BFC PCMB Rationalised 2024
BFC PCMB Rationalised 2024
BFC PCMB Rationalised 2024
PHYSICS (Rationalised)
Class XI-XII
• Strengthen the concepts developed at the secondary stage to provide firm foundation
for further learning in the subject.
• Expose the learners to different processes used in Physics-related industrial and
technological applications.
• Develop process-skills and experimental, observational, manipulative, decision making
and investigatory skills in the learners.
• Promote problem solving abilities and creative thinking in learners.
• Develop conceptual competence in the learners and make them realize and appreciate
the interface of Physics with other disciplines.
Class XI – 2023-24 (Theory)
No. of
Unit Topics Mark
Unit–I Physical World and Measurement
Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 04
Unit-II Kinematics
Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 18
Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 20
Unit–III Laws of Motion
Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 08
Unit–IV Work, Energy and Power
Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 08
Unit–V Motion of System of Particles and RigidBody
10 20
Chapter–7: System of Particles and
Rotational Motion
Unit-VI Gravitation
Chapter–8: Gravitation 12
Unit–VII Properties of Bulk Matter
Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 18
Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter
Unit–VIII Thermodynamics 20
Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 12
Unit–IX Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic
Theory of Gases 08
Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory
Unit–X Oscillations and Waves
Chapter–14: Oscillations 16 10
Chapter–15: Waves
Total 90 70
Unit I: Physical World and Measurement 04 Periods
Chapter–2: Units and Measurements
Need for measurement: Units of measurement; systems of units; SI units,
Dimensions of physical quantities,
Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and
Centre of mass motion.
Moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, law of conservation of angular
momentum and its applications.
Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values of moments of inertia for simple
geometrical objects (no derivation).
Unit IX: Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases 07
PeriodsChapter–13: Kinetic Theory
Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done in compressing a gas.
Kinetic theory of gases: assumptions, concept of pressure. kinetic interpretation
of temperature; rms speed of gas molecules; degrees of freedom, law of equi-
partition of energy (statement only) and application to specific heat capacities
of gases.
Unit X: Oscillations and Waves 16 Periods
Chapter–14: Oscillations
Periodic motion: time period, frequency, displacement as a function of time,
periodic functions and their applications.
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) ; Simple Pendulum and it’s time period.
Chapter–15: Waves
Wave motion: Transverse and longitudinal waves, speed of travelling wave,
displacement relation for a progressive wave, principle of superposition of
Total Periods: 60
The fair practical records are to be submitted by the students at the time of their annual
examination. At least 08 experiments are required to be performed by each student.
Topic Marks
One experiment from the list of experiments outlined below 15
Theory (2 marks) , Observation/Graph/Circuit diagram/Ray diagram (10 marks) , (02+10+03)
Calculation & Conclusion (3 marks)
Practical record 04
Experiment based conceptual question 05
Viva on experiments 06
Total 30 marks
Note: Same Evaluation scheme and general guidelines for visually impaired students asgiven
for Class XII may be followed.
B. List of Practicals
1. To measure diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body using a vernier calipers.
2. To measure the internal diameter and depth of a given beaker/calorimeter
using a vernier calipers and hence find its volume.
3. To measure diameter of given wire using a screw gauge.
4. To measure thickness of a given sheet using a screw gauge.
5. To determine the mass of a given object using a beam balance.
6. Using a simple pendulum plot L~T2 graph; hence find the effective length of second’s
pendulum using appropriate length values.
7. To find the weight of given body using the parallelogram law of vectors.
8. To find the force constant of given helical spring by plotting a graph
betweenload and extension.
9 (i) To study the relation between frequency and length of a given wireunder
constant tension using a sonometer.
(ii) To study the relation between the length of a given wire and tension, for
constant frequency by using a sonometer.
10. To find the speed of sound in air, at room temperature, using a resonance
tube, by observing two resonance positions.
Prescribed Books:
1. Physics Part-I, Textbook for Class XI, Published by NCERT
2. Physics Part-II, Textbook for Class XI, Published by NCERT
3. Laboratory Manual of Physics, Class XI Published by NCERT
4. The list of other related books and manuals brought out by
NCERT (consider multimedia also).
