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1st Year 1st Term, 2018

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Khulna University of Engineering.&_Technology .

of Building Engineering. .and ·c�nstruction Managemenr
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year t" Term Regular Examination, 2018
. CE 1123

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs

N.B. i) Answer any three questlons from each section in separate script.
ii) · Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

: Section -· A.

1. (a) What do you mean by surveying? Why surveying is so significant in any (08)
construction· engineering project?
(b) What is reconnaissance survey? Why· it is- so important?· Mention its (08)
advantages and disadvantages.
(c) A steel. tape of 25 m long standardized at 53· °F with a puff of 12.5 kg was (14)
measured 'for measuring a base line. Find the correction per tape length if the
temperature atthe time of measurement" was 85 °F" and the pull exerted was
19.5-kg. Weight of steel =·�.16 gn:vcm3, weight of.tape= 0.09 kg and E = 200
Gpa'. Take the coefficient of.expansion of tape per 1 °F 6.25 x 10-s.
(d) .Distinguish between: (l) Plan-and map; (ii).check lirie and tiehne. (05)

2. (a) Write short notes on: (i) Pacing or stepping, (ii) Pegs and Arrows, (iii) Ranging (09)
rods and offset rods. .
(b) Write down the aims of leveling; Define the following terms: (i) Bench Mark, (ii) (09)
Datum, (iii) R.L. (iv) Mean Sea Level and (v) Station.
(c) The following· staff ·readings were observed successively with a level, the (17)
instrument having been moved after third, fifth, · $ighth and tenth -readings:
2.180; -1.606; 1.200; 2.090; 2.860; 1.3�2: 0.'802; 1.982; 1.042; 2.689; 2.00;
2.240 · meters. Enter ·the above readings in a page of a level ·book and
calculate the R.L. ·of points, if the first reading was taken with a staff held on
s·.M. of 224.380 m.

3. . (a) What is contour and contour map? What are the factors affecting contour (08)
(b) Briefly describe trie characteristics of contours. (08)
(c) What is plane table surveying? Mention the instruments used in plane table (14)
survey. What are the methods used in plane table survey? Briefly describe
one method from them.
(d) Illustrate the precautionary measures should be taken while performing field (05)
work of piane table surveying.

4. (a) State Simpon's one third rule and derive· it ·with. net sketches. (09)
(b) A series of offsets .were taken from a chain line to a curved boundary line at (11)
intervals of 20 meters in the follow_ing.order: 0, 2.65, 3.90, 3.15, 4.25, 3.50,
4.80, 5.50 rn. Compute the. area by using (a) Trapezoidal rule and (b)
Simpson's rule.
(c) Find the amount of earthwork with respect to lowest R.L. of the plot of the land (15)
shown in figure below .

Section �a
5. (a) Define traverse survey. Why it differs.from chain survey? (05)
(b) Define closing error. Describe the graphical method for balancing the closing (10}
(c) Calculate the independent co-ordinate of stations A, B, c and O ofthe closed · (20)
traverse ABC DA: from the following data: . · .

Length (ft) .. 300'' ,,
·900 ·600 850
Bearing· .. · "260°1'.5' 190°35'· '.80°50' 351°0'

6. (a) Write·· short notes· on :'anallactic · lens .and house· setting. Write down the · (10)
procedure of house setting in the field ..
(b) Derive an expression of distance and heighffor:inclined sight'when the staff is · (10)
held vertical. . . . . .
. (c) 'calculate the'R:L ofstation A; B, d.istance:AB.arid.the gradient of AB line from. (15)
the following observations. The tacheometer . is fltted with an anallactic lens
and the staff'is. held vertical. Assume. k = 100 'arid 'R.L of station O ·is 150· m.

Instrument. .. Height of Staff .W.C.B Vertical

Instrument- (rn) Staff readings (m)
Station ,•
Station· angle.
A· . 30°30' 4°30'· '1.155, 1.755, 2.:,355
0 1.550
B 75°30' 10°15' 1.250, 2.00, 2.750

7. (a) Write· short notes .on' (i) aerial photogrammetry (ii) photo mosaic (iii) flying (18)
height (iv) project surveying (v) errors in surveying (vi) local attraction.
(b} Show that the height displacement of apoint is proportional to its height.above ·(09) .
. MSL and' the 'dista·nce of its top .image from plurr,b 'point.': . . . . . . . .
(c) Photographs at a �inimum scale of 1: 10000 are to be taken. for a road. design (08)
map of a hilly .area having elevation ranges 'frc,m 300 m to 500 m. If the focal
.. ·length· of the ·camera is:·150 mm thenwhat will'·be:the ·flyin!;J height- of the
aircraft above MSL? What wili· be the largest scale? .

