Uttrakhand Budget Analysis 2024 25
Uttrakhand Budget Analysis 2024 25
Uttrakhand Budget Analysis 2024 25
The Finance Minister of Uttarakhand, Mr Premchand Aggarwal, presented the Budget for the state for the financial
year 2024-25 on February 27, 2024.
Budget Highlights
▪ The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Uttarakhand for 2024-25 (at current prices) is projected to
be Rs 3,94,675 crore, amounting to growth of 14% over 2023-24.
▪ Expenditure (excluding debt repayment) in 2024-25 is estimated to be Rs 70,094 crore, an increase of
13% over the revised estimates of 2023-24. In addition, debt of Rs 19,137 crore will be repaid by the state.
▪ Receipts (excluding borrowings) for 2024-25 are estimated to be Rs 60,677 crore, an increase of 11% as
compared to the revised estimate of 2023-24.
▪ Revenue surplus in 2024-25 is estimated to be 1.2% of GSDP (Rs 4,737 crore), higher than the revised
estimates for 2023-24 (0.9% of GSDP). In 2023-24, the revenue surplus is expected to be 29% lower than the
budget estimate.
▪ Fiscal deficit for 2024-25 is targeted at 2.4% of GSDP (Rs 9,416 crore). In 2023-24, as per the revised
estimates, fiscal deficit is expected to be 2.2% of GSDP, lower than the budget estimate for 2023-24.
Policy Highlights
▪ Safety: All unsafe bridges and river trolleys operated for transportation will be removed. Crash barriers will be
installed along identified stretches to prevent accidents.
▪ Infrastructure: Air connectivity will be provided across all districts of the state. E-office systems will be
introduced in all government offices. A new scheme is being proposed to strengthen cyber security
infrastructure in Uttarakhand.
▪ Green Energy: Solar energy systems will be installed across all government buildings. Rs 100 crore has been
allocated for installation of solar rooftop panels.
▪ Social welfare: To promote women’s equality and ensure gender sensitive planning, Rs 14,538 crore has been
allocated as gender budget.
▪ Education and Sports: All government schools will be provided essential furniture. Rs 250 crore has been
allocated towards organising the 38th National games in the state.
Uttarakhand’s Economy
Figure 1: Growth in GSDP and sectors in Uttarakhand at
▪ GSDP: In 2023-24, Uttarakhand’s GSDP (at constant prices (2011-12)
constant prices) grew at 7.6%, same as 2022-23. 20%
at 7.6% in 2023-24.
▪ In 2023-24, agriculture, manufacturing, and Agriculture Manufacturing Services GSDP
services sectors are estimated to contribute 10%, Sector Sector Sector
47%, and 43% to the economy, respectively (at
current prices). 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Note: Agriculture includes mining and quarrying; Manufacturing
▪ Per capita GSDP: The per capita GSDP of includes construction and electricity. These numbers are as per
Uttarakhand in 2023-24 (at current prices) is constant prices (2011-12) which implies that the growth rate is
estimated at Rs 2,95,751, an annualised increase adjusted for inflation.
Sources: Uttarakhand FRBM Statements 2024-25; PRS.
of 7% over 2017-18.
Arpita Mallick
arpita@prsindia.org March 7, 2024
PRS Legislative Research ◼ Institute for Policy Research Studies
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Uttarakhand Budget Analysis 2024-25 PRS Legislative Research
Expenditure in 2024-25
▪ Revenue expenditure for 2024-25 is proposed to
Loans disbursed by the state
be Rs 55,816 crore, an increase of 8% over the
revised estimate of 2023-24. This includes the State governments provide loans to various institutions and
expenditure on salaries, pensions, interest, grants, organisations. In 2024-25, Uttarakhand has budgeted to
and subsidies. provide loans worth Rs 498 crore. As of March 2023,
Uttarakhand has disbursed loans worth Rs 2,455 crore, for
▪ Capital outlay for 2024-25 is proposed to be Rs which repayment is due. The Comptroller and Auditor General
13,780 crore, an increase of 32% over the revised (CAG) (2022) noted that recovery of loans has been poor.