5. Bureau’s Higher Secondary (+2) Physics , Published by Odisha State Bureau of
Text Book Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar
PHYSICS (Rationalised)
Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 70
No. of
Unit Topics Mark
Unit–I Electrostatics
Chapter–1: Electric Charges and Fields
Chapter–2: Electrostatic Potential and 16 20
Unit-II Current Electricity
Chapter–3: Current Electricity 15
Unit-III Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Chapter–4: Moving Charges and Magnetism 18
Chapter–5: Magnetism and Matter 17
Unit-IV Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating
Currents 12
Chapter–6: Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter–7: Alternating Current
Unit–V Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter–8: Electromagnetic Waves 04
Unit–VI Optics 18
Chapter–9: Ray Optics and Optical 12
Chapter–10: Wave Optics
Unit–VII Electronic Devices
Chapter–14: Semiconductor 16
Electronics: Materials, Devices and 15
Simple Circuits
Total 90 70
Electric field: electric field intensity, electric field (intensity) due to a point
charge, electric field lines.
Total Periods 60
The fair practical records are to be submitted by the students at the time of their annual
examination. At least 08 experiments are required to be performed by each student.
Evaluation Scheme
Topic Marks
One experiment from the list of experiments 15
Theory (2 marks) , Observation/Graph/Circuit diagram/Ray diagram (10 marks) ,
Calculation& Conclusion( 3 marks)
Practical record 04
Experiment based conceptual question 05
Viva on experiments 06
Total 30 marks
1. To determine resistance per unit length of (two / three) given wires by plotting a graph for
potentialdifference versus current.
2. To find resistance of a given wire / standard resistor by metre bridge method
3. To verify the laws of combination (series/ parallel) of resistances using a metre bridge.
4. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure
of merit.
5. To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a
voltmeter of desired range and to verify the same.
To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into an
ammeter of desired range and to verify the same.
6. To find the frequency of AC mains by using a sonometer.
7. To find the value of v for different values of u in case of a concave mirror and to find its focal
8. To find the focal length of a convex mirror, by using a convex lens.
9. To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graphs between u and v
or between 1/u and 1/v.
10. To find the focal length of a concave lens, using a convex lens.
11. To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle
of incidence and angle of deviation.
12. To determine refractive index of a glass slab by using a travelling microscope.
13. To draw the reverse characteristic curve for a Zener diode and to determine its breakdown
14. To draw an I~V characteristic curve of a p-n junction diode in forward and reverse biased
General Guidelines
I. The practical examination will be of two-hour duration.
II. A separate list of 8 experiments should be included here.
III. The written examination in practical for these students will be conducted at the
timeof practical examination of all other students.
IV. The written test will be of 30 minutes duration.
V. The question paper given to the students should be legibly typed. It should contain
a total of 15 practical skill based very short answer type questions. A
student would be required to answer any 10 questions.
VI. A writer may be allowed to such students as per CHSE examination rules.
VII. All questions included in the question papers should be related to the listed
practicals.Every question should require about two minutes to be answered.
VIII. These students are also required to maintain a practical file. A student is expected
to record at least five of the listed experiments as per the specific instructions for
each subject. These practical should be duly checked and signed by the internal
IX. The format of writing any experiment in the practical file should include aim,
apparatus required, simple theory, procedure, related practical skills, precautions
X. Questions may be generated jointly by the external/internal examiners and used
for assessment.
XI. The viva questions may include questions based on basic
theory/principle/concept, apparatus/ materials/chemicals required procedure,
precautions, sources of error etc.
Class XII
A. Items for Identification/ familiarity with the apparatus for assessment in practical (All
Meter scale, general shape of the voltmeter/ammeter, battery/power supply, connecting
wires, standard resistances, connecting wires, voltmeter/ammeter, meter bridge, screw
gauge, jockey Galvanometer, Resistance Box, standard Resistance, connecting wires,
Potentiometer, jockey, Galvanometer, Lechlanche cell, Daniel cell [simple distinction
between the two vis-à-vis their outer (glass and copper) containers], rheostat connecting
wires, Galvanometer, resistance box, Plug-in and tapping keys, connecting wires
battery/power supply, Diode, Resistor (Wire-wound or carbon ones with two wires
connected to two ends), capacitors (one or two types), Inductors, Simple
electric/electronic bell, battery/power supply, Plug- in and tapping keys, Convex lens,
concave lens, convex mirror, concave mirror, Core/hollow wooden cylinder, insulated
wire, ferromagnetic rod, Transformer core, insulated wire.
