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Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology

ANTH 1155 Section 501 –Fall 2020

Andrew Carey

Office Hours:
by appointment
(please send an email to set up a time to talk via phone or skype, zoom, etc.)

Required Textbook

Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (2nd edition), by Laura M. Ahearn.

Wiley-Blackwell Publishers:UK. ISBN 978-1-4051-2441-6

Changes in Course Schedule and/or Content: Any changes made in the course schedule and/or
course content will be announced in class. In addition, all students will be notified of any changes
via email.


Course Description and Objectives

This is an introductory course that provides an overview of the discipline of Linguistic Anthropology.
We will discuss the implications of language within anthropology, as well as within the sciences and
social sciences more generally. The course explores the core concepts and methods of linguistic
anthropology that are used to understand what it means to be human and the role of language in
human societies. Each topic is presented via lectures, readings, films and discussions that focus on
specific case studies that present a broad range of perspectives from various cultural groups.
Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

By completing this course, you will:

SLO #1. Understand the nature, properties, and functions of language and its relations to

Assessment: Students will read one articles on linguistic research each month and write brief
reports identifying how it relates to anthropology and human societies. (Corresponds to Core Area
4, Competency #1)

SLO #2. Explain the basic principles of the following areas of linguistic study: phonetics,
phonology, morphology, grammar, syntax, and semantics.

Assessment: in a short answer question, students will explain each area of linguistics and provide an
example. (Corresponds to Core Area 3, Competency #1)

SLO #3. Understand the basic issues of other areas of linguistic study including language
acquisition, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics.

Assessment: In short answer questions, students will explain these areas of linguistic study and
provide an example. (Corresponds to Core Area 4, Competency #4)

SLO #4. Understand the diversity of languages and their fundamental similarities.

Assessment: Students will analyze how language principles apply to them and the world around
them in class discussion and exam essay questions. (Corresponds to Core Area 4, Competency #1)

SLO #5. Use basic terminology and notational conventions associated with linguistic study.

Assessment: Students will define basic terminology and notational conventions in exam questions.
(Corresponds to Core Area 4, Competency #4)

SLO #6. Think analytically and creatively to explore ideas, make connections, draw conclusions
and solve problems related to language and language learning.

Assessment: Students will complete a semester project where they identify and analyze the
language of a occupational or recreational group in their society. (Corresponds to Core Area 4,
Competency #2)
SLO #7. Examine and critically evaluate common assumptions and attitudes about language and
language use.

Assessment: In class discussion, students will identify a language, dialect, idiom, or other feature of
language used in their country of origin and discuss how it is perceived in American culture and what
assumptions are made about persons using that language feature.

SLO #8. Apply concepts learned in this course to students’ personal and professional lives.

Assessment: Class discussion and exam questions present students with situations and they will
identify which concepts and theory are represented and how it may relate to their personal life and
experience. (Corresponds to Core Area 3, Competency #2)


Exams (3) 100 points each 300 points

3 article reports (3)33points each (+1) 100 points
1 class project 100 points each 100 points
10 Discussions 100 points 100 points
600 Total Points for the Course

Letter Grades:
540 540-600 points ........…A
480-539 ………B
420-479 ………C
360-419 …..…..D
0-359 ………F

Exams: There will be 3 exams administered during the course. Each exam will cover material
presented in the lectures, textbooks and assigned readings. All of the exams are noncumulative.
Each exam will consist of multiple choice, short answer and essay questions. The three exams will
count for 50% of your final grade.

The final exam for this course is scheduled during Finals Week

Make-up Exams: You are expected to take the exams for this course when they are administered. I
will allow you to make up an exam only in the case of a medical or family emergency for which you
must inform me in advance of missing the exam. If you become extremely ill or encounter an
emergency during the period of the exam, it is your responsibility to contact me within 24 hours to
schedule a make-up exam. You will also be required to provide a form of written verification (e.g.,
doctor’s note, police report, hospital discharge form, etc.) in order to receive permission to take a
make-up exam.
Writing Assignments (3): Three article reports will count for 17% of the final grade. Grading is
based on content, format and style. The class project involves doing library or field research,
summarizing the data collected, and presenting the results in a formal essay and necessary
attachments. The class project will count for another 20% of the final grade.

Class project: This project will count for 17% of the final grade. Grading is based on content, format
and style. The project involves doing interviews, summarizing the data collected, and presenting
the results in a formal essay and necessary attachments.

