Piano Rules & Conditions of Entry
Piano Rules & Conditions of Entry
Piano Rules & Conditions of Entry
The following rules and conditions are specific to the Piano category.
Please ensure you also read the General Rules and Conditions of Entry.
2 It is the responsibility of all entrants, parents, and teachers to stay up to date of live changes
to the events they have entered by viewing their entrant dashboard.
3 Time limits :
> Time limits allow for the presentation of 1 or more items of published or unpublished works
unless otherwise specified, provided they fit within the nominated time limits.
> Time limits are strictly monitored. Entrants exceeding ‘total performance time’ may be only
eligible for ‘comments only’ - and not in contention for a placing or prize.
> Time limits are stated in the details tab of each event on our website.
4 Repertoire selection :
> Different repertoire is required for each event unless otherwise specified.
> If an event specifically indicates that repertoire may be repeated, it may be repeated only once in
the festival. An entrant found repeating repertoire on multiple occasions may be only eligible for
‘comments only’ - and not in contention for a placing.
> Repertoire performed in a Heat must be repeated in the Final unless otherwise stipulated.
> ‘Century’ Tests : an event for a specified century means the date when the composition was completed
> ( eg : 18th Century : the period 1701-1800 ; 19th Century : 1801 - 1900 ; 20th Century : 1901 - 2000 ;
21st Century: 2001 to present ).
> Entrants can refer to the Grove Dictionary of Music for the exact date when a certain piece of music
was composed. The responsibility for the correct selection of music relevant to each century rests
with the entrant and their teacher. Refer : www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic
6 Australian works : a piano composition by an Australian composer may be an original work of the
entrant. The Australian Music Centre has over 1000 published and unpublished compositions for
piano by Australian composers. Telephone 02 9935 7805, 1300 651 834, or go to
8 Entrants should bring hard copy versions of all works to be performed for contingency purposes.
9 Note : Please adhere to APRA/AMCOS Policy and Procedures regarding photocopy of original scores.
10 Performance etiquette :
> All entrants are encouraged to announce the title of the piece and composer they will be performing :
“Good morning/ afternoon my name is … and today I will be performing …, by …”
> Entrants should present themselves in neat casual attire as though they were presenting themselves
in a concert.
> Entrants should consult and rehearse with their teacher appropriate performance practices when
taking to the stage ( announcing, bowing, etc )
> Subject to the venue, there may be no warm-up or dressing room facilities. Entrants are strongly
advised to arrive to the venue performance ready.
Important notice : Sydney Eisteddfod’s mission continues to promote ‘live’ performances in our
annual Festival. However, should a pandemic preclude this, it reserves the right to ask all entrants
to send in videos to continue to be able to perform their works. We will continue to monitor the
health advice of the Australian Government and work closely with all, staff, teachers, parents,
and entrants, so that all our performers can continue to get back on stage safely.
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Piano Category Rules and Conditions