estimate of 2023-24. Capital outlay indicates the Between 2017-18 and 2021-22, only Rs 119 crore has been
expenditure towards creation of assets. At the repaid. As of March 2022, organisations in four sectors, i.e.,
Special Area Program, Water Supply, Sanitation, Housing and
revised stage in 2023-24, capital outlay was 21% Urban Development and Transport had not repaid their loans.
lower than budgeted for that year (Rs 13,134 CAG recommended that the state treat these loans as grants,
crore). and categorise them as revenue expenditure. This would
ensure that the accounts reflect a more accurate financial
▪ In 2024-25, loans and advances by the state are
position of the state.
expected to be Rs 498 crore, higher than the
revised estimates of 2023-24 (Rs 172 crore). In Sources: State Finance Audit Report (2021-22); Finance
the 2023-24 revised stage, it decreased by 42%. Accounts (2022-23), CAG.
Sector-wise expenditure: The sectors listed below account for 55% of the total expenditure on sectors by the
state in 2024-25. A comparison of Uttarakhand’s expenditure on key sectors with that by other states is shown
in Annexure 1.
Table 4: Sector-wise expenditure under Uttarakhand Budget 2024-25 (in Rs crore)
% change
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25 Budget Provisions
Sector from RE 23-24
Actuals Budgeted Revised Budgeted 2024-25
to BE 24-25
▪ Government primary schools have been
Education, Sports, allocated Rs 3,455 crore.
9,831 10,907 10,435 11,700 12%
Arts, and Culture ▪ Rs 3,864 crore revenue expenditure is
budgeted for government secondary schools.
▪ Rs 619 crore has been allocated for prevention
and control of diseases.
Health and Family
3,993 4,435 5,052 4,574 -9% ▪ Rs 1,359 crore is proposed to be spent on
allopathic rural health services such as primary
health centres and community health centres.
▪ Child welfare has been allocated Rs 821 crore.
▪ Women welfare has been allocated Rs 574
Social Welfare and
3,709 4,558 4,714 4,572 -3% crore.
▪ Rs 350 crore has been allocated for the
National Old Age Pension programme.
▪ Rs 2,217 crore has been allocated towards
community development including schemes
Rural Development 4,102 4,845 4,132 4,552 10%
such as Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Rural
Skill Scheme, PMAY and PMGSY.
▪ Crop husbandry has been allocated Rs 644
crore which includes schemes such as National
Agriculture and
3,296 5,037 4,486 4,450 -1% Mission for Natural Farming and PMKSY.
Allied Activities
▪ Rs 157 crore is allocated for research
assistance to agriculture institutions.
▪ Rs 1,466 crore is proposed to be spent on
Police 2,150 2,447 2,334 2,667 14%
district police.
▪ Rs 1,955 crore has been allocated towards
Roads and Bridges 1,717 2,257 2,555 2,389 -7%
district and other roads.
▪ Rs 1,587 crore is allocated for major irrigation.
Irrigation and Flood ▪ The Jamarani Dam Multipurpose project under
875 1,507 1,082 2,191 103%
Control PM-Krishi Sinchayee Yojana has been
allocated Rs 700 crore.
▪ Rs 823 crore is proposed to be spent as capital
Energy 168 1,172 518 1,263 144% outlay on transmission and distribution for
power projects.
▪ Rs 525 crore has been allocated towards urban
Water Supply and
1,159 1,283 1,748 1,186 -32% water supply programmes and Rs 427 crore
towards rural water supply programmes.
% of total
expenditure on all 57% 56% 57% 55% -
Sources: Annual Financial Statement, Uttarakhand Budget 2024-25; PRS.
Receipts in 2024-25
▪ Total revenue receipts for 2024-25 are estimated to be Rs 60,553 crore, an increase of 11% over the
revised estimate of 2023-24. Of this, Rs 27,383 crore (45%) will be raised by the state through its own
resources, and Rs 33,170 crore (55%) will come from the centre. Resources from the centre will be in the
form of state’s share in central taxes (23% of revenue receipts) and grants (32% of revenue receipts).