8. · ·(a)··. Write short notes �n:(i)_ remote:sensing (ii).-GPS (iii) GIS.with apgJicatiori (09)
(b) Mention the important opei�tions· of total.stauon in· surveyin·g�.. What' are the (10)
advantages of using total station over other conventional instruments?
(c) To find the elevation of top of a tower of KUET, observations were made from (16)
two stations· P ·. and R, . 30. m . apart. Tlie horizontal angle measured at P
between R and top 'of the tower was 60°15' 'and that measured at R between
. top of the tower ·. and P . station . was 68°20'�· The· angle of_ elevation . was
measured 10°45'. at' R .and.' .1.0�2q· · at P. Staff ·readln.gs on 'BM when the
instrumentwasat P .1 . 969' rri a'r:1d·arR·=·2:073 ri,-:·Calculate the· elevation of
top of the tower of KUET if BM was 20o' m. .

Page 2 of2
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
Department of Building Engineering and Construction Management
B.Sc. Engineering 151Year 1st Term Regular Examination, 2018
. Ch 1123

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs

N.B. i) Answer any three questions from each section in separate script.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

· Section -A

1. (a) Show graphically the variation of equivalent conductance against .Jc for Kcl (10)
and C2H5COOH. Explain the nature of the curves.
(b) State the Kohlrausch's law. How can you determine the no of weak electrolytes (10)
using this law?
.. .. .
(c) How pH of a solution is determined by using quinhydrone electrode? (10)
(d) Calculate the equivalent conductance of 2N strong electrolyte solution. Given (05)
that cell constant=1.15 cm" and R=2.5x103 ohms.

2. (a) Describe the models of electrical double layer at the interface. Distinguish (10)
between thermqdynamic potential and electro-kinetic potential from the double
layer mechanism.
(b) Establish thermodynamically the relationship between E and K of cell reaction.· (10)
Explain the significance of this relation. _ ·
(c) What is electrochemical series? Discuss its application. (10)
(d) The emf of the following cell at 298K is 0.445v pt, H2(1atm) I H+ II Kcl (sat. (05)
soln.) I Hg2cl2 I Hg. Calculate the pH of the unknown solution (Ecar. 0.2415 v).

3. (a) What is atmospheric corrosion? Write down the effect of humidity and dust (10)
particle on the rate of corrosion.
(b) Discuss the electrochemical mechanism of corrosion. · (10)
(c) What is pitting? How is it formed? Discuss the disadvantages of pitting (10)
corrosion over other forms of corrosion;
(d) Write a short note on passivity of metal. (05)

4. (a) 'The adsorption process is exothermic'-Explain. (07}

(b) Deduce Langmuir adsorption equation and discuss in the limiting conditions of (12)
very low and very high pressure. What is the limitation of their isotherm?
(c) Explain why a solid surface adsorbs gaseous or liquid molecule? (08) .
(d) Write down the application of ion-exchange adsorption with suitable examples. (08)

Page 1 of 2
Section - B

5. (a) What is PVC? State the ideal characteristics of an ideal paint. (06)
(b) Describe pretreatment process of the surface or material for coating. (11)
(c) Galvanizing is preferred to tinning, why? · (08)
(d) Define pigment and vehicle. Write down their characteristics and function for (10)
surface coating.

6. (a} What is the principle of electroplating to provide a metallic coating over a (06)
(b) Discuss the application of electroplating. (10)
(c) Explain the mechanism of drying oil on painting a surface. (12)
(d) What are the main defects of a paint? (07)

7. (a) What is polymer? Distinguish between homo-polymer and co-polymer. (10)

(b) Discuss the reaction mechanism of free radical polymerization. (08)
(c} List. out and discuss about the physical' and chemical properties of a liquid (10)
(d} Calculate the weight average molecular weight of a sample of polyester having (07)
1200 molecular of 6000, 1500 molecules of 7000 and 2000 molecules of 800
molecules weight.

8. {a) What are calcareous and argillaceous materials? Give examples of ·those (10)
classes of materials.
(b) Write down the flow chart of wet process for manufacturing cement.' (10)
(c) Discuss the effect of rate of cooling on the quality of cement manufacturing (10)
(d) Draw the linear and cyclic structure of silicate. . (05)


Page 2of2
Khulna University-of Engin�ering & Technology
Department of Bui'lding Engineering and Construction Management
8. Sc. Engineering 1stvear 1stTerm Regular Examination, 2018
Math 1123.
(Mathematics - I)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs

N.B. i)° Answer any three questions from each section in separate script.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

Section -A
1. (a)
Define limit of a function. Wh�t is the distmction between �'.: a J(x) and
f(a). (12)

f(x) = 2x2x�_.328 . Does f(4) exist?· Explain it.