B. List of Practicals
1. To determine the resistance per cm of a given wire by plotting a graph between
voltage and current.
2. To verify the laws of combination (series/parallel combination) of resistances by
Ohm’s law.
3. To find the resistance of a given wire / standard resistor using a meter bridge.
4. To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method.
5. To identify a resistor, capacitor, inductor and diode from a mixed collection of
such items.
6. To observe the difference between
(i) a convex lens and a concave lens
(ii) a convex mirror and a concave mirror and to estimate the likely
difference between the power of two given convex /concave lenses.
7. To design an inductor coil and to know the effect of
(i) change in the number of turns
(ii) Introduction of ferromagnetic material as its core material on the
inductance of the coil.
8. To design a (i) step up (ii) step down transformer on a given core and know the
relation between its input and output voltages.
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather than
recording observations.
Prescribed Books:
Theory (Class: XI/XII)
Total Approximate
S No. Typology of Questions
Marks Percentage
1 Remembering: Exhibit memory of previously learned material 27 38 %
by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers.
Understanding: Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas
by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving
descriptions, and stating main ideas
Total Marks 70
Practical 30
Gross Total 100 100%
Note: The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating
similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and typology of
For more details kindly refer to Sample Question Paper of class XII for the year 2023- 24 to be
published by CHSE at its website.
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha
The new and updated curriculum is based on disciplinary approach with rigour and depth taking care that the
syllabus is not heavy and at the same time it is comparable to the international level. The knowledge related
to the subject of Chemistry has undergone tremendous changes during the past one decade. Many new areas
like synthetic materials, bio -molecules, natural resources, industrial chemistry are coming in a big way and
deserve to be an integral part of chemistry syllabus at senior secondary stage. At international level, new
formulations and nomenclature of elements and compounds, symbols and units of physical quantities floated
by scientific bodies like IUPAC and CGPM are of immense importance and need to be incorporated in the
updated syllabus. The revised syllabus takes care of all these aspects. Greater emphasis has been laid on use
of new nomenclature, symbols and formulations, teaching of fundamental concepts, application of concepts
in chemistry to industry/ technology, logical sequencing of units, removal of obsolete content and repetition,
The curriculum of Chemistry at Senior Secondary Stage aims to:
Promote understanding of basic facts and concepts in chemistry while retaining the excitement of chemistry.
make students capable of studying chemistry in academic and professional courses (such as medicine,
engineering, technology) at tertiary level.
expose the students to various emerging new areas of chemistry and apprise them with their relevance in
future studies and their application in various spheres of chemical sciences and technology.
equip students to face various challenges related to health, nutrition, environment, population, weather,
industries and agriculture.
develop problem solving skills in students.
expose the students to different processes used in industries and their technological applications.
apprise students with interface of chemistry with other disciplines of science such as physics, biology,
geology, engineering etc.
acquaint students with different aspects of chemistry used in daily life.
develop an interest in students to study chemistry as a discipline.
integrate life skills and values in the context of chemistry.
CLASS–XI (THEORY) (2023-24)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks :70
No. of
Sl.No. UNIT Marks
1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 10 7
2 Structure of Atom 13 9
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in
3 07 6
4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 13 7
5 Chemical Thermodynamics 15 9
6 Equilibrium 14 7
7 Redox Reactions 6 4
Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and
8 14 11
9 Hydrocarbons 12 10
TOTAL 104 70
Concepts of System and types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive
properties, state functions.
First law of thermodynamics -internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, measurement of
U and H, Hess's law of constant heat summation, enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, formation,
atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution. Second law of Thermodynamics
(brief introduction)
Unit IX: Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques 14 Periods
General introduction, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC
nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect,
electrometric effect, resonance and hyper conjugation. Hemolytic and heterolysis fission of a covalent bond:
free radicals, carbocation, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles,types of organic reactions.