▪ Devolution: In 2024-25, state’s share in central taxes is estimated at Rs 13,637 crore, an increase of 10%
over the revised estimate of 2023-24.
▪ Grants from the centre in 2024-25 are estimated at Rs 19,533 crore, an increase of 6% over the revised
estimates for 2023-24.
▪ State’s own tax revenue: Uttarakhand’s own tax revenue is estimated to be Rs 22,509 crore in 2024-25,
an increase of 15% over the revised estimate of 2023-24. Own tax revenue as a percentage of GSDP is
estimated at 5.7% in 2024-25, same as the revised estimates for 2023-24. As per the actual figures for
2022-23, own tax revenue as a percentage of GSDP was 5.6%.
Table 5: Break-up of the state government’s receipts (in Rs crore)
% change from % change from
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25
Items BE 2023-24 to RE 2023-24 to
Actuals Budgeted Revised Budgeted
RE 2023-24 BE 2024-25
State's Own Tax 17,103 19,983 19,620 -2% 22,509 15%
State's Own Non-Tax 4,367 4,762 4,175 -12% 4,873 17%
Share in Central Taxes 10,617 11,420 12,348 8% 13,637 10%
Grants-in-aid from Centre 16,997 20,893 18,483 -12% 19,533 6%
Revenue Receipts 49,083 57,057 54,627 -4% 60,553 11%
Non-debt Capital Receipts 29 75 74 -1% 124 67%
Net Receipts 49,112 57,133 54,701 -4% 60,677 11%
BE is Budget Estimates; RE is Revised Estimates.
Sources: Annual Financial Statement, Uttarakhand Budget 2024-25; PRS.
4% 40%
1.5% 1.7%
2% 1.2% 28% 29%
30% 26% 25%
0.5% 24% 24% 24% 24%
0.13% 0.09%
-0.8% -1.0%
-2% -1.4%
-2.3% -2.2% -2.4% 10%
-3.0% -2.82% -2.99% -2.95%
2024-25 BE
2023-24 RE
2023-24 RE
2024-25 BE
Outstanding Government Guarantees: Outstanding liabilities of states do not include a few other liabilities
that are contingent in nature, which states may have to honour in certain cases. State governments guarantee the
borrowings of State Public Sector Enterprises (SPSEs) from financial institutions. As of March 31, 2024, the
state’s outstanding guarantee is estimated to be Rs 119.4 crore, i.e., 0.03% of Uttarakhand’s GSDP in 2023-24.
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2023-24 (RE)
2023-24 (RE)
2023-24 (RE)
2023-24 (BE)
2023-24 (BE)
2024-25 (BE)
2023-24 (BE)
2024-25 (BE)
2024-25 (BE)
Average of all
Average of all
Spending on urban Spending on agriculture as a Spending on welfare of
development as a % of % of total expenditure SC, ST, OBC as a % of
total budget 10% total budget
4% 7.6% 7.2% 4% 3.5%
3.4% 8% 6.3% 6.4% 5.9%
3% 6% 3%
1.9% 1.7%
2% 1.6% 1.6% 4% 2%
0.7% 0.6% 0.8%
1% 2% 1% 0.4%
0% 0% 0%
2023-24 (RE)
2023-24 (BE)
2024-25 (BE)
2023-24 (RE)
2023-24 (RE)
2023-24 (BE)
2024-25 (BE)
2023-24 (BE)
2024-25 (BE)
Average of all states
Average of all
(2023-24 BE)
(2023-24 BE)
Note: 2022-23, 2023-24 (BE), 2023-24 (RE), and 2024-25 (BE) figures are for Uttarakhand.
Sources: Annual Financial Statement, Uttarakhand Budget 2024-25; various state budgets; PRS.
The 31 states include the Union Territories of Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, and Puducherry .