A function jCx) is defined as

Discuss about the limit of this function at x = 4 . ·

. .
.. (b) (12)
{ x, wheriJ < x < 1
A function f(x) is defined as follows: f(x) = 2- x, when! :S x :S 2. Discuss
. 2
. .. . 2x-x , whenx> 2
the continuity of f(x}'at x = 1 and differentiability of f(x) at x =2. ·

+ 13x - 6 01)
(c) 3 - 8x2 . · ,
If f(x) , find the values of x for which f (x) = O.
x 2 -llx+ 10 . ·· ·

(i) Differentiate xs;n-•x with respect to Si,:( x.

· : · · dy Sin2(a+ y)
(ii) If Siny = xSin(a + y) then prove that - = . .
. dx ·· · Sina

(b) Find Yn, for the function y = e2x cosx

(c) If y = sue'«. · then by using Leibnitz's theorem prove that (12)

(l-x2)Yn+2 �(2�+I)xyn+I -n2yn =0. Also .find the value of (yn)owhen n is

even. . .

..$. (a} (13)

Define maximum of function. If x + y = 1 . then find the maximum value of xy
. 2 3 · ·
and minimum value of x2 + y2•
(b) = F(x2 + 2yz,y2 + 2zx).
Define homogeneous function with an example. If u (12)

2 OU 2· OU 2 OU
thenfindthevalueof(y -zx)--+(x -yz)-+(z -xy)-.
ox oy Bz
(c). Evaluate �'-+ox2s;,ix. (10)

4. (a) 1 1r (12)
State Rolle's theorem. Expand Taylor's series - in powers of (x - -) .
. ·· .X/ 2
(b) Given <.A= 68°401, · < B = 56°20' and c == 84°301 for a spherical triangle ABC. {11)
Solve this triangle ABC.
(c) Find the great circle distance between Boston (42°221 N,71°41W) and (12)
Wellington (41°81 S�l 74°4(i.E) in nautical miles.

Section - B
5. Integrate any three of the followings:· (35)
ja) xCosxSinxck

<t>Y'J �· (x
x2 + x + 1 · dx ·

(c J dx .
� 4+5Cosx

{d) fx . +xx2 -2 dx.
4 2

. 6. (a) Evaluate any three of the followings: (35)

I 3
(a) Jx (1-x)2dx

1 .

(b) Jlog(l +2x) dx

0 l+x

% dx
(c) f4+5Sinx

(d) JGosmxCosnidx_· ·.
0 :

1·.. (a) ,. (13)

fSin xCos6xdx.
Define Gamma and Beta functions. Evaluate

(b) · Find the area bounded

. . .
by the parabolas
. .
y2 = Sx and x2. =Sy. (11)

(c) Find the volume of the solid formed by the revolution of the ellipse (11)
x2 y2
2 + - 2= 1 about x-axis.
a b

8. (a) Define Fourier series .. Find the series of sines and 'cosines of multiples of x (18)
which· represents · f(x) · in the interval -,r < x < x, where

{o, when - 1r < x � 0

f(x) = nx whenO < x «st and hence deduce
4 ,. .
x? 1 1 .
·-=l+- 2+2+ .
8 3 . 5
(b) { (17)
x,forO :5 x :5"
If f ( x) � . 1r
2 express this function by a sine series and
,r-x,for.- < x 5 ,r
2 .
also by a cosine series.
. . .
--------------------- ·------------

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
Department of Building Engineering and Construction Management
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 1st Term; Regular Examination, 2018
···Ph 1123
(Physics I)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs

N.B. i) Answer any three questlons from each section in separate script.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.


1. (a) What thermo couples would you use to measure a temperature between? (10)
(i) o 0
- 400°C (ii) 400° - 800°C (iii) 600° -1200°C (iv) 1200° .: 1 eoo'c
(v) 1600° -.2000°c and (vi) 2000° -- 3000°� and why?

(b) Describe a platinumresistance thermometer. Explain how it works with the (15)
help of Callendar and Griffth's bridge. Give its correction.