Prescribed Books:
1. +2 Chemistry Vol- I : Published by Odisha State Bureau of Text Book Preparation and production,
2. Chemistry Part – I, Class-XI, Published by NCERT.
3. Chemistry Part – II, Class-XI, Published by NCERT.
1. Basic Laboratory Techniques: (Non-evaluative)
a)Bunsen burner (different parts and their functions)
b) Chemical balance - weighing with chemical balance by equal oscillation method.
c) Cutting and bending glass tube, drawing jet and boring a cork.
2. Crystallization:
Preparation of CuSO4, 5H2O crystal from CuCO3.
3. Qualitative Analysis:
a)Identification of Acid Radicals:
Radicals: CO32–, SO32–, S2–, NO2 –,Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3–, SO42–, & PO43–
b) Identification of Basic Radicals :
Radicals : Ag+, Pb2+, Hg22+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Bi3+, As3+, Sb3+, Sn2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Cr3+,Co2+, Ni2+,
Zn2+, Mn2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+,NH4+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+ (Dry Tests only).
4. Volumetric Analysis:
Single titration of acids and bases (three experiments to be done ; one on direct determination
ofnormality of one of the solutions from that of the other and the other two, involving numericalcalculations)
5. Gravimetric Analysis
a)Equivalent mass of Mg by hydrogen displacement method.
b) Solubility of K2SO4 at room temperature.
Books Recommended:
+2 Practical Chemistry, Published by Odisha State Bureau of Text Book Preparation and
B. Quantitative estimation
1. Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid.
2. Determination of molarity of a given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating it against standard solution of
oxalic acid.
C. Qualitative Analysis
1. Determination of one anion and one cation in a given salt
2. Cations - NH+4
Anions – (CO3)2-, S2-, (SO3)2-, Cl-, CH3COO-
(Note: insoluble salts excluded)
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather than recording observations.
Prescribed Books:
1. Chemistry Part – I, Class-XI, Published by NCERT
2. Chemistry Part – II, Class-XI, Published by NCERT
Time: 3 Hours 70 Marks
No. of
Sl.No. Title Marks
1 Solutions 10 7
2 Electrochemistry 12 9
3 Chemical Kinetics 10 7
4 d -and f -Block Elements 11 7
5 Coordination Compounds 11 7
6 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 10 6
7 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 10 6
8 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 10 8
9 Amines 10 6
10 Biomolecules 10 7
Total 104 70
Coordination compounds - Introduction, ligands, coordination number, color, magnetic properties and shapes,
IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Bonding, Werner's theory and VBT; structure
and stereoisomerism.
Unit VI: Halo alkanes and Halo alkenes 10 Periods
Halo alkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C–X bond, physical and chemical properties, optical rotation
mechanism of substitution reactions.
Halo alkenes: Nature of C–X bond, substitution reactions
Prescribed Books:
1. +2 Chemistry Vol- II : Published by Odisha State Bureau of Text Book Preparation and production,
2. Chemistry Part – I, Class-XII, Published by NCERT
3. Chemistry Part – II, Class-XII, Published by NCERT
XII (Science)
(Detailed Syllabus)
1. Crystallization:
a) Preparation of Mohr’s Salt [FeSO4, (NH4)2SO4, 6H2O] crystal.
b) Preparation of potash alum [K2SO4, Al2(SO4)3, 24H2O] crystal.
2. Quantitative Analysis :
a) Double titration : Two experiments to be done - i) one acid two alkalis double titration and
ii) Two acids one alkali double titration.
b) Bench Acid Titration:Strong acid of approximately 2·0 N be supplied.
c) Redox Titration:Titration between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid.
Book Recommended
+ 2 Practical Chemistry: Published by Odisha State Bureau of Text Book Preparation and Production,
2. Crystallization / Double Titration /Bench Acid Titration Redox Titration / Organic compound =10 marks
3. Viva-voce=05 marks
4. Record =03 marks
A. Quantitative Analysis
(1) (a) Preparation of the standard solution of Oxalic acid of a given volume
(b) Determination of molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a standard solution of Oxalic acid.
B. Qualitative Analysis:
(1) Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.
