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Bank Alfalah Limited

Submitted by:
Rabia Javed
Roll no 2026 (Afternoon)
MBA (Marketing Of Financial Services)
Session 2012-2015
Alfalah Institute of Banking and Finance
Education University Multan
“I would like to dedicate this internship report to my
honorable Teacher’s and my loving Mom and
specially my Dad who always prayed for my

“In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious, the most merciful”

All praises and thanks are for ALMIGHTY ALLAH who is entire source of all knowledge and
wisdom to mankind, who enabled for me to complete this internship report successfully.

I would like to thanks to honorable internship in-charge SIR. MUSTABSAR AWAIS who
provided me this opportunity to achieve this particle experience.

I would also like to thankful to Mr. Jawad Durrani (Branch Manager ), Mr. Ali Khan
(Operations Manager), Mr. Mured & Miss. Saniya (Remittance and Clearing Department ),
Mr.Umar farooq (Accounts opening department) , Mr.Babar Mehmood (Trade Manager ),
Mr.ArifNaqvi(CreditManager),Mr. Aamir Ghouri (Accounts Departments )whose helping and
guiding me through out my completing the internship report.

MBA (Marketing of Financial Services) is a professional degree and it must have a practical
exposure which is achieved through experiences in the market field.

It is the requirement for the degree that the students have to spend 6 weeks in an organization as
internee. During the internship a student comes to in exposure to the particle knowledge and
improves their analytic and leadership skills.

As an MBA (Marketing of Financial Services) student I did my internship in BANK ALFALAH

Corporate Banking Multan/ Quaid -e-Azam Road, Multan Cantt Branch. Here I come to know an
interesting experience of learning and working with the staff of bank.

I arranged the contents of this report. In first I have explained the Banking Industry in brief and
then the operations of the different department of the Bank ALAFALAH Limited, I the end
recommendations for improvements and conclusion of this report are given. All facts present in
this report are true to my best knowledge.

Executive Summary
This document provided details of my achievements in term of practical implementation and
understanding of working environment in banks. I did my six weeks internship at Bank
ALFALAH Corporate Bank Quid –e-Azam Road Multan Cantt from 25 June to 5 August. During
my internship I have learnt basic banking work which I had not acknowledged before.

I worked in different departments of Bank ALFALAH Corporate Bank; Account opening

department, Clearing and Remittance department, Trade department, Credit
department ,Accounts department . I spend my time in different department where I have learnt
different things, Account opening department where I have learnt different accounts like Alfalah
Current Account, Alfalah Savings Account, Alfalah Royal Profit Account, Mahanaamdan Term
Deposit etc, I filled the accounts forms and the necessary requirement of documents.

In Remittance and Clearing Department where I have learnt the procedure of clearing of cheques
and transfer of funds .In Accounts Department I have learnt the all expenses regarding branch is
record by this department and checking the activity of different department. Some of the work in
that I did in these department including procedure of giving credit to the customer and procedure
of LC opening and trade dealing with the different foreign banks.

This internship report is composed on the Bank ALFALAH History, Bank ALFALAH corporate
Branch introduction, organizational structure and SWOT analysis and recommendation &

Bank ALFALAH has some weakness but by using its strength can overcome the weakness. As
Bank ALFALAH is the strong and leading bank, But It also has faces many threats but it has
many opportunity to overcome the threats.

Bank Alfalah Limited was launched on June 21, 1997 as a public limited company under the
Companies Ordinance 1984. The bank commenced its operations on November 1, 1997. The
bank introduced commercial banking and related services as defined in the Banking companies’
ordinance, 1962. Bank Alfalah is the 6th largest bank of Pakistan with 576 branches. After a few
years, the bank introduced its new identity of Habib credit and Exchange Bank after the
privatization in 1997. The management of the bank had implemented strategies and policies so
the bank would become a major player in the market. With a partnership with the Abu Dhabi
Group the position of the bank became stronger which allowed the bank to invest more in
technology to increase its range of products and services. The Bank Alfalah has international
presence in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh and its representative office in UAE.