(c) The resistance of a platinum wire at 0°C, -100°C and 445°C are found to be (10)
7.0, 10.5 and 18.50, · respectively. The resistance of a wire at a
temperature·t°C is given by the equation Rt= R0(1 +at+pt2). Find the value of
a and j3.

. 2. (a) What. do you mean by entropy? Prove thatthe entropy of the universe is (10)
always increasing and heading towards a maximum.

(b) What is Carnot's Reversible Engine? Obtain an expression for the efficiency (15)
of Carnot's engine in terms of temperature.

(c) A Carnot engine is operated between two reservoirs at temperatures of (10)

450k and 350 k. -If th� engine .. receives 1 kcal of heat- from the source in
each cycle. Calculate:
(i) amount of heatrejected to the sink In each cycle
(ii) efficiency of the engine and
(iii)'workdone by the engine in each cycle.

3. (a) Discuss the general behavior of .matertal under stress Vllith reference to a (10)
stress-strain curve.

(b) What is cantilever? Obtain an expression for the depression at the free end (15)
of a thin light beam clamped horizontally at one end load at the other. ,
Neglect the weight of the cantilever:

(c) Calculate the depth of water at which an air bubble of radius 4x10-4m may (10)
remain in equilibrium. Surface-tension· of water=70x10-3 N/m.

4. (a) Show that the excess pressure lnstde a soap bubble of radius r over the (1 o)
atmospheric pressure outside it is equal to 4T/r, where T is the surface
tension of soap solution.

(b) Derive an expression for the rate of flow of heat through a composite slab. (10)

Hence show that the interface temperature

(c) A composite slab is made of two parallel layers of different materials A and (1 O)
B in contact. Their concuctlvlties are 70 W/m/k and 200 W/m/k respectively
and thickness 0.045 m and 0.025 m respectively. Find the temperature of
the interface· of A and B, when their outer surfaces are· maintained at 373 K
and 273 K respectively.

Page 1 of 2
-Section -8

5. (a): ·Calculate the· average kinetic energy and the total energy of a body (10)
executing simple harmonic motion. Hence sh9w__ that, <KE>= 1t2ma n and
2 2

TE = 2n2ma2n2; where .iii .tlie symbols have their usual. meanings.

(b) What is Lissajous figure? The simple harmonic vibration acting at right (15)
angles to .
each other has .. the _time . period ·in the ratio· 1 :2. The phase
difference between the two vibrations is ·1r12. Show graphically that the
r�sultant curve is a parabola, ·

(c) Two SHM's acting simultaneously on a particle are given by the equations (10)
y1 5 sin (wt + .7rl6) arid Y2 = 7 sin (wt + 7rl3).
Calculate (i) amplitude (ii) -phase constant and (iii) the time period of the
resultantvibration. ·· ··

6. (a) Discuss- the phenomenon of sharpness of resonance and show how it (10)
· depends upon thEf damping factor? ·

(b). Discuss an LCR circuit as an example of a damped harmonic oscillator and (15)
show that it is the resistance alone which ts' responsible for the damping of
osculatlons. · Discuss the conditions under which the discharge of the
capacitor is periodic; critically damped and oscillatory. Wtiat is the quality
factor of such a circuit? · · · · ·

(c): Deduce the-frequency and quality" factor-for a circuit with L·= 3 mH, C = 7µF (10)
and R 0.3 ohm.

7. (aY Show_ that .

in the' case of. stationarywave
, ...,,
no energy is transferred.
. .:
. . . .. . . . .

(b) What is an· 'echo? How is it produced? Explain, why an echo cannot be (15)
heard if the distance between
-�· . the source .. of soundand
is less
than 17 meters. Also explain the formation of successive echoes.

(c) Which of the following are solutions of the one dimensional wave equation? (10)
(i) y = x2 + v2 t2; (ii) y = x2 - v2 t2
8. .(a) Discuss the refraction of sound waves at the interface of two media and (10)
explain, how
. . . .
most" of
. the sound
. energy·.. is. totally.
,. . internally
. . . '
· · sound waves are travelling from rarer to dens-er medium.

(b} Derive an analytical expression for the growth and: decay of sound intensity ( 15)
inside an auditorium and hence obtain Sabine's reverberation formula.

(c) The volume of a room is 600 m3. The wall area of the room is 220 m2, the (10)
floor area is 120 m2 and the ceiling area is 120 m2. The average sound
aosorptlonco-efficient. (i) for
the wall is 0.03'; "(ii) for the ceiling is o.so. and
· (iii) for the floor is 0:06; . . .
Calculate the average sound absorption co-efficient and the reverberation
·time.· ·

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