Cation – NH4+
Anions – CO32-, S2-, SO32-,Cl-, CH3COO-
(Note: Insoluble salts excluded)
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather than recording
Prescribed Books:
1. Chemistry Part -I, Class-XII, Published by NCERT
2. Chemistry Part -II, Class-XII, Published by NCERT
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha
BFC (Rationalised)
The Syllabus in the subject of Mathematics has undergone changes from time to time in
accordance with growth of the subject and emerging needs of the society. Senior Secondary
stage is a launching stage from where the students go either for higher academic education in
Mathematics or for professional courses like Engineering, Physical and Biological science,
Commerce or Computer Applications. The present revised syllabus has been designed in
accordance with National Curriculum Framework 2005 and as per guidelines given in Focus Group
on Teaching of Mathematics 2005 which is to meet the emerging needs of all categories of
students. Motivating the topics from real life situations and other subject areas, greater
emphasis has been laid on application of various concepts.
The broad objectives of teaching Mathematics at senior school stage intend to help the students:
to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems and wherever possible, bymore
than one method.
to develop positive attitude to think, analyze and articulate logically.
Sets and their representations, Empty set, Finite and Infinite sets, Equal sets, Subsets, Subsets of a
set of real numbers especially intervals (with notations). Universal set. Venn diagrams. Union and
Intersection of sets. Difference of sets. Complement of a set. Properties of Complement.
Ordered pairs. Cartesian product of sets. Number of elements in the Cartesian product of two
finite sets. Definition of relation, pictorial diagrams, domain, co-domain and range of a relation.
Function as a special type of relation. Pictorial representation of a function, domain, co-domain
and range of a function. Real valued functions, domain and range of these functions, constant,
identity, polynomial, rational, modulus, signum, exponential, logarithmic and greatest integer
functions, with their graphs. Sum, difference,product and quotients of functions.
Positive and negative angles. Measuring angles in radians and in degrees and conversion from
one measure to another. Definition of trigonometric functions with the help of unit circle. Truth
of the identity sin2x + cos2x = 1, for all x. Signs of trigonometric functions. Domain and range of
trigonometric functions and their graphs. Expressing sin (x±y) and cos (x±y) in terms of sinx, siny,
cos x & cosy and their simple applications. Deducing identities like the following:
𝑥+𝑦 x+y x−y
sin 𝑥 + sin 𝑦 = 2 sin cos 2 , cosx + cos y = 2 cos cos
2 2 2
Unit-II: Algebra
1. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations (06) Periods
Need for complex numbers, especially√−1, to be motivated by inability to solve some of the
quadratic equations. Algebraic properties of complex numbers. Argand plane
2. Linear Inequalities (06) Periods
Linear inequalities. Algebraic solutions of linear inequalities in one variable and their representation
on the number line.
Historical perspective, statement and proof of the binomial theorem for positive integral indices.
Pascal’s triangle, simple applications.
Unit-III: Coordinate Geometry
Brief recall of two dimensional geometry from earlier classes. Slope of a line and angle between
two lines. Various forms of equations of a line: parallel to axis, point -slope form, slope-intercept
form, two-point form, intercept form, Distance of a point from a line.
2. Conic Sections (15) Periods
Standard equations and simple properties of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Standard equation
of a circle.
Coordinate axes and coordinate planes in three dimensions. Coordinates of a point. Distance
between two points.
Unit-IV: Calculus
Derivative introduced as rate of change both as that of distance function and geometrically.
Intuitive idea of limit. Limits of polynomials and rational functions trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions. Definition of derivative relate it to scope of tangent of the curve, derivative
of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions. Derivatives of polynomial and trigonometric
Events; occurrence of events, ‘not’, ‘and’ and ‘or’ events, exhaustive events, mutually exclusive
events, Axiomatic (set theoretic) probability, connections with other theories of earlier classes.
Probability of an event, probability of ‘not’, ‘and’ and ‘or’ events.
BFC (Rationalised)
S. Total Weight
Typology of Questions
No. Marks age
Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information,
validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
3 16 20
Compile information together in a different way by combining
elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions
Total 80 100
Types of relations: reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One to one and
Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero and identity matrix, transpose of a
matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Operations on matrices: Addition and
multiplication and multiplication with a scalar. Simple properties of addition, multiplication and
scalar multiplication. Non- commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non-zero
matrices whose product is the zero matrix (restrict to square matrices of order 2). Invertible
matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists; (Here all matrices will have real entries).
