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Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología

Dirección de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos

Gerencia de Modalidades Flexibles

Nombre de la sede: Centro Escolar Prof. Saúl Flores Fecha de tutoría: Saturday, June 8th, 2024.
Grado: 9°, 1° “A” “B” and 2° “A” “B” High school UNIT 3 MY FAMILY
Docente tutor/a responsable: Anagracia María Hernández de Garcia

 Say people’s names using possessive adjectives.  Possessive adjectives

 Exchange family members’ personal information using possessive  Possessive adjectives and family relationships

Estrategias metodológica
Indicador de Actividades no Actividades presenciales Tiempo Recursos Criterios de
logro presenciales evaluación
Have students open 1. Welcome 10 Computer
their booklets to Unit 3 2. Reflexion “Learning English opens doors to new minutes
Worksheet 4. opportunities.” Booklet
3. Attendance
They will complete the 4. Topic – Possessive adjectives
 Flashcards
3.9 Associate crossword puzzle by 5. Performance Indicator. Associated
subject using the personality 6. Developed the class (pre, during, post). subject pronouns
adjectives studied in 7. Activities Cellphones
pronouns with with their right
their right class. 8.Evaluation of the class. possessive
possessive 9. Homework. Internet adjective.
adjective. Extra material
PEOPLE Pre Lesson Plan
BpMicC0AWNE? Keeping my Stars!
si=9Tl3F88wwZ5_9 15
9eb&t=16 • Before class starts, prepare a list of extended family minutes.
3.10 Produce members studied along the unit. Produced
Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
Dirección de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos
Gerencia de Modalidades Flexibles

accurate short • In class, divide students into small groups (4-5 accurate short
phrases about students). phrases about
their family • Draw six stars on the board. their family
members giving • Explain to students that they will play “Keeping my members giving
basic personal Stars”. Tell them that you will draw blank spaces on the basic personal
information such board that represent a mystery word related to extended information such
as their name. family members. Then, students will mention different as their name.
alphabet letters as a group. If the alphabet letter
mentioned is included in the word, you will write it on the
board, but if the letter isn’t included, you will erase a
star. Their game will be over if they lose the six stars.

Worksheet 3: Possessive Adjectives (Part I)

• Have students open their booklets to Unit 3
Worksheet 3.
• Read the instructions of the activity as a whole
• Explain to students that they will read some
sentences and complete them using the correct
possessive adjective.
• Draw students’ attention to the underlined word 20
in each sentence. Let them know that those words minutes
will help them select the right possessive
adjectives. My is tall. sister 2. pen His red. is
• Have students get in pairs to work on the
exercise together. 3. are happy. Their siblings
• Encourage students to read the sentences out
loud in their groups and help each other.
Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
Dirección de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos
Gerencia de Modalidades Flexibles

4. food Its is delicious.

• Check the answers



Adjectives to Describe People

• Before class, prepare some flashcards with pictures to
represent the following adjectives: tall, medium height,
short, happy, strict, responsible, kind, funny, serious,
old, young. Also, create adjective cards with these
• Stick the flashcards at the center of the board and
place the cards in one column on the board.
• Have students look at the flashcards carefully.
• Introduce the vocabulary by matching the adjective
card with its corresponding flashcard. Write a short
sentence that describes each illustration.

• Make a repetition drill of the adjectives presented while

pointing at the flashcards.
• Explain to students that we use the verb be and
adjectives to describe someone’s physical appearance
and personality. Guide students’ attention to the form of
the verb included in every example written on the board.
• Have students draw and write the vocabulary in their
notebooks. Post Cover and Say!
• Copy the following conversation on the board and
Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
Dirección de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos
Gerencia de Modalidades Flexibles

model it with a volunteer. A: What adjective do you see

in picture 1? B: It is “happy.” They are happy.
• Divide the class into pairs.
• Ask students to cover the adjectives and examples
they wrote in their notebooks, so that way, only their
drawings are visible. Students will take turns asking and
answering questions using the sample conversation on
the board.
• Have students swap roles, so both of them can test
their memory.


Possessive Adjectives 20
• Before class, prepare some big cards with subject minutes
pronouns and some others with possessive adjectives
written on them.

• Stick all subject pronoun cards in one column on the

board and the possessive adjective cards on another
side of the board randomly.
• Explain to students that they will help you match the
subject pronouns on the board with their corresponding
possessive adjectives.
• Once all cards have been matched, drill the proper
pronunciation of possessive adjectives.
• Create some sample sentences on the board using 5
your students’ real names. For the possessive adjective minutes
“it” you may include the name of a common tree.
-Evaluation of the class. Time: 90

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