Class Discussions: Ten formal class discussions, which involve each student addressing a topic and
responding to others. Each discussion will be worth 10 points, for a total of 100 points and 17% of
the final grade.

Extra Credit: You can earn a maximum of 20 extra credit points that count toward your final point
total for the semester. Extra credit points will be added to your total points earned at the end of the
semester to determine your final grade. In order to receive extra credit, you must complete an
extra credit assignment as described in the Extra Credit Options handout that is available on the
course Learn website. You can choose from a list of several extra credit assignment options that
detail what is required for each assignment. Each extra credit assignment is worth 10 points. Extra
credit assignments will be accepted up to midnight on Dec. 4. You can receive no more than a
maximum of 20 extra credit points for the course. Refer to the Extra Credit Options on the class
website for more details.

Checking Grades: You can email or arrange to meet with me at UNM’s Valencia campus (if you live
nearby) to find out how you are doing in the course at any time throughout the semester. If you are
receiving the NM Lottery Scholarship, please check with me by mid-term to monitor your grade so that
you are not at risk of losing the scholarship at the end of the semester. Your final grade will consist of
your 3 exam scores, your project score, and your participation scores plus any extra credit points.4


Withdrawal: In accordance with University of New Mexico policy, you can withdraw from this course at
any time before Nov. 6. After that date, you may still withdraw from the course with permission from
the Dean (See UNM Valencia course schedule or Catalog).

Note: Faculty and instructors are NOT responsible for dropping students who do not attend. It is the
student’s responsibility to monitor their own progress in the course and to submit a withdrawal
request only if necessary.

Incomplete: Only under special circumstances will a grade of Incomplete (I) be granted to a student in
this course. If you will not be able to complete the final course requirements, you must meet with me as
soon as possible to make arrangements. You must also provide written documentation that verifies why
you will not be able to complete the course requirements on time. An Incomplete grade must be
completed within one year of the last day of class or it is automatically converted to a final grade of F.
An Incomplete will not be given to any student because they have fallen behind in the course materials
and/or they want to repeat the course for a better grade.

Accommodation of Learning Disabilities/Special Needs: If you have a learning disability or special need
that would affect your ability to master the material presented in this course and/or take the exams as
described above, please email or see me as soon as possible to arrange for special accommodations.
Students with disabilities must officially register with UNM Valencia’s Equal Access Service (EAS) prior to
receiving special accommodations in this course. The EAS is located in the Advisement and Counseling
are of the Student Services Building. Talk to Jeanne Lujan at 925-8910 or

Dishonesty in Academic Matters: According to UNM policy, each student enrolled in this course is
expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional
matters. UNM reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who
is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been judged to have engaged in
academic dishonesty in this course may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question
and/or for the course. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: dishonesty in (cheating on)
quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others (plagiarism) and
hindering the academic work of other students.


Aug. 17 - 21 Class Introduction--What is Anthropology?

Aug. 22 – 28 What is Language?
Reading: Living Lang: Chapter 1

Aug. 29 – Sept. 4 Sign language and non-verbal communication

Sept. 5 – 11 Doing Linguistic Research
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 2

***Article Report #1 Due Sept. 11

Sept. 12 - 18 Language Acquisition
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 3

Sept. 19 - 25 Language, Thought and Culture
Readings: Living Lang Chapter 4

***EXAM #1 Due by Sept. 25

Sept. 26 - Oct. 2 Language communities
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 5

Oct. 3 - 9 Language in Action—Multilingualism
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 6

***Article Report #2 Due Oct. 9

Oct. 10 – 16 Literacy practices
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 7

Oct. 17 – 23 Performance
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 8

Oct. 24 – 30 Language and Gender
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 9

***EXAM #2 Oct. 30

Oct. 31 – Nov. 6 Language, Race and Ethnicity
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 10

*** Nov. 6--Last day to drop through Loboweb with a W

Nov. 7 – 13 Language Death and Revitalization
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 11

NOV. 14 – 20 Historic Linguistics
***Article Report #3 Due Nov. 20

NOV. 21 – 27 Thanksgiving Holiday (no assignment)

Nov. 28 – Dec. 4 Language, Power, and Agency
Readings: Living Lang: Chapter 12
*****Class Project due Dec. 4.

********FINAL EXAM Dec. 5 - 11

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