Solving system of linear equation by using inverse of matrix.
2. Determinants 25 Periods
Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 x 3 matrices), minors, co-factors and applications of
determinants in finding the area of a triangle. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix. Consistency,
inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples, solving system of
linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using Crameris Rule .
Unit-III: Calculus
1. Continuity and Differentiability 20 Periods
∫ √𝑥 2 − 𝑎2 𝑑𝑥,
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (without proof). Basic properties of definite integrals and their
evaluation of definite integrals.
4. Applications of the Integrals 05 Periods
Applications in finding the area under simple curves, especially lines, circles/ parabolas/ellipses (in
standard form only)
Unit-IV: Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry
1. Vectors 15 Periods
Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a
vector. Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point,
negative of a vector, components of a vector, addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a
scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, Geometrical
Interpretation, properties and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, vector (cross) product of
2. Three - dimensional Geometry 10 Periods Direction
cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian equation of a line, Angle between two lines.
Unit-VI: Probability
1. Probability 10 Periods
S. Total
Typology of Questions Weightage
No. Marks
Analysing :
Examine and break information into parts by identifying
motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to
support generalizations
Present and defend opinions by making judgments about
3 16 20
information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a setof
Compile information together in a different way by combining
elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions
Total 80 100
Conduct of Periodic Tests:
Periodic Test is a Pen and Paper assessment which is to be conducted by the respective
subject teacher. The format of periodic test must have questions items with a balance mix,
such as, very short answer (VSA), short answer (SA) and long answer (LA) to effectively
assess the knowledge, understanding, application, skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis.
Depending on the nature of subject, the subject teacher will have the liberty of
incorporatingany other types of questions too. The modalities of the PT are as follows:
b) Schedule: In the entire Academic Year, three Periodic Tests in each subject may beconducted as
This is only a suggestive schedule and schools may conduct periodic tests as per their convenience.
c) Average of Marks: Once schools complete the conduct of all the three periodic tests, they will
convert the weightage of each of the three tests into ten marks each for identifying best two tests.
The best two will be taken into consideration and the average of the two shall be taken as the
final marks for PT.
d) The school will ensure simple documentation to keep a record of performance.
e) Sharing of Feedback/Performance: The students’ achievement in each test must be shared with
the students and their parents to give them an overview of the level of learningthat has taken place
during different periods. Feedback will help parents formulate interventions (conducive
ambience, support materials, motivation and morale-boosting) to further enhance learning. A
teacher, while sharing the feedback with student or parent, should be empathetic, non-
judgmental and motivating. It is recommended that the teacher share best
examples/performances of IA with the class to motivate all learners.
Assessment of Activity Work:
Throughout the year any 10 activities shall be performed by the student from the activities for
the respective class (XI or XII) record of the same may be kept by the student. An year end
test on the activity may be conducted
: 5 marks
Assessment of the activity performed during the year end test: 3 marks
Viva-voce: 2 marks
Prescribed Books:
Council of Higher Secondary Education Odisha
BFC (Rationalised)
Subject: BIOLOGY
Classes XI & XII (2023-24)
The present curriculum provides the students with updated concepts along with an extended
exposure to contemporary areas of the subject. The curriculum also aims at emphasizing the
underlying principles that are common to animals, plants and microorganisms as well as
highlighting the relationship of Biology with other areas of knowledge. The format allows a simple,
clear, sequential flow of concepts. It relates the study of biology to real life through the
developments in use of technology. It links the discoveries and innovations in biology to
everyday life such as environment, industry, health and agriculture. The updated curriculum
also focuses on understanding and application of scientific principles, while ensuring that ample
opportunities and scope for learning and appreciating basic concepts continue to be available
within itsframework. The prescribed syllabus is expected to:
promote understanding of basic principles of Biology
encourage learning of emerging knowledge and its relevance to individual and society
promote rational/scientific attitude towards issues related to population, environment
and development
enhance awareness about environmental issues, problems and their appropriate solutions
create awareness amongst the learners about diversity in the living organisms and
developing respect for other living beings
appreciate that the most complex biological phenomena are built on essentially
simple processes
It is expected that the students would get an exposure to various branches of Biology in the
curriculum in a more contextual and systematic manner as they study its various units.
