules, reduce personal biases
which will assist in preventing scheduling
conflicts and double-booking ahead of
time. • Include potential project risks in
the estimation process
• Draw network diagrams: A
network diagram is another type of visual
representation of a project’s schedule. It’s • Estimate in ranges rather than
shown as a chart with sequences of boxes specific values to cover a wider set of
and arrows to depict the chronology of possibilities
tasks. It can be used to plan the schedule
as well as track project progress. When
you connect the series of boxes, each • Use the same estimation technique
representing a task with its duration, each time to yield more consistent
you’ll be able to identify the noncritical estimates
and critical paths.
• Use previous projects as a
reference: Keep an archive of past
project plans and schedules so that you
can reference them when doing a similar
project to come up with a more accurate
project plan. Looking at past successful or
unsuccessful projects will give you a
better idea of how much leeway to give
each task and approximate which
Resource leveling vs. smoothing

Resource leveling Resource smoothing

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