Designing the product portfolio in response to royal patriot, Alfalah Car finance, Alfalah rupee
traveler cheques ,home loans are the example of quality innovation providing banking
opportunities to customer.

The graph of the bank is going up every year. The ratio of profit is increasing at a good
percentage. The bank is serving the people at high level of standard by according to expectation
of customer.

The Bank ALFALAH is the 6th Largest bank with 576 branches in 189 cites which out of 140
are Islamic branches.

Sheikh Hamdan Bin
Mubarak Al Nahayan

Mr. Abdulla Nasser

Hawalileel Al-Mansoori
( Director)
Mr. Abdulla Nasser
Hawalileel Al-Mansoori
( Director)

Mr. Khalid Mana Saeed Mr. Ikram Ul-Majeed

Mr. Abdulla Khalil Al Sehgal (Director)
Mutawa (Director) Al Otaiba (Director)

Mr. Nadeem Iqbal

Sheikh ( Director) Mr. Atif Bajwa
(Director & CEO)

Board Audit Committee Board Risk Management Committee

Mr.Yasar Rahid Mr.Haroon Khalid

Secretary Secretary
Board Startegy and Finance Committee Central Management Committee
Mr.M. Iftikhar Shabbir Mr.Abdul Rauf Danka

Secretary Secretary

Board Human Recource Management Committee Chief Financial Officer

Mr.Main Ejaz Ahmed Mr.Mirza Zafar Baig

Secretary Secretary

Chief Operating Officer Company Secretary

Mr.Bagauddin Khan Mr.Main Ejaz Ahmed

Auditors Registered Head Office

A.F. Ferguson & Company B.A Building Chartered
Accountants I.I Chandrigar Road Karachi,Pakistan
Vision Statement

To be a premier financial services organization, operating both locally and

globally, offering a complete range of financial products and services to
diverse segments under one umbrella.

Mission Statement
To develop & deliver the most innovative products and deliver exceptional
service quality which contribute to strengthening brand equity strength and
maximize value for the stakeholders of the Bank

Product Line
Products of Bank Alfalah Limited
Bank Alfalah limited offer the lots products of its customers but the most selling products are the

1. Alfalah Karobar Finance

Alfalah Karobar Finance is a running finance facility between Rs.0.5 million to Rs 20 million.
All the branches to deal with Alfalah Karobar Finance business. Alfalah Karobar Finance also
offers LG, LC and other import/export related facilities against mortgage of
residential/commercial property.

2. Alfalah VISA Debit Card

Bank Alfalah through its commitment to provide superior and improved services to its valued
customers, has unveiled a nationwide network. For customer convenience, customers now have
access to instantaneous cash availability, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the visa link
customer can with draw money from any part of world having VISA link, moreover VISA debit
card could be used for online shopping, and could also be used for making payments.

3. Alfalah Quick Finance:

Alfalah Quick Finance is the personal loan against national saving certificates , prize bonds and
PKR deposits for meeting personal ,family and household needs.
 Up to 90% financing against security deposit
 Quick and convenient processing.
 Third party collateral acceptable (third party guarantee)
 Alfalah Debit Card facility

4. Alfalah SME Toolkit

Bank Alfalah partnering with IFC (international finance corporation) introduce Alfalah SME
toolkit for the first time in Pakistan banking sector.It is an online business management tool
dedicated to help small and medium enterprises to develop sustained growth through
implementation of business practices based on information, communication and
technology.Alfalah SME Toolkit is a free of charge online portal which provides value
added resources including business advice, local and global best practices and various interactive
tools to help both existing and potential SMEs grow and develop. This web based toolkit


 Free downloadable and ready-to-use business formats and softwares i.e. Business Plan
Maker, Free Website Builder, Accounting and Finance templates
 A collection of How-to-articles and eLearning resources regarding various business
matters i.e. Business Planning, Accounting and Finance, Human Resource, Marketing
and Sales and more
 Latest industry news and updates and economic reports

5. Alfalah Milkiat Finance:

BnakAlfalah introduced this product to expand business property through comprehensive and
flexible financing packages with affordable installment plans to cater to the purchase, renovation
and expansion of your business premises.
 Financing available for purchase of rented property, construction on owned plot,
purchase of constructed property and renovation of owned property.
 Financing available from RS 0.5M to RS 30M.
 Repayment tenure from 2 years to 15 years depending upon the nature of the financing
on monthly installments.
 Affordable markup rates.
 Quick processing and loan disbursal.
 Minimal processing charges.

6. Online Banking
Bank Alfalah now offer the facility of on line banking to its customers through its country wide
network of branches .Customer can use the ATM’s or the banking counters of any branch for day
to day banking needs .
7. Branchless Banking
Bank Alfalah has joined hands with Warid Telecom to launch “Mobile Paisa” a branchless
banking service which aims to provide innovative, technology based financial solutions to
customers. Mobile Paisa currently offers customers with Over the Counter (OTC) facilities for
making utility bill payments as well as Person to Person (P2P) funds transfer services via 2000
plus agent locations across Pakistan. It is one of secure and less expensive way to transfer funds
immediately, more it doesn’t need any registration, customer could directly go to agent and just
transfer money or pay utility bills, whatever customer wants.

8. Bancassurance
Bank Alfalah Ltd with joint collaboration with Pakistan’s leading insurance companies introduce
Bancassurance, this insurance have all kind of plans according to customer’s need like saving,
marriage, education and retirement plans.

9. Islamic Banking
Bank Alfalah Islamic Banking was established as a dedicated Islamic Banking Division within
Bank Alfalah Limited in 2003 to offer its customers Shariah compliant product. Bank Alfalah
Islamic Banking comprises a team of qualified professionals who design and structure Islamic
financial solutions and ensure that they are in line with Shariah principles on Islamic banking
and finance. These solutions are developed under the guidance of a dedicated Shariah Advisor.

10. Alfalah Car Ijarah

Designed according to the principles of Shariah, Alfalah Car Ijarah is completely interest-free.
Under this arrangement, the Bank will purchase a vehicle and give it to you for use for a specific
period of time on monthly rental. You may buy the vehicle against your security deposit after
completion of Ijarah tenure, upon payment of all due rentals, and thus you can become the sole
owner with a clear title of the vehicle.

 Avail the financing of new, used and imported vehicle for personal use
 Multiple tenure options of 3 to 5 years
 Quick processing with minimum documentation
 No rentals before delivery of vehicle
 Competitive profit rates and security deposit

11.Falah Takaful Saving Plan:

Falah Takaful is a BancaTakaful plan in collaboration with Pak-Qatar Family Takaful which
allows customer to save and invest in an Islamic way, enjoying a significant level of family
Takaful coverage.


It include children’s education, marriage, retirement and life plans

 Regular contributions invested in a diversified portfolio of Islamic funds.

 Flexible plan which allows you to save on a regular basis, having a choice to select an
investment mechanism that suits your Risk appetite
 Lump sum payment upon maturity
 Management of your investments by professional fund managers

12.Phone Banking

"Alfalah Phone Banking” is available to all customers on a countrywide basis. Customers can
dial 111-225-111 (without any city code/prefix) from their respective cities i.e. 21 cities where
Bank Alfalah is present (at first when Bank Alfalah Ltd start phone banking), and get prompt
services from the Centralized Phone Banking Services. Bank Alfalah is the first bank in Pakistan
to offer Centralized UAN connectivity from 21 cities to its Call Centre, but now this facility is in
172 cities.


Bank Alfalah Islamic Banking, in collaboration with MoneyGram, offers remittance service in
Pakistan. MoneyGram is person to person money transfer service that allows consumers to
receive money in just a few minutes.

MoneyGram is available at 190,000 locations over 180 countries and territories. With
MoneyGram your money is transferred immediately and usually arrives at the receiving end
within 10 minutes whereas other services can take days or weeks. There are no complicated
procedures and customer don’t need a bank account or a credit card.


Corporate Branch , Multan Cantt

Bank ALFALAH limited, Corporate Branch started its operation in 2009,this branch perform all
the operations under the instruction from the main branch.

 Accounting Opening Department

 Remittance and Clearing Department
 Trade Department
 Credit Department
 Trade Department
 Cash Department

Branch Staff

Mr.Farukh Aslam – Regional Manager

Mr.Jawad Durrani- Branch Manager
Mr.Shahfaqt Ali- Team Leader
Mr.Ali Khan – Operation Manager
Mr.Arif Naqvi – Credit Manager
Mr.Bilal Ahmed- Trade Manager
Mr.Baber Mehmood –Trade officer
Mr.Aamir Ghouri –Account Incharge
Mr.Umar Farooq – Accounts Opening
Mr.Mureed Hussain- Remittance officer
Ms.Saniya – Clearing officer
Mr.Shah Hussain- CD Incharge
Mr.Zeeshan – Data Base Management System

Account Opening Department

I am sent to Account Opening Department . Following are my observations on account opening
It is the most important function of bank . The purpose of account opening department is to built
up the relationship between customer and bank. The customer use the services of bank and make
the future easy. The incharge of Mr. Umar Farooq and he look aftar in cheque book.

The following are the procedure of account opening.

Account Opening Form

The account opening form is provide by the bank for his customer. The following detail are
mention on the form.

 Name
 Father Name
 Status
 Age
 Religion
 Permanent Address

And also mention that the account is perform by individual, joint account or partnership
account. It depend on the customer which type of account is open.

Specimen Signature Card (SSC)

The bank are obtained the specimen signature of his customer. Two signature on the account
opening form and two signature on specimen signature card. The specimen signature card is
scanned by the bank and save it in system (T24) and the hard copy is send to the head office.

Requisition slip

The slip is provide by the bank and filled it by customer and given back to the account opening

Know Your Customer Form

This form is filled by the customer and he/she attached his salary slip or if not a salaried person
he /she attached his business letter head and also attached the Balance sheet of the company. And

filled the form and write the source of income. Through KYCF the bank know the source of
income of his customer.

Account Number
After completing all the formalities an account number is allotted to the customer and also write
the account number on account opening form and signature specimen card SSC.

There are different accounts which are offer by Bank ALFALAH. The following are the types of

1. Alfalah Current Account

2. Alfalah Savings Account
3. Alfalah Royal Profit Account
4. Alfalah Basic Banking Account
5. Alfalah Kamyab Karobar
6. Alfalah Kifayat Monthly Saving
7. Mahanaamdan Term Deposit

1. Alfalah Current Account

This account is offer for business man people , through this account the people can meet their
daily expenses and can withdraw the amount any time. In this account the ATM Card and
Cheque book is given for his customer. The ATM charges is RS.500 and RS.200 for Cheque
book . The Minimum monthly balance requirement of Rs. 5,000 otherwise account will be

2. Alfalah Savings Account

This account is offer for public to start earning profits on his savings for a more protected
tomorrow. This account is open with an initial deposit RS 100. Profit is paid on semi-annually
basis and profit is calculated on average balance. There is restriction on minimum balance.

3. Alfalah Royal Profit Account

This account is offer for a businessman that deals with large transaction volumes, then the
Royal Profit Account is the best choice to meet the daily financial requirements. The minimum
monthly balance requirement of Rs. 50,000 only. Profit is calculated on average balance and
paid on monthly basis and higher returns on higher balances.

4. Alfalah Basic Banking Account

This account is offer for Students and less income people and it can be open with an initial
deposit RS 100. No monthly minimum balance requirement. 2 free deposits and 2 free
withdrawal transactions every month through cheque. Cheque book and ATM Card is provides
for his customer.
5. Alfalah Kamyab Karobar

Through this account enjoy accessibility to funds anywhere in Pakistan with a host of free
services. With Alfalah Kamyab Karobar Account help to grow the business and it offer the free
online funds transfer through any Bank Alfalah branches, free online cash withdrawal and also
provides the service of SMS alerts on every transaction.

6. Alfalah Kifayat Monthly Saving

This account is offer for the gernal public who are normally a salaried people. The Profit is
calculated on monthly average basis and paid every month, unlimited cash deposit and
withdrawal facility , minimum balance requirement 10000rs monthly and provide a VISA debit
card faclity. There is no charges of online Within city.

7. Mahanaamdan Term Deposit

This account is offer for the gernal public who are normally a salaried people. The Minimum
deposit of 50000rs for 1 year and RS.100000 for 3 years and Rate of 8.5% on 1 year deposit and
9% on 3 year deposit. The Profit paid every month. The VISA debit card facility.

Learning outcome
In Account Opening Department I learnt about the procedures of account opening, verifications
of account opening which documents are necessary for opening an account and different types of
accounts it includes both current and saving accounts.
Remittance Department

This department deal with the clearing of cheques of different banks.

Clearing has three types.

 Same Day Clearing

 Regular Clearing
 Intercity Clearing

Same Day Clearing

These cheques that are presented in the same day and clearing all the cheques in same
day and the person’s account credit within 3 to 4 hours and mostly these cheques are
local cheques.

Regular Clearing

The clearing process is same as that of the same day clearing.The difference is the
duration of clearing that is one day.

Intercity Clearing

In intercity cheques which are the other cities cheques and these cheques are collected by
the NIFT and sent it to the desire city for his desire branch.

Clearing Process Through NIFT (National Institution Facilitation Technology)

The clearing process is done through NIFT that helps in clearing within 3 to 4 hours.
NIFT directly approach to the relevant bank and present the cheques. The NIFT provides
his representative who takes the clearing cheques on the specific timing mostly 9:30AM
and 1pm.

Domestic Remittance

The remittance that are payable within the country are called the domestic remittance.
Mostly the Bank ALFALAH corporate Branch is offer the following Domestic
 Demand Draft (DD)
 Pay Order (PO)
 Call Deposit Receipts (CDR)
 Online Transfer

Demand Draft (DD)

Its is usually drawn from one branch to another branch outside the city or from one bank to
another bank. The amount received only who’s name is written on DD and the authorization sign
by the Branch Manager , Operational Manager and the supervisor of cashier.

Pay Order (PO)

Pay order is safer mode of transfer of funds. It is usually for the purpose of local payments
within the city and the charges of pay order is RS.330.

Call Deposit Receipt

Customer usually made the call deposit receipt for participation in Auction of Government
Contractors and the call deposit receipt is used for security deposit before the bit.

Online Transfer

Online transfer of funds means transfer of funds from one branch to another through a system.
The charges of online fund transfer is Rs.116.

Learning outcome
In Remittance department’s I learnt the types of clearing , procedure of clearing of different
cheques and work of NIFT, the basic function is to transfer funds through cheque DD, CDR,
online thranfer and pay-order.

Accounts Departments

This department is responsible for keeping the record of each and every transaction and prepare
the report of deposits and advances.

The account departments is perform the following function

 Approval of expenses of the branch.

 Check all the assets of the branch that are working in proper condition like Chairs of staff
and customer, Tables , Computer, Security Camera’s , AC and Bulbs etc.

 Prepare the budget of the branch.

 Voucher checking and preparations a report.

 Take the steps in favor of employee’s.

 The employee’s medical expense provides these department and make a report and send
it to the head office.

 Accounts department daily check the complaint box if any complaints then it make a
proper and send it to the head office and head office take the action on it.

 The accounts departments provides the refreshment for his employee’s like Tea, Juices,
Bottles and Biscuits.

Learning Outcome
In accounts department I observed the basic function of this department , the function of account
department is to record the expense of branch officer and maintain the ledgers credit and debit
vouchers and learnt about the activities marking of different department.

Credits Departments

In the 5 week I have worked in the credit department. Sir ARIF NAQVI is the in-charge of credit
department. He helped me to understand the working of this department.

Lending or financing is the basic earning of Bank ALFALAH depend on the interest and markup
charge to the customers. Bank borrows money at a lesser rate of interest and lends to the
borrower at higher rate of interest. Credit department is the revenue generating department of the

The State Bank has prescribed “Prudential Regulations”. Every Bank is bound to follow these

Before giving the loan / credit to any customer the following consideration are follow by bank.

 Evaluation of the Client

 Nature of business

 Credit Rating

 Bank References

 Plant Visit

The Bank ALFALAH analyze and investigate the customer and his background in order to credit
need of customer. The following points must be analyze in order to secure the future risks.

 Purpose of Facility
 Should guideline of state bank of Pakistan
 Should confirm to the bank’s policy guidelines.
 Should meet national economic priorities

 Amount of Facility
 Should be the actual requirement of the borrower.

 Repayment
 Should match with the cash flow of customer’s business.

 Security
 The facility of loan / credit should be fully secured by the customer security. The
security should full field the requirement of Bank ALFALAH and State Bank of

 Market Reputation
 The customer should be a good reputation and he/she is fully aware of the market
pressures and can manage his business according to situation.

 Liquidity
 Analyze the liquidity of business.
 Analyze the customer he/ she can repay the loan/credit

Credit facilities are divided in to two categories

Type of facilities

1) Funded facilities

Such funds in which cash is directly involved are funded facilities. Following are the funded
facilities which Bank Alfalah is providing.

 Running Finance: (R/F)

 Cash Finance: (C/F)
 Term Finance: (T/F)
 Finance against imported merchandise (FIM)
 Finance Against Foreign Bills (FAFB)

2) Non-fund based facilities

Such facility where there is no involvement of direct cash.

 Letter of credit:
 Letter of guarantee

Learning Outcome

Credit Department deals giving the loans to customers for business expansion in form of funded
and non-funded facility, there are certain credit instruments which I come to know in this


In the 6 week I have worked in the Export Department. Sir Baber Mehmood & Sir Bilal Ahmed
is the in-charge of export department. He helped me to understand the working of this
Now Lets discuss.
Company contact with the Bank ALFALAH Corporate Branch and provides his dealing
document of all which the beneficiary bank (Importer Bank) is required and the customer of
Bank ALFALAH request to open the LC (letter of Credit) and this request is on the covering
letter of the company of customer.
Some time the customer of Bank or exporter want to take the loan from bank and bank is charge
the specific markup on the that document which the customer is provide .
While some time customer are not take loan and the bank is collects the amount or collection
from the beneficiary bank.

In LC (letter of credit ) the document are required

 Signed on commercial invoices

 Full set of original clean on Board. Bill of landing made out to the order
 Certificate of chamber of commerce
 Full detail of merchandise / goods and its quality and quantity.

Certificate of Origin

This certificate is issue by the chamber of commerce and they recognize that these firm are good
reputed for foreign trade.


This form is issue by the bank and filled by the bank .For instance Bank ALFALAH which have
the same serial number. The original and qedublicate are keep by the customer and custom office
. The duplicate form and triplicate form are keep by the bank ALFALAH and the State Bank is
monitor all transactions.

The corporate bank is transfer the funds from the customer account and the currency rate is given
by the head office of Bank ALFALAH.
The account is compulsory for customer otherwise the amount is not transfer.

Learning Outcome

In Export Department I learnt about the way of opening the LC, the basic documents for the
opening of LC , the way of dealing of trade through the international banks.
SWOT Analysis

The following are SWOT Analysis


Following are the strenght of Bank Alfalah as observed

 High qualified and well experience employees

 Bank is well establish and backed by strong Abu Dhabi investor.
 Bank name is the strongest strength of this bank.
 Bank provides salaries for employees are very reasonable and every year increments in
his/her salaries of employees, so the employees are not leave the bank
 Customer give suggestion for the improvement of banking system or products and these
suggestions are take serious.
 Bank provides environment is energetic workforce and friendly .
 Bank Alfalah is the 6th largest bank of Pakistan with 576 branches and over 500 ATM’s.
 Bank has maintain the full computerized system in every department.
 Bank Alfalah has his own insurance named “ Bancassurance”
 Bank Alfalah is pioneer of Islamic banking in Pakistan. Bank Alfalah has a 140 islamic
branches network and introduces a wide range of shariah complaint financial products.


Following are the weaknesses of Bank Alfalah

 Online services charges are high as compared to other competitive bank.
 Bank Alfalah has less banking experience
 The Staff is lesser and the work burden is more on the employees.
 Internet and mobile banking is not development by the bank.
 They offer their products mostly for the high class people.
 The Bank mostly hiring the employees on basis of reference.


 At present Pakistan’s economy is growing on a very fast pace. There is an opportunity for
Bank Alfalah Corporate branch to increase it’s banking business. Government is also taking
steps to improve and promote the banking sector and awareness about the befits of banking
in gernal public .
 Bank Alfalah Corporate branch is giving the facility of collection of utility bills from
public ,if the branch can make the relation from those customers to open their accounts and
to depositing activities.
 The Bank Alfalah Corporate branch is located in a commercial area and it is the big
opportunity for the bank to attract the customers and make the good relation with the
customer .
 Bank Alfalah is the pioneer of Islamic banking and good growth trend in the Islamic banking
in the Pakistan ,Bank Alfalah offer the unique products which the competitors are not offer
such as HAJJ services loan etc .It has the great opportunity for the Bank Alfalah to focus
more Islamic products.


Following are the threats of Bank Alfalah

 Pakistan is suffering from continuous downfall of the economy since last few years it is the
biggest threat for all banks and some of the bank has switch their banking business in
Pakistan. If this situation will not be stopped than it is a big threat for Pakistan banking
industry for achieving the targets.
 Many competitive banks are offering the better and cheap services than Bank Alfalah.
 There is a possibility that in future the customers are too many to be handled by the so small
number of the employees.
 Government policies regarding the banking industry are some time not suitable for the
banks. Some time State Bank impose the restrictions not gives the loans for the industrial
sector as well as agriculture loans.

Recommendations & Conclusion


During my internship training of 6 weeks in Bank Alfalah Corporate Branch, I have analyzed
some problems in the Bank. Keeping in view those problems followings are my

Behavior of Employees

The customers are the very important and they are the real strength of the business. Employees
should be behaved and served in a better way. This behavior specially when the customer
demand the fresh cash and they behave the sluggish way. I will recommend for the Corporate
branch Bank Alfalah that they should be stopped the carelessness behavior towards the
customers and they should realize that customer is of every thing.

Scholarship Programs
The scholarship programs has motive the employees who want to further studies and become the
qualified and professional employees. I will recommend for the Corporate Branch Bank Alfalah
should offer the scholarship programs to the employees.

Sitting Arrangement
There is no proper way of sitting arrangement in Corporate Branch Bank Alfalah some
employees are sitting in upper floor who are working in operations , the branch should be focus
on proper sitting arrangement and should furnish the branch and furniture will be able to manage
customers in a well manner.
Job Training Programs
Bank Alfalah should emphasis to held the effective training programs for its new and as existing
employees and it will increase their performance level.

Proper Marketing
Marketing is the key factor which plays an important role in achieving its goals. Bank Alfalah
should emphasis on the marketing policies and also attached with agents and provides the high
commission to its agents.

Innovative Products
The mostly products are copied of other competitive products. . I will recommend the Bank
Alfalah should offer the innovative products that give more profit because customer are more
attract toward the new products.

Focus in Rural Areas:

Bank Alfalah should focus on providing new services in rural areas and provides the loan in easy
installments as the customer’s expectation .

Separate Record Room

In Corporate Branch Bank Alfalah there is no separate record room. If any document is required
lot of sorting and waste of lot of time. The Corporate Branch make a separate record room

I have done my internship in Corporate Branch Bank Alfalah where the staff is hard working,
corporative and they work with energetic way. If any ambiguity during the work the employee is
help to each other . The staff of bank is help me a lot and where I learnt a lots of knowledge and
experience and and also observed the banking system and different departments of bank how
they perform its duty. I also learnt how to attraction with the customer.

Pakistan is suffering from the financial crises, lack of political stability and slow economic
growth however the Bank Alfalah increasing profit every year which is an attraction for existing
and potential investors.Due to its strong financial strategy Bank Alfalah customers is more trust
on Bank Alfalah. Customer is focus of every thing of Bank Alfalah and Bank Alfalah is working
to built the relationship with customers and then offering relevant and reliable products and
services, some times Bank Alfalh send the different gifts to his customer that’s the reasons
continuously attracting the large number of customer’s.

Bank Alfalah is owned by the Abu Dubai Group iwho is the one of the strongest financial group
in UAE.Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mubarak Al-Nahayan is the chairman of Bank Alfalah and under
his leadership Bank Alfalah is achieving its target every years.

The mostly staff haired by the Bank Alfalah is well experience person’s. Mostly the Bank
Alfalah is appointed the well experienced staff hired with the offer of huge salary ,the Bank
Alfalah is making the progress leaps and bounds and making the 6 th largest bank with the 576
branches in 189 cites. The future of Bank Alfalah is bright and bank is working for more
expansion in rural areas in Pakistan.

Marketing strategies
The Following are the strategies which the Bank ALfalah is using.

Creating customer value, satisfaction and loyality.

Bank believe to deliver quality customer value and satisfaction to customer, along with this it
also introduces different loyality programmes, such as giving coupons and rewards to it’s loyal
customers, wishing birthdays and sending a gifts are some of the loyality programmes offered by
Bank Alfalah.

Marketing Channel

Bank Alfalah is used the different marketing channels like Bank Alfalah ads on electronic media
(television, during cricket matches, foot ball and other events) and E-marketing (on internet and
social media) and paper media (newspapers and magazines ) are some channels which bank is

Social Responsibility Marketing:

Bank Alfalah is work for the welfare of society, In Pakistan Oct 2008 the earth quack hit the
most of the cities of Pakistan ,the Bank Alfalah give the donation and work for the betterment of
the effected people. They are also financing educational institutes and paid the scholar ships for
the deserving students, so that people more trust on Bank Alfalah and increase their brand name.

Relationship Marketing

Bank Alfalah is focus on the long term relationship with the customer, they want to make strong
relationship and avail the benefit in long term relationship.

Holistic Marketing Approach

Bank Alflah is using holistic marketing approach, which means that not only marketing
department but each and every employee of bank is involved in marketing process, which as a
whole results in better outcome and increased profits.

Brand Reinforcement Strategy

According to this Bank Alfalah is making it’s brand name so valuable and worthy that customer
want to use their products and services again and again, bank’s brand name force customers .

Market Penetration Strategy

Bank Alfalah has been established by over 140 Islamic branches, which indicates it’s market
penetration strategy, it basically penetrating Islamic banking market of Meezan Bank which is
Pakistan’s largest Islamic bank.
Staff of Corporate Branch

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