Unit-I: Diversity of Living Organisms
Biodiversity; Need for classification; three domains of life; concept of species binomial
Cell: Structure and Function
Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life (Botany)
Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life, structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell
and animal cell; cell membrane, cell wall; cell organelles - structure and function; endoplasmic
reticulum, golgi bodies, vacuoles,mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids,nucleus.
Chapter-9: Biomolecules (Botany)
Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure and function of proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids; Enzyme - types, properties, Functions.
Chapter-16: Excretory Products and their Elimination (Zoology)
Modes of excretion (Basic Concept) - ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory
system – structure , Urine Formation and function; diabetes insipidus; disorders - uremia, renal
failure, renal calculi, nephritis; dialysis .
Chapter-17: Locomotion and Movement (Zoology)
Types of movement - skeletal muscle, Structure and mechanism of muscle contraction
contraction; skeletal system and its functions; joints; disorders of muscular and skeletal systems
- myasthenia gravis, tetany, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout.
1. MCQ 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
2. Fill in the blank/ one word answer 1x 5= 5 Marks
3. Short notes 2 x 5 =10 Marks
4. Differentiate between 2 ½ x 2 = 5 Marks
5. Long Questions 5 x 2 =10 Marks
35 Marks
Study of:
1. Different parts of the Dissecting and Compound microscopes.
2. A typical Angiospermic plant.
Major experiment
3. Study and describe at least one common flowering plant from each of the following
families (Malvacae, Solanaceae, and Liliacease) including dissection and display of floral
whorls, anther and ovary to show number of chambers.
4. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots, and stem and leaf (Primary).
Minor experiment:
5. Study of cells (Onion scale leaf, Rhoeo leaves)
6. Test for presence of starch, proteins and fats.
7. Study of starch grains and raphides.
8. Qualitative test for catalase activity by leaf disc method/potato disc method.
9. Modification of root, stem and leaf.
10. Study of flower and its parts.
a. Study of the specimens and identification with reasons - bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra,
Rhizopus, Mushroom, Yeast, Liverwort, Moss, Fern, Cycas, one monocotyledonous plant, one
dicotyledonous plant and one lichen.
b. Study of tissues and diversity in shapes and sizes in plants (simple tissue, complex tissue)
through temporary/permanent slides.
Note: The ‘Evaluation schemes’ and ‘General Guidelines’ for visually impaired students as given
for Class XII may be followed.
A. Items for Identification/Familiarity with the apparatus /equipment /animal and plant
material / chemicals. for assessment in practicals (All experiments)
B. Equipment - compound microscope, test tube, petridish, chromatography
paper, chromatography chamber, beaker, scalpel
Chemical – alcohol
C. List of Practicals
1. Study locally available common flowering plants of the family – Solanaceae and
identify type of stem (Herbaceous or Woody), type of leaves (Compound or Simple).
2. Study the parts of a compound microscope- eye piece and objective lens, mirror,
stage, coarse and fine adjustment knobs.
3. Differentiate between monocot and dicot plants on the basis of venation patterns.
4. Identify the given specimen of a fungus – mushroom, gymnosperm-pine cone
5. Identify and relate the experimental set up with the aim of
experiment: For Potato Osmometer/endosmosis in raisins.
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather than only recording
A. Experiments/ Observations:
B. Spotiing/ Identification:
a. Study of specimens and identification with reasons- Amoeba, Hydra, Sycon, Earthworm,
Cockroach, Snail and Starfish
b. Study of squamous epithelium, muscle fibres and mammalian blood film (temporary/
permanent slides).
c. Study and comment on the morphological adaptations of two animals (Tree frog, Bat) found
in terrestrial conditions and two animals (Flying fish,) found in aquatic conditions.
Note: The ‘Evaluation schemes’ and ‘General Guidelines’ for visually impaired students as
given for Class XII may be followed.
A. Items for Identification/Familiarity with the apparatus /equipment /animal and plant
material / chemicals. for assessment in practicals (All experiments)
B. Equipment - compound microscope, test tube, petri dish, chromatography
paper, chromatography chamber, beaker, scalpel
Chemical – alcohol
Models – Model of Human skeleton to show – Ball and socket joints of girdles and limbs, Rib cage,
Honey comb, Mollusc shell, Pigeon and Star fish, cockroach
C. List of Practicals
a. Study the following parts of human skeleton (Model): Ball and socket joints of thigh
and shoulder
b. Rib cage
c. Study honeybee/butterfly, snail/sheik snail through shell, Starfish, Pigeon (through models).
Note: The above practical may be carried out in an experiential manner rather than only recording
Prescribed Books:
1. Biology Class-XI, Published by NCERT
2. Bureau’s Higher Secondary Biology, Vol-I : Published by Text Book Bureau, Odisha
3. Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT (including multimedia).
Botany: Full Mark-35 Time: 1.5 Hours
Unit-VI Reproduction
Ecosystems: Structure and Functions energy flow; pyramids of number, biomass,
energy .
Mark Distribution in Examination Botany / Zoology (Class XII) Theory Papers: 35 Marks
1. MCQ 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
2. Fill in the blank/ one word answer 1x 5= 5 Marks
3. Short notes 2 x 5 =10 Marks
4. Differentiate between 2 ½ x 2 = 5 Marks
5. Long Questions 5 x 2 =10 Marks
35 Marks
Major Experiments:
Minor Experiments:
8. Study of pollen germination on a slide.
9. Study of distribution of stomata on upper and lower surface of a dicot and a monocot
10. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.
11. Analysis of samples for verification of Mendelian ratio using Pea seeds or colour beads.
12. Study of plasmolysis.
13. Conditions necessary for seed germination.
14. Types of germination.
15. Phototropism
16. Morphological adaptation of hydrophyte and Xerophyte.
BIOLOGY -XII (Botany) for Visually impaired students
A. Items for Identification/ familiarity with the apparatus for assessment in practicals
(Allexperiments) Petriplates, soil from different sites - sandy, clayey, loamy, small
potted plants, aluminium foil, test tubes, large flowers, Maize inflorescence,
B. List of Practicals
1. Study of flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects).
2. Study of Mendelian inheritance pattern using beads/seeds of different sizes/texture.
3. Study of emasculation, tagging and bagging by trying out
an exercise on controlled pollination.
4. Comment upon the morphological adaptations of plants found in xerophytic
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather
than recording observations.
BIOLOGY -XII (Zoology) Detailed Practical syllabus
1. To test the presence of sugar in urine/ given sample solution
2. To test the presence of urea in urine/ given sample solution
3. To determine the pH of three water samples collected from water bodies (using pH paper).
a. Study of specimens and identification with reasons- Shark, Rohu, Frog, Garden lizard, Cobra,
Krait, Pigeon and Rat.
b. TS/ VS through, ovary, testis, stomach .
c. Appendicular skeleton of rabbit (excluding skull).
d. Identification of common disease causing organisms- Plasmodium, Taenia,
(permanent slides/ specimens). Commenton the symptoms of the diseases they cause.
Book Recommended :
Bureau’s Higher Secondary (+2) Zoology, Practical, Published by Odisha State Bureau
of Text Book Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
Total= 15 marks
A. Items for Identification/ familiarity with the apparatus for assessment in practicals
(Allexperiments) Beaker, flask, starch solution, iodine, ice cubes, Bunsen burner/spirit
lamp/water bath, model of developmental stages highlighting morula and blastula of frog,
beads/seeds of different shapes/size/texture Ascaris.
B. List of Practicals
1. Identification of T.S of morula or blastula of frog (Model).
2. Preparation of pedigree charts of genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, colour
3. Identify common disease-causing organisms like Ascaris (model) and
learn some common symptoms of the disease that they cause.
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather
than recording observations.
Prescribed Books:
1. Biology, Class-XII, Published by NCERT
2. Bureau’s Higher Secondary Biology, Vol-II : Published by Text Book Bureau,
3. Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT
4. Biology Supplementary Material (Revised). Available